
MP3: The Definitive Guide

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MP3: The Definitive Guide

"MP3: The Definitive Guide" comes at a reasonable price. It is a good text, which provides a complete coverage of MP3 using four major platforms: Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and BeOS.
Users, particularly those who understood the basic mechanics of MP3, will benefit from the near-limitless information jam-packed in this 400-paged text. Right from the scratch, this book took care of every aspect of: obtaining, recording, and optimizing MP3 files using either commercial or open source methods, or both.
Whether you are having a hard time evaluating playbacks or burning CDs, this book will reveal a lot to you. It also has sections that were dedicated to equipment testing, control and co-ordination, as well as file sharing with enthusiasts on the Internet. The main blemish I found on this book is that most MP3 novices may find some chapters difficult. The author, Scot Hacker, assumed that his audience are already familiar with the MP3 basics.
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