Learn how to build dynamic, data-driven Web applications using PHP. Covering the latest release of this cross-platform, open-source scripting language, PHP: A Beginner's Guide teaches you how to write basic PHP programs and enhance them with more advanced features such as MySQL and SQLite database integration, XML input, and third-party extensions. This fast-paced tutorial provides one-stop coverage of software installation, language syntax and data structures, flow control routines, built-in functions, and best practices.
Designed for Easy Learning:
Key Skills & Concepts--Lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
Ask the Expert--Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
Try This--Hands-on exercises that show how to apply your skills
Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered
Tips--Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things
Cautions--Errors and pitfalls to avoid
Self-Tests--Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge
Annotated Syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated