LLP-266 The Panty Lovers by Colin Johnson

Chapter 1

"You better take your dress off now, dearie," said Mrs. Porter in the 
sweet-little-old-lady voice which had been irritating Ann Larkin for at 
least six months. "We don't want to get make-up on its do we?" Having 
just finished braiding Ann's long brown hair, the make-up lady was now 
impatient to get the rest of the job done so she could go back to 
reading her movie magazine.

The full-figured young model disliked getting undressed until it was 
absolutely necessary because there was nothing private about her 
dressing room. At the moment, she and Mrs. Porter were alone, but any 
instant now a cameraman or set designer or one of the company's 
executives would take it into his head to come barging in, and none of 
these people had ever heard of knocking. Ann knew perfectly well that 
they did it on purpose, knowing that she was shy and hoping to catch 
her off-guard, but there was little she could do about it and 
complaining only made her feel ridiculous.

But she turned her back on Mrs. Porter to allow her to unzip the back 
of her dress and slide it down off her shoulders, revealing a lush full 
body with smoothly rounded curves and soft, well-tanned skin.

"What are we supposed to be doing today?" Ann asked, without much 
curiosity. The Wonder-Wear Corporation produced ladies lingerie, 
panties, brassieres, slips and corsets and Ann had modeled almost 
everything in the six months she had worked in the advertising 

"You and Jenifer are modeling the new Pink Cloud bra-and-panty 
combination," Mrs. Porter announced proudly. "Haven't you seen the 

"No," replied the curvaceous young model as the make-up lady ran a 
powder puff across her face and then stepped back to survey the effect. 
"What's there to see?"

"They've got a great big pink cloud made out of Styrofoam and you and 
Jenifer sit on top of it wearing Wonder-Wear Pink Cloud underwear!" 
Mrs. Porter informed her with some enthusiasm, taking a box off a 
nearby chair. "Here it is! Do you like it?"

Ann studied the bra and panty combination unhappily. The two garments 
together did not contain enough cloth for one decent-sized handkerchief 
and she hated to let the camera crew see her in this skimpy outfit. 
Plus she never knew when her church-going husband was going to thumb 
through a magazine and see her half-naked and staring up at him from 
the page. Frank hated the idea of her modeling as it was and if he knew 
that she was going to be photographed with so much of her voluptuous 
body exposed, he would have a fit!

"Heavens!" she stammered uneasily, holding the panties up to the light. 
"It's like being naked. These panties are worse than nothing!"

"That's the whole idea, dearie," Mrs. Porter lectured her pompously. 
"You young girls are supposed to like running around with everything 
hanging out these days. When I was young, things were a little 
different, but times have changed. Better get into them, dearie. They 
could be calling for you any minute now."

Despite Mrs. Porter's instant analysis of modern womanhood, Ann Larkin 
did not enjoy "running around with everything hanging out." She had 
received a very stern religious upbringing from her parents (who would 
roll over in their respective graves if they knew she was working as an 
underwear model). And Frank Larkin, whom she had married during his 
last year of medical school, was a very serious and moral young man who 
believed that a doctor and his wife ought to set an example of proper 
behavior for the community. But Frank's earnings as an intern were not 
nearly enough to pay for their tiny apartment and put food on the 
table, so when Wonder-Wear had advertised for models, Ann had been 
forced to put her moral standards temporarily on the shelf.

Frank had not been at all happy about her decision, but they were 
deeply in debt and modeling paid much better than any other job she 
could possibly have found.

But if he ever saw her in an outfit like this, there would be hell to 
pay! And if she was not dressed and ready to go when the graphics 
director called for her, there would also be hell to pay, so she 
slipped out of her ordinary panties and brassiere and slipping the 
others on, her softly curling pubic hair and the nipples of her breasts 
plainly visible, started to climb onto the styro-foam Pink Cloud.

"You know---pardon me for saying this, dearie---but you're in the wrong 
kind of modeling," commented Mrs. Porter suddenly.

"What do you mean?" inquired the girl, pulling the flimsy see-through 
panties as far as they would go up over her smoothly rounded buttocks.

"You're never going to make it to the top as a fashion model, because 
you got too much bosom. Now Jenifer's got a chance. although she's 
really a little big herself, but with you, it's impossible. Oh, you can 
make brassiere ads until you're thirty or so, but the day your breasts 
start to sag, you're finished. And you'll never make much more money 
than you're making right now, 'cause that's all they pay lingerie 
models. You ought to get into glamour modeling, dearie. With your face 
and that body, you'd be rich in a couple of years."

"Glamour modeling?" responded the well-formed young woman uncertainly.

"Oh, come on, you're not that innocent, dearie," retorted Mrs. Porter. 
"I mean posing for one of those men's magazines. A lot of the girls 
here do it just for extra money, but you could make a career of it! In 
fact, your friend Jenifer---I shouldn't tell you this---but, she posed 
last week for a photographer who works for a nudie magazine and you'd 
never believe how much money he gave her! I know because I went along 
to handle the make-up and the costumes, although I certainly didn't 
have too much to do as far as costumes were concerned." The old woman 
paused, apparently remembering that Jenifer occupied an adjoining 
dressing room, and whispered. "She was naked, dearie! Naked as the day 
she was born!"

Ann Larkin eased the brassiere over her large, widely-spaced breasts 
and faced herself in the mirror. She could never force herself to pose 
in the nude for one of those filthy magazines, no matter how poor she 
and Frank became, but Mrs. Porter was right about her being too big-
breasted to do fashion work. She had applied for jobs with several 
fashion houses before coming to Wonder-Wear and had been told precisely 
the same thing any number of times. When a designer hired a girl to 
model his latest creation, he wanted all eyes on the dress and not on 
what was underneath it.

It was true that she could probably go on making underwear ads as long 
as she needed the money although the company always had to supply her 
with the largest bra size they had. Her voluptuously formed breasts 
were high-set and firm and when she was photographed wearing a bra, it 
inevitably looked as if her tantalizingly full cleavage was somehow the 
result of superb brassiere engineering and not the work of Mother 
Nature. This made the advertising department very happy and thousands 
of hopeful, small-breasted girls rush out eagerly to buy Wonder-Wear 
brassieres, under the mistaken impression that they would somehow end 
up looking like Ann.

"Why doesn't your husband ever stop around to see us?" wondered Mrs. 
Porter aloud, trying to get the conversation going again.

"Oh, he's terribly busy at the hospital," lied Ann casually. "You know 
how hard they make interns work."

Frank was busy, it was true, but he refrained from visiting his wife at 
work because he was embarrassed and ashamed by the whole idea of what 
she was forced to do to keep them from starvation. And if he ever saw 
me in this outfit, Ann told herself unhappily, examining her reflection 
in the mirror, he would divorce me on the spot.

The soft flimsy material covered very little of her exciting body and 
concealed even less from the viewer's eye, and Ann dreaded the thought 
of being seen by anyone in this semi-naked condition with her pubic 
hair and nipples showing. Really, she might just as well pose in the 
nude for all the good this outfit did!

Unlike most big-breasted women, Ann was actually slender and lithe in 
the hips and buttocks. The Pink Cloud panties were really nothing more 
than two tiny patches of filmy insubstantial material, one covering her 
delicate pubic mound and the other inadequately stretched across the 
deep crevice between the tantalizing half-moons of her ass-cheeks.

Above her flat firm stomach, the Pink Cloud brassiere was even less 
successful in protecting Ann's girlish modesty. The bra had been 
designed to provide only uplift for those who needed it, nothing more, 
and the frail flimsy cloth barely covered her large protuberant brown 
nipples which were clearly visible through the material for anyone who 
cared to look.

She was virtually naked and she shivered with embarrassment!

"Meant to be worn under a low-cut dress, naturally," commented Mrs. 
Porter, looking over her shoulder at the lush young model's sensually 
reflected image in the full-length mirror.

"Jenifer!" came a demanding voice from the hallway. "Are you ready?"

"You bet your sweet ass I'm ready!" responded Jenifer's saucy voice 
from the adjoining dressing room. Jenifer and Ann frequently worked 
together during modeling sessions, because the two women complemented 
each other nicely. Jenifer was tall and willowy with the traditional 
model's face and figure. Ann Larkin was shorter and blessed with a 
fuller, more sensual body. Jenifer was blonde with elegant aristocratic 
features; Ann had an open friendly smile and long brown hair. The 
Virgin Queen and the Earth-Mother, the technicians called them.

"Ann, how about you?" It was the graphics director, Mr. Pauling, the 
man in charge of executing the designs and ideas of the art department.

"I'm ready, Mr. Pauling," Ann responded nervously, slipping into a 
bathrobe for the trip down to the set and stepping out into the hall 
just as Jenifer emerged from her dressing room. The tall blonde girl, 
wearing only the Pink Cloud creation, shot a friendly glance at Ann and 
the two of them followed Mr. Pauling down to the studio where cameras 
and bright lights awaited them.

"How are you, baby?" asked Jenifer with genuine friendliness, squeezing 
Ann's arm. "You got your Pink Cloud undies on? Where'd they ever get a 
stupid name like that, Pauling?"

The graphics director merely growled at this bit of irreverence and the 
two friends giggled at each other. Despite the fact that Jenifer looked 
pure and refined, her personality was quite the opposite. Ann never 
dared set foot outside her dressing room unless she was shrouded from 
ankle to neck in a bathrobe, while Jenifer habitually walked down to 
the studio wearing whatever she was supposed to be modeling that day, 
ignoring lecherous glances from the people she encountered in the hall.

In a way, Ann envied the complete freedom which her friend possessed. 
Jenifer was ultra-sophisticated and always ready with a snappy remark 
and a quick laugh. The lewd teasing and dirty remarks from the 
technicians and cameramen did not disturb her in the slightest. She was 
proud and happy with her body and if other people wanted to look at it 
and enjoy her, that was fine too. Ann Larkin found this point of view 
both shocking and attractive at the same time, wishing that she could 
relax while she was posing and enjoy herself the way Jenifer did.

But somehow she always felt her husband's eyes upon her, criticizing 
and accusing her for allowing herself to be photographed while less 
than fully dressed.

"Oh, by the way, you two," remarked Pauling as they were about to enter 
the studio, "I got a call from Mr. Birindelli's office. I don't know 
what it's all about, but he wants to see the two of you today after 
we're finished with this commercial. So don't forget and rush out, 
because Mr. Birindelli does not like people who miss appointments."

"Who is Mr. Birindelli?" asked Ann innocently, wrapping her dressing 
gown around her more tightly.

"One of the big shots," offered Jenifer uncertainly, but Mr. Pauling 
glared at her with irritation.

"For your information," he informed them officiously, "Mr. Birindelli 
is the vice-president for sales and promotion and is responsible for 
everything that happens to our products after they leave the factory, 
including advertising, which makes him our boss. I would suggest being 
very, very nice to him."

"Oh, wait a minute," burst out Jenifer in her usual irrepressible 
manner. "Isn't he the guy everybody says belongs to the Mafia? One of 
the cameramen told me ..."

"If I were you, Jenifer," interrupted Mr. Pauling between clenched 
teeth. "I would keep speculations of that kind to myself. People who 
offend Mr. Birindelli have been known to suffer tragic accidents of one 
kind or another. If the vice-president is not smiling when he comes out 
of your dressing room, Jenifer, consider yourself fired. It'll be the 
kindest thing I could do for you."

"Oh, he'll smile all right," grinned the blonde-haired girl 
mischievously. "I shall meet him wearing my Pink Cloud undies, before 
which strong men tremble!"

"That's exactly how I think you ought to meet him," commented Mr. 
Pauling levelly. "I don't know what he wants with you two bird-brains, 
but Birindelli has a reputation for liking the ladies and if you can 
manage to make him like you, all the better. When he comes into your 
dressing room, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you were accidentally not 
quite finished dressing. Show him a little flesh."

Ann listened to this exchange in silence. She had no idea what this Mr. 
Birindelli wanted and she did not really want to find out. Plus, she 
did not like the idea of receiving vice-presidents in her underwear.

But at the moment, they had a shooting session to get through and she 
could worry about Mr. Birindelli when the time came. As they entered 
the Graphics Studio, the set men were putting the finishing touches to 
a big Styrofoam pink cloud on which she and Jenifer were supposed to 
sit, looking as happy as possible over the fact that they were wearing 
Wonder-Wear underwear.

"Hey, get out the X-ray machine, boys, we gotta photograph Mrs. Larkin 
with her bathrobe on," jeered one of the technicians crudely as she and 
Jenifer entered the room. Ann's modesty was legendary among the camera 
crews and they never failed to tease her unmercifully whenever they got 
the opportunity. Normally Ann waited until the last possible moment to 
remove her dressing gown, but today she felt strangely challenged by 
Jenifer's free-wheeling carelessness and she immediately turned and 
hung her robe on a peg by the door.

It was the most revealing outfit she had ever modeled and she decided 
that she had better get accustomed to being looked at for a few minutes 
before they started pointing a camera at her, for otherwise her 
embarrassment would show and the pictures would be no good.

Every eye in the room was on her as she walked up and down, chatting 
uneasily with Jenifer. The full-bodied voluptuous young model knew that 
her full, firm breasts were swaying temptingly back and forth, but 
there was nothing she could do about it. She could hate this business 
all she wanted, but it was keeping Frank and her fed and sheltered and 
until something better came along, she knew that she had better grin 
and bear it.

"All right girls, up on the cloud!" called Mr. Pauling briskly as the 
lights and cameras were finally in position.

The next two hours passed quickly because Ann was busy every minute, 
posing, changing positions, smiling, frowning and laughing, all under 
Pauling's expert direction. She was a good model, favored by the 
graphics director because she concentrated on her work and he never 
needed to repeat himself when giving her directions.

As they were on the verge of finishing the last take, the studio door 
opened and a man entered. Ann felt the room grow tense as the camera 
crew and technicians became aware of his presence and- she sensed 
immediately that this must be the fear-inspiring Mr. Birindelli she was 
supposed to meet.

The vice-president for sales and promotion was unusually tall for an 
Italo-American and very good looking in a menacing, cruel way. His long 
wavy hair was black and he had enormous bushy eyebrows, beneath which 
his dark Mediterranean eyes scowled out at the room. At a glance, one 
could tell that this was a hard successful man who let nothing stand 
between himself and what he wanted.

"How are we doing, J.P.?" he asked Pauling casually, walking into the 
center of the room and surveying the models and the props with an air 
of professional competence.

"Well, pretty good, Mr. Birindelli. We're just finishing the shots for 
the Pink Cloud Sales Program. What do you think of it?"

"Pretty good, pretty good," Birindelli muttered, walking back and forth 
in front of the set and studying the two models with interest. "I'll 
want to see the results of course. The only thing that counts in this 
business is results! You agree, Pauling?"

"Yes, sir!" Mr. Pauling agreed immediately, but Birindelli ignored him 
and went on with his pep talk, addressing the cameramen and the models 
as well.

"An ad has to reach out and grab a potential customer by the throat. 
You gotta knock their eyes out! These days, anything goes, anything is 
fair game! Sex, religion, violence, motherhood, you name it and you can 
use it to sell underwear. Use whatever you like, but sell that product! 
It doesn't make any difference whether the product is any good or 
whether the customer needs it or not. The name of the game is sales! 

There was a general chorus of murmurs indicating agreement and even 
Ann, who did not agree in the slightest, found herself nodding her head 
up and down as Birindelli talked. He was the most powerful, forceful 
man she had ever seen and the young brown-haired model was going out of 
her mind with curiosity, wondering what he could possibly want to see 
her about.

"Now take this ad, for example," Birindelli continued in the same 
overbearing tone of voice. "You're selling panties and brassieres and 
you want the customer to know that she's going to feel like she's 
floating on a cloud if she wears our product. So you've put the girls 
in the panties and bra and on a cloud. So far so good. But this is not 
just ordinary underwear, it's sexy, almost see-through underwear and 
these are two sexy girls. Have you exploited that fact, Pauling?"

"Well ..." stumbled the graphics director for a moment, "What exactly 
did you have in mind, Mr. B?"

"Sex, Pauling! Sex! Sex! These days sex will always sell a product. 
Learn that and you'll go a long way in this business. You can put all 
your eggs in one basket so long as it's one hell of a sexy basket!" 
Birindelli roared in a domineering tone of voice, walking up to the 
pink cloud and studying Ann and Jenifer carefully.

"Okay girls, let's shoot this scene by my rules and see how it turns 
out. We've got to have the girls and the underwear in the scene 
together, but the underwear doesn't have to be on the girls. You, 
what's your name?" he demanded, pointing to Ann's friend.

"Jenifer, Mr. Birindelli," responded the tall cool blonde without a 
trace of nervousness.

"Okay Jenifer, I want you to turn your back to the camera and take off 
the product. Cross your arms and your legs and hang the panties over 
one shoulder and your bra over the other. Somebody get me a step ladder 
so I can pose these two girls."

Ann Larkin felt the butterflies swarming in her tummy as a technician 
darted forward with a step ladder. Surely Jenifer would refuse! They 
couldn't make her strip naked in a room full of men!

But instead of refusing, Jenifer did precisely what she had been told 
to do. Inching carefully around on the precarious Styrofoam cloud, she 
presented her back to the camera just as Mr. Birindelli climbed agilely 
up. Winking at Ann, she slid the tiny silky panties down over her 
smooth thighs as Birindelli helpfully undid the brassiere. Then, 
crossing her legs as directed, she allowed the vice-president to 
arrange the two flimsy garments on her back, holding them in place with 
her fingers. Standing behind the Styrofoam cloud, there were two 
lighting technicians who were looking up at Jenifer's shapely exposed 
breasts and blonde, curl-covered loins, grinning evilly, and Ann would 
have died of embarrassment had this been happening to her. But, in 
fact, Jenifer seemed to be enjoying herself enormously and smiled 
mischievously down at the two technicians who were looking lasciviously 
at the most intimate parts of her body.

"And you're Ann Larkin," snapped the big corporation executive, now 
turning his attention to the other girl. Ann was far too upset to 
speak, so she merely nodded and tried to form her face into something 
like a friendly smile.

"Okay Ann, I want you to cross your legs just like Jenifer here, but 
facing the camera. Take off the brassiere and hang it so that one cup 
covers your tit and the other cup rests on your shoulder. Got it?"

The man's personality was far too strong to be resisted and even though 
Ann was saying no in her head, she found herself reaching behind her 
back to unfasten the Pink Cloud brassiere. Her heavy mountainous 
breasts fell forward naturally as they escaped their confinement, and 
she looked down at them startled to note that her brown tender nipples 
were swollen and turgid as if she were sexually aroused. Birindelli 
took the brassiere from her hands for a moment and surveyed her naked 
chest with an air of professional interest.

"Good tits," he muttered. "Goddamn good tits. Pity we can't show them, 
but this ad goes in store windows and family magazines."

Moving with deliberate slowness, the advertising executive arranged the 
bra over Ann's shoulder so that one cup seemed to be hanging naturally 
over her right breast. Then he guided her other hand into position to 
hold it in place and shield at least the bulging nipple of her left tit 
from the camera's eye. Ann Closed her own eyes and tried to pretend all 
this was not really happening, hoping desperately that she was not 
betraying herself by blushing.

"Great!" proclaimed Birindelli, jumping down from his ladder. "Shoot 
it, boys. Looks terrific!"

*  *  *

"How the hell should I know what he wants?" Pauling had exclaimed with 
a dramatic shrug of his shoulders. "I'm just suggesting that you 
freshen up a little and wait for him in your dressing room. Maybe he 
needs a baby sitter or something." With that unhelpful remark, the 
graphics director had disappeared from view, taking Mrs. Porter with 

There was very little space in her dressing room for pacing, but Ann 
paced anyway, moving back and forth between the bathroom door and her 
dressing table. What a day this was turning out to be!

Actually the scenes directed by Mr. Birindelli had not been as 
difficult as she would have imagined, nor had she been as embarrassed 
as she had anticipated. The technicians had all seen her naked breasts, 
of course, but instead of making her ill at ease, she had experienced 
for the first time a strange sense of power over them. There had been 
an unusual feeling in her stomach while the cameras were clicking and 
it was only after she was on her way back to her dressing room, once 
again wrapped securely in her bathrobe, that she had admitted to 
herself that deep down inside she had rather enjoyed the experience.

After the shooting was over, Birindelli had gone into Jenifer's 
dressing room and the two of them had been talking now for about ten 
minutes. Ann's curiosity was beginning to get the better of her as she 
waited, still wearing her Pink Cloud underwear. More to kill time than 
anything else, she decided to wash her face and went into the bathroom 
which she shared with Jenifer. As she was about to turn on the hot 
water, she heard voices coming from the other girl's room and, giving 
in to the temptation to eavesdrop, she stood still for a minute and 
then put her ear to the door to Jenifer's room and listened.

"That's right, baby," Birindelli was saying. "Take it out."

"Oh, it's so big!" she heard her girl friend squeal in an excited 

What on earth could they be talking about. Was the vice president 
giving her some kind of present?

"Ummmmmh!" It was Jenifer's voice again, half-way between a groan and a 
sigh. Ann was going out of her mind with curiosity and it occurred to 
her that if she could find out ahead of time what Birindelli's business 
was, she might be able to prepare herself in some way.

It was a terrible thing to spy on people when they were conducting 
business negotiations, but the temptation was too strong. She dropped 
to her knees and put her eye to the key hole.

And a moment later, when her eye had focused on the scene before her, 
she sincerely wished that she had minded her own business.

The Pink Cloud bra-and-panty combination was lying forgotten on the 
chair and Jenifer was once again stark naked, just as she had been a 
few minutes before while they were shooting the advertisement. A pillow 
had been thrown on the floor and Jenifer was kneeling on it in slave-
like submission at Birindelli's feet. The big executive was still fully 
dressed except for his pants which were open at the fly.

Ann's eyes widened with shock and surprise as she saw exactly what 
Jenifer was doing. The tall sophisticated blonde had Birindelli's thick 
fat cock in her delicate hands and she was stroking it vigorously, 
gently pulling the thick pliable foreskin back and forth over the 
massive red blood-filled tip of the man's penis. jutting out strongly 
from the tufts of dark black pubic hair in his loins, Birindelli's 
enormous fleshy cock extended a good eight inches from his flat 
muscular stomach, dangling lewdly only a short distance from Jenifer's 
parted red lips.

Instinctively, Ann's hand shot to her own mouth to keep her involuntary 
gasp of stunned surprise from escaping her lips. The couple was only a 
foot or two away from the door and Ann realized that if she uttered a 
sound, they would surely hear her.

All the moral training she had ever received told her to quietly put 
her clothes on and run away. She need never come back to Wonder-Wear 
again and she could simply tell her husband that she had been fired. No 
decent woman would work among people who did what Jenifer and 
Birindelli were about to do.

But instead, Ann found herself incapable of moving a muscle! Her eye 
seemed to be glued to the keyhole and she watched this lascivious, 
depraved spectacle almost without blinking. Ann's entire sexual 
experience was limited to her marriage with Frank and she had never 
before seen another man's penis. Nor had she ever dreamed that they 
could grow so large. Birindelli was at least twice as big as Frank and 
she suddenly wondered if her husband were abnormally small or the vice-
president was abnormally big. Either way, she could not understand how 
a penis with those dimensions could ever fit up inside a normal woman's 

"Come on, baby," growled the corporation executive. "I ain't got all 
day. If you want this job, get on with it!"

Jenifer's only response was a lewd open-mouthed grin and Ann watched in 
horror as the tall supple woman moved her lips closer and closer to the 
man's menacing cock while he looked down on her with a cruel expression 
of sadistic satisfaction.

Pulling the foreskin back as far as it would go, Jenifer's wetly 
licking tongue flicked out teasingly at the tiny opening in the tip of 
the huge bulging organ and Ann could see a thin string of white fluid 
stretching obscenely from his nakedly exposed cock to Jenifer's sweetly 
smiling lips. She leaned forward again, running her tongue 
tantalizingly up and down the underside of the now rigid cock, bringing 
a slight sensual groan from Birindelli's lips.

