Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Proceedings of the 6th EAJS Congress - Toledo, July 1998, Volume 2: Judaism from the Renaissance to Modern TimesJudit Targarona Borras, Angel Saenz-BadillosКатегория: Образование
36.91 Mb
Local and global methods of nonlinear dynamicsAlbert W. SaenzКатегория: Physics, Dynamical systems
1.81 Mb
Mathematical Methods and Applications of Scattering TheoryJ.A. DeSanto, A.W. Saenz, W.W. ZacharyКатегория: Physics, Lecture notes
2.28 Mb
Local and Global Methods of Nonlinear DynamicsA.W. Zachary Saenz, R. CawleyКатегория: Physics, Lecture notes
1.47 Mb