PB-249 Farm Family by William Taylor Chapter 1 The heavy snowfall obscured the rays or the rising sun and muffled the wailing siren at the state prison. The sudden storm had knocked down the power lines and made all roads impassable. County workers had no way of reaching, let alone driving, their plows and cinder trucks, for the snow was now more than three feet deep and drifting across the roads and into the valley. The driving wind also quickly obliterated the footprints leading to the isolated farmhouse. Years earlier, Dan Cover had fucked his first woman there and he had never forgotten the experience. Now in the early morning hours, Cover, his grizzled head bowed before the storm, plodded from the woods, forcing his way through the freezing snow toward the only shelter he could recall. Finally, in the distance, he saw the farmhouse jutting like a dark iceberg in a sea of swirling whiteness. His full lips drew back in a humorless smile, and his lustful appetite, never fully appeased, raced to the fore and caused his large cock to bloat and tent the front of his thin, icy-stiff slacks. He felt the wild desire coursing through his cold body, almost intoxicating in its strength. Even in the midst of the blizzard his balls tightened with anticipation as he plunged joyously ahead, breaking the crusting snow and grunting and panting with nervous anticipation. * * * Damn, she thought, Jack won't make it home through this storm. Well, it's not the end of the world. There'd been many mornings she'd awakened with a wet pussy and no company. Fingers weren't so bad once in a while. It was only when there was never anything else that she suffered. Beth recalled the years before her marriage when, as a good girl she'd kept the boys from her and played with her pussy half the night. Holding her breath, she trailed a hand down to her curly-haired cunt. Cupping it tightly she felt its warmth and wetness and squeezed her spongy pussy. Hot cunt juice oozed from between her fingers and she bit her lips. "Ohhh, Jack ... " she sighed, sleepily imagining her husband's sturdy fingers prying open her plump cuntlips and digging into her drooling red pussy. Still grunting and squirming she slid two fingers into her flowing cunt, twisting them slowly and gently as her thumb nudged the stiff knob of her clit. Her hips circled as her clit lifted and strained away from its fleshy hood. With her other hand Beth grabbed one of her aching, pear-shaped tits and gently rolled it with her palm. The firm, spongy flesh liquidly assumed a variety of sexy shapes. Finally, with the hard, hot nipple digging into her sweaty palm she began to milk and squeeze the heavy orb of creamy tit flesh. Beth's knees lifted and her feet moved closer together. She pushed the covers down and the hot odor of her abundant pussy juice filled the air. Grabbing her tit again, she pushed it up to her mouth. Parting her lips wide she encircled the large, bumpy brown skin surrounding her hard nipple. Both of her creamy tits were sensitive, and having them rubbed and sucked was nearly enough to make her come when she was really horny. She sucked the stiff nipple and chewed lightly on it while her hand massaged the underside of her tit. She could feel her orgasm building and shoved another finger into her tight, soaking cunt. Her bedsprings were creaking, but she made no attempt to control the violent shaking of her body. Jerry's bedroom was upstairs, and even ordinary sounds seldom reached him. Now, with the sound of the snowstorm rattling the windows, she had no fear of being overheard. Her mouth opened and wanton cries and groans soon filled the room. Her free tit rolled all over her chest and her soft ass quivered in the air as she lifted her hips high. "Unnhhh, ohhhhh," she groaned. She was rising to a sensational climax. She pumped her fingers faster and forced her tired thumb to strum her clit even harder. "Yahhhhh! Unghhhh! Yowwww!" she cried blissfully, lifting her legs into the air. Her feet kicked aimlessly as she stuffed her fingers palm-deep into her clenching cunt. Then her legs collapsed and she shivered and let her spit-soaked tit drop down on her chest. Pulling her fingers from her still-tingling cunt hole, she held them up and watched the pussy juice drip from them. She smiled; remembering how Jack liked sucking on his fingers after playing with her pussy. Just then there was a crash of glass in the next room, followed by a heavy thud. Beth jumped from the bed, thinking that the wind had flung a branch or icicle through the window. Her huge white tits swung and bounced before her like pendulous melons as she hurried into the hall. Gusts of cold air hit her naked body as she entered the room, and she shivered. Broken glass and snow covered the floor under the window and the drapes were fluttering madly. "Oh, shit!" she muttered, not daring to approach too closely in her bare feet. She turned to leave when a man jumped from behind the door to block her exit. She cried out in fright as he grabbed at her. She began to kick and struggle and opened her mouth to scream, but he slapped her hard across the face. Beth's vision blurred. Momentarily stunned, tears filling her eyes, the helpless housewife felt herself lifted into the air. Cover looked down at her and licked his chapped lips. Jeez, she was prime. Just look at them tits hanging off her chest! His gaze traveled down her belly and saw the glistening wetness of her cunt. "Playin' with your pussy, honey?" he asked. "Old Dan'll take care of your itch!" Now that he was inside, the whipping of the wind through the broken window chilled him more than it had, and he quickly carried the woman into the hall and shut the door. Sighting her bedroom, he dumped her on the bed and stripped off his now-wet clothing and shivered. Fucking this woman would warm him up, he thought, and knelt on the bed beside her. Beth suddenly felt rough hands gripping her thighs, squeezing their plump whiteness before forcing them apart. Her legs were spread wide and she shuddered as she regained her senses. Beth was petrified with fear and felt a knot of sickness grow in her belly. She strained to close her legs, but the man was too strong for her, and her strength was soon sapped. The aching muscles in her thighs gradually relaxed and she felt his hands on her wet cunt. "No!" she cried, thrashing her upper body and flailing at him with her small fists. "NO!" She was sobbing with fear and humiliation as he shrugged off her ineffectual blows and used his thumbs to spread the fat lips of her auburn-haired cunt. "Oh, God!" Beth whimpered. "Don't do this to me. Please! Let me gooooo ..." Cover stared at the glistening pinkness of her cuntlips. She smelled hot and sweet, and he felt his cock swelling with anticipation. Blowing softly on the dark bud of her trembling clit, he was gladdened to hear her whimper. "Like that, doncha, honey?" he whispered, and nuzzled her soft cunt hair with his face. "OHHH, God!" Beth groaned as she felt his hot tongue stab through the soft folds of her pussy. She tried to squirm away but his arms were wrapped around her fleshy hips and his hands were digging bloodless furrows into the smooth whiteness of her ass. The man's lewd tonguing of her feverish cunt lips made her gasp with unwanted, agonized pleasure. She felt her cunt hole opening, drenching his lips and chin with clear, slippery pussy juice. "Unnhhh ..." Beth moaned, and against her will, her hips lifted and dropped. "Oh, yeah, that's it, baby," Cover groaned, raising up enough for her to see his wet lips and dripping chin. "Give me a kiss with that fat pussy of yours!" Beth inwardly cringed as her body responded to this brutal man's lewd tonguing. She was filled with shame, but unable to fight him off. Nor could she scream for help. Even if Jerry could hear her, she couldn't expose her teenage son to this man's violence. She shook and gasped and then cried out with mingled pain and pleasure as Cover located her clit and sucked it between his front teeth. His teeth closed over its base while he sucked on it as if it were a juicy berry and his tongue lashed its tip. She arched up, her body covered with sweat and her ears ringing with the obscenely loud slurping and smacking of the mouth locked on her cunt. Her clit throbbed and burned, and she was possessed by the nearness of her orgasm. Her eyes widened with electrified shock. Her whole body quaked as the beginning tremors thundered through her. "Uhhhhhh ... coming. Oh, God, I'm coming ..." She chanted mindlessly. And then it struck, shocking her with its intensity, blotting out all thoughts of who the man was, and what he was doing. "UNG! AGHHH, YES! FUCK ME, OHHH ..." Cover gleefully released her clit and ran his tongue up the whole length of her pink, throbbing cunt again and again. Beth's toes turned down, her eyes squeezed shut, and her ass lifted a foot off the mattress as she chanted her shameful litany. Cover drew back and dropped over her. Her soft tits felt hot to his chest as his weight mushed them out between their bodies. His fat cock slapped against her inner thighs as he pressed his wet face to her lips, kissing her and making her taste her own fresh cunt juice. Steering his cock to her hair-fringed pussy, he shoved steadily until the tightness of her muscle gave way and his long, hard cock slithered all the way into her steaming cunt. His size and quick entry made Beth cry out with pain. He was pinning her mercilessly to the bed with his cock, and the realization filled her with fear and disgust. "Agh!" she cried out as his huge prick filled her pussy. Her tender cunt burned with the shock of his entry, and she could feel him rearranging her organs. "Ahhh, yeah!" Cover groaned. He pulled back slowly, and felt the tightness of her cunt clamp around his cock, drawing back with it. She groaned and Cover buried his face in her neck and said, "Love it, doncha?" And shoved his cock in again, harder this time. Beth shrieked as his cock speared in and the mattress bounced her up against him. Then she felt him slide his hands under the soft cheeks of her butt and squeeze them as he pounded into her cunt. Jeez, Cover thought, she's taking all of my nine inches easy. It's just her cunt's not wide enough, that's why she's so tight. "Uhhh ..." Beth moaned, and involuntarily squirmed and lifted her ass even as he gripped her ass cheeks. "Oh, yeah, that's it, baby! Fuck back!" Gross slurping, smacking noises filled the room as Cover fucked in and out of his helpless victim's responding cunt. He shifted his weight to his elbows and looked down at the woman's big tits as they shook in rhythm to his slamming hips. He slithered his anxious tongue all over her bulging tits, exploring the contrasting textures of skin and nipples. It had been so long, so long, waiting in prison ... Saliva flowed thickly into his mouth as he sucked in one of the hard, red nipples. Shit, he could feel her creaming around his cock! Fuck, her talented pussy was giving his cock a real working over, making his prick feel even bigger and harder. Damn, the tip was starting to burn! He could feel his big balls growing hot and heavy, and then they tightened and the cum was shooting down his prick. "Agh! Uhhh! Ohhh!" he grunted, stroking Beth's cunt with blurring speed as the head of his cock expanded. The shaft shrunk momentarily, then bloated again as he blasted cum deep inside her cunt. The spurts of hot jism came fast and furious, weakening him. "Ohhh ... " Beth groaned. She opened her mouth wider as her climax hit, but all that came out was a breathless gasp as the rapist's hips slammed down and drove his cock in balls-deep again. Then he was coming and she felt the hot jism filling her. She couldn't stop her body from responding to the savage fucking, and she writhed and bucked wildly. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and her neck arched. She bared her teeth as everything within her seemed to shatter. Cover felt his cock shrivel. "Goddamn, that was some fuck!" he gasped, pulling quickly from her. Beth sobbed and rolled her head to one side. She could feel their warm, mingled fuck juices trickling from the contracting hole of her pussy. She looked down at the rise of her matted cunt. "Like what you see, honey?" Cover grinned, lifting up his shiny wet cock. Beth cringed. "N-no," she cried. "No!" She watched him reach into the pile of soggy clothes beside the bed. "Know what this is?" he asked, waving a small, ugly-looking automatic under her nose. She nodded. "Okay. Now, I don't like surprises. Who else lives here?" "My ... my husband and two children," she stammered. "Where's your old man, huh? You kick him out of your bed for some finger-fucking?" "H-he got caught in the storm. He's probably staying with his sister." "What about the kids?" "My daughter's with him." Beth mentally thanked God for that, then hurriedly said, "My son's sleeping upstairs." Cover grinned at this news. "Okay, you look smart. You understand your kid's dead if you make trouble?" Beth nodded, terrified. Cover bent his face and placed a big, rough hand over her wobbling tits. "You must really be hurting for some cock, huh, baby?" "Oh, no," she groaned. "Please, not again. Don't fuck me again. I've got money in my purse. "And I've got this gun. Don't you care what happens to your son?" "All ... all right," she moaned, defeated. "Do anything you want, just don't hurt my boy. Please!" "Glad we understand each other. Now get me some of your husband's clothes, everything, including jacket and boots." Beth did as he ordered, shamefully aware that he was watching the swing of her tits and the shaking of her plump ass as she went from dresser to closet and back again. She dumped the clothes on the bed. "Fine. Now get on your knees." Beth dropped to her knees and looked up at him. His cock was hard again, aiming lewdly at her forehead. "Take hold of it," he said. Beth looked up at his grinning face and winced. But she did it. Her fingers grasped his long, curved prick and felt its heat and the pulsing of its big veins. He told her to jerk on it, and she did, feeling shame and humiliation. "Ahhh," he sighed with pleasure as she pulled his cock. A drop of clear liquid appeared in the broad slit and ran down the sloping curve until it dripped off his cockhead. Beth shuddered as it oozed under her fingers and made his cock slippery. "Now suck it," Cover ordered, grinning. Sobbing, she stared at his wet prick, knowing she had no choice. Fear and disgust and humiliation amounted to nothing in comparison to her son's safety. Cover watched the woman's lips open and her chin tremble. He felt her hot breath on his cockhead. Grabbing her ears, he yanked her mouth onto his throbbing cock. "Lick it first," he said, drawing just as quickly out as she started to gag. He wasn't going to let her hurry through it. Beth reached for the hard cock swaying above her face and pulled it down in front of her mouth. She could feel its masculine strength under her fingers and, as she held it, a drop of white cum oozed from the winking eye in the now purplish cockhead. She felt sick but steeled herself and stuck her tongue out. She licked his swollen cock from its broad, hairy base to the dark collar below the head. "C'mon, get the goo, too, honey. You're gonna get a mouthful, anyway, so you might as well taste it now." Beth sighed and shut her eyes. She'd never even sucked Jack off, just kissed him a little to help him get hard. But there was no appeal and she ran her tongue quickly over the piss slit, gathering the salty glob on the point and taking it into her mouth. Maybe if she did it all as fast as she could, it wouldn't seem so bad. She swallowed, trying not to think about what she was doing. But that was difficult, for this man was so much larger and rougher than Jack. At least he's clean, she thought, licking up and down his throbbing prick. "Suck it, suck it!" Cover rasped, breathing heavily as he watched her tongue leave his cock wet and dripping. His prick was bouncing with excitement and he grabbed it at the base and prodded it against her lips. Beth groaned and parted her lips and felt his hot cock slide into her throat. She gagged and her throat tightened around him, but he pulled back and let her catch her breath. "Cripes," he complained. "Haven't you ever deep-throated your old man? Shit, you need training, baby." He jammed his prick into her mouth again and she learned to breathe through her nose and relax her throat. His cock was too big for her to take all the way easily, but she managed to gulp down a good two-thirds of it. "Grab my ass," he cried, holding her long hair near the scalp. Beth wrapped her hands around his muscular, hairy ass cheeks, and squeezed, pumping her head as he wanted. His fat cockhead puffed out her cheeks on the outstroke, and made a visible lump in her throat on the downstroke. She found herself constantly swallowing the build-up of saliva and pre-cum filling her mouth. "Now stick your finger up my ass!" Cover ordered. Beth's eyes widened with shock at this depraved request, and her face burned. But she did it, pulling his hard asscheeks apart and digging into his hot, hairy pucker. Cover grunted and groaned as her small finger prodded the tightness of his asshole, and then sighed when she slipped it all the way inside. "Dig around in my ass," he grunted, bucking his hips at her impaled face. Sickened, she again complied with his order, stroking her finger back and forth and twisting the tip around in his asshole. Cover was really enjoying himself, for he loved having his prostate massaged when he was being sucked off. His butthole clamped and loosened around the woman's finger. His balls were starting to churn when he heard a boy's voice. "Mom?" Beth pulled her mouth free of Cover's prick with a wet slurp. "My God," she whispered. "That's Jerry. He's coming down the stairs. Oh, please, don't hurt him. Not my son, please. He's only a boy, he can't hurt you." Cover looked at her fear-stricken face only inches from his gleaming, jerking cock. He fisted his prick and pumped it slowly in front of her face. "I could shoot him and fuck you," he said. Beth groaned and nearly fainted. "But I won't," he continued, "if you do exactly as I say. And I mean exactly. Any word to your kid, and he's had it. If he sees me, he gets a bullet in the head, so you gotta keep him from seeing me. Right?" Beth nodded. "Anything, anything. I won't let him see you." "That's right, honey, 'cause he's gonna be too busy to see me. He's gonna fuck you, and I'm gonna be in the next room watching. With my gun pointed at his ass." Beth was speechless for a moment and Cover walked away and shut her door. He turned and looked at her, lifting the gun, aiming it at the closed door. "No, no! Oh, my God, no!" she wailed. "I'll do it, don't shoot!" Cover grinned and gathered up the clothes on the bed. "I'll take these into the next room," he said. "And I'll be watching. Just tell him how you've been waiting to have him alone. How you want to show him what fucking's all about and what a great body he's got. You know, and let him do anything he wants. If it turns him on to shove a table lamp up your cunt, spread that hole for him and smile." And he went through the connecting door to the next room and shut the door after him. Beth heard her son's steps nearing her door and panicked. Her ears were ringing and her senses were whirling. She moaned and sat heavily on the bed. A knock sounded at her door. "Mom?" "Y-yes?" she answered. "You up yet?" "Yes, Jerry," she said woodenly. "I'm up." The bedroom door opened and her son walked in. He got two feet and stopped, shocked. His mother was sitting on the bed, stark naked, with her creamy, fat tits quivering. He blushed and stammered. "Jeez, Mom, I didn't ... " Her mind numbed by the unthinkable act she was about to perform. She slowly turned her head and faced him. Instinctively, she drew the sheet around herself. Her son's eyes were on the dark circles of her nipples pushed against the white material. "Mom?" He couldn't believe the sight in front of him, and was embarrassed to feel his cock stiffening in his pajamas. "I'll be right back!" Beth gasped, and hurried into the next room with the sheet draped around her, trailing on the floor at her heels. The middle of her back and the upper swells of her wobbling ass cheeks made the boy's cock raise into a full hard-on. Cover, half-dressed, looked at her questioningly. "I've got to use the bathroom," she choked, stifling a sob. "It's at the other end of this room." "Okay," he grunted, pulling on her husband's pants. "But make it snappy. Hold it!" He stopped her. "Leave the sheet here." Beth stifled another sob as she dropped the last vestige of modesty standing between herself and the horrible thing she must do. She shut the bathroom door but didn't lock it for fear of what the man might do to Jerry if he couldn't get in. The fear and sickness in her soul hampered her efforts at emptying her bladder, but when she douched away the last traces of Cover's vile cum, a strong yellow stream hissed into the bowl along with his stringy cum. She had just finished drying her pussy and thighs when Cover entered and began rummaging through the cabinet and drawers. "What've we got here?" he asked, holding up a slim, four-inch vibrator. Beth didn't answer him and he twisted the base and it shivered violently and buzzed in his hand. The helpless mother watched as he handled the imitation cock. It was something Jack had brought back from some convention as a sort of joke. She'd used it once on her clit, but had found the sensations too powerful to be pleasurable. "Stand up and bend over," Covered ordered. Beth stiffened when she saw the cruel humor in his eyes, but the utter helplessness of her situation made her quickly comply. "Now spread your ass cheeks!" Beth whimpered and sobbed as she felt the