Ann realized that she had almost stopped breathing and she took several 
deep breaths to keep herself from fainting.

When she put her eye again to the keyhole, Ann saw that the scene had 
become even more lewd. There was a savage gurgling sound from the other 
side of the door and the young model gasped with surprise as she saw 
her friend, Jenifer, drawing Birindelli's huge animal-like cock 
steadily into her widely ovaled mouth, taking as much of his long hard 
penis up inside her throat as was humanly possible.

Ann was virtually certain that the depraved young woman was going to 
choke from the sheer size of the executive's organ buried deeply in her 
clasping mouth, but instead she gave every indication of enjoying 
herself enormously. Her red, tightly puckered lips closed over his hard 
muscular cock just behind the thick bulbous head, and Ann could see her 
friend's cheeks bellowing in and out rhythmically as she sucked lewdly 
and noisily. Jenifer's eyes seemed to glow with a strange masochistic 
lust as she slavered over the giant thrusting penis, licking and 
sucking as if she had waited all her life for this very moment.

The tall muscular corporation executive began moving his hips back and 
forth with obvious enjoyment, occasionally reaching down with one hand 
to play with Jenifer's swollen shaking breasts. In the meantime, the 
blonde model moved both of her hands around to his buttocks and Ann 
observed her arm muscles strain as she endeavored to pull him farther 
and farther inside her obscenely sucking mouth. The advertising 
executive was looking down at her passion-contorted features with lewd 
and sadistic pleasure as he fucked brutally up into her cruelly-
stretched mouth with greater and greater force.

He's going to strangle her, thought Ann in real terror. If he cums 
inside of her mouth, she'll choke on his semen and he'll kill her! 
He'll drown her!

But it didn't happen that way.

In spite of her genuine innocence in sexual matters, Ann realized 
immediately what was going on when Birindelli began to cum. A long 
lustful growl emerged from his throat and he clasped the blonde models 
need brutally with his hands, his heavy swinging balls slapping 
rhythmically down against Jenifer's upturned chin.

The young girl sieved his pulsating, wildly-ejaculating penis with both 
of her hands and squeezed as hard as she could, at the same time 
opening her mouth wide as she attempted in vain to capture every drop 
of the viscous lust-inciting liquid spraying in quick thin spurts into 
the back of her tender young throat.

Jenifer's head began bobbing rapidly up and down as she hungrily 
swallowed the white-hot sperm flooding into her mouth, her lips forming 
a tight elastic seal around the vice president's long Trusting cock. 
But the pressure was too much and Ann's face went white as she saw tiny 
little rivulets of semen and saliva running down over Jenifer's chin 
and dropping uselessly on her friend's softly quivering breasts.

At last the violent pounding of Birindelli's hotly pulsating cock came 
to a stop. Jenifer, her eyes covered with a filmy mist of still 
unsatisfied lust, withdrew his slowly-deflating cock from her sperm-
soaked mouth and gazed up at the handsome Italian as if waiting for 
further instructions.

"Lick me clean," he ordered brutally. "I've got to talk to that broad 
next door and then get to a conference."

Chapter 2

And now he was coming to her room!

Ann heard the door to Jenifer's dressing room close solidly behind the 
vice-president for sales and promotion, and the sound of his heavy 
deliberate footsteps in the hallway. Panic swept over the young model 
like a waterfall as she realized that in her nervous excitement she had 
forgotten to dress. She was still clad only in the skimpy Pink Cloud 
underwear she had worn for the advertisement and if Birindelli came in 
and found her half-dressed like this, it would seem like an open 
invitation for him to start all over again with her the lewd 
cocksucking he had just finished next door with Jenifer!

Presumably, his lust would be satisfied, but Ann had heard about men 
who could do it again and again, and she wanted to take no chances. Her 
first impulse was to grab her bathrobe and cover herself completely, 
but then she remembered what Mr. Pauling had said about "showing him 
some flesh."

For a split-second, she hung in agonized indecision. Then, realizing 
that she had to do something, Ann quickly unsnapped the brassiere and 
took it off. She put on her dressing gown, leaving it partially open in 
front so that the magnificent twin peaks of her breasts were exposed 
almost to the nipples. Ann remembered how the handsome vice president 
had coarsely praised her breasts on the set and hoped that this would 
satisfy him.

Just as she fastened the cord around her slender waist, the door opened 
and Birindelli entered briskly.

Until this moment, the young brunette model had not realized just how 
big a man he really was. Birindelli towered above her by at least a 
foot and she estimated that he weighed over two hundred pounds without 
a trace of excess fat anywhere.

"All right Ann," he rumbled, his deep powerful voice filling the room. 
"I've got a conference in a few minutes, so I'll come right to the 
point. I've been watching you, whether you knew it or not, for the past 
six months, and I've decided that you've got what it takes to go places 
in the world of sales and promotion." His dark cruel eyes wandered over 
her luringly half-exposed body as he spoke and Ann had to repress a 
naturally modest desire to close the front of her gown. This man was 
important to her and she had to charm him one way or another. If he 
fired her, she and Frank would really be in financial difficulties.

"I'm hiring you and Jenifer as special promotional assistants. If you 
take the job, you can forget about routine modeling duties as of right 
now. The salary's about three times what you're making at the present 
and you will be considered for pay raises every six months."

"Oh, Mr. Birindelli ..." Ann began to stammer, surprised and delighted 
at the unexpected development. It was obvious to her now that what 
happened between Birindelli and Jenifer had nothing to do with her. He 
was not just interested in her pretty face and stunning figure; he 
wanted her for what she could do as a businesswoman, an executive! But 
he cut off her expressions of gratitude with a quick businesslike wave 
of his hand.

"Don't thank me, because I don't do things like this out of the 
kindness of my heart. People who work for me make money because they 
produce. And if they fail to produce, I get rid of them in one hell of 
a hurry. Remember the name of this game is sales!" He paused to pick up 
the Pink Cloud bra hanging over the back of her chair and dangled it 
before her eyes. "There's a dozen other companies in New York 
manufacturing tit-holders just as good as this one! But the Pink Cloud 
is going to outsell a dozen identical products ten-to-one because we 
are going to sell it like it was God's gift to women. Wonder-Wear is 
the biggest in the business because we merchandise every one of our 
products with no holds barred. It's a war, Miss Larkin, a war, and 
we'll stop at nothing to make sure we win it. Keep that in mind and 
you'll go a long way. Report to my office tomorrow at three for a 
briefing on your new duties as a special promotional assistant. And I 
have a terrible habit of firing people who are more than two minutes 
late!" He turned, as if to go, and then paused, giving her one last 
lingering inspection, "Even if you do have the biggest and most 
voluptuous tits I've ever seen," he added, his voice softening just a 
little. As he spoke, the vice-president stretched out both arms and ran 
his hands down the front of her dressing gown, briefly exposing and 
caressing her two proud swollen breasts, his fingers lightly brushing 
over her tight brown nipples. Ann was too startled and frightened to 
protest and by the time she got her wits together, he had whirled on 
his heel and marched out the door.

The young model suddenly felt a slight weakness about the knees and sat 
down heavily on the nearest chair.

*  *  *

It was an exceedingly long ride on the subway to the edge of the city 
where she and Frank lived in their tiny apartment, and as she rattled 
back and forth on the noisy dirty subway car, Ann daydreamed about 
getting a nice place closer to the center of town. With new salary, 
they could begin to afford some of the luxuries of life.

Mr. Birindelli had never given her a chance to say yes or no to his 
offer of a new job but the more she thought about it, the better it 
sounded, particularly the salary. Of course Ann had not the remotest 
idea of what a special promotional assistant was supposed to do, but 
she imagined herself seated behind a magnificent desk designing 
advertisements or charming important clients. It really didn't matter! 
For that kind of money, she would do almost anything.

Of course the events of the day had shaken her up a little and she felt 
nervous and vaguely sexy as the subway car swayed from side to side. 
The nudity had upset her more than a little and the sex scene she had 
witnessed between Birindelli and Jenifer had shocked her profoundly, 
but she decided to go on as if nothing had happened. What other people 
did should be of no concern to her.

Nevertheless, the statuesque young model had to admit that she was a 
tiny bit aroused by all that had happened. Mr. Birindelli had 
absolutely no business touching her breasts the way he did and she 
would never permit him to do it again, but the memory of his fingers on 
her nipples excited her anyway and she hoped that Frank was not too 
tired to make love tonight.

Their honeymoon had been short and for most of their marriage, Frank 
had been working so hard and such irregular hours that they had really 
had very little time to enjoy each other in bed. Sometimes Ann wanted 
sex so badly that it almost hurt, but she had been taught that proper 
young wives did not make demands of this kind. The man was supposed to 
take the initiative and decent women learned to control their emotions.

When she arrived at their small shabby apartment, Dr. Frank Larkin took 
her excited news as calmly as he did most things, but he was obviously 
overjoyed, particularly at the fact that his wife would no longer have 
to pose for photographers in her underwear. Larkin was a slender, 
scholarly-looking young man with thick glasses who habitually wore a 
rather severe professional expression. But the frown was replaced with 
a smile as Ann told him about her new salary.

"Hell, it'll be years before I'll be making that much money," he stated 
enthusiastically, swinging away from his desk end the scientific books 
he had been studying. "There's so much we need, it's hard to decide 
what we ought to buy first. A car, I think! Something dignified and 
solid that suits a doctor and his wife. And I need a lot of books and 
some clothes ..."

"It'll be awhile before we've saved enough for a car," cautioned Ann, 
but Frank brushed her objections aside.

"Listen, honey, nobody pays cash for anything any more. You buy on 
credit and doctor can always get credit," he insisted. "Since you don't 
have to report to work until three o'clock tomorrow, we can pick one 
out in the morning and make the first payment with your first 

It had been months since Ann had seen her husband so excited and she 
decided to take advantage of his enthusiasm by crawling into his arms.

"Since I've been such a clever girl, don't you think I deserve a little 
reward?" she whispered suggestively, biting his ear and kissing his 
neck tenderly.

"Of course," he responded affably. "What would you like? Some new 
dresses or something?"

"No, no, darling," she crooned. "All I want is you. Don't you think we 
should celebrate a little? I mean it's been such a long tinge since we 
made love together ..." She wiggled her bottom hungrily against his 
lap, trying to arouse him and pressed her full lush breasts against his 
chest. Her nipples were flow so swollen and hard from excitement that 
they hurt and Ann could feel the first warm orgiastic juices flowing 
inside her and wetting the thin nylon crotchband of her panties.

She had to have it!

"I suppose so," he replied uncertainly. "According to some medical 
authorities a certain amount of unpremeditated spontaneity between 
spouses is not counter-indicated in conjugal relations. Why don't you 
climb into bed while 1 finish up this chapter ...

*  *  *

Her softly trembling nakedness covered only by the sheet, Ann lay 
restlessly in their marriage bed, unhappy and unsatisfied, while her 
husband rolled over on his side and dropped quickly off to sleep in his 
usual precise manner. She noticed that he had failed to remove his 
underwear, as usual.

It had been the same old story. Frank made love with all the wild 
passionate enthusiasm of a surgeon removing a badly infected appendix. 
Sometimes Ann had the impression that he had learned about sex only in 
medical school and only did it because the best medical authorities 
recommended it for a man's health.

There had been many nights like this in the course of their marriage 
when Ann had been unmoved and unsatisfied by Frank's love-making, but 
this was the first time that she had found the courage to admit to 
herself that she was not getting what she wanted.

But there was nothing she could do about it. Ann knew that she was not 
the kind of woman to get involved in some sordid extra-marital love 
affair. She would just have to learn to control herself. This new job 
would help, she decided. Modeling had a natural tendency to arouse her 
emotions, but perhaps with a desk job she would be more tired 
physically at the end of the day and the demands of her body would be 

It took a long time to fall asleep that night, however, and when she 
did, Ann dreamed of Birindelli's hands on her breasts.

Chapter 3

Ann met Jenifer coming down the long carpeted hallway to Mr. 
Birindelli's office and breathed a sigh of relief, happy to know that 
she would not have to face the tough-talking, hard-driving corporation 
executive all by herself.

"How are you, baby," called the tall blonde cheerfully. "How does it 
feel to be a special promotional assistant?"

"Good, I guess," dubiously responded the lush young doctor's wife. 
"What do you suppose we have to do?"

"Let's go into the lion's den and find out," suggested Jenifer. "It's 
almost three o'clock and our fearless leader does not like to be kept 

Jenifer was wearing a cheerful cocktail dress, cut low in front to 
expose the alluring swelling of her high-set, well-formed breasts. She 
seemed so fresh and lively that Ann found it difficult to believe this 
was the same immoral woman who had been so lewdly sucking Mr. 
Birindelli's lust-swollen penis the day before. It just goes to show 
you, thought Ann as the two of them presented themselves to 
Birindelli's secretary, you can never really know what another person 
is like.

The secretary waved them through and as they entered the inner office, 
the vice president for sales and promotion was behind his desk, 
surrounded by a team of assistants and secretaries, shouting into a 

"Tell them to get off their fucking asses," Birindelli thundered at 
some unfortunate person on the other end of the line. "If the cocktail 
room isn't ready by eight o'clock, you're fired!" And he slammed down 
the receiver without waiting for a reply. Ann noticed that none of his 
female secretaries batted all eyelash at this vulgar language, since 
they were evidently accustomed to him. Looking up, he caught sight of 
the two models and permitted himself a quick tense smile.

"Oh, here are our two lovelies. Sit down girls and listen hard because 
I've only got a few seconds to spare."

Jenifer and Ann took seats hesitantly while Birindelli's staff 
clustered around him ready to execute any order he might give.

"I had hoped to be able to give you some on-the-job training and brief 
you thoroughly on your duties before an important job came up, but 
we're got a crisis on our hands and we're going to have to throw you 
two into the breach without much preparation. About all hour ago we got 
a call from Mr. Judson Ty Benson of Salt Lake City, a perfect asshole 
who also happens to be the biggest buyer of women's clothing in the 
Midwest. Benson and his team are going to be in town for one night and 
they want to see the Pink Cloud and our other recent designs. We're 
setting up a dinner and a party for this evening and the two of you 
will model our stuff and socialize with Benson and his crew. Jenkins, 
where's that biographic sketch the market research people worked up?"

An assistant promptly handed the executive a sheet of paper and 
Birindelli tossed it in Ann's direction.

"Study this and get to know your man, because Benson is your baby. I 
want you to stick to him like glue all evening and if he signs a 
contract with us tomorrow morning, I'll write you a check for one cool 
grand. Screw up and you can look for another job. Jenifer, you get 
Benson's right-hand man, a guy named Franklyn. We don't know much about 
him so you'll have to play it by ear. Now both of you get your asses 
downstairs and see Pauling about what he wants you to wear."

It was clearly not the moment to ask questions. Birindelli immediately 
turned his attention to the documents before him on his desk and the 
two young models found their own way out of his office.

"That guy has all the charm of a bull elephant in the rutting season," 
commented Jenifer acidly, right in front of Birindelli's secretary. 
"Come on, let's go see old Pauling and see what kind of rags he's got 
for us."

Ann followed the sexy blonde model down the hall, admiring the way her 
friend handled herself in every situation. Nothing ever seemed to upset 
Jenifer, even Mr. Birindelli. How she wished she could behave with the 
same cool sophistication!

*  *  *

"Look, Pauling, I'm worried," Jenifer told the graphics director as she 
unzipped the gown she was wearing and stepped casually out of it.

"Try this one on," suggested Pauling, handing her another party dress 
and stepping back to admire the girl's smooth sleek body, now covered 
only by a tiny pair of lacy panties. "I didn't know you ever worried 
about anything. Tonight got you upset?"

"Yes, but not for myself. I can handle almost anything that comes my 
way, but I don't think our little girlfriend quite realizes what she's 
gotten herself into. You know how innocent and naive she is! What 
happens when this Judson Ty Benson tries to get her into bed? She'll 
scream "RAPE." Wonder-Wear will lose the sale and Birindelli will 
probably fire everybody in the room, including you and me."

"Could be," admitted Pauling uneasily, frowning as Jenifer's words took 
effect. "And yet, somehow, Birindelli usually has all the angles 
figured. I explained all about Ann's morals when he picked her and he 
insisted on having her anyway. Can't you straighten her out between now 
and the party?"

"I'll do what I can," agreed the model dubiously, "but I don't want to 
scare her off, either. Can't you think of anything?"

"Keep your eye on her and make sure her glass is filled every minute," 
advised the graphics director seriously. "Her type can't normally 
handle much liquor. Everything goes a little bit better if it's oiled."

"Okay, but you stay on your toes too. I'll be busy with this guy 
Franklyn," Jenifer reminded him. "Hey, I like this outfit. Does it show 
enough tit?"

"Plenty," the advertising man assured her, allowing his lustful gaze to 
roam over her smooth, young breasts. "And you'll only be wearing it for 
the first few minutes. After that, you'll be sporting Wonder-Wear and 
that shows even more."

"You know," reflected Jenifer, pirouetting in front of the mirror. "I 
really do dig this dress. Could I keep it afterwards?"

"That's a three hundred dollar dress," said Pauling softly, coming up 
behind her and putting his hands confidently on her slender waist. "And 
it belongs to Wonder-Wear, Incorporated. Of course, I might be 
persuaded to drop it from the inventory ..."

"Really?" responded the voluptuous yielding young model, a trace of 
sensuality in her voice as she teasingly drew down the zipper. "Let me 
see if I can't find a way to-persuade you ..."

*  *  *

"Good Heavens, at this rate, I'm going to be drunk as an owl before the 
party even starts," protested Ann nervously as Pauling handed her 
another glass of champagne. The innocent but tempting young model was 
wearing a green frilly party dress, chosen for her by Mr. Pauling, 
which emphasized her full dramatic figure and revealed her heavy 
swollen breasts almost to their tender brown nipples.

Jenifer, Pauling and a scattering of other Wonder-Wear executives were 
waiting with Ann in the company's cocktail room for Birindelli and his 
team to return from a business dinner with the Salt Lake City buyer and 
his assistants. At one end of the hall was a dressing room where the 
two models would change into the various costumes and fashions Wonder-
Wear was trying to sell. A bar had been set up to keep the liquor 
flowing and a white-suited bartender was busily uncorking champagne 

"Don't worry, these deals are just excuses to net juiced," declared 
Pauling. "Here come the big boys now. They've probably all had six 
martinis apiece at dinner."

"Not Mr. Benson," asserted Ann worriedly. "Mr. Birindelli gave me a 
description of him that said he's active in church affairs and doesn't 
smoke or drink!"

"Watch out for him honey," joked Jenifer with a lewd grin. "A guy that 
doesn't smoke or drink must be saving his energy for something. Hey, 
are you nervous or something?"

"Just a little," admitted the brown-haired girl. "Posing for the camera 
in your underwear is one thing, but walking around in a room full of 
men ... I didn't realize that's what special promotional assistants had 
to do."

"Nonsense," insisted Pauling, who had been listening carefully to what 
Ann said. "That's just an insignificant part of the job. Your business 
is to charm that client. Make him want to buy Wonder-Wear because you 
and he are friends. This is a very high-powered psychological sales 
technique you're participating in."

As Pauling spoke, the group of senior executives entered the room and 
Ann's eyes followed an extremely tall lanky man of about fifty whom she 
recognized from the description she had been given as Judson Ty Benson. 
The Midwestern business magnate was a thin as a scarecrow and wore 
typical Western-style clothing with a checkered shirt, a string tie and 
steel-rimmed glasses which made him look like a circuit preacher. 
Feeling a gentle shove from behind, Ann stepped forward to be 
introduced, now glad that she had had a couple of glasses of champagne 
to give her courage.

"And this is one of our smartest young promotional assistants," 
Birindelli informed the tall gangling man. "Ann, shake hands with the

"As the Bible says, 'Work and ye shall prosper,'" quoted Benson, 
shaking hands stiffly with Ann and examining her carefully through his 
old-fashioned spectacles. "I am what I am today because of a life-time 
of clean living and honest labor, Mr. Birindelli," he informed Ann's 

"Of course, Mr. Benson, and we all admire you for it," Birindelli 
smiled back at him insincerely with a wink to Ann out of the corner of 
his eye. "Miss Larkin, why don't you get Mr. Benson something to 

"Surely," the young model began, but Benson cut her oft with another 
biblical quotation.

"'The fruit of the grape brings madness to fools,' as the Good Book 
says, young lady," he instructed her. "I never touch liquor."

"I believe we may have some orange juice," offered Ann smoothly, 
knowing that Birindelli was watching her sharply, waiting to see how 
she would handle the situation.

"Not Florida orange juice?" inquired the visiting businessman, 
wrinkling his brow.

"California, naturally," Birindelli assured him and Ann walked quickly 
to the bar, thinking that Benson was about the strangest individual she 
had ever met. The bartender poured a glass three-quarters full of fresh 
orange juice and promptly filled it up with vodka.

"What are you doing?" hissed Ann, angry at the man's stupidity. "This 
is for Mr. Benson and he doesn't drink liquor!"

"Then he shouldn't know what vodka tastes like," retorted the bartender 
calmly, handling her the glass. "Anyway, Mr. Birindelli's orders and I 
guess he knows what he's doing."

Apparently he did, since Benson accepted the glass with his peculiar 
preacher's smile and drank deeply.

"Avoid Florida orange juice, my dear," he informed her, smacking his 
lips. "Contains all sorts of impurities!"

"Oh, I will," Ann assured him, taking another sip of her champagne. 
"Thank you for the warning." Mr. Benson lectured on about the necessity 
of living cleanly and avoiding impurities of all kinds and Ann quickly 
glanced around the room to see how the party was progressing. Jenifer 
was busily chattering to a young man who was apparently Franklyn, 
Benson's right-hand man. Several other pretty girls from the Wonder-
Wear staff were circulating through the party, making sure that 
everyone's cigarette was lit and everyone's glass was full. It suddenly 
occurred to her to wonder why Mr. Birindelli had chosen her, his least 
experienced assistant, to be Benson's companion at this party. Surely 
Jenifer or one of the others would be more relaxed and sophisticated. 
But, as the bartender had put it, Birindelli always did seem to know 
what he was doing.

"Ann," said the vice president with a soft pleasant voice. "I have an 
idea. Why don't you and Jenifer show Mr. Benson and his staff the Pink 
Cloud and some of our other outfits? I'm sure he could get a better 
idea of how they look if he could see them actually being worn by 
someone as pretty as you."

Birindelli was behaving as if it were an idea which had just struck him 
rather than a carefully-organized operation they had been planning all 
day, but Ann played along with him.

"Fine, Mr. Birindelli. In fact, we brought the whole Wonder-Wear line 
up with us just in case someone wanted to take another look at it." And 
then she turned to Mr. Judson Benson, who was knocking back his fourth 
specially-prepared California orange juice, and gave him an apologetic 
little-girl look.

"Of course, we're not professional models, Mr. Benson, but we'll do our 

"The Lord asks of each of us our most earnest endeavor," agreed Benson, 
slurring his words a little.

Ann gave him her most winning smile, hoping that no one could see how 
nervous she was, and went off to collect Jenifer.

"Everything's going like clockwork," Pauling informed the two 
attractive models as they entered the dressing room. "And I think 
you're sweeping Mr. Benson off his feet, Ann. Now get into your outfits 
and go!"

*  *  *

It was not as bad as she had imagined it would be. Never in Ann's 
entire life had she drunk so much champagne in one evening and her 
entire body felt warm and rosy. The room was hot and she felt 
comfortable and natural in the brief undergarments which Pauling had 
left out for them to model. She made a point of not looking at herself 
in the mirror whenever she put on a new set of underwear or one of the 
frilly nighties which the company manufactured for fear that she would 
be covered with embarrassment if she saw how much of her was showing.

