C: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
Herbert Schildt
1)I would like to remind to those who have complained if any to read again the cove of the book , it has the "Beginner" word on it.
2) That this is an amaising book, it takes you from absolute beginer and
it gives you a very high, i would dare say a professional level of programming.
3) As a last reminder for anyone that does feel "dissapointed", at this books end you will find somewhere a line that sais "now you are ready to type real world programms", yet you wont have any ideea how to do that, my advice, is that you
shouldnt be disspointed, you should contact somebody with more experience in order to gett you started with various forms and all other things becus untill the end its not ment to be necessarly ussefull, its ment to display the STRICTLY how different programming techniques work.