
Stalingrad: Victory on the Volga

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Stalingrad: Victory on the Volga

;Stalingrad: Victory on the Volga КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Издательство: Pen & SwordСерия: Images of WarАвтор: Nik CornishЯзык: EnglishГод издания: 2009Количество страниц: 160ISBN: 978-1-84415-934-5Формат: pdfРазмер: 39,9 mbVictory on the Volga. The Soviet victory over the Germans at Stalingrad was decisive for the war on the Eastern Front and for the Second World War as a whole, and the story of the long, bitter battle on the banks of the Volga has fascinated historians ever since. Nik Cornish documents every aspect of the fighting - the dreadful conditions endured by the soldiers, the jagged outline of the ruined city, the harrowing daily routine of street fighting and close-quarter combat, the casualties and the dead, and the battle behind the lines. RAPIDили IFOLDER 85
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