IPB-167 Mrs. Howell's Foot by Vance Caldwell

Chapter 1

Rebekah opened the door that led to the tunnel under the hill. The cute 
little twelve year old boy by her side peeked into it, then turned 
around and grinned at her. His eyes descended with a cautious 
sensuality down the voluptuous lines of her lushly shaped body before 
he looked back into the tunnel and disappeared. Rebekah closed the door 
and went upstairs. It was an old tunnel from the cellar into a large 
barrel-like enclosure lined with shelves that were too old and rotten 
to hold anything, whatever they might have held decades ago. Then the 
tunnel part proceeded, probably dug later, maybe during a war or 
something, right through the hill.

She had a new little boy upstairs. He was busy at the moment shining 
leather shoes and boots in the kitchen. She had hired him yesterday and 
he started today. He, too, was twelve and very angelic looking, a type 
she didn't usually bother with, but this boy's beauty that shone with a 
heavenly aura around his features and his soft blond hair stopped at 
his blue eyes, which shined with the merriment of the very devil 
himself. He had been too enticing to pass up. She could only hope that 
he was not a goodie-goodie who ran to his mother with each little 
problem he had.

"How are you doing, Jim?" she asked, smiling, as she came through the 
cellar door into the kitchen.

"Take a look, Miss Howell!" he said, pointing at the half-finished row 
of shoes that were spread across the floor on newspapers. Then he 
looked at her with curiosity.

Here it comes, she thought. All of the little boys were curious at 
first as to why no one was allowed to wear shoes in the house, although 
there were so many shoes in need of constant shining. But he didn't ask 
that at all.

"That's funny," he laughed a little. "I didn't see you go down there, 
but I heard you coming up the steps so it must be the cellar."

"It's funny'?" she said in a questioning tone, raising one of her 
naturally thick and finely arched dark eyebrows.

"Well, I mean, in my house, when someone comes up from the cellar, that 
means they went down, and the last I saw you, you went out there!" he 
explained, pointing through the kitchen door into the hallway.

"A regular Sherlock Holmes!" she mumbled, remembering to smile and 
hopefully cover her surprise and concern. There were many entrances to 
the cellar. They all led to the same place, but she kept them as secret 
as possible. The door inside her own closet, a door that no one but she 
knew how to open, was the only door down to the secret tunnel that she 
ever revealed to the boys. The reason she kept it all so secret was 
self-protection. The door in the closet had a panel that fitted over 
it. When the panel was in place, no door was visible. Any little boy 
who spoke of such a door could be made to look foolish.

At the other end of the tunnel was a little cave, and this was blocked 
off very ingeniously by a rock that was raised and lowered and worked 
from the house by a simple lever. There was no written record of the 
tunnel. Rebekah's father had shown it to her when she was in her teens. 
Since he had told her not to tell anyone, she didn't even know if her 
mother knew of it. Her mother, now living with her second husband over 
a hundred miles away, never mentioned the tunnel, so Rebekah rather 
doubted that she knew of it. Her father had been dead now three years.

It had been a foolish mistake not to remember to return by the wall 
stairs to her closet. What had she been thinking of to make such an 
error? If she had ever done it before, no one apparently noticed. It 
was clear that young Jim Craft was a sharper youngster than she usually 
had. She wiggled her bare toes and decided the best thing to do about 
it was to change the subject.

"Let me see how you're doing," she said, bending over the shoes. The 
young boy scrambled to his feet, then bent over to pick up a boot that 
had been well scratched before he had worked on it. It shone with 
barely a visible scratch at all.

"How's this one?" he asked proudly.

Then, despite her awareness that it might be a little soon but hoping 
to make him forget his suspicions about the cellar, she bent downwards 
to hug the little boy, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck to 
pull his delighted face warmly against the twin mounds of her ripely 
upthrust titties. She held him for an extended moment, almost 
suffocating him in the voluptuously deep valley between her tits, then 
gradually straightened up, her breath slightly hastened from the not-
so-innocent and titillating contact.

"They've never looked so good!" she breathed. Seeing that his attention 
was now completely on her, Rebekah pulled away. She didn't want to get 
herself too excited, too soon. She did her best to maintain control of 
herself. There had been times when she had weakened too soon and given 
a child a spontaneous hug or kiss, and he had run out the door yelling 
for his mother. She thought she was probably better at choosing the 
children now. She often wished, though, that she were not so 
irresistibly attracted to such young adolescents. But even though she 
was a good twenty years older than most of them and had had 
considerably more experience, there was much that she and such young 
boys had in common, an energy, which she didn't really understand, a 
restlessness that was not yet focused. She would someday have to give 
them all up, of course. She had to start thinking about getting 
married. She was the end of a dwindling family. But meanwhile, she 
wanted to have as much of them and their sweet young bodies for which 
she had time.

"Want a coke?" she asked her young expert boot polisher.

"Gee thanks," Jim smiled and bent once more over a shoe on which he was 
working assiduously .

"It won't interrupt your dinner, I hope," she said, suddenly 
remembering that herself. She had just let Tommy Speigle out to go home 
for his dinner, and in the concern over the secrets of the tunnel, she 
had forgotten that she had meant to send Jim Craft home, too. Tommy's 
parents had, for some reason, made Tommy leave his "job" with Miss 
Howell, and that's why Jim had been hired. She suffered a rapid 
turnover in her young boys, but Rebekah had so far had no more serious 
problems with them or their parents.

"What time is it?" the boy asked then. He, too, had forgotten the time.

"Five thirty. What time do your parents expect you for dinner?"

"I have to be home and ready by six, Miss Howell," he said 

"Well, fine," she said cheerily, wishing this were a later time, a 
later day, and that she were dismissing him from her bedroom and not 
the kitchen. She could hardly wait to get at this beautiful boy's 
extremities! She sucked in and swallowed the saliva that was suddenly 
gathering in her mouth. "Let's just pull the newspapers with the shoes 
right on them over into this corner, and you can just continue 

While they were pulling the papers along the floor, he asked, "Gee, do 
you wear all these shoes?" He was all too aware of her own bare feet 
now and his own naked toes. He had heard that the Japanese remove their 
shoes before entering a house. Perhaps Miss Howell was Japanese. Her 
hair was very long and dark, but other than that she didn't appear to 
him to have any Japanese characteristics as he understood them, like 
yellow skin or slanted dark eyes. He didn't know whether he had ever 
really seen a Japanese. Anyway, someday he could ask her.

"No," she said. "I use them as ornaments around the house."

He blushed. Maybe it was a smart-alecky question, he thought. "I'm 
sorry," he mumbled.

"But I'm not. You see these boots on which you did such a beautiful 
job?" She picked up the nearly scratchless boots. "Let me just show you 
where they belong before you go, okay?"

While she was standing, holding the boots, Jim arranged the last shoes 
on the paper that was now in the corner between the wall and the sink 
cabinet in one corner of the kitchen. He happened to glance down under 
his arm to where her naked feet stood at the edge of the paper, close 
to his hand. Something about them impressed him. They were lovely, 
really, with their high insteps and long toes with well-manicured 
nails. She wore no polish on her toe nails the way his mother did. It 
was odd how they drew his attention. While he was watching, she wiggled 
her toes. He almost laughed, but feared he would say the wrong thing 
again or his laughter would be out of place.

Jim got up and followed her out of the kitchen into the hallway that 
led to the front of the house and the front stairway to the second 
floor. For a minute, he supposed they were going to a closet upstairs. 
It never occurred to him that there was any place else to keep a pair 
of shoes. But they turned away from the stairs and toward the living 
room. There, just inside the door, beside a large overstuffed chair was 
an end table with a single lamp.

"There, see how beautiful they look?" she asked the stunned boy.

"I ... uh ... I guess so," he murmured. Jim didn't know whether she was 
going to tell him in a minute that she was kidding or whether she 
neatly did keep them there. If she kept them on the end table, then he 
supposed he should be proud that she wanted to display his good work, 
but somehow, it all seemed kooky!

"Well, I guess I had better let you get along home," she sighed. "See 
you tomorrow as soon as school is over, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed with a grin. He thought he should say something about 
the shoes. "Now that I know what you do with them," he beamed, "I'll do 
a better job than ever!"

He almost forgot to put on his own shoes before he hurried out the back 
door. There was no need to use the tunnel, of course, unless a child 
came who was not supposed to be there, like Tommy had come. Now that 
she thought of it, she had better close off the end of the tunnel, too, 
before she forgot to do it. Caves were enticing places for children to 
play, and she didn't want any strange child wandering into her tunnel 
by mistake, telling the whole neighborhood that it was there, a tunnel 
that had been a well-kept secret for decades, at least.

As soon as Jim Craft was safely out of the house, Rebekah climbed the 
stairs to her own room. She reached in behind her robe and pulled the 
switch that sealed the tunnel from intruders into the cave and then 
stood in her bare feet on the shaggy rug that covered the floor of her 
bedroom. She was staring at herself in the full-length mirror on the 
inside of the closet door, and now she removed her short skirt and 
stood in the pink body suit that accented the voluptuously inviting 
curves of her body. For an extended moment, Rebekah's green eyes 
remained intent on the frontal view of her figure as reflected in the 
long mirror. Then the beautiful thirty-two year old woman turned slowly 
to gaze at her profile. Her proudly uplifted tits swelled out sharply 
above her trim little waist, standing up full and sensuous in defiance 
of gravity, voluptuous and almost perfectly symmetrical. Rebekah had 
long been proud of the fact that, although she didn't really have the 
nerve to go without one, she had never actually needed a brassiere to 
hold her titties upright, and she didn't need one yet!

Then her lovely emerald eyes dropped lower, following the inviting 
curve of her ass. Rebekah's hips were those of a mature woman, but they 
were still as firm as a young girl's. She had started swimming as often 
as she could years ago, and she had to believe that the swimming had 
done wonders for her as she had been told it would. The exercise had 
had a soothing effect on her mind when she had lost her father and 
again when her mother had remarried, leaving Rebekah to live alone in 
the big house. Rebekah still remembered how horribly lonely she had 
been. One evening she had sat in the living room staring at her bare 
feet for hours, wondering where she should start to break out of her 
rut of isolation, of feeling rejected by the world, when suddenly, she 
had wiggled her toes, and like ten zany obedient, lovable little boys 
they had responded, dancingly, to keep her company. Well, one idea had 
led to another, and she was grateful, very, very grateful, to her ten 
closest companions, her toes.

She looked at them now, deep in the purple shag, reflected in the 
mirror. She stared at them hungrily, raising them out of the purple 
threads of the rug and then laying them gently back down. She sighed 
softly and then pulled the pink body suit slowly down off her 
shoulders, struggling for an instant to get the snug gamment off her 
arms. She let it drop loosely from her waist, but it still clung 
tightly to her ripely Raring hips. She turned again to examine the 
half-naked front of her body in the mirror.

Her firm tits were a soft white with large rose-colored nipples, a 
sharp line of contrasting hues defining the area that had been covered 
by her bikini bathing suit top last summer. She watched breathlessly as 
the cool air of the bedroom caused her nipples to swell visibly to a 
tingling hardness, and the half naked woman could not resist the 
temptation to lift her arms to brush the dark strands of hair back off 
her face and thereby further arch the voluptuously rounded mounds of 
her tits. Once again Rebekah felt that she had never been so acutely 
aware of her own body, of her sexuality. There would be a new and 
exciting boy soon, and that always gave her a feeling of renewal.

After another moment's hesitation, the sensuous long-haired brunette 
turned away from the mirror and walked away from the closet toward the 
bed. Quickly stripping the body suit over her tightly rounded ass and 
then down the long length of her silken thighs, she tossed it aside and 
slipped nakedly between the sheets of her bed. She wasn't hungry yet 
and had a couple of hours to kill before she bothered with dinner. 
Tommy had had to leave too soon to satisfy her, and she felt restless. 
She stared silently at the ceiling for a moment, then lowered her eyes 
to gaze again down the outline of her sensuously curved body, vividly 
revealed beneath the thin sheet that covered it. She stared long and 
hard at the two hills that were her feet, and then, with a chuckle, 
pulled at the sheet until finally it pulled free of the bottom of the 
bed. Then she drew it slowly up, watching it slide toward her over her 
toes, until finally the edge of the sheet balanced on the tips of the 
toes and fell over the edge to her ankles. There they were, her 
comforting little army of well manicured friends. A tingle ran up her 
spine and suddenly, she could feel little Jim as he would feel, soon 
now, she hoped, walking on her body, wiggling his own toes under her 
upthrust tits, making her nipples pop out with excitement, hard as 
spines. Even now her nipples were taut. Her toes, though, felt cold and 

"Be patient," she whispered to them. "It won't be long." She thought 
for the thousandth time with yearning of how a baby could pop his toes 
into his own mouth.

Almost without thinking, Rebekah trailed her hands slowly down the 
outside of the sheet to rub lightly over the protruding little points 
of her nipples, the friction of the material on the sensitive buds 
causing them to perk to greater and more visible rigidity. A 
spontaneous little moan rose in her throat as her hand trailed lower 
down the smooth sensuous flesh of her belly, and a silent battle waged 
in her mind as she tried to fight down the desire to reach for her 
feet. She had learned before that it would do no good. It only 
frustrated her worse than ever.

But in a sudden impulsive gesture, Rebekah kicked the sheet off her 
nakedly exposed curved body and gazed through narrowed eyes over the 
sensuous lines of her voluptuously contoured flesh, forcing her body to 
offer her voluptuous little toes some competition. Her breathing had 
hastened, and her lovely tits rose and fell visibly with each strained 
gust of air. Her thighs seemed on fire already, her naked flesh burning 
with unfulfilled sensation. Oh, God, if she could only have kept Jim 
Craft up here today! She was beginning to get more and more impatient 
about it while at the same time she was growing wiser about not rushing 
things. It was a conflict that gave her some very difficult days of 
waiting some times.

She suddenly thought to herself that she had not had sexual intercourse 
with a real man, an adult, for over a year. What would it be like now, 
she wondered? Immediately her body began to cool for an adult man had 
come to seem too rough, too hairy, and too big to satisfy her. She had 
fallen in love with things little, little boys, little swollen pricks, 
and little toes. Now once again her body was heating as she thought 
softly and tenderly of the gentle touch of littleness, little toes that 
she kissed and sucked and sometimes bit, imagining in her passion that 
she was biting them off!

Oh God, she dreamed, as she moved her hands back up to squeeze and 
fondle her tits, tweaking the hard little nipple buds, almost the size 
of her littlest toes, to even greater rigidity. Then, another whimper 
arising in her throat, she let her fingers glide lightly back down over 
the smooth flat plane of her belly and into the softly curling strands 
of pubic hair nestled so invitingly between her satin soft thighs.

Arching her hips in a sensuous movement, Rebekah pushed her hand 
daringly lower, gasping aloud at the first titillating contact of her 
finger over the sensitive bud of her clitoris. Then, as she began to 
work the finger slowly up and down over the little tingling bud, her 
whole body stiffened, an unwelcome spasm of longing shooting out 
suddenly from her throbbing clitoris to saturate deeply into her belly 
and over the rest of her tortured flesh. She could almost feel a small 
wet tongue rubbing the knuckle of her big toe as she continued a moment 
longer, tweaking and teasing her little clitoral bud, almost closing 
her eyes, breathing in deep strained gasps as little spontaneous 
shudders of delight darted over her nakedly tingling skin. With a groan 
of frustration, she drew her hand reluctantly away, resisting the 
temptation for a short moment which, in her present state of 
excitement, seemed like an eternity. But she had been through too much, 
too much strain, frustration, and worry. She had been denying herself 
ever since Tommy had left, and her whole body was demanding release no 
matter what she had to do to obtain it. If she hadn't spent so much 
time downstairs showing Jim what to do, she and Tommy would have had 
more time. It was her own fault. But she had been really taken with the 
new boy, really excited .

Well, like it or not, it would be a while before she dared approach 
Jim, so with a sob of despair, Rebekah dropped her hand between her 
naked thighs, her fingers playing gently over the goose bumped skin of 
her belly, venturing once again down through the curling strands of 
pubic hair nestled between her thighs. Then an even more powerful 
shudder came over the gorgeous brunette as she touched the pulsating 
slit of her already moistened pussy. She moaned aloud at the sudden and 
even more titillating contact, her asscheeks jerking as she carefully 
parted her hair-fringed cunt-lips and spread the profusely flowing 
moisture slowly up and down the length of her tingling cunt. Then 
Rebekah carefully pulled her moistened pussy lips apart and began to 
probe teasingly up into the tightness of her cuntal flesh while at the 
same time running her thumb over the sensitive little bud of her 
clitoris that nestled so invitingly at the top of the throbbing furrow.

Rebekah was going to masturbate! She couldn't even remember when she 
had last done that. She hadn't done it since starting with her boys, 
and before that, when she had a boyfriend, she hadn't needed to. God, 
she must have been a youngster! But she could pretend that someone was 
with her, she reasoned. It wasn't as though she hadn't fingered 
herself. She often fingered herself to a climax while the boys worked 
on her feet, but she didn't look upon that as masturbation. She was 
positive that at such times, her climax didn't come from fingering 
herself but from what the boys were doing, and that made the 
difference. To be all alone and do it, nevertheless, seemed to her 
obscene. But what else could she do? Her whole body was crying out with 
need. Her desire seemed to be at a peak at just exactly the wrong time. 
Furthermore, it had found focus earlier this afternoon as she was 
confronted with the marvelously forbidden sight of the naked Tommy. She 
had to have some relief.

At last, with a distant-sounding moan, Rebekah surrendered completely 
to her obscene lust, beginning a lewdly writhing undulation of her ass 
as she started to shove her finger in smooth even fucking strokes in 
and out between the tightly caressing lips of her steaming cunt.

As she began to finger-fuck herself in earnest, a stream of moans and 
pleadings issued from Rebekah's throat. Her emerald eyes were tightly 
shut now, her teeth gritted from the strain, and, forgetting completely 
that she was going to fantasize a boy with her, she began to thrash and 
toss her body in wild contortions of uncontrolled passion. Grunts of 
salacious pleasure spewed from her lips, and her fingers fucked 
dartingly and swiftly in and out of her trembling pussy, her thumb 
working with a maddening effect over the throbbing little bud
of her clitoris.

The beautiful brunette's face was shining, flushed red with lust, as 
she strained and groaned in frustration and need. Worming her finger up 
into the warm quivering slit of her devouring cunt, she tossed her head 
wildly back and forth, her long dark hair whipping softly over the 
nakedness of her shoulders as she further intensified this obscene 
finger-fucking rhythm.

Then she lifted her head, gazing deliriously down between the trembling 
swells of her white tits at the shocking sight of her nakedly 
undulating body and her fiercely waving toes. She squirmed without 
restraint, responding feverishly to the obscene motions of her fingers 
fucking in and out so swiftly between the soft haired lips of her 
cuntal hole. Yet, shocked as she was, the lust-abandoned brunette could 
not completely quell the lewd thrill prompted in her by the sight of 
her own lascivious self-abuse. She seemed to derive a perverse 
excitement from the very depravity of the act, and she was determined 
to go through with it, even though she found it impossible, for some 
reason, to fantasize. She didn't care anymore. She was going to obtain 
the release from the devastating need that consumed her, no matter what 
degraded acts she had to inflict upon her own helplessly surrendered 
body to do so.

After a moment, Rebekah's dark head | dropped back to the pillow. She 
gasped and moaned as she began to strain even more desperately for the 
still distant relief, her pelvis thrusting eagerly upward to the 
probing strokes of her fingers into the quivering hot flesh of her 
hungering cunt, the lips of her cunt flowering open to give her even 
greater access to the warmly yielding inner flesh. At the same time, 
she continued and intensified the maddening strokes of her thumb over 
the twitching little bud of her clitoris, the obscene titillation 
almost driving her insane with the lewdly rising passion that surged up 
from her womb and into her voluptuous squirming tits.

Gradually Rebekah had let the temptation which had been nagging at her 
for the last few minutes take full control of her. She reached with one 
of her hands to the fully swollen mounds of her tits, her fingers 
frenziedly working over the throbbing tips of her nipples. With her 
other hand she continued to spread the copiously flowing slick moisture 
up and down the trembling slit of her cunt, her body bucking from the 
raw stabbing sensation as her finger fucked deeper and deeper up into 
her moistly clasping cuntal flesh. And now that she had ceased her 
mental resistance to the depraved act, she let the lurid vision of 
little Tommy return to her in clear and shocking focus. Yet, try as she 
might, she could not imagine his doing more than standing naked by the 
bed. Without her interest in him, he somehow looked pathetic in his 
nakedness and shame, but suddenly, she no longer saw him at all. 
Instead, she could see as clearly as though he were right beside her, 
Jim Craft's little toes! They were hardly ready for her yet. They were 
not as clean as they would some day be, so the instinct to which they 
appealed must have been motherly as much as sexual, yet the raw 
intensity of that emotion only further heightened her prurient 
response, and she knew finally that it was the physical need which had 
prompted just about anything to feel lascivious at this point.

Now the gorgeous thirty-two year old brunette was completely engulfed 
by the all-consuming lust which had been hewn to a peak with the 
tantalizing caresses between her thighs. She spread her legs wide, 
bending her knees to expose the tingling slit of her pussy even more 
defenselessly to the obscene thrusting of her middle finger up into the 
warm quivering cunt flesh while she continued and intensified the swift 
stroking of her thumb across the excitedly pulsing little bud of her 

Forgetting everything, Rebekah mewled and whimpered without restraint 
from the surging lust that coursed over every inch of her nakedly 
exposed flesh. She wiggled her finger furiously from side to side to 
probe into the most sensitive areas of her hot inner cuntal flesh, and 
her thumb squashed down hard on her little clitoral bud, causing 
flashes of overpowering delight to surge through her body. Like some 
perfectly functioning machine, the young woman arched her asscheeks up 
off the bed, not unaware of the pressure of her toes on the mattress, 
and scissored her naked thighs open and closed in a flurry of shameless 
arousal. She had reached the point of no return and there was no way to 
stop until she found the release she so desperately needed. With a deep 
animal groan of abandoned lust, she began to writhe and toss without 
control on the bed, her finger working all the way to the last knuckle 
up into the softly yielding flesh of her pussy. A torrent of moans and 
whimpers and distant hissing sounds issued from her throat, and again 
her eyes clamped tightly shut, her teeth grinding in animal fashion as 
she strained for the now imminent release.

