
Future Energy: How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios

Обложка книги Future Energy: How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios

Future Energy: How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios

I just finished this one and it was not very good. Paul is obviously a journalist and not an economist, engineer or investor. His work is basically an overview of the myriad energy futures that may come to pass. He does not once drill deeply into actual economic data. He barely explains new technologies. He recommends companies (like home improvement retailers) that could see growth of their core business seriously stunted by an energy shock. He recommends companies like the telecoms that are only in the least way, tangentially related to a new energy industry. He is basically throwing darts at a table of the S&P 500 and then explaining why those companies could potentially profit from peak oil and supporting these explanations with anecdotes from random "experts" he has spoken to. At the end of the book he even recommends Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers!

Plus he is not a very good writer. The book is littered with clichés and he even sprinkles on some lame jokes.

Skip this book if you are even vaguely familiar with alternative energy and peak oil.
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