quivering point of the vibrator trail between her parted butt. It slipped fractionally into the depression of her pink-ringed asshole. "Ahhhhhh, God! Nooo!" she cried out grunting as Cover forced the tight, dry lips of her ass apart and the vibrator slipped inside. Beth bit her lips as little spasms of pain shot through her ass. The thought of having her asshole so lewdly exposed and violated filled her with guilt and shame. Cover stroked the slender, buzzing tool in and out a few times until the slick tightness of her pink butthole had loosened and moistened. "Nice asshole, baby," he said, and slowly shoved the vibrator all the way inside. Beth groaned with abject humiliation and felt tears running down her cheeks. She stood when he to1d her to and groaned in futile protest as he shoved his finger between her ass cheeks and against the base of the vibrator, forcing it all the way inside her asshole. She felt her sphincter close behind it and his finger pulled away. "Oooooh ... " she moaned as she felt the throbbing walls of her ass adjust to the quivering dildo. "That stays there 'til your kid takes it out," Cover hissed. "Remember, I'll be watching!" He showed her the gun again. Then he took her by the shoulders and propelled her toward the door leading to her bedroom. "If you care what happens to your son, give me a good show!" Beth wiped the tears from her face and opened the door. Jerry was sitting on the edge of the bed, completely unaware of the sacrifice she was about to make for him. Briefly, she wondered if he had any sexual experience at all. At his age, she doubted it. Then he looked up and his jaw dropped with shocked surprise. His mother was walking toward him, completely naked, and there was a strange, fixed expression on her pretty face. Her creamy, ripe tits sagged against her chest, wobbling gently as she walked trance-like to the bed. "Mom, you ... you're ... " He seemed unable to finish what he was going to say. His eyes were glassy and staring at the dazzling display of white flesh and auburn cunt hair. He gulped and looked up when she stopped in front of him, her belly and pussy only a scant foot from his burning face. Even in her numbed, frightened state, Beth saw the large tent in her son's pajamas and was horrified. Oh, God, he was her son! And she was naked before him, making his cock hard! "I ... I love you, Jerry," she choked, desperately trying to think of something to say that would help him understand what was about to happen. "Is something wrong, Mom?" the boy asked, feeling his balls aching even though she was his mother. "No!" she said quickly. "I'm just nervous about being naked like this." Oh, God, I mustn't let him suspect I'm being forced to do this! she thought. "You see," she said, "it's time now for you to learn about making love." Her hands trembled as she reached down and unsnapped Jerry's pajamas. She was about to fuck her son while in full view of someone! She moaned at the shocked look on Jerry's face as she exposed his pink cock. Oh, God, it looked so fresh and innocent, towering above his plump, rosy balls! They were so smooth-skinned, so round and fat and clean-looking beneath their sparse covering of reddish fuzz. "Oh, Jeez, Mom!" Jerry exclaimed, staring at his mother's loving expression and mistaking it for lust. He reached out and socked his open hand over her cunt. "Now I understand," he said, smiling. "Crap, I've dreamed of fucking you for a long time!" Beth stiffened, the shock of her son's hand on her still-sensitive cunt was almost too much to bear. His lewd, disgusting words still rang in her ears. Oh, God, could it be true? Was her son this willing to make love to her, to really fuck her? Frozen by fear and shock, the helpless mother whined and struggled as Jerry's palm rubbed back and forth over her juicing cunt. She fought against the pleasurable sensations his hand was giving her, forbidden pleasure which brought with it shame and despair. It was unbearable. She would never be able to face either her husband or Jerry again when this was all over. Even when they knew the reason behind her actions, every time they looked at her they would remember their terrible secret. For it would have to be a secret. She couldn't bring herself to tell the police that she'd fucked her son, even if it was to save his life. "Jerry," she whimpered. "Jerry." Unconsciously flexing her loins and swinging her hips as his fingers and thumbs ruffled through the wet, matted hair and delved into her slippery pink cunt. Jerry breathlessly watched his mother's beautiful tits tremble like jello as he fingered her pussy, and his other hand filled itself with the soft plumpness of one. He felt her tense as he pulled on her large, hard nipple. His other hand found her dripping cunt hole and wormed two fingers inside it. "Huh?" He looked startled, and shoved his fingers higher and moved them around. "Mom ... " he said suspiciously, "what's that strange, uhh, humming in your pussy?" Beth's emotions bubbled over, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. The horrible feeling of being aroused by her son, his willingness to fondle and fuck her, and his obscene language, combined with his discovery of the vibrator, were too much for her to handle. "Mom! What's the matter?" Jerry pulled her down to the bed and put his arm around her, gently stroking her naked back with one hand while the other absently rolled and squeezed one of her hanging tits. "Unghhh ... " Beth groaned between sobs. The sitting position made the presence of the vibrator more unbearable. She leaned to one side to take her weight off her ass cheeks. "Hey, I get it!" Jerry cried triumphantly. He pushed her all the way over onto her stomach and eyed the ripe, creamy curves of his mother's plump, quivering ass cheeks. He reached out and cupped the soft, warm globes. "You got that little vibrator up your ass, don't you, Mom?" he laughed. "Shit, I wondered what good a thing that size was, 'cause it sure as hell wasn't big enough to fill your cunt. Not after I saw Dad's cock!" Beth buried her flaming face into the bed and wished she would die, hearing such awful things from her son and having to allow him to degrade her like this. She whimpered as she felt his hands opening her butt cheeks, pulling them wide apart. Her muscles tensed together, trying to resist him, but he was too strong and her moist, pink asshole was exposed. "Oh, Jeez, Mom, what a great ass!" He squeezed his mother's parted ass cheeks and she felt his breath on the tiny ring of her clenched butt as he bent to admire it. She shuddered and felt more tears running down her cheeks as she submitted to his explorations. Jerry put his thumbs on her asshole and tried to stretch it apart to get at the vibrator. Beth moaned and had to force herself not to thrash and scream with horror as her son probed at her asshole. Not even his father had been allowed to make such filthy contact with her. "C'mon, Mom, off the bed," Jerry said, his voice hoarse with juvenile excitement. "Now squat and pull your ass cheeks apart. I'll get that bugger out for you. Beth was numbed by her terrible defilement, and now did as he asked without considering that it was another repulsive act. She would just let him do with her body as he would, but she'd keep her mind detached and above it all. "Uhhh ... " she groaned as she felt his fingers gently teasing her ass crack as she held open her ass cheeks. She whimpered as the vibrator, propelled by its own quivering and the contractions of her pussy, began to slide out. "Got it!" Jerry yelled, grabbing the protruding base and yanking the oily plastic cock out. He threw it on the bed. Beth looked over her shoulder and saw Jerry fist his cock and she closed her eyes. Her mouth went dry, knowing her time had come. "Get on your hands and knees, Mom," Jerry said, pressing up behind her. When her trembling body was in position, her big tits dangling, Jerry spread her ass cheeks and exposed the scarlet tunnel of her cunt. It was wet and shiny and he couldn't wait any longer. He shoved his cockhead into his mother's cunt, gasping as its heat surrounded his pulsing prick. "Nuhhhh ... " Beth groaned, feeling her son's cock sliding into her hot, aching pussy. She was unable to hold back a grunt of pleasure as the rock- hardness of that young prick zipped in and out of her auburn-fringed cunt hole. Automatically, she shifted her ass to make his fucking easier. "Oh, God, Jerry ... " she panted, her mouth falling open as her tits swung pendulously. The soft, wet sucking sound of their fucking rang in her ears and she widened her knees. "Ahhhhh," she moaned, forgetting who it was that was fucking her. "Yes, yes, oh, it's good ... " She heard the heavy panting behind her, felt the warm belly slapping her quivering ass with increasing speed. Her big tits danced wildly below her heaving body as she thrust back against the rampaging cock in her eager cunt. The boy's balls slapped up against her cunt with every thrust, banging with lewd, sensuous pats against her burning clit. Jerry pounded his throbbing prick into the wet flesh of his mother's open cunt, watching as its rim gripped him on the outstroke like a hot, pink fist. His cock was shining with his mother's cunt juice, and between her spread, rounded white ass cheeks he saw the pink, hairless wet ring of her asshole, winking in rhythm with his fucking. He probed her butthole with his middle finger and heard her gasp. When his touch didn't lighten, she wriggled her butt in silent protest, but he probed inside, twisting his finger and stretching her asshole. Beth whined. "Oh, Jeez, Mom, your cunt's really something!" He groaned, leaning backwards a bit to change the angle and watch her cuntlips pucker out and cling to his cock. He slid a second finger alongside the first in her ass, ignoring her grunts of pain as the tight, rubbery ring yielded to him. He began to grind his fingers back and forth. Slowly, the horror and painful degradation Beth felt blended with the intense sexual stimulation of her son's fucking and goosing. A helpless, ecstatic groan broke from her lips and she jerked her body backwards faster, impaling herself willingly on her boy's steel-hard cock and rummaging fingers. "Come, come ... " she chanted, feeling the twin probings of her stretched holes gathering heat. Her cunt and painfully stuffed asshole were filling her with masochistic delight. Her fleshy hips began to undulate in little circles as she thrust her ass back at Jerry, and her lips drew away from her white teeth. "Ohhh, yes, fuck me, fuck me, come! Ahhh! Coming!" When Jerry heard his mother's agonized screams and felt her muscles tighten around his cock and fingers, he jabbed his cock into her cunt with blinding speed. He came in seconds, falling across her sweaty back as his boiling jism splattered into her throbbing cunt. Beth's arms weakened as she came and she slumped to the floor with Jerry on top of her. "Oh, shit," he said, feeling his prick slipping out of her cunt. "What a fuck! Come on, Mom, get me hard again, suck on it." Chapter 2 Karen Phillips was naked, her melon-sized tits wobbling on her chest as she stepped out of her black lace panties. She fluffed up her glossy black pussy hair and then scratched a rib. "Shit!" Jack Davis muttered, peering at his sister through the cracks in the old wooden planks of the bathroom. This was just like old times. He vividly recalled how, when he was a horny teenager with more ideas than opportunities, he'd peeked at his younger sister when she was undressing or taking a bath. But she'd never had a pair of tits that big, then! He felt a bit guilty about peeking at his sister, but shit, she was built better than most of the women he'd fucked, with the exception of Beth. Shit, just when he needed Beth the most, when his balls were aching to empty their load, a stinking blizzard had to hit! And now, right in front of him, separated by only an inch or two of thin wood, was more real, live cunt than he'd seen in ages. That heavy bush bristling between her legs looked so soft and springy that, if she were any other woman, he'd have rushed in and buried his face in her cunt, rubbing his nose and lips back and forth until she creamed. The middle-aged voyeur watched his sexy sister step into the old-fashioned four-legged tub. It wasn't too large, so her knees and tits were still visible as she sat. He licked his lips and watched her hands soap up those big tits and really give them a scrubbing. Her nipples stuck out like bright red strawberries. Then she rinsed. Jack loved wet tits. There was something about the full, shiny-smooth mounds dripping water that really turned him on. He saw her arms drop between her thighs and start working. He couldn't see anything but the movements of her upper arms and the flexing of her biceps, but it seemed to him that she was taking a long time just to be washing. Jack knew that Karen wasn't dating anyone. She hadn't gone out since her divorce came through four months ago, so she wasn't getting any sex. He watched her washing her pussy and saw the enjoyment on her face. He heard the soft splashing and sloshing, and then her upper arms squeezed the sides of her huge tits, making them stand up higher on her chest. Her strawberry-sized nipples were large and wrinkled, standing out stiffly from the dark brown skin surrounding them. Then he heard her sigh. A little later she stood up, reached for her towel and stepped from the tub. Her soft white tits hung and swung as she dried her toes and legs, and Jack sucked in his breath, debating whether or not to pull his cock out and jerk off right in the hall. But that was too dangerous. Instead, he rubbed his hot prick through his pants. Then he saw Karen do a strange thing. Spreading the towel on the floor and lying on it, she licked her lips and lifted her legs into the air. Jack held his breath as she grabbed her legs behind her knees and rolled back until her weight was resting on her shoulders. The man grabbed his hard cock and squeezed it painfully as his sister's plump ass spread, revealing the dark ring of her asshole and the rim of her cunt. She hooked her legs behind her neck, bent her head and started nuzzling her own hairy pussy! Jack choked back a gasp. His sister had a hand on each white ass cheek, pulling her butt toward her face. Her puckered asshole stared lewdly back at him as she licked her cunt. Jack was so shocked he almost forgot to be excited. The way his sister's ass was facing him, he could see everything. Her big black bush bristled around her mouth and cheeks as she licked up and down her cunt, and he could hear the slurping of her tongue and her muffled grunts and sighs. The horny woman's older brother didn't allow shock to rule him long. His cock throbbed and oozed pre-cum, straining the front of his pants as he rubbed it and imagined it was his tongue spreading those plump pink cuntlips. So what if she were his own sister? She had a cunt just like every other woman! He saw Karen root down and spear her pussy hole, and then she drew back a bit and circled her prominent clit with the tip of her tongue. She laved the base and shaft of her finger-like, scarlet clit, and then sucked the whole bud into her mouth. She was breathing heavily through her nose, now, as she squirmed and grunted with total abandon. Her slender, fat-titted body writhed on the damp towel as she drove herself crazy, trying to lift her ass higher and higher. Her nose was almost buried in her winking, dripping cunt hole, blocking Jack's view of her pussy lips. The dark curls surrounding her cheeks and ears and her pulsing asshole were more than enough to turn her brother into a sex-crazed maniac whose only purpose in life was to shove his pounding cock into a cunt. Jack remembered Beth's pussy, and how he had handled it last night before fucking it. How soft and mushy and wet it had felt to his fingers - just like Karen's, now. He remembered once, when Karen had started filling out, that he'd grabbed the crotch of her panties. She'd squealed and blushed and protested when she caught him sniffing the strong, sexy moisture clinging to his fingers, but he hadn't been able to resist doing it, anyway. Now that same, never-forgotten odor was seething through the crack of the bathroom door and the planks! Jack couldn't take much more of that without coming in his jeans, so he turned away and went to his bedroom. Patti was already asleep in the next room, and he heard Karen open her door to check on her before continuing on to her own room. He lay on his back with his cock tenting the blankets, hoping that Karen would check in on him and get horny for his prick, but she went right on by. He listened to the wind driving the snow against the window for a long time, then threw back the covers and slipped down the unlit hallway to his teenage daughter's room. Patti was a farm girl, soft and smooth-skinned and slightly gawky, but with hints of the woman to come. He'd already noticed her full, pouting lips and soft, braless tits. The milky whiteness of her untanned skin and the unlined innocence of her pretty face was more than enough to tempt a saint. So what if he'd promised Beth not to mess around with kids any more? He'd kept his word for more than ten years. Admit it, he told himself, you're slipping into Patti's room in order to relieve the ache in your balls. He wasn't worried about Karen waking up and checking on the girl. She was a heavy sleeper from way back. God, she looked so peaceful sleeping there, curled on her side with her thumb in her mouth, just like a baby. Jack's cock throbbed and strained against his pajamas. As he looked at Patti's pink, pouting lips wrapped around her thumb, he began to imagine it was his cock she was sucking. Without stopping to consider whether it was right or wrong, the girl's horny father unbuttoned his pajama bottoms and pulled out his hard cock, intending to jerk off while looking at her. After a few strokes his lust boiled over and, damning the consequences, he leaned over the sleeping girl and gently removed her thumb. Then he pushed his cock down and nudged her soft, warm lips with the swollen, dripping cockhead. Patti's mouth opened and she made sucking sounds, unconsciously looking for the pacifier she needed. Jack eased a bit of his purplish, mushroom-shaped cockhead inside, holding his breath as his daughter's lips locked behind the rim. "Shee-it!" he breathed, staring at her young, pretty face with his cock jutting hugely and obscenely between her lips. Not daring to stroke for fear of waking her, Jack jerked on his prick while Patti nursed on his cockhead. The sight drove him wild. His own daughter, his teenage daughter, was sucking his fat cock harder and harder, drawing deeply on it. From time to time he felt her soft, warm tongue swab over his piss slit as she swallowed the build-up of saliva and pre-cum. "Ohhh," he groaned, whispering, "suck it, girl, suck it!" He pumped his straining cock faster. His free hand grabbed his hairy, dangling balls and pulled on them. The way his pretty teenage daughter was sucking, she seemed to want to take more of his prick into her mouth. Slowly, watching her face intensely, he allowed first one inch, and then another to slide between her pursed lips. Finally, although her mouth was ovalled wide, she seemed content with about four inches of his hot, throbbing cock. "Ahhhhh," her lust-maddened father sighed, feeling the heavy load of cum in his big balls churning. He pulled the covers from her sleeping body. Then he carefully lifted her nighty. "Oh, God!" he breathed reverently. "What a beautiful cunt!" Patti's pussy was high and plump, and there was a circle of soft brown curls around it. The thin-lipped, tight pink slit in the center was, to her horny father, as irresistible as an oasis to a man dying of thirst. He had to view it at eye-level, to sniff it and, yes, to taste it! It had been so long since he'd seen a cunt this fresh, this virginal, that he felt like wallowing in it. He quickly bent and, using his thumbs with a gentleness unusual for such a big, rough man, pried apart the soft, warm lips of her pussy. Patti's cunt was delicate with fluted petals narrowing toward a bright, whitish-pink minuscule opening. His daughter's sweet pussy smelled hot and soapy. With great tenderness he kissed her pussy hair, and then lovingly laved her feathery cunt lips. Patti moaned softly, and her mouth worked like a nursing calf's, chewing and tugging on his cock. Jack was mad with lust. He wanted to suck Patti's budding clit and shove his tongue all the way up her tight cunt hole, but he knew the sensations would be too much for her to sleep through. In any case, he was about to come. There was no way he could bring himself to pull his cock from his sleeping daughter's mouth. Such an action would cause him real physical pain. Yet blowing his wad in Patti's mouth might jolt her awake. He decided to hold back each spurt, shooting just a glob or two of cum at a time, and timing it's close as possible with her swallowing. He could feel his girl's warm saliva swishing around the buried half of his prick as her tongue moved. He figured Patti would be swallowing it, soon. His balls were really aching, now, and the tip of his prick felt like it was a pincushion for red-hot needles. He released the first few jets of cum. "Ahhh, uhhh, huhh!" He spurted the white jism into his daughter's hot mouth, moaning his pleasure, and felt her automatically swallow. He had overestimated his own self-control. His jerking, throbbing cock and quivering, aching balls didn't care that Patti might wake up. They just had a load of boiling cum that needed to be dumped, and dumped now! Jack realized that he was coming too fast and too hard, so he gently pulled free of his daughter's locked lips, trailing a sticky string of cum behind him. Then his cock pulsed and