Rebekah Howell lingered in the terrible purgatory of unfulfillment for 
a few moments longer. Then suddenly her whole body tensed. She 
shuddered, fucking her finger in a staccato rhythm in and out of the 
softness of her burning cunt, deep groans rising urgently to her lips. 
Then, in a sudden whiplash motion, her naked body uncoiled, her legs 
closing tightly about the hand that invaded her private pussy flesh as 
she felt the rising tide begin to swell from deep in her belly.

It was going to happen! Unconsciously she caressed her toes against the 
mattress. She couldn't have stopped it now even if she wanted to. She 
was going to cum, and there was no escape. Then an even more obscene 
spasm of delight shook her lushly ripened body, sweeping away the last 
of her inhibitions with the salacious promise swelling in her loins. 
She moaned in wanton delirium, drawing her finger completely out of the 
quivering cuntal flesh, and concentrating totally on the rapid stroking 
of her thumb over the now lewdly pulsating pink bud of her clitoris. 
Then she moaned even louder and fucked her middle finger savagely back 
into the convulsing wet flesh. She continued the frantic finger-fucking 
in and out of her clasping little pussy, her breath rasping in short 
strained gasps as she groaned in the delirium of her pleasure and 
wallowed in the obscene and depraved bliss as the lightning-like 
sensations jolted through her body. Oh God, how good it felt, even 
without a boy, and she almost passed out from the mind-blowing 

Finally, Rebekah's soft white asscheeks sank in exhaustion down on the 
bed, and she dropped her head back to the pillow, gasping to catch her 
breath. Absently, she reached down for the sheet and spread it over her 
naked body, even kicking it up over her now relaxed toes. For a few 
moments longer the little spasms of excitement continued to course 
through her loins, and she left her hand resting limply on the 
sensitive and sated flesh between her thighs. She closed her eyes and 
for a moment, almost drifted into sleep. The problem with drifting into 
sleep, however, was that she kept thinking and wondering about Jim 
Craft with his angelic face, his blond hair, his mischievous blue eyes, 
and the most beautiful set of toes she had seen yet. It was perhaps 
wiser to get up, get something to eat, turn on the TV, and make 
thoughts of Jim Craft wait until tomorrow!

Chapter 2

Jim Craft caught up with Tommy Speigle right after school. "Hey, you 
didn't tell me about the shoes!" he cried.

"What are you talking about," Tommy answered. "Of course I told you 
about the shoes. You just weren't listening. You had your mind on what 
was going to happen!"

Jim chuckled with some embarrassment. "Nawww, you told me I'd have to 
shine them, but you didn't tell me she uses them as ornaments! God, she 
is really nuts!"

"You won't care whether she's nuts or not, I tell you!"

"I believe you," he said. "She's got a body like I never seen in 
Playboy or any place!" His brow puckered in a frown. "But I didn't know 
she was crazy or something, Tommy. God, shoes for ornaments!"

"That ain't crazy, Jim. Christ, I got an aunt who collects mustache 
cups, and they're just awful to look at, but she's got them stuck 
everywhere in the house. I mean everywhere! Geez, and she's real nice, 
too. It's just that some people like wacky things, that's all."

"Especially grown ups," Jim agreed suddenly. "Well, anyway, how long 
did you say it takes her to get around to doing anything?"

"Oh, a couple of weeks, at least. I think she's afraid to scare the 
kids off, you know?"

"Oh, hell, I don't want to wait no couple of weeks!" Jim said rather 
truculently for such an angelic looking boy.

"So, do something about it then, if you got the guts," Tommy prodded. 
Tommy's parents had grown uneasy about the time he had spent working 
for Rebekah Howell, and had decided they didn't want him at her house 
any more. He was going to have to rely on second hand stories for his 
kicks for a while. He would be just as happy to have Jim get started so 
there would be something to talk about with him. Tommy was not the 
jealous type.

"I've been thinking about what I'd do if the waiting got too long," he 
said. "I got plans."

"Why wait at all then?" Tommy asked.

"I didn't say I was going to. I just got to see how things go. You got 
to be careful about these things."

"How do you know, Jimmy," Tommy chided. "I thought you was a virgin."

"What does that have to do with it? I guess you got to be just as 
careful when you're a virgin as when you ain't!"

"Yeah. Skip it," Tommy said. Jim Craft always left him with a befuddled 
head. "Let me know what happens, though, huh?" he asked with a broad 
grin. "Christ, I wish I was you!" He was good-natured about the loss 
... in public. Actually, he had cried himself to sleep last night.

"Yeah, when I see you. I got to go now, Tom," Jim reminded his friend.

So while Tommy Speigle went miserably on his way to his own home, Jim 
Craft started out for Rebekah Howell's house, wondering if he would be 
pushing things if he did what he would like to do. Still, if his new 
employer had in mind what she seemed to have in mind, her own 
impatience might be counted upon. It was a sunny day, but just a bit 
cold, and Jim stuffed his hands into his trousers pockets to keep them 
warm as he made his way diagonally across the green lawn of the school 
toward her street. The noisy chatter of the other students who filled 
the grounds was only a dull din at the back of his mind. He found 
himself hurrying faster and faster. He tried to fix Tommy's reassuring 
grin firmly in his mind. He was sure that there was no reason to doubt 
Tommy. He knew that Tommy had done the things he had said with Miss 
Howell. He could see the truth in his face, and Tommy had never been 
the kind to lie anyway.

When Jim reached Miss Howell's house, he went right in the back door as 
he had been told to do. The shoes and boots were in the corner where 
they had been put the evening before. Probably he was expected to just 
start working on them so that he could move on later to other things, 
but he could not help wondering where Miss Howell was. He was tempted 
to look for her. It was an excellent excuse to roam the house, and the 
more he thought about it, the more the temptation grew until it was so 
strong, it was undeniable. He sneaked out of the kitchen into the hall 
and finally, without looking too hard into any other room, he slipped 
up the stairs. Was she in her bedroom? Maybe she was waiting for him 
there! But no, that was hardly likely. She might be there, but he 
doubted that she would try to start on him too soon.

It took opening a couple of doors, one into a room with an unmade bed 
and the other into a bathroom, before he found her room. She was not 
there! She must have gone to the store or something, he thought, and 
suddenly, the situation just seemed inevitable. Of course. he would now 
have the time to give himself a hard-on, just like he sometimes did in 
his own bed at night. It was the only way he knew to tempt her. He 
hadn't enough experience to know of any other way. In fact, he had no 
experience at all. But he got up onto her bed, propped two pillows up 
against the pretty wood bedstead, and reclined back against them in a 
half-sitting position, his legs extended straight out before him.

Yet he hesitated. It was one thing to reason out a plan and dream about 
it but another matter altogether to carry it out. It took every ounce 
of courage the youth could muster to get up the nerve to reach down and 
unzip his trousers. With a trembling hand, he removed his small limp 
prick from his fly and stared down at it shamefully for a moment. Then 
he noticed with horror that he still had on his shoes! Tommy had warned 
him and Miss Howell had told him, too, that she never allowed shoes in 
her house. It was zany, if you asked him, but he didn't want to get her 
angry, not this afternoon! He wanted to arouse her emotions, but not 
anger! He looked at the little clock beside the bed. How long would it 
take for her to look for him, for surely she would look. He slowly 
began then to stroke the limp and flaccid flesh of his soft little 

Under ordinary circumstances, Jim never had any problem achieving an 
erection. In fact, it seemed that for the last few months he spent most 
of his waking hours with a hard-on. That's why when Tommy Speigle told 
him not only about the job he was losing but about the sort of thing he 
did for his pay, Jim had immediately applied for work. It was exactly 
what he needed. For though he knew masturbation was a sin and that it 
could cause pimples and lack of hearing among other unpleasant side 
effects, the practice had become almost a habit, unavoidably, it 
seemed. It was such a habit, that he thought it would be no trouble at 
all to try it here. But jacking off in the bathroom or alone in his own 
room at home was one thing. Doing it here in a relatively strange 
woman's house where she would, hopefully, find him at it, was something 
entirely different. In his present nervous state, he wasn't even 
certain he could even get an erection.

Oh, he meant to take off his shoes! He was so nervous, he had noticed 
them and then forgot about it. Quickly he reached down and pulled at 
the laces of both shoes at once, then slid them off his heels and onto 
the floor. He wondered if he should take off his socks. Yesterday she 
had him do that so he had been extra careful about getting his feet 
clean this morning and wearing clean socks. Well, he didn't know any 
specific rule about removing the socks, too. He had better leave them 
on. If she wanted them off, she could tell him about it.

Little Jim Craft must have then continued to stroke and fondle his limp 
prick for a good two minutes before it finally did begin to respond. He 
tried to force the awareness of his motivation out of his mind and 
concentrate totally on the way he had felt the other night with the big 
picture from Playboy Magazine spread on his pillows while he lay naked 
as though between the sexy woman's widely parted thighs, her soft-
looking haired, tender cunt completely exposed to his avid gaze, the 
nub end of his rigidly lewd cock stroking right up against the picture 
of the pink, glistening slit. At last it began to work. He felt a 
little twitch, and the flaccid flesh gradually transformed, the limp 
maleness slowly growing until it loomed up into fully throbbing 

Jim let his mind wander freely now. He conjured up a vision of that 
redheaded playgirl lying naked beneath him on the soft bed, her 
beautiful arms crossed above her head to arch and define her ripely 
formed mountainous tits. He had kissed one of the nipples in the 
picture and he recalled it now. They said the perforated pink flesh 
would swell to its own hardness between a man's lips. It sure sounded 
like heaven. The young preteen could almost smell her womanly body. It 
smelled like his mother, of course. He had been at it so long though, 
that he was getting very good at imagining the feel of a woman's warm 
thighs clamped tightly against his hips as though he was on the verge 
of entering her. Oh, God, how he longed for the actual experience of 
sexual intercourse. He sure hoped what he was doing now would work, 
because he knew instinctively, in spite of what he hesitated to believe 
when the guys talked about it, that nothing would compare! Sometimes, 
though, it seemed as though it would never happen, not to him, not 

Jim Craft had almost forgotten the reason for his masturbation when he 
heard the faint footsteps up the stairway getting louder and louder. He 
stiffened, a rush of adrenaline causing him to almost lose his breath 
and stared down in virtual disbelief at the sight of his rigidly 
throbbing, blood-engorged prick thrust up in fully pulsing erection 
between the fingers that were now swiftly manipulating the flesh up and 
down off the rubbery head. A little droplet of seminal fluid had leaked 
out the glans at the tip and glistened obscenely, and as he slackened 
the movements of his fingers, he felt an annoying stab of frustration 
in his testicles and realized almost incredulously that, if Miss Howell 
were not arriving within a few seconds, he would have forgotten all 
about her and gone ahead and shot off.

But that was not his purpose for being up here, he reminded himself 
firmly, and Jim knew that if he did not act now, he would lose his 
nerve completely. He had stopped nervously, but now he returned his 
hand to the rigidly swollen shaft of his blood-swollen cock and began 
to stroke up and down in even swifter, more frenzied movements. He 
closed his eyes, forcing himself in spite of all his fear to 
concentrate on the lewdly titillating memory of the redhead's naked but 
only paper pussy, persisting even as he heard Miss Howell's hand on the 
knob of the door. Though her feet were bare, he had been able to hear 
her on the stairs because they were not carpeted and bore her shifting 
weight with thuds and squeaks.

The handsome little blond twelve year old was grunting and groaning as 
if completely engulfed in his lust, his hand still working rapidly up 
and down along the hard throbbing shaft of his lewdly bloated cock when 
the door was opened, and he heard his pretty dark-haired employer's 
shocked gasp.

I here was a long moment, a horrendous and uncertain moment of 
terrifying silence, but the boy was holding his trace straight. Rebekah 
could not believe her eyes at first. Her next reaction was to try to 
think. Now she was not even breathing, and the sound of the feverish 
workings of Jim Craft's hand had stopped as had his own sensual groans. 
The young twelve year old's face was now blank and white, his eyes 
finally staring back at her in horror. She didn't speak. She couldn't 
move. Had he expected her to find him? She couldn't take her eyes off 
the little stockinged feet, standing up in lewdly erected suggestion 
just like the exposed and bulbous cock. But, regardless, it was much 
too soon! He had very likely expected to get away with it before she 
came. The motionless woman could see that Jim was every bit as stunned 
as she was. He looked almost as devastated as he had when she had asked 
him to remove his socks yesterday. She could not help drawing a 
parallel unconsciously between that moment and this. What would he do, 
how would he react, she wondered, if she slowly slipped off his socks 
now? Then somehow she managed to wrench her eyes away from his 
enthralling feet, resisting the temptation to touch them, and riveted 
her gaze on the nakedly exposed prick that stood up hard and solid over 
his open fly. Finally, her lips quivering as she tried to find the 
words she should speak over the din in her mind of the words she wanted 
to speak.

"Jim. Jimmy, I don't understand," she said in a cracked voice. "I ... I 
thought you came to ... to work," she added lamely.

Except for his tongue, which flicked quickly from his mouth to moisten 
his lips, which were suddenly dry, the frightened blond boy remained 
completely motionless for a moment longer. Now he had never felt so 
stupid or ashamed in his whole life. This was worse than any of his old 
nightmares because for one thing, he knew he was not going to wake up. 
When he was having a nightmare he was always able sooner or later to 
wake himself up, but what do you do with reality? Oh, God, what if 
Tommy had tricked him, he thought frantically. How horribly 
embarrassing to have such a beautiful woman see him beating his meat 
and very likely believing he was some kind of sex pervert!

"Jim. Please, tell me ..." she tried again.

"I ... I couldn't help it," he nearly cried weakly, casting his blue 
eyes downward. Unconsciously he stiffened, and the motion caused his 
still fully erect cock to jerk lewdly with an enticing springing 
motion. As it did so, he heard the brunette woman gasp, which only 
further intensified his shame. His veined prick was still erect, and 
for some reason, it wouldn't go down. Jim was so frightened now that he 
couldn't even bring himself to put it back in his trousers.

"But ... but, Jim, why did you have to come ... come here to do th ... 

Jim bit his lips. "I ... I don't know what to say, M ... Miss Howell." 
The twelve year old looked sheepishly back at his pretty employer, his 
eyes unconsciously drifting down the length of her shapely body. She 
was really a good looking woman. Her tits could not be quite as large 
as that redhead's in the magazine, but who would want real ones that 
big anyway? Miss Howell's looked plenty big enough, if you asked him! 
They were sure perfectly proportioned. Her waist was slender, her 
stomach flat. Her hips flared out in perfectly inviting half-moons, and 
her thighs were long, teasingly outlined in the firmly clinging 
material of her jersey dress.

Then the boy looked back at her face, strained with shock, as he 
interpreted her expression, and shook his head. He felt dizzy, as if 
the bed were floating beneath him, as though he were on a cloud, which 
was not only waving the bed around but passing right through his brain. 
He felt almost non-existent, and then, to his astonishment, the words 
he had self-consciously thought of the minute he had conceived of this 
wild action in which he was now irretrievably involved, began to flow 
smoothly from his lips.

"I ... I didn't know what else to do because I was so desperate, you 
see. There's this girl, and everyone in school knows she's a coc ... an 
awful tease. I mean she ... Well, I ran into her on the way and ... and 
I got kind of horny."

Rebekah felt a lump rise in her throat. She could not help but recall 
that she had committed the same obscene act of self-abuse, realizing 
that for her, a mature woman, that act was much more perverse and 
inexcusable than it was for a boy of Jim's age. In fact, masturbation 
for a boy of Jim Craft's age was even natural. She knew that well 
enough, but whether it was the act of his doing it or the waste of his 
not doing it to her, whatever the secret subconscious reasons, she 
still could not rationalize the fact in her mind. There was something 
about the sight of his nakedly exposed young prick sticking so rigidly 
from the fly of his trousers under his own fingers that was lewd and 
shocking. And this was a funny thing, too, because often her boys 
played with themselves while she satisfied her own desires, and it 
wasn't lewd and shocking then, only compelling! why was that so? Right 
now, though she could hardly control her excitement, she just couldn't 
imagine the handsome little blond boy doing such a thing. But at the 
same time she couldn't escape the realization that if he would do this, 
then he was riper for plucking than she thought.

"A cock tease, huh?" she mumbled in a low voice, finding that once 
again her eyes were sliding from the still obscenely exposed erection 
of Jim's cock to the stiffened, slightly spread toes of his feet 
beneath his socks.

"Well, uh, yeah," he said, stunned that she used the word he had 

"That will do it," she said suddenly.

"It sure will," the boy hastened to agree. "You know, it was so bad, I 
didn't think I'd even be able to get this far, honest. I was ashamed to 
walk down the street. I ran all the way!"


"Well, I had a hard-on and it was showing, you know."

Jim noticed with the faintest twinge of satisfaction the crimson flush 
that crept over the gorgeous brunette's face as he made that remark, 
and he couldn't help but see that as he said it, she was once more 
diverted from staring at his toes to his still revealed, fully 
throbbing veined cock. Jim was cautious. He was still not quite sure of 
Tommy and his information. After all, it could be mere wishful thinking 
on his own part, the excitement he thought he could see on Miss 
Howell's face at the sight of his bloated cock. At the root of Jim's 
uncertainty was the fact that he couldn't imagine why a woman as good-
looking and sophisticated as Miss Howell could be interested in a kid 
like himself or like Tommy. Tommy swore it was possible, but it still 
seemed too good to be true. Yet, once having committed himself like 
this, Jim knew that he might as well try his best in case there was the 
slightest possibility of his plan working. At this point, he hardly had 
anything to lose!

The youth wet his lips again and once more flexed the still fully erect 
shaft of his lewdly swollen cock, again causing it to jerk upward in a 
springing motion. This time Rebekah Howell visibly winced even though 
her eyes seemed more on his feet than on his cock. She was probably 
watching out of the corner of her eye, he decided. He could see that 
she looked up at the door suddenly with a great amount of effort.

"I don't know what the other guys do. Well, I guess I do know to be 
honest." He faltered rather purposefully. "I guess I'm the only guy in 
my class who hasn't had a piece of ... hasn't ... uh ... had sex." He 
paused, casting his eyes forlornly downward. "I bet I never will, 

"Oh, that's not true, Jim," Rebekah said almost too quickly, watching 
him to see if he knew anything. Maybe she had better skip a few boys 
for awhile, if she had the will power. But possibly the word was 
getting around at last. "Someday, when you're grown up, I'm sure you 
will have a wife and everything."

"But that's so long away," Jim wailed. "I can't even imagine being 
grown up. And I don't know of any guy who waits that long!"

"Well, of course you don't want to wait," Rebekah said carefully. 
"That's because of your age. As far as you can see, tomorrow is never 
going to come! But that doesn't mean you can't wait!" Rebekah wondered 
where she ever got such ideas herself!

"Why should l?"

"Because ..." Rebekah's voice trailed off. Her head was spinning, and 
she couldn't even think of a logical answer to that question right now. 
She couldn't think of anything. Everything was a jumble in her mind, 
and she couldn't keep her eyes from darting first to his wonderful 
little feet and then to the virile young blood-engorged prick. It would 
sure help if he would put that back into his trousers.

"And now it's even worse," the boy said dolefully.

"What is worse?"

"I'm even hornier than I was before. I thought I could come in here and 
get rid of it before I had to start work, and I almost did when you 
came in and stopped me. Now it's even worse. I don't know how I'll be 
able to work!"

Rebekah caught her breath at the obscene thought that flashed through 
her mind. Oh, God, it was too soon! But it was just too, too lurid to 
keep to herself and she knew she had to say it. In spite of her 
emotional revulsion at the mere suggestion that he do such a thing all 
by himself, she knew it would be the voice of logic and maturity 
speaking. "All right, Jim, you go ahead and do it, and I'll go 
downstairs and wait until you're ready to come to work." God, she was 
in agony. How fortunate my erection doesn't show, she thought!

"But I can't do that," Jim said, staring down at the floor and shaking 
his head solemnly. "I just can't do it. You must know that getting 
caught doing this is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to a 
guy, and I just can't go on with it now that you know I'm doing it. I 
guess you'll lose all your respect for me. I ... I guess you'll fire 

"Oh, no, I don't think so, Jim," Rebekah said. "I think I understand 
this sort of thing all right. I was just a little surprised when I 
first saw

you ."

"Well, I don't care," said Jim, making his lip tremble sweetly. "I just 
can't do it." Then he lifted his eyes slowly. He could feel his heart 
pounding furiously in his chest, and he was so scared he could hardly 
even speak. But he had to try. He had come this far. There was no 
reason to back out now. "Unless ..."

Rebekah looked sharply, perhaps expectantly, back at the small blond 
boy, who was now watching her almost with a sheepish smile.

"Unless what, Jim?"

Jim swallowed hard. "Unless you help me."

Rebekah could hardly believe she had heard right. The words had been 
clear enough, but this was the first time that any boy had ever been 
this bold. Something was wrong. It had to be, or he just couldn't be 
serious. Surely, he wouldn't have the gall to ask her on his own!

