The Encyclopedia of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: A Political, Social, and Military History
In three extraordinarily rich volumes, The Encyclopedia of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars captures the full sweep and legacy of the transformation of Europe from 1792 to 1815. Its nearly 900 alphabetically organized, fully cross-referenced entries provide students and general readers with vivid biographies of politicians, sovereigns, and commanders; accounts of battles, weaponry, and diplomatic affairs; insights into the art, music, and culture of the times; and much more.
Unlike other works on the subject, this encyclopedia combines coverage of Napoleon's rule with that of the crucial Revolutionary years in France that set the stage for his rise to power. It includes contributions from the most wide-ranging group of international experts ever assembled for a work on this era. Students will see the full continent-wide impact of France's evolution from aristocracy to democracy to military autocracy and explore the effects of nationalism, empire-building, industrialization, and international conflict, which resonate with more relevance today than ever.