Gamblin' Man
Barbara Faith

After years of big-city life in places like Miami and San Diego,
Barbara Faith now resides in a small Spanish colonial town in Central
Mexico.  Married to a Mexican matador who continues to be the
inspiration for every book she writes, Barbara is happily content with
life in Mexico.


Barbara Faith


To supportive writing friends in my new home of San Miguel de

Berle Buchanan, Marne Martin, Celia Wakefield, Charlie Magee, Marty
Fraser, and last, but never least, Sharon Steeber Orozco


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Chapter One

Denver, Colorado, 1895

It had never been this cold back in Ohio.  And surely there'd never
been this much snow.  Powdery white, it drifted down in big fat flakes
that covered everything in sight.  Earlier in the day, clouds had
almost hidden the mountains, and except for jagged snowcapped peaks,
there had been little to see from the train window except for a vast
wilderness of pines and endless stretches of snow.

A little after nine the train chugged into the Denver station and a
kindly porter helped Carrie out with her luggage.

"The train for Cripple Creek will be along in a little while, ma'am,"
he said.  Touching his fingers to his cap, he swung aboard, and Carrie
stood there, watching the train disappear into the night, feeling more
alone than she'd ever felt in her life.

With a shiver she pulled her gray serge cloak closer, picked up the
portmanteau, her smaller carpetbag and hat-box, and headed for the
dimly lit station.

A swish of wind propelled her inside when she opened the door.  She
hesitated there, confused by the startled stares of a dozen or so men.
An elderly black man looked around.  "Be right with you, ma'am," he
said.  Then he added a few pieces of wood to the potbellied stove in
the middle of the room, slammed the door closed and hurried toward

"Let me take these for you," he said and, picking up her bags, motioned
her to one of the straight-backed benches.

"Th-thank you."  Carrie sat down.  Keeping her eyes lowered, she tried
to brush the snow off the cloak and the bottom of her skirt.  Painfully
aware of the men watching her, it was all she could do not to retreat
outside.  If it hadn't been for the wind, she would have.

Most of the men were rough looking and unshaven.  Chins sunk low in the
turned-up collars of their mackinaws, they silently appraised her.  Two
of them were chewing tobacco, and every now and then one of them would
get up, open the door of the stove, and spit a splat of tobacco juice
into the smoldering flames.

"Mighty cold evening."

Carrie looked up, and the word dapper came to mind as she took in the
bowler hat, spats and pointy-toed shoes of the man standing in front of

"You on your way to Cripple Creek?"

She frowned, not at all sure she wanted to speak to this stranger.

"That's where I'm headed," he went on, "The way it's snowing though,
we'll be lucky if we get there by morning."  He took off the hat. "Mind
if I sit down?"  he asked, and then did, without waiting for' her
response.  "Name's Nathan La Rue Anything at all I can do for you, all
you got to do is ask."

"How soon will the train be in?"

"Hard to say.  Winter storm like this, no telling how long it'll take
going through the mountains."  The man carefully surveyed Carrie's gray
feathered hat, the cloak and the high-bUttoned shoes.  "You got a place
to stay in Cripple Creek?"

"I'm not sure.  I..."  Carrie hesitated.  Her father, the Reverend
Horacio McClennon, had warned her from the time she was a child about
speaking to strangers, yet it seemed unfriendly to ignore this man when
he was trying to be helpful.  On the other hand, she didn't want to
give him the wrong idea.  "Yes," she said firmly.  "I have a place to
stay."  And hoped that it was true.

Two months had passed since she'd had the letter from her sister,
postmarked Cripple Creek.  Carrie had written back, addressing the
envelope to "Rosalinda McClennon, Cripple Creek, Colorado," but there
hadn't been an answer.  Which could have been, Carrie knew, because of
the uncertain mail service or simply because she hadn't had a
sufficient address for her sister.

Rosalinda had given up her acting career, she'd said in the letter.
Though things had not been going too well for a while, they were better
now.  Her sister had made good friends ... she hoped to find a job soon
and she had a darling little girl, Sarah, named after their mother.
"She'll be three next month, Carrie, and she looks just like you,"
Rosalinda had written.

A child?  Rosalinda had a child?  Carrie had smiled, then her smile had
faded because Rosalinda had not mentioned anything about a husband. Had
he died?  Had they separated, or ... or what?

Her brows wrinkled in a frown, Carrie had read on.

Rosalinda spoke in glowing terms of Cripple Creek.  It was a boom town
she'd said, a prosperous gold mining

 n town of endless possibilities.  A wonderful place to start anew.

She had ended the letter by saying that she hoped their mother and
father were well, and that they had forgiven her for running away.

But both their parents were dead.  Their father had drowned in a storm
on the way to a tent meeting three years before.  Their mother, after a
lingering illness, had died a year ago.  Carrie was alone; there had
been nothing to keep her in Ohio.  And though Josiah Wilkinson, the
preacher who had taken over as minister of the church when her father
died, warned her of the dangers that lay in wait for a young lady
traveling alone, Carrie had refused to be dissuaded.

"You will not survive the ways of the Wild West," he'd said.  "Sin is
rampant there, temptation awaits the Unwary.  Saloons on every street,
drunken men, loose women.  It's no place for a decently raised
Christian girl.  "Stay here," he'd said.  "I have need of a wife."

Even now the thought of Josiah Wilkinson's slicked-down thinning hair,
pallid complexion and too-moist mouth made Carrie shudder.

In spite of what he had said, or perhaps because of it, Carrie had sold
the small house where she had grown up, paid off the bills that had
accrued in the last months of her mother's illness, and with what was
left, set out for Colorado.

Nathan La Rue kept up a steady stream of talk, mostly about himself.
There was a coarseness about him that Carrie didn't like, and she was
sorry that she had let him sit next to her.  Once on the train, she
decided, she would choose a seat by herself, and would explain to him
that she preferred to be alone--using the excuse that she was tired.

Bored by all his talk but not wanting to be rude, Carrie glanced about
the room.

That was when she saw him watching her.

Tall and well dressed, with a fur-lined greatcoat over his dark suit,
he met her gaze, then looked from her to Nathan La Rue with narrowed
eyes.  He took a cheroot out of a pocket of his brocade vest, bit the
end off and lit it.  As the smoke drifted about his face, Carrie could
discern the hard angles and planes, the no-nonsense nose, the square,
thrusting jaw.  There was something about him, something in the dark
eyes closely scrutinizing the man sitting next to her, that sent a
shiver through Carrie.  But Nathan La Rue absorbed in telling Carrie
all about himself, seemed unaware of the man watching him.

Almost an hour passed before the train chugged into the station and the
black man called out, "Train for Cripple Creek."

Men shuffled to their feet and gathered their gear together.  La Rue
picked up her portmanteau and led the way out of the station.  As a
gust of wind and whirling snow hit them, he put an arm around Carrie's
waist.  She stepped away.

The other men were behind them when La Rue lifted her portmanteau up
into the train, along with the two small bags.  "Allow me, ma'am," he
said, and once again his arm encircled her waist.

"Please," she started to say as she placed her foot on the step, but
before she could move away from him up into the train, he cried out,
"What the hell?"  When she turned, she saw that the man who had been
watching La Rue had grabbed his shoulder, yanked him away from her, and
sent him skidding and sliding across the snow-covered platform onto his