"What do you mean, help you?" she asked.

"Well, I've heard some of the guys talking, and they say it feels a 
whole lot better if a girl does it for you. You know! Jacks you off. 
Then the other day, this girl touched me. I don't know if she did it on 
purpose or not, but her hand felt twice as good as mine when I touch 

Rebekah's mouth dropped open as the shocking truth of Jim's meaning 
crept into her consciousness. It was too marvelous to hope for, but was 
there too much risk in letting him get the upper hand, do the 
directing? She could tell from the look on his face that though he was 
embarrassed and afraid, he was still serious in his lewdly degrading 
suggestion. He wanted her to assist him in masturbating. Well, 
masturbating alone she didn't really go for. Maybe if she took off his 
socks ... But what was she thinking of?

"I ... I can't believe you want me to do that, Jim," she told him 

"Oh, I didn't mean anything bad about it, Miss Howell. I just wanted 
... well, it was selfish of me to ask you. But you know, everybody in 
school laughs at me for being a ... a virgin!"

"How do they know?"

"They can tell, I guess. At least, I can't seem to convince them it 
isn't true. I figure there must be some secret thing I don't know 
about, and they can tell I don't know about it."

She started to go, saying over her shoulder as though she were speaking 
to herself, "I don't think it's wise!"

Jim's heart sank as he watched the voluptuous woman turn to leave. The 
plan had failed and maybe Tommy Speigle was a liar after all. He should 
have known it was crazy to even try.

Then to his surprise, Miss Howell hesitated and looked back.

"Jim, I'm sorry," she said. Rebekah had realized that she had slipped 
up. She hadn't told him it was wrong or that she wouldn't, but that it 
was not wise. After he thought about it, after he remembered that 
remark, he might get angry, and then, God knew what he would do or say 
and to whom! He would understand if she told him it was wrong. He would 
understand if she told him she didn't do such things. But wisdom? 
Didn't that imply a certain possibility? Didn't that imply that she 
would expect for some secret reason that she was not confiding in him? 
Well, it was true. She was not confiding her reason. But wasn't it 
dangerous to let him suffer when he didn't understand why he had to?

Meanwhile, Jim Craft caught his breath. He saw the beautiful brunette's 
green eyes descend again toward his loins and the still partially rigid 
shaft of his cock, and her strained expression convinced him he had to 
give it one last try.

"Then will you please help me? Please?"

It was utterly and completely insane to risk so much. She had to wait, 
to feel out the situation, to be absolutely sure that there would be no 
repercussions from any child she so used! It was a threatening 
situation to get into without thought. If it ever got out to a single 
parent that she was hiring her boys to frolic nakedly with them instead 
of to do the innocent chores they were supposed to be doing, what would 
happen? She didn't really care to find out. But why would a boy like 
Jim, wanting sex obviously, say anything to anyone and possibly lose it 
that way? How could she refuse him now and seduce him later? That might 
be far more dangerous, when she thought about it.

Yet she couldn't avoid suspecting that under all her attempts to think 
and her rationalizations, there seemed in her current confused state of 
consciousness, to be an even more compelling reason for her to do what 
Jim asked. In spite of everything else, she simply wanted to. She could 
hardly control her breathing or the furious pounding of her heart as 
she let her gaze wander back to the smooth little prick and the two 
delicate hills of toes standing up so rigidly, one between his thighs 
and the other two not far away, lower in the bed. She did want to touch 
him. She could imagine the resilient feel of countless extremities in 
her hand. She could imagine the little blond groaning in mingled 
embarrassment and ecstasy as she performed the manipulations that led 
him to the release that he must need just as badly as she needed her 
own a while ago, and if she wasn't careful, would need again too soon! 
She couldn't deny the forbidden thrill swelling in her own tits at the 
thought of caressing him. Perhaps if she could keep up the pretense 
that she was only doing him a favor. That might be a permissible 

"Please, Miss Howell, I need your help. I really do need it!"

Rebekah sucked her breath in hoarsely, staring at the cute young boy 
through narrowed eyes. Oh, if you only knew why I hired you, she 
thought. She had never seen such a look of innocent and desperate 
pleading on anyone's face in her life, and her heart went out to him. 
He was really extraordinary ... the best she had had ever. He was 
angelically handsome, mischievous of eye, and oh, so innocent and 
helpless! Was he playing a trick on her? Was he? Oh, God what did she 
care if he was?

"All right," she whispered. "Promise me, oh, promise me, Jim, that 
you'll never tell anyone!"

"I promise! Oh, yes, I promise. I'll never tell anyone!" the artful 
little boy cried.

Her breath coming in even more audible gasps, Rebekah walked over to 
the bed. She saw the look of hope that lit up on little Jim Craft's 
angelic face, and despite all of her own apprehension against rushing 
things quite this fast, she couldn't quell her warm response to that 
rewarding sight. She sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him with 
a sultry gaze that was quite unconscious. A soft whimper rose in her 
throat, and she reached toward the young blond boy's nakedly inviting 
little bloated prick, which had begun to surge again toward a renewed 
erection even before the initial touch.

"Oh, Miss Howell!" Jim gasped, his whole body twitching spontaneously 
as he felt the curvaceous brunette's fingers close warmly about the 
throbbing shaft of his blood-filled cock. "That feels ... 

Rebekah smiled from within, from the memory of so many like 
exclamations from so many little virgin boys. She tried to hide the 
excitement she herself felt at finally touching the virilely pulsating 
little prick that had so unnaturally obsessed her, far more than usual, 
for the last couple of days, since Jim had first come to inquire about 
replacing Tommy Speigle.

The beautiful emerald-eyed recluse was in a state of mindless 
excitement as she began a rhythmic up and down stroking motion of her 
hand on the boy's slender rod of lust-hardened flesh. She was strongly 
tempted to reach down and take each of his socks off with her teeth 
while she worked on his cock and wondered if she would be able to 
restrain herself or if she would finally have to give in to that desire 
at some overwhelming point.

The feel of Jim's warm young prick, which had been gradually 
overpowering her ever since she first walked into the room and seen it 
there a couple of feet from his darling toes, was almost driving her 
out of her mind. Her body was responding beyond all her wishes, her 
flesh tingling with unwanted lust that surged up in her thighs despite 
all her attempts at self control. And the fact that for the first time, 
she was being seduced by one of her little gigolos added an emotional 
factor that only further intensified her physical arousal. She closed 
her eyes, a little moan of hunger rising in her throat, and she began 
to work her hand up and down even faster. She could feel the little 
boy's body jerking and shuddering beneath her salacious caresses, and 
she sensed it wouldn't be long until he reached the climax he had 
apparently been approaching even before she had come up to her bedroom 
a few moments ago.

Then she heard a groan escape from the young boy's lips and felt his 
hips sag back down into the softness of the mattress. The groan was 
followed by a sigh that caused her to open her eyes to look up at his 
face. Rebekah was sorry and slightly frightened to face the sight that 
greeted her. She had expected an expression of unbridled lust and 
passion. Instead, Jim Craft looked as if he were about to cry. She 
couldn't understand it. She couldn't understand what she was doing 
wrong. She certainly knew how to go about caressing a young boy's 
prick. She considered herself an expert, with the usual boy, that is. 
Perhaps some boys were different.

"Jim, what in the world is wrong?"

"It won't work," he said, shaking his head forlornly. At last Rebekah 
ceased the motions of her hand and let the stony little prick lie 
motionless in her hand, her fingers still feeling the hotly throbbing 
pulse in the swollen shaft.

"Why not?" she asked bewildered.

"It's not your fault, Miss Howell," he said sadly. "I just can't help 
it. I still feel rotten, and it embarrasses me for you to see me like 

"But Jim!"

"And I'm going to shoot off in a minute. I can't help myself, and I 
don't want you to see me!"

"But ... but why do you think I'm doing this? Honest, I expect you to 
shoot off. I really do. What else would I expect you to do?" the 
bewildered woman asked.

"No, it's too messy, Miss Howell. I can't do that. Please!" Jim could 
hardly bring himself to make his next statement because what his 
beautiful employer, hanging over him so he could hardly see anything 
but those luscious tits, had been doing for him had felt better than 
anything he had ever experienced in his life. She seemed to know just 
how to do it. And the way he felt right now, he wouldn't really have 
hesitated in the least to cum right here on her bed in plain sight. But 
according to what Tommy had reported, he would be a fool to do that. He 
was more convinced than ever that Tommy had been telling the truth. His 
own state of excitement helped to convince him, of course. But he could 
see that Miss Howell was really getting excited from jacking him off, 
and he had to try to make her go all the way.

"No, Miss Howell," he said finally in a quavering voice. "You better 
stop now."

"Don't be silly, Jim," Rebekah pleaded. "Come on. Let yourself cum. I 
don't mind."

The conniving little blond boy flinched as Rebekah Howell resumed the 
up and down stroking of her hand along the now wildly tingling shaft of 
his rigid prick It's funny how she rubbed his cock but all the while 
had her eyes hungrily on his small socked feet. Maybe she was a little 
ashamed of looking at him, but that didn't make sense.

"No, Miss Howell. Please. Please stop."

Again Rebekah slacked the movement of her hand, looking at the cute and 
troubled boy in desperation. Then she almost collapsed at his next 
shocking statement.

"Maybe ... if you would lay on top of me or something and make me do it 
that way ... that would be better."

"James Craft!" Rebekah said sharply. "You're just trying to trick me! 
Where did you get such ideas?" she asked, suspicious and wary again. 
"What made you think I would do all this?" Belatedly she drew her hand 

Then she could hardly believe it as Jim reached up to rub his eyes. 
When he took his hand away from his face again his eyes were watering. 
Tears? He was crying, and it must have been that which prompted the 
next even more lascivious and devastatingly dangerous thought to enter 
Rebekah's mind. Usually she did things in reverse, and she had never 
done it quite this way before so that later, she would not even know 
where the idea had come from. It was a concept completely alien to her. 
She would like to ... well ... she would like to do it her own way, but 
if he was going to cry to have the summing happen in her hand, she had 
better compromise.

Now, it was strange, but now that the idea came to her and was embedded 
in her mind, she couldn't escape from it. For as degrading as it was, 
from Jim's point of view, uneducated as he was still, it was a perfect 
idea. He would get the satisfaction he wanted without the embarrassment 
inherent in allowing her to make him cum with her hand. It would redeem 
his wounded ego as nothing else possibly could have.

"Please, Miss Howell. I'm sorry."

Rebekah almost closed her eyes. Well at least, she could take off his 
socks. She could allow herself that much satisfaction! "I'll ... I'll 
do something for you, Jim. I've ... I've never done anything like this 
for a man, but I want to do it for you." Consciously, she was telling 
the truth.

Rebekah felt a lewd little quiver of masochistic excitement flow 
through her own body as she once again entwined her fingers around the 
rigid flesh of his blood-engorged cock, bending it backward until it 
pointed straight up into the air. A little drop of seminal fluid 
glistened on the tiny plum-colored glans at the tip, beckoning her. And 
she knew, insane as the act she had conceived might be, that she wasn't 
going to back out. She was going to do it. But she had to have 
something for her, too. Quickly, she pulled off one sock and then the 
other and with a slow gentle touch, began to rub his toes.

Jim Craft groaned, staring down in wide-eyed shock as Miss Howell 
shifted about on the bed and bent slowly over his loins. He thought his 
eyes must be deceiving him. Oblivious to her fingers winding among his 
toes, he was watching her delicate, soft-looking mouth lowering to his 
... to his cock! Was she going to suck him off? It was like a dream, a 
wet dream from which he would suddenly awake, writhing and groaning in 
frustration. But it wasn't a dream. It was really going to happen. She 
was going to suck him off!

Slow by Rebekah flicked out her tongue, far out of her mouth, 
moistening her already glistening lips. Then, her own secret desire 
surging almost as wildly as she knew Jim's must be, she leaned her face 
over the young boy's body, bending the hard-swollen shaft of his 
eagerly throbbing cock further backwards until it was pointed straight 
up at her face. Inches from it, she paused again and ever so slowly 
opened her mouth to breathe gently over the rounded little cockhead.

"Ooohhhhhh," the young blond boy moaned, his hips jerking suddenly in 
his wildly building anticipation at the realization of what the school 
nurse was about to do to him.

Gingerly, Rebekah flicked her tongue again from her lips, the saliva 
wetted tip coming into suddenly shocking contact with the throbbing tip 
of the writhing twelve year old's blood-hard cock. She circled her wet 
tongue slowly about the smooth rubbery flesh, heating his excited moan 
and feeling his hips twitch even more urgently in response to the 
wantonly titillating sensation. The tip of her tongue sought out the 
tiny opening of the glans and darted out to flick up the little seminal 
droplet. The sharp masculine taste only served to stimulate her own 
unnatural craving. Then her hands slipped slowly to the base of the 
pulsing cockshaft, as she continued to lick teasingly at the tip and 
gradually move her head lower to take it hungrily up into the moist 
warmth of her mouth .

Jim's whole body quivered. He couldn't even believe the lewdly arousing 
sensation as Miss Howell closed her full wet lips around the tingling 
head of his erected cock. Then, with an even deeper groan, Jim shoved 
his hips suddenly upward while his hands grasped the gorgeous woman's 
long dark hair to hold her face against his prick as he fucked the 
whole length of his impatiently throbbing cockshaft straight up into 
the yielding warmth of her hungering mouth.

At the young boy's sudden display of aggression, Rebekah gave out a 
muffled moan. His slender young prick almost choked her, but she 
derived a lewd excitement from his show of confidence and surrendered 
her lips willingly as she felt the wildly palpitating cockflesh slide 
smoothly down the length of her tongue and penetrate almost to the back 
of her throat. An unknown source of masochistic pleasure inspiring her, 
she purred softly around the throbbing hardness and began to suck in 
earnest. The youngster's small asscheeks quivered on the soft mattress 
as he felt Miss Howell close her soft warm lips tightly around his 
sensitive cock and begin to move her head up and down in a lascivious 
bobbing motion. It was beginning to look as though he wasn't going to 
succeed in having sexual intercourse with her after all, but he was 
hardly disappointed. It was a failing of an ironic sort, for though he 
would still be technically a virgin, he would have at least the secret 
satisfaction of knowing that he had done what Tommy hadn't done, so he 
said. He would have fucked her in the mouth. Yes, as far as Jim knew, 
this might be a once in a lifetime experience.

As the excited twelve year old began to brush eagerly up from the bed, 
Rebekah surrendered her lips and mouth even more willingly to the 
satiation of his obscene lust. Her own excitement she fed from her 
fingers around his tender toes. Again and again the lewdly pulsing 
hardness of his cock shoved ruthlessly into her yielding mouth, the 
blood-swollen head Sucking like a plunger mercilessly down the full 
length of her tongue to embed itself all the way to the back of her 
throat. Jim shoved his pelvis harder and harder up against the 
beautiful woman's face as though he had completely forgotten that she 
was his employer. He was using her mouth totally and without 
reservation as an object of his pent-up sexual craving, holding her 
face tightly against him even as she gasped and strained to catch her 
breath around the fucking rod of virile flesh that filled her mouth.

But now she didn't begrudge him even that. She knew that she had shamed 
and embarrassed him by coming in upon him when she did, not that it was 
her fault exactly. Well, she was really grateful for the opportunity to 
make it up to him, if she needed that excuse to satisfy her own 
cravings. Meanwhile, of course, she kept her fingers tantalizingly on 
his young toes and tried to pretend that his lust-inflated prick was a 
big toe. And so she was able to live with and enjoy the shame and 
humiliation at the obscene use he was making of her mouth. She was 
beginning to respond with a masochistic fervor she would never have 
expected of herself. Gradually, she was starting to shed her 
inhibitions, concentrating all her efforts on her wantonly submissive 
sucking of the boy's delicious young cock. She bobbed her head up and 
down, swishing her tongue wildly around the surging shaft of flesh and 
flicking it gingerly right down to the satin skin at the base of the 
shaft that protruded up from the fly of Jim's trousers. His big toe, 
she thought and made gurgling sounds deep in her throat, yielding her 
soft warm mouth up totally for his pleasure, sucking ravenously with 
lips that had been tightly stretched by the violating hardness that 
surged relentlessly in and out of her mouth. And she was determined to 
keep it up to the end until Jim got the satisfaction his lust so 
urgently demanded until all of his self-confidence was restored.

As she intensified her lewd sucking, Rebekah's own body began to 
undulate and sway urgently on the bed. Her skin was tingling and goose 
bumped beneath the material of her dress, crying out to be touched, and 
she could feel her own forbidden desire building to a pitch she had 
never known in her life. She knew Jim was growing more aroused by the 
second, his passion manifest in the more urgent violent upward thrust 
of his hips and the deeper and more urgent groans issuing from his 
throat. She knew the cum was beginning to well up in his testicles in 
anticipation of its mad dash to ejaculate, and as shocking as the whole 
idea was, she began to hunger for it. She wanted him to shoot off. She 
wanted him to cum in her mouth!

Jim Craft opened his blue eyes, staring in triumph as the beautiful 
brunette really began to suck him in earnest. She was almost as excited 
as he was, and instinct told him this was to be his big chance. He had 
to exploit her unnatural passion to its fullest extent so that she 
would not decide it might be wiser to let him go and get another boy, 
and if he played it just right, he still might be able to fuck her 
sooner or later.

Then, rallying his own courage, Jim reached suddenly downward to seize 
the hem of her skirt and work it quickly up the satiny flesh of her 
well-formed thighs. Without ever taking her lips from the burning head 
of Jim Craft's lewdly inflated cock or her trembling fingers from the 
soft but bony digits of his toes, Rebekah shifted and turned her head 
to gaze up in surprise at his even more blatantly aggressive action. 
Jim hesitated a moment, then, seeing no actual protest in Miss Howell's 
expression, he pulled the skirt up further to her waist, above the 
bikini panties that translucently revealed the tightly rounded half-
moons of her asscheeks and the dark hair of her pussy.

Rebekah Howell almost cried out aloud in her excitement as Jim Craft 
ran his young hand down inside the elastic waistband of her panties 
from behind, his fingers trailing teasingly along the crack of her 
asscheeks to find wanton contact with the already hotly moistened slit 
of her cunt. Then, a shiver running through her whole body, she dropped 
her lips even more hungrily down about the rigidly jerking cockshaft, 
her tongue swiping smoothly over the bulbous tip. Further moans of 
submission issued deep from her throat as Jim's fingers moved up along 
her hair-lined pussy slit.

Her asscheeks jerked even more wildly at the first shattering contact 
of his hand on the rigidly throbbing little bud of her clitoris, and 
then another shiver darted through her voluptuous body as his fingers 
stroked back down the length of her trembling cunt-slit to brush 
lightly up over the little puckered hole of her ass. For a moment she 
could hardly even concentrate on her own endeavor. Then, as she felt 
Jim's blood-hard cock begin to twitch even more rigidly, she resumed 
the frantic bobbing of her head above his wildly undulating pelvis with 
even greater fervor, her teeth scratching lightly up and down the 
sensitive skin of his cock, her tongue still swiping and twirling madly 
over the palpitating head as she masochistically anticipated the 
ejaculation that was now imminent.

Jim knew that he could not hold out much longer, and he tried to 
concentrate his full attention to Miss Howell's near naked ass and the 
softly moistened flesh of her pussy. He worked his hand back from her 
smooth little asshole to her parted cuntal lips from behind and then 
wormed his outstretched middle finger slowly up into her wetly heated 
cuntal hole.

The little blond twelve year old had never even touched a real woman's 
pussy before, of course. For him it had been all pictures, but he 
certainly would not be satisfied with those any longer! The warm cavern 
of inner cuntal flesh felt even better and even more inviting than he 
could have imagined. And the thrill of this discovery combined with the 
lewdly tantalizing sensation of having her sucking his rocky cock as 
hard as she could was more than the poor boy could stand.

His young body suddenly stiffened, and he groaned deeply from the 
delicious tickling sensation that ran up and down his twitching rod of 
lewdly inflated flesh as the sperm began suddenly to well up in his 
balls and surge toward the burgeoning head of his veined cock.

"Uh ... oh, Miss Howell," Jim gasped, his ass sinking down into the 
mattress as he tried to regain his control. He could feel the cum 
welling up in his balls, and he knew there wasn't going to be a way in 
the world for him to keep from shooting off. He was going to cum 
whether he was ready or not, and if Miss Howell didn't get out of the 
way he was going to do it right in her face.

The thirty two year old green-eyed beauty sensed the sudden increase of 
tension in the boy's body. She knew he was going to ejaculate at any 
minute, and in her excitement she began madly pinching his toes, but 
Jim didn't notice at all. She began, too, to hunch and jerk her own 
nearly naked ass even more frantically, squirming the softness of her 
pussy back and forth on his slender finger that still remained embedded 
deep up inside her warm cuntal flesh, straining in sheer desperation to 
obtain her own climax simultaneously with the handsome boy.

Jim groaned again, and she felt him try to jerk his expanding prick 
free from her tightly compressed lips. But now she was determined. 
Cruelly, she twisted his poor toes. If he was going to cum, he was 
going to have to cum this way. She wanted it, though she couldn't even 
have explained why. She longed, desperately, for that lewd and final 
masochistic surrender of letting him orgasm in her mouth, even more 
right now than she wished to kiss his little toes!

For a moment longer, Jim Craft lay trembling on the bed. Then, with a 
sudden lunge, he lucked the lust-inflamed hardness of his cock its full 
length back into Miss Howell's hungrily sucking mouth, feeling the tip 
of it fuck hard against the back of her throat as the warm surging 
semen began its mad rush up from his balls.