From time to time, she thought of how shocked and horrified her husband 
would be if he could see her now, but somehow the idea filled her with 
amusement. Frank was a dear man, but sometimes he behaved like such a 
stuffed shirt. These people, she decided, really knew how to have fun 
and even Mr. Benson was beginning to kick up his heels a little, under 
the influence of a number of California orange juices spiked with 

"Do you like this one, Mr. Benson?" she asked innocently as she showed 
him an almost-transparent white nightie which she would never have 
dared to wear sober.

"It becomes you, my dear," he announced, his long angular body swaying 
slightly from the alcohol he had unknowingly been drinking. "As King 
Solomon says in the Song of Songs, 'Your beauty is like the shining sea 
and your breasts are like pomegranates.' Although worn by some less 
pure young woman, I can see that it might be quite vulgar."

Pauling intercepted her on the way back to the changing room and filled 
up her glass with champagne again.

"I don't think I should drink any more, Mr. Pauling," she told him. 
"We've still got three or four more things to model and I'm really 
getting pretty tight."

"That's okay," responded Pauling seriously. Even in her drunken state, 
Ann could see that the graphics director was still dead sober. 
"Benson's good and sloshed and he's ready to go back to his hotel. 
Birindelli wants you to get dressed and escort him. So this is one for 
the road."

"Oh really ... do you think that's quite proper?" Ann protested as she 
drank the champagne. "I mean ... suppose he gets the idea ..."

"That guy?" exclaimed Pauling with an amused smile. "He hasn't had that 
particular idea in twenty years. He'll just quote the Bible all the way 
up to his room. You just tuck him into bed and then go on home. We'll 
see you back here in the morning. But remember, this is one hell of a 
big client. If he decides he wants to go out for a pizza or something, 
for Christ's sake go with him."

*  *  *

Mr. Judson Ty Benson seemed to be sitting unnecessarily close to her in 
the back of the cab and his hand had fallen, apparently by accident, 
onto Ann's bare thigh, but she found it impossible to believe that a 
man who quoted scripture as much as this one did could possibly mean 
any harm. Besides Ann's senses were dulled by the enormous quantity of 
champagne she had imbibed over the course of the evening. It had seemed 
that every time she turned around, Pauling or Jenifer thrust a fresh 
glass into her hands. But somehow she felt good, despite the slight 
spinning sensation in her head.

"Did we remember the samples, Miss Larkin?" the businessman wanted to 
know. "I'll want to study them again before retiring for the night."

"Yes, Mr. Benson," Ann assured him smoothly. "Right here in this 
suitcase." Their cab pulled up in front of Benson's hotel and the 
lanky, angular gentleman handed the driver a crisp ten dollar bill.

"Come up for two minutes, won't you?" asked the executive in a 
business-like tone of voice. "I have some more questions about some of 
these garments and perhaps you could use a cup of coffee before 
starting out for your home."

It was more of an order than a question and Ann was not overly 
enthusiastic about going up to Mr. Benson's hotel room in the middle of 
the night, but she remembered Pauling's instructions about humoring 
important clients. Not that she was worried about Mr. Benson 
misbehaving, of course, because he was obviously too religious-minded 
for any hanky-panky. But still, if someone who knew her husband should 
see her entering a hotel with a suitcase in the middle of the night, 
the wrong conclusions could be jumped to without too much of a strain 
on the imagination.

Obediently, the inexperienced young model followed the Salt Lake City 
businessman through the sumptuous lobby of the hotel, attracting lewd 
and suspicious stares from bellhops and busboys.

"Pay them no mind, daughter," said Mr. Benson, observing her 
embarrassment. "Evil is in the eye of the beholder and the pure in 
heart rush in where angels fear to bed."

Ann was not quite sure that this particular quotation sounded exactly 
right, but her mind was too addled by the quantity of alcohol she had 
consumed to try to decide how it should go. The door of Room Number 971 
yielded to Benson's key and the two of them walked into the most 
luxurious penthouse suite Ann had ever seen.

"Very well, let's get right down to work because I'm sure you're 
anxious to get home to bed," Mr. Benson commented, setting the suitcase 
full of Wonder-Wear samples on the dresser and opening it up. The first 
thing he drew out was the sheer white nightie and a thin pair of soft, 
powder blue panties with white frilly lace around the legbands Ann had 
modeled earlier in the evening.

"Now, I am interested in this particular nightgown worn over these 
panties, he stated, holding them up to the light and examining it with 
the greatest attention. "They have good lines and the material seems to 
be high-quality. I think we could sell a great many of them in my 
territory, however ..."

"What don't you like about them?" asked Ann solicitously, relieved that 
he was really interested in talking business but wishing desperately 
that she were a tiny bit soberer.

"Tell me honestly, Miss Larkin," he asked her seriously. "You're quite 
obviously a young woman of the highest moral standards. Do you think a 
nightgown and panties like this are ... well ... decent?"

"Decent?" she echoed, a little stupefied. Damn. Why didn't I stay away 
from that champagne? she asked herself. I can't think straight and if I 
lose this client, Birindelli will fire me!

"I mean, I wouldn't want to bring into my territory anything which 
could be an occasion for sin," Benson continued earnestly. "I simply 
cannot decide if this nightgown and those panties aren't really 
calculated to stimulate a man's baser sexual instincts."

Ann was dumbfounded. The nightie was thin enough to be transparent and 
so short that it would barely cover a woman's buttocks, and the panties 
were so thin and sheer you could see her pubic curls and vaginal slit 
right through them. What kind of instincts did he think it was 
calculated to stimulate?

"Those of us in the clothing trade have grave moral responsibilities, 
Miss Larkin," he continued, staring at her with his beady unblinking 
eyes. "And too many of my colleagues knowingly sell garments which are 
open invitations to immoral behavior."

"Well," Ann mumbled, trying to think of something intelligent to say. 
"I think that ..."

"No, I've got to see them modeled again," he interrupted. "If they 
cause the slightest sexual arousal in me, I simply will not be able to 
place an order with your company. Without boasting, I think it is fair 
to say that I am morally stronger than most men and if something is 
capable of threatening my ethical standards, then we can safely 
conclude that it would be disastrous for my weaker brethren. You may 
change in the bathroom, Miss Larkin." Dropping the nightie over her 
shoulder and pushing the panties in her hand, Benson shoved the 
startled, astonished girl into the bathroom and closed the door behind 

The man's out of his mind, thought Ann, staring at herself in the 
mirror and trying to get her eyes to focus properly. Here I am, drunk 
as a whore, supposed to model a sexy nightgown for a religious nut and 
somehow not arouse any of his lower instincts, if he has any. I'm going 
to get fired for sure, and we won't be able to make the payments on 
that new car. What a situation!

But there was no question of disobeying Mr. Benson now. Refusing to 
model for him would be clearly insulting and Wonder-Wear would 
automatically lose the sale. With a sigh of resignation, she slipped 
out of her green low-cut party dress and her Pink Cloud underwear and 
pulled the nightie over her head, inspecting herself in the mirror.

There were no two ways about it. This was a sensuous, lust-arousing 
nightgown and a pair of panties definitely designed to bring out the 
lower instincts in almost anyone!

Ann's head was spinning wildly now and she wished Mr. Benson would 
remember that promised cup of coffee. Somehow she had to sober up 
enough to deal with this insane situation. Splashing water on her face, 
she gathered up her courage and walked back into the bedroom. Mr. 
Benson had removed his coat and tie and was sitting on the edge of the 

"Good, now walk over to the center of the room, under the light!" he 
ordered, and Ann did as she was told, her bare feet tingling as she 
moved across the plush thick carpet. She pirouetted automatically, 
allowing him to see all sides of her and then came to rest and waited 
for further instructions.

"Hmmmmm, I'm not sure whether I find that erotic or not," he muttered, 
rising from the bed. "Come over here and lean back on the bed against a 
pillow. I want to see you against a more natural setting."

Something deep inside the girl's alcohol hazed mind told her this meant 
trouble, but she was too drunk and too frightened to dream of 
disobeying. She sat down uneasily on the edge of the bed, wishing she 
could have kept her own panties on instead of these you could see her 
pubic hair and everything through, even though hers were the wrong 
color and clashed horribly with the nightie. Crossing her legs 
modestly, she pulled the flimsy garment down as far as it would go and 
relaxed back against the pillow, trying to smile naturally.

Benson circled the bed like an animal about to spring on its prey, his 
fiery maniac's eyes almost bulging from his head as he surveyed the 
young voluptuous woman's sleekly tapered legs and the tempting twin 
swells of her ripely swelling bosom. Ann was feeling incredibly tired 
and drunk and she only wished she could crawl under the cool refreshing 
sheets arid doze off to sleep. In her champagne-wracked mind, all she 
could think of was Pauling's urgent order that Judson Ty Benson was to 
be kept happy at all costs. If she failed, her job went out the window 
and she and Frank were on the high road to financial ruin.

"Ah-ha!" he cried unexpectedly, startling her out of her own private 
thoughts. "As I feared! Your nipples, Miss Larkin, are plainly visible! 
You call that decent?"

It was true, of course, she told herself with irritation, glancing down 
at her nearly naked breasts to verify what this peculiar religious 
fanatic was shouting at her. Not only were the tips of her nipples 
visible, they were also stiff and swollen, as if something about this 
insane situation was arousing what Benson would call her "baser sexual 

Moving with surprising agility, the lean and lanky businessman circled 
quickly and sat down lightly by her side, forcing her to move her long, 
tantalizingly-exposed legs over toward the center of the mattress.

"And look here!" he roared at her like an old-time preacher promising 
hellfire and damnation. One long finger was pointed between her thighs, 
only inches away from the dark mysteriously curling triangle of pussy 
hair which showed plainly beneath the powder blue panties thin filmy 

"Even your ... your ... genital region is exposed!! Miss Larkin, these 
panties were designed by a moral degenerate! They were clearly intended 
to promote sin and promiscuity!"

As far as Ann was concerned, the whole business was getting rapidly out 
of hand. Benson was obviously mad as the proverbial mad hatter and 
Wonder-Wear could hardly expect her to stay here another minute. A 
glance at her companion showed that he was getting more and more 
excited, since his chest was heaving with excitement and his long 
angular midwestern face was flushed and red.

The terrorized young girl began edging cautiously toward the other side 
of the bed.

"NO, you don't," he screamed insanely and despite her drunken state, it 
suddenly occurred to Ann that no one was likely to hear them in the 
penthouse suite. "You're not going anywhere just yet. This nightgown---
those pussy-exposing panties---have aroused my lower instincts!" Ann 
gasped as his thin threatening hands reached out to claw at her 
sensitive vulnerable breasts. She tried desperately to push him away 
but his lean hungry body was too strong for her and in an instant he 
had crawled over her body, pushing the lust-provoking nightie high up 
over her waist and exposing to his lust-maddened blazing eyes a 
tormentingly tempting view of her almost nakedly defenseless loins and 
the soft sleek hair surrounding her delicate red-lipped vagina.

"Wonder-Wear is in league with the Devil!" he thundered crazily. "You 
have led an innocent righteous man into carnal sin and ye shall be 
punished for your lewd transgressions! We shall all be punished!"

"No, please, Mr. Benson," sobbed the fear-stricken girl, writhing and 
moaning piteously as his hard muscular hands roamed wildly over her 
twisting shaking body.

"First, let us rid ourselves of these lewd and wicked garments!" he 
proclaimed, seizing Wonder-Wear's best-selling nightie at the throat 
and ripping it savagely from her innocent white body. "If the eye 
offendeth thee, pluck it out, sayeth the Good Book!"

Rising up astride her, he looked down desirously at the ripe now almost 
naked young body completely at his mercy.

Ann froze in real terror, trying desperately to cover herself with her 
hands, the lust-maddened businessman ripping the clothing from his own 
gnarled tough body. After tearing the shirt from his chest, he wiggled 
clumsily out of his pants, his eyes never leaving her for a second. Ann 
had never seen anyone get undressed quite so quickly; in an instant he 
was naked, his lean tawny body towering over her like a skyscraper. His 
already long hard cock stood out from his flat muscular stomach like 
the heavy, thickened shaft of a spear.

Christ, it was long! Benson was uncircumcised and his penis was even 
greater in length than Birindelli's, although not quite so thick. 
Despite his age, the businessman's body was still hard and agile, the 
result of a half-century of clean living. Ann saw immediately that 
there was no hope whatsoever of overpowering him or escaping. She was 

"Don't ... don't do it to me!" she wailed as her fear increased.

"You must suffer for your sins," Benson roared insanely. "You have led 
a just man into evil and this shall be your punishment!"

Ann saw immediately that the strange angular businessman was quite out 
of his head and she remembered all the doctored glasses of orange juice 
he had consumed in the course of the evening. Why, he's twice as drunk 
as I am, she realized with a sudden shock. Only he doesn't know it!

But drunk or not, he was clearly going to rape her and there was 
nothing she could do about it now. Of course she could start screaming 
her head off and maybe someone would hear her and call the police, but 
where would that leave her? Her picture would be in all the morning 
papers and there would be plenty of bellhops to testify that she came 
willingly to Mr. Benson's room in the middle of the night carrying a 
suitcase full of clothing. The police would probably think she was a 
dishonest prostitute and her husband would call his lawyer for a 
divorce the moment he heard about it.

No, there was no way out! She was going to have to lie here and let 
herself be cruelly raped by this middle-aged madman!

But Benson was wasting no time in contemplation. Kneeling up between 
her lewdly outstretched legs, the crazed businessman passionately 
dropped his fanatical face to the soft twin peaks of her ripe young 
bosom, moving his slavering mouth rapidly from one tensed brown nipple 
to the other as if he could not make up his mind between the two. The 
wetness of his lips against her defenselessly yielding flesh sent a 
chill racing up and down her spine and a piteous groan escaped from her 
tortured tingling lips.

But Benson seemed incapable of holding still for more than a few 
seconds and as Ann tried in vain to wiggle away from his searing 
tongue, the religious fanatic found a new object for his attentions. 
Pinning her arms to the mattress with his tremendous lust-crazed 
strength, he forced her legs even farther apart with his knees and with 
a snarl thrust his face into her thin, panty covered pussy slit.

"No, please, not that," she cried uselessly, but Benson was beyond 
listening to her futile please. Pressing the flimsy, moisture-covered 
crotchband aside with his fingers and nuzzling his way through the soft 
brown pubic hair, he suddenly flicked his tongue up into the moistly 
quivering mound of her tender young cunt, hungrily licking the 
sensitive pink lips surrounding her tiny tension-filled clitoris.

Ann kicked her long tapered legs out wildly on either side of Benson's 
head, but every movement of her nakedly trembling body only seemed to 
open her up even wider to his depraved invasion of her loins. Releasing 
her arms, he plunged his middle finger into her sparsely growing pussy 
hair, using both his thumbs to draw apart the pink petal edges of her 
vagina, exposing to his bulging, frenzied eyes a lust-exciting view of 
her moistly quivering cuntal slit.

For a moment, he hovered over her like a vulture, saliva already 
dripping from his gaping mouth, surveying the prize he had fought for 
and won. Then, with a groan more animal than human, his head ducked 
abruptly and he buried his long slippery tongue way up inside the 
warmly clasping walls of her vagina.

"AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!" she cried out in despair as he invaded her 
helplessly trapped cunt. She ground her hips frantically into the 
mattress as she attempted to escape this ghastly attack on the most 
intimate part of her body. Ann's fingers curled into the Salt Lake City 
executive's steel-gray hair and she tried with all her might to lift 
his lewdly burrowing face from her defenselessly tongue-spread young 
pussy. But if Benson even noticed the pain of having his hair pulled, 
he gave no sign of it, his tongue penetrating her more deeply by the 

Releasing his hair, Ann clutched the sheets in her fists and raised her 
head and shoulders up off the mattress, unable to believe that this 
incredible thing was really happening to her, little Mrs. Ann Larkin, 
the doctor's wife. It was too cruel, too bizarre to be true. Oh why had 
she ever gotten involved in this insane business to begin with?

Let him do what he wants, she told herself, dropping back down on the 
mattress and resigning herself to the inevitable. He's too strong to 
fight and too crazy and drunk to reason with. He said this was a 
punishment and in a way he's right. So take your medicine with dignity 
and stop flailing around like an idiot. You should have walked out the 
door when he first suggested a private modeling session and you didn't, 
so you have no one to blame but yourself!

So she lay back on the luxurious penthouse bed, stiff but submissive, 
remarking to herself that the experience was degrading and humiliating, 
but not painful, at least so far. In fact, as Benson's tongue lashed 
furiously in and out of her involuntarily dilating cunt, she observed 
that the sensation was anything but painful. Despite the waves of shame 
which swept insistently over her, tiny wisps of forbidden tingling 
pleasure were beginning to build up in her stomach and radiate out in 
all directions, causing her thighs to jerk spasmodically upwards. Her 
stomach was filling gradually with a warm pleasant feeling and it was 
another half-minute before she realized with horror exactly what was 
happening to her.

This maniac was turning her on! He was arousing her against her will!

Tightening every muscle in her body, Ann Larkin fought back with all 
her strength. If she allowed this to happen to her, she could never 
face her husband again. She must not surrender!

But her noble resolution faded rapidly as Benson's mouth slavered over 
her with increasing fury, his tongue snaking viciously up into the 
mysterious softness of her gradually widening vagina. The tingling 
electric current had now spread into her trembling white breasts' 
causing her nipples to stand up boldly.

Benson's mind was a raging mass of confusion as a lifetime of repressed 
sexuality finally burst its bounds. Ever since his youth he had been 
holding back this reservoir of stormy lust, making delicate passionless 
love once a week to an ugly old woman ten years older than he. It had 
never before occurred to Benson to have sexual relations with a woman 
other than his wife, but when he had seen this splendid young creature 
earlier in the evening, he had felt an indescribably powerful emotion 
welling up inside of him, totally unlike anything else he had ever 

Of course he had known immediately when they handed him his drink that 
the orange juice was half alcohol. But instead of protesting or 
throwing it in Birindelli's face, he had drunk it down and called for 
another. For the first time in his long, bible-quoting life, he had 
wanted to get really drunk, blown out of his mind, just to see what 
would happen.

And this was what happened. Well, he told himself, if this was a sin, 
by God, it was going to be a good one, and he continued to flail with 
his tongue like a madman at Ann's hopelessly resisting pussy.

As the fury of his sexual madness increased, Benson wanted even more, 
desiring to do all of the lewd depraved things he had read about in 
books and had never before had the courage to try, particularly not 
with his aging frigid wife.

Might as well be damned for a goat as a sheep, he decided, pushing the 
trembling young model's knees up in the air in such fashion that her 
sleek smooth thighs covered his ears and the whole flat plane of her 
pussy with the crotchband of her panties pulled aside, was exposed to 
his maniacal eyes. His wetly swirling tongue worked madly, lapping 
everything in sight from the pulsating moist opening of her vaginal 
tunnel down to the tight little puckery hole of her anus.

"Oooooohh," Ann groaned as she felt his hot searing tongue pass quickly 
over the sensitive rubbery opening, sending an unexpected rolling wave 
of sensation through her tormentedly writhing body.

"Not there, please, don't touch me there!"

But Benson was beyond mercy. Discovering that the inexperienced young 
girl liked the feeling he burrowed even farther up into the defensively 
contracting crevice between her buttocks, thrusting his tongue again 
and again up into the vainly resisting rectal opening, trying to force 
himself up inside her while she struggled with all her might to hold 
him out.

But further resistance was useless and they both knew it. Her buttocks 
were grinding inexorably down into the soft yielding mattress as the 
tiny sparks of lust in her belly burst into real passionate flame, 
spreading like a wild-fire into the rest of her body. Without realizing 
what she was doing, she wound her delicate hands into his gray hair and 
pressed his face down into her now excitedly seeping pussy as hard as 
she could.

"Oh, do it, yes, do it like that!" she babbled insanely. "Fuck me, you 
crazy old man! Do whatever you want with me!" The shame and humiliation 
were all gone now and in her champagne-fogged mind, Ann was only 
conscious of the magic electric current racing madly up and down her 

Now her company's chief client was moving, excited by her words, 
advancing his body up over the flat trembling plane of the young 
model's stomach to the temptingly spread range of her swollen and 
shaking breasts. As he crawled forward between her outstretched legs, 
Ann could feel his long spear-like cock approaching and she found 
herself longing to be pierced and penetrated, hurt and impaled on its 
huge throbbing length. Half in fear and half in breathless 
anticipation, she reached down and held the lace-covered edge of her 
panty legband to one side and waited breathlessly as Benson reached 
down quickly between their two yearning bodies and took the hard 
rubbery cock-head between his fingers, searching through the full, 
fleshy lips of her softly quivering cunt for the entrance to her now 
willingly yielding vaginal passage.

Then he found it and shoved!

"Aaaagggghhhhh!" she screamed as the most incredible sensation she had 
ever experienced swept over her. It was neither pain nor pleasure but 
something beyond either one and she had never felt so filled in her 
entire life.

Benson fell forward, his hard lean chest crushing against the tender 
pliant flesh of her softly trembling breasts, and his hips responded 
instinctively at the same moment, thrusting powerfully with all the 
strength in his body and burying his long, thickly pulsating cock to 
the hilt, deep up into her forcibly yielding young flesh.

"Oh, oh, God!" she gasped below him, her cunt feeling as thought it had 
just been shredded into a thousand tiny pieces, never to he healed 
again. She could feel every inch of this man lodged securely deep up 
inside her, with all movement transmitted directly to her body when he 

But the lust that the lean executive had generated deep in Ann's cunt 
was still strong, much too strong to be conquered by the discomfort 
caused by his sudden entry. As he began to fuck into her with long 
smooth even strokes, her body immediately caught the rhythm and she 
started to thrust back up at him, undulating her hips in time to the 
powerful skewerings of his deeply fucking cock.

Benson's hands roamed wildly over Ann's lewdly twisting body, exploring 
the smooth silken surface of her skin as if he had never touched a 
woman's body before, his fingers moving under the soft nylon covering 
of her panties and caressing the softly tensing globes of her buttocks 
which were flexing and unflexing in time with his murderously-powerful 
cock-thrusts. Ann's whole body was jerking and twitching uncontrollably 
now as groan after groan of intense pleasure came to her lips and she 
could no longer concentrate on anything but the depraved happiness of 
lying there with her legs spread wide apart being fucked half to death 
with her panties still on by this crazy old Midwesterner. The fact that 
all of this was happening against her will only increased the pleasure, 
since she did not have to waste any energy feeling guilty.

Benson was not an experienced lover, never before having been in bed 
with anyone but his wife, but what he lacked in experience and 
technique, he was making up in enthusiasm and raw naked desire. He 
stepped up the rhythm of this strokes as his hand slid down between 
their two bucking and swaying bodies and fondled the widely-stretched 
lips of her pussy where his massively throbbing cock was penetrating 
her. This vile caress only served to increase the young woman's 
pleasure, bringing additional moans of servile acceptance and 
submission to her mouth as his fingers brushed repeatedly over the 
surface of her tiny pink, sensation-filled clitoris. He could feel the 
narrow channel of her vagina begin to flower open as if it had taken on 
a life of its own, and were trying to suck his cock all the way up 
inside and hold it there interminably.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she chanted rhythmically beneath him, her face contorted 
almost beyond recognition, her lips bared back over her small white 
teeth and a light film of perspiration covering the surface of her 

Benson responded with a grunt, knowing instinctively that he himself 
was also nearing the end. But the gray-haired religious fanatic worked 
to make it particularly good, fucking his hotly pulsating cock up into 
her hungrily clasping cunt as far as it would go until his heavily 
swinging balls were slapping mercilessly against the panty covered 
softness of her rectum.

"Oh, I'm cumming," she whispered suddenly with disbelief, her voice 
husky with passion. "Oooooooogghhh!"

Benson felt her open up to him like a flower touched by the morning sun 
and warns wet liquids from deep inside her hotly contracting cunt walls 
flooded around his viciously pistoning cock, lubricating his lust-
hardened penis and enabling him to fuck into her even harder. Her body 
jerked continuously and convulsively, her arms and legs flailing out 
involuntarily, and Benson could sense the interior walls of her 
ecstatically pulsating cunt clasping insanely at his penis, trying 
desperately to milk him dry.

Ann was sure for a minute that she was going out of her mind. The 
feeling had never been so strong before for the sexually neglected 
young woman, and she felt her body flying out of control and floating 
toward the ceiling as Benson groaned and began violently shooting his 
scalding white sperm deep up into her frantically climaxing cunt.

The hot wet stream of living sperm went spraying into her nakedly 
trembling belly and Ann could feel every drop of the life-giving fluid 
as it spurted from the tip of his wildly-ejaculating penis and crashed 
against her hungrily absorbing cuntal walls. Her legs were wrapped 
tightly up around his back, her feet pressing down against his 
desperately straining buttocks and urging him farther and farther up 
into her softly yielding pussy flesh while her tongue snaked lewdly up 
into the older man's mouth. They both came together in an instant of 
maddening fury, groaning into each other's throats while the Salt Lake 
City executive filled Ann's hotly squirming young body with his hot 
sticky cum.

When it was over, somehow neither of them could think of anything much 
to say. Benson, his face white and serious, retreated from the center 
of the bed to the far edge and turned his back on her while Ann 
consulted her watch, decided it was too late to try to go home and 
wondered what was going to become of her.

She felt strangely relaxed for some reason and her conscience did not 
hurt as much as she would have expected.

Perhaps it was the champagne, she speculated, and then dropped off to 
sleep, feeling the sperm-soaked crotchband of the lacey, powder blue 
panties slip slowly back over her well-fucked young vaginal lips.

Chapter 4

It took half a bottle of aspirins and nearly a quart of orange juice to 
do it, but by ten o'clock, Ann's hangover was down within reasonable 
limits and the pretty young model felt strong enough to call the 
hospital where Frank was working and invent a fairly plausible excuse 
for not having returned home on the previous night. She explained that 
a promotional sales conference had gone on until the early hours of the 
morning and that she had been afraid to ride the subway alone at that 
hour and had gone home instead with Jenifer who had a flat downtown.

She had expected her husband to be angry and mistrustful and she was a 
little upset when he took the news calmly.

"Oh, by the way," he added, when she had finished explaining her 
absence. "I hope your first check comes through soon. I ordered a whole 
set of new medical books I've been needing for a long time and there'll 
be a healthy bill to pay."

A cold anger settled over her as she listened to her husband announce a 
few more plans for spending her money. Was that all he could really 
think about? Hadn't it ever occurred to him that she might have spent 
the night with another man? Or was his conceit too strong for such an 
idea ever to enter his head?? How he'd change his tune if he knew that 
a crazy old religious fanatic had accomplished---even against her will-
--a couple of things Doctor Frank Larkin had not been able to 
accomplish for a long, long time!

No, it would never enter his precise scientific mind. He was too 
selfish and egocentric for that and for half a minute, Ann was almost 
glad it had happened. Old Judson had lectured her and battered her and 
humiliated her and raped her, but in the end he had also satisfied her 
and every woman needed that once in awhile, no matter how moral she 
thought she was.

Besides, she reminded herself bitterly, the free lunch was destined to 
be terminated before either one of them could get the first bite. When 
Benson left town today without placing an order with Wonder-Wear, she 
was going to get the sack, and not the kind you could wear either.

Well, she decided, there was no point in delaying any longer. It was 
time to go up to the vice president's office and face the music. Maybe 
if she explained what had happened, Mr. Birindelli would at least give 
her back her old job modeling. On the other hand, it would be 
embarrassing to confess how she had mismanaged things so badly and 
wound up in bed with Mr. Benson, leaving him unhappy and guilt-ridden 
for having seduced her. Either way, she was not looking forward to this 
meeting, but it had to be done so she straightened her shoulders, 
thinking how foolish her party dress looked at ten-thirty in the 
morning, and marched into Birindelli's office.

"The boss said you're to go right in," announced his secretary 
severely. "Mr. Benson's already come and gone."

Oh, that's the end, she thought grimly and considered the idea of 
simply going quietly away. But it was too late. Mr. Birindelli had 
opened the door to his office and was motioning her to enter.

"I told you that people who work for me make money if they produce," he 
announced in a serious tone of voice, "and that they get fired if they 
don't produce. Well, here it is!"

The piece of paper he was holding out to her seemed far too small to be 
a notice of dismissal and she took it, her hands trembling with 

It was Birindelli's personal check for a thousand dollars!

"Fantastic work!" he proclaimed, smiling at last, and shaking her hand 
energetically. "I've been trying to sell old Jud Benson for ten years 
now and he never so much as bought a sanitary napkin from us until you 
came along. Something gave him the idea I was evil a long time ago and 
he's opposed to evil, as you probably discovered. But you understood 
his psychology dead on!" The combined effects of the hangover and the 
surprise did their work on Ann's knees and she sank down weakly into 
the nearest chair.

"You mean ... he placed an order with us?" she quavered, scarcely able 
to believe her ears.

"Of course he placed an order," responded Birindelli. "A massive 
order!" I had it all figured and the only thing which could have gone 
wrong was you. If I'd assigned one of my other girls to the old idiot, 
he'd have suspected me of trying to get him laid and gotten on the 
first plane for Salt Lake City. But you, with that sweet innocence 
you've got, he never figured you, not even for a minute, and apparently 
not even after you got him into bed. Or he got you into bed, which is 
the way it apparently went. Ha! You should have seen him when he 
staggered in here this morning, wondering how he could ever make it up 
to you and crying great big alligator tears all over my mahogany desk. 
What a screwball! Well, I told him how he could make it up to you. A 
one hundred thousand dollar purchase order, that's how!"

*  *  *

Jenifer said that yogurt was the only thing for a hangover and Ann had 
three helpings of it as the two young models sat in Wonder-Wear's 
cafeteria and talked about their experiences. Normally Ann would never 
have dreamed of relating such a personal, intimate incident to anyone 
else, but she knew from what she had seen through the keyhole that day 
that her tall blonde friend was not precisely a candidate for sainthood 
herself. Besides, she was so troubled in her mind that she simply had 
to unburden herself to someone.

"It sounds like you had all the fun," complained Jenifer jokingly when 
Ann had recounted her adventures with Judson Ty Benson. "And collected 
a cool grand for it too. My assignment was a regular stick-in-the-mud. 
He spotted me as a company girl right off the bat and hustled me back 
to his hotel two minutes after you split with the holy Mr. Judson Ty 
Benson. After that it was slam-bam-thank-you-Ma'am! He didn't even give 
me taxi fare home, the cheap bastard."

"You mean ... you mean, you knew ahead of time?" stammered the young 
doctor's wife. "I thought the business with Mr. Benson just sort of 
happened, an accident ..."

"Honey, in this business, nothing just happens," confided Jenifer 
sympathetically. "These buyers come to town, leaving their wives, or 
whoever they happen to be screwing at home, and they see a bunch of 
girls like you and me running around half-naked modeling underwear or 
nighties and they get all hot and bothered. Wonder-Wear wants them to 
be completely happy for a couple of days so they can concentrate on 
buying our products and that's where we come in. After they've had some 
fun with us, they feel sort of guilty and old Birindelli gets their 
name on a contract."

"But ... that's almost like prostitution," cried Ann in shock, 
realizing for the first time what it was she had gotten herself into.

"Honey, prostitution is when you stand on a street corner and sell your 
ass to drunken sailors on rainy nights. When you get a big fat paycheck 
every payday and an office with a rug on the floor, you're a lady 
executive, no matter what you do to earn it. Also, a prostitute has to 
hustle her customers. In this business you have to let them hustle you, 
because otherwise they don't get the illusion that they're making some 
big romantic conquest on a wild weekend in the big city. A prostitute 
is just what you ain't, honey, believe me!"

"I don't know, Jenifer, I just don't see it that way," wailed the 
anguished young woman, her illusions quickly being shattered one by 

"Look at it this way," the sophisticated blonde woman persisted. "When 
a politician smiles at you through the television tube, do you think 
for a minute he's really sincere? Hell no! He's been rehearsing that 
smile for weeks in front of the mirror. He's using what he's got---in 
this case a big stupid smile---to sell his product, which is himself. 
Is he a prostitute? You're using what you've got, a beautiful body, to 
sell underwear. Are you a prostitute? About the same as the politician, 
I'd say. No more and no less!"

"Jenifer, I absolutely cannot do it," Ann said again, but the resolve 
in her voice had obviously been weakened by her friend's arguments.

"The way I see it, honey," replied Jenifer seriously, "you haven't 
really got much choice. Birindelli thinks you're number one and he 
isn't going to let you go that easily. It might be a little tough to 
get another job if you quit this one because he's got a lot of friends 
in this town, if you know what I mean. And secondly, you need the 
money, and thirdly, I get the idea you aren't getting all the loving 
from hubby you could use, and some of these businessmen can really 
handle themselves in the sack. All in all, I'd say you were hooked."

All in all, Ann thought bitterly, I'd say you were right. Hook, line 
and sinker.

"Oh, Jenifer, I don't know what to say. What happens now?"

"Now, we dawdle over our coffee until it's time to meet Mr. Birindelli 
down in the parking lot. He told me this morning that you and I are 
going to be working together as a team from now on and he wants to show 
us something. He didn't say what it was."

*  *  *

The vice-president for sales and promotion was waiting in the parking 
lot when the two models emerged from the Wonder-Wear building. He was 
leaning casually against the front fender of the longest, lowest, 
snazziest sports car Ann had ever laid eyes on.

"Like it girls?" Birindelli greeted them with a smile.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" breathed Ann sincerely. "How great it would be to 
come to work in something like this instead of wasting an hour on that 
smelly old subway. What is it?"

"This is a Ferrari, the four point even liter model," Birindelli 
responded proudly. "Goes a little over a hundred and fifty and costs 
about twenty thousand dollars. Most people think it's the finest sports 
car in the world."

"When I become vice-president of something," announced Jenifer 
wistfully, "I'm going to buy myself one just like it."

"Maybe you won't have to wait quite that long," Birindelli purred. "I 
have another Ferrari just like this one parked in the company garage. 
We have a customer coming in from Europe next week who can sign his 
name to a million dollar order if he wants to. Get me that signature 
and neither one of you will ever have to take the subway again."

He paused to let his words take their desired effect.

"You ... you mean this isn't your car?" stammered Ann.

"Mine? Heavens, no, I'm a man of simple tastes and my little old Rolls 
suits me just fine. But we might as well take this one with us today. 
Hop in. I've got something to show you."

It was a short trip across town from the business area where the 
Wonder-Wear headquarters were located to a high-class residential 
district populated mostly by millionaires. Handling the sleek powerful 
Ferrari with typical aggressive skill, Birindelli sliced through the 
busy mid-afternoon traffic and pulled up in front of a massive luxury 
apartment complex.

"Here we are, girls," the executive announced cheerfully. "This is 
going to be home base for you for a long time."

The uniformed doorman snapped to attention like a soldier on parade as 
Birindelli approached. The vice-president stopped and introduced 
Jenifer and Ann as Wonder-Wear executives, giving instructions that 
they were to be allowed access to Apartment Number Eleven any time of 
day or night and rendered any other service which they might require.

Ann noticed the doorman raise his eyebrows slightly when Birindelli 
described them as "executives" and she got the distinct impression that 
he had seen this sort of thing before and knew exactly what they were.

The door to Apartment Eleven swung open and Ann's eyes were struck by 
the most expensively decorated and furnished pad she had ever seen or 
imagined. This was clearly a millionaire's place of residence with a 
bar, expensive hi-fi equipment, a circular water bed in the living 
room, a modern kitchen with a well-stocked pantry and everything else 
an interior decorator could dream up and a fat bank account pay for.

"I'm planning on doing some of Wonder-Wear's promotional entertaining 
here," Birindelli explained nonchalantly. "Affairs like the one we had 
the other night really should be held in a more intimate atmosphere. 
And besides, a place like this has some very special facilities. Follow 

Mr. Birindelli led the way through to a narrow hallway which ran 
between the two main bedrooms, stopping in front of a floor-to-ceiling 
bookshelf built right into the wall and stocked with best-selling 
novels and expensively illustrated volumes on oriental erotic art.

"If you press here," he instructed, pushing gently against one corner 
of the bookshelf, "something very surprising happens."

Before their astonished eyes, the bookshelf yielded to the pressure of 
Birindelli's hand, swinging open to reveal a small, dark room. The 
corporation executive stepped inside and the two models apprehensively 
followed him. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, Ann suddenly realized 
the function of this hidden room: through a series of one-way mirrors, 
it was possible to see directly and clearly into the livingroom and 
both of the bedrooms.

"The man who had this room constructed," commented Birindelli, "used it 
for simple voyeurism. He liked to watch other people fucking, a 
harmless enough pastime, but no way to get rich. I have a different use 
for this little facility. Let's get ourselves a drink in the livingroom 
and 1'11 tell you about it."

Have you ever heard of Jacques LaFarge?" inquired the burly business 
executive when they were all comfortably seated in the magnificent 

"Who hasn't?" answered Jenifer promptly. "He's that eccentric French 
fashion designer who's so famous."

"Precisely," agreed the vice president. "Now LaFarge comes once a year 
to the USA to buy up huge lots of the best in American clothing. The 
merchandise is taken back to France and marketed under the LaFarge 
label, and half the women in Europe buy it thinking they're getting 
something designed by the great man himself."

"Is he the one who writes orders for million dollars?" asked Ann 
nervously, not sure just where all this was taking them.

"Right, baby, the very same. Last year, he spent one million, two 
hundred thousand dollars with a competitor of ours after we had spent a 
mint wining and dining him. It's been the same story for three or four 
years now. Each time he lands here, he drops hints all over the place 
that this year he's going to buy from Wonder-Wear. So we knock 
ourselves out keeping him supplied with broads, booze, cars and 
anything else he needs, and then he goes over and signs with the 
opposition. It's a big game with him and he's going to play it again 
this year. But I'm changing the rules and that's where you two come 

Chapter 5

"Look, she's in the bedroom and her face is as white as a sheet," 
Jenifer told the executive urgently. "When I try to talk to her, all I 
get are mumbles!"

"Naturally," commented Birindelli with elaborate disinterest. 
"Perfectly normal."

"Perfectly normal?" repeated the blonde model in amazement. "You told 
us that this LaFarge creep has funny tastes and you're counting on Ann 
and me to help sell him, which means she has to satisfy some of those 
funny tastes. With me, it's okay. I like almost anything as long as it 
doesn't hurt, but Ann ..."

"... is different," Birindelli finished the statement for her.

"That's right. So different that what you told us about LaFarge's sex 
life has got her about ready to faint."

"Precisely. Now Jenifer, when I look into your beautiful blue eyes, do 
you know what I see?" the advertising man inquired smoothly.

"Mr. Birindelli, you know I'm available, but is this any time to get 
romantic?" replied the tall slender girl patiently.

"Jenifer, I have never been less romantic in my life. I am thinking 
about a million dollars and how to get my hands on it. Now, as I was 
saying, when 1 look into your eyes I see things which delight me 
personally: sensuality, worldliness, uninhibited lust and, as you said, 
availability. That turns me on, but then not all men are built the way 
I am. A great many, like our friend LaFarge for example, want a woman 
who resists, a woman who has to be forced into submission, beaten, 
whipped if necessary. In short, LaFarge wants an innocent young girl to 
corrupt and I'm betting a million dollars that he's going to go wild 
over Ann ..."

"You think Ann will be willing to do what LaFarge wants?" questioned 
the model anxiously.

"Of course not," snapped the executive. "But he'll make her do what he 
wants, by force, probably, and she will resist, probably, and then give 
in, probably. And if all of these probablies come true, I will be in 
that little room to photograph the results and we will have our fine 
French bastard by the balls."

"Assuming that everything goes according to plan ..."

"Let's not assume, Jenifer," shot Birindelli coldly. "That's why you're 
there, to make sure everything goes according to plan. You're my floor 
manager, and besides LaFarge likes to double his fun with a couple of 
girls at the same time."

"Okay, okay, but what's to prevent Ann from deciding she doesn't want 
to play ball with us at all and simply walking out?"

The burly corporation executive uttered a low sinister chuckle. "Her 
hubby has been cooperating with us beautifully by buying everything in 
sight on the expectation that her nice fat salary will continue. I 
checked their credit rating the other day and found that they've gotten 
themselves into debt up to their ears. No, our little Miss Ann Larkin 
is not going to take a walk on us. She's trapped and I think she knows 

*  *  *

Ann tossed back one last whiskey as she heard the doorbell ring and 
then went quickly to the bathroom to rinse out the glass as Birindelli 
called from the livingroom that he would answer the door.

She had been drinking a lot in the past few days, but it was the only 
way she could face the terrible situation in which she found herself. 
She had discovered that everything went more smoothly if she was a 
little bit drunk and no one seemed to notice, not even Frank, so she 
kept on drinking even though she knew full well that this was the 
coward's way out of her problems.

"Ah, Jacques," she heard Birindelli say warmly. "How good to see you 
again! So glad you could take an evening off to stop by. Come in and 
have a drink. The girls'll be out in a minute."

Ann Larkin took one last look in the mirror before going out to meet 
the Frenchman "with strange tastes." She had done a lot of crying in 
the course of the afternoon but Jenifer had started feeding her whiskey 
about two hours ago and had done such an expert job on her make-up that 
she now looked fresh and bright and there was no trace of tears on her 

Besides crying, she had done a lot of thinking that day and had 
examined all the possibilities, coming up against the same blank wall 
no matter which way she turned. Birindelli had her, financially and 
every other way and there was no escape. He had used her once with 
enormous success on poor old Mr. Benson. And he would use her again and 
again, altering the scene as necessary, but always keeping the last act 
the same.

And now she was expected to perform for this French monster who was 
supposed to like all sorts of weird tricks. Well, there were limits, 
she decided, a little drunkenly, to how far she could be pushed. She 
would get into bed with LaFarge and he could make love to her if he 
wanted, but the acrobatics were out.

"Are you ready, honey?" asked Jenifer, shooting her a worried look. "I 
think our boyfriend has arrived." Both women were wearing extremely 
low-cut, tight-fitting dresses which showed off their supple, young 
bodies to the best advantage. Underneath, naturally, they were both 
wearing Wonder-Wear underwear.

"Yeah, let's go," Ann replied, trying to smile. "We're going to sell 
some panties tonight!"

Ann had been expecting someone big and menacing, but in fact, Jacques 
LaFarge was a slight, slender man in his late thirties. He possessed a 
typical Frenchman's face: hawk nose and prominent chin, dominated by 
deep set melancholy eyes which flashed cynically around the room.

"Enchante," he declared, shaking hands with Ann and devouring her 
scantily-attired body with his gaze. Jenifer served drinks from the 
bar, chatting merrily and keeping the conversation rolling. Ann noticed 
that she had been given a double whiskey but decided that she might as 
well drink it. The more booze she had in her, the less she would feel 
later on.

"Well, business before pleasure, as you Americans say," suggested 
LaFarge, with only a trace of a French accent in his spoken English. "I 
keep hearing about Wonder-Wear's new Pink Cloud line. Are these 
delightful young ladies going to model it for me?"

"Of course," agreed Birindelli immediately, nodding to Ann and Jenifer.

"We're wearing the bra-and-panty combination right now," offered 
Jenifer helpfully. "Would you like to start with that?"

"Very much," LaFarge drawled with a touch of irritation in his voice. 
"But I find it difficult to see through your dresses."

Ann kept one eye on Jenifer, waiting to see what her girlfriend was 
going to do. Her own mind was already a little fogged with the whiskey 
and she was not sure whether it would be good manners to return to her 
bedroom to undress or not.

But Jenifer solved the problem by grinning directly at the French 
fashion expert and beginning to undo the buttons on her party dress. 
Suddenly an even better idea popped into Ann's head. She gathered her 
long brown hair in her hands and turned her back on LaFarge.

"Would you mind undoing me?" she asked with simulated innocence. The 
Frenchman laughed lasciviously and drew the zipper all the way down to 
the base of her spine, making sure that his fingers touched the tops of 
her buttocks. Birindelli, standing off to one side, winked at her 
covertly and she knew she had scored a point or two already. The lithe 
young model stepped out of the dress gracefully and turned to face the 
fashion designer without any embarrassment or fear. If nothing else, 
the experiences of the past few days had taught her not to be shy about 
her body in front of strange men.

"Hmmmmm," he muttered, looking the two girls over carefully. 
"Interesting construction of this brassiere. I don't see exactly how it 
supports this young woman's breasts the way it does."

He ran his fingers over the surface of Ann's bra, checking the tension 
on the straps and Ann felt her nipples begin to tighten involuntarily.

"It doesn't," explained Birindelli easily. "It just holds her tits in 
place. The Pink Cloud is as close as you can get to going naked."

"Oh, come now, Birindelli," sneered the Frenchman, "if the bra weren't 
holding her tits up, they'd be sagging down around her belly-button!"

Jenifer settled the argument in her usual practical efficient manner by 
stepping quickly behind Ann and undoing the flimsy brassiere. She 
lifted it casually off her friend's body with a smile. Ann's breasts 
stayed firmly where they were while LaFarge did an exaggerated double-

"My apologies," he said, making a low mocking bow, "I underestimated 
you." There was a general round of laughter and Birindelli proposed 
another set of drinks, asking Ann to get the bottle and give them each 
a refill. Without putting her bra back on, the brown-haired model did 
as she was told, pouring herself another double-whiskey and discovering 
that there was a tingling sexy sensation involved with walking around 
almost naked in a room with two fully-dressed men.

When she handed him his drink, LaFarge patted the seat next to him and 
ordered her to sit down while Jenifer modeled a few more Wonder-Wear 

*  *  *

By ten o'clock, everybody was just a tiny bit smashed, particularly 
Ann, and Birindelli opened another bottle of his best Scotch and sent 
Jenifer for more ice. All four had long since given up the pretense 
that they were there to conduct a modeling session and the two girls 
had now both shed their Pink Cloud brassieres and were wearing only 
their nearly transparent panties when Birindelli glanced casually at 
his watch and "remembered" another appointment.

"Really am sorry, Jacques," he said jokingly, "to run off and leave you 
alone and helpless with these two broads, but duty calls."

"Quite," remarked the European blandly, who had been wondering if 
Birindelli would ever get lost and leave him to his own devices.

"Well, I'll be talking to you in the morning," said the advertising 
executive, slipping his jacket on.

"Possibly," replied LaFarge, not committing himself, and Birindelli 
left. There was a moment of mild tension when the three of them were 
finally left alone. Of course, both girls knew that their boss had 
simply ducked into the concealed room and would be watching---and 
photographing---everything which happened from that moment on. The 
thought made Ann nervous, despite the quantity of whiskey she had 
consumed, and she had to remind herself not to look at the mirror over 
the fireplace, behind which Birindelli lurked, camera in hand.

"Well, isn't this cozy? One Frenchman and two naked little girls. Or I 
should say almost naked girls," he added, pointing to Ann's panties. 
"But they're nice. I get hotter with a girl when she leaves her panties 

"All right," Ann agreed, attempting to sound casual and glancing 
quickly at Jenifer for reassurance. It suddenly occurred to her that 
she had never felt so naked in the presence of another woman before and 
the idea gave her a moment's nervousness, but she was in this too deep 
to back out now. Jenifer had rolled her panties down a little on her 
hips to make them more sensuous and was pouring them all another drink. 
Ann inhaled sharply and then also rolled her last remaining garment a 
little lower too, down her tantalizingly smooth buttocks, while LaFarge 
looked on appreciatively.