the knob puffed up and spit creamy jism all over Patti's lips and chin. He watched it puddle and run down her neck. Patti's lips were still working, searching for something to suck, and Jack scooped up his cum and dripped it into her slack mouth. When he'd gathered most of it, he lowered his limp, oozing prick to her lips. The sleeping young girl took it eagerly, and cleaned her father more enthusiastically than her mother ever had when she was wide awake. Jack knew some of the thrill was due to the forbiddenness of incest, and to the fact that she was so young and unaware of how he was using her. But not all. When it came right down to it, Patti was just a natural-born cocksucker. Satiated, feeling better than he had in a long time, Jack went back to his room and fell fast asleep. When he woke, Karen told him that the roads were closed and the phone lines were down, but that electric service had been restored. "I knocked on your door, but you were really out," Karen said. "I'll bet you never even heard the sirens. "Huh?" Jack said, sitting down at the breakfast table and buttering some toast. "The prison siren, big brother. Want some coffee?" "Yeah, thanks. Morning, honey," he said as Patti walked in and sat down. She was wearing a thin robe over her nighty and looked good enough to eat. "Morning, Daddy. Aunt Karen." She looked around. "Where's Winston? Didn't you let him in?" Karen shook her head. "He's too big and messy, dear." Now that Jack had seen Karen's naked body, he became much more friendly and helpful. He even offered to help with the dishes and, standing next to her as he dried, managed to brush his forearm against the side of her large tit every time he reached for a dish. Karen soon found herself with wet panties. She noticed his sudden interest and wondered what had caused it. He wants me, she thought, shocked. My brother wants to fuck me! Could he have seen me in the bathroom last night? She'd heard the floorboards creak, but had assumed it was the wind. And Jack had peeked at her when they were kids. Karen didn't know whether to be worried or excited by Jack's bumping of her tits. He was a handsome, sexy stud, but he was her brother, and the problems which went with any relationship were sure to be magnified by incest. But she sure could stand a good fucking ... And fucking Jack would be lots of fun. She fondly remembered her early teenage years when he'd grab at her ass or cunt, and she'd have to go to the bathroom and play with herself. Jack sure looked like a stud who would last and last ... The rest of the morning was unremarkable. Karen went shopping for some groceries. She hadn't expected to have company when the storm had hit. Jack had just finished shaving and brushing his teeth and was about to take his shower when Patti knocked on the door. He tied his bathrobe and let her in. "You gonna be long, Daddy?" she asked, still wearing her nighty. She was carrying a towel. Jack thought fast. "No, you can use the tub." Ever since Patti had sucked the cum from his heavy balls, he'd been seeing her in a new light. She was now much more than his little girl, she was a seductive nymphet with cock-sucking, pouty red lips, a round, jiggly ass, and the tenderest, sweetest tasting little pussy he'd ever seen or tongued. Patti was waiting for him to leave, but he just stared at her in a way she'd never seen before. Then he bent and turned on the taps in the tub. "You know, Patti, years ago, when you were little, I used to give you your bath. You liked it so much, you'd cry for me to come in and soap you up." "Gee, that was a long time ago, Daddy. But remember Mom said I was getting too big, and that's about all." "You don't remember?" He looked hurt. "I never thought you'd forget." "I'm grown-up now," she reminded him, giggling. "That doesn't mean we can't have fun like we used to," Jack said. "Come on, I'll wash you. It'll help you remember. You'll see, it'll all come back." Before the surprised teenager could protest, he lifted the nighty over her head, trying to keep his hands from shaking, and then turned to check the temperature of the water. His mouth was dry from the glimpse he'd had of Patti's slender body. Patti gasped as she suddenly found herself naked before her father. "Daddy!" she squealed, trying to cover her plump tits and sparsely-haired cunt. "Ohhh, don't look!" she wailed. "In you go!" Jack said, turning and grabbing her by the waist. He lifted her easily and gently deposited her in the half-filled tub. She was being silly, of course, she told herself, trying to rationalize her father's actions. He was her father, after all. The nuns in her Catholic school had taught her the meaning of shame and "dirty parts" early in life. They hadn't taught her much else. Patti's little round tits with their soft pink nipples were only inches from Jack's eyes as he knelt at the edge of the tub and soaped up the washcloth. Patti blushed a bright red and kept her soft thighs together. "There's no need to be embarrassed, Patti," he said as he slid the soapy cloth under the arm covering her chest. He gently rubbed, massaging her soft tits until he'd raised a lather. Then he dropped the cloth and rinsed them. As his strong hands rubbed and brushed her wet, glistening tits, Patti felt a pleasant tingling and caught her breath. Her pink nipples were no longer soft. They were like little raisins, now, and Jack paid special attention to them. Patti moaned and squirmed and Jack said, "There, didn't that feel nice?" Patti nodded hesitantly, blushing prettily as he soaped down to the beginning of her submerged ass. He slid his hands into the water and cupped her soft ass cheeks. "Lift up and kneel, honey, so I can wash you better." Patti obeyed, sticking her shiny butt out for her father. She was terribly embarrassed, but never thought of defying him. Jack scooted around until he was facing those dripping, trembling ass cheeks. His cock began to slither from between the folds of his robe, the skin stretched so tight that its entire length was shiny with taut expectancy. The hot-cocked father stared at his teenage daughter's bare ass. Her legs were still pressed together, but the bottom. of her fuzzy, rosy little cunt was just visible. Jack forgot about the cloth and began washing her ass with his hands. Patti closed her eyes and began to tremble. Her father's soapy fingers were everywhere! "Oh, Daddy!" she moaned. "Starting to remember, honey?" Jack asked. "It's fun, isn't it?" Patti just moaned again as his hands slid lower and lower, and then one was pushing between her plump cuntlips. She gasped as her father cupped her fleshy pussy with his soapy palm and began rubbing it. "Ohhhhh ... " she groaned, and loosened her thighs. It felt so good! The sisters were always warning her against touching herself there, or letting little boys touch her. But her father was no little boy, and he was just washing her, wasn't he? He couldn't know what it felt like to her. Jack gently rubbed his daughter's soft pussy for a long time, occasionally sliding a slick finger between her fleshy pussylips. His eyes were fastened on the tiny mouth of Patti's cunt. It was beginning to open, and he was sure that his palm was slippery with more than soap suds, now. As his palm continued its rubbing, circular motion, he slid his thumb up and pressed it against her pink little asshole. Patti groaned again as the ball of her father's thumb made little soapy circles over the raised rim of her butthole, the dirtiest part of her body! How could he? "Now, back down and rinse off, Patti, Jack said hoarsely. The naive girl was confused. She was enormously relieved that he was no longer touching her body's forbidden spots, but she also missed the pleasurable sensations he had wrung from those sites. Jack's heart was pounding in his chest. He wanted to fuck his daughter! That, he knew, was depraved and disgusting. He'd read about child molesters, parents who sexually abused their children, and had been both shocked and angered. But this was different. He didn't want to hurt Patti. He loved her. And he didn't want her learning about sex on the dirty back seat of some punk's car. Some guy who'd give her a painful quickie, and maybe get her pregnant or give her VD. All she'd learn from such an encounter was to dislike sex. And that was a damned unhealthy attitude. Jack convinced himself that it was his duty to introduce his little girl to the joys of sex, to not only tell her the facts of life, but to demonstrate them for her. "Stand up, now1 Patti," he said, forgetting that his hard cock was jutting from the folds of his robe. Patti never noticed, she was so embarrassed to be standing naked, dripping in the middle of the tub. "Spread your legs a bit, honey," Jack said. "That's right. Now, has your mother taught you anything about washing your insides?" Confused, not really sure what her father was talking about, the flustered teenager shook her head. "Okay, then I'll show you. After this, you can do it yourself." He took the small bar of soap, now not much larger around than his thumb, and rubbed it on her cunt hole. "Eeeek!" Patti squealed, then jumped and giggled helplessly as it slid up and bumped her budding clit. She didn't know why, but she was awfully sensitive there! Jack brought the soap back down and slowly pushed it into her little pussy until it was stopped by her cherry. Patti gasped and trembled. "Oh, Daddy! Stop! It's too big, it's hurting ... " she wailed with shame and pain. Jack stopped and pulled the bar free. "That was just to get you soapy," he explained. "Now I'll show you how to wash in there." He stroked a finger into her cunt very slowly. Even with the soap and her natural juices, her hole was tight. He even felt it squeeze the exploring digit. He twisted and massaged her pussy until he was able to fit a second finger alongside the first. Patti grunted and, without thinking, squatted a bit to make it easier on herself. She'd realized long ago that what her father was doing wasn't right, but his pumping fingers were beginning to make her quiver with a strange new delight. Then she felt his other hand rubbing and caressing her ass cheeks, and gasped again as a finger prodded the soft, tight ring of her asshole. "Got to wash you there, too, honey,". Jack breathed. She felt him apply steady pressure to her tight butthole. Eventually she loosened enough that he was able to get his finger in just past the first knuckle. The squeeze was not only tight, but extremely hot. He'd forgotten just how hot an asshole could be. Beth wouldn't let him fool around with hers. Patti was moaning almost continually now, and Jack thought she was about ready. He slowly slipped his fingers from her slippery cunt and winking asshole and rinsed her, then told her to face him. "See, honey," he said, gently caressing her soft, warm ass as he stared up at her flushed, sweaty face. "All clean and kissing sweet." He cupped her ass cheeks and held her still as he pressed his lips to the damp, thin-lipped slit. He heard her gasp as he kissed her adolescent pussy, and then his tongue licked up between the soft folds and lightly touched her clit. "DADDY!" she cried, shaking violently and almost collapsing in the tub. "Ohh, stop! It ... hurts! Ohhh, something's happening? Ahhhhhh, noooo ... " Her eyes squeezed shut and the muscles of her ass tightened under his fingers as she experienced her first orgasm. It wasn't a big one, but Jack was smart enough to leave her clit alone while she was coming. He lapped the rim of her oozing little pussy beneath it, gathering up the thin flow of her warm, tasty cunt juices. Without thinking, Patti's hands grabbed her father's head as she came, and as he licked her fleshy cuntlips, she couldn't help guiding his face and bumping her ass forward. Jack squeezed her butt cheeks as he pulled his wet face away from his teenage daughter's pussy. "Wasn't that fun, Patti?" he asked. Patti hardly knew what to say. She'd never thought that one day she'd be standing completely naked before her handsome father, or that he would touch her so intimately. Or that she would let him. But something had happened between her legs, something wonderful. Something the other girls whispered and giggled about. "Daddy? Will ... will it feel that way again?" Jack smiled. "You mean, when you started shaking and sobbing? It'll feel even better the next time. It keeps getting better, especially when it's done right." "Right?" "It takes a man to make a girl feel that way, honey. Because all this is new to you, I didn't do everything I could have." Patti blushed. "You mean, put your thing in me, don't you, Daddy? You want to ... to make love to me, don't you, Daddy?" He nodded, and parted his robe. Patti gasped when she saw her father's massive prick, and averted her eyes. She kept stealing glances at it, obviously fascinated and curious. Her eyes were bright with excitement and her pert tits quivered sensuously with her heavy breathing. Jack dropped his robe and stepped into the tub. "Sit between my legs and face me, honey," he said. Now his throbbing cock jutted before her wide eyes. "Oh, Daddy! It's so big, you couldn't ... " "I won't hurt you, Patti," Jack said hoarsely. "Touch it, take hold of it." He stared with grim-faced excitement as one of her small, soft hands reached up and he felt her gentle fingers touch his pulsing cock. He guided her other hand when she lifted it, placing the palm so that it cupped over his swollen, mushroom-shaped cockhead. "Oh, yeah, that's it!" he gasped. "Would you like to make me feel the way you just did, Patti?" When she nodded hesitantly and somewhat fearfully, he said, "Move this hand up and down, and twist this one from side to side. Yeah, ahhhh ... " Patti felt the hot, loose skin on her father's cock. His fat prick throbbed powerfully in her nervous grip, and her cupping palm was becoming slippery with something that was oozing out of the hole in the top. He so obviously loved what she was doing that she didn't have the heart to stop. Besides, she didn't really mind. "Oh, please, Daddy," she groaned. "Do it to me again," she pleaded, unable to resist the longing in her loins. "In a while, honey. It'll feel better when we both do it." Jack's legs trembled as his sweet, innocent daughter jerked his prick in one hot fist while the other twisted and squeezed his spongy cockhead. Her fingers were tightening on his hard-on as she became used to it, stroking it with increased speed and driving him crazy. The urgent pulsing of his long, thick cock, and the heavy fullness of his hanging, tightening balls told him the end was close. "That's enough," Jack groaned. "Remember how you felt when I kissed your little pussy?" Patti blushed and giggled, but nodded eagerly. "Well, if we kiss each other at the same time, it feels really good. Would you like to try that?" "You mean ... kiss your, your ... " "My cock. Don't be afraid to say it, honey. Yes, just like I kissed your pretty pussy. Only it's called sucking. Will you suck my cock for me and make me feel real good?" "I guess so ... "she said in a small, uncertain voice. She was itching so terribly between her legs, she was willing to try anything. "But you'll have to show me how." Jack smiled. "Oh, baby, with those lips of yours, you won't have any trouble making me feel good." He turned Patti around as he sat in the tub until she was half lying on him, her knees up near his armpits. Her elbows were resting on his upper thighs, and his flaring red cockhead was throbbing wetly a few inches below her flushed face. "Lick it a little, first," Jack said, and then pressed his open mouth to his daughter's aroused pussy. Patti sighed and squirmed with pleasure and stuck out her pink tongue. Her father's cock looked sort of threatening, but she laved his oozing cockhead anyway. It was hot and smooth, and the juice was sort of salty. Her father was great and, besides being excited by his tonguing, she wanted to make him happy. So she ran her tongue all over the top of his bursting prick, tickling under the rim of his cockhead, laving the sides of his throbbing, straining shaft, and even probing his leaking piss slit with the pointed tip of her tongue. Jack groaned into his daughter's wet pussy. If only Beth had half of his daughter's willingness to give pleasure as well as receive it ... Jack loved his wife's heavy tits and talented cunt, but his slender, inexperienced virgin daughter drove all appreciation of Beth's charms from his mind for now. "Suck it," he groaned. "Open your mouth and take it in." Patti opened wide and covered his big cockhead. After a bit of coughing, she managed to take the fat knob to the back of her throat. She couldn't keep it there long without gagging, but Jack solved that problem by using his hands to guide her face up and down, showing her what he wanted. "Suck me hard on the upstroke," he mumbled, feeling his balls drawing up. He resumed his slow laving of her sweet cunt. He washed her hard little clit only occasionally, trying to time her orgasm with his. Hearing Patti slurping over his big cock was almost as exciting as her sucking. He felt her full lips tighten on the upstroke, and her cheeks caved in to clasp his throbbing prick as she sucked as hard as she could. She halted her climb when her lips bumped his rim, then dropped quickly down until her nose was buried in his wiry hair. Her father's cock shoved her tongue around, making that hot, wet muscle squirm over the slickness of his sensitive bulb. Jeez! he thought, her mouth's as good as Beth's fuckin' cunt! Shit, she moved her mouth as much as Beth moves her ass! "Patti," he said, wanting to warn her. "When I feel good, like you did, some white cream squirts out of my cock. I want you to keep sucking, don't be frightened. Just swallow it, it won't hurt you." Jack concentrated on his little girl's quivering clit. Taking it between his lips, he sucked lightly on it while laving its head with the tip of his tongue. He could tell how much she liked it by the way she whined and giggled. Her lower body flopped about like a beached fish, and he felt his balls boiling in response. He tightened his ass. There! Now! His muscles relaxed and his cock pulsed between her locked lips, sending a steady stream of hot cum into his daughter's gulping mouth. He heard her swallowing loudly, and then felt her move up until she was hanging on to just the end of his prick. She didn't let go, but gulped and swallowed and then choked as the overflow of jism bubbled out and ran down his jerking cock. Jack was grunting into her tasty cunt, licking as fast as he could because he'd felt her tremors begin. He wanted to make this better than her last climax. He wanted to make each new experience more exciting than the last for his loving daughter. The way to keep her interested was to keep her coming, he thought, smiling into her wet, pink cuntlips. He started sucking her little clit and she felt a throbbing in the pit of her belly. Her virginal pussy convulsed, her bare ass quivering seductively above his face as her contractions began. She mumbled and groaned over his still-spurting cock. Her spasms were so powerful that she couldn't hold herself over him. Her arms and knees gave way and she fell over his cock. Luckily, her father was nearly finished, his cock long, but limber. It slipped from her mouth and came to rest by her cheek, still oozing warm, milky jism. "Ohhh, Daddy," she gasped, licking her cum-flecked lips. "That was great! Can we do it again?" Jack smiled, realizing he'd have to go into a lot more detail about all the ways a man and woman could please each other. Jeez, if he was lucky, he might have a little nympho on his hands. To make up for all those years Beth had kept him away from little girls, he'd need a nympho! Chapter 3 Beth covered her face with her hands, feeling nothing but shame and horror for having responded to her son's fucking. Her face burned as she recalled some of the things she had said, the wanton way she had fucked her ass back at him, encouraging his incestuous actions. And that awful man was watching it all, gloating over her shameful defilement! With a slick thrill she realized her pussy was still throbbing and itching, even as she felt her son's cum running from it. She sobbed into her hands, knowing what Jerry expected her to do, what he was waiting for and what Cover was waiting to see. "Come on, Mom," Jerry said, cupping her big tits in his palms. "Don't start feeling guilty, now, it's all right. So you dig my cock. So what? No one'll ever know." Beth choked back a hysterical laugh as her son kneaded and squeezed her heavy, sensitive tits. His life depended on her giving the gun-toting voyeur a good show, and here he was talking about keeping this a secret! What a laugh! She put a smile on her face and took her hands away, watching her handsome son lift her trembling tits. She couldn't help groaning as he rolled her dark nipples between his fingers, pulling on the hot, hard lumps. "Jeez, Mom! What a set of knockers! Love your tits, mmmmmmm!" He pressed his face between them and rubbed it back and forth. Beth's body trembled, and she took a quick, nervous breath. Her tits felt hot and swollen, heavy with lust as Jerry handled them so expertly. He was turning her on despite her horror of incest! "Come on, Mom, grab my cock, will ya," he rasped, cupping her white tits and hefting them high. Beth felt the upper curves of her white mounds brush her chin, and then he dropped them, making her heavy tits bounce and wobble. Beth groaned and reached for her son's semi-rigid cock. It was still greasy with their mingled juices, and her hand shook as she approached it. But when she touched it, feeling its warmth and hidden strength, she grew lightheaded with conflicting emotions. A sudden rush of shame and passion surged through her as she tenderly grasped her son's cock. She heard Jerry