"Aaaaaauubuuuuggggghhhhh," grunted in a preliminary seizure. At the 
same time, he began a rapid finger fucking rhythm in-and-out of her 
heatedly quivering cunt, his thumb stroking wildly over the pulsing 
rigid pink bud of her clitoris as he heard another muffled groan rise 
in her throat.

Rebekah felt the first gush of warm, fresh-tasting sperm come spewing 
into her mouth an instant later. She gulped, her Adam's apple bobbing 
in rapid rhythm as she swallowed to keep from choking. Almost at the 
same moment, the distant waves of rapture began up inside her own 
loins. All her mental resistance had been shattered by the sheer 
perversity of her masochistic passion, and the orally impaled woman was 
almost delirious with the physical sensation of Jim's young finger 
fucking up into her quivering cunt and the lewd violation of her mouth. 
All her defenses had been shattered by her submissive surrender to her 
warped and obscene lust. Her body was begging for release, and now 
there was nothing to hold her back.

The twelve year old boy certainly had no experience to draw on, but it 
didn't take an expert to tell that Miss Howell was excited. Sensing 
instinctively what was happening, he began to fuck his finger even 
harder into her moistly quivering cunt as the shocking waves of orgasm 
flowed uncontrolled through her body. His own ass jerked and lunged in 
savage rhythm, and he shoved his cock harder and harder between her 
wetly rounded lips, building to a crescendo of motion as he squirted 
gush after gush of his virile young sperm into her greedy mouth .

Rebekah swallowed ceaselessly, her own ecstasy only intensifying her 
own ravenous need to submit. Then at last, exhausted, she let the 
deflating cock of the moaning boy drop from her mouth just as she let 
her hand drop from the silk of his poor reddened toes. She closed her 
eyes, little spasms of ecstasy continuing to course through her own 
flesh as he withdrew his hand from her loins and dropped back wearily 
onto the pillows at the head of the bed.

It had worked! Jim Craft couldn't have believed it, but he was sure 
that it had all worked. She certainly would want to keep him now that 
he had been a good lover. And he was good, too! The only thing was ... 
He looked down the length of his body to his erect feet. His toes were 
a bright pink, and God, did they ache! It took him a minute of hard 
searching of his memory to remember what had happened, and when he did, 
he scratched his head in puzzlement.

Chapter 3

The shoes and boots still sat in the corner of the kitchen, and Rebekah 
was resolved that today she would set Jim Craft to work. He simply was 
not ready for a sexual relationship yet. Why, what would he say when 
people asked him what he did all day at Rebekah Howell's house? What 
was he being paid to do? He was not yet ready to stand up against the 
gossips and the questioners. He had no day of work that he could use 
for lying with ... And so she stiffened when she heard the hesitant 
knock on the back door the next day. She knew it was Jim Craft. 
Throughout the whole of last night and the long day today, she had 
awaited this arrival with a mingling of anticipation and dread. She had 
not been able to get the young boy out of her mend since yesterday's 
lurid episode, which even now she could hardly believe she had allowed 
to happen. 

Yesterday, after she had finished sucking off Jim, and she lay basking 
in her state of post-orgasmic bliss, she had agreed to make this date 
with him, forget the work and to have actual intercourse with the 
handsome young boy, who had begged her so beautifully. He was still a 
virgin, he had told her, and he was most unhappy about that. 
Technically, he was, she supposed. In the fervor of their recently 
concluded affair, Rebekah had been all too willing to agree to help him 
change that technicality, but later, after the satiated youngster had 
left, reality had returned with all its stark truth. She realized that 
to make a date for intercourse had been a mistake, that she was placing 
their future relationship, even their separate well-beings in jeopardy.

What she had already done had been bad enough, very unwise. Still, she 
saw what she had done as justified by unselfish motivations on her 
part. After all, he had already started when she found him. She had to 
do something. But now, if she went ahead and had sexual intercourse 
with the young boy, she would have no excuse, no justification. It 
would be a lewd and wanton act committed for the satisfaction of her 
own unnatural craving ... which was okay for later, but not now! Of 
course, unwise as it might be, she longed to do it. Yesterday's episode 
had only whetted her appetite.

Now she wanted more and more of the forbidden bliss she knew the young 
boy had to offer. She hated to wait. But she also knew, that it was 
necessary to do so. God, she had to or they might even take the house 
from her. She wasn't sure exactly what happened in the case of an older 
woman found with a little boy.

The knock was repeated on the door.

"Oh, yes, come in," Rebekah called in a tremulous voice. The nervous 
brunette felt her heart pounding as the door opened and little Jim 
Craft stepped cautiously inside.

"Hello, Miss Howell," he said smiling bashfully, or so it seemed.

Her own lips quivered as she spoke. "Hello, Jim, how are you?"

The little boy looked at Miss Howell shrewdly. From the expression on 
her face he sensed that his worst suspicions had been well founded. She 
was having second thoughts about going through with what she had agreed 
to yesterday, and he knew he had to take the initiative immediately.

"Actually I've had a pretty rough day," the youngster said, gazing 
sadly down at the floor, trying to think of some reason to make her 
feel sorry for him. It always worked with his mother when she had 
something he wanted.

"What's the matter?" Rebekah asked with genuine concern.

"Oh, you know," he said, making a stab at what he could think of. "I 
was so busy looking forward to this afternoon that I had trouble 
thinking." He smiled.

Rebekah felt a sinking in her breast, for during the last couple of 
hours she had hoped to be able to staunchly refuse him, as much as she 
hated to deny herself this great pleasure with the tantalizing little 
boy, but now she greatly feared her resolve eaten away. Beyond the 
moral consideration that she usually felt obliged to keep her word once 
she gave it, Rebekah had to keep in mind that she was balancing some 
very delicate forces here. She didn't want him to feel justified in 
divulging the lewd truth to anyone that she had sucked his cock 

Yet, oddly, the sinking sensation was followed by a feeling almost of 
relief. Rebekah found a strange security in the fact that she really 
had no choice. She would have had to have sex with him now, even if she 
didn't want to. But she did want to, desperately, and to an unnatural 
degree. Even so, she realized that it was imperative that she make one 
thing perfectly clear, that this was an unusual event and not something 
that would happen again. She would take his virginity for him if he 
needed it gone that badly. Then once having set up that barrier, she 
would worry about tearing it back down later.

The beautiful thirty two year old woman took a deep breath, her tongue 
flicking out of her mouth to moisten her sensuously quivering lips as 
she spoke. "Today, all right, Jim, but you must understand something. 
After today, we won't be able to keep on doing this. We have to pretend 
that yesterday and today never happened and you'll just go on with your 
job, okay?"

Jim Craft hesitated. He was beginning to believe he had tapped a hidden 
source of genius within himself. A male, no matter how young or old, is 
always a little amazed when he successfully handles a female. "Yes, 
ma'am," he told her. He could afford victory on a day to day basis. 
According to Tommy, she was just a little slower at it than the boys 
would like. "I ... I know you're right."

Rebekah felt a flooding emotion rise to her heart, a lump fill her 
throat at those tender and loving words from this handsome boy.

"It will be hard for me, too, Jim. I'm very human. But it's going to 
have to be that way."

Then, overcome by the poignancy of her feelings, the attractive 
brunette stepped forward and wrapped her arms tightly around the young 
boy, pulling his face warmly to her fully rounded tits, breathing 
softly into his ear and nuzzling her chin in his hair as she held him 
tightly against her love-starved body. Then, as the boy's eager hands 
dropped to the rounded ripeness of her asscheeks to pull her body even 
closer to him, the curvaceous woman felt the short prod of the young 
boy's already erected cock straining against his trousers, brushing 
shockingly right up against her sensitive inner thighs. A surging 
emotion that could only be called lust swept over her entire body.

For a few moments longer, the older woman and the little twelve year 
old boy remained locked in their passionate embrace. Then Rebekah 
disengaged herself from Jim, took him by the hand, and led him quickly 
down the hall to the stairs, up, and to her room, where she led him to 
the bed.

Jim watched the seductively alluring woman go back to close the door. A 
moment later she turned, pausing inside the door, gazing through sultry 
eyes at the handsome young boy who waited beside the bed. After a 
moment's hesitation, she took two steps forward and slowly began to 
unbutton her white blouse down the front.

From beside the bed, Jim Craft watched intently as Miss Howell 
tantalizingly parted the material of her blouse to reveal the lushly 
ripened mounds of her titties, which were molded tightly by the 
brassiere that she wore. He could tell from the look on her face that 
she was really hot, and he knew nothing could stop him now. Today, he 
was really going to get laid, and this would be only the beginning.

Rebekah Howell removed her skirt and half-slip before her blouse, and 
Jim could not help but stare at the sensuous little navel. Then she 
reached slowly up to pull the blouse off her shoulders, and she 
hesitated just a tantalizing moment, a teasing smile playing across her 

"You, too, Jim. You have to get undressed, too!"

Jim felt he must be blushing in spite of everything he had gone through 
yesterday. He began to fumble with the buttons of his own shirt. 
Getting undressed in front of the guys, even, was not something he 
really enjoyed, but doing it in front of this voluptuous older woman 
required every bit of daring he could muster. But as Miss Howell 
shrugged her shoulders to let her white blouse fall away from her arms 
and drop about her feet to join the skirt and slip on the floor, 
leaving her clad in nothing but the scant, tightly fitting brassiere 
and her almost transparent panties, Jim forgot his own hesitance.

Quickly he shimmied out of his shirt, watching almost feverishly as 
Miss Howell reached slowly up behind her back and deftly flicked loose 
the snap of her brassiere. Then, with another shrug of her shoulders, 
she let the straps fall down her arms so that the brassiere slipped 
gently away to the floor, completely revealing her melon-like tits, 
thrust up full and proud without the need for artificial support, the 
nipples swelling instantly from their contact with the air. Now, 
nothing remained to conceal her sensually inviting body from the young 
boy's eyes but the thin little bikini panties that barely protected the 
forbidden sight of her dark pussy hair.

As the little boy started to fumble with the buckle of his trousers, 
Rebekah's hands moved slowly down her body, her fingers slipping inside 
the tight elastic waistband of her low cut panties to brush softly into 
the silken strands of her cunt hair nestled so invitingly up there 
between her thighs. The nearly naked brunette gasped softly as Jim 
pulled his trousers and jockey shorts down in one quick motion, and hi 
youthfully throbbing prick lunged suddenly upward in shocking exposure, 
the blood-engorged head visibly palpitating. At that sight, the crimson 
flush on the boy's cheeks grew even more vivid, and for a moment he 
stared in embarrassment down at the floor. Then he lifted his eyes 
slowly and stepped alongside the bed toward the beautiful employer.

She turned briefly to kick off her shoes, and he enjoyed a perfect side 
view of her naturally uplifted tits. He could see, as he ran his eyes 
down her body, just a hint of her softly curling pussy hair under her 
near-transparent panties from this vantage point.

The gorgeous Rebekah closed her green eyes as Jim stepped eagerly 
forward, up to her erotically trembling body. She felt his breath blow 
hotly over the already ripely swollen buds of her nipples, and a shiver 
of anticipation went through her entire body as he reached down to 
seize the waistband of her panties, to draw them slowly down the 
curving flare of her asscheeks just far enough to expose the hair-
covered mound up between her smooth firm thighs. Another little shiver 
of anticipation and longing flowed through Rebekah's body as the cute 
young boy leaned closer, pressing his face warmly into the wide deep 
valley between her voluptuously formed tits, his lips coming into soft 
teasing contact with her sensitive flesh. He eased her panties half way 
down the shadowy crack between her ripened asscheeks, then slipped his 
hands inside to knead the soft vibrant flesh of her ass. Then, the 
suddenly knowledgeable child pulled her voluptuous body to his so that 
the exposed erection of his lewdly rigid prick prodded hard up against 
the vee of her pelvis, prompting a little whimper of wanton delight to 
issue from deep in her throat.

"Yes, Jimmy," Rebekah purred almost deliriously as she felt the little 
boy's fingers move up between her sensitive asscheeks from behind, his 
tongue flicking out at the same time to moistly caress one of her hard-
swollen little nipples. Then her whole hopelessly aroused body jerked 
in a spasm of pleasure as his hand dropped lower between the softness 
of her thighs from behind to come into a deliciously searing contact 
with the little hair-lined slit of her already moistened pussy.

Rebekah almost passed out from the erotic sensation as she felt Jim's 
fingers carefully part the hotly throbbing lips of her cunt and flick 
teasingly up into her sensitive inner flesh. She moaned aloud, her 
hands moving forcibly over the youngster's frail back to hug him more 
tightly to her, as his finger began to probe in cautious exploratory 
strokes up into the tight orifice of her yielding cuntal flesh. She 
swayed, her legs going weak, so that the twelve year old boy almost had 
to support her with his own strength for a moment.

The aroused brunette employer knew she could no longer stand up. She 
had to lie down on the bed, Jim on top of her. She had to have that 
little prick she could feel throbbing so teasingly up between her 
quivering thighs inside her. She had to be fucked.

Almost desperately, Rebekah pulled away from the young boy's eager 
embrace and knelt at his feet. He, too, had forgotten about his shoes 
and she unlaced them. Quickly and reverently she pulled them off and 
placed them on the nightstand beside the bed. Jim watched in 
wonderment. Their clothes she left scattered, kicked aside, all over 
the floor. His shoes she placed on the nightstand! Now she tugged at 
the toe of one of his socks. Obediently, he lifted his foot. Very 
slowly she pulled the sock away to reveal his toes, which automatically 
curled under as she gazed at them. She repeated the process on the 
other foot, folded the socks, and stuffed them into the shoes. Then, 
almost desperately, she pulled him to the bed.

"Let's get into bed."

Anxiously, Rebekah moved to the bed herself, seizing the naked boy's 
still reluctant hand to pull him urgently along behind her. It was not 
that Jim had to be forced, but that the surprise of it all had 
momentarily stunned him with paralysis. Jesus, it was finally going to 
happen! It was now! He was going to get laid, not by a kid, either, 
like most of the guys, but by a beautiful older woman with the body of 
a movie actress. He didn't want to wait another minute until he got his 
lust-hardened prick inside Miss Howell's soft warm pussy. Then, after 
all his waiting and playing with pin-up posters, and no matter what 
else happened, he would finally be able to say that he was no longer a 

Rebekah Howell's whole body trembling with a shameless desire that 
flooded through every inch of her love-starved flesh, she dropped down 
onto her back on the bed and parted her long lithe legs in a spread-
eagled position as Jim Craft prepared to climb up beside her. She 
closed her eyes, her breath coming in slow strained gasps as she 
waited. The panting twelve year old gazed down at her in obscene 
triumph, then paused for a moment to glance at her feet. She was 
twitching her toes in a kind of trembling rhythm as though they were 
just as aroused as the rest of her. Strange! He had never heard of 
anything like that. Suddenly, he felt Miss Howell's hands eagerly seize 
his shoulders and heard the deep groan of host that issued from her 
throat as she pulled him down on top of her so that his lower torso was 
between her widely spread thighs.

"Oh, yes," Rebekah purred in his ear. "Yes, Jim. Yes, little boy. Fuck 
me. Fuck me just one time."

Jim Craft experienced a brief moment of painful remembrance as he held 
himself poised above his beautiful employer's sensually naked body, his 
desire-hardened prick prodding hotly up between her thighs so that just 
the swollen tip touched the warmly moistened lips of her cunt. This was 
exactly where he was night before last but on a picture! Wow! Some 
difference, he thought gleefully. Now this vulnerable older woman was 
going to make up for all those lousy times with pictures! The trouble 
was that there was a problem that still lingered. Jim Craft was not 
quite sure what to do. Then that problem resolved itself as Miss Howell 
dropped one of her hands to Jim's tightly clenching asscheeks, inserted 
her finger crudely right up between them, and shoved down against his 
sensitive little asshole. Groaning in surprise, Jim jerked his loins 
forward in retreat from the disquieting sensation, shoving his rigid 
cock forcibly right up between the warmly encoding lips of Miss 
Howell's dark pussy.

An instant later the incredible had happened. He felt a faint 
resistance as his smooth blood-bloated cockhead shoved against the 
tightness of the woman's wetly heated cunt. He felt her body stiffen 
and tremble beneath him and heard the low groan of mingled pain and 
pleasure that poured from her lips. Then, with a lewd sucking noise, 
just the head of his blood-engorged cock slipped inside, and as Miss 
Howell stroked down more lightly on Jim's tight little asshole, he 
shoved forward again, and the full length of his virile young cock 
burrowed relentlessly up into the hot clasping softness of her cunt.

"Oh, Jim, you beautiful prick," Rebekah moaned, her ass jerking in a 
frenzied spasm to the invasion of her lust-tortured loins. She sank her 
hips downward into the mattress in retreat, then her body quivered even 
more wildly, and she lunged her hips up again spreading her thighs even 
wider apart as she felt Jim's palpitating little rod of inflated 
cockflesh slipping up into her soft pulsating cuntal hole, gradually 
worming all the way up into the soft warm walls, deeper and deeper 
until she was completely skewered and could feel his balls slapping 
lightly down into the sensitive crack of her own asscheeks.

Above her, Jim tensed, squirming his asscheeks further downward until, 
at last, his wildly excited prick was embedded to the hilt in Miss 
Howell's warm wet cunt, and he could feel her tensed pelvis pressed 
against his own pubic mound. Then, with a sigh of satisfaction, he let 
his body go limp.

He had finally done it! He had fucked! He had his prick all the way 
inside and honest-to-goodness live woman! No matter what happened after 
this, he would never be a virgin again as long as he lived. He sure had 
it way over some of the guys. He was fucking a real woman, not some 
stupid eighth grade girl.

"Oooohhhhhh!" Rebekah moaned, her cock-impaled body twisting in lustful 
ecstasy, little insane ripples of pleasure tingling through the 
sensitive nerve-ends of her flesh as she hugged the naked young boy 
tightly down against her straining titties and began to squirm and 
undulate her hips in eager response to his rigid invasion of her 
sensitive pussy lips. Above her, Jim made his first tentative moves, 
slowly thrusting the pulsing hardness of his lewdly inflated cock in 
and out of Miss Howell's soft pussy flesh, gradually increasing his 
strokes, shoving the throbbing cockhead deeper and deeper up inside her 
lust-tortured cunt.

The glove-like feel of his employer's pussy clasping tightly around his 
sensitive cock was almost more than the twelve year old could stand, 
and he could have cum almost at that very instant. But he knew he would 
have to last longer than that. Even though Miss Howell was going to be 
completely at his mercy after she once more satisfied his desires, he 
wanted to enjoy her submission right now to the rigid pre-adolescent 
cockflesh he was pumping into her. He had been glad to agree to putting 
a stop to the fucking after today, but that was only to get her to do 
it at all. He didn't care what they agreed to now. Tomorrow would take 
care of itself.

"Ooooohhhhh! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, yes, little darling. Yeeessss, you're 
doing just fine!" Rebekah soothed as she felt the young boy stiffen for 
a minute above her, completely ceasing his strokes. As Jim shuddered, 
trying to regain control over his madly surging lust, Rebekah stroked 
softly up and down his back. Then she moved her hands back to his naked 
ass to guide him as he began again to fuck in and out between her 
thighs, fucking the inflamed hardness of his blood-engorged cock in 
smoother and more rhythmic strokes far up into her yielding little 
cuntal mouth, prompting involuntary contractions of her tight cuntal 
flesh around his throbbing shaft as more and more of Rebekah's body 
began to respond to the lascivious impalement of Jim's young prick.

The lovely chestnut-haired woman whimpered through bared teeth, hugging 
the twelve year old blond tightly to her soft warm nakedness, tossing 
her voluptuous body more and more frenziedly with wild undulating 
movements of her ass that almost lifted the small youngster off the 

As Jim's hands began to eagerly explore all the secret hollows and 
indentations of her body, little mewls of rapturous pleasure poured 
from Miss Howell's lips. He could feel the urgent quivering of her 
inner pussy walls around the swollen head of his lust-swollen prick, 
and he almost wept at the wonderful feel of her wetly clasping cuntal 
softness. He flexed his cock deep up inside her and shoved harder and 
harder up into her ecstatically rippling belly. He was barely hanging 
on, but he knew his restraint would have its reward. Miss Howell's 
moans and whimpers of passion were growing more deliriously by the 
second. Her teeth were gritted, her eyes open wide and shining with the 
bright green fire of emeralds. Her head flailed back on the pillow, 
tossing her long chestnut hair from side to side while her nakedly 
exposed asscheeks jerked in an undulating rolling motion that varied 
the angle and intensified the friction on Jim's impaling rod of swollen 

The beautiful thirty-two year old woman's shamelessly aroused body was 
coming to life. She was caught in the spell of a wanton excitement that 
began deep in her cunt and flowered relentlessly out through all of her 
naked flesh. She was obsessed, tossing and writhing more savagely in 
her response to the titillation of her all-consuming lust. And Jim 
Craft was the young boy who prompted all this. She turned her head and 
gazed at his little scuffed shoes on the night table.

"Oh, God, it's good! It's sooo gooooood!" she moaned into the 
youngster's ear but looking at his shoes, her hands moving forcibly up 
and down his back, her fingers digging into his nakedly exposed 
asscheeks to guide his urgently wracking lunges against her quivering 
body. Now, an almost incessant stream of moans and whimpers poured from 
her lips, and she arched her churning white asscheeks even higher, 
bucking and tossing wildly beneath him.

She was certainly getting awfully close now. It seemed that everything 
she had done or thought or said in the last several days were only a 
build-up to this one unbelievably exciting moment. If only though she 
could reach his feet, it would be perfect! Even the two wildly arousing 
climaxes she had achieved, one by the obscene act of fingering herself 
and the other yesterday as Jim had finger-fucked her while she massaged 
his sweet toes and sucked his beautiful young cock were only stepping 
stones to the even more shattering orgasm she knew was now imminent. 
The little quivers that coursed through her flesh were already coming 
more and more frequently. Reality and its shackles were falling away in 
the face of the relentless onslaught of lust and passion that engulfed 

However, the climax eluded her, and Rebekah knew that Jim was beginning 
to lose control. Her body cried out for more and more, and she thought 
she would die if the young boy came before she reached her own orgasm 
and left her hanging unfulfilled in the throes of passion. At last, in 
a sudden, desperate moment, Rebekah reached down to seize one of Jim's 
hands, pulling it from her eagerly throbbing titty down the side of her 
thrashing body. She did this only half-consciously. but her unconscious 
mind seemed to know what she needed, and, with an even more violent 
lunge, she lifted her rounded asscheeks completely up from the mattress 
and shoved little Jim's hand beneath them.

Then, as she sank her hips downward in retreat from the youngster's 
next wracking thrust, she felt one of his fingers prod right up between 
her nakedly clenching asscheeks to come into sudden titillating contact 
with her sensitively puckered asshole.

The twelve year old boy stiffened in surprise as he felt Miss Howell 
pull his hand down between her uplifted asscheeks and then drop her 
squirming asscheeks right down on his finger. He felt the tight little 
hole of her ass give way, and he instinctively realized what she wanted 
him to do now, crazy as the whole thing seemed. He shoved his finger 
upward gradually as she squirmed further down until it wormed to the 
first knuckle up into the warmly puckering hole.

Rebekah Howell gasped from the sudden fiery stab of pain as the young 
boy worked his finger upward even harder. For an instant, it was 
stymied against the rubbery resistance of the little unlubricated hole, 
yet the sheer stimulation caused her cunt to flower open even wider and 
prompted renewed flowing of her feminine juices. And, as they trickled 
hotly down between her churning asscheeks over the thin membrane of 
flesh that separated her two forbidden holes. Jim was able to work his 
outstretched finger slowly up into her rectum up to the second knuckle 
while inflicting only a minimal amount of pain. And that pain was 
almost blanked from her mind by the conflicting and even greater 
sensation of pleasure, however masochistic.

"Oh," Rebekah cried. "Oh, yes, deeper! Deeper, Jim. Put your finger in 
my ass. Deeeeeeppppeeeerrrrrrrr!"

Jim had no objection. He had never even thought of the asshole as an 
erotic zone, yet he couldn't help but remember how he had felt when, 
moments ago, Miss Howell had put her finger between his own asscheeks 
and thrust down against his own asshole to prompt his first entry into 
her wetly yielding cunt. It had hurt, but, as the same time, it had 
felt good, and, if she really wanted him to do that to her, he didn't 
mind. And, strangely enough, there was something about it that really 
turned him on.

The handsome, hard-working twelve year old, with a low groan, fucked 
his finger deeper, worming it slowly to the last knuckle so that he 
could feel the pressure through the separating membrane of cuntal flesh 
intensifying the friction on his rigidly throbbing prick as he fucked 
harder and faster into the nakedly exposed brunette's tight little 
pussy. The lust-tortured older woman gave out a low hissing sound, her 
voluptuous body sagging down limply on the bed beneath him for a 
moment. Then, as Jim began to wiggle his finger far up inside the 
forbidden depths of her rectum, she started to toss and thrash her body 
as though she had suddenly gone insane.

The lewd and degrading violation of her asshole was more than Rebekah 
could resist. She had lain for a moment in the limbo of contrasting 
pain and pleasure as Jim ruthlessly forced his middle finger all the 
way to the last knuckle up into her tight little entrance of her 
asshole. Then she forgot the pain as the devastating trembles began 
deep up in her belly, and she resumed the wanton lunging of her own ass 
in time with the boy's own wracking strokes.

"Aaaaauuuuuggggghhhhh, Jim ... darling ... I'm ... oh ... oh, your 
toes. Can you stay in and pull your knees ... aahhhh. OH, no. God, I'm 

An instant later, she felt the shattering waves begin in her loins, 
surging relentlessly out over her flesh to sweep everything else aside 
into complete oblivion. She threw her legs upward, locking her thighs 
high around the boy's back to form a straight sheath with her cunt 
while she felt his masterfully throbbing prick begin to twitch and 
throb even harder, and the first hot spurts of his sperm started to 
spew obscenely up into the depths of her trembling pussy flesh.

Rebekah's nakedly writhing body uncoiled wildly beneath the little boy 
as the waves of ecstasy continued, surging with a devastating impact 
that swept all other thought aside, engulfing her from the tips of her 
toes to the tingling nipples of her tits, and, blanking her mind to all 
but the raw sensation of the beautiful fucking body above her, his 
virile young cock skewering and' spurting deeper and deeper and deeper 
into her convulsing cunt.

Jim Craft felt a raw surge of energy course through his own body as the 
white hot cum welled up in his wildly jerking prick and spewed into the 
gorgeous female's openly impaled cunt. He grunted and groaned, 
relishing his final triumph, his true initiation into manhood, as he 
felt Miss Howell surrender herself completely beneath him, giving 
everything she had to him without further inhibition, just as if he 
were a grown man!

But then at last, she sank in exhaustion beneath him, and slowly, his 
own movements slackened off. He felt her hands drop from his body, and, 
as he gasped to catch his breath and spurted the last drop of semen 
into her pussy, he felt his embedded prick begin to deflate. With a 
groan, he sank down upon her sweat-covered nakedness, slowly drawing 
his middle finger out of the tightly sucking sheath of her rectum, 
prompting a last hoarse little gasp from her throat and a final 
shuddering contortion of her nakedly exposed ass.

For a few minutes, the two of them lay in silence, their genitals still 
lewdly joined. Rebekah reached up and ran her hand lightly down Jim's 
back, then she opened her lovely green eyes and smiled.

"That was great, little lover," she said. "Want to do something just 
for me?" her voice lowered to a whisper. "Get up and walk on my body 
with your precious little toes," she begged in an even throatier voice.

"My ... my ... walk?" Jim stuttered in amazement.

"Yes, dear one, just walk around. Please! Hurry! I'll teach you how."

As soon as Jim overcame his surprise he sat and finally got onto his 
knees and then onto his feet. He looked down at the beautiful hour-
glass waist, the large tits, the flaring hips. Well, he thought, if 
that's what she wants. With her hands guiding and balancing him, he 
stepped onto her ribs and with a giggle he couldn't suppress, dug his 
toes in under her tits. To him it was a lark. It could turn into a lot 
of fun, he thought, gazing down at her ecstatic, closed-eyed face. The 
only thing was, he hoped she didn't want to stand on him! That's all he 
needed was a couple of cracked ribs!

Chapter 4

Tommy had a great idea for Saturday. He consulted the other members of 
the cult. They had a club meeting Friday after school. During his 
apprenticeship to Rebekah Howell, Jack Wood had run into Andy Wallace, 
and they discovered that whatever differences they had, they had one 
big thing in common, working for Rebekah Howell. It was a great and 
enthusiastic discovery. It was a day of consternation and a day to be 
remembered. Consequently, they made it a club holiday. Later, when 
Tommy Speigle was initiated into the club, he joined with the other two 
in looking forward to the grand celebration of Founders' Day, which was 
coming up in just a few months. Everyone expected that Tommy would 
still be in Rebekah Howell's employ when the day actually arrived, but 
Tommy's mother had forced termination of the mysterious job just before 
the holiday would be upon them. This necessitated some fast action on 
the part of the club members. If they let Miss Howell hire some little 
boy they didn't know, the chances were she could never get him 
initiated into sex in time for the holidays. They had to plant their 
own candidate, install a spy, and after about an hour of cookie 
crunching and coke drinking thought, they came up with the name of Jim 

Jim was one of the gamiest people they knew. He was willing to try 
anything. Born with an angelic face, he had spent his twelve years 
pulling out of the motherly embraces of all kinds of women, young and 
old, acquainted, related, and strange. If anyone could make a woman 
squeeze him or make love to him before she wanted to, Jim Craft could. 
And he would go along with the idea on relatively little information, 
without a lot of squabbles or backtracking. Because of the same angelic 
face, he often had trouble identifying himself as one of the guys. 
inevitably, he had to prove himself by punching as hard, running as 
fast, and otherwise passing the standards of manly competition to gain 
acceptance in his peer group. He would be very happy to gain acceptance 
in yet another way, such as fucking Miss Howell. In fact, Tommy, who 
had known Jim for some time, told the other members of the club that 
Jim was aching to lose his virginity. All in all, he had been the 
perfect candidate for the job and was duly elected.

Now everything was established and running smoothly. Jim had the job 
and was walking around school with his head in the clouds so that was 
going smoothly. But the holiday was on a Tuesday, and all the boys were 
aware that Saturday was the big day at Rebekah Howell's. The hours of 
"work" were longer and there would be more time for any festivities 
which they might plan. And so they had their meeting, asking Jim Craft 
to come about an hour after they started. Tommy took care of that.

The plan, as it was finally worked out, hinged on Tommy's being able to 
convince Miss Howell that it was urgent for him to see her on Saturday, 
just about a half hour before Jim was to go to "work." Since he must no 
longer be seen going to her house, she would have to let him in through 
the secret cave. Of course, all the boys would enter that way, with the 
exception of Jim Craft.

"Secret cave?" Jim asked, bewildered, when they revealed their plans to 

"Yeah," Andy told him. "You probably won't find out about it unless for 
some reason it's necessary." He chuckled maliciously. After all, he had 
just told Jim about it. It was a joke and he looked around for 

"I just found out, I guess," Jim grinned. Then the other boys caught 

"Yeah, it's become necessary," Jack quipped, his freckled face alive 
with merriment.

"That's right," piped up Tommy. "Now you know about the cave."

"I don't know very much about it," reasoned Jim. "Where is it?"

"We'll show you sometime," Andy told him. "There ain't time now. What 
we got to do right now is get our plans straight so we know what we're 
going to do."

The next day, Rebekah received the promised telephone call early in the 
morning. Tommy just had to see her. Would she please let him in through 
the cave? The older woman felt a twinge of something she could not 
quite define. She was wary, but when she asked questions of him, he 
shushed her with the warning that he had to hang up because his parents 
were home. Without thinking properly or having the chance to consider 
her intuitive reluctance, Rebekah consented. At the agreed-upon time, 
she opened the cave entrance. She waited. Tommy knew the way upstairs, 
and he knew enough to call to her that it was all right to close the 
cave again, so she waited by the lever in the closet.

She heard the door open downstairs and waited longer, expecting his 
call at any minute. She hoped he would hurry because Jim would be 
coming. Inspecting herself in the mirror, she wondered if she should be 
wearing the tight-fitting sweater and the short mini-skirt for Tommy's 
visit as well as Jim's. Since she and Tommy had to break things off, 
she didn't want to appear enticing to him. It wasn't fair. She looked 
down at her toes, curling up from the rug. Maybe she ought to wear 
slippers, too. But before she could take action, there was Tommy.

"Hi, Miss Howell!" he said cheerily at the door of her bedroom.

"Hi," she said, startled. She looked toward him, but before she could 
even realize that she also saw other figures behind him, she heard them 

"Yaaaaay, Miss Howell!" they cried.

"We have come to make you an honorary member of our club, Miss Howell," 
a voice spoke up, a familiar voice, vaguely. Then she recognized that 
it was Andy Wallace. She had not seen him for a long time!

"This is our holiday, Miss Howell." Jack Wood was also there. She 
couldn't believe it. Jack continued, "You have to celebrate it with us. 
It's Founders' Day!"

"Oh?" The poor woman had not gotten over her surprise at seeing them 
all together. She didn't even know they knew each other or at least of 
each other's connection with her. Petrified, she could not speak more 
than the single word in a breath.

"Yeah," Tommy piped up. "We thought you'd like to belong to the club as 
long as there is one!"

God, Jim Craft was among them, too. That made four boys altogether. In 
consternation she dropped to sitting on her bed as all four of them 
moved toward her. She started to rise, then she hesitated. She could 
feel her heart pounding in her breast, and there was a constricting 
tightness in her throat that made it difficult for her to speak, but 
she knew she couldn't submit, like this, to what was obviously the 
beginnings of a rape.

Then it occurred to her that there was not too much she could do. If 
they had shared their secrets of her with each other, what was to keep 
them from sharing them with others, like the police! Still, she had to 
put up a fight. She was determined to do so. After all, she had done as 
much for each of them as they had done for her. She had never forced 
any of them. She didn't believe she had exerted any undue influence. 
She did not deserve being ganged up on against her will!

"Boys, I'm sorry, but this is a big mistake. I'm ... I'm sure you have 
a fine club, but I have enough to do. Please leave."

"We will. We will," they chorused and kept right on coming.

Rebekah's heart almost leaped into her throat as she watched the hazy 
figures, hazy to her fear-bedimmed brain, move toward her. How did they 
ever band together like this? She had not suspected a thing! It had 
never occurred to her at all that the boys would find each other and 
form a union of any kind!

"I'll fight!" she cried then. "I don't care. I'll fight!" The outburst 
was so sudden that the four figures stopped.

"Weeeelllll," drawled Tommy then. "My parents are kind of suspicious. I 
guess a few nail scratches and then a few questions to find out from me 
what happened just might weaken my resistance to confession. So go 
ahead and fight, Miss Howell!" he invited with a grin.

Oh, what was the use? They had her cornered and beaten and down and 
out. And they knew it!

"All we want ..." Jim started to say.

Finally, Rebekah broke in with a soft laugh. She stood up. "I think I 
know what you want," she told them. In this changed mood, she strutted 
a little, advertising her body like a model, showing them that she 

"Wow!" Andy breathed in wonderment at her sudden switch. He had 
forgotten, too, how beautiful her body really was and that added some 
of the breath to his exclamation.

All of the boys' eyes were open wide, and in spite of the awkwardness 
of the situation, Rebekah couldn't resist a smile of inner pride as she 
saw the way the four young boys were looking at her. Some of them 
hadn't seen her for awhile, which explained Andy and maybe Jack. She 
couldn't help being flattered by the way they were all looking at her, 
at her shapely body. She watched Jim's eyes drop slowly from her face 
to her fully arched tits, clearly defined in the tight-fitting sweater 
she wore. Then his gaze moved lower down the temptingly short skirt, 
down the length of her full firm thighs. But she suddenly jerked with 
surprise as she felt a trembling hand touch her asscheeks from behind. 
She whirled, almost losing her balance, to glare down at young Jack 
Woods' frightened face. At almost the same instant, she heard Jim.

"Come on, you guys. Let's get her!"

After that, everything happened much too fast. During the confusion 
that followed, respect for her authority as an adult or anything like 
that was forgotten completely. She became simply an object, a sex 
object. Yet, she had to admit that this did not occur, she knew, 
without her own volition. Secretly, she did want to submit, or else it 
couldn't really have happened, she didn't think, in the first place.

At Jim Craft's direction, the other three laid her back on the bed. She 
wondered how much they had told each other. Jim was the first and only 
one on whom she had submitted both to the obscene act of sucking him 
off and the other experiences. As far as she knew she had licentiously 
initiated all of them out of their virginal puberty and into their 
first truly male sexual experiences. Their excitement now was 
manifesting itself like electricity in the air, a current that jumped 
from the youngsters to Rebekah, to encompass her in its mad frenzy. 
They had already begun to pull her clothing off. Later she would have 
to admit that they would have not been so forward had she offered the 
slightest discouragement.

The voluptuous young brunette had never in her life been naked in front 
of more than one male at a time, but, in spite of her nervousness and 
fear, she did not resist, as Tommy Speigle untucked her tight sweater 
from her mini-skirt and pulled it up off her brassiere-clad tits. From 
behind her, another pair of hands lifted the short mini-skirt from her 
smoothly rounded asscheeks and began to explore the inviting flesh of 
her trembling ass cheeks while the submissive woman lifted her arms 
passively over her head to allow Tommy to completely remove her 
sweater. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught vague glimpses of 
Jim, who had taken a seat on the edge of the bed at the far end of the 
room and watched almost with a cynical disinterest, yet an undeniable 

The sensually ripened woman stood completely naked before the three 
eager youngsters and the fourth almost casual observer within seconds. 
Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable, so helpless. There was 
nothing to protect her lushly formed body from the boys' leering gazes. 
She felt their eyes moving to the high set mounds of her nipple-peaked 
titties, dropping hungrily lower to the Rat plane of her belly and then 
to the little triangular pattern of silken hair up between her long 
smooth thighs. Yet, even in the midst of her very helplessness and 
vulnerability, she derived a secret excitement that was undeniable. It 
made resistance seem all the more hopeless, and she took a curious 
satisfaction in the knowledge that she could not have refused the boys 
what they wanted, even if she'd had the will to do so. She was their 
slave, just as much as she was a slave to her own unnatural lust, and, 
in that vulnerability, her consciousness seemed to rise to a dream 
state, a state of distorted reality which only further heightened her 
susceptibility to the unwanted passion that had begun to consume her.

As she stood before them, totally naked, trembling with mingled fear 
and anticipation, even their voices came to her as unreal sounds.

"Not even Playboy magazine can beat Miss Howell!" someone exclaimed.

"Hey, let's get started! Who's first?"

"No. I want to go first!"

"I didn't say me! I asked who! Go ahead!"

"Cool it, you guys. Jim goes first. He's new."

That was Tommy's voice, Rebekah recognized. Her presence of mind had 
not yet fully returned, and somehow, in her critical dream-like state, 
she seized upon Jim's name as the symbol of what she had once felt was 
the bond of trust she had with each of them at one time or another. She 
looked desperately over at the young blond, who still sat on the bed, 
now reclining languidly against the bedstead. This was the closest she 
had come to protesting since they had begun to take off her clothes, a 
one beseeching look at the young boy who, as a symbol of each lover, 
was responsible for her present situation. But, when she saw the 
nonchalant expression with which he met her pleading gaze, she knew she 
could expect no support from him.

"You guys go ahead," Jim said with a shrug. "I'm on her now. I can do 
it any time I want."

Rebekah Howell sucked her breath in softly, lowering her eyes with 

Her expression didn't even register it when Jim added, "You go ahead 
first, Tommy since you clued me on."

Then, as Rebekah heard Andy Wallace's and Jack Wood's soft grumble of 
protest, she looked up helplessly at the muscular youngster who stood 
fully clothed before her. "Well, Tommy," she asked managing just a 
flicker of a smile on her moistened lips, "why aren't you getting 

Tommy Speigle grinned, staring straight into Rebekah's eyes until she 
felt compelled to look away from the sheer force of his gaze. Then the 
leering youngster dropped his eyes slowly to her straining tits, 
crested by the already rigidly peaked little nipples, then lower to the 
softly inviting nakedness of her defenseless thighs. In spite of 
everything she had already been through, Rebekah felt a little shiver 
pass through her body from the animal hunger of the young boy's gaze. 
Then he looked back at her face, his smile broadening.

"Not so fast, honey. Pull in your toes there. I got other plans this 
time. Tell me, have you ever had your pussy eaten?"

She had always been able to lead what happened. What was happening? 
Rebekah stiffened in shock at the lewdly challenging remark. She had 
never heard such an outrageous suggestion from her boys, never! The 
fact that Tommy would say something like that, and in front of the 
other youngsters, was so appalling that she could hardly accept it 
without protest, but she seemed to have lost her voice. It was just too 
depraved, not in her line at all. They had always been content to keep 
their lips on her's or on her nipples or ... or on her toes, of course. 
But she could think of no reply.

"Well, lady, I'm going to show you what it feels like to get really 
hot. You see, I been learning a few things lately that you haven't 
taught me. Lay down on the bed and spread your thighs real wide so I 
can get to your sweet little cunt."

That was more than Rebekah could take. In a sudden movement, she pulled 
away from Tommy and whirled around, looking about with the wild eyes of 
a trapped animal at the four boys who gazed feverishly back at her.

"No," she gasped. "No, Tommy. You can make love to me ... like ... like 
usual, but I won't submit to that!" Motionless, except for the 
trembling of her own nakedly exposed body, Rebekah watched in terror as 
the boy approached her.

"Don't touch me!" she gasped.

Rebekah Howell retreated one more step, then found the backs of her 
naked thighs pressed against the edge of the bed so that she could 
retreat no farther. During the brief instant before Tommy was upon her, 
she was able to conjure in her mind a vision of the obscene act he 
proposed. And she felt her legs go weak from the mere thought of it. 
She had never ever let a grown man do anything like that to her in her 
life, although there had been attempts. It was unnatural, depraved, 
perverted, and she just couldn't submit to it. She would have done 
almost anything else the boys asked, but not that.

"My ... My ... please ... let me kiss ... kiss your ..."

"Toes!" Andy Wallace laughed.

"You used to say ..." she started to tell him angrily .

"That I enjoyed it ... weeeeelllll." At the moment, it seemed 
traitorous to Andy to admit any such thing so he stopped.

With her thighs against the bed, Rebekah realized that she was trapped, 
with no hope of escape. Suddenly remembering how she had sucked Jim 
off, she recognized that what they wanted to do was but another act of 
depravity and akin to all the other immoral things that she had already 
done just in taking the boys to bed at all! With a sigh, she dropped to 
her back on the bed, landing with her thighs slightly parted. Staring 
up in horror, frozen again to immobility by her own shock and dismay, 
Rebekah watched Tommy drop to his knees at the edge of the bed, his 
hands seizing her thighs, holding them apart as he lowered his face to 
the warm flesh up between her legs. His tongue flicked into her navel, 
sending an unwanted electric chill darting up and down the whole length 
of her spine, while his chin nuzzled down into the soft curls of pussy 
hair that covered her cuntal mound.

The beautiful brunette thought she was making at least a feeble attempt 
to wriggle away from the aggressive young boy. But it was like one of 
those dreams where repeated attempts to perform the simplest tasks 
become inexplicably futile, and she found herself unable to even close 
her thighs as the boy dropped his face down between them and moved his 
lips closer to the entrance of her defenseless little pussy. A muffled 
groan rose in Rebekah's throat, and convulsive spasms jerked in her 
thighs and stomach as she felt Tommy press his lips down lightly into 
the thin strands of hair over the crest of her pubic mound. She 
shivered with an unknown fear from his touch, but the suddenly heated 
contact of his tongue on her naked flesh nonetheless caused a flutter 
of delight to course over her squirming body. She shuddered again as 
his agile tongue traced downward through the sparse dark curls of her 
pussy hair. Then his hands moved up into the warmth between her widely 
spread thighs to stroke through the little fringed curls and come into 
sudden titillating contact with the erotically tingling lips of her 
pussy. The helpless woman sobbed an unheeded protest as she felt his 
thumbs pull her most sensitive flesh apart to expose to his gaze the 
warm inviting secrets of her cunt. When he blew his breath softly into 
the forbidden orifice, she almost cried out aloud from the sheer 
sensation. Yet, as strong as her reaction was, it did not, could not 
block out another sensation ... two other sensations, one on each foot. 
God bless them! Andy and Jack had commandeered each a side of the bed, 
each a foot, and were playfully tweaking and otherwise stimulating her 

"Don't you want me to eat your pussy?" Tommy asked between her thighs.

"Nooooo!" she cried in desperation, trying to overlook the toe tweaking 
at the same time that she cried out against Tommy's desires.

"Well, I'm going to eat your pussy. I'm going to take a great big chunk 
out of your cunt until you're begging for me to take another!"

"Noooooo," Rebekah begged. "Please don't do it to me. Please don't." 
Then her whole body jerked as Tommy's tongue flicked suddenly outward 
to find electrifying contact with the vibrating little bud of her 
clitoris. Gasping and trembling with unwanted desire, she raised her 
head up from the mattress, staring down in abject horror between her 
quivering titties at the young boy's lust-strained face hovering so 
closely to her defenselessly exposed cunt. It was too depraved for 
words, and she didn't know if she could bear the humiliating ordeal he 
was about to subject her to. But she was totally helpless to resist. 
Her love-starved body was begging to betray her, and she couldn't bring 
herself to fight back. The moist pink flesh of her nakedly exposed cunt 
was presented to Tommy's leering eyes in sacrifice, and Rebekah lay 
trembling beneath him on the mattress, watching in complete 
helplessness as his wet tongue menacingly circled his lips in 
preparation for the perverted ravishment he intended.

Out of the corner of her eye, the beautiful brunette saw that both Andy 
Wallace and Jack Wood, though still pulling at her toes, had moved even 
closer to watch this lewd scene, their eyes filled with the feverish 
excitement of their own anticipation. With a deliberate outward 
movement of his thumbs, Tommy drew the fleshy pink lips of her cunt 
even further apart to better expose the softly glistening inner flesh 
of her pussy. Groaning hungrily, he dropped his head down to swipe the 
full length of his tongue all the way up the length of her already 
wetly throbbing cuntal slit.

"I'm going to eat you like you've never been eaten before," taunted 
Tommy, his words muffled between Rebekah's naked thighs.

"I've never been eaten before!" the woman protested, shaking her head 
to toss her long chestnut hair over her softly rounded shoulders.

"Wow then," Tommy muttered. "It's time you tried it!"

Another desperate sob arose from Rebekah's throat, and her ass jerked 
in a sudden convulsive movement, grinding down hard in the mattress 
beneath her to escape the maddening attack as Tommy's tongue flicked 
again from his mouth to lick slowly up and down her wildly quivering 
pussy lips.

Then, as she continued to writhe and moan in protest, he sucked softly 
to draw the wantonly throbbing bud of her clitoris right into his 
mouth, nibbling at it with the tips of his teeth until Rebekah cried 
out in shame and forbidden delight and another lewd spasm shook her 
nakedly writhing body from tits to toes.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh! Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!" the aroused young woman moaned, 
hardly able to believe what was happening to her, yet unable to deny 
the lust-inciting sensation of Tommy's tongue on her hotly pulsating 
cunt. It was too obscene, and she whimpered in lewd abandon beneath the 
lascivious attack, her head still raised from the mattress to watch in 
horrified fascination as his face pushed down even harder against her 
already moistened pubic hair.

Then, as another shudder of unwanted response darted through her body, 
she dropped her head helplessly back onto the mattress, lunging her 
asscheeks up in a spontaneous motion of unmitigated lust. She now found 
herself unable to further resist the delicious currents of lewd 
excitement that surged through her loins from the wanton sucking and 
licking as Tommy began to feast in earnest on her defenseless cuntal 
flesh. She moaned distantly, closing her eyes to blot out the sight of 
the other two boys who had crowded even closer to the bed, still 
touching but more distant from the toes they remembered to play with 
once in awhile. They could not seem to remember the toes as they 
watched the humiliating attack.

From the teasing sensation of the young boy's tongue fucking wetly in 
and out of her quivering cuntal softness, little wisps of forbidden 
pleasure began to swell deep in Rebekah's belly. Her full sensuous tits 
jiggled on her writhing torso as her naked body began to respond in 
spite of all the inherent perversion in the depraved act she was 
submitting to. Her sensitivity heightened by the tense emotional strain 
and the occasional pressure on her toes, Rebekah's eagerly throbbing 
pussy was acting of its own volition. No matter how much she 
disapproved of this obscene act, no matter how guilty she might later 
feel for having allowed Tommy to do it to her, she could no longer deny 
the warped pleasure she derived from it.

Once more the beautiful employer of little lovers lifted her head, 
staring deliriously down between her heaving tits at Tommy's young head 
bobbing her thighs.

"Oooohhhhhhh!" she purred in obvious delight, beginning a rhythmic 
hunching motion of her asscheeks on the bed as the little tremors of 
rapture darted out over every single inch of her tingling flesh. 
Gradually, she was beginning to shed her inhibitions, to respond with 
wanton and greedy abandon to the lascivious use this young boy was 
making of her pussy. At last, with a final whimper of submission, 
Rebekah dropped her hands down the length of her writhing torso to run 
her fingers eagerly into the young boy's brown hair, pulling his face 
even tighter to her hungrily squirming cunt.

Never in her life had Rebekah believed that a woman would be able to 
respond to such a vile act of perversion as the one Tommy was 
inflicting upon her. Oh, why didn't the other boys suck on her toes, 
she thought hungrily, wiggling them in the boy's fingers as a hint they 
overlooked. They were too busy watching Tommy. It was all too 
humiliating, too degrading, but she couldn't help herself. Her lust had 
completely overcome her, and she sobbed out her surrender in an 
incessant stream of obscene pleadings as she felt his tongue fucking 
again and again up into the most sensitive inner reaches of her 
quivering cuntal flesh. Her hips jerked and lunged in lewd abandon as 
the little shivers of ecstasy coursed at rapid intervals out from her 
lust tortured cunt to saturate every inch of her now softly perspiring 
flesh. Then, in an even more impulsive gesture, she dropped her hands 
from Tommy's brown hair, reaching down beneath his arms to try to pull 
him up onto her wantonly squirming body.

"All right," she sobbed in a defeated voice. "Andy and Jack, get on my 
toes, and you, Tommy. That's enough. You win, but just fuck me. Fuck me 
right now.

Accustomed to her order from former times, Andy and Jack put their 
mouths down to her lovely toes and began to suck as though each had 
five tiny bloated cocks in their mouths. Jim only stared. This was a 
show beyond anything he had expected, anything at all.

Meanwhile, gasping for breath, Tommy raised his head to stare in 
triumph up the sweat-glistening flesh of the lovely woman's nakedly 
twisting body, peering between the quivering mounds of her tits to her 
flushed, desire-tortured face. But, in spite of his mere twelve years, 
Tommy was physically stronger than she was, and Rebekah was unable to 
succeed in pulling him up on top of her against his will. She could do 
nothing but stare back at him helplessly, pleading, going out of her 
mind with the sensations that were almost overpowering her.

"Go on, Tommy," Andy called from the end of the bed, lifting his lips 
temporarily from his set of wet toes. "Go on and fuck her so I can have 
my turn."

"Yes," the lovely woman said softly. "Come on and fuck me." She dropped 
her hands from the young boy's body and shifted to a reclining 
position, extending her arms above her head to arch the lustfully 
swollen mounds of her titties even more ripely.

"All right," Tommy said reluctantly, standing up and beginning to 
remove his clothes. Rebekah watched with bated breath as the little boy 
quickly stripped the clothes from his familiar body. Then she almost 
gasped aloud at the sight of his already fully erected, blood-engorged 
prick, so hungry he had made her. Obviously, he had matured very 
quickly, and the enormous throbbing hardness that stood up between his 
thighs was almost twice the size of Jim's. She had not thought to 
compare them before, but now she remembered. She remembered that in 
spite of Tommy's age, she had sometimes wondered in the days they made 
love if she would really be able to take it into the tightness of her 
cunt this time. Tommy hadn't been with her very long before his parents 
had intervened, in what they didn't know, of course. Yet, even the 
surge of fear that swelled in her breast as always at the thought of 
being stretched and impaled by Tommy's enormous shaft of lust-bloated 
cockflesh did nothing to temper her wantonly demanding need. It might 
have if the boys were not doing such an excellent job on her toes. So 
she would take the swollen shaft even if it hurt. She never hurt for 
long from it anyway.

"Okay," Tommy suddenly said. "Turn yourself over. Get off her, you 
guys," he said to the boys sucking off her toes.

"Nooooo!" Rebekah gasped, staring up at the boy in confusion.

"Come on now, turn over," Tommy grinned. I been learning lots, ain't I, 
Miss Howell? To tell the truth, I was practicing other things all the 
time I was coming here. I just didn't have the nerve before to ask 
you!" He was pleased with himself, his prowess, his revelation that 
obviously stunned her.

"But ... but why turn over?" she asked in a quivering voice, unable to 
even imagine what further subjugation Tommy had in store for her before 
he would give her what her body demanded on her own. She hated these 
things she didn't want. Hated them.

"Kneel up, facing the foot of the bed," he further ordered as though 
she hadn't sad a word.

"But I don't understand," Rebekah whimpered in despair, starting slowly 
to shift about on the bed and roll onto her belly to helplessly expose 
her nakedly exposed ass to the four boys' hungry gazes. Her toes 
suddenly felt very wet and cold and unwanted.

"Dog fashion, Miss Howell. Ain't you ever done it dog fashion?" the boy 
asked with some serious surprise. After all, he knew she was already in 
her thirties. Girls didn't get that old without some variety, did they?

"Don't, please!" she only cried.

"Say, do you want to get fucked or not?" he demanded.

Even in her present state of all-consuming lust, Rebekah hesitated for 
the briefest instant before she nodded, saying nothing, and turned 
completely onto her stomach. Then, slowly, she pulled her legs up 
beneath her body to arch her nakedly rounded asscheeks in lewd 
invitation in the air. She closed her eyes, a tremor passing through 
her when she felt the bed sag from Tommy's weight as the young boy 
positioned himself behind her.

In the entire repertoire of sexual positions, it had to be the most 
humiliating, and Rebekah had never felt so shamed and degraded in her 
whole life. She was surely being punished for her earlier use of the 
boys, she realized. There was not only nothing she could do to resist, 
but nothing she ought to do, perhaps. Was that a rationalization 
because actually she couldn't control her own perverted desire now, and 
she would have submitted to almost anything this youthful twelve year 
old athlete demanded of her at this point.

"Come on, Tommy," Rebekah heard Andy urge eagerly. Then her body 
stiffened as Tommy positioned himself behind her. A little shiver of 
apprehension coursed up her spine as she felt his hands seize her 
asscheeks and rock her slightly backwards. He shifted, moving forward, 
and a low hiss arose in her throat as she felt the bulbous head of his 
thick rigid prick prod up between her thighs from behind to make 
contact with the saliva-moistened slit of her pussy.

"Oooohhhhhhhh!" Rebekah moaned in a combination of fear and need from 
the searing pressure on the naked softness of her defenseless pussy. 
She waited breathlessly as the muscular boy held himself poised behind 
her for a moment. Then an even wilder shudder went through her body as 
he pushed forward, and she felt just the head of his oversized lust 
swollen cock push between the tightly resisting lips of her hair-lined 
cuntal slit.

"Ain't that great?" the boy asked enthusiastically.

The submissively kneeling woman didn't answer. A choked sob rose in her 
throat from the stabbing thrust as the youngster's inflated prick 
wormed its way slowly up into her tight cuntal softness, his hotly 
throbbing shaft thrusting aside the resistance of her tight clasping 
cuntal walls. Her entire body quivered, and she attempted to crawl 
forward in retreat from the searing sensation of the entry.

"Ain't that great?" the boy insisted.

"Yes! Yes! I love it!" Rebekah cried spontaneously without even 
thinking, emitting another deep groan as, with a sudden motion, she 
screwed her trembling asscheeks backwards, gritting her teeth and 
closing her eyes tightly shut as she took everything Tommy had until 
she was completely impaled. She felt his genital sac slap softly 
against her nakedly proffered ass, and the weight of his muscular young 
body sagged heavily on top of her in the debasing dog fashion position. 
Rebekah had never been so filled in her life because now, not only was 
Tommy's prick in farther because of the position she was in but someone 
had grabbed one of her feet, awkward as it must have been and had just 
about swallowed her entire set of toes! Oh God, was that a complete 

"Now, man, am I going to give you the fucking of your life!" Tommy said 
at last from behind her.

"Oh, yes," Rebekah sobbed, more to whoever sucked her toes that to 
Tommy even. "Yes, come on and fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Hey, wait a second!"

Jim Craft's voice snapped the gorgeous woman back out of her dream 
world of lascivious bliss and anticipation, and she looked up at the 
boy in shock as he dropped off the other end of the bed and walked 
around toward them slowly.

"Hey, Jack, there. Pull down your pants."

"You're kidding. Why now?" Jack asked, crimson flushing to his face. He 
had fucked Miss Howell in his day, but had never fucked a girl of any 
kind since. Furthermore, undressing in front of Miss Howell, when a guy 
was in the daily habit, was a lot different from undressing in front of 
an audience, even if it was other guys.

"Awwww, it ain't so bad," Jim said soothingly and meaningfully. "Just 
pull them down so Miss Howell can suck you off while Tommy's fucking 
her from behind."

All Rebekah could think of by now when she heard this idea was, not an 
objection to sucking someone off, but she hoped that Jack was not the 
one who had been sucking her toes a minute ago. The toe-sucking had 
stopped when Jim had spoke of waiting. Was it Jack? And was Andy still 
around? Oh, God, the suspense was going to kill her!

Chapter 5

There wasn't even time for the beautiful cock-impaled brunette to have 
the time to protest. She watched with trepidation as the blushing Jack 
Wood dropped his trousers to his ankles and then pulled down his tight-
fitting jockey shorts to suddenly reveal the already lustfully 
straining shaft of his small blood-hard erect prick. Poor Jack, she 
thought. She had had a terrible time getting him to strip in the first 
place when it was his job to shine her shoes, which was merely the 
private expression she had for her little love affairs. But most of her 
fear was not for Jack Wood and his lascivious plan. She had hardly 
faced the possibility of that yet. Her fear was that no one was going 
to take care of her toes!

"Oh, Andy," she muttered when she could bear the suspense no longer. 
"Are you going to ... to ..."

Then she felt the wet mouth once more over her cooling toes.

"Oooohhhhhhhhhh," she moaned in sudden ecstasy. "Ooooohhhhh, I'm so 
glad! I'm sooooo glaaaaaaaad!"

Andy was good at it, too, she remembered. He had been the very best. So 
while Tommy fucked her ruthlessly from behind, Andy sucked her toes 
just as though they were five exciting little cocks. Sometimes he 
tongue-fucked them one at a time, hollowing his tongue around one like 
a long moist chute or trying to vacuum it right off the sole of her 
foot, and at other times, he took more, however the spirit moved him. 
He had one little habit she loved. It was kind of a suck and a pop as 
though he were trying to suck it whole into her mouth and then spit it 
almost out. It sent warm shivers right up her spinal column every time 
he did it.

"Go on, Jack," Jim was encouraging the boy. "What are you afraid of? 
She likes that, fucking in the mouth. I know because I did it to her, 
didn't I, Miss Howell?"

"I'm not afraid," Jack staunchly denied. And it was not fear that held 
him in check but the fact that Andy was going full force on her toes, 
and he didn't think Miss Howell would want any more diversions from 
that experience than she was already having from Tommy. Of course, Jim 
didn't know about Miss Howell's peculiarities yet, so Jack couldn't 
blame his friend for not understanding. The boys had decided not to 
tell Jim about it ahead of time for fear of scaring him off

But as Rebekah narrowed her eyes in shame and lust, Jack finally 
stepped cautiously up to the end of her bed. Even in her present state 
of excitement, however, the nakedly kneeling woman did not believe she 
could have gone through with another penetration at the same time she 
was handling so much else. However, Jack had aroused those instincts in 
a woman that so often make her a push over. He was obviously reluctant 
to impose himself. He was thinking of her. She could not help but think 
of him. The shy twelve year old's vulnerability tapped an unknown 
source of unselfishness in her that she hadn't even known existed. She 
just wasn't heartless enough to refuse him, and, forgetting her own 
pride, Rebekah flicked her tongue wetly out to moisten her full pouting 
lips, beckoning the young boy forward with a sultry, inviting gaze.

Still moaning from the combined pain and pleasure from the energetic 
fucking she was getting from behind as well as the delicious slurping 
on her toes, Rebekah reached with a trembling hand to seize the 
smoothly heated rod of lust-bloated flesh that loomed up toward her 
face. At her urging, Jack took another short step forward until his 
thighs were pressed against the foot of the bed. Then the beautiful 
brunette ovaled her sensuously moistened lips, leaning quickly forward 
to take just the pulsing little cockhead into her mouth.

Jack Wood groaned in ecstasy, his whole body shuddering in delight as 
the beautiful woman began to suck him. He could hardly even believe the 
salacious sight of Miss Howell kneeling so subserviently on the bed 
before him, her long dark hair spilling down over his bare thighs, her 
soft warm lips pursed around the throbbing shaft of his lewd cock, and 
her tongue swiping in smooth strokes up and down the resiliently 
straining flesh, causing his hips to jerk and hunch in spasmodic reflex 
from the titillating sensation.

From his vantage point behind the undulating brunette, Tommy was now 
fucking the gorgeous woman with all his might. Andy was bent over one 
set of toes sucking and popping and kissing. Both of the boys, as best 
they could, were at the same time watching Jack, grinning at him in 
amusement and encouragement, while the bashful Jack could not meet 
anyone's eyes. He had never been so embarrassed in his life, but he 
wouldn't have stopped what he was doing for anything in the world. Jack 
had never kissed anyone except Miss Howell and hadn't done very much 
with her, actually, certainly not this. The wanton sucking of his 
lewdly-bloated cock was even more exciting than anything he had ever 
experienced in his dreams or anywhere else.

For Rebekah, by now, everything had become a jumble. She heard the 
boys' exclamations of excitement and gloating triumph, their strained 
and hastened breathing. She felt their frenzied motions, the lewd 
fucking of their inflated cocks into her two respective orifices. She 
was buffeted helplessly between them, clawed and pawed simultaneously 
by two pairs of hands which she could no longer even distinguish. And 
it all blended together, a surreal montage of lust, humiliation, and 
wanton masochistic bliss. Tommy's extended and powerful assault on her 
helplessly offered cunt had completely destroyed her will to resist. 
She could already feel the electric current beginning to flow 
throughout her wantonly excited flesh, and she knew it wouldn't be long 
now before she got the satisfaction she so desperately needed.

Hungering for the fresh tasting cum she knew was going to spurt very 
soon from his hotly twitching little rod of blood-engorged flesh, 
Rebekah sucked ravenously at Jack's lust-inflamed cock. At the same 
time, she hunched and bucked her ass furiously back against Tommy's 
loins, taking the throbbing rigidity of his lewd cock deeper and deeper 
up into the tender flesh of her aching pussy, relishing the stinging 
slaps of his stomach and thighs against her proffered asscheeks and 
craving the obscenely jolting thrusts that shook her whole writhing 
body. She was being used in the lewdest manner possible by three boys 
simultaneously, ravished between them like a rag doll, and she loved 

Then the voice of Jim Craft, who stood watching beside the bed, only 
reminded Rebekah that this was the beginning. "Come on, you guys. Come 
on! Hurry up!" Then he added because he still didn't understand what 
the hell Andy was doing to the woman's toes, "Hey, Andy, she's still 
got two hands. Drop your trousers and let her jack you off while you're 
waiting your turn."

At that suggestion of even further humiliation, only a muffled whimper 
of protest issued from Rebekah's lips. She couldn't speak in defense of 
herself. Her mouth was filled with the rigid little cock fucking in and 
out like a piston between her wetly rounded lips toward the back of her 
throat. Her face was helplessly buried in Jack Wood's pubic hair, and 
in his excitement, the normally shy preteenager was beginning to reveal 
a latent aggression that he had surely never shown with Rebekah before. 
He had seized the woman's long dark hair and now held her face firmly 
between his widely spread legs, guiding the bobbing movements of her 
head to the ultimate satisfaction of his own need, in complete 
disregard for her feelings as a human being. And she had no alternative 
to continued submission, even as she felt Jim seize her left wrist and 
draw her arm outward to place her hand in sudden contact on the hard 
blood-rigid shaft of his own lewdly erected prick. Instinctively, 
Rebekah wrapped her fingers around the resilient rod of hot young 
flesh, and this added physical contact, insignificant compared to the 
wild sensations she derived from the lewd skewering her palpitating 
little pussy was receiving from behind and the obscene use of her mouth 
from in front, nonetheless, had a symbolic value. It demonstrated the 
complete depravity to which she had sunk, and it only served to further 
impress upon her lust-tormented mind the sheer helplessness of her 
situation. Then, at Jim's urging, she began to work her wrist back and 
forth, softly caressing the sensitive flesh of his hard-swollen cock in 
time with the bobbing movement of her mouth around Jack's swollen cock, 
and the wild gyrations of her nakedly upthrusted asscheeks against the 
boy who fucked into her from behind. It was at that time that she 
underwent the final humiliation as Andy left her toes and, moving up to 
the other side of the bed, took her other hand and placed it on his own 
erectly throbbing prick.

"You don't mind if I leave your way for awhile and enjoy a way of my 
own, do you, Miss Howell?" Andy asked.

Rebekah was hardly able to answer. At that very instant, in fact, she 
felt Jack stiffen in front of her, his hands dropping from her hair to 
her ears, to pin her face even more helplessly against his wildly 
twitching cockflesh as he shoved forward with a mighty thrust.

"Oh, oh," the young boy gasped in a strained voice. "I ... I think I'm 
going to cum!"

"Go ahead," the freckle-faced Andy Wallace said, the urgency in his 
voice reflecting his own building lust. "Cum in her mouth. She likes 
that, too."

The gorgeous brunette was still powerless to express her own feelings. 
She could do nothing but continue the wanton sucking along the virilely 
throbbing prick that violated her lips.

The first hot spurts of sweet-tasting cum came rushing up the length of 
Jack Wood's jerking young blood-bloated cock and spewed into her mouth 
an instant later. Rebekah sobbed and whimpered around the surging 
shaft, making obscene gurgling sounds in her throat as she swallowed 
his spluttering stream of hot liquid, her Adam's apple bobbing swiftly 
up and down. She sucked hungrily, tightening her lips around the base 
of the youngster's hardened cock to prevent herself from losing a 
single drop of the life-giving sperm. She swallowed it all, continuing 
her ravenous sucking until the lust-crazed adolescent had spurted the 
last droplet of his burning load of sperm into her mouth and his little 
prick began to slowly deflate. Then Jack's hands dropped from her ears, 
and after a moment, his already limp cock slipped from her mouth, and 
he stepped back from the bed.

"Okay," Jim gasped. "Now, I tell you, it's my turn! I'm going to fuck 
her in the mouth, too."

As Tommy Speigle continued to rack her body with his frenziedly driving 
strokes from behind, Jim freed his own surging prick shaft from 
Rebekah's protesting grasp, and he moved around in front of the bed. 
With a deep animal groan, Rebekah reached up to seize his hotly pulsing 
hardness and bend it down toward her lips, taking it hungrily into her 
mouth, still slippery from the cum the first youngster had spewed so 
ruthlessly between her lips. Then she reached her hand around the boy's 
nakedly exposed little ass to pull his lust-swollen cock deeper into 
her greedily sucking mouth.

Behind her, Tommy groaned suddenly and unleashed a series of mad 
staccato lunges that shoved Rebekah forward until her face was 
completely buried in Jim's loins. She felt Tommy's long hard prick 
twitch and throb even harder up into the most sensitive depths of her 
hungering cunt, and she knew he was going to cum very quickly. At the 
same time, she could already feel the first distant flutters beginning 
in her own belly.

"Aaaaahhhh! Oooooohhh! Wow!" Jim gasped as the beautiful employer of 
little helpers began to suck hungrily on his blood-swollen cock, 
working her face back and forth to draw her lips in rhythmic movements 
up and down the full length of the resiliently straining shaft of 

"I don't know ... I know if I can hold on," he gasped suddenly in 

Rebekah had no way of communicating to the youngster that there was no 
further need to hold it. Tommy was going to cum. Already she hovered on 
the brink of climax herself. And it only seemed fitting that Jim should 
time his own orgasm with theirs.

It began a moment later. In spite of the pulsating cockhead that filled 
her hungering mouth, Rebekah managed a muffled whimper of joy as she 
felt the shattering waves begin to flow swiftly through her violated 
pussy. Tommy grunted in ecstasy, his hands clawing at the kneeling 
woman's beautiful back, his eyes riveted on her nakedly proffered 
asscheeks where he could see his wetly glistening cock sawing in and 
out of her tight quivering cuntal lips. Still he held back as long as 
he could. Then, a shudder wracking his body, he abandoned his 

Rebekah Howell's body buckled helplessly before Tommy Speigle's series 
of wracking lunges as he began to-spurt his own devastating load of 
semen deep up into her ravished pussy. Her hand still clung tightly to 
Andy's hard throbbing little cock, but she no longer had the presence 
of mind to jack him off. She was in a dream state of delirium from the 
lewd degradation she was being subjected to. Tommy was shooting off in 
her cunt, and at the same time, Jim Craft's lewdly bloated cock began 
to twitch and jerk in her saliva-filled mouth as he released his own 
hotly squirting load of sperm.

Moreover, now Rebekah's whole body began to jerk and writhe in 
spontaneous contortions between the two naked young boys. Massive 
chills of excitement shot madly up the length of her spine, and low 
hums of passionate and senile acceptance came in torrents from deep in 
her throat. She bucked and arched her body, quivering in a frenzy of 
passion, grinding her hips furiously back against Tommy's loins as the 
waves of orgasm saturated deeper into her body and out over every inch 
of her softly perspiring flesh.

It seemed to go on and on forever, an endless pageant of shame, 
ecstasy, and orgasm. Then at last Rebekah felt Tommy's perspiration-
soaked body sag down on her back. An instant later, the little blond 
Jim Craft leaned forward in exhaustion against the end of the bed, his 
prick slowly deflating in her still sucking mouth. As the voluptuous 
brunette dropped to a reclining position on her stomach on the bed, her 
hand slipping from Andy's rigidly inflated cock, little shivers of 
rapture continued to flow at intervals through her body.

At last Tommy withdrew, rolling over onto his back, tying still for a 
moment. Then Rebekah stiffened as she heard the exhausted youngster 
say, "Well Andy, I guess it's your turn now. At last, huh?"

The curvaceous woman had almost forgotten about Andy. She had never 
felt so soiled, so degraded, so used ... or so satisfied in her whole 
life. And she had no idea how in the world she could take on another 
youngster after everything she had been through. But she knew there was 
no use in protesting. After everything else the boys had submitted her 
to, she knew Andy Wallace wouldn't be denied his own pleasure.

Still on her belly and lying motionless, Rebekah took advantage of the 
few moments of rest as Andy hastened out of his clothing. She turned 
her face, looking up at the once innocent boy, her freckled-faced, 
redheaded first lover, with narrowed eyes as he climbed up onto the bed 
beside her. Then, as she started to roll over, he roughly shoved her 
back onto her belly and quickly started to mount her from behind.

"Oh, Andy, no," Rebekah said feebly through her still strained 
breathing. "Don't do it to me like that. Don't you take me dog fashion, 
too. Please."

"I'm not going to fuck you dog fashion, Miss Howell," Andy said, 
lowering his body down between her thighs from behind.

Then the curvaceous Rebekah's ass jerked in a spontaneous spasm as he 
reached between her thighs to place his fingers in the already 
obscenely lubricated slit of her cunt. When his fingers were thoroughly 
moistened with her cuntal juices, he began to spread the slickly 
flowing moisture up over the sensitive separating membrane onto the 
puckered little hole of her ass.

"I'm going to do something you'll like much better than that! I'm going 
to fuck you in the ass!" As he said those shocking words, Andy derived 
an intense satisfaction from the spontaneous shudder of fear that shook 
the voluptuous, dark-haired employer's body beneath him. He had been 
thinking about fucking her this way ever since the day when she had 
forced him to stick his finger into her asshole. Now he was a few 
months older and richer in experience and he had the courage to be 
dominating instead of allowing her to dominate him. He was not as big 
as Tommy, maybe, but you don't have to be big to dominate a woman, he 
had teamed. Now, after watching the three other boys simultaneously 
ravish her this morning, he knew he had to do something like that, 
something really far out, to maintain his hard-earned sexual supremacy 
... before he forgot he had it!

As Rebekah began to grasp the meaning of what Andy had told her, her 
emerald eyes opened wide, and she stared straight ahead in shock, 
meeting the equally surprised faces of the three other still naked 
boys. It was too wildly perverted to even think about. He wanted to 
drive her to even further depths of depravity, to avenge what she had 
done to him last time they were together, even more cruelly than she 
deserved. She didn't even know where a boy of Andy Wallace's age could 
have gotten such an obscene idea, but he had made it clear to her in 
terms all too blunt exactly what he wanted to do. It was sodomy, pure 
and simple. That's what it was!

For an extended moment, Rebekah's shock froze her to Complete 
immobility. Then an anguished cry escaped from her throat as she felt 
the pressure on her tight anal orfice increase and Andy's freckled 
finger burrowed suddenly into the tightly puckered little orifice. She 
lurched forward, her whole nakedly kneeling body trembling from the 
fiery stimulation as the searing penetration continued.

"Aaaggghhh! Uuuggghhh!" Rebekah groaned as Andy's middle finger 
burrowed up into her rectum despite all her attempts to clench her 
asscheeks and close the forbidden hole to his painful assault. The 
deadly serious youngster sank his finger to the first knuckle, then 
continued the hot piercing intrusion until it was embedded all the way 
up into her tightly-clenched rectum until there was nothing she could 
do to resist.

"Oh, Andy, please," Rebekah moaned. "Don't do that. Anything else, but 
please don't do such a thing!"

"You'll love it," Andy said above her. "Just like you loved everything 
else I've done to you." He was referring, of course, to his sucking her 

Gasping from the wanton invasion of her heretofore unviolated asshole, 
Rebekah Howell dropped her face down to the mattress in despair, tears 
of shame filling her eyes while Andy continued the searing probes of 
his finger into the hot spongy flesh up between her defenseless 
asscheeks. She heard the other boys' exclamations of excitement and 
surprise as distant, unreal sounds. It was all too insane! Not even 
they could believe Andy was really serious. But Rebekah knew there was 
no escape, and with resignation, prepared to submit to this final 

Finally, she almost screamed as she felt the youngster begin to draw 
his finger out of her resisting asshole, which now seemed to cling to 
the intruder in protest in spite of the sharp pain it had caused. The 
dark-haired beauty moaned even more desperately as Andy's finger was 
replaced by the throbbing head of his hard little prick,

Rebekah sobbed and grunted, her voluptuous body lurching forward as she 
felt the blood-filled cockhead suddenly pressing up against the tightly 
resisting little hole and then begin to worm relentlessly inward. The 
sharp white hot pain caused new tears to rush to her eyes and spill 
glistening droplets down her cheeks, and she shivered and trembled, 
lifting her head to stare pleadingly at the three boys who were now 
gathered close around the bed to watch. But she saw in their excited 
faces that she would get no help or even sympathy, from them.

"Come on, sport, kneel up," Andy ordered her.

"No," Rebekah answered, shaking her head from side to side as the 
thirteen year old redhead rammed even harder against her defenseless 
asscheeks, and his small shaft of blood-engorged cockflesh surged even 
further upward, deeper and deeper into her cringing asshole.

"Come on, kneel! Kneel! It won't hurt as bad that way, they say!" Andy 
told her without realizing that he had just implied this was a first 
experience for him. "It's just a question of physics," he continued 
importantly. He was not only the oldest boy there, but he had the most 
seniority in the club because he had fucked Miss Howell first, before 
them all. In spite of her pain, Rebekah almost laughed at his display 
of peacock feathers as she had always called his pride. She had told 
him once that she had considered his freckles as eyes in the tail of a 
peacock! But as Andy flexed his virile little prick far up inside of 
her, sending a new stab of pain to wrack her body, she whimpered softly 
and did his bidding, pulling her knees up beneath her heavily swaying 
titties and thrusting her naked asscheeks high in the air in almost the 
same position she had assumed when Tommy had fucked her in the 
humiliating dog fashion position. And with an even deeper groan, she 
took the shaft of Andy's lust-swollen prick all the way to the hilt 
between her helplessly skewered asscheeks. Hopelessly impaled now, she 
had taken the entire length of the freckle-faced boy's hard pulsing 
cock all the way to the most sensitive depths of her rectum, and she 
knew at least the worst pain was over.

Once again Andy flexed his prick deep inside her warmly resisting 
asshole, causing new shudders of erotic pleasure to ripple out over her 
trembling body. Rebekah dropped her face back down to rest on her 
hands. She had never felt so helpless in her life, but it wasn't as bad 
as she had expected. The pain was tempered by an even more vivid 
sensation of masochistic pleasure. Her loins were on fire from the lewd 
skewering up between her asscheeks, and she could feel the tight little 
sac that held Andy's cum-filled testicles slap teasingly against the 
sensitive slit of her wetly throbbing cunt.

"Christ, it's tight," Andy gasped, more surprised than he really cared 
to show although he couldn't help himself. "It feels so good. I'm not 
going to be able to hold it back very long."

"That's all right, Andy," Rebekah sobbed in encouragement.

Gradually the youngster began to fuck harder against her helplessly 
proffered asscheeks. She groaned, gritting her teeth, as the raw 
stimulation almost blanked her mind. But slowly her cries of agony and 
protest started to evolve, transforming finally into mewls of forbidden 
pleasure as Andy fucked deeper and deeper into the hot depths of her 
yielding asshole.

For a few moments longer Rebekah was in limbo, a part of her wanting 
Andy to achieve his climax quickly and cease his merciless assault, 
mother part of her beginning to cry out for more and more of the 
wonderfully depraved sensation. Compared to this crude anal impalement, 
everything else she had done before now seemed insignificant. A hidden 
masochistic need was responding against all her wishes to the pain and 
humiliation Andy was inflicting upon her. The sheer sensation was more 
than she could bear and though she feared she would forever lose all 
respect for herself as a result, her lewdly undulating body was 
beginning to respond in a way that could not be denied.

Rebekah Howell sobbed defeatedly then, as Andy moved his hand down the 
front of her curvaceous body between her thighs to tweak the ultra-
sensitive bud of her clitoris, and in a spontaneous response, she 
rocked her nakedly impaled asscheeks backwards, taking the slender 
shaft of Andy's virile young lewdly bloated cock even deeper into her 
rectum, beginning to fuck and jerk in earnest back against his hotly 
fucking prick. Her submissively kneeling body began to writhe in lewd 
abandon to the electric pain-pleasure stimulus of the obscene skewering 
of her asshole, responding, even encouraging this assault by the 
thirteen year old boy.

"Christ Almighty!" Tommy Speigle gasped. "Look at Miss Howell go! She 
loves it! She even loves asshole fucking! Christ, I wish I'd known!"

"Wow!" Jack Wood chimed in. "She'll do anything at all, won't she!"

Behind the curvaceous brunette's wildly bucking asscheeks, Andy Wallace 
grunted even more excitedly to Miss Howell's sudden unexpected 
response, increasing the depth of his own wracking thrusts until he was 
unleashing the full fury of his adolescent lust with a series of mighty 
strokes deep up into the tightness of her contracting asshole. 
Simultaneously, he shoved his finger far up into the frantically 
quivering depths of her devouringly hungry cunt and increased the 
friction of his thumb's rapid stroking over the throbbing bud of her 
clitoris. Already he could feel the cum begin to well within his balls, 
and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he lost all control. But he 
was determined to hold off as long as he possibly could. He was 
beginning to realize that Miss Howell might be able to attain am orgasm 
from even this perverted variation of sexual intercourse, and he know 
that would make his triumph complete.

Suddenly then, Rebekah gave out a series of desperate animal groans. 
The contrasting sensations in her two separately ravaged holes was 
finally becoming enmeshed. She could no longer distinguish between 
right and wrong, pain and pleasure, and her nakedly squirming body 
shuddered as ecstatic waves of all-consuming delight arched out again 
and again over her sensually writhing flesh.

"Ooooohhhh! Aauuugghh! Annnddyyy! Fuck harrddeer! I'm cuummiing!" she 
wailed. Behind her Andy groaned and began a series of violent fuckings 
as the first hot rush of sperm welled up from his balls and into the 
convulsing depths of the beautiful employer's lewdly violated rectum. 
At the same time, he intensified the rapid fingerfucking of her 
tortured cunt and the tormenting caresses with his finger over the 
quivering little reddened bud of her clitoris. And as he continued his 
jolting fucks, Rebekah mewled without restraint from the shattering 
waves of ecstasy that engulfed her. The sweet spewing semen Hooded her 
rectum, filling and lubricating the hole until at last it overflowed in 
thin white hot streams that ran down her inner thighs. And as she 
bucked and hunched beneath Andy's last wracking lunges, there was 
nothing left but the wildly consuming passion of release ... 

Three of the little boys were long accustomed to the things that 
Rebekah Howell liked, and automatically, all of their minds turned in 
the same direction as hers did after awhile. Just as she began to yearn 
for further attention, Tommy Speigle jumped up on the bed and stood for 
awhile between her legs, his toes up over her pelvis, pushing and 
nudging at the curly-haired flesh. Jack Wood, feeling more game now and 
less afraid of doing things in front of his friends, moved around the 
foot of the bed to climb onto the mattress on the other side. 
Meanwhile, Tommy jumped from the beautiful dark pussy and lay on his 
back beside her though upside down so that his toes could push against 
the malleable big mounds of her tits.

"Oooohhhhh," Rebekah moaned with each new thing he did.

Jack's idea was something else, and he almost had to lie on top of 
Tommy to do it now. But he pulled close to his friend and swung his 
foot over in front of Miss Howell's face. He was on his stomach and 
couldn't see, but he knew that she would guide his foot to her mouth. 
He wouldn't admit it out loud for the world, but he had become very 
fond of having her sucking his toes in the time they had lain together, 
before Tommy's turn. He felt her soft hand grab his foot finally, and 
he let her guide it until he felt the parting of her buttery lips 
against the tip of his big toe and then began to feel her fine teeth as 
they moved over his flesh, especially his knuckles. Her tongue moistly 
tickled the hollow between the ball of her toot and the rounded pads of 
the toes themselves. A spark of sensation soared up his spinal column 
and began to bring his flaccid soft prick to life again.

Andy had eventually taken over the part he did and liked the best, 
sucking on the toes of one of her well-manicured feet. Jim Craft stood 
watching them all with curious surprise.

"Come on, Jim," Andy finally lifted his mouth to say. "Come on and grab 
a foot, man. She gave us a good time. Now we have to give her a good 
time, too!" He put it that way because he knew he could never convince 
Jim that once he tried it he would like it. If he wouldn't do it to be 
unselfish, then he wouldn't do it at all, probably. Jim liked a 
challenge and was always willing to do the manly thing just to prove he 
could but the bunch of them all sucking off or fiddling with their toes 
might not appear to be manly, so Andy's reasoning went. Still, they 
were all doing it. Maybe Jim would like to get in on the act.

Jim didn't know where his head was. This sure was the queerest thing he 
had ever gotten into in his life. What good was sucking on toes, he 
wondered. Tommy had told him that Miss Howell would want sex 
eventually, a desire that he had been able to rush, fortunately, but 
his friends had said nothing about the toes things, anymore than they 
had mentioned the woman's strange taste in nicknacks ... shoes! Now, 
for the first time, he noticed that there was a pair of suede shoes on 
the top of the lamp shade across the room. In fact, they blended in so 
well with the shade that he noticed because he had looked around 
expecting to see something like that.

At first he ignored Andy's invitation and his muscular frecklefaced 
friend went back to wetly sucking on Miss Howell's big toe just as 
though it was a ... was a prick! It was just then that Jack, with his 
far fewer freckles turned his sandy head toward him and smiled in a 
curiously satisfied way. Jack's toes were in Miss Howell's mouth, and 
Jack looked as satisfied as Miss Howell did. It was odd how they all 
seemed to enjoy what they were doing. He stared in disbelief at the 
grin on Tommy's upturned face as his feet slapped their voluptuous 
employer-lover's big titties around in a rhythmical pattern that 
suggested a kind of queer fucking. Her tits were beginning to pinken on 
the undersides.

Now, suddenly, Jim Craft discovered that his eyes kept wanting to 
return to the unused foot at the bottom of the bed, beside the foot 
that Andy was slurpily enjoying. His eyes were even closed! Jim looked 
again at the dry foot all by itself and then glanced around at all the 
ecstatic faces on the bed. He was beginning to feel pretty dumb, pretty 
left out. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try the toes and see for himself 
whether there was anything to like about the weird activity or not. And 
so finally he plucked up his courage and bent over the waiting foot.

With trepidation he touched it to hold it with his hand and heard the 
groans that he knew his attention to her foot were causing in Miss 
Howell's throat. The moans were stifled somewhat by the presence of 
Jack Wood's foot in her mouth and her lewdly sucking ministrations to 
it. Nevertheless, he heard them and was intrigued by them. Hesitantly 
he opened his mouth and nibbled lightly on her little toe until finally 
he got bolder and his tongue began to lap around it like a swirling 
cape. That wasn't so bad! It was kind of fun! He moved on to the next 
toe and worked on that until he had done to it everything he could 
think of And so it went for Jim until he reached the largest toe of 
all. And suddenly he kept thinking the strangest thing. It was as 
though he had his own cock in his mouth! And sure enough, his own cock 
began to respond to this strange activity.