"Well now," he said, smiling lustfully as the buxom young woman stood 
almost naked before him. "I gather you've been told what I like. Why 
don't you get down to business?"

Ann made no move, suddenly paralyzed by uncertainty. How could she 
explain that there were some things she could not do, not even if she 
wanted to? He would have to understand, she was new at this business 
... it was not easy ... and he was so abrupt and brutal about it, not 
even bothering with her feelings.

"Hey," he called, his voice soft and menacing. "You're off in your own 
little world! Come on over here, little American girl, and stand real 
close so I can touch you. You too, blondie."

The two women approached him, one on either side of the chair, glancing 
at each other nervously. Jacques LaFarge looked from one to the other, 
smiling with deep sinister satisfaction as he noted the apprehension 
displayed by the dark-haired girl. It too genuine and sincere to be 
false, he decided, reaching up to touch her. This Venus-shaped creature 
was really terrified out of her mind!

The other girl would have her uses as well, the depraved Frenchman 
realized as he studied Jenifer's long willowy body, because she 
obviously had plenty of experience and could be counted on to do what 
she was told. But it was the unwilling and reluctant innocent who 
really turned him on. He switched his attention back to the shorter of 
the two women, stretching out one arm languidly and playing with Ann's 
swollen and trembling breasts while he casually smoked a cigarette.

"Hey, little Miss Larkin," he said in the same insulting tone of voice. 
"Why don't you get right down here so we can be comfortable. That's 
right, honey, between my knees ... Blondie, you just stand by, because 
I'll be getting to you in a minute."

Ann's body had already begun to tremble with fear, but she obeyed 
without question, her head spinning with the liquor she had consumed. 
She would do it if she could, she resolved drunkenly. Everything was 
riding on her now and she had to force herself to go through with it 

"Open up the barn door," LaFarge grinned broadly, "and we'll see if the 
horse has escaped."

"Ann's hands were shaking badly, so she took a quick sip of her drink 
before going ahead, managing to unfasten the Frenchman's fly and draw 
down the zipper while Jenifer perched on the arm of his chair and 
allowed him to play with her firmly rounding young breasts.

"Now take my cock out, baby. Let's have a look at the basic equipment 
for our evening's entertainment."

The Frenchman obligingly raised himself up in the chair to allow Ann to 
draw his pants down over his hips, exposing a small, flaccid penis 
nestled in the reddish-brown pubic hair of his loins. To delay a little 
longer, she fussed over him, pulling off his shoes and socks and 
removing his pants entirely. But as she looked at his cock, she knew 
already that she could never do what he wanted her to.

"Okay, baby, you get the picture," he snarled, suddenly in a hurry. 
"Get your pretty mouth down there around it and let's see those lips go 
to work!"

"I can't!" she said faintly, so frightened that the words caught in her 

"Let me, Jacques," offered Jenifer immediately, trying to avoid a clash 
of wills between LaFarge and her friend. "She's a little new at this 
and it takes awhile to get warmed up ...

"Shut up, you bitch," snapped the Frenchman angrily, never shifting his 
eyes from Ann's tear-streaked face. "What do you mean by telling me you 
can't?" he asked Ann cruelly, leaning forward and running his fingers 
harshly through her hair. "When Jacques LaFarge tells a woman to do 
something, she does it! Do you understand? Now put that cock in your 
mouth and start sucking!"

"I understand ... but I just can't do it, Mr. LaFarge," Ann wept in 
despair, knowing that Mr. Birindelli was witnessing her refusal to 
carry out a client's order and would certainly fire her the moment he 
got the opportunity.

Suddenly LaFarge yanked Ann's soft brown hair forward, dragging her 
head forcibly into his loin and holding her face directly against his 
twitching squirming cock. With his free hand, the Frenchman reached 
down and carefully slipped the belt off of his pants, curling it 
menacingly around his fist.

"All right, little girl, let's see if we can't change your mind," he 
spat at her as the belt suddenly whirled through the air and crackled 
against her panty covered left buttock, exposed and vulnerable because 
of the abnormal position her body had been forced into. Ann saw the 
blow coming and tried not to scream when it landed, but the sting was 
too great.

"Oooooogh!" she moaned, jerking her body forward to escape the pain, 
despite the fact that this action only drove her face harder against 
the Frenchman's stirring penis. Now her lips were resting directly 
against the soft unerected flesh she wanted so badly to avoid.

"When I feel that tongue go to work," LaFarge told her, lifting his arm 
for another stroke, "I'll stop hitting. And not before!"

Ann gritted her teeth, determined to let him beat her to death rather 
than yield. If she submitted to this depraved and merciless Frenchman, 
part of her would be destroyed. She would be soiled, forever dirtied, 
never again worthy to return to her husband's bed. But LaFarge's arm 
descended powerfully and another piteous cry broke forth involuntarily 
from the lips of the inexperienced young woman as he left an ugly red 
mark the length of her back.

"Oh, please, no," she begged and as she spoke, her lips brushed 
accidentally against the soft smooth male-tasting tip of his cock. She 
felt it stir like a snake and grow slightly larger as the French 
fashion designer became aroused by the sordid scene before him.

Deep inside, Jacques LaFarge had always been a sadist. Since his very 
first boyish experiences with the weaker sex, he had enjoyed forcing 
women to do his will, degrading and humiliating them whenever he could 
get a girl in his power. For him, even sex itself was not as enjoyable 
as the pleasure of tormenting a pretty and preferably innocent young 
girl into some unnatural act which she would find offensive and 

"Open your mouth. I said," he ordered again, bringing the belt down 
even harder on the girl's smooth unresisting back. Ann groaned once 
more but kept her teeth tightly clenched. LaFarge grinned at Jenifer 
who was still sitting next to him, wincing whenever thrash fell across 
her girlfriend's tender white skin.

"Now, you wouldn't give me a hard time like this, would you, blondie?" 
he asked mockingly.

"No ... why don't you give me a chance to prove it?" she replied 
invitingly, wiggling her breasts lasciviously at him, obviously trying 
to salvage something from this terrible situation and save Ann from the 
beating she was receiving.

"You're too anxious, you little whore," he taunted her insultingly. 
"I'll take care of you as soon as 1 figure out what you don't like." 
And with that, he brought the belt down again even harder on Ann's 
fearfully quivering buttocks.

The scared young brunette knew she could not hold out much longer. 
LaFarge was pulling viciously on her hair, inexorably forcing her face 
against his swelling cock, and the pain he was inflicting on her 
smooth, delicate skin was almost unbearable. The slender Frenchman was 
wiry and muscular and Ann saw clearly that there was no chance of her 
breaking away by force. She also guessed that LaFarge was enjoying 
delivering this cruel and heartless beating and would be quite happy to 
go on hitting her for the remainder of the evening if she continued to 
defy him.

The belt descended again, harder than before, and Ann jerked forward 
violently, stung by the pain and opening her mouth to cry out in agony. 
But immediately LaFarge's fingers were busy at her lips, forcing the 
head of his cock-now hard and firmly erect---into her suddenly open 
mouth, while his other hand held her head tightly in place. Ann groaned 
with revulsion and tried to back away from him, but the hand in her 
hair was too strong and she could not move. She did not dare to bite 
this important client's fingers as they roughly invaded her mouth, and 
when she gasped for breath, the deed was done and his broad thick cock 
slithered snake-like up into her moist, dark mouth.

His penis was now fully aroused and throbbing massively, reaching all 
the way into the back of her tender, white throat, tickling her and 
making her gag. LaFarge's hands held her head in a vise-like grip and 
Ann realized immediately that there was no hope of escape. The man was 
much too strong for her.

"There we are, little lady. Isn't that better than having your ass 
beaten off? Now start sucking, baby!"

Ann's dazed eyes focused on the long, hard cock emerging from the 
obscene clump of pubic hair at its broad base and disappearing from her 
field of vision as it stretched all the way past her parted lips and 
into her mouth. Now her humiliation and degradation were complete. 
There was nothing lower and more shameful than this. The absolute 
bottom had been reached and all the scared young brunette could think 
of was the possibility that he might start whipping her again. She 
could take anything but that. Thank God for the whiskey, she thought. 
Sober, I would just die.

"Suck, suck, suck!" LaFarge commanded from high above her and the 
brightened brown-haired girl began to do as she was told, her lips 
nibbling tentatively on the Frenchman's hugely swollen cock-head while 
she tried to accustom herself to this lewd and unnatural invasion of 
her mouth. Trying desperately not to think about what she was doing, 
Ann started applying more pressure on his lustfully jerking cock, 
taking him into her as if he were bitter medicine of some kind.

LaFarge began to slowly undulate his hips back and forth, thrusting 
gently in and out of her reluctantly sucking mouth, but never quite 
withdrawing all the way, so that the tip of his bulging instrument of 
torture always remained just barely within the barrier of her teeth.

It's not as bad as all that, Ann told herself as the Frenchman sawed 
rhythmically in and out of her softly nibbling mouth. I guess it wasn't 
worth the beating, especially since l wound up doing it anyway. Or 
maybe that's the whiskey talking.

The taste was slightly bitter and strong, but the man was clean and the 
smell was surprisingly pleasant. The rubbery blood-filled head of his 
cock glided smoothly across the surface of her tongue without 
opposition, and Ann gradually found herself liking the lewd sensation 
it created.

"Come on, baby, put some heart into it!" LaFarge ordered her from 
above. "This is a famous cock you're sucking. Show some enthusiasm!"

Oh, God, there 's nothing else I can do! I have to please him or he'll 
half kill me! thought Ann, her anger starting to edge out the fear 
inside her.

She enticingly ran her hands up his hard muscular legs. Her fingers 
found their way to his heavily swinging testicles and she began to 
squeeze them lightly in time with his deep thrusts up into her lewdly 
sucking mouth. At the same time, the young model clamped down even 
harder on the Frenchman's desire-stiffened cock, her lips forming a 
tight elastic circle around it. With her agile tongue, she began to 
torment the lust-swollen sperm-filled gland of his penis, lashing back 
and forth across the tip and arousing him to greater and greater 
heights of excitement.

Christ, she's really turning on now, thought the depraved European 
fashion designer as he looked down at the young model's lewdly bobbing 
head and watched his massively throbbing cock appearing and 
disappearing between Ann's glistening red lips.

To excite himself even further, the Frenchman pulled the supple and 
willing Jenifer down across his chest and forced her to kiss him while 
he played with her full, firmly formed breasts, with an occasional feel 
down beneath her panties to the girl's moistly curling triangle of 
blonde pussy hair. Whenever Ann opened her eyes, all she could see was 
her girlfriend's taut well-rounded buttocks suspended a few inches from 
her face. LaFarge continued to rock back and forth with his hips, 
fucking brutally up into Ann's cruelly-stretched mouth, and at the same 
time thrusting his lewdly searching middle finger up inside Jenifer's 
steaming vaginal passage, causing the tall willowy blonde to moan low 
and sensually as he crudely manhandled the soft fleshy folds of her 

Behind the mirror over the fireplace, Birindelli loaded another roll of 
film into the camera, smiling with the deepest satisfaction. The oldest 
son of a notorious Mafia leader, the vice president for sales and 
promotion had learned this and many other criminal tricks at his 
father's knee. But it never would have worked without these two girls, 
he reminded himself, giving credit where credit was due. Both of them 
were carrying on magnificently and he already had enough compromising 
photographs to blackmail LaFarge into signing contracts for many a 

Christ! he cursed happily under his breath, look at that girl suck! 
She's eating him like they were going to pass a law against it 
tomorrow! I got to get me some of that good stuff first thing in the 
morning, he promised himself, just as soon as l get that French 
bastard's signature on the dotted line.

From where Birindelli was concealed, he could see all the action 
perfectly and the scene could not have been better arranged had a 
professional director appeared on the set and organized everything for 
the filming of a men's smoker. The entire profile of Ann's statuesque 
body had already been photographed as she bent over LaFarge's reclining 
form, her heavy sensuous breasts jiggling back and forth as she 
performed the unnatural sex act. Above her, the camera's eye had 
clearly traced the Frenchman's hand as he manipulated the moist hair-
covered flesh of Jenifer's cant, causing the girl to shiver and tremble 
as he deliberately whipped her into a maddening frenzy of sexual 

Ann's mouth was gradually filling with saliva, made slightly sticky by 
the emanations of white fluid which were seeping from the tip of 
LaFarge's long, hard cock. As she worked over him slave-like, Ann 
realized drunkenly that she was more disappointed than anything else. 
She had spent the entire afternoon working up the courage to sleep with 
this man and now she was reduced to giving him all the pleasure and 
getting very little back for herself. Secretly she had been dreaming 
about going to bed with him and being driven into a screaming passion 
as she had with Mr. Benson. As it was, the very perversity of their 
actions was exciting her tremendously, and when she had satisfied him, 
there was no guarantee that he would take the trouble to satisfy her.

LaFarge seemed to have very little concern for anyone's pleasure but 
his own. Freeing his hands from Jenifer, the Frenchman ran his long 
sensuous fingers into Ann's hair and began to force her head up and 
down more violently on his hotly thrusting cock, precisely as if her 
delicate mouth were just another cant into which he could spew his vile 
animalistic lusts. Ann could feel his murderous instrument swelling and 
expanding even more inside her mouth until there was virtually no room 
left for anything else. Choking and gasping for breath as his lust-
maddened penis plunged into the back of her throat, Ann slavered 
bravely over him, not daring to admit defeat. She knew that she had 
never in her entire life been so abused and debased and she sucked even 
harder, sensing that LaFarge was close to an orgasm and wanting to end 
the humiliation as quickly as possible.

Her cock-filled face contorted with the strain, Ann closed her eyes and 
concentrated on her job as the Frenchman's heavy sperm-bloated balls 
beat a steady rhythm against her chin and saliva overflowed from her 
mouth and dripped to her heaving but neglected breasts swinging lewdly 
down below. She wished she could take a two-minute break to get another 
drink, knowing that she had to stay drunk if she wanted to get through 
the evening, but naturally this was impossible so she re-doubled her 
efforts to make the eccentric fashion designer cum.

LaFarge seemed to sense the change in the brown-haired model's attitude 
and knew he could not hold out much longer against that kind of intense 
pressure. Bizarre, obscene images and fantasies danced through his mind 
as he felt the tension in his loins building to an impossible level and 
he tightened his grip on the girl's head, wanting to make sure that she 
did not twist away and ruin everything for him when he started to cum, 
wanting to make the humiliation complete by watching her swallow every 
drop of his hot, sticky sperm.

There was a ringing and pounding in the Frenchman's head as the flow of 
sperm-filled liquid began high up in his balls, as the muscles in his 
abdomen suddenly went tight, contracting and forcing the fluid through 
its narrow channel, around and down and out the tip of his penis in a 
fine powerful spray.

Into Ann's mouth and far back down her throat!

His last violent thrust went deep, all the way to the back of her 
tonsils and he held it there as he came. She could feel the terrible 
force of his orgasm on the roof of her mouth, on her tongue, in her 
cheeks, everywhere, as the sperm came out in a white-hot stream which 
seemed never to end.

The thick white cum spewed into her from his wildly-ejaculating penis, 
filling her mouth with what seemed to be pints and pints of the sweet 
lust-inspiring liquid and she gasped frantically as she swallowed 
mouthful after mouthful of his lewd, white cum.

"That's a-girl," he groaned, sadistic even as his body trembled with 
the power of his climax. "Drink it all. Swallow it down!"

Ann choked and sputtered until she had cleared her throat again, but 
LaFarge made no move to pull his slowly-deflating penis from her sperm-
flooded mouth. "Come on, baby," he jeered. "The night's not over yet. 
Get it back up for me so I can do some business with your girlfriend 
here. Get that tongue working again."

Ann realized what he wanted and hated him for it but she dared not 
disobey again. Perhaps Mr. Birindelli would forgive her for having 
refused LaFarge's request earlier in the evening if she behaved herself 
from now on. Besides, she was by now more than a little stimulated 
herself and was not quite ready to see the evening come to an end.

Taking LaFarge's limp penis delicately in her hands, she lewdly licked 
him clean and watched the Frenchman's durable penis begin to stir again 
under this renewed attention.

"Get down there and help her!" ordered LaFarge, shoving Jenifer rudely 
off the arm of the chair. "Got to get that hard-on back again."

Jenifer looked bewildered by these instructions, but she caught her 
balance quickly and crouched next to Ann, looking up at the fashion 
designer for instructions.

"That's it! One from each side! Go to work!" he commanded with his 
husky French accent, spreading his legs even further apart to 
accommodate both women between his knees.

The two models looked at each other and both simultaneously repressed 
an urge to giggle, knowing instinctively that nothing would infuriate 
their "boyfriend" more. Then Jenifer deliberately slid back the 
foreskin of his penis and introduced the soft limp cock-head into her 
open mouth, while Ann did her best with the stout trunk of the slowly-
expanding instrument, running her lips up and down the length of it.

LaFarge looked down at the two beautiful young models so lewdly sucking 
between his legs and almost went out of his mind. In a lifetime of wild 
living, he had never seen anything quite as erotic and exciting as 
having his cock fondled by two women at once. Really, he thought, I 
must consider giving Wonder-Wear a little business. This time 
Birindelli really outdid himself!

Nor did Birindelli disagree, watching the lewd scene from the camera 
room behind the one-way mirror. Adjusting his pants to allow for the 
uncomfortably large erection which had suddenly arisen, the vice 
president corrected the focal length on his camera and prepared to 
shoot a photograph which would be a masterpiece of erotic art. Jenifer 
and Ann were kneeling face to face so close that their breasts were 
almost touching, both of them obscenely moving their glistening parted 
lips over the European's now fully erect penis, their lips sometimes 
meeting in the middle.

"Move closer!" commanded LaFarge, excited by the possibilities offered 
by this unexpected situation.

"To you?" asked Ann, not quite getting the point.

"No, stupid, to each other. I want to see your bodies touching."

"This'll be something new, even for me," admitted Jenifer, a little 
dubious, but she inched forward on her knees until her belly and loins 
were fully in contact with Ann's supplely yielding body.

"Now I want you to kiss," he said slowly and distinctly, a perverted 
sadistic smile lighting up his cruel arrogant face. "But with me in the 

Ann did not like this business in the slightest, but since the evening 
seemed destined to be spent at the bottom of the moral barrel, she 
decided there was no point in trying to be righteous now. Besides, she 
was thoroughly aroused by all that had happened, particularly the 
notion that their boss was photographing every one of LaFarge's weird 
orders, and she liked the feeling of another naked body touching hers, 
even if it was a woman's.

As usual, Jenifer led the way, first giving Ann a long meaningful 
glance and then taking LaFarge's penis between her lips from one side. 
Ann responded by closing her mouth over the hard turgid gland from the 
other side and their lips met in the middle. Ann felt Jenifer's arms go 
around her and tried to let her body relax, even though her drunken 
mind was rebelling against the lesbian overtones to this situation.

"Ah, ain't that sweet," commented LaFarge mockingly. "A really pretty 
pair of dykes! All right girls, fun's over. You can get back to each 
other as soon as old Jacques has left town. Meanwhile you're here to 
entertain me, not each other. On your feet!"

With his erection fully restored, LaFarge stood up himself and stalked 
around the room, searching his lewd imagination for new perverted games 
to play.

"Jenifer, bring me your stockings," he ordered abruptly, obviously 
having conceived some obscene new entertainment. "I don't think you're 
going to like this, but then we've been making little Ann do all the 
work, haven't we?"

Jenifer forced a bright smile and handed the warped Frenchman her silk 
stockings, discarded along with the rest of her clothing when the orgy 
had begun.

Still smiling sadistically, LaFarge carefully tied a stocking around 
each wrist and then ordered the willowy slender model to kneel on the 
rug with her arms out in front of her.

"Sometimes my girl friends claim that I play too rough," he chattered 
on cruelly. "So I like to take certain precautions so they don't get 
mad in the middle of a game and go away."

"Who ... what are we going to do?" asked Jenifer, showing some 
nervousness for the first time.

"Ah-ha!" he crowed happily, his lust-swollen cock waving obscenely back 
and forth as he laughed. "I thought you were the girl who was always 
ready for everything!!! Got you worried, eh? Put your arms out here and 

Ann saw what was coming, even if Jenifer was still apparently 
bewildered. The Frenchman was taking the trouble to tie her wrists to 
the couch so that he could do what he liked with her whether she 
objected or not. And from the position he was forcing her into---
buttocks in the air---she had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind 
and the young model shuddered at the thought, excited as she was. 
Surely only animals did what LaFarge was planning to do!

Meanwhile, in the hidden room, Birindelli was going quietly out of his 
mind with unsatisfied lust. He had all the pictures he needed and there 
was nothing to do now but wait until that French creep fell asleep or 
decided he had had enough and went home. Then he could escape from his 
place of concealment, grab whichever girl was closest and do something 
about this mountainous erection he was carrying around with him.

Through the one-way mirror, the Wonder-Wear executive watched the lewd 
Frenchman tie Jenifer tightly to the couch, her vulnerable young body 
perpendicular to Birindelli's line of vision so that he had a clear 
view of the model's entire body, her swaying breasts hanging loosely 
beneath her body as she crouched on her hands and knees, and the openly 
tempting crevice of her smooth globular buttocks, visible through the 
thin flimsy panties, stuck up lewdly in the air.

The Frenchman, his mammoth erection still hard and firm, was strutting 
around his captive, examining her from all sides and proudly stroking 
his penis. Ann was standing off to one side, looking half-nervous and 
half-sexy. But Birindelli noticed that her chest was still heaving as 
if she were excited and the brown nipples on her proud heavy breasts 
were hard and swollen, another sign that little Miss Ann was turned on 
good and proper.

A shame to waste a situation like that, thought the vice president 
dourly. There's a girl all ready to be fucked and here I am trapped 
back here with this beautiful hard-on. Watching her blow LaFarge nearly 
drove me up the wall and if I have to stand here and watch Jenifer get 
it in the ass, I'll go out of my mind!

It was risky, but the corporation executive was fond of taking risks. 
Moving with cat-like grace and silence, he slipped out of the concealed 
room into the corridor and through Ann's bedroom to the living room 
door. From this position, he could see Ann, but LaFarge could not see 

Ann caught the movement out of the corner of her eye, but immediately 
understood Birindelli's gestured message not to give him away.

"Uh ... be back in a minute, folks," she murmured, but LaFarge was too 
involved with Jenifer to pay much attention. The blonde model, 
helplessly trapped on the floor, shot a long worried look at her 
departing friend and then winked covertly to indicate that everything 
was going to be all right.

As Ann stepped out of the living room, Birindelli seized her arm 
impatiently and practically dragged her into the hidden room.

Oh, God!, she thought as the door closed behind her. What now?

Chapter 6

"You were fantastic," Birindelli praised her enthusiastically as soon 
as the door shut behind them and they were enclosed in the concealed 
spy-room. "I can't wait to see what those pictures look like."

Over his shoulder Ann could see clearly into the living room where 
Jacques LaFarge was hovering over his captive woman running his long 
delicate fingers down beneath the silken panties and over the smooth 
twin moons of the young blonde model's buttocks.

"Be careful or they'll hear us," she warned, placing a finger to her 
lips to remind him, but Birindelli merely laughed, his eyes roaming 
lecherously over her nakedly tempting body.

"The room's sound-proof," he explained. "It spooks you at first because 
you can hear everything that's said out there through the microphone 
system, but they can't hear you. The guy who built this place liked his 
comfort." And he pulled her brusquely into his arms and began kissing 
her neck, pressing his body hard against her soft yielding flesh. Ann 
could feel through his pants that her boss was highly aroused, but she 
was a little confused and the liquor was still affecting her judgment. 
Half of her wanted to give in to him right on the spot and the other 
half was worrying about the job she was supposed to be doing.

"Shouldn't I go back to the living room?" she asked him, pushing his 
head away for a moment. "I mean, suppose LaFarge wonders where I am."

"You can tell him you were in the john brushing the cum out of your 
sweet little mouth," Birindelli laughed obscenely. "Besides, he's too 
busy with Jenifer right now to think about anything else. And, also, 
your old boss needs a little affection too once in awhile. I almost 
came in my pants watching you blow him. Come on, let's see how they're 

They both turned to look out through the one-way mirror, watching as 
the lewd scene unfolded before them. Birindelli held Ann in front of 
him, his busy hands roaming over the surface of her body and exciting 
her almost beyond endurance, the hardness beneath his pants pressing 
into the soft flesh of her buttocks, a constant reminder of his desire.

On the other side of the mirror, LaFarge was working himself into a 
frenzy of sensual delight, poking and prodding Jenifer's helplessly 
exposed bottom. The blonde girl was still kneeling in the same 
humiliating position, her panties pulled down to her thighs now, with 
her asscheeks stuck high up in the air and her full swaying breasts 
almost touching the soft rug as she balanced herself on her hands and 

The wiry Frenchman was kneeling behind the young blonde model, lewdly 
sniffing the dark moist crevice between her buttocks like a male dog 
meeting a bitch in heat for the first time in his life.

From their concealed hiding place, Birindelli and Ann could see the 
tiny pink circle of Jenifer's nakedly exposed rectum, vulnerable and 
defenseless, as the fashion designer's mouth passed lewdly over it. The 
tall slender model jerked spasmodically forward every time his wet 
snake-like tongue seared over the sensitive spot.

"Looks lice a real tight little ass-hole," they heard LaFarge comment 
to Jenifer. "Ever had any of this rear-end stuff before?"

"No, Jacques, and I'm afraid," Jenifer pleaded piteously, terror in her 
voice. "Please, I don't want to do it! You're too big! You'll rip me in 

LaFarge's only answer was a peal of cruel, wicked laughter and Ann felt 
her flesh crawl despite the fact that Birindelli's hands were still 
exploring her body in great detail.

"I'm afraid he's going to hurt her," she told her boss urgently. "This 
has gone too far. You've got to stop him! He'll kill her with that big 

Birindelli merely chuckled, fondly massaging Ann's excitedly turgid 

"You are either the most innocent dumb broad I have ever seen, or the 
best actress," he marveled. "And I'm never really sure whether you know 
what's going on or not. He isn't going to hurt her and she isn't really 
afraid. But she's got to make him think that she's scared out of her 
mind or he won't enjoy himself. He's a sadist! Haven't you got that 
into you little head yet? And Jenifer knows exactly what she's doing. 
Use you eyes! She's playing him like a Steinway piano! If she were 
really frightened, she'd kick him in his hairy French balls and walk 
out of there. You're the only one who takes these things seriously. 
It's a big game, just like the game I'm going to play with you right 

But neither of them could keep their eyes off the dramatically obscene 
performance being staged in the next room by Jacques LaFarge, and the 
excitement began to grow again in Ann's stomach as she watched 
Jenifer's fair, vulnerable body about to be hideously abused by this 
monstrous Frenchman.

"Never did care much myself for the rear-end stuff," Birindelli 
commented philosophically as he unbuckled his pants. "But it's 
interesting as hell to watch somebody else do it. Maybe I'll take up 
voyeurism as a hobby in my old age when I can't get a hard-on anymore. 
God, Jenifer looks sexy with her panties pulled down around her thighs 
like that! Let's pull yours down, too."

Ann's hand fell on a full glass of whiskey and she raised it to her 
lips, deciding that she could now stand to be just a little drunker, 
given the likelihood that the evening was going to be one prolonged 
orgy. She heard her boss' pants fall to the floor with a clink of keys 
and change, and he pressed her close to him, back to front, massaging 
and cupping her tender breasts, then moving his hands in a sweeping 
circular motion over her hard, brown nipples, sending tiny electric 
sparks up and down her spine.

Ann felt her boss' fingers slip under the tight elastic waistband of 
her panties and she made no move to protest as Birindelli quickly 
rolled them down over her full round hips, forcibly pulling them from 
where the thin silky material was soaked to her passion-drenched pussy 
hair, and leaving them draped halfway down Ann's thighs. Instinctively, 
she backed up against him, lewdly rotating her panty-covered buttocks 
into his now-naked loins and gasping with surprise as she felt the size 
of his massively erected penis. She had seen it once before of course, 
that day when she had watched through the keyhole as Jenifer had so 
lewdly sucked him off, but now, for some reason, it seemed much, much 

"Oh, my God," she cried, reaching behind her with one hand to touch his 
fully extended organ. "You make that guy out there look like a midget!"

Birindelli chuckled with satisfaction at this compliment, and pushed 
her panty-hobbled body forward over the table in front of the one-way 
mirror. In this position, the executive had full access to her 
vulnerably upthrust cunt and the two of them could still keep an eye on 
Jenifer and LaFarge in the adjoining room.

Ann felt as though she were going to lose her mind as Birindelli's 
hands continued to roam tormentingly over her softly quivering body. 
The muscles in her naked belly were reacting involuntarily as her boss' 
hugely throbbing cock probed searchingly up between her legs looking 
for the moist and ready slit of her vagina, thus far still unused 
despite all that had happened in the course of the evening.

Her whole body twitched as one of Birindelli's hands traveled firmly 
down over her nakedly quivering thighs and explored the dark area up 
between them, guiding the thick rubbery head of his cock through the 
soft brown pubic hair and up into her impatiently waiting cuntal 
opening. The enormous shaft of his penis was now pressed deep up 
against the well-lubricated crevice of her ass, with its tip poised at 
the entrance to her cunt. The sweet orgiastic liquids of her body were 
flowing freely now as the young model shivered with lust, knowing that 
she had never in her entire life been as ready to be fucked as she was 
at this moment.

This is it, she told herself. Nobody's forcing you to bend over and let 
this man take you from behind. You've got to admit at least to yourself 
that you want it bad. You've got no one to blame but yourself! Right?

And her body answered for her, grinding lewdly back into Birindelli's 
cock with her practically begging him to penetrate her and fuck her 
good with his massive desire-hardened penis.

But a gasp of pain from the other side of the mirror distracted them 
both for a moment and they looked up in time to see LaFarge, still on 
his hands and knees behind Jenifer, plunge his big middle finger up 
into the depths of the girl's cringing ass-hole.

"Not to worry," they heard Jacques assure the suffering girl, twisting 
his finger around in circles and stretching the pink elastic rectal 
opening. "You're just a little tight, my dear, and we have to widen you 
a little."

Jenifer continued to groan as if she were in real pain, and despite 
Birindelli's assurances that this was all an act for LaFarge's benefit, 
Ann began seriously wondering just how much this was really hurting her 
friend. The more she thought about it, the worse it seemed. This was 
not just a game, because that foul Frenchman was actually going to fuck 
her in the ass! He had every intention of shoving his hugely pulsating 
cock up into her anus! To the hilt!

But then events on her own side of the one-way mirror were causing the 
young brunette model to forget about her friend Jenifer for awhile. 
Birindelli, excited beyond endurance by the lewd tableau on the other 
side of the mirror and by the tantalizing closeness of Annals softly 
willing body, had grown tired of waiting and was now trying to force 
his way up into her tight little cunt. She involuntarily cringed away 
as she felt his insistent male hardness pressing hotly against the soft 
vulnerable folds of her hair-covered pussy.

Then, with a shock, it hit her. Birindelli was much too big! He would 
split her in two just like her poor friend Jenifer was destined to be 
torn apart by the sadistic European. Her boss was going to impale her 
on the hugely throbbing length of his cock!

"Oh, I think ... I think you're a little too big," she gasped, not 
wanting to offend him but feeling the pain as his lust-swollen penis 
moved inexorably up into her, the massive blood-filled head of his cock 
poking its way past the weak elastic ring of her pussy and firmly 
lodging itself in her vaginal passageway.

"What little girls have doesn't break," Birindelli mumbled. "Just relax 
for once."

Ann did her best to loosen the muscles in her softly trembling belly. 
Lewdly spreading her legs as far apart as she could without tearing the 
nylon panties pulled down around her thighs, as she leaned over the 
table, but she was forced to moan again as the muscular marketing 
executive thrust himself forward another inch or two up into her vainly 
resisting young cunt ...

"Aaaaaaggggghhhhh!" she cried as he suddenly rammed his lust-hardened 
penis home, slamming into her delicately trembling body with the full 
pounding pressure of his lust.

Her unexpectedly violated cunt felt as if it were stretched all out of 
proportion; not even old Mr. Benson had filled her so completely. Her 
boss' strong sinewy thighs crashed into her nakedly upturned buttocks 
on the forward stroke, roughly pushing her up against the one-way 
mirror, and Ann could feel every ripple and ridge in Birindelli's long 
pulsating penis as it skewered snake-like up inside her steaming cuntal 

"Like it baby?" he inquired brutally. "You got the tightest little cunt 
I ever stuck myself into. What does that husband of yours have for a 
cock anyway, a toothpick?"

But the pain was too great for Ann to react to the insult to Frank's 
virility. She swung her buttocks to and fro in a vain attempt to break 
free of this murderous assault on her inexperienced pussy but she was 
penetrated and impaled like a helplessly pinned butterfly and there was 
no getting out of it now.

The sensitively quivering walls of her cant felt as if they were on 
fire, tortured by the unexpected size of the sexual organ deeply 
embedded in the depths of her nakedly writhing belly. Birindelli's long 
thick cock was flexing and pulsating way up inside her and the half-
painful, half-ecstatic feeling seemed to extend all the way up through 
her lithe young body to her breasts.

Ann's eyes were fogged by liquor and pain, but what was happening on 
the other side of the mirror caught her attention again anyway, and she 
felt Birindelli hold still for a moment as if he too were interested in 
LaFarge's progress with Jenifer.

The Frenchman "with funny tastes" had just yanked three lewd fingers 
from inside Jenifer's rectum and was now forcing her nervously jerking 
buttocks even farther apart, in spite of the panties stretched tight 
around her softly trembling thighs, twisting the soft smooth flesh of 
her buttocks as he struggled to force open the cringing nether passage. 
Separating her legs even more widely with his knees, LaFarge dropped 
his head abruptly to the level of her ass-cheeks and began avidly 
licking the tormentedly exposed crevice in order to moisten the tiny 
puckered ring for his forced entry.

"Oooooooooah!" Ann and her boss heard the young blonde model groan as 
the lewd Frenchman's hotly searing tongue washed over the tight elastic 
opening to her uselessly clasped anus.

"I'm coming in now, baby," he crudely informed her, taking the huge 
bulbous tip of his penis between his fingers and gliding its thick 
rubbery end over her bunched panties and directly toward this unnatural 
entrance while Jenifer's cringing anus throbbed in abject helplessness.

The cruel ravishment began. From their vantage point behind the mirror, 
Ann and Birindelli could see Jenifer's smooth white thighs straining 
helplessly against her panties and the fragile pink flesh of her ass-
hole futilely struggle to hold off this monstrous invasion as the long, 
thick cock maneuvered into position from behind. The battle was a short 
one. Rather than trying to slip inside of her slowly and gently, 
LaFarge simply slammed his hips forward, obviously not caring whether 
he hurt her or not. His huge blood-engorged penis surged easily forward 
past her inadequate fleshy defenses and disappeared from view, popping 
up inside her cruelly-stretched anus with a lewd sucking sound which 
could be heard in both rooms.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" came Jenifer's pleading, soul-shattering 
scream as the exquisite torture vibrated throughout her poor abused 
body. Her eyes wide open, the girl crouched down closer to the floor, 
crushing her nakedly heaving breasts against the plushiness of the rug, 
trying to ease the pain. But more groans issued from her wildly 
contorted mouth as LaFarge pressed eagerly forward again, stretching 
and tearing the delicate membranes of her brutally pierced rectum.

"My God!, you're tight," the vice-president and his nubile young 
assistant heard the sadistic Frenchman mutter through clenched teeth, 
his fingernails digging viciously into Jenifer's vulnerable flesh as he 
struggled to completely bury his perversion-stiffened cock in the 
writhing model's tormented body.

Jenifer's only reply to this obscene remark was a groan of exhausted 
submissiveness. Ann could see that all the resistance was finished for 
her blonde-haired girlfriend. LaFarge could do anything he wanted to 
her now because the fight was gone. The pale, slender young woman was 
completely at the European's mercy, huddling in slave-like submission 
beneath him while his long brutalizing cock fucked unnaturally into her 
sadistically violated asshole.

Ann had never seen anyone so debauched and humiliated in her entire 
life and even as Birindelli's muscular cock began to saw slowly in and 
out of her own abused pussy, she found she could not tear her eyes away 
from the depraved sodomistic sex act being consummated before them on 
the other side of the mirror. LaFarge levered up on his knees, mumbling 
foul obscenities in French, and began to fuck lewdly in and out of 
Jenifer with long, smooth strokes, never quite withdrawing the cruel 
instrument of her torture past the painfully stretched elastic ring of 
her anus. With every backstroke, Ann could clearly see the tiny ridges 
of Jenifer's clasping pink anal flesh being pulled out along with the 
perverted designer's penis, only to disappear again as he plunged 
forward up into her with a viciously powerful forestroke.

"Exciting, isn't it," commented Birindelli casually as he continued to 
slide his long slippery cock in and out of Ann's gradually moistening 
vagina. The voluptuous brunette realized with a shock mat her own pain 
had almost vanished while she was preoccupied with the couple in the 
next room, and that her burly Italian boss was now sending tiny spurts 
of forbidden pleasure darting up through her entire trembling body.

And she had to admit that he was right. Despite her worries about 
Jenifer being ripped apart by the vicious ass-fucking the Frenchman was 
giving her, Ann had to confess to herself that the scene had highly 
aroused her. A strange masochistic feeling which she had never 
experienced before began to trickle through her confused, half-
intoxicated mind. Keeping her eyes fixed on the sight of Jenifer's 
unnatural ravishment by LaFarge, she began experimentally undulating 
her own soft yielding buttocks in gentle lascivious circles, keeping 
time with the steadily persistent rhythm of Birindelli's hard-driving 
thrusts from behind Towering over her submissive body, the corporation 
man smiled evilly to himself as he fucked into her wetly seeping pussy 
with long firm strokes, balancing the weight of his hard athletic body 
on the balls of his feet on the backstroke and then shifting it rapidly 
to his toes as he fucked relentlessly up into her. He could hear the 
faint sound of his balls slapping obscenely between her softly 
trembling thighs and feel her masochistic submissive desire growing 
steadily as the soft fleshy ridges inside her moistly flowering cunt 
clung to his pistoning cock, as if to prevent him from ever withdrawing 
from her.

"Oh, Christ," Ann burst out finally, no longer able to control her real 
feelings. "Don't ever stop! Fuck me like that! Keep going! Harder!"

This was all the encouragement Birindelli needed, if indeed he needed 
encouragement a all, and he grinned to himself in the dark concealed 
room, knowing that he had successfully fucked his way through the last 
wall of her resistance to him. Using his hands to open widely the 
moistened crevice of her buttocks, he looked down with satisfaction to 
see his angry red cock sliding wetly up into the willingly yielding 
softness of her vaginal canal, knowing that his young employee had 
never before in her life been fucked this deeply and that he had been 
given the privilege of blazing new trails into her warmly welcoming 
young cunt.

Ann moved her feet apart another few inches, ripping the seam of her 
tightly stretched panties, and feeling the cool wooden table top press 
against her naked flesh, and she sensuously rotated her heavy pendulous 
breasts against the smooth dry surface, deliberately exciting her tiny 
lust-stiffened nipples into even greater hardness. The humiliation and 
shame were all gone now, vanished completely and conquered by the 
delicious masochistic pleasure of bending over like the lowest of all 
slaves and being fucked brutally from behind, with her panties down 
around her knees, by this tough unfeelingly sensual man. Her mind was 
thoroughly fogged, but through the alcoholic mists came at least one 
clear thought: She would never be the same again! Once having known 
this tremendous stimulation, this hideously obscene pleasure, she could 
never go back to being the modest doctor's wife who accepted having a 
little tired sex in the missionary position only on Saturday nights. 
Whether he realized it or not, Birindelli was changing her life and she 
tightened the muscles in her wildly quivering belly and rocked back 
against her boss as her way of saying thank-you.

Once again opening her eyes, Ann saw that things were also changing on 
the other side of the mirror. Jenifer was still groaning and grunting 
every time LaFarge skewered viciously up into her, but the tone of her 
voice was different and Ann sensed that her friend was now fully 
lubricated inside her brutally-expanded anus and capable of giving as 
good as she got. Her slender panty-trapped hips were moving swiftly 
backwards to meet the lust-maddened Frenchman's forward surges and she 
ground her buttocks lasciviously into his loins with all the energy 
left in her fair white body, working lewdly against LaFarge like a 
female demon possessed by some evil spirit.

Jenifer's long blonde hair tossed through the air as her loins bucked 
and twisted beneath the sinewy Frenchman. To Ann, it looked as if her 
friend was actually pleading with her merciless lover to cum and fill 
her backside with his fiery white sperm. And LaFarge, seeming to sense 
his victim's sudden need for release, bent over her supple white back 
and reached across her churning belly to locate the tiny pink bud of 
her clitoris which he tickled and twirled maddeningly between his lewd 
fingers. Jenifer's savagely tormented body was not slow to react to 
this stimulation, jerking convulsively as LaFarge tortured her 
sensation-packed flesh and Ann realized that her friend was nearly at 
the point of an orgasm, despite all of the horrible things that had 
been done to her.

"Now! Now! Fuck my ass! Shove it up in me!" Ann and Birindelli heard 
the sex-maddened model scream as LaFarge fucked into her again and 
again. "Oh ... Jacques ..." she gasped, " ... I'm ... cum-m-m-m-m-m-

While Jenifer wallowed in the pleasure of this intense animal-like 
subjugation, LaFarge gasped for air, babbling incoherently in French, 
and shoved his body forward in a series of mighty thrusts which seemed 
strong enough to tear right through the delicate walls of her rectum 
and penetrate all the way up into her nakedly writhing belly. As 
Jenifer's orgasm rippled lightening-like through her frail body, the 
young blonde model tightened all the muscles in her frantically heaving 
belly, involuntarily doubling the pressure on LaFarge's relentlessly 
pistoning cock, and the Frenchman felt himself slipping. Groaning with 
delight, he poured his potent male sperm deep into her flowering young 
anus, filling her with the sticky hot liquid until it overflowed, 
forcing its way back down past the powerfully-ejaculating cock and 
dribbling down the crevice of her buttocks into her openly neglected 

The two of them collapsed in a pile, groaning with the intense pleasure 
they had given each other, but Ann could no longer spare any attention 
for what was happening in the living room. She herself was fast 
approaching an orgasm, stimulated beyond control by what she had 
witnessed and by the feel of her boss' equally stimulated cock sawing 
in and out of her achingly throbbing cunt. Birindelli was fucking into 
her like a madman and she could feel every inch of his lust-crazed 
shaft as it buried itself deep within her. She bucked back against him 
with all the strength left in her pleasure-wracked body, and felt the 
unbearable tension that preceded her climax.

And then it began to happen!

"I'm cumming," she cried in a voice made shrill with lust. "Don't stop! 
Don't ever stop!"

The orgiastic fluid from deep in her belly was flowing freely now and 
the lights in the room around them seemed to whirl and flash as the 
spasm swept uncontrollably over her, starting deep in her smoothly 
straining belly and radiating out in all directions as she frantically 
clutched the table beneath her for support.

Birindelli was not far behind, having held back and waited precisely 
for this moment. As he felt Ann's body begin to jerk convulsively and 
the hotly seeping walls of her vagina clasp desperately at his heavily 
pistoning cock, he let go entirely, giving himself over completely to 
the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced and pumping his thick 
viscous cum into her feverishly gasping body.

Feeling utterly spent and satisfied, Ann held weakly on to the table as 
the burly advertising executive emptied his aching loins into hers. All 
she wanted now was to crawl into a soft warm bed somewhere and sleep 
for about three days.

At last Birindelli pulled his slowly deflating penis out of her cum-
drenched pussy and she gradually lifted herself into an upright 
position and pulled up her cum-soaked panties.

"Better get back out there before LaFarge gets suspicious," he ordered 
her briskly, as if nothing had happened. "But when he quits for the 
night, I'll be waiting in your bedroom for some more of that good 
stuff! And bring your panties!"

Chapter 7

"Where's that motherfucker LaFarge?" asked Birindelli suddenly wide 
awake, all business and ready for action the moment he opened his eyes.

Feeling lazy and strangely happy, Ann had been lying awake for some 
time, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun and the comfort of the big 
double bed while she stared dreamily at the ceiling, relaxed and at 
peace with herself. She decided to ignore Birindelli for the moment and 
continue with her own thoughts.

What do you have to be happy about? she asked herself accusingly, her 
life-long puritanical moralistic sense coming quickly to the surface. 
You should be ashamed of yourself instead of lying here smiling away 
like a simpleton! You have just passed the most sin-filled night of 
your life, doing things with two strange men which you never even 
dreamed of doing with your own dear husband. So why are you so happy?

Why indeed? Ann ran her tongue lightly over her bruised, red lips, 
noting that she could still detect the pungent male taste of dried cum 
and she grinned to herself as she remembered how it had gotten there. 
Why indeed? She answered herself back as if there were two separate 
people in her head conducting a debate. I'm happy because I've been 
really satisfied for the first time in my life. At last I know what sex 
is all about! Before last night, I was in kindergarten and now, all of 
a sudden, I feel like I'm going to college. The stuff Frank has in his 
medical books is only half the story and the dull half too!

"What are you grinning about?" demanded Birindelli, his curiosity 
aroused by the sly, secret smile on her face. The big, burly 
corporation executive rolled over on one side, kicking the sheet off 
his hairy muscular body, and looked at me buxom young model lying 
unashamedly naked beside him.

"I'm grinning because I have just realized that there is more to sex 
than the missionary position, a couple of quick jabs and then a good 
night's sleep," she confessed, no longer feeling shy about discussing 
such a personal matter.

"I could have told you that," boasted Birindelli casually, lightly 
running his fingers over the swollen mounds of her breasts and playing 
absentmindedly with the sensitive brown nipples. "You mean it took 
Jacques LaFarge to teach you that fucking can be fun?"

"Well, you did some teaching too, as I recall," she reminded him 
tartly, blushing at her own boldness.

"I guess I did," Birindelli admitted. "But LaFarge did the pick-and-
shovel work, damn his hairy French balls! By the way, congratulations 
on the performance you put on last night. You almost had me convinced 
you'd never gone down on a man before."

"It wasn't exactly an act," Ann confessed honestly. "I never had done 
it before and the idea of letting a man put his ... his penis into my 
mouth just disgusted me. I knew I was going to have to do it 
eventually, but 1 guess I wouldn't have last night if he hadn't used 
the belt on me."

"And now?" prompted Birindelli.

"And now I guess I could do it without being beaten," she admitted with 
a giggle.

"Hmmmmm, you're going to regret having told me that," he informed her 
with a broad lascivious smile. "I'm only sorry that I don't have the 
time to put you to the test right now, but I have other fish to fry. Or 
should I say French-fry? Anyway, you get dressed and get out of here. I 
want to be alone with LaFarge when I show him the pictures. Call me 
tonight and I'll let you know whether we won or lost."

"Tell me something," questioned Ann as she began gathering up her 
clothing from the floor. "I know it's none of my business, but suppose 
he just laughs at you and refuses to sign?"

"He'll sign," affirmed Birindelli confidently. "I've got enough 
photographic evidence to make sure that he signs with Wonder-Wear for 
many a year."

"But why should he be that sensitive to blackmail? After all, he's 
French! Suppose he tells you to go jump in the lake with your dirty 

"He won't," grinned the executive. "Our friend LaFarge started his 
career without a penny to his name and built an empire with his wife's 
money. He supplied the brains all right, but Old Lady LaFarge kept 
everything in her name. She's as suspicious as the devil and jealous as 
hell and if she catches him screwing around, he'll be out on his ass! 
And he knows it!"

*  *  *

Frank was in the bathtub when Ann came in, and the sound of his 
splashing gave her an idea. Throwing her coat over a nearby chair, she 
headed for the bathroom, preparing in her mind the usual excuse about a 
promotional conference which had lasted until the early morning hours, 
forcing her to go home with Jenifer rather than face the long, 
dangerous ride on the subway.

There was no reason for her and Frank to stay in the Middle Ages as far 
as their love-making was concerned, she told herself. Of course, she 
could never confess to him how she had learned all that she now knew, 
but maybe she could put some fun into their marriage!

"Hello, lover!" she called cheerfully, swinging open the bathroom door 
and finding him seated in hot water up to his waist. He looked mildly 
surprised at this intrusion since they habitually respected each 
other's privacy as far as the bathroom was concerned.

"Hi," he replied, a little embarrassed at having her see him completely 
naked like this. "You had to spend the night in town?"

"Oh, yes," she assured him, trying to imagine what kind of expression 
she could produce on his face if she were to tell him exactly what she 
had done downtown that night. "Did you miss me?"

"Well, yeah," he affirmed. "I mean I had to make my own breakfast, but 
I guess it's worth it for that fat new salary you're getting."

"Well, I'm here now," she replied, a little miffed that he was unable 
to think of a better reason for missing her than that. "And I've come 
to scrub my husband's back. Turn around, Doctor!"

Smiling cheerfully, she picked up the soap and a wash-cloth and moved 
toward him, deciding that he would probably be aroused by the touch of 
her soft hands on his naked skin.

"Better not," he advised her seriously. "You'll get your dress all 

"Then I'll take it off," she countered and quickly stepped out of it, 
turning to face him clad only in her bra and panties.

"That's not very substantial underwear," Frank commented seriously, 
studying the Pink Cloud combination that she had modeled so often. "I 
mean you can see right through it ..."

"Would you like me to take it off?" she asked hopefully, her hands on 
her brassiere.

"No, I didn't mean that," he hurriedly explained. "I just meant that it 
would be more economical to buy underwear that was sturdier. Besides 
... well, with that brassiere ... your breasts wiggle when you walk, 
even when you have your dress on. After all, as a doctor's wife, you 

"All right, all right," she conceded, refusing to let him spoil the 
warm sensual mood she was in. "I'll take it off so it won't upset you. 
There's nothing wrong with a woman letting her husband see her breasts, 
is there?"

"No," he admitted dubiously, as he watched her strip off her fragile 
brassiere and bare the sensuously-swaying mounds of her breasts to him, 
wondering with his precise scientific mind what on earth had gotten 
into her.

"All right, now let me wash your back!" she picked up the cloth and 
began running her hands tenderly over his shoulders and ribs, 
deliberately trying to arouse him.


She changed positions, perching on the side of the tub facing him so 
that her large pendulous breasts hung directly in front of his face as 
she scrubbed him, a sight guaranteed to arouse any normal man.

No results. She glanced covertly down between her husband's legs as she 
washed him, expecting at any moment to see his small soft penis begin 
to grow. But his cock remained limp and inactive, bobbing gently under 
the surface of the bath water.

"Did an interesting autopsy yesterday," he said, trying to start a 
little light conversation, and ignoring the fact that Ann's right 
nipple was brushing persistently across his lips as he tried to speak. 
"A young woman, about your age, killed in an automobile accident ..."

"Oh, don't be gruesome, Frank," she cut him off. "I don't want to hear 
about it. Come on, climb out now, you're done. I'll dry you off."

The young doctor obediently stopped talking about the fascinating 
autopsy he'd done and stepped dripping onto the bathmat, wondering what 
on earth was coming over his wife. First she comes bursting into the 
sanctity of his bathroom, then rips off her clothing and insists on 
scrubbing his back, something he had been doing for himself since he 
was ten years old. And not wanting to hear about his autopsy! What 
could you do with such a woman?

Ann busily dried Frank's shoulders and arms and then knelt at his feet 
to take care of his trunk and legs. Before her eyes dangled his small 
soft boyish cock, about half the size of Birindelli's massive 
instrument, and Ann found herself wondering how she managed to arouse 
such powerful emotions in other men and nothing at all in her own 

She ran the towel languidly up the inside of his leg until her hand 
came into contact with his balls and then down again to his knees. 
Would he ever get the idea? she wondered, moving her face unnecessarily 
close to his penis in the hope that her hot breath would turn him on.

Frank, in the meantime, was paying very little attention to her 
efforts, concentrating instead on reviewing what he knew about female 
psychology in an effort to diagnose his wife's strange behavior. Then 
suddenly, as she began rubbing the towel vigorously over his penis, a 
very significant paragraph from one of his text-books occurred to him. 
All the symptoms she was displaying were characteristic of intensive 
sexual desire. "Well, that's easily taken care of," he announced with 
an easy professional smile as if he had been reading her mind all 
along. "Why didn't you just say so if you wanted to make love, my 

Ann could have wept with joy. "Oh, make love to me, Frank," she 
pleaded. "I don't know why, but I want it so bad!"

"Certainly, sweet," he answered condescendingly. "Shall we go into the 

"Wait," she stopped him, an impish smile crossing her face as she 
dropped the towel on the floor. "I'll get you started first."

Raising her hands, she took his soft flaccid penis in her fingers and 
moved it gently past her parted lips, running her tongue across the red 
gland the way she had for Jacques LaFarge the night before. Then, 
sucking hard, she pulled him all the way into her mouth, her face 
nestling in his clean, fresh-smelling loins.

But before she could properly begin the operation, Frank was gone, 
yanking himself roughly away from her with a horrified gasp. His hand 
came down out of nowhere, catching her cruelly on the side of the head 
and sending her sprawling across the tiled bathroom floor.

"You slut!" he shouted at her in a rage. "Where did you learn that 
little trick? I won't have my wife behaving like a common whore. Get 
your clothing on. You disgust me!"

And he stalked out of the room, leaving her to sob into the wet 

Chapter 8

Outside, the wind was blowing as autumn began to sweep over the city, 
but inside Apartment Number Eleven, it was so warm and pleasant that 
Ann relaxed on the big circular waterbed in the living room wearing 
only a pair of skimpy nylon panties and feeling no particular need for 
any warmer clothing. Sipping a Scotch on the rocks, she gazed dreamily 
out the window and watched the dry red leaves blow off the trees, 
remembering how cold and dreary it was in the shabby cheap flat she and 
her husband rented.

Naturally, she spent very little time there these days. After Jacques 
LaFarge had signed his million-dollar contract, Wonder-Wear had closed 
out its summer sales program and started making preparations for the 
winter season, which meant that Birindelli had the two girls busy day 
and night. Besides, since that terrible day when Frank had slapped her 
for trying to suck his cock, there had been a deadly coolness between 
them and she'd felt uncomfortable and ill at ease in her own home, 
avoiding it whenever she could. It was so much nicer here, she thought 
happily, in this marvelous place with expensive furniture, a fireplace 
and a liquor closet which always seemed to be full.

The pretty brunette model was lazily considering getting up to pour 
herself another drink when the door opened and Jenifer burst in, as 
usual all smiles and enthusiasm.

"Hey, aren't you dressed yet?" called the young blonde girl cheerfully. 
"Or do you plan to receive the president of our glorious corporation 
wearing last year's panties? The least you could do is put on the bra 
and panties we're selling this season!"

"Oh, Jenny, is it already time to get dressed?" Ann complained. "I was 
just enjoying lying here getting as drunk as a pig. And it seems like 
such a waste of time getting all dressed when the gang'll just find 
some excuse to make us get undressed all over again."

"I suppose they will," admitted Jenifer. "But that's the fun part of 
it. Who's coming tonight anyway, the usual bunch?"

"Yeah, just the boss, plus Pauling and the president. No customers as 
far as I know. Supposed to be a family party."

"Not many families that sell five million dollars worth of panties 
alone in one year," Jenifer reminded her. "Anyway, the family that lays 
together, stays together, or something like that. Come on, Miss Big-
Tits get your ass up and put some clothing on it. They could be here 
any minute now."

Ann playfully threw a pillow at her friend, climbed off the water-bed 
and walked into her bedroom to dress. With her greatly increased 
salary, the young woman had invested heavily in her wardrobe, buying 
the latest in women's fashions from Paris and Rome, as well as getting 
many free samples of everything produced by Wonder-Wear. She was a 
little surprised to find that she really enjoyed wearing daring sexy 
dresses which displayed as much of her desirable young body as 
possible, becoming excited herself whenever she knew that she had 
succeeded in arousing the animal lust in a man.

"Let me see, what should I wear?" she asked herself, thumbing through 
her vast collection of outfits. "Shall I put on something really 

"Go ahead," Jenifer encouraged her, coming up behind her supple brown-
haired friend and looking over one smooth shoulder into the closet. "If 
I had your body, I'd go naked!"

"Suppose I wear this one," suggested Ann, holding up a miniskirt which 
was almost sheer and tantalizingly short, "with only a pair of red 
bikini panties underneath?"

"Try it on," advised Jenifer. "It looks like you're going to knock 
their eyes out and I'll have to find something really scandalous or 
nobody'll even look at me."

*  *  *

Dr. Frank Larkin slammed his medical book shut and looked angrily at 
his watch.

Goddamn! he swore silently. She obviously was not coming home again 
tonight! He had seen his wife exactly three times in the last two weeks 
and she had completely given up cooking his meals and washing his 
clothing. Of course, with the extra money they were now making, he 
could afford to take his meals in a restaurant and send his clothes out 
to a laundry, but it was not the same as having a wife in the house. 
All the money she was making was hardly worth the while if she had to 
dedicate her entire life to Wonder-Wear, Incorporated!

But the worst thing about it was the fact that she seemed to be having 
a ball! Every time she came home for one of her brief visits, she was 
wearing some expensive new outfit, extremely sexy in design and not at 
all suitable for the wife of a dignified young doctor. She would chat 
for a few minutes before announcing that she had a fashion show, or a 
designer's conference or a promotional meeting to attend and then leave 
in that fancy Italian car the company was letting her use. Naturally if 
her appointment lasted until late at night, and they nearly always 
seemed to, she would spend the evening downtown in Jenifer's apartment, 
even though she obviously could no longer excuse herself by saying she 
was afraid of the subway.

Was it possible she was going with another man? Larkin shook his head, 
trying to drive away the ugly suspicion, but it stuck in his mind and 
refused to be dislodged. Where had she learned that foul obscene trick 
she had tried on him that day in the bathroom? One of those vulgar 
women's magazines possibly but that explanation did not explain a lot 
of other things which had been going on, suspicious mysterious things 
which could stand a little looking in to.

Like this strange business of the expensive apartment, for example. A 
week before, Frank had been driving through the rich man's district on 
his way to visit a patient and he had spotted Ann and Jenifer entering 
a luxurious apartment building. When they had disappeared from view, he 
had parked his car and examined the names on the letter-boxes. 
Apartment Number Eleven belonged to a Mr. Birindelli, his wife's boss. 
Could it be that she was spending nights there?

The thought tortured him beyond endurance! He had to know for sure and 
there was only one way to find out. Larkin pulled on his suitcoat and 
tucked his medical kit under his arm before heading for his car.

*  *  *

As the two girls had planned it, the party was small and intimate. 
Birindelli came, of course, bringing the faithful Mr. Pauling from the 
graphics department, as well as the president and chief executive of 
Wonder-Wear, Mr. Gino Rossi. Both women were dressed in absolutely 
stunning fashions for the celebration, but for some reason, the three 
men seemed more interested in a series of photographs which they were 
passing back and forth and examining in great detail.

"Look at this one, Gino!" Birindelli shouted enthusiastically, handing 
his boss an enlarged photo. "But don't look too long or you'll cum in 
your pants and there are much nicer places to cum."

Rossi accepted the photograph with a lascivious grin and leaned back on 
the waterbed to study it carefully. Gino Rossi was still in his mid-
thirties' having inherited Wonder-Wear from his late father, a well-
known underworld figure. In the clothing trade, he was mistakenly 
regarded as a lazy playboy who wasted his energies on race horses and 
women while his vice presidents kept the company running smoothly, but 
all of the people in the room knew him to be a keen, hard-driving 
businessman who understood exactly what was happening everywhere in the 
Wonder-Wear empire every minute of the day and night.

But his reputation was not entirely false. When he was not hounding 
Birindelli for a new creative sales program or threatening to fire one 
of his factory managers for missing a quota, Rossi relaxed with his 
purebreds, some with four legs and some with two. He had very little 
luck with the four-footed kind, losing money almost every time he went 
to the track. On the other hand, he had absolutely fantastic good 
fortune with the two-footed variety, being a good-looking bachelor with 
approximately two million dollars in the bank.

"Oh, you and your dirty pictures," complained Jenifer jokingly as she 
passed around another tray of drinks. "Ann and I spent the whole 
afternoon trying to look luscious and desirable and you guys fool 
around all evening looking at a bunch of photographs." The tall, 
willowy blonde model was only kidding but she did have a point, since 
both women were dressed in invitingly tight dresses which ought to have 
commanded a little more attention.

Rossi lewdly patted Jenifer's full round buttocks as she bent over to 
hand him a fresh drink, and then turned to Birindelli.

"These are terrific," he said excitedly. "Tell me, what did LaFarge say 
when you showed him the photographic evidence of his little night of 
perversions here in the apartment, and threatened to send the whole 
package to his old lady?"

"He took it very calmly," Birindelli reported with a nostalgic smile. 
"He said that after the night the two girls had given him, he had been 
planning to sign with us anyway and the only thing he wanted was copies 
of these photographs for his private collection."

"Can't say I blame him," chuckled Wonder-Wear's president. "What do you 
think of these pies, Ann? Think Birindelli could make it as a 
professional photographer if I fired him?"

Ann sat down on the waterbed next to Rossi and looked over his shoulder 
at the photograph he was studying with such interest. It had been taken 
at the precise moment when she and Jenifer had both been kneeling 
submissively between LaFarge's hairy knees, kissing each other with the 
Frenchman's massively erected cock lodged obscenely between their lips. 
Below, the photograph clearly showed their yielding young bodies with 
their panties pulled down nakedly against one another, the soft 
swelling mounds of their breasts rubbing warmly together and their hot 
little pussies so close that their pubic hair intertwined, blonde and 
brown together. Ann felt a sexual shudder race wildly up and down her 
backbone as she glanced at the indecent but lust-inciting picture, 
remembering exactly how she had felt at that precise moment.

"Strange, isn't it," commented Pauling, coming over to peer at the 
perverted photograph, "how men find lesbianism sexually stimulating and 
yet male homosexuality turns most of us completely off. If that were a 
picture of two guys smooching, we'd throw it in the waste-basket."

"But there was nothing lesbian about it," objected Ann, a little 
irritated at this lewd insinuation. "Jenny and I were just doing what 
he told us to. It was him we were making love to, not each other!"

"Oh, come on," mocked Birindelli scornfully. "I was there, remember? 
The two of you could hardly keep your hands off each other. Jenifer, do 
you mean to tell us that you didn't feel any emotion at all when you 
had Ann's tits stuck up against yours?"

"Oh ... well," stumbled Ann's tall lovely friend, for the first time in 
her life at a total loss for words. "It was ... it was a different kind 
of emotion ... I mean, Ann and I are good friends and we've gone 
through some pretty wild experiences together ... it's only natural 
that we should have some feelings for one another ... her body is as 
natural to me as my own ..."

"What did I tell you!" declared Pauling triumphantly, with a teasing 
wink at the other men. "We have a couple of first-class lesbians here."

"We are not!" disagreed Ann Larkin indignantly, taking a long swallow 
of her drink. "Really, after all that Wonder-Wear has put us through, 
you should be convinced by now that we turn on for men and not for each 

"I'm not convinced," grinned Birindelli with an evil leer.

"I think that Pauling's hit the nail on the head. But it's okay with 
us, girls. We don't care how you get your kicks when we're not around, 
so long as you're ready to put out when duty calls."

"Why I never heard anything so ridiculous in my entire life!" stormed 
Ann, genuinely upset by what the men were saying. All right, she was 
thinking furiously to herself, you've made me into a company whore and 
maybe I like it and maybe I don't, and I'll go to bed with anyone you 
tell me to and do anything you want done. But accusing me of being a 
homosexual is just plain stupid!

"A test," proposed Rossi suddenly, sitting up on the waterbed and 
putting an arm around each of the two scantily clad young women. "Come 
on, Pauling, you're the graphics genius. Set us up some kind of 
demonstration-test and let us judge for ourselves!"

Jenifer grinned at the men in the room good-naturedly, knowing 
perfectly well that they were simply playing games with Ann's naive 
innocence. She herself, as always, was ready for anything and waited 
with curiosity to see what kind of depraved game Pauling could come up 
with on short notice.

"All right," announced the graphics director, "You are about to 
participate in Dr. Pauling's Sexual Responsiveness Test, Phase One. 
Will the gentlemen kindly withdraw to the edge of the bed and leave the 
two lovely ladies alone in the center?"

"I need another drink first," objected Jenifer.

"All participants are authorized one short drink prior to the 
commencement of the experiment!" announced Pauling, now standing on a 
chair where he could orchestrate matters more effectively. The bottle 
made its rounds again and Ann took care to ensure that her glass was 
filled to the brim, taking a couple of healthy swigs. She had no idea 
what indecently bizarre plan Pauling had in mind, but it never hurt to 
be prepared.

"Now, Miss Ann, if you please, would you be so kind as to recline upon 
the waterbed? Good, thank you. Now, Miss Jenifer, please bend over and 
kiss Miss Ann upon her ruby red lips so that we may observe her 

Now it starts, thought Ann thickly as Jenifer giggled nervously at 
Pauling's pompous announcements and began to move closer to her friend. 
I suppose I should tell them all to go to hell but why bother? I need 
the job, they're having fun and I guess this isn't going to kill me.

Jenifer smiled at Ann briefly and then bent over, her lips slightly 
parted, and kissed her friend solidly but not passionately.

"Now, Ann would you please tell our committee of eminent sexologists 
here whether you felt any emotion or other reaction to Jenifer's not-
very-enthusiastic embrace?"

Everyone was laughing so hard at Pauling's ridiculous performance that 
Ann could not bring herself to be angry. In fact, the kiss had aroused 
no emotions in her whatsoever.

"It was like brushing my teeth with a new brand of tooth-paste," she 
reported saucily.

"Excuse me, Doctor Pauling," interrupted Birindelli, trying to keep a 
straight face amidst the laughter. "It occurs to me that Ann may not be 
telling the exact truth. Surely we should have some means of verifying 
her report."

"Brilliant suggestion, Doctor Birindelli! Let us pass to Phase Two of 
Pauling's Sexual Responsiveness Test. Now it is well known that a 
woman's nipples become turgid and protuberant when she is sexually 
aroused. Jenifer, will you kindly undo the front of the patient's dress 
so that we may observe these interesting reactions?"

Ann stole another quick drink during Pauling's lecture and then lay 
back down on the waterbed again to allow Jenifer to undress her.

"First fining you know, we're going to start liking this and then you 
guys'll be out of luck," warned Jenifer jokingly as she moved closer to 
Ann so that their bodies were side-by-side. Balancing on one elbow, she 
started under Ann's chin and began carefully opening her mini-dress, 
button by button. When the dress was open all the way to her bright red 
nylon panties, Ann obligingly rolled from side to side to allow the 
blonde girl to push the dress down off her shoulders, leaving her firm, 
widely-spaced breasts entirely naked. Her rosy brown nipples, however. 
were still soft and flat and she wondered how much longer she could 
keep them that way.

"And now, Jenifer, since we arc testing you as well," continued Pauling 
in the same theatrical tone of voice, "I think it's only fair mat you 
strip for action as wed. Do my honored colleagues agree?"

There was a general rowdy roar of obscene delight which Jenifer 
interpreted as meaning that the honored colleagues were extremely 
enthusiastic about the idea. Her dress unfortunately did not unbutton 
down the front, so she was obliged to take it off entirely, leaving 
herself inadequately clad in a tiny pair of black lacy panties that 
barely covered her softly curling blonde pussy hair.

"Very well, Jenifer," Pauling instructed. "You may begin. With feeling 
this time, please!"

It was the only time Ann could ever remember seeing Jenifer 
embarrassed, but her friend was definitely blushing at what the men 
were pushing her into doing. But there was no turning back now for 
either one of them. The honored colleagues wanted a performance and 
they were going to get one. Ann noticed that Jenifer had a strange 
tense expression on her face as she lowered her head to Ann's, her lips 
widely parted and one hand creeping almost automatically for her 
friend's nakedly vulnerable breasts.

*  *  *

The dignified black car with the medical association sticker on the 
window pulled slowly up in front of the apartment building and the 
doorman watched with interest as a man wearing a neatly pressed black 
suit and tie got out and walked briskly towards the front door, 
carrying a medical bag.

Must be someone sick inside, he mused, wondering which of his tenants 
could possibly have needed to call for a doctor.

"Excuse me, in which apartment do I find Mr. Birindelli of Wonder-Wear 
Incorporated?" asked the youthful medical man in a calm professional 
tone of voice.

"Apartment Eleven, Doctor," answered the doorman respectfully. "Shall I 
ring up to tell them you're here?"

"Heavens No!" protested the physician hurriedly. "My patient may be 
sleeping, which is the best thing under these circumstances. I'll just 
find my way up. They're expecting me and the door will be open."

Frank Larkin had no reason in the world to believe that the door would 
be open, since obviously no one was expecting him, but fortune was with 

Having located Apartment Eleven quickly enough, he apprehensively 
glanced up and down the plush carpeted corridors before putting his ear 
to the door and listening carefully. There was evidently a party of 
some kind in progress. He could hear people talking, glasses clinking 
and music from a stereo, but there seemed to be no noise in the 
immediate area of the door. It meant taking a chance, but he could 
hardly turn back now after coming this far.

The door had been left ajar and he pushed the door open quietly and 
stepped inside. If Ann was not there and someone surprised him, he 
could always claim that he was making a house call and had gotten the 
wrong address. But there was no one on the other side of the door to 
challenge him and his entry seemed not to have been detected. The 
suspicious young doctor paused for a moment, trying to decide on the 
proper course of action. Around the corner to his right was the living 
room where the noise was coming from and going that way meant being 
discovered immediately.

Therefore he moved cautiously to the left, passing through an 
unoccupied bedroom where he recognized some of his wife's clothing and 
then into another hallway where he paused next to a bookshelf.

For a moment, he stood indecisively, wondering whether to turn back or 
explore further; then he noticed something strange about the bookshelf 

It a doorway!

He never would have noticed it but for the fact that the last person 
through had thoughtlessly left the door open a crack. It swung back 
noiselessly on well-oiled ball-bearings and Doctor Larkin stepped into 
the secret dark room. Thanks to his trained scientific mind, it took 
him only a few seconds to realize that the "windows" which seemed to be 
looking out of the concealed compartment was actually the backsides of 
see-through mirrors. The perfect vantage point from which to observe 
what was going on. He quietly closed the door behind him and peered 
into the living room.

Chapter 9

"Down farther," cried Birindelli hoarsely. "Kiss her cunt! Come on, 
pull her panties and get your tongue in there!"

The scene was bizarre, resembling something out of an oriental sex-film 
and the atmosphere in the room was now heavy with the intermingling 
odors of sweat and sensuality. By this time, all five participants in 
this strange depraved rite were almost naked and the three men were 
visibly aroused. What had started as a not-so-innocent joke had 
degenerated steadily with Pauling and Birindelli inciting the two 
completely dominated young models into acts of greater and greater 
sexual depravity.

These thoroughly-corrupted men had not been satisfied to see Jenifer 
and Ann exchange a few girlish kisses on the lips and had ordered 
Jenifer, the more aggressive woman, to attack her friend's voluptuously 
supple breasts. The young blonde model still clad only in her lacy 
black panties, had been too much in the habit of obedience to defy 
them. Ann had permitted her breasts to be licked and nibbled, groaning 
lasciviously as she felt her nipples begin to betray her by swelling 
stiffly into rock-like hardness, standing up rigidly on the tops of her 
gently heaving breasts.

But now Birindelli wanted even more. He was insisting on the ultimate 
degradation for the two women. For a long moment, both he and Jenifer 
stared at each other across Ann's tortured half-hysterical body and a 
brutal contest of wills took place.

"I said to kiss her cant!" he repeated harshly.

"Kiss it yourself," the girl shot back at him. "I'm no lesbian and you 
know it!"

"When I offered you this job, you told me you'd do anything for the 
salary I'm paying you," Birindelli reminded her cruelly. "Now start 
earning it!"

Jenifer stared at him an instant longer and then gave in, knowing 
perfectly well that Birindelli was too hard a man to be trifled with. 
He was quite capable of firing her on the spot for refusing, just as he 
routinely fired people for being two minutes late for appointments. He 
and the others knew very well that she and Ann were not lesbians and in 
fact, this was the whole point. They wanted to humiliate two normal 
women by making them act like lesbians, and it looked as though they 
were going to get away with it.

As far as Ann Larkin was concerned, she was beyond caring. The steady 
diet of whiskey had once again done its work and she was lying happily 
on the softly undulating water-mattress more or less unconcerned about 
who kissed her and where just so long as someone kissed her somewhere. 
A gentle sexual softness had began to infuse her whole body when 
Jenifer's wetly licking tongue had played sensuously across her nakedly 
exposed breasts, licking her tiny sensitive nipples until they were 
stiff and hard. Nor had she objected particularly when Jenifer's mouth 
moved tantalizingly down over her flat smooth stomach and she had 
obligingly lifted her hips to allow her girlfriend to slide the skimpy 
mini-dress out from under her roundly quivering buttocks.

Knowing that the Wonder-Wear executives would only be able to stand 
this erotic spectacle another few minutes before they all jumped into 
the scene themselves and took over, Jenifer decided to follow their 
depraved immoral instructions and get it over with. Deliberately, she 
slipped her fingers under the tight elastic waistband of her friend's 
shamelessly red silken panties and rolled them gently down over her 
long smooth legs, exposing the soft hair-covered mound of her pussy to 
the lustful gaze of the waterbed, moaning softly and writhing gently 
and waiting for the next hot electric touch that would build her 
passion to fever pitch.

"Ooooooooehh!" came a faintly submissive sigh from Ann's parted lips as 
Jenifer's gentle fingers found their way into the moist dark curls 
which covered the ripe open lips of her cunt. Birindelli and Rossi had 
both forgotten Pauling's injunction to remain at the edges of the bed 
and were hanging hungrily over Ann's pinkly exposed pussy lips. Finding 
that he could not see well enough from his perch on the chair, the 
graphics director gave up announcing the various phases of Doctor 
Pauling's Sexual Responsiveness Test and hurried into the center of the 
bed himself, shedding his pants as he went.

Ann's supple young body jerked convulsively with an involuntary shiver 
as the tips of her friend's fingers brushed across the tiny sensation-
filled bud of her clitoris, stimulating the tender organ into a 
miniature erection. Then, with a humiliated, tormented groan, Jenifer 
dropped her blonde head between her girlfriend's widely-parted legs, 
and began licking the entire exposed area of Ann's nakedly pulsating 
pussy. She ran her moist red lips and tongue all through the open 
crevice from the lust-inflated clitoris across the moist pink lips of 
her eagerly dilating vagina and then down to her tiny puckered anus.

A tortured moan broke forth from all the men in the room.

"I can't take it anymore!" cried Pauling in a genuine agony of 
overwhelming physical desire, diving madly on top of Jenifer.

"Neither can I!" affirmed the president of Wonder-Wear, rapidly ripping 
the remaining clothing from his lust-ridden body and surging toward the 
two women.

*  *  *

Doctor Frank Larkin closed his eyes, ready to faint, and fished inside 
his doctor's bag for the bottle of strong medicinal brandy which he 
always carried for emergencies. Never had he thought he would need to 
use it on himself, but his head was swimming and his knees were going 
weak and he knew that in another minute he would give himself away by 
passing out completely.

Badly shaken, he located a chair in the darkened room and sat down 
heavily, taking a deep swig of the bitter medicinal liquor to clear his 

It was far worse than he had ever imagined! Larkin had been prepared to 
find that Ann was having an affair with one of the men in her office, 
perhaps even Birindelli himself, but it had never occurred to him in 
his wildest dreams that she had become a full-fledged sex slave, a 
willingly compliant object happy and ready to be manipulated by these 
coarse ruthless men with their strange warped tastes.

Holding his head in his hands, he desperately tried to get his wits 
together to decide what to do. Obviously, there was no longer any hope 
for Ann. He could try some stupid fool-hardy gesture such as dashing 
into the room and dragging his wife away from her tormentors, but he 
knew in advance that the effort would be useless. There were three 
strong, fully-aroused men in the room, any one of whom alone was more 
than a match for him in a physical struggle. On top of that, there was 
absolutely no guarantee that Ann would consent to go away with him. 
After all, she must have done this kind of thing before and probably 
enjoyed it.

No, she was clearly beyond saving. She had fallen too far and there was 
nothing to do now but go away quietly and leave her to her sin and 

But somehow, he could not bear to drag himself away from his vantage 
point behind the one-way mirror. The moment his head stopped spinning, 
he pressed his nose once again to the glass, his eyes fixed on the 
lasciviously unnatural copulation taking place only a few feet away 
from him.

"Spread your thighs apart," Birindelli was commanding, his big black-
haired head hanging impatiently over Ann's slightly-parted legs. 
Jenifer was grappling with the over-excited Pauling, one hand on his 
bulging penis as the two of them rolled over and over on the edge of 
the mattress. Rossi was slavering wildly over the excitedly heaving 
mounds of Ann's more than ample breasts, whipping his saliva-drenched 
mouth from one tensed nipple to the other.

"Man, look at that tender little pussy," the vice president proclaimed. 
"I'm gonna have a real good time fucking that!"

"Wait your turn, sonny," advised Wonder-Wear's chief executive, raising 
his head from Ann's swollen and tempting breasts and focusing his lust-
distorted vision on the cock-raising sight of the young brunette's 
widely-parted vaginal slit.

"Look at it go!" crowed Birindelli, pointing with delight at the 
convulsive jerking movements beginning to take place in Ann's moistly 
seeping pussy. "It's practically begging to be fucked. If that cunt 
could talk, it would be screaming for it right now! I can't wait any 
longer boss. "I gotta stick my cock up into that or I'm gonna explode!"

"I told you to wait your turn," Rossi reminded his vice president 
seriously, running his middle finger up and down over the steaming pink 
slit, separating the thinly curling triangle of dark brown pubic hair 
and enjoying the sensation of touching the smooth slippery flesh of her 
vaginal lips. Her cunt quivered lustily in response to his touch, 
grasping at his fingers as if it wanted to capture his whole hand and 
suck it inside her by force.

Jenifer and Pauling interrupted their wrestling match on the other side 
of the bed to observe the conflict of wills between these two strong 
powerful men, and even Doctor Frank Gherkin hidden behind the mirror 
found himself wondering which of them would win the right to fuck his 
wife first.

Meanwhile the object of this controversy was on the verge of going out 
of her mind with unsatisfied desire. Jenifer's caresses and lascivious 
kisses had excited Ann more than she cared to admit to herself and the 
feeling of lying naked between two lusting men, waiting to be fucked 
half to death, was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to 

Tonight, she told herself, her mind dazed by liquor and lust, tonight 
we are going all the way to the bottom! Tonight, I'll do anything they 
want me to!

Rossi, influential president of Wonder-Wear Incorporated, was lying on 
one side of her, his mercilessly untiring middle finger thrust deep up 
inside of her impatiently pulsating vagina while her boss, Birindelli, 
was crowding against her smoothly undulating buttocks, and reaching 
around her to massage and torment her sensually swollen breasts, 
teasing and torturing her little rock-hard nipples until they ached and 

It was ridiculous to fight, she thought vaguely, all manner of weird 
and unnatural images Boating obscenely through her dazedly wandering 
mind. Her memory drifted back to the night a few weeks before when 
LaFarge had fucked his way violently into Jenifer's nakedly unresisting 
asshole and suddenly she found her excitement mounting even higher as 
she recalled the pictures Birindelli had taken of that sodomistic 

"She's ready to fuck," pronounced Rossi, his voice gravelly with 
passion. "I can feel her opening up like mad and she's dripping wet!"

"Well, I'm just as ready as she is," interrupted Birindelli, so badly 
excited by the unnaturally depraved quality of the scene that he was no 
longer worried about offending his employer. "Let's make her put those 
wild red panties back on. Makes me hotter than hell!" he panted.

"Now listen ..." Rossi countered, his anger rising, but Ann 
unexpectedly settled the issue for them.

"Both of you," she whispered, raising her head and grasping both of 
their cocks in her hands. "Both of you fuck me at once!"

And then she dropped heavily back on the mattress, frankly unable to 
believe that it had been she, mousy shy little Ann Larkin, who had 
issued this incredible invitation.

But if she had any thoughts of retracting it, there was no longer any 
opportunity since Birindelli and Rossi immediately took to the to the 

"What'll you have, boss?" offered the vice president, remembering his 
manners. "Front or back?"

"The back, I think," replied the chief executive slowly, as if he were 
considering a stock option. "But it doesn't look like she'd ever had it 
there before. Suppose we hurt her?"

"She's covered by the Wonder-Wear Employee's Group Health Plan," 
responded Birindelli callously. "I never heard of anybody being fucked 
to death anyway."

Frank Larkin, on the other side of the one-way mirror, felt like 
screaming as he watched the two men prepare themselves for this brutal 
fuck-sodomy combination on his helplessly writhing young wife. Despite 
his scientific attitude and his horror at seeing his wife debauched in 
this low and degrading fashion, the good doctor noticed that his own 
penis was pressing desperately against the thin material of his pants, 
and he scolded himself for letting his baser emotions run away with 
him. He had read about sodomy in his medical books and the idea had 
always intrigued him, but he had never actually observed it before 
under such ideal laboratory conditions. Frank was no longer really 
thinking about Ann as the woman he had married, but as a pathological 
specimen to be examined like a white mouse or a hamster, and his only 
regret now was the lack of pencil and paper with which he might take 
some notes.

As the two Wonder-Wear executives arranged Ann's limply yielding body 
between them and hungrily prepared to fuck her from both sides, even 
Pauling gave up trying to force his turgid cock into Jenifer's 
teasingly closed mouth and the two of them sat up to watch.

Ann, lying on the bed delirious with unsatisfied desire, was waiting 
impatiently for Rossi and Birindelli to make up their minds. She 
welcomed the coming double-impalement gladly, knowing that when the two 
company men had simultaneously fucked and sodomized her softly willing 
young body, humiliating and shaming her as far as possible, she would 
have done everything there was to do. There would be no more surprises 
in store for her. This was the ultimate. She was touching bottom and 
discovering that she liked it there!

Then her eyes fell on Rossi's monstrously long extended cock, so 
swollen with lust that the blue veins were pulsatingly visible, 
suspended in mid-air as the executive cruelly pulled her ankles in 
opposite directions, forcing her legs farther and farther apart.

It's going to hurt, she thought dully, watching his cock waved back and 
forth in front of her face. When he sticks that huge thing up into my 
ass, it's going to hurt like hell! But somehow she was not worried 
about the pain to come. Her ass belonged to Wonder-Wear, not to her, 
and if Mr. Rossi wished to sodomize it, it was his business and she had 
nothing to say about the matter.

But Rossi was wasting no time with philosophical concerns. He ducked 
his head down to her anus to moisten the tiny puckery hole with his 
hotly flicking tongue-tip, and clawing at her with an outward pressure 
of his thumbs as he drew her vulnerable half-moons apart. Ann squirmed 
lustfully as his middle finger burst cruelly past the feeble elastic 
gateway to her rectum, embedding itself deeply up in her tormented anal 

"Oh God!" she cried half in pain and half in pleasure as his big middle 
finger slithered up inside of her until the palm of his hand was 
crushed against the defenselessly quivering cheeks of her naked 
buttocks. Sadistically, the executive began working his finger around 
in ever-widening circles as she lay helplessly moaning beneath him, 
gradually expanding her unused and tightly-clasped little asshole.

"Man, she's tight!" Rossi reported to Birindelli who was anxiously 
waiting for his boss to get himself situated so he could make his own 
entry. It was true she was not as wide as she might be, thought Rossi, 
but he decided he could wait no longer and he levered himself into 
position behind her, placing one knee between her widely-separated legs 
and turning her over on her side, pulling roughly apart her futilely-
resisting ass-cheeks as far as they would go without actually 
splitting. Then, lifting his entire body, he guided his heavy muscular 
cock into position, trying to fit the heavy blood-filled tip to the 
partially-opened entrance way to her tiny puckered rectal lips.

"Hey, you're in my territory!" complained Birindelli jokingly as his 
boss lunged forward, his thick rubbery cock gliding mistakenly into the 
girl's wet slippery cunt.

"Sorry, old man," apologized the president as he pulled back for 
another try, fumbling with his heavy fingers as he re-positioned his 
long muscular pole for another strike.

And this time, he was dead on target!

"Aaaaaahhhhhggggghhhhh! Oh, God! Noooooooooh!" she screamed as the 
burly passion-hardened gland of his cock slithered past the feeble 
resistance offered by the tender elastic ring of her anus and popped 
inside her moist rectal tunnel with a lewd, hissing sound which could 
be heard across the room.

She had never realized that anything could hurt quite this bad and her 
much-abused buttocks cringed fearfully away from him, grinding down 
into the mattress and instinctively trying to shake him loose.

But it was useless. The man was determined to sodomize her and with 
Birindelli's help, he dominated her easily. Every time she wiggled and 
squirmed in agony, he took the opportunity to ram his rock-hard cock 
even further up into the soft yielding recesses of her narrow, vainly-
clenched rectal passage. She was pinned, penetrated, impaled like an 
insect on a collector's board and with a gasp, she ceased to struggle, 
accepting the pain in silence and reminding herself that sodomy had 
been her idea, not theirs!

But the pain was immediately lessened the moment she lay still, not 
daring to move and waiting submissively for Birindelli to enter from 
the other side. The vice president was already beside himself with 
lust, especially after having watched Rossi's vicious assault on her 
anus and he lost no time flinging his big body into position to 
complete the double impalement.

Grasping his aching throbbing cock in his hand, he levered down onto 
his side as Rossi lifted one of her limp tapered legs to accommodate 
the other man's entry.

"Ooooooh!" Ann groaned, this time with genuine pleasure as Birindelli's 
long battering penis slithered up her moist, well-lubricated cuntal 
passage, penetrating farther and farther inside of her until he had 
stuffed her to the hilt and his heavily swinging balls slapped fleshily 
against her nakedly-spread thighs. She lay imprisoned between the two 
men, impaled helplessly on their dually imbedded cocks, feeling the 
burning pain in her rectal path gradually diminish as her body began to 
secrete the necessary lubricating fluids and adjust itself to the 
presence of Rossi's monstrously throbbing hardness buried unnaturally 
into her widespread young behind.

"Ready when you are, boss," Birindelli said with lewd good humor, and 
began thrusting steadily up inside the girl's inflamed open pussy only 
the thin, delicate membrane between he' cunt and asshole separating his 
plunging cock from Rossi's. The other man had more difficulty getting 
started because of the extreme tightness of Ann's tightly clasped 
little anus, but he braced himself and shoved, feeling the soft 
flexible interior flesh of her rectal passage yield gradually to the 
power of his vicious instrument.

After that it took only a minute for the two men to establish a 
mutually-satisfactory rhythm, fucking in and out of her cruelly-
stretched loins with long steady strokes and buffeting her back and 
forth between them like a helpless foam rubber doll. For Ann, the pain 
was almost entirely gone now and replaced by the delicious ecstatic 
feeling of being double fucked like a slave or animal, degraded and 
humiliated in ways she had never dreamed were even possible. From her 
open mouth came servile hums and moans of acceptance and submission.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" she chanted insanely, keeping time with their 
rhythmic energetic strokes into both of the natural openings in her 
loins, one of her arms wrapped lightly around Birindelli's thick 
muscular neck and the other stretched behind her and clasping Rossi's 
thrusting flexing buttocks, trying to force him to fuck farther and 
farther up inside of her widely-stretched bowels as she bucked wildly 
back against him.

Jenifer and Pauling were mesmerized by the scene, huddling over the 
nakedly writhing threesome with eyes widened by desire and lust. They 
could see everything: the two long wet cocks skewering into the 
helpless girl from both directions and the ragged pink edges of Ann's 
cunt stretching out with Birindelli's cock as he withdrew and then 
disappearing back up inside each time he pummeled into her on the in-

Behind the mirror, Dr. Frank Larkin polished his glasses and then 
located a pencil in his pocket, having discovered a piece of paper on 
the floor with which he could make a few elementary notes. He had long 
since ceased to think of Ann as his wife. Naturally, he would divorce 
her as soon as possible since no woman who would let such things happen 
to her was a fit companion for a dignified young doctor like himself. 
Larkin did not consider himself to he a prude by any means, but there 
were limit to this sort of thing!

Nevertheless, from a scientific point of view, the case was damned 
interesting and he considered it highly possible that one of those new 
medical journals would print an article on the subject. Congratulating 
himself on his good fortune, the young medical man began to scribble 
notes on the lurid scene before him, estimating the length of the two 
cocks in question (both of which struck him as being abnormally large) 
and then keeping track of the rate of their penetrations and 
withdrawals. Naturally, he wrote, the woman is incapable of 
experiencing any pleasure whatsoever during an unnatural double 
invasion of this kind ...

But despite his wealth of medical knowledge, Larkin was wrong again! 
Ann was beginning to enjoy it enormously!

It was pure masochism, but whatever the cause or the motive, Ann's hips 
had already started to jerk back and forth as the two men skewered 
madly into her, the tempo of their vicious thrusts having gradually 
increased as they raced toward their twin orgasms.

But Ann was going to get there first.

Her body was now undulating wildly back and forth between the two hard-
driving males, shoving her loins forward to meet Birindelli's Thrusting 
cock and then rocking rapidly back to take the whole of Rossi's 
plunging instrument recklessly up to the full depth into her hungrily 
absorbing asshole, her buttocks revolving in wildly abandoned little 

"Fuck me, fuck me!" she screamed deliriously. "Fuck my cant! Fuck my 

Excited by her obscene words, the two lusty men grew wilder by the 
minute, battering her back and forth between them lice a rag doll, all 
three of them groaning and moaning in unison in a strange primitive 

It hit all of them like a raging steam engine, but Ann came first, her 
body suddenly going stiff and rigid as if a sharp electric current had 
unexpectedly passed through her body. A heavy layer of sweat broke over 
the entire surface of her skin and her face was wildly contorted with 
the approaching orgasm, her breasts seeming to expand and grow in size, 
the hard little nuggets of her nipples boring into Birindelli's chest 
like buttons on a coat.

The helpless ecstasy-wracked girl sobbed and screamed out an orgasm 
that seemed destined to go on all night and never stop. Both men sensed 
immediately that they had pushed her over the brink and they plunged 
forward simultaneously, thrusting their wild, powerfully ejaculating 
cocks as deep into her pussy and asshole as they would go, flooding her 
heaving, tormented belly with their hotly spurting sperm.

The evening went on for a long time after that, but somehow never again 
reached the same heights of depravity and ecstasy. The threesome 
watched Jenifer take Pauling's long, again heavily pulsating cock 
between her hungrily nibbling lips and drive him nearly up the wall 
with pleasure and Birindelli proposed a combination which would involve 
all five of them simultaneously. Dr. Larkin considered staying a little 
longer to observe this new perversion but then decided that he had had 
enough excitement for one evening. Besides, he was a busy man and now 
there was a divorce to be arranged. Larkin left as he had come, nodding 
in a friendly fashion to the doorman and disappearing into the night.

Chapter 10

"Ah, how good it is to see spring come!" slurred Ann happily as the 
warm sun filtered through the budding new leaves on the trees just 
outside their expensive apartment building.

"The way you've been hitting the bottle all day," commented Jenifer 
acidly, "I'm amazed you can still see out the window. Honestly, I can't 
remember the last day when you didn't get drunk! Aren't you afraid of 
ruining your liver?"

"Oh, Jenifer," objected the sexy, full-figured young brunette, 
stretching her long bare legs sensuously as she sun-bathed nakedly on a 
rug next to the window, a glass of whiskey near her elbow. "Don't be 
such a party-pooper! I'm so much happier when I've had a couple of good 
stiff drinks and I do my work better, too. Besides, it's been a long, 
tough winter even if it was fun."

"It sure as hell has been long," agreed the other long-legged model. 
"Every time we put out for another customer, I think we must be fucking 
the last lingerie buyer in the world and old Birindelli proceeds to 
come up with another one. Have you any idea how many guys we've been to 
bed with since we got hired?"

"Who counts anymore?" replied Ann, gazing dreamily into her whiskey 

"Birindelli probably does," complained Jenifer without bitterness. 
"He's kept us so busy that my boyfriend gave up on me because I never 
had time to give him any action. All this fucking is interfering with 
my sex life!" she added humorously.

"I know what you mean," agreed Ann, suddenly a little sad. "I haven't 
heard from my husband lately either."

"Oh, he'll come back," Jenifer assured her friend. "You can try to get 
in touch with him after we return from Europe. By the way, I think this 
trip is going to be an absolutely terrific blast. It'll be fun seeing 
Jacques LaFarge again. Remember him?"

"How could I forget?" remarked the half-intoxicated young woman, her 
enthusiasm returning as she contemplated the prospects of an all-
expense paid trip to Europe. "And if we can help old Birindelli break 
into the European market, the two of us will make a mint in commissions 
and bonuses!"

This excited conversation was interrupted by a sharp knocking at the 
door. Neither woman was completely dressed, but if the caller was 
someone from Wonder-Wear, clothing was hardly a necessity.

"Who's there?" called Jenifer casually.

"I'm Mr. Atkins," came the reply. "I have some documents to deliver to 
Mrs. Ann Larkin."

The two women looked at each other in surprise, wondering what this 
could possibly mean, and Ann wrapped a towel around herself before 
opening the door.

"I'm Ann Larkin," she informed him simply. Mr. Atkins let his eyes 
wander lustfully over her inadequately clad figure for an instant and 
then handed her a packet of papers.

"Please sign your name here," he requested indicating a receipt.

"But what is it?" she asked in confusion as she signed on the dotted 

"You're divorce papers, Ma'am," the process-server informed her. 
"Unless you choose to contest the divorce, the settlement will be final 
in six weeks under Nevada law. If you have any questions, I suggest you 
consult a lawyer."

Mr. Atkins disappeared as quickly as he had come, leaving Ann with a 
handful of legal documents.

"It was bound to happen," Jenifer consoled her, watching the tears 
start to form in her girlfriend's eyes. "Come on, let's start packing 
for Europe. Wonder-Wear's Legal Department can worry about that stuff 
while we're having a ball in gay Paree!"

"Yeah," mumbled Ann, setting the legal papers on the coffee table and 
letting the towel drop from her breasts onto the floor. "I guess it was 
in the cards anyway. God, I need another drink bad!"

The End