moan and this, too, excited her perversely. "That's it, Mom!" Jerry cried. "Beat my meat!" His lewd encouragement made Beth's already red face burn even more, but when he groaned and dropped his mouth over her heavy tit, sucking in the stiff nipple and teasing it with lips and teeth, she was thrilled to the core. "Oh, yes, Jerry," she whispered, his avid lips bringing a flood of pleasurable memories. "I used to nurse you. Oh, baby, you sucked so hard ... ahhh, yessss! Oh, I loved nursing you. It felt so good. Sometimes you made me come, you know that? You made me come just with your little lips!" Jerry groaned again and sucked in more of his mother's big white tit. Shit, she was really turning him on. The way her soft hand was manipulating his cock, rhythmically pumping it and even pulling it away from his body with enough force to lift his hips, created a heavy fullness between his legs that was new to him. Beth was blind with passion. Her son's' prick was hot and stiff in her hand, and she gripped it possessively, her eyes glistening with excitement. Oh, God, his fat cockhead looked as big around as her fist! And it was so dark with trapped blood ... "Oh, Jeez, Mom, hurry up!" Jerry groaned", releasing her spit-slick tit. "I've never had a blow job!" It was so dark with trapped blood! She just knew she'd gag. She felt so dirty, but her very helplessness seemed to excite her even more. She looked up at her son's face, her eyes questioning. "Don't you want to, Mom?" Jerry asked, suddenly worried that she wouldn't do this for him. "Yes, yes, I want to!" Beth was hardly aware of what she was saying. Her son's hard cock occupied so much of her mind. The rest was taken up by her itching, pulsing cunt. She leaned forward a bit, holding his jerking prick steady. "Oh, Jerry, it's so hard and beautiful!" Eagerly, she licked out and wiped his tiny, weeping piss slit, then closed her eyes and parted her lips. Jerry watched nervously as his mother's lust-contorted face lowered over his prick. He groaned and lifted his lips as he felt her soft lips pressed lewdly against his bulbous, purplish cockhead. She covered it with soft, wet kisses, then cupped her hand under his dangling balls, holding them up past the base of his cock and pressing them around the fat column of his prick. "Ahhhh ... " Jerry sighed blissfully, overcome with raging lust. His mother was kissing and licking his fat cock and balls! He gasped and shuddered with pleasure as she formed her warm lips around the smooth, fuzzy flesh of one plump nut, then turned her attention to the other. Eventually, she sucked both balls into the liquid heat of her mouth and lashed them with her tongue while jerking his straining cock. Jerry's lean hips bucked in a fucking motion, his rigid young prick sliding across her face and forehead. Spasms of insane desire filled Beth's brain, hammering away at her inhibitions and guilt. The fact that she was about to suck her son's beautiful, lust-hardened cock into her mouth no longer seemed depraved and horrible. In fact, the more she handled his teenaged cock, the more she yearned to taste his hot, salty jism. He was her boy, and she wanted all of his thick, white cum flooding her belly! "Mmmm!" she hummed, jamming her mouth over his hot, bulbous cockhead, bathing it with her saliva and going down, down, down until she felt the big knob pulsing in her gulping throat. She could also feel the steady beat of his veins against her ringing lips. "Oh, that's it, Mom!" Jerry cried, trembling, his ass lifting quickly. He felt his cockhead bump the back of her throat. Beth felt her son's body shaking, felt him lifting up to fuck her throat, and slid one hand under his ass. If she could stick her finger up a filthy stranger's asshole, she certainly could do it for her son! She searched and found the tiny bit of wrinkled skin and shoved quickly inside. "Yugh!" Jerry grunted and gasped for breath, arching his back away from the digging finger in his ass. Beth's head bobbed up and down faster and faster over her son's twitching prick as she jammed the finger up his asshole until it was imbedded to her palm. Then she started twisting and curling it frantically. "UNGH! UNGH! MOMMMM!" Jerry screeched, feeling his balls snap against his cock and his prostate throb. "Mmmmffff! Mmmmmm!" Beth gulped and mumbled as the first massive glob of her son's jism splattered against the back of her throat. She pulled back and took the next shot of thick cum against her teeth and tongue. She felt some of the hot jizz leak out of her mouth and suddenly realized what it was she was doing. Oh, God, she thought, her conscience trying to assert itself again, he's coming in my mouth! As his cockhead ballooned and squirted another white torrent of cum she discovered that she enjoyed it. She liked having her son thrashing around joyously beneath her working mouth, helpless with the pleasure she was giving him. Her tongue worked around his spraying piss slit, whipping through the strongly-flavored cum and feeling some of the thick strings sticking to her teeth and gums. "Suck it, Mom, get that cum!" Jerry cried when he recovered his senses, gloating over his mother's ravenous sucking. He squirmed his ass over her motionless finger, reminding her that she'd been neglecting his shithole. Beth did her best to catch every drop of Jerry's sweet cum, but he'd erupted with such surprising force that some of it had dribbled out like creamy lava. Slowly, she released his softening prick, allowing it to fall from her tingling lips with a little liquid slurp. She kissed the leaking eye, then ran her tongue up and down its fat length, cleaning him of the last trace of jism. She even cleaned his balls. There, you bastard! she thought, I hope you got a good show! She still felt twinges of shame, but things had gone too far for her to revert back to the virtuous wife and mother she had been until this morning. Beth knew she had to give Cover an encore, had to keep him happy, but there was no excuse for the thrill of anticipation washing over her. Cover wasn't responsible for that. Her cunt was swollen and sensitive, pouting openly in its ring of auburn curls, aching to be filled with her son's hard cock. Jerry sighed contentedly, his limp, tongue-washed cock tingling with pleasant memories. "Wow! That was great, Mom!" he said enthusiastically. "I've dreamed about fuckin' you for a long time." He chuckled. "Now the sheep'll get some rest." "What?" Beth asked, startled. "Well, now that I'm fucking you, I won't have to stick it in the sheep," Jerry said, smiling. "Jerry! You didn't!" Beth was horrified by her son's confession. Bestiality! And he didn't even seem ashamed! "Sure did. Jeez, don't you think I get tired of jerking off all the time? None of the girls I know'll fuck, just give me a hand job once in a while." "Oh, Jerry!" "What's the matter; Mom? Didn't you ever wonder what fuckin' an animal'd be like?" "No! The ... the thought's disgusting!" Beth cried nervously, wondering if Cover was becoming impatient with all this talking. Jerry smiled and held up his soft prick. "Ever think what a fucking you'd get if this was as big as Harold's?" Harold was their youngest horse, a magnificent three-year-old. Against her will, her imagination supplied vivid scenes of that huge, mottled cock drilling into her aching, empty cunt. She'd seen Harold with an erection many times, and once she and Jack had watched him fuck a neighbor's mare. The sight of that monstrous cock splitting the mare's black pussy had really fascinated her, and she hadn't been able to keep from identifying with the helplessly skewered animal. The mare's twitching cunt had drooled rivers of thick, slimy juice all over Harold's cock and her hindquarters. "Mom? Jeez, you sure had a funny look on your face. Bet you were thinking about Harold's cock, huh?" He pushed her down on the bed and spread her legs. "That'd sure be something," he said, cupping her soft, warm ass cheeks. "Seeing Harold fuck you." His hands kneaded the smooth, firm flesh of her butt as his young, lust-filled face neared the aromatic heat of his mother's exposed cunt. "Please," Beth moaned, quivering with anticipation. "Don't talk like that." She felt his breath stirring the curls on her cunt and trembled. "You're ... you're not going to ... you wouldn't put your mouth there after fucking me!" she protested with embarrassed dismay. Jerry studied the pouting pink gash between his mother's plump white thighs. The sexy odor of freshly fucked pussy filled his nostrils. The oozing, trembling, cum-smeared hole at the bottom of her pink slot was positively mouth-watering! Her plump, rosy cuntlips were thick with blood, and dripping juice. Her stiff clit projected boldly, looking like a beating, miniature red heart. "Oh, no!" Beth cried. "Don't kiss me there, Jerry! Uhhhh ... no! At least let me clean up ... mmmmmmm!" Jerry ignored her, dipping his face into the damp curls and warm, wriggly folds. His tongue caressed her loose pussylips lovingly, lapping their sides and the rim of her frothing cunt. As he feasted noisily, opening his mouth wide, she leaked enormous amounts of hot, slippery cunt juice over his tongue. As his eager tongue swept from the mouth of her drooling pussy to the stiff bud of her trembling clit, Jerry watched her full, jelly-like tits wobbling furiously all over her chest. Her nipples were hard and extended, the dark skin surrounding them puffy and wrinkled. He rubbed the curves of her ass with his sweaty palms and lifted her seething cunt higher. "Ohhh, Jerry!" Beth groaned, and reached down to hold her son's head. Her huge tits squeezed up between her upper arms, shivering sexily. She squirmed her soft ass in his hands, loving every exciting minute of her son's tonguing. She felt the suction of his mouth and knew he was swallowing their mingled fuck juices, but was unable to restrain her enthusiastic response. Her lower body bucked uncontrollably as she held his head steady against her cunt. She felt him suck her fat, sensitive cuntlips into his mouth and thrust his tongue through them. "Huhhh! Nuhhhh! Wahhh!" she panted, sweat breaking out over her body as Jerry nibbled her fleshy pussylips and tongue-lashed her clit unmercifully. Her pretty face was screwed up with incestuous passion as he released her pussylips and lapped at her jutting clit with the tip of his tongue. "Yes! Yes!" she gasped. "Suck me, lick me, stick your tongue up my cunt!" She was so close to her climax that nothing else mattered, not even the threatening presence of the escaped convict in the next room. Jerry felt his mother's hands tightening on his head as he tormented her throbbing clit. He licked downward, thrusting his tongue into the gaping mouth of her creaming cunt. He felt her hot cunt juice dripping from his chin to puddle on the bed and run under his cupping hands. He then lifted his face high enough to see into her eyes. "Hey, Mom. Dad ever kiss your ass? You know, give you a rim job?" Beth's heart pounded furiously. She'd been on the verge of coming when he had pulled away. Now, her mind was in a daze, her cunt and clit throbbing so maddeningly that she thought she'd go insane. What was he talking about? She needed to come! "Uhhh ... lick me, kiss me, make me come! I'm almost there!" she groaned, rolling her ass in his hands as she tugged at his hair. Jerry pulled her asscheeks apart and held them high as his face slammed wetly against her soggy crotch. His nose bumped her clit. Beth began mewling as he slid his tongue downward until it reached her soft, slippery asshole. He felt the hot, tiny pucker quiver and wink as his tongue swabbed it. Beth could only whimper weakly as her son teased and probed happily at her hairless asshole. His fingers molded her soft ass cheeks with increasing force. "Huuuuuuu!" Beth sighed loudly as his stiff tongue stabbed at her shitlips. She felt the strong, slick pucker resist for a moment, and then her son's tongue was sliding slowly into the heated depths of her ass. Her ass! "Aghh! Noooo!" she gasped with horror at the same time she was quivering with pleasure. Her butt muscles automatically clenched her sphincter around Jerry's tongue, giving it a harsh squeeze. The lust-filled teenager reluctantly slipped his tongue from his mother's hot, muscular ring, feeling her butthole snap tightly as his tip left. Quickly lifting his lips, he sucked her hard clit, rubbing the front of his teeth over its head. Beth felt her cunt tighten. "Don't stop!" she cried. "Don't stop!" Jerry lifted his head again, staring at his mother's hotly flushed face. "Jeez, you're leaking a whole river of cunt juice all over the bed." He laughed. "I'd have a drink, if I didn't already have half a pint in my stomach." "What? Huh?" Beth opened her eyes, unable to believe that he had stopped his wonderful sucking just as she was about to come. Her cunt ached with need, and her belly trembled violently above her open, dripping pussyhole. Frantically, she eyed his cock. Her hand reached out. "Yeah, it's hard again, but not nearly as big and hard as Harold's. Come on, let's give the poor old boy a thrill. Jerk him off. I'd like to see that. You jerk him off, and I'll make you come real good, okay?" Beth was shocked. Sexual blackmail from her own teenage son! "Oh, Jerry! I couldn't do something like that!" she cried as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a sitting position. Then she thought of Cover. Dare she deny any of Jerry's demands? No, the penalty was too high to justify the risk. Jacking off a horse was disgusting, but it wouldn't kill her. Besides, her poor cunt was throbbing so much she was nearly weeping with frustration. "All right, Jerry," she said in a resigned voice. "If it'll make you happy ... " Then she wondered what Cover would do if she left the bedroom. Probably follow out of sight, she guessed. He wouldn't want to miss her handling a horse's cock. He was too smart to take a chance on her running away or sending Jerry for help, although she wouldn't get far naked in this weather, and even Jerry wouldn't be able to make much headway through the deep snow. The stables were heated and connected to the back of the farmhouse by a small utility room Jack had built. Jerry hurried her through it, laughing as her big tits swayed like pendulums, slapping loudly together. "Here, Mom," he said, dropping her wrist. "Let's try it this way!" He cupped the ends of her big tits, sinking his fingers into the piles of soft white flesh. Her large nipples dug into his palms as he walked backwards, lifting her tits and leading her with them. "Oh, Jerry," she moaned as his grip tightened on her sensitive tits. "Maybe I'll lead you back by your clit," he teased, dropping one tit and feeling around in her hairy crotch for her elusive, slippery little clit. Beth grunted and walked bow-legged into the stables. The country smell of hay and horseshit was stronger in this weather, but it didn't bother either mother or son very much. Both were annoyed by the loose, stiff straw under their bare feet. "Gotta watch this stuff," Jerry said, kicking at the straw. "I got some little pieces stuck in the crack of my ass, once. It's a bugger to get rid of, just sorta sticks, y'know?" He left her and entered the first of the stalls, and was greeted by a snort. She heard Harold's hooves clop on the straw. "You ready, Mom?" Jerry asked, leading the big brown horse out. Beth couldn't keep her eyes from dropping toward Harold's belly. His big, hairy balls swayed as he clopped toward her, looking bigger than tangerines. His cock was still covered by its sheath. "Here, sit on this," Jerry said, throwing an old saddle blanket over a large bale of hay. Beth sat down, squirming her tender ass on the rather rough material, her heart hammering. Jerry led Harold to her, placing him so his cock was right before her, his balls at her right shoulder, the tip of his big cock at her left shoulder. Beth stroked the male horse's warm, muscular flank, and he neighed happily. Jerry sat beside her, rubbing her hanging bare tits and rolling and squeezing her large red nipples. She stared for a while at Harold's swaying, quivering sheath, remembering the huge cock inside it. "Come on, Mom, grab it, will ya!" Jerry said impatiently. Beth gingerly reached out and trailed her fingers along the length of the horse's long, leathery sheath. Harold turned his head sideways, puffing and blowing nervously as he stomped his hind legs. His large, brown eyes seemed to roll when she reached the base of his huge dong. She hesitated and Jerry took her hand and made her cup the big, hot balls. "N-nice Harold," Beth soothed as his hooves scraped the floor. She felt the big balls twitching in their fuck sack. She licked her lips, amazed by their weight and resiliency as she hefted and squeezed them gently. She watched the swaying cock grow noticeably longer and thicker and involuntarily said, "Ohhhh ...! " "Turning you on, huh, Mom?" Jerry grinned. "Hard to handle a big fucker like that without having nasty thoughts, isn't it?" Beth didn't answer her son's filthy comments. While her one hand held the horse's balls, her other had reached out and squeezed the quivering cock-sheath. Harold's excited puffing sucked his sides in and out, and his hindquarters shifted nervously from side to side with his stomping. The big, fat cock jumped out, moist and hot, and Beth groaned as she fisted it. Harold shivered violently as his monstrous prick stiffened under her hand. The huge, ball-shaped cocktip glistened tautly as she dropped his balls and used both hands to jerk. him off. Jerry shoved one of his hands between his mother's plump thighs as she ran her hands up and down the horse's fat, throbbing prick. Beth turned her face and smiled weakly at him, unable to deny the pleasure her aching cunt was receiving. "Ready to get fucked?" he asked, worming a couple of fingers into her sloppy cunt. Beth moaned and squirmed around his probing fingers. "Yes! Yes!" she cried. "Fuck me! Make me come this time!" "Okay," the horny teenager said, tying Harold to a post. "I'll fuck you doggie style while you're playing with Harold." Then he tied all four of Harold's legs and made his mother kneel half under the anxious animal. Beth felt the straw digging into her knees as she reached for the huge hard-on pulsing and hanging before her face. Oh, God, Beth thought as the horse's fat prick burned her fingers and she felt her son move close to her flaring ass cheeks. How could I ever explain this to Jack? Not even the worst slut or whore in town would play with a horse's cock while her son fucked her! She felt Jerry draping himself over her, reaching under her to grasp her dangling tits and pull and pinch at her hard nipples. Throaty groans of rising passion broke from her lips. Still she yanked on the quivering shaft of the horse's thick cock, staring at the round, glistening head and ignoring Harold's trembling legs and his loud snorting. I'm sicker than any whore, she thought as she handled the horse's pulsing prick and squirmed her ass against her son's stomach while he tormented her nipples. I must be! God help me, I like what he's doing. I can't help it Then she felt Jerry's hands release her hanging tits and his body pull away from her. "How about a little tongue first, Mom?" he lewdly suggested. She felt him place a wet kiss on one of her soft, trembling ass cheeks. Jerry felt her quiver and bent and looked at her cunt. He parted the cheeks of her ass to better expose the bloated red folds of wet, sensitive flesh. Her cunt dilated, giving him a view of her shimmering, pink inner tissues, her pussy walls wet and smooth. He blew into her cunt and heard her whimper as the weeping gash throbbed. Then he shoved his face against her pussy and began sucking her hole. Beth's ass jerked spasmodically at the sudden sensation of her son's hot tongue delving into her clenching, drooling pussy. He plugged it in as far as it would go, delighting in the sloppy wet noises he made, and loving the way she mewled and whimpered. "Ahhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Yesssss!" Jerry heard his mother shriek as she bucked and hunched her butt at his face. "I can't stand it! Fuck me!" Jerry raised his head, looking over his mother's back, watching her hands stroking the horse's giant cock. The huge prick was visibly jerking and pulsing only inches from her lust-dazed eyes. He slipped a few fingers into Beth's open cunt and was pleased to hear a throaty growl of pleasure from her. He twisted and pumped them in her twitching, drooling pussy and she churned her flushed butt backwards to get more of those fingers. "Gettin' hot, Mom?" Jerry teased, leaving the fingers in her hot cunt and probing the tight ring of her butt with his thumb. "Ohhhh, please! Please!" Beth cried, almost insane with desire. "Fuck me, please fuck me!" Jerry's thumb pressed harder into her asshole, making the pink dimple sink inward. Beth moaned and squirmed, then gasped as her sphincter gave way and her son's thick thumb sank all the way into her puckering, clasping asshole. "Uhhh!" she grunted, her eyes popping from the double stimulation of her holes. She felt her hot asshole clamping around Jerry's thumb and throbbing with the unaccustomed intrusion. Then he began pulling out both fingers and thumb with deliberate slowness only to sink them back in again with surprising speed. Beth swung her ass from side to side, rolling her hips with passionate delight, groaning and wailing as she pumped Harold's cock. Then she began buffeting her butt back in time to Jerry's impaling digits, gasping each time they sank to the hilt. "Gonna fuck you now!" Jerry yelled. "Oh, yes! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me!" Beth chanted mindlessly. She felt his fingers and thumb pull from her slick holes, and instantly missed them. But then he was rubbing his belly against the creamy softness of her ass and she felt his hot, stiff cockshaft jerking along the split of her pussy, its fat head nosing into her wet hair. She squirmed, trying to fit it into the slot. She spread her thighs wider, she arched her back, she hunched her ass up, but nothing worked. Her lust-filled mind never considered removing her hands from the horse's muscular prick in order to fit her son's cock into her cunt. She was dazed with passion. She felt fantastically, unbelievably hot inside, and her cunt was quivering and seething with the need to be stuffed with Jerry's bloated cock. "Want me to put it in?" Jerry asked, wrapping his arms around her again to squeeze her huge, hanging tits. "YES! YES!" she screamed. "Then give Harold a kiss!" he said softly. "Kiss that big cock, Mom!" Beth's mind reeled. She stared at the cock in front of her face, and at her fingers obscenely wrapped around it, stroking it. Her lips parted, and she wet them with her tongue. Her stomach rebelled at the depraved order, but there was a strange fascination to the big, powerful cock hanging heavily before her. "Damn it!" Jerry said. "Suck that cock so I can start fuckin' you!" The longer Beth stared at the fat, pulsing prick, the more she seemed to be hypnotized by it. There was a horrible attraction to the inhumanly bloated cock and her stroking hands stilled. The horse's huge, ball-shaped cocktip beckoned her, became attractive, desirable and ... succulent! Unable to believe that she was actually doing it, Beth held the big stalk steady with both hands and pursed her ruby lips to its spongy, bulbous cockhead. Harold shivered with excitement and Jerry held his breath as he watched his beautiful mother's soft lips form a circle around the horse's big, wet cockhead. "Oh, Jeez, Mom!" he cried, fumbling under her ass to find his cock and aim it at her cunt. "That's it, suck it!" he yelled excitedly. "Suck it!" Beth tasted the heat and smoothness of the horse's round cockhead and her behavior grew even more abandoned. She pushed her tongue forward and ran it over the unexpectedly large opening, tasting nothing unpleasant, but much that was strange and surprisingly strong. Her head jerked a bit when Jerry slid his eager cock into her aching cunthole, slamming her soft ass hard with his belly and filling almost every throbbing inch of her hot pussy with his fleshy young cock. The walls of her cunt gripped him wetly as he drew slowly out, seeing the rosy fullness of his cock shining with his mother's pussy juice. Beth sucked on the living horsemeat and renewed her pumping of the hard prick. Harold whinnied and quivered as she twisted her head a bit and strained her jaws, trying to shove a few more inches inside. She swallowed hard, her eyes sparkling with lust as she slapped her tongue around the horse's throbbing prick. "Yeah, Mom, that's the way!" Jerry cried, his chest heaving against her sweaty back as he pumped his cock into her tight cunt furiously. Beth mumbled and returned her attention to the huge hunk of horse cock spearing her lips. She could feel its strength and taste the strong juices. It was good! she thought, nearly mindless from the intense pleasure of Jerry's forceful, incestuous fucking. Oh, God, how she needed this fucking, this come! She'd die if he didn't let her come this time! The abandoned mother churned her full ass back against her son's hammering thrusts, her beautiful features distorted by her lewd sucking of the horse's cock. Her soft butt cheeks rippled and her pendulous tits flapped furiously, scraping her sensitive, puckered nipples across the hard, straw-covered wood floor of the stable. Jerry timed his fucking to his mother's eager hunching, loving the loud smack of his sweaty belly cracking into her ass, and the slurping and gurgling of her well-reamed, juicy cunt as it was filled and emptied. The teenager was slamming into her cunt with a wildness that threatened to knock her flat. Only by locking her elbows as she placed her palms on the floor, and by keeping her mouth on Harold's big cock could she hold her position. Beth pumped her mouth madly over the huge, throbbing hunk of horse cock, her lips sucking harder than they ever had for Jack or Jerry. She no longer cared what the rest of the world considered as obscene and perverted. Her orgasm was building. She could feel it. Oh, God, a magnificent, thunderous come to end all comes! A mind-blowing explosion, that was what it was going to be, and she wanted her son and the horse to join her in the long-delayed orgasm. Suddenly, as her cunt contractions began, her wailing muffled by the horse's impaling cock, Harold managed to lurch forward a few additional inches, effectively plugging her throat with his big cockhead. Beth's back arched and her fingers frantically clutched at the fat shaft. She felt it pulse rhythmically, and then Harold neighed shrilly and stood absolutely still except for his quivering belly and balls. "MMMPH! GLUBBBB!" Beth panicked as the horse's cock released a geyser of searing, creamy jism. Her cheeks puffed out and her throat swelled with the gushing torrent pouring from the horse's fat balls. She swallowed desperately as Harold's flaring prick jerked in her mouth. She felt the boiling cum squirt from the corners of her stretched mouth and run down her chin. The full force of her orgasm struck. Her body shuddered and her eyes rolled back in her head as her rippling cunt and twitching clit sent spasms throughout her cunt and belly. Bright sparks danced before her sightless eyes as Jerry ground his cock against her snapping cunt. Jerry loved it. He was fascinated by the way her cunt had tightened like a gripping fist and by the way her body thrashed so powerfully with his fucking. He dug his fingers into her tender tits as he leaned over her back and groaned at the excitingly obscene sight of the horse pumping his mother's mouth full of cum. He saw thick strings of the sticky horse-jism trickling down her chin and even saw some white bubbles burst from her nostrils as she choked and sputtered Beth thought that her cunt was flying off, and that her clit was the propeller. Lightning was bursting in her belly, and thunder was rumbling in the depths of her quaking, cock-stuffed cunt. She'd never climaxed this strongly with Jack! Her own son had made her come more violently than anyone in her entire life! She swallowed, clearing her mouth and throat of the latest of Harold's seemingly never-ending supply of hot cum and trembled with the wonderful, spreading thrills. Then, as her body shivered with delight, she felt Jerry grunt and then pump his hot jism deep into her hungrily milking cunt. His forceful fucking jarred her whole body, making her tits wobble in his clutching hands, and it even jerked her head. Harold's fat cock jumped from her lips, spraying her nose and cheeks with a final spurt of jism before it hung, limp and dripping, in front of her. A sticky, white streamer hung from her lips and chin, twisting and swaying as she rocked beneath her son. Beth lewdly nuzzled the draining cock, sucking at the rubbery strings of cum hanging from the retracting tip of his cock. Jerry saw her lick the cum into her mouth and said, "Jeez, Mom! I never thought your mouth'd fit around that cock!" He felt his cock slip from her now loose, cum-oozing cunt and he released one of her tits. Beth moaned as she felt him massaging her slick, sensitive asshole with one hand while he milked her hanging tit with the other. "Oh, Jerry!" she said breathlessly. "Oh, my wonderful son!" "You really came hard, didn't you?" Jerry sighed, resting his weight on her back. Beth blushed, but didn't say anything. She felt so wonderful, so relaxed, that his lewd comments excited rather than disgusted her. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and then looked at the cooling horse cum smeared over it. Now that her lust was satisfied, the cum no longer appealed to her. In fact, the glistening, sticky jism made her flesh crawl. She knew that once she had recovered, once her cunt started to itch again, that it would be hard for her to settle into the old routine with Jack. He'd rub her cunt, kiss her tits a bit, and tell her to suck his cock until he got hard, then he'd climb on top and stick it in before she was really heated up. Unless she played with herself first, she had a hard time coming. Until this morning's events, this hadn't really bothered her. Sometimes Jack fucked her twice, and by the second time she was ready to blast off. If not, she either went to the bathroom and finger fucked herself or waited until he went to sleep and did it in bed. But now this convict had aroused her long-repressed, long-denied primal, incestuous urges. Even if she wished, she wouldn't be able to keep Jerry away from her body, now. "Come on, son," she said, sighing, lifting and making him get off her back. "Let's clean up a bit. Would you like to take a bath with me, hmmmm?" She no longer cared that some stranger had watched her as she lewdly swallowed horse cum and was fucked by her son. In fact, the knowledge that she and Jerry were putting on such a depraved show secretly added to the kinky thrills she was experiencing. She'd never had a chance for even mild exhibitionism before. She was discovering that not only was her body built for showing off, but that some latent streak of masochism made enjoyable what a day ago she would have considered degrading! She smiled lazily, her legs trembling as she stood and her tits slapped into place. She lifted them toward Jerry. "Gonna lead me out by these, lover, or by my clit?" And she thrust her hips boldly forward. Chapter 4 While Karen was out, Jack discovered that the phone lines had been repaired and attempted to call his wife. There was no answer, but he assumed that she and Jerry were checking the animals. He would try later. When his sister returned with the groceries, she allowed Winston, her Great Dane, inside with her. She saw how Patti fussed over the big dog, and asked if she would mind drying him with a towel, and then feeding and combing him. "How about using the spare room?" she suggested. "He can make quite a mess when he's excited." Patti agreed happily, for she hadn't liked thinking about poor old Winston out in all that wind and snow. "And you," she said, turning to her brother, "can help me put these canned goods away in the back." As Jack followed his sexy sister he studied her jiggling ass and realized that she wasn't wearing anything under her lightweight dress. Once in a while the light would hit the thin fabric just right and silhouette her shapely legs and fabulous tits, and Jack felt his cock thicken. Shit! What a time to get a hard-on! He could hardly wait for bedtime, when he'd be able to slip into Patti's room and let her drink his hot cum. Right now he couldn't pull his eyes from Karen's plump, firm ass as it shivered and rolled with her steps. Staring at it made him recall how it had looked in the bathroom, bare and upturned, her full, pink asscheeks clenching and unclenching around her dainty little asshole as she slavered in her shaggy-fringed cunt. His cock was soon straining mightily against his tight pants, and his mind raced with ways to get Patti alone within the next few minutes. His balls felt so full and heavy that, if he'd been alone, he would have whipped out his prick and beat it until the walls and floor were covered with his thick cum. His face felt hot and he sensed the blood pounding in his ears as he recalled his session with Patti. Just a few paces in front of him, the woman who had caused his horny state was herself filled with incestuous lusts, and deliberately swayed her hips as she thought about her brother's peeping. Knowing Jack, he'd milked his prick dry while watching her lick her cunt. Damn, what a waste of cum! She felt hot cunt juice seeping between her plump pussylips and coating the insides of her inner thighs. She gave a little shiver even though the furnace kept her house quite warm. She'd purposely asked Jack to accompany her because the storeroom was at the far end of the house, well away from where Patti was busy with Winston. So, if she didn't lose her nerve, her niece wouldn't be able to hear the groans and cries of her anticipated climax. It was sort of funny, Karen thought, for her to be the one to lose her head like this. When they were kids, she'd been the one to slap Jack down and, after his marriage, had teased him about his lust for little girls as a teenager. Beth thought it was all a joke, never realizing that Karen was talking about herself. She'd watched her brother at the breakfast table. Even before he offered to help with the dishes, she'd seen him eyeing her big tits with more than brotherly interest, and knew that he'd go wild when he finally had those melons in his hands. It would be fun to let him share in the seduction, even if she did most of the leading. No matter how it happened, Karen was determined to get her brother's cock inside her hungry cunt. She turned as they entered the storeroom. "My God, Jack!" she cried, her eyes dropping. "What have you got in your pants?" She pretended to be shocked at first, then dubious. "What'd you do?" she asked as he stammered. "Stuff some rolled up socks in your shorts?" "No! No ... I ... hell, it just happened, I ... " "Nobody's that big, little brother," Karen said, shaking her head. "I knew some teenagers stuffed their shorts with socks to out-macho their friends, but it's not a trick I'd expect you to pull at your age, especially on your sister. Jack's face was red and his mouth was hanging open. What could he say? Shit, his damn cock was still stiff, completely unconcerned by his embarrassment. "I'll bet you're pretty small," Karen was saying. "Otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to exaggerate. I've read about guys like you, usually three or four inches who know they're inadequate ... " "Damnit, Karen, shut up!" Jack cried, stung into defending himself. Karen laughed derisively, but inside she was seething with kinky desire. Teasing her older brother about the size of his cock was turning her on even more. "So I hit a nerve, eh? Not more than four inches, I bet!" She laughed. "Poor Beth ... " "That's not fair!" Jack said loudly, trying to reason with her. "You know I ... I can't disprove it!" "You can't because I'm right," she said smugly. "I dare you to prove me wrong!" When he turned red and mumbled, she taunted, "Any excuse to hide your puny prick, eh? Don't worry, a measly four inches won't offend me. And I certainly wouldn't bother mentioning such a little incident to anyone." Jack stared at his sister and brought his hands to his zipper. She just stood with her hands on her hips and stared back at him defiantly. "I'm gonna do it," he warned her. "Bullshit. You don't have the guts." Jack yanked his zipper down suddenly, and Karen laughed. "Go ahead," she said. "Fish around in there, see if you can find it." His sister's words gave Jack enough courage to reach into the opening and grab his hard cock. Karen licked her lips with anticipation. He had to bend it to get it out, but suddenly there it was, standing straight out from his pants, large and pink-skinned except for the broad, purplish cockhead. Karen gaped at the size of her brother's prick as it majestically nodded up and down, dripping pre-cum in long, clear strings. "Are you satisfied now?" he asked, pride and horniness battling with his self-control. Karen decided to play the innocent, little girl. "I ... I've never seen one that big," she said, her eyes wide. Jack smiled, pleased. "Not even Bob's?" "That piss-ant?" Karen shook her head, keeping her eyes glued to his dripping cock. She acted nervous, shifting her stance and edging nearer. "It's awful stiff," she whispered, looking into Jack's hungry eyes. "Was ... was I the reason?" She dropped her eyes and managed a blush. "But I'm your sister, Jack." Jack, too, was edging closer, until he realized that the wet head of his prick was pressing into the warmth of Karen's rounded belly. He was about to hurriedly back away when she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. "Jack," she said softly, "it must be sort of painful to walk around like that ... " And she rolled her hips, massaging his cock between their bodies. "Karen ... " Without thinking, Jack's arms went around his sister and he filled his hands with the softness of her ass cheeks. As he kneaded Karen's firm ass, he was unconsciously working her skirt higher and higher, until soon he was clutching the cool skin of her ass cheeks. It took a little longer to work the front of her skirt up. "Mmmmm," Karen sighed when she felt her brother's burning cock nuzzle her fleshy, hair-covered cunt. She knew if he went an inch lower she'd soak him. Slowly, she used her arms around his neck to pull him to the floor. The canned goods were forgotten. Jack visibly tensed as he knelt between his sister's spread legs. Her big hairy pussy was parted for him, exposing her cuntlips shimmering with a coating of scented cunt juice. Her skirt was bunched above her belly button and her hips were lifting, thrusting her wet, gaping pussy toward her brother's bulging cock. "Do I have to tell you what I want, Jack?" she whispered lewdly, spreading her thighs even wider. "You little cock-teaser," Jack groaned, falling on top of her. She reached down and guided the fat head of his waving prick into her soaked cunt. As it slipped in, he felt the tight tube of her cunt snapping at him and he shoved as deeply as he could. "Ahhh!" Karen groaned under her brother's plunging cock. She could feel him stretching her pussy and raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist. "Uhh! Harder, harder" she cried, pounding his ass with her heels. Jack smacked his long, thick cock into her hot, stretched cunt, his eyes narrowing with lustful delight. Karen's hips were lifting as he slammed down, and dropping as he raised up. She could feel her cuntlips clinging to his thick shaft, stretching and pulling away until they caught on the base of his cockhead. Then he was driving inward again, rolling her pussylips back and into the hot mouth of her spasming cunt hole. "Oh, God, Jack!" Karen screamed. "Fuck me harder! I need it so bad!" Jack felt her go crazy beneath him, her ass squirming into the floorboards. Her soft, warm body writhed and bucked as he surged in and out of her happy cunt. His heavy balls bounced with bruising force against the soft bottoms of her juice-smeared ass cheeks. They were churning, ready to pump her cunt full of boiling fuck-juice! "Ahhh, give it to me, Jack!" Her brother fucked on and on, his ass bouncing rapidly, plunging his cock deep into her pussy. Her cunt juice splattered out and coated their pubic hairs and thighs every time their bellies smacked. "Ohh, it's so good!" she groaned. "Bet your ass it's good," Jack grunted, swiveling his hips as her sucking cunt swallowed his fat cock and squeezed it. He suddenly bent down and kissed her. Karen groaned and took his tongue far into her mouth, feeling that somehow this kissing was even more exciting and forbidden than fucking. Jack licked the insides of her cheeks and twirled his tongue all around hers, then he drew his sister's pink tongue into his mouth and began sucking it. "Ummmmm!" Karen moaned, her tongue and cheeks tingling almost as much as her pussy. She pounded her heels into his ass harder and hunched her cunt up at his plunging prick. Her older brother's fat cock seemed to have been made just for her tight cunt, and she ground up against his base as he slammed down. "Were ... uhh ... were you watching in the bathroom?" she asked. "Sure was," Jack said, not missing a stroke. "When you were training as a gymnast, I never thought you'd end up suckin' your own cunt!" "Turned you on, huh?" she asked. "Well, how does this feel?" And she threw her legs up and locked her ankles behind his neck. "Now you can really throw it to me!" she hissed, wriggling her ass. "Oh, Jeez!" Jack groaned. He saw Karen grab her legs behind the knees to curl herself into an even tighter ball. Now she was really open and exposed for whatever he wanted. "Come on, fuck me!" she cried. "Throw it to me hard!" Jack increased his efforts, hammering her soaked cunt with harder, shorter strokes. He reached beneath his swinging balls and dug his finger into the tight dimple under her cunthole. "Aghhh!" Karen grunted, and Jack felt her sphincter close over his first knuckle. Not only that, but her cunt grabbed him as well, pulsating around his cock with elastic firmness. Karen caught her breath as she felt her brother shove his finger up her asshole, and admired his skill. He was careful to use the ball of his finger against her sensitive, silken lining as he massaged it. Gradually, she loosened, and soon felt his palm press against the crack of her ass. "Oh, Jack," she groaned, "that feels great! Dig it into me, big brother, scrape my hot ass harder! Fuck me, move that cock!" "You sure got a hot, tight ass, Sis!" Jack complimented her, settling his weight down a little more. "Feels like it's eating my finger!" "Yours is the first finger that's got up there," Karen said. "You mean I got your cherry!" Jack grinned, plunging his finger higher and circling it slowly. He felt her hot, humid ass tighten around his probing digit. Her asshole seemed to nibble at it as if trying to draw it deeper. "Open that blouse," Jack ordered. "I want to suck on those gorgeous tits!" Karen used one hand to unbutton and peel apart the front of her blouse. Her fat tits quivered and wobbled with Jack's hard thrusts, and his mouth watered for a taste of the swollen nipples dancing under his eyes. "Yowwwww?" Karen yelled, writhing sensuously as her brother filled his mouth with her soft tit and lightly bit her gristly nipple. "Suck them, suck them!" she cried, her voice sharpening with pleasure-pain. She could see the firm, white mounds shaking beneath his handsome face and groaned with passion, for he was still plunging his fat cock and thrilling finger in and out of her holes with great enthusiasm. "Stop, Jack! Stop!" Karen cried a few minutes later. "I don't want to come so fast!" Jack lifted his face from her wet tits and pulled his prick from her soggy cunt with a soft, suctioning "pop". He left his finger in her ass, however, pumping and twisting it as enthusiastically as ever. "Want to try something else?" he asked, his hard cock throbbing against her warm thighs. Karen looked around, spotted a low bench covered with boxes and got an idea. "Help me up," she said. She walked to the bench and with one impatient sweep of her arm knocked all the boxes to the floor. She sat her ass on it and lay back, then lifted her legs and brought her knees up to her shoulders. Her cunt gaped, dark and wet, pouting like a toothless mouth from the center of her thick bush. "Hungry, Jack?" she asked lewdly, clenching her butt muscles and making her red-lipped pussy pucker and ooze, as if blowing him a wet kiss. Jack stood in front of her upturned ass, his cock jerking over her hairy cunt. It was at just the right height for him to start fucking again. Instead, he dropped to his knees and stared directly into her quivering pussy. The hot scent of her leaking cunt juice made his tongue hang out, and when Karen reached down and stretched the hole even wider he dived right in. "Yes, Jack, yes! Ohhh ... yessss! Eat me, tongue fuck the shit right out of me!" Karen's fingers tangled in his hair, holding him to her tightly. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at his nodding head. Jack used his tongue like a paintbrush, caressing her loose pussylips and twirling around the base of her straining, over-large clit. She could feel that tender, sensitive organ quiver under its delicate tissues and dug her nails into his scalp. "Oh, God, Jack! That feels good!" Jack nibbled lightly around the throbbing prong of her clit, then fastened his lips on it and began sucking as he bobbed up and down over it. His lips skimmed only an inch or two before slipping off, but then he started all over again. He heard her give a deep, moaning sigh and lifted his face. "Do I do it better?" "Better ... ?" Karen groaned, not understanding. "Yeah, better than you?" "Yes, yes! You suck better than me, you bastard! Now get your tongue back in that hole!" Jack grinned and slipped the full length of his hot tongue into her quaking, drooling cunt. Karen's hips bucked out of control when she felt his lips fastened around the quivering rim of her cunt. But then he was fastened around the quivering rim of her cunt. But then he was pulling out and lapping downward. He scrubbed the sensitive strip of skin between her cunt and asshole for a long time, teasing her, then raised his head again. "C'mon," he said, "do what you did in the bathroom, suck your clit for me. I'll take care of your cunt and ass." Karen was so excited she would have sucked a monkey's ass if he'd asked her, so she rolled up on her shoulders and bent her head down to her swampy pussy. When Jack saw his sister's full lips wrap around her clit, he felt his balls tighten. What a turn-on! In her obscene position, her clenching cunt and winking asshole were upturned and completely vulnerable. Jack drew his fingers over them. "That's the way, Sis," he said. "Give that clit a good sucking and I'll make you come so hard the top of your head will blow off!" Karen groaned and tormented her sparking clit with her lips, tongue and teeth. Her nose rubbed the rim of her bubbling cunt and Jack's nose as he bent and slurped up some of her pussy juice. Then he slid down to the puckered ring of her pink asshole. That prominent opening was throbbing, expanding and contracting with the strong sensations filling Karen's pussy. "Mmmmm!" Karen groaned as she felt the feather-like softness of her brother's hot tongue scrub across her sensitive, wrinkled butthole. Jack loved the taste and texture of his sister's ass, and gripped her upturned butt cheeks in his hands to hold and knead them while he poked at it. He felt the tip of his tongue pushing into her tightly clamped asshole, slipping through the soft, delicate muscle and inserting itself in the satiny heat of her dark tunnel. "Mmmhhh!" he groaned, tasting the muskiness of her tight shitter. He started sliding his tongue back and forth in the still-narrow, but opening ass channel. Karen's muffled moans were music to his ears as he rapidly tongue-fucked her asshole. Karen was really writhing now, her ripe body shaking with the extreme pleasure of having her clit sucked while her asshole was filled with her brother's tongue. She began panting and snorting as she sucked, and Jack could feel her body rippling with joy every time he stabbed his tongue to its roots in her butthole. Karen couldn't take much more. With a gasp for breath, she released her clit and tried to see what her brother was doing. She could feel very well, but she wanted to see ... "Ooohhh!" she wailed. "leave it in! Leave it in!" Jack pushed his tongue deep into her butthole and held it there with his lips pressed tightly to her winking ring. He could feel the hungry tug of her inner muscles and began curling the tip of his deeply imbedded tongue, twisting and licking at the contracting walls of her ass. "Yaahhhh! Fuck it, fuck it," she cried. "I want to feel you in my asssss! Oh, stick your cock up there, please, Jack! I ... I want it!" Jack felt his cock swelling and burning until he thought it would burst. He'd never seen any woman get so hot she'd beg for his big cock in her ass. Jeez, if only Beth would let him play around with her asshole just once ... "I don't want to hurt you, Sis," he warned her, lifting his face and getting to his feet. "Yes, yes! Hurt me! Shove that fat cock all the way up my ass! I want to feel it in me!" "You want it bad, don't you?" Jack grinned, squeezing her hot butt cheeks. "Yes! Damnit, yes!" "Can you bend enough to lick your asshole, too?" Karen lifted her eyes to her brother. "You're a depraved bastard, Jack. You know that? Even when we were kids you wanted to do kinky things." "You complaining, Sis?" "Hell, no!" She laughed. "I've licked my asshole a few times in the past." "Let's see," he said. Karen bent her head again and, with her knees past her ears, reached down and grabbed her ass. Her face turned red with the effort, but she managed to lash her tongue over her pink, spit-slick asshole while her brother watched and laughed. "Great!" he said. "You think if I push down on your shoulders and neck a bit you could suck your asshole?" "What've you got in mind?" she asked suspiciously. "Nothing. Just thought you might get a kick out of sucking my cum out when I'm done." "Wow!" Karen said, surprised. "That's a new one!" "You don't mind, do you?" "Shit, no! I've swallowed a gallon of cum in my life. But this'll be the first time I've had it second hand, and from my own ass!" "And the first time it's come from me." He laughed. "How's it feel to be a brother-fucker? Sorta rhymes with something else, doesn't it?" "Stop talkin' and start fuckin'," Karen said. "We haven't got all day, you know. Jack leaned over her bent body, his hands holding her calves and pushing them even further past her head. His cock felt the steamy heat of her cunt hole and, after nudging her stiff clit, slipped inside. "My ass, I said," Karen groaned as he pumped her pussy hole. "Just getting my cock nice and wet again," Jack said. "Feels good, though. Maybe I oughta come here where you can suck it better ... Karen's hand came down to fumble at his cock and he slapped it away. "Hold on," he said, pulling his wet cock from her sucking cunt. "You're gonna git it ... " And he placed the broad, purplish head of his prick against the rosy, throbbing ring of her asshole. "AHHHHHHHH!" Karen wailed, her spine arching as her brother's enormous cockhead pushed into the tiny, wrinkled opening of her ass, spreading the tight flesh painfully. Jack rested briefly. Only half of his fat cockhead was wedged in her butthole, but it felt as if someone had fastened a tourniquet over it! He groaned and heard Karen echo him as he leaned his weight into her ass and felt the head snap through. He groaned again as her sphincter squeezed rhythmically, almost as if it were nibbling an ear of corn. "Here it comes!" he shouted, lunging forward and ramming his fat cock into her narrow shitter. The heat of her smooth, pulsating ass tissues made Jack realize just how much he'd been missing by fucking nothing but cunt since his marriage. Nothing in the world beat an asshole for tightness and heat. Mouths were all right, but they weren't tight, and they weren't as hot, and you couldn't go as deep. And accidents with teeth were always a possibility ... His heavy balls slapped noisily against his sister's upturned and widely spread ass with every slow, steady stroke. He wasn't going to fuck her ass like her cunt. He wanted this fuck to last. He intended to savor every hot, squeezing, throbbing moment of this buggering. "Oh, darling!" Karen cried, clutching his lower back with her hands. "It's great! I never imagined it'd feel so good! I've always heard how awful this is, how painful ... Oh, those poor women. What do they think their assholes are for, anyway? Jeez, if a good shit feels good, a good ass-fuck's bound to!" Jack grinned and lustily fucked his sister's ass a little faster, watching his cock as he did it. He liked the way her asshole puckered out around it as he pulled back, his shaft all hard and greasy-looking, as if he'd smeared it with vaseline. Then, as he shoved back, the pink rim of her asshole sank with him, disappearing along with his cock into her dark depths. The more he pounded Karen's hot asshole, the easier it got. The hole was as tight as ever, but she became more lubricated as her excitement grew. He felt her muscular bowels tighten around him, surrounding him with moist, throbbing heat, and for the first time in his life wished his cock was longer. He wanted to probe the very end of her ass tunnel, he wanted to shove it in so far that his cockhead bulged her throat! "Ahh ... ahh ... ahhh!" Karen grunted as her brother's fat cock made her ass feel good. It jumped and jerked in her tight shithole every time his balls flattened against her widespread asscrack, and the sensations were going right to her clit! Jack leaned his weight behind every thrust, enjoying his sister's whimpering, lust-filled face. Backing slowly out until her tight ring caught his big cockhead, he ran a finger around her slick, pooched-out asshole, then slid it up to her cunt hole. "Like this? " he asked, stroking the oily length of her twitching clit. "NUHHHHHH! Oh, God ... God!" she grunted loudly as he picked up her glowing red clit and twirled it between his fingers. Jack varied his torment, tugging her clit and rubbing his thumb over the head as he held it up. Then he batted it from side to side. Karen's eyes bulged with the intense pleasure. Her asshole fluttered thrillingly around Jack's cockhead, and her gristly, burning, elongated clit was so swollen she felt it would burst like a blood- blister any minute. Jack took his hand away, but he kept the head of his cock in her distended butthole. "Let's see you suck it, Sis!" he cried. "Suck that clit like a cock!" He watched as his sister, her mind filled with nothing but the need to come, willingly grabbed her clit with her full lips. He lost sight of it as her nose and forehead lowered, but just knowing what she was doing, and hearing her wet, suctioning lips working over her clit was enough to make his balls ache! Leaning away from her butt by arching his back, he was able to sink the full length of his fat cock into her asshole without knocking her head away with his stomach. He heard her moan as he hit bottom and his balls slapped against her wet asscrack. He withdrew again, faster this time, and thrust in quickly, and Karen's whole body shuddered. He fucked her asshole hard and fast, his cock burning and his balls tightening. Her hot, tight shit-chute was nibbling and sucking on his prick like the mouth of a whore who gargled with alum! Sweat rolled off his pumping, shaking body as he jabbed his sister's ass with his jumping prick. Karen felt her brother stiffen and moaned soulfully as her winking asshole clamped spasmodically on his still-sliding cock. The tight squeeze made her all the more aware of how it was swelling and twitching. Then the cum began pumping out, spraying her throbbing asshole with a torrent of steaming, creamy jism. Her butthole was filling up with the burning jism as if it were an enema! Her climax hit just as Jack's softening prick was pushed out of her spasming butt with a squishy, obscene "pop". A trickle of cum followed it. "Grab it! Grab it!" Jack yelled. "Come on, suck your ass! Eat my cum!" He helped her get her mouth down between her asscheeks and knelt at her side to witness the kinky sight. Karen's slightly open asshole was bursting with thick, white cum as her muscles contracted, and then he saw her tongue lash out and gather up all that was dribbling out. "Wow!" Jack exclaimed, feeling a quiver in his balls as his sister's pink tongue slid around the rim of her elastic shitter. Then she slipped her tongue into her tight, dribbling asshole. "That's it, that's it!" he cried as he saw her lips cover her butthole. "Suck your asshole! Drink all my cum!" Once in a while the suction broke and he heard a loud, bubbling noise. Tremors slid across her body as he watched her eat his cum out of her ass. He heard her heavy breathing and snorting and his cock started to thicken. Karen felt enormously perverted as she eased her tongue into her asshole and tasted her brother's jism. The very depravity of the act excited her. To do such a thing, and to be watched doing it, was almost as exciting as fucking. She was clutching her ass cheeks, her lips forming a tight seal around her butthole as her tongue burrowed into the cum filled tunnel, tasting just a hint of bitterness mixed with the cum. She salivated copiously as her tongue drilled into the trembling, pink rosebud of her ass and the hot walls grabbed at it. The muscles of her neck and shoulders strained and ached as she gave in to her brother's obscene request. Her hot breath bursting against her upturned asshole increased her overwhelming desire for kinky degradation. Her butthole flowered wider from the teasing of her probing tongue, and she felt a flood of Jack's jism trickle from the depths of her brown cave. She lapped wildly at it and groaned, swallowing contentedly. She suctioned the sensitive ring, drawing out the last sticky strings of white cum and searching for more. She whimpered when it was gone, but kept right on spearing her asshole. Jack heard her moaning continuously and his cock rose to full, throbbing hardness as he watched her body quivering. She was obsessed with her butt-tonguing, out of control and lost in some sensuous daydream of her own. Finally, he gripped her hair and forced her head up harshly. Karen gasped and shuddered, her eyes blinking as she returned to the present. Her brother's huge cock was in front of her, nodding threateningly. She pursed her lips and looked up at Jack with pleading eyes. "Want another drink, Sis?" She nodded, her lips ovalled and working like a fish's mouth. "Get on the floor on your back," he said. "I'll fuck your fat tits. I've always liked fucking tits, but Beth won't let me shoot off in her mouth, says it's too dirty!" Karen hurried to position herself, holding her tits up and spreading her shapely legs. Her cunt glistened, a wide, deep hole framed by matted curls. Her fat cuntlips quivered, their outer edges red and swollen. Her tits and belly were covered with sweat. Her thighs slicked with both cunt juice, cum and sweat. The hot, steamy odor rising from between her plump white thighs was a dead giveaway to a blind man that she'd been fucked half to death. She ground her ass around and pressed her palms to the big outer swells of her tits, pushing the creamy mounds together to make the sweaty crevice nice and snug for her brother's cock. Jack gazed at his sister as her bright eyes followed the movement of his bobbing cock. "It's beautiful, Jack," she said. "A beautiful, big, thick cock. And I want to eat it!" He straddled her sexy body and slowly lowered himself until his fat, hanging balls brushed her lips. "Lick my balls, first," he said. "Get 'em in your mouth and start humming!" He knelt, his knees in her armpits, as she swept her tongue over the wrinkled, hairy skin of his sac. Jack groaned as his sister paid special attention to each big ball, circling and lashing it with her hot, wet tongue. Then he groaned and jumped as she daringly darted her tongue past them and tapped with its soft tip at his asshole. "Oh, Jeez, Sis!" he grunted. "That's it, rim me, you cocksucker!" Karen had never licked a man's asshole before, and if Jack hadn't been her brother, and if she hadn't been so hot, she probably would never have had the nerve. But now she eagerly circled his hairy, damp shitlips and even probed their tight center. "For chrissake!" he yelled, reaching back and pulling apart his asscheeks. "Lick my ass, Sis!" Karen ran her tongue up and down his hairy ass crack and poked at his puckering, quivering asshole as Jack lowered himself still more. It slipped into the tight ring and he recoiled, then moved down again, trying to get more. Finally, her tongue aching from the strain of stabbing it into his asshole, she returned to his swaying balls. This time she sucked them both inside her hot mouth and nibbled each one gently as her tongue darted from side to side. Then she sucked hard on them, her cheeks caving in and her tongue pressing toward the roof of her mouth. He felt his spongy nuts squeezed and rolled by her talented mouth and knew they were churning up a big load of thick cum for her. "Suck me now!" he ordered, pulling back. Karen opened her mouth and took the huge column of her brother's cock in her hands. The purplish, swollen cockhead seemed to dwarf her opened mouth. Her tongue lashed out and wrapped around it, leaving his cock glistening wetly. Jack shoved forward. "Take it!" he cried, and watched the head of his prick disappear into her oven-like mouth. He began screwing his cock In and out, loving the slick rubbing of her soft lips over his turgid shaft. Her wet, pooched-out lips were almost nibbling his thrusting cock, and he probed deeper into the back of her throat, making her cough. "Okay, now your tits!" He lifted enough for her to hold them up again, the nipples hard and dark on the fat, upstanding mounds. Pushing his cock down, he slid it into the silken, hot channel of her shoved-together tits. Pumping his hips quickly, he felt his balls boiling and tightening. "Here it comes!" he shouted, sliding his prick faster and faster, driving far enough for the pouting hole at the tip of his cock to leave a wet smear on her chin. Karen lifted her head and opened her mouth wide, as if yawning. Her tongue hung out toward her chin, trembling with anticipation. Her eyes were fixed on the swollen, puffing head of her brother's cock. She squeezed and kneaded her tits, varying the pressure of her slick, fleshy tunnel. Then Jack groaned and held still with just his cockhead peeping from the crack of her tight tits. It pulsed and hot jism jetted forcefully into her opened mouth, filling it and causing her to swallow greedily. The next thick, white streamer of cum splashed warmly over her tongue and neck. Jack heard sloppy, slurping noises as Karen gurgled over her mouthful of gooey cum. "Swallow my load!" he hollered, the muscles of his butt tightening as he tried to squeeze out even more cum. Karen shoved her face forward and gobbled her brother's softening prick. Her cheeks bulged as her tongue swished it around. Thick, sticky cum ran from the corners of her mouth and, after sucking his balls dry, she released his cock and used her long tongue to get most of the remaining jism. "Whew!" Jack grinned. "That was some blow job, Sis!" Karen smiled wearily at her brother. Her belly was burning with the swirling cum that filled it, and some sticky strands were still caught in her teeth. "You ain't seen nothin' yet," she sighed. Chapter 5 Jerry was enthusiastic about taking a bath with his sexy mother and hurriedly filled the big tub with hot water, steaming up the bathroom. "Gotta take a leak, first," he said, walking to the toilet. "No, wait!" Beth said. "Hold it." Her mind suddenly flashed a scene from one of Jack's porno books, a scene which had, at the time, both disgusted and strangely disturbed her. She didn't understand why people did such things, but it was so thrillingly obscene she decided to try it. "Jerry, have you ever heard of a ... a golden shower?" she asked, blushing. "Nope, what is it?" "Lie down and I'll show you." Jerry obeyed and watched as his mother straddled his hips and squatted. She reached down and pulled her wet, hairy cuntlips far apart. "Grab your cock and aim it at my pussy," she said. "Start pissing." "Wow! I never thought of that!" Jerry said, and held his limp prick up. "We're going to take a bath, anyway," Beth said. "We can always mop up the floor. Come on, honey, let it go, and I'll piss on you at the same time!" Jerry strained and finally a strong yellow stream surged into the air and splattered on his mother's open cunt. She groaned as the pressure and heat stimulated her. Soon, her piss was spraying her son's cock and balls. "My clit!" she cried. "Hit my clit!" Jerry directed the hot liquid against her trembling clit. Watching her fleshy hips swivel and her hanging tits swing and jump while he pissed into her exposed cunt was enough to blow Jerry's mind. When his mother started waddling up his body, dribbling a hot trail onto his belly and chest, he knew he was in for something special. He was right. Beth dropped her wet cunt over his mouth, muffling his grunt of surprise as he tasted her last few salty drops of piss. Then he grabbed her ass and started chewing on her fat pussylips. "Aghhhh!" Beth cried, and toppled off him, grabbing at her sore cuntlips. "Did I hurt you, Mom?" he asked, worried. "No. But ... but you can't do something like that unless I'm lying down, Jerry. I can't control myself, the feeling's too strong." He helped her up and together they stepped into the tub. The water was hot and they both eased in gingerly as it hit their sensitive crotches. Beth groaned as hot water flowed into her cunt and Jerry cupped his balls as if to protect them from pain. Beth turned around and leaned her back against her son's bare chest. "want to soap me up, Jerry?" she asked, squirming her soft ass against his cock and balls. Jerry picked up the bar of soap and reached around his mother's body. With one hand he fingered her clit while the other probed at her cunt hole with the bar of soap. Beth felt a momentary pressure, and then the soap was in, sliding and burning. "Wowwwwww!" Beth moaned, feeling her eager clit straining against her son's fingers as her stuffed cunt rippled around the soap. Soon the pain had turned to pleasure and she was writhing her ass in the tub, making the water slosh over the sides as Jerry tormented her clit and squeezed one large, distended nipple while he looked over her shoulder. Finally, the soap squeezed out in a burst of foamy bubbles. "Lift up a bit, Mom," Jerry said, grabbing it. He positioned the soap under her and told her to sit down. "Uhhhhh ... " she groaned as her asshole was unexpectedly filled with the slippery bar. Her ass hit the bottom of the tub and the soap went all the way in, comfortably stretching her butthole. "How's that feel, Mom?" Jerry asked, still pinching her nipple. Beth's asshole burned a bit from the hot intrusion of the soap, but it made her cunt hole even tighter and caused her clit to tingle. "Oh, Jerry! Ohh!" she cried, feeling his cock thick and hard against her lower back. "You've got to fuck me again! Oh, quick, I need it!" Jerry grinned and made her lift up and squeeze out the bar of soap. But then she missed it. It made her asshole feel all empty and wasted. "Here, Mom," he said, lifting the tit he'd been pinching. "Suck on it." He rubbed the soft, spongy titflesh over her chin and lips. Beth felt her hot, gristly nipple brushing her lips and opened her mouth and sucked it inside. She could feel Jerry's chin on her shoulder and knew he was watching. She mumbled and hummed around her sensitive tit-lip, lightly biting the long red stem and sucking on the wide aureole. "Just keep sucking your tit, Mom, and lift up again," she heard him say. Then she felt the spongy knob of his cock against her tight asshole and nearly panicked. As his fingers worked over her cunt and clit, she realized that it would, eventually, feel even better than the bar of soap had. "Sit on it, Mom!" Jerry ordered. "Shove Your ass over my cock!" Beth's rosy asshole was still slippery with soapsuds and, as she lowered herself, his big cockhead slid easily inside. Her sphincter clutched his cock just behind the wide ridge, throbbing sensuously, and she heard him groan. She felt like groaning herself, it felt so good. She felt his hands come up under her arms, steadying her as she went down, down, on his impaling prick. Then her ass dropped down and he shot all the way up her asshole to his balls. Beth put a palm on each side of the tub, giving herself leverage as she rocked up and down on her son's cock. Her asshole was so tight that she could almost feel his ropy veins. She definitely felt his wide-flanged cockhead as it spread her butt. Faster and faster she rose and fell over her young son's cock. She thought her asshole would be rubbed raw as it pulled out and sucked in with her movements, but the pleasure far outweighed the pain. Then she felt Jerry fumbling at her cunt again and felt something prodding her distended hole. It was the bar of soap! She mumbled and groaned loudly around her tit as Jerry worked the big bar into her pussy. His cock in her ass had tightened her cunt, and she writhed helplessly in an agony of pleasure and pain as both her holes we're stuffed. Jerry gritted his teeth as the full length of his cock was repeatedly swallowed and released by her sucking butthole. He watched her free tit jump and slap wetly and noisily as she rode him, sucking on the nipple of the other. Taking his hands from under her arms, he dropped them to her soft butt and gripped her rising and falling asscheeks and pulled them wide apart. "Ahhhhh!' he sighed as his prick was enveloped right to the hairy base. He rotated his hips a bit and jerked his cock inside her hot, tight shitter. He could feel the heavy muscles of her ass squeezing and nibbling his cock, and was thrilled every time her butt caught the rim of his cockhead as she lifted high. The soap was all the way inside her cunt now, and she could feel her pussy working over it, the walls fluttering and squeezing out foamy lather as Jerry diddled her clit. "MOM! MOM!" he cried. "Turn around before I come!" Beth lowered herself and slowly, lifting one foot a little at a time, swung herself around on her son until she was finally facing him, his cock still throbbing in her asshole. Jerry gripped her hips and pushed his face against her hanging tit. His eyes rolled up to see her watching him as she sucked the other. He fastened his lips on her big nipple and started lifting her hips up and down over his aching cock. Soapy froth squirted onto his hairy groin from Beth's squeezing cunt. "AHHHHH! UHHHHH!" Beth screamed, spitting out her tit as she crested. Her cunt clamped around the soap and her asshole pinched and rippled over his imbedded cock as she wiggled her butt hard against his groin. Jerry groaned into her pillowy tit as he felt the weight of the liquid fire gathering in his balls. He was going to shoot off in his mother's ass! He was going to fill her asshole with his cum! Just the thought was unbelievable, but to actually do it ... "Here it comes, Mom!" he cried, thrusting up with his hips. His cock throbbed and pulsed hard in her tight, squeezing asshole and then jumped and spewed one hot glob of cum after another deep in her bowels. Beth groaned as his hot jism splattered in her ass. She could feel each individual squirt as it burned her tender tissues. It was filling her where she had never been filled before, and making her post-orgasmic relaxation and tiredness even more enjoyable. She leaned against him, rubbing his handsome face with her soft, warm tits. His cock was still deep in her ass, but no longer hard, which made it easier to accept the soap in her cunt. She shuddered and kissed the top of his head. Jerry lifted his face. "Mmmmm, Mom, that was great! I love you!" He kissed her full lips while his palms stroked her smooth back down to the curves of her ass. "I'm going to get up now, son," Beth said. She lifted her ass off his cock and felt the water enter her asshole. She reached back and fingered her butthole, cleaning out her son's jism. Then she parted her cunt hole and squeezed until the soap shot out and landed on Jerry's stomach. It slid into the water and Beth lowered herself again to rinse the soapsuds from her pussy. Jerry eyed the strings of cum floating in the water. "I think we need a bath to clean up after this bath," he joked. Just then the phone rang, but before they could reach it, whoever had called hung up. "I'll bet that was your father," Beth said, grabbing a towel for Jerry and throwing it to him. "Yeah. I forgot about Dad. Will we ... will we keep doing this when he gets back?" "Oh, Jerry," Beth said, worried now that she'd remembered his life was still threatened by the skulking stranger. "I don't know. With Jack and your sister here, it's going to be hard. Maybe when they're both gone ... It was amazing how she'd decided to continue fucking her son after this ordeal was over. He was such a wonderful lover, so much more enthusiastic and inventive than Jack, even if Jack were more experienced. And there were so many things she and Jack hadn't tried. She knew that it was her fault that their sex life had become boring, but Jack should have made her try a few things. He shouldn't have accepted her uncertainty about whether some things were acceptable acts or not. Jerry came over and rubbed her tits and cunt with the towel. She moaned and spread her legs. Next he put the towel between her thighs and, with one hand at her ass and the other at her belly, he see-sawed the soft material back and forth through her slick cunt. "Oh, God, Jerry, I'm getting hot again! Can you get your cock up?" "Jeez, I need a rest, Mom. But there's always Harold! Let's see what he can do for you!" "Oh, Jerry, no!" Beth protested as he once again led her toward the stables. Even as she protested, a thrill of anticipation shot through her. Her cunt was leaking and needed a cock. But not Harold's! It'd never fit, and even if it could, it was so depraved, so ... so unthinkable!" But why was her heart pounding so fast and hard? And why was she licking her dry lips? Harold was standing where they had left him, and he whinnied a welcome, perhaps in anticipation of having his cock sucked again. "Mom, you like having your pussy licked, don't you?" "Oh, my God!" she breathed, shocked to the core by what her son was suggesting. She'd never thought of that! "Yes," she heard herself answer. "Yes!" "Get on that bale and spread out, then. See if he likes the taste of your cunt!" Beth lay back on the blanket covering the hay and raised and parted her knees, opening herself up for the big horse. Jerry led him to her and pushed his nose down to his mother's pussy. "Here ya go, boy, take a taste!" Harold sniffed loudly, then snorted hot air against her cuntlips. Beth groaned and squirmed. Then she shrieked as the biggest, hottest, roughest tongue she'd ever felt lashed out and licked her slit from asshole to bellybutton. "YAHHHHHHH!" Her crotch lifted a foot above the blanket as Harold washed her swelling pussy lips and sparking clit. Her big tits slapped and rolled across her chest as she squirmed and shuddered under the big horse's sloppy wet tongue. She came and came as he licked in and around her cunthole, making it wetter than it ever had been. Then his tongue was gone and a dark shadow came over her. Suddenly she realized that Jerry had led him over the bale and now that monstrous cock she had sucked was poking hard at her cuntlips. She slapped it away in her fright and Jerry grabbed her hands. "Mom! Mom! Don't do that, you'll hurt him! You don't want it to go soft, do you?" "Oh, God, Jerry, it's too big! It'll kill me!" "Just try it, Mom! Just once. For me." Beth looked at the thumping horse prick. Its huge round head was already wet with cunt juice. Slowly, she reached down and grabbed it and rubbed it up and down her slit, marveling at how hot it felt against her clit. Harold snorted and stomped his feet and hunched, slamming his cock against her pussy. "Unhhhhhhh!" Beth groaned as her cunt hole stretched incredibly, accommodating just the slightest part of his huge cockhead. "Take it, Mom! Take it!" Jerry cried excitedly. Beth didn't have much choice. Caught between her raging lust and Harold's frantic determination, his mammoth cockhead slowly and painfully slipped past the rim of her distended cunt. "YAGHHH!" Beth shrieked as, once his cockhead was in, the rest of his immense shaft slithered quickly in, filling her pussy until she thought she'd die. His size and strength were unbelievable. Gathering her will power, she looked down and saw that half of his cock was still outside of her cunt! She screamed again, more in anticipation than pain, as she saw Jerry smile wickedly and raise his open palm to slap the snorting horse's ass. She head the loud crack, and then felt Harold jerk forward. The horse's huge, round cock head was stretching the walls of her cunt until she thought her pussy would rupture. "OOOARRRGHHH!" she bawled as Harold's enormous, pulsing hunk of horsemeat rammed all the way into her cunt with one strong stroke. Beth's body went slack as her mind blanked out the pain, both mental and physical. Her ass was lifted into the air by the horse's fat cock as it pumped steadily into her fantastically tight, snapping cunt. "Oh, wow, Mom!" Jerry cried, watching her lower belly bulge with every forward thrust of the horse's big cock. He squeezed and milked his mother's tits as she was fucked by the horse. Then Harold neighed and she felt something like a firehose burst in her, filling her sore cunt with fiery, soothing liquid, thick and sticky. Her rumbling cunt and raw clit responded and she suddenly found herself coming. Her cunt gobbled and sucked hungrily at the horsemeat, and she shrieked her pleasure loudly. Jerry watched his mother's writhing, arching body, and saw the overflow of horse cum spurt out the sides of her stuffed cunt. The thick, gluey jism slicked her ass and thighs and dripped from the blanket to the floor. He gathered some that was running from her shaking butt and, holding it in his cupped palm, poured it into Beth's groaning, open mouth. "MMMMMHHHHH!" she moaned, and gulped it down as if it were ice cream. "Oh, God, Jerry!" she panted when Harold stopped his fucking. "You can't imagine how good that was!" Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face. A trickle of white horse cum drooled from the corner of her slack mouth and Jerry rubbed his aching balls, hoping to get another hard-on soon. Chapter 6 Patti had a friend for life after feeding and combing the big dog. The Great Dane wasn't much past puppyhood, and was still playful and full of energy. When he bumped into her, Patti nearly went down. She was sure he weighed as much or more than she did. "Eeeeek!" she squealed suddenly, jumping as Winston playfully shoved his big head under her skirt and nudged her ass with his cold, wet nose. She pushed him away, giggling, but he was insistent. When she tried walking away, he stayed with her, nuzzling her ass and trying to worm his snout between her ticklish thighs. Patti wasn't wearing panties. She'd hoped to persuade her father to finger-fuck her or eat her again, but now that Aunt Karen was back, there didn't seem much chance of that before nightfall. When Winston licked her ass, Patti gasped and trembled. Her little cunt was itchy from thinking about her father, and any touch in that region, even a dog's, was exciting. A sudden, forbidden thought made her shiver with a combination of fear and excitement. Even her legs felt weak. Maybe she could get Winston to lick her like her Daddy had! Quickly, she locked the door and lifted her skirt to her waist, exposing her plump, shivery ass cheeks. She knelt and called the big dog over to her. Winston nudged her and whined, obviously confused, and she pushed him toward her ass. Resting her cheek on the floor, she waved her butt and the dark flare of her cunt in the air. "Nice doggie, nice Winston," she cooed as the Great Dane sniffed her pouting, pink pussy. She wiggled her upraised, naked ass and then stiffened and moaned as his hot, wet tongue snaked through her tender folds and lapped at her tiny, wrinkled asshole. "OHHHHHHH!" she groaned. "Lick it! Lick it ... " His rough tongue snaked out again and again, lapping hungrily through the teenager's soft, hair-lined slit. It started at her burning, throbbing clit and ended at her quivering asshole, making her moan and shake with pleasure. It was even better than Daddy's! Her cunt was open and quivering, her butt jerking and waving uncontrollably from side to side. Patti reached back with both hands and grabbed her soft white ass cheeks, pulling them away from each other so that Winston could root further into her crotch. She groaned and sighed repeatedly as the dog's wildly slashing tongue slid over her clit and into her pussy, sinking deeper than her father could ever reach. Her eyelids fluttered, her cunt rippled and her face flushed a bright red as her body shook with rapturous spasms. The rim of her tight little cunt clenched like a pink fist and she sank to the floor, reeling with the force of her orgasm. Patti slowly recovered and sat up. Winston was panting and sitting on his haunches, his red doggie-cock sticking straight up in the air from its hairy sheath. It was at least six inches long and looked moist. The big bulb on the tip was small in comparison to the thick shaft, but was still much larger than the mouth of her sopping pink pussy. She groaned. The itchy tingle between her legs had grown worse instead of being relieved. She couldn't tear her eyes away from Winston's pulsing cock. It was long and fat, and his balls were fat, too. It was much too much like her father's to make her feel comfortable. Suddenly she had to get out of there, get away from that throbbing dog- cock! Quickly, she stood up and smoothed her skirt down and unlocked the door without looking at Winston. She could hear him whining, and that was bad enough. The slickness on her inner thighs cooled as she walked, but the heat in her swollen cunt didn't. She wondered what was taking her father and Aunt Karen so long and went to investigate. As she neared the storeroom door, she heard some muffled grunts and what sounded like a sob. Suddenly afraid, although she could not have said why, she slowly opened the door an inch. "Oh, God, Jack! That feels good!" Her happy new world collapsed around her as she peeked inside. Her father was licking Aunt Karen's pussy! A great, empty ache filled her cunt as she slowly sank to her knees. She gulped and felt the hurt spread to her stomach and whirling mind. It ... it was horrible! He had her, why did he have to fuck Aunt Karen? And Aunt Karen was his sister! She saw her aunt's ecstatic expression as her father's head bobbed. With an additional pang of jealousy, she saw Karen's big tits straining against her blouse. Suddenly her little quivery tits seemed totally inadequate. She whimpered and choked back a sob. But when she saw her Aunt bend over and wrap her own lips over her distended clit, she was fascinated in spite of herself. She'd never imagined a woman could do that! "Ohhh!" She jumped as Winston came up behind her and quickly checked to see if she'd been heard. Jack and Karen were too immersed in their own pleasure to be distracted by such a faint sound. Jack was now licking his sister's tasty asshole. "Yaaahhh! Fuck it, fuck!" Karen cried. "I want to feel you in my asssss! Oh, stick your cock up there. please, Jack! I ... I want it!" Patti could hardly believe her ears! The thought of her father's enormous cock fitting into anyone's shitter was ludicrous. But then she saw her aunt licking her own asshole and a moment later her father was positioning the wet head of his cock against that tiny pink hole. Patti lifted her skirt and touched her asshole as she heard Karen wail with painful pleasure. The sharp edge of her fingernail burned her asshole as she prodded the tight, damp ring, and she sympathized with her aunt. It was painful, but she understood that the pain might turn to pleasure after a while. She felt Winston's tongue lash her cunt and ass again. She sighed and squirmed as the wet tip worked over her puckering sensitive butthole before returning to her cunt. Then she heard him growl and froze. The Great Dane suddenly mounted her and his strong forelegs wrapped around her hips. Patti was motionless with indecision. She was trembling with fear and excitement as the dog's hot, hard prick danced between her legs. She could feel his weight and his hot breath on her neck. Oh, God! He wants to put it in me! But she was afraid. Afraid of both the Great Dane's big teeth and of causing a disturbance which would lead to her discovery. She felt Winston's body hunch and the hot doggie-cock slid up the crack of her ass and caught in the depression of her butthole. Oh, no! Oh, God, no! Patti mentally cried, not there! Then she groaned and held her breath as his hot cockhead pushed through her tight shitlips and drilled deep into her ass until she could feel the stiff-haired sheath tormenting her sore asshole. "Oh! Ow! Ohhhhh!" Patti couldn't keep from crying as the fat doggie-cock was forced into her tender asshole. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as Winston started pumping against her ass. Her butt throbbed with pain, and her sphincter was squeezing and relaxing involuntarily. Even her neglected pussy was throbbing! "Awwwww!" Suddenly the Great Dane's fucking didn't hurt so much. She whimpered, then sighed as his cock pounded her shitter. Winston was fucking her rapidly, and she started to hunch back at him, lewdly swinging her upturned ass and grinding it, giving into the exciting, unnatural coupling. Winston's glistening prick was sliding in and out of her ass easily as she moaned and squirmed. Both her asshole and her clit were burning up as the big dog skewered her relentlessly, his furry balls slapping her asscheeks noisily. His fucking was getting easier and easier as her butthole stretched and lubricated. She could hear the squishing, smacking noise of his entry and withdrawal as her bowels sucked at his cock. She couldn't resist reaching a finger to her clit, rubbing and circling it like her father's tongue had done, as she felt Winston's hips shudder. He yipped excitedly, held completely still as his fat prick jerked deep inside, and fired long, thick wads of hot cum against the milking muscles of her spasming asshole. "Uhhhhhh, uhhhhh ... uhhhhh!" she groaned as the dog's hot jism filled her ass. Winston pulled from her quickly, losing interest now that he'd shot his load of cum. Patti felt some of his cum leak from her stretched asshole. She hadn't come, but now that her ass was no longer filled with the dog's cock, she didn't want to finger-fuck herself. She returned her attention to the scene in the storeroom. Her eyes widened. She was just in time to see her father's cockhead pushing between her aunt's huge tits. Her jaw dropped as she saw Karen's mouth open. Then suddenly Jack shot a heavy load of thick, gluey cum into it. That did it for Patti. She couldn't let her aunt deprive her of her father's love, any kind of love! She jumped to her feet and opened the door just as Karen was licking the corners of her mouth. "Whew! That was some blow job, Sis!" "You ain't seen nothin' yet," Karen answered. "Well, I've seen plenty!" Patti said angrily. The two adults turned quickly, stunned. Guilt and humiliation flashed across their faces. "Patti!" "Oh, my God!" Karen cried, fearing that her niece would spill the beans to Beth. Patti lifted her dress, exposing the wet, matted curls of her aroused cunt. "Don't you want me any more, Daddy?" she cried. "Oh, it aches so much! Please make me come again ... Karen looked at her brother with questioning eyes. "You mean you've fucked her, too?" she asked, shocked. Jack flushed guiltily. "No! No ... I mean, not fucked her ... " Patti walked up to them, still holding her dress at her waist. "Please, Daddy? It hurts ... " Karen looked at Jack's limp cock. She picked it up and waggled it. "Looks like you won't get much more than his tongue for a while," Karen said, smiling wryly. She reached out a soft hand and gently cupped her niece's hot cunt. "What're you doing?" Jack asked. "Just shut up, brother dear," Karen said. "This is between us women. We know best how to help each other out when no man's available." Patti groaned and hunched as her aunt's fingers crawled all over her trembling pussy. She'd never thought about sexual contact with a woman. But she'd never thought about it with Winston, either. He'd made her feel good. Maybe Aunt Karen could, too. Patti stood still while her aunt undressed her. Jack watched with interest, still not sure he shouldn't interfere, but admittedly aroused as he watched his big-titted sister strip his teenage daughter. He wondered what Karen would do. He knew she wasn't a lesbian. But bisexual? Karen was on her knees now, tonguing Patti's trembling inner thighs, then sliding her tongue into the plump folds of her wet pussy, not realizing that Winston had licked it before her. Patti groaned and clutched her aunt's head, and then Karen was moving around to the girl's plump ass, parting her ass cheeks and licking up between them. "Huh? What's this?" she said, pulling back and running her tongue across her lips. She smacked her lips a few times, then bent to the red-faced girl's butt again, licking at her asshole. Patti groaned and fell forward against her father's thighs. Jack put his hands under her to break her fall and then cupped her round tits. His sister was still slavering in Patti's ass, making sucking noises, and he felt a quiver in his cock. Patti gasped excitedly as she smelled the hot, mingled odors rising from her father's sweaty, juice-smeared crotch. She tried to tell herself that what her aunt was doing was disgusting, and that her father's wet, fat cock was disgusting, but her sensuous nature betrayed her. She began kissing her father's cock and balls, licking at the wide, pouting eye of his darkening cockhead as her hips squirmed back against Karen's busy lips and tongue. Jack's cock eventually was worked up into a pounding hard-on by his little girl's soft lips. His big cock pointed up at the ceiling, jerking and pulsing. Patti wrapped her fingers around it and started pumping while she sucked his cockhead. "No! No!" Jack cried, making a quick decision. "Jump on it, let me fuck you!" Karen pulled her wet mouth from Patti's ass. "She's really a virgin, Jack. I checked." As Patti looked at her, Karen licked her lips suggestively. "I think I've guessed your secret, dear. Was it enjoyable?" Patti blushed and nodded and Jack asked, "What Secret?" "Nothing," Karen said, "that concerns you. And to Patti: "Are you going to climb on? If you don't want to lose your cherry, I'd be only to happy to bounce up and down on his prick!" "Will it hurt much?" Patti asked as she squatted over her father's hot, hard prick. "No," Jack said, thrilling as he felt his daughter's wet pussy curls touch the top of his oozing cockhead. He gripped her soft hips and eased her down until the knob of his cock parted her cuntlips and was gripped by their elastic firmness. "OHHHHHH!" Patti gasped as she felt him hit her fleshy cherry. Jack swiveled her hips around, widening her hole and working up her juices to make his slide easier. Then he lifted her up a bit and pulled her down. As her pussy sank over his thick prick, his ass hunched strongly. "WAHHHHH!" Patti cried as his cock shoved all the way into her virgin pussy. Then she moaned and relaxed, sighing with pleasure. Most of the pain soon disappeared to be replaced with a stuffed, stretched feeling as the walls of her tender cunt were pushed against her bone. "Oh, yes!" she cried as he ran his fingers over her swollen clit. Jack grinned. Patti felt her aunt's large, soft tits spreading across her back as her cunt pressed into her parted ass cheeks. Jack began sliding her up and down on his quivering cock. "Uhhhh ... " she moaned, loving the friction of his fat cock in her oozing cunt hole. Then she felt something poking at her slick, weakened butthole. It was Karen's overlarge clit! Her sexy aunt was stabbing her asshole with it as if she were a man, fucking her niece with wild cries of pleasure. It stimulated Patti, too. Not as much as bouncing her cunt on her father's cock, of course, but more than enough, and maybe too much, because he was also tormenting her clit! "Ohhhh ... " Patti sighed as Karen's gristly clit prodded her sensitive asshole. "Ohhh, Daddy, I love it!" she cried as he hunched his hips, sending his fat cock deep into her pussy. His fingers plucked and strummed the hard bud of her clit and his lips nibbled her stiff nipples, moving from one to the other. Jack lunged harder into the warm satiny grip of his teenaged daughter's cunt and felt his cum boiling up. The soft weight of Patti's ass wriggling over his juice-drenched lap was bringing him off more quickly than he had anticipated. Jeez, she felt good over him! "Faster, honey! Faster!" he groaned. And when she obliged, he groaned even louder. Her small pussy was rippling up and down his pulsing cock, and her pink cuntlips were nibbling on the thick base. "AGHH!" The hot surge of his cum flew through his aching prick and the head swelled even as he tried to hold back. An exquisite pain filled his cock and then Patti's ass slapped his balls and stayed there, squirming furiously. Her hot, wet cunt clamped on his pulsing prick just as it jumped violently, releasing a torrent of thick cum into her sucking pussy. "Uhh ... unghhh ... AGHHH!" Jack grunted with each spurt as his tired balls emptied. "Ooooeeee!" Patti wailed as she came for the first time with a cock in her tight cunt. Behind her, Karen was hunching quickly, loving the feel of her niece's plump ass cheeks against her as she drove her clit into her winking asshole. Patti's spasms were causing her butthole to flex, catching Karen's clit on the outstroke. Soon, the older woman's cries joined those of her brother and niece. Patti thrashed and yelled for a full five minutes as her madly spasming cunt milked her father's cock. She fell forward against his chest, sobbing and twitching, her hot pussy still quivering around his relaxed prick. "Oh, Daddy, Daddy, I can't stand it!" she moaned as she nuzzled and kissed him. "Ohh, I've got to do it again. Please, can we? Oh, you've got to!" Behind her, Karen was sliding her slick pink cuntlips up and down the parted crack of the girl's ass. "Looks like you're gonna have one sore prick, big brother!" She laughed. "How are you gonna manage taking care of Beth, Patti and me from now on?" Jack thought about Beth. What a fantastic body! If only she'd let loose like Karen! He'd have to be careful, that was for sure ... He knew he wasn't being sensible, that this was too explosive a situation to last long. But what the hell, think of the fun he'd have while it lasted He was sure the roads were passable, if not completely plowed by now. He'd better leave. There was no good excuse not to leave and he didn't want Beth getting suspicious. Later, when all three had cleaned up and dressed, Karen stopped her brother at the door. "You'll visit again, soon, won't you, Jack?" she asked, squirming her body against him. "You bet!" "And bring Patti!" He nodded, and she added, "I told Patti she could have Winston, Jack. He's too big a dog to keep cooped up here, and she'd always liked him. Is that okay with you?" "Now how could I refused either of you anything?" Karen smiled as Patti led the Great Dane past her. "Bring him to visit me once in a while, dear," she said. Patti flushed and nodded. "Thanks for not telling Daddy," she whispered. "My pleasure. I'm not often surprised, but you managed to add a little spice to the occasion." Patti giggled and left with a wave. Chapter 7 Jerry carried his mumbling, semi-conscious mother into the bathroom, sat her in the tub and turned on the taps. Then he began cleaning Harold's cum from her stretched, slack-lipped cunt. It felt sort of funny to be twirling his fingers in her hot, silken pussy while she was in such a dazed condition, but he wanted to fuck her again, and the thought of the horse's jism was, at least to him, a complete turn-off. "Ummmm ... " Beth sighed and raised her bright, flushed cunt off the bottom of the tub and gyrated against his fingers. Her eyes opened. "Ohh, Jerry!" Beth groaned. "Was I dreaming? Did I really let Harold ... ?" "Look at all the cum in the tub, Mom. Ya gotta admit, I can't compete!" Beth stared at the enormous quantity of jism floating in the water and found she was still able to blush. "Oh, Jerry, what must you think of me?" "I think you're a great fuck, for one thing." He laughed, wiggling his fingers. "And I know you've got a hot cunt!" "I ... I wish you wouldn't talk that way ... " "Well, it's true, isn't it?" Beth's mind was filled with the need to come again, but still that nagging guilt returned again and again to depress her. How could she ever look Jack in the eye? "Come on, Mom, it's too late to have second thoughts, now. Besides, I can tell you don't want me to stop doin' this." Beth's mouth hung open and her breathing became heavier as her son's fingers scraped the opening of her cunt. "Yes ... oh, yes, Jerry!" She reached out and hugged him. "I do want this, and I don't want to stop! Ever!" Jerry finally left her cunt and helped her from the tub. She smiled as he watched her tits sway wetly back and forth. "Go on, grab 'em," she said, shaking her shoulders so they slapped together loudly. He quickly filled his hands with her soft tits. "God, they're big and beautiful," he said. "I used to dream about sucking on your tits, Mom. I always knew you had fat nipples. I sometimes saw 'em through your blouse." "What else did you dream, You dirty little boy?" "Suckin' your pussy, and fucking it. I dreamed about fucking you while you were sleeping. And you know if I'd thought I had a chance of getting away with it, I would have!" The sight of her son's fat cock sticking up in front of her fired Beth again. Her cunt, itchy from his fingering, now began to drool heavily. And all this sexy talk was exciting her, too. "Can you really come again, Jerry?" she asked. "I mean, I know a kid your age really lasts, but you've been doing an awful lot of fucking." "Don't worry about me, Mom. When my balls feel this heavy, I know there's a load ready to fire." "Would you like to fuck my mouth, son?" "Ha, I'd like to fuck anything You've got!" Beth smiled. "Let's go to bed. I want to be comfortable for a change!" Jack followed her wobbling ass cheeks so closely that she felt his hot prick tapping damply on her smooth, warm curves. "Anxious?" She smiled over her shoulder at her handsome son. "Nope. My cock's just cold and looking for a nice warm pussy to crawl into." "Well," she said, hopping onto the bed, opening her legs and throwing her arms wide. "Let's see what I can do for you!" Jerry knelt over her, his knees straddling her head and his cock dangling over her parted lips. He was facing her legs. "Mom, instead of just suckin' me, let me try to fuck your mouth." For an answer, she lashed her hot tongue around his purplish cockhead. I wonder how he likes this? she thought, remembering the convict in the next room. At least, she supposed he was in the next room, but she hadn't heard or seen him for a long time. She forgot all about Cover again as her son steered his fat, thick cock between her parted lips. "Mmmphhh ... " she groaned, loving the way his prick wallowed in her mouth. Then he plunged it into her throat and her nose was buried in his plump balls. "Ahhh ... " Jerry sighed, feeling his mother's soft lips tighten around his cock. Her tongue was moving slowly in the cramped space, stroking his shaft. Then she lifted her hands to his big bails and stroked them as they slid around inside their wrinkled bag. "Oh, yeah, Mom! Play with my balls!" Beth milked his heavy balls, rolling them between her hot palms as Jerry's hips plunged his cock slowly up and down in her mouth. She tugged and kneaded them lovingly, listening to her son moan and sigh. His pleasure was her pleasure. Beth sucked hard on her son's rigid cock as he pulled away, then opened wide as he thrust back in, her tongue swirling around it. His mother's spread legs gave Jerry an appetizing view of her fat-lipped cunt. Her flushed cuntlips were pouting wetly, and he could see pussy juice running from the stretched hole beneath them. Her rosy clit was a swollen, throbbing piece of nerve-filled flesh. Beth groaned as she felt his hot breath over her cunt. The suspense of waiting for his tongue was agony for her. And then it jabbed into her cunt and her hips arched. "Mmm!" she mumbled around his cock, sucking him greedily. She was still cupping and kneading his balls while his cock banged against the back of her throat. She groaned again. for he was lifting her ass, giving himself access to the pretty, pouting pink ring of her asshole. He stroked her pulsating butthole with his tongue and Beth groaned and hunched her cunt. "Get your legs up, Mom!" Jerry cried. "Give me a good shot at your ass!" She did as he ordered, then heaved her hips as his tonguetip slid into her loosened asshole. She almost bit him in her excitement. His strong, stiff tongue was drilling her pink shitter now, driving her wild. "Time for something else, Mom," he said, pulling his mouth away, and she felt him shove a couple of fingers into her cunt. "Mmmhhh!" she moaned around his pistoning prick as she felt him slide another finger inside. And then another. Harold had stretched her so much that she had all four of her son's fingers in her slippery pussy. "Relax, Mom," he said, and shoved his thumb in, too. She felt him push, and then gasped as his hand and wrist disappeared inside her cunt. Jerry wiggled his fingers inside her velvet pussy and Beth whined and thrashed. He was surprised by the way her cunt tightened around his wrist and milked his knuckles as he pumped his hand. Loud, gurgling noises alternated with smacks and pops as Jerry fist-fucked her with greater force. Her cunt was so juicy that her ass and the bed were soaked. Beth gasped as her cunt was filled with her son's hand and part of his arm. His arm was even thicker than Harold's cock! And the way he was pounding her pussy, she knew he was whipping her hot cunt into a froth. She felt his mouth close over her clit and start sucking. That did it! "MMMMPHHHHH! GAHHHHHH!" Beth's muffled wails filled the bedroom as her cunt flexed, tightening almost painfully around Jerry's arm as it spasmed. Her ass rose off the bed and swung from side to side. Jerry felt his mother's body flail as if electrified, and his hand and arm felt the rippling of her pussy as she came. Her hands left his balls and clutched his ass tightly, hauling his cock down until her eyes were each covered with a big, warm ball. His fleshy blindfold thrilled her. She felt his prick bob inside her throat and prepared for the deluge. She rubbed his hard ass cheeks and squeezed them, and stuck a finger in his asshole to add to his excitement. "What the hell's this!" The sudden shocked cry burst in the air just as Jerry's jizz shot out like cannonballs, the hot, gluey cum filling her throat and making her swallow quickly or choke. Jerry pulled back when he heard the yell, tugging her cunt painfully with his hand. His cock slipped out, coating first her tongue, and then her nose and lips with white, sticky globs of cum. As Jerry jumped off his mother's thrashing body, his dribbling cock drooled jism across her tits and belly. "Dad!" he blurted, standing at the side of the bed with his cock dangling thin strings of cum to the floor and his hand and arm coated with his mother's shiny cunt juice. Beth rolled onto her stomach, burying her face in her hands and sobbing hysterically. She had no thought of Cover, only that the unimaginable had happened - her husband, whom she loved, had caught her sucking their son while he fist-fucked her! Patti stared, awe, embarrassment and fear filling her mind as she heard her father's angry bellow. She saw her mother's plump, wet asscheeks quivering as she cried, and couldn't help but admire them. They were nicer than Aunt Karen's. "My God, Beth ... " Jack seemed at a loss for words, but his face was still flushed angrily. Jerry shifted from foot to foot, not knowing what to do. He hated standing there naked in front of his sister and father, but was afraid that anything he might say, or any move he might make, would break his father's shocked hesitation. Beth finally raised her tear-streaked face. "I ... I had to, Jack!" she cried. "He ... he made me, said he'd kill Jerry ... " she sobbed. "What? Who? What are you talking about?" Jack shouted. Even Jerry looked at her with surprise. What was she talking about, he wondered. "A ... a man. He broke in!" Beth choked, sniffled, and stood up. "He r-raped me, and said he'd kill Jerry if I didn't let him fuck me!" "Where is he?" Jack cried, looking wildly around. "No, Jack, no! He's got a gun! He'll shoot you!" Is he in here?" Jack asked, heading toward the door. "Oh, please, Jack, don't ... " she begged as he slowly and cautiously opened the door. He flung it quickly open. The room was empty. "Be careful, Daddy," Patti urged as he stepped inside. He seemed to be gone for hours. Beth sighed with relief when he stepped back into the bedroom. He was holding a piece of paper. "He's gone," Jack said quietly. "He left this." He handed it to his wife. "I left before the fun started," she read. "Hope you and the kid have fun. Tell him who be has to thank. Remember to stick a finger up his ass when he comes like you did mine. He'll like that." Jack and the two teenagers exchanged puzzled looks as Beth began to laugh and cry at the same time. She laughed so hard that she had to sit on the edge of the bed. "Mom, Mom! You all right?" Jerry asked, forgetting about his father and sister as he sat beside her and put his arm around her. "Daddy," Patti said. "Now we don't have to sneak around to do what we want. Let's tell Mommy right now about us, huh?" Jerry looked up. "What are you talking about?" he asked. Jack didn't answer, but Patti ran over and sat next to her mother. Beth jumped as her daughter cupped and lifted one of her big tits. "I hope mine get this big," she said, then dropped it and reached across to her brother's lap. "Hey!" Jerry yelled as Patti picked up his limp, wet prick. "Okay Patti, that's enough," Jack said. "I get your point." "No, Daddy, it's not enough. I want Mommy and Jerry to join in with us like Aunt Karen did!" Beth's mouth dropped open. "What? What did Karen do?" "Oh, she let Daddy shove his cock up her ass, and later when Daddy fucked me, she put this in my ass." She groped between Beth's legs and found her clit. Beth squealed and jumped as her daughter pinched her sore clit. Beth was numb with shock. Patti? Sweet, innocent Patti had let Jack fuck her? And with Karen? "Oh, hell," Jack said, pulling off his pants. "I guess I'll get left out if I don't join you. Move over, Jerry, she's still my wife," he said dryly. Both Beth and Patti eyed his rock-hard cock. Both reached for it at the same time and bumped hands, and looked startled. "I guess Jerry'll take care of you, Patti," Jack said as he saw his son eyeing his sister's round ass. Jerry's cock wasn't hard, but it was thickening. "Yeah, Sis, come on. I'll eat you for a while. That'll get me hard." Beth's mind reeled at the matter-of-fact way they were all entering into an incestuous orgy. When Jack gripped her tits and ass and rubbed his cock on her belly, she moaned with wanton excitement. Later, as she sat on Jack while Jerry shoved his cock up her ass, she wondered how she could have been hesitant about such great fun. But then Patti's pink pussy was in front of her and she sighed and stuck out her tongue. She didn't hear her daughter call out, "Here, Winston, here boy!" It was only when she felt Patti's weight lean into her that she opened her eyes and saw the hairy forelegs wrapping around her daughter's hips. "Hey, what the hell!" Jack cried, looking up and seeing the big dog about to fuck his daughter's ass. "Oh, shut up, Jack!" Beth cried. "I've got a real surprise for you later. A real big surprise!" Jerry giggled, then couldn't hold it down and laughed out loud. His father would shit. Winston might be man's best friend, but Harold was woman's biggest friend! The End