Nor was his cock the only one that did. He looked around as best he 
could from his position. Jack Wood, on his stomach, was moving his hips 
and ass in a rotating motion that suggested his cock was well lust-
bloated and that he might well cum right there, just as though he were 
having a wet dream or something at home in bed. Tommy Speigle, flapping 
Miss Howell's tits in time to some inner tune in his head, was 
fingering his own blood-swollen cock "1 the same rhythm. Andy's hand 
was down beside him, off the bed, where Jim couldn't see. but the 
neophyte could tell by the movements of Andy's arm that he was jerking 
himself off like everyone else. Now, too, Jack's fingers of the hand he 
had been lying on reached over to span Tommy's chest and insert 
themselves into the dark-haired pussy slit between Rebekah's legs.

So that was the way to do it, Jim decided, and he placed his own hand 
on his fast awakening cock, which now hardened more speedily than 
before. The harder his cock became, the harder he sucked on the 
beautiful woman's toes, nibbling, scratching at the flesh over the 
bone. sucking each digit in turn into the cradle of his wet tongue. Oh, 
Cod, he thought. Oh, God. He would never use a playgirl picture again 
at home, he thought. Instead, he would imagine having Miss Howell's 
toes in his mouth while he jerked off! Wouldn't that be a kick?

Tommy Speigle, his toes into Rebekah's tits, was growing tense. Rebekah 
could feel the new strength in his digging toes as though now some 
mysterious new force was driving him instead of his own will. She knew 
he was rising to his climax, that he would be the first to cum. And he 

"Aauuugghh, M ... Miss ... H ... How .. I ... I'm cuuuuu ... 
Aauuugghh!" After a few minutes and Tommy was able to rescue some of 
his breath, all he could say was, "Wow!"

Jack and Andy made it just about together. Jim thought Andy was going 
to swallow her toes whole when it happened because he didn't take his 
mouth off at all, but seemed to go down on her foot until it seemed as 
though her big toe must surely be into his throat. Jim could not help 
but notice over what he himself was doing that when Rebekah sensed 
Jack's orgasm on its way, she intensified her own suckings just as 
though he was going to cum through his toes in some way, into her 

But Rebekah Howell herself remained unsatisfied. For one thing, Jack 
had forgotten all about keeping up his massage of her clitoris, 
collapsed as he was by his own excitement. Jim was too diverted by all 
that was going on to even approach an orgasm.

"Come here, darling," she whispered after taking her lips from the 
satisfied Jack's foot.

Jim didn't know she was speaking to him so kept on with the half-
hearted sucking of her toes. She sat up then and reach for him. "Oh, 
I'm sorry," he apologized, climbing toward her as she wished.

He lay on her and when Rebekah felt his solid length of male flesh 
prodding against her pubic mound, she squirmed until its young blood-
turgid head was nuzzled against the soft, moistly swollen lips of her 
pussy. She kissed him fervently, her tongue greedily exploring his 
sweet-tasting young mouth while her hands caressed his back and 
asscheeks. Oh yes, this was why she had hired him. All the clean, clear 
angel quality of him seemed to enter her with his kiss. Then, as the 
tension began to build to almost unbearable heights deep within her 
belly, she began to move her hips back and forth against him, feeling 
the magnificent pressure of his rigid stalk of flesh rubbing against 
the flushed, tingling lips of her pussy.

"I'm going to make you so happy, little lover," she murmured into his 
ear as she pressed her loins tightly against him. "You must find me an 
old pair of your shoes, dear one. Can you do that?"

He was surprised because what she was saying seemed to be so involved 
with her passion. "I ... I'll try," he whispered his promise.

"I'll shine them myself and keep them by my bed always," she promised.

As Rebekah combed her fingers through his shock of blond hair, Jim 
thought he was beginning to understand about the shoes. Then he felt 
her beginning to inch higher on the bed, wriggling her body against his 
nakedness until her swollen, rose-nippled tits pressed against his 
smooth cheeks. Then, taking his chin in her hand, she turned his head 
toward one of the tightly pointed crests of flesh and whispered, "Take 
it in your mouth," she said. "Suck my titty and pretend it's my toe, 

The youngster hesitated for a moment out of confusion and then his soft 
lips parted around the turgid pointed nipple. The curvaceous brunette 
quivered in unrestrained passion as his mouth brushed warmly over it 
and then his lips clasped eagerly around the sensitive, throbbing bud.

She whimpered and moaned passionately as he sucked and nibbled at her 
turgid nipple with growing assurance. His hands clutched at her tits, 
squeezing and massaging the yielding, ivory-white flesh while she 
quivered in mounting lust. Her hand slipped down over his flat belly to 
fondle his fucking blood-engorged cock and firm young testicles while 
his hot breath fanned out over her tits.

"Oooohhhhh, that's soooooo goooooood," Rebekah crooned down into his 
hair as his boyish lips tightened and relaxed in their babyish sucking 
motion. She clutched the rock-hard swollen shaft of his prick and began 
stroking it as his tongue flicked over her burning nipple again and 
again. The shapely brunette employer barely noticed the other boys in 
the room now as they stood around watching in silence.

Rebekah seemed to maneuver to a tune of her own. Jim didn't feel at all 
as though it were anything they were doing together. It felt as though 
he were constantly running to keep up with someone who was walking 
ahead of him and slightly faster. And at first he resented it, but then 
he felt the challenge of it. She was demanding more of him than he had, 
he thought. Well, he'd give it. That was all! He would learn!

"Look," she suddenly whispered down at him. Raising up to her knees 
beside him, she slowly spread her thighs apart, forcing her knees 
outward until the silken triangle of her burnished black pubic hair 
with its softly pouting pussy lips framing the deep pink slit was 
completely revealed to his gaping eyes. "Touch it! Touch it with your 
fingers, your toes! Anything! But touch it!"

Jim Craft stared at the erotic sight of her wantonly displayed sex in 
breathless fascination, his trembling young hand inching upward between 
her thighs. Somehow it was far more intense, strangely so, this time. 
He heard her breath catch as she felt his fingertips brushing over her 
silken pubic hair. He tentatively pressed one finger against the 
softness of her flushed cuntal lips, and it was funny because he felt 
just as though he were pressing his toes there instead of his fingers. 
Finally, he cupped his warm hand around her entire pubic mound, smiling 
up at her almost shyly as he felt the sensation of it in the instep of 
his own foot! In fact, the warmth of it seemed a pressure against his 
entire body now.

"G ... Gosh!" he couldn't help exclaiming in wondering delight. He 
squeezed tentatively at the heated, fleshy lips of her hungering cunt, 
feeling the passionate moisture suddenly dampening his palm.

She bent over and hungrily found his lips with her mouth, kissing him 
with all the savage intensity of her own ballooning lust. Then, lifting 
one of her beautiful white-fleshed legs over his body, she straddled 
his slender hips and positioned her moistly waiting pussy directly over 
the rigidly upthrust shaft of his blood-swollen prick.

The slim-bodied youth lying sprawled beneath her widely spread thighs 
raised his blond head a little to get a better view of the unbelievable 
picture she made. Her knees and calves were planted on the mattress on 
either side of his body, and the glistening rosy inner flesh of her 
cunt hovered inches above the pulsing tip of his aching cock. Her full 
heavy tits heaved, rising and falling with the torturous rhythm of her 
impassioned breathing while she slowly smoothed her hands down over her 
flaring hips and into the widely spread arch of her thighs. As he 
watched agape, she pressed her hands inward to touch the hair fringed 
sides of her swollen cuntal lips and slowly pull them apart to better 
reveal the moist coral flesh inside.

"Look at it, lover," she hissed lasciviously down at the wide-eyed 
youth. "My pussy is all hot and wet, just waiting to feel your 
beautiful blood-filled cock filling it up."

The blond angelic-faced youngster quivered beneath her, barely able to 
hold his excitement in check until she made her next command. For this 
time, he was definitely a follower. It would not always be that way, he 
was determined.

Meanwhile, Rebekah was thinking how much stronger she felt than any 
time before in her life. Never had she been loved by more than one 
little boy at a time. She had certainly been missing something! She 
felt on top of the world. No president of any company or country ever 
felt stronger or more powerful, she was sure. And now with the young 
boy still ministering to her needs, she could not remember any moment 
so exhilarating in her life. She was wildly excited and her entire 
being was dedicated to destroying the innocence of all sweet, tender 
boys who would ever lay beneath her. It was a new credo with her! 
Thrillingly aware of Jim's now desperate arousal, she held the fleshly 
folds of her pussy open to his round gaping eyes.

Below her, the youngster drank in the stimulating vision, lifting his 
head still higher to view the smooth pink inner flesh with all the 
folds and whorls of female intricacies. Then, abruptly, the vision as 
more than he could bear, and Rebekah saw him suddenly reach down to 
grasp his lewdly swollen rampant cock, trying desperately to stuff it 
into the narrow lust-drenched hole between her thighs.

Then Rebekah, slipping one hand down to his loins, tenderly unwound his 
clutching fingers from around his bloated cock and then took it into 
her own grasp. More challenge, he thought, but before he could try to 
get it away, she had moved it until it was aimed directly at her 
throbbing pussy overhead. Lowering her asscheeks back down over his 
body, she pressed the l(mg, slender hardness against the full length of 
her moist, palpitating slit, wrapping her heated cuntal lips tightly 
around its swollen length. The boy trembled and moaned as she held it 
there and began to rock her hips back and forth in a slow teasing 
tucking motion.

"Oh, wow!" Jim ( raft burbled feebly as electric sensations surged 
through the prick she held so tightly in the fleshy warmth of her pussy 
lips. His excitement overcoming his awe of the knowledgeable woman, he 
thrust his hips uncontrollably upward, trying to meet each descending 
movement of her pelvis while she held his cock firmly in the thrilling 
grip of her fingers and the outer flanges of her blazing cunt.

Rebekah Howell herself could barely comprehend what had happened to her 
today. Something had released a deluge of depraved sensuality that had 
been buried deep down inside her all her life. But whatever it was, she 
was glad it had happened. There would certainly have to be more parties 
like this! It was all crazy and maybe she would have second thoughts, 
but for now, she was delighting in every aspect of this forbidden 
debauchery. The other boys were all staring. They looked as though they 
were at a ball game, ready to cheer for the first home run! She was 
more violently aroused than she had ever been before.

"You like to fuck, don't you, darling?" she gently taunted her little 
blond angel above as the rubbery head of his hardened cock throbbed 
wildly against the erect bud of her clitoris.

"I ... I would!" he cried, impatient.

The little blond was barely conscious of anything now but his 
anticipation and the tingling sensations shooting up through his 
tightly held prick. And right before his eyes, the sight of her big 
white tits swaying as she worked her pussy around his throbbing member 
was almost more than he could bear to watch. She lifted her ass 
suddenly, loosening her grip on his bloated shaft, and he almost begged 
her to continue before he realized that she was about to do something 

Supporting his upper body on his elbows, the youngster watched in 
excited awe as she lifted her asscheeks higher, pointing the flaring 
head of his lust swollen prick at the narrow, moist opening of her 
cunt. Then, as he stared, she slowly lowered her pelvis and the smooth, 
gleaming white shaft slipped up inside her cunt. His blue eyes grew 
round with excitement as the whole of his rigidly swollen prick was 
swallowed up into the pink moist channel.

"We're fucking at last!" he gasped as she began to work her hips wildly 
up and down on his stone-hard almost adolescent prick. He made a vague 
mental note that she would not get away with that kind of delay again!

Rebekah was trembling from head to toe as the slender boyish prick 
bored into her hotly throbbing cunt. Below her, she could feel him 
beginning to flick his hips upward, trying to thrust further and 
further into her, and she undulated her ass in frantic little circles, 
feeling the rigid pole plunging into her steaming dilated pussy. She 
leaned forward, eagerly rubbing her throbbing erect nipples against his 
smooth hairless chest as she found his lips and kissed him with untamed 
lust. The straining springs of the big bed squeaked protestingly in 
time to the movements of the two tightly intertwined bodies struggling 
passionately on the bed.

"Oh, yesssssss! Oooohhhhh, yeeesssss," Rebekah chanted mindlessly into 
the boy's mouth as she humped wildly downward with her hips. She could 
feel her climax approaching with the force of a tidal wave about to 
engulf her nakedly exposed body and the rosy hue of her face brightened 
and deepened as she twisted and squirmed with the efforts of her 
mounting passion. She waved her creamy white asscheeks up into the air, 
spiraling her steaming cunt up and down his slim burrowing shaft, and 
her hands dug down into the mattress, grasping his slender ass to pull 
him as deep as humanly possible into the eagerly working wetness of her 

In the lost daze of her lust. Rebekah's mind strayed for a moment. How 
was she ever going to put a stop to this marvelous orgy-mindedness with 
little boys that she was fast acquiring. At first, she thought it would 
be a simple matter to shut off the boys when the time came, get herself 
an adult male, and be content with the traditional marriage, husband, 
and family bit. But now she had gone from a single child to a group, 
and she strongly suspected that the group was going to be even harder 
to give up! The wonderful debauchery of this day had ripped the very 
soul from her being, destroyed all her plans and now she didn't care 
about anything but this glorious prick, that of one of her beloved 
twelve year old boys, that was turning her into a wild female animal 
with every dazzling stroke!

"Fuck me!" she moaned happily. "Fuck me, my little lover!"

Rebekah hoped that they might cum together in a vague sort of way but 
her own feeling soon drove from her mind anything but the necessity for 
her own satisfaction. Suddenly, she quivered over the blond boy's 
loins. Her throaty moan broke into the stillness of the bedroom.

"Oh ... oh, my God, now! Oh, yeeesssss, sweetheart, I'm cummmiing!"

All of the little boys around the bed held their breath as the 
beautiful nakedly exposed young woman's gasping groan rose to a whine 
of sheer ecstasy as her body stiffened and began to vibrate 
uncontrollably. Moistness oozed from her wildly clenching cunt, 
drowning the boy's impaling member in its sticky warmth.

The fair-haired youngster stopped his fucking motions for a moment, 
obviously bewildered by the older woman's strange orgasmic convulsions, 
which seemed more total than he had ever seen. Every nerve under her 
skin was twitching and even he could sense that her explosion started 
as something hard and knotted deep within her belly and for some crazy 
reason, it made him think of the Greek hero, Hercules, and of how he 
opened the stable door and let a whole river rush through the stables 
to clean them. God, he thought importantly. He bet she had never in her 
life had an orgasm like the one he just gave her! The sensation of 
power that filled his body was ... Herculean!!!

Then as Rebekah Howell gasped out the last of her climax against his 
prostrate body, he began to thrust his hips upward again, fucking his 
straining young prick like a lewd plunger into her moist warm 
passageway in lustful desperation. As he felt the long-held, white hot 
sperm begin to boil up in his heated young testicles, the excited 
youngster quickened his strokes to a wild tattoo against her body, 
fucking like a well oiled piston, his tingling bloated cock as far as 
possible into the thrilling hidden depths of her pussy. But then, just 
as it felt as though his sperm had to explode within her, Rebekah 
suddenly struggled free of his arms and lifted her pussy away from his 
wildly expanding prick.

To the hoots and chortles of his friends, Jim protested urgently, "Oh, 
wait! Come back! Don't stop! Pleeaasse!"

"Don't you worry, darling," the beautiful dark-haired woman smiled down 
at him as she shifted her position on the bed. "You gave me such a 
wonderful orgasm I want to try to do the same for you," she said.

Before he could understand what she meant, Rebekah had moved down to 
the other end of the bed, spreading his long, slender legs so that she 
could crawl between them. Without looking at him, she grasped his wetly 
glistening prick in one hand and began to stroke it while she lowered 
her head to within an inch of the straining bulbous head. When her pink 
tongue-tip flicked out to lick tauntingly at the slitted hole in the 
glans, the youngster trembled and a nervous whine squeaked out of him. 
Then his back arched as she brought her roundly opened mouth down over 
it, enclosing the pulsing tip in hot moist pressure.

Jim Craft choked on his next groan as her lips tightened below the head 
of his lust-stiffened cock, and she began to suck up and down the 
stiffened length as though it were a stick of delicious peppermint 
candy. Barely considering what he was doing, the young twelve year old 
instinctively began to fuck his hips eagerly upward, shoving the long, 
slender pole of vein-corded flesh deeper and deeper into the warmth of 
her hungering mouth. When he felt the swollen tip bump roughly against 
the back of her throat, he anxiously watched her face, but to his 
amazement, she seemed only to suck harder, her tongue working 
tantalizingly over his hardness as her soft lips clasped tightly around 

Rebekah Howell's curvaceous body felt like it was about to explode into 
a ball of fire from the utter excitement of the forbidden seduction. 
She had certainly discovered a perverse world of passion that she never 
imagined could exist, she thought to herself with strange deep 
satisfaction. The delicious taste and hardness of this inexperienced 
youngster's blood-swollen prick fucking like a piston in and out of her 
eagerly sucking mouth was already driving her up to another brain-
wheeling orgasm, and her entire body yearned toward that thrilling 
moment when he would shoot his fresh-tasting young sperm into her 
throat. God, she was lost in rapture, and her thoughts drifted 
pleasantly to the hours in the future that she would spend in the arms 
of her young blond lover as well as the arms of all her former lovers. 
There were some who were not a part of this club. They were probably 
unknown to the members. She would have to give the boys a list of 

The boys all still stood around watching with lust-filled eyes, their 
fingers encircling their own lust-filling cocks as they watched 
Rebekah's wet mouth clasping greedily around their young friend's slim 
white rigidity. Knowing that her fears of approaching and involving Jim 
too soon were now over, Rebekah was succumbing to her passions, white 
bubbles of saliva dribbling from the corners of her cock-filled mouth.

Jim Craft, too, felt like he had lost all control of his young body. 
His pelvic muscles seemed to be tensing of their own accord, thrusting 
his loins up into the lovely woman's face. Still, she sucked at him 
steadily, holding his cock with two fingers at its root, working her 
mouth up and down rhythmically while her tongue curled around the 
throbbing tip each time her head lifted away from his loins. Suddenly, 
she grasped his hips with both hands, jerking them feverishly up toward 
her face as she plunged her mouth down over his throbbing hardness. He 
could see his pulsating blood-engorged prick completely disappearing 
into the constricting tightness of her throat.

He gaped at her tits, rippling and dancing beneath her pumping body. 
The sight seemed to free the heat growing in his loins, and his vision 
began to blur as he watched Rebekah's pretty face filled with his cock, 
her moist lips stretched taut around its thickness. With each upward 
lunge of his hips her cheeks bloated, then hollowed as he pulled his 
steaming inflated cock nearly out of her mouth. He thrust his pelvis up 
into her face, his back lifting off the bed as his blood-swollen cock 
began to pulsate and swell even more in the sucking warmth of her lips.

"Oh! Oh, man, suck it!" he gasped brokenly, barely able to get the 
words out of his cotton-dry mouth. His hips writhed wildly up against 
her mouth as he tangled his fingers in her tousled dark hair, pressing 
her beautiful face down hard against his loins while the sweet searing 
eruption of his climax began.

His slender hard cock jerked heavily in Rebekah's ravenously sucking 
lips and suddenly her mouth was flooded with the warm sweet-tasting 
sperm that gashed into her cheeks. Across the room, here and there, 
leaning against the wall, the bed, sitting in a chair, were the other 
boys frenziedly working their own hard cocks, moaning as one by one a 
climax overcame each one of them, but Rebekah barely heard the sounds 
or saw what was happening. The voluptuous woman was too involved in the 
young boy beneath her. She groaned and swallowed eagerly, gasping 
around his lurching youthful organ while her own second, unbelievable 
orgasm exploded in her body.

Rebekah Howell sighed with contentment, stretching her naked body 
languidly, then rolled on her side to snuggle closely to the nakedly 
exposed young blond boy who now napped beside her on the bed. Of the 
whole group, she decided, Jim was still her favorite. Maybe it was 
because she hadn't had him very much yet, but still, he was proving to 
be an adept lover for one who had so little experience. Still, she 
would really like them all to come once in awhile. And the more she 
thought about it, the more possessive she became. Yes, she felt 
demanding about it! The powerful force of her happy body was growing 
more insistent.

"Well, boys," she suddenly spoke up. "I guess we know where the future 
club meetings are going to be held, don't we!"

"It'll be all right with you'?" Jack asked excitedly.

"It doesn't look to me as though you are going to give me any choice, 
are you?" she asked the awe-struck little boy.

Tommy Speigle seemed to be in conference with Andy Wallace.

"Tell you what, Miss Howell," Andy spoke up then. "You give us each a 
pair of shoes of our choice, and we'll come."

"You mean all I have to do is withhold the shoes and you'll stay away?"

"Hey, Jim," Tommy called. "We're going to need your vote. Wake up!" he 
shouted loud enough to reach through the thin haze of Jim Craft's mild 
sleep to arouse him.

"What?" the boy asked.

"We're all going to get a pair of Miss Howell's shoes and come back for 
more next week ... more, you know what!" Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Now just a minute, boys," Rebekah broke in. "Now what do you want my 
shoes for?" She thought to herself that the shoes would be going too 
far. It was too dangerous. If every little boy in town was suddenly 
caught with a pair of woman's shoes, all the same size, Miss Howell's 
size ... what would happen?

"l know!" Jim chimed like an excited bell. "I vote for the shoes!"

Andy burst out laughing. "You were asleep, dumbkopf, and don't even 
know what was going on. We all vote for the shoes, but if Miss Howell 
doesn't want to give them, then we all have to stay away. You see?" The 
grin of Andy's face was infectious and evil.

Jim caught on. He turned innocently to Rebekah Howell. He wanted those 
shoes, too. They would be much better than a playgirl made of cold 
paper from a magazine.

"Don't you want us to come back?" he asked the curvaceous brunette.

She hesitated, her fear suddenly rising to feel like a ball of cotton 
in her throat. What could she do? And who would ever know whose shoes 
all the boys in town had?

"What color?" she asked resignedly, and the whole troop of them made a 
dive for her closet.

The End