Geometric Fundamentals of Robotics provides an elegant introduction to the geometric concepts that are important to applications in robotics. This second edition is still unique in providing a deep understanding of the subject: rather than focusing on computational results in kinematics and robotics, it includes significant state-of-the art material that reflects important advances in the field, connecting robotics back to mathematical fundamentals in group theory and geometry.
Key features:
* Begins with a brief survey of basic notions in algebraic and differential geometry, Lie groups and Lie algebras
* Examines how, in a new chapter, Clifford algebra is relevant to robot kinematics and Euclidean geometry in 3D
* Introduces mathematical concepts and methods using examples from robotics
* Solves substantial problems in the design and control of robots via new methods
* Provides solutions to well-known enumerative problems in robot kinematics using intersection theory on the group of rigid body motions
* Extends dynamics, in another new chapter, to robots with end-effector constraints, which lead to equations of motion for parallel manipulators
Geometric Fundamentals of Robotics serves a wide audience of graduate students as well as researchers in a variety of areas, notably mechanical engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics. It is also an invaluable reference text.
From a Review of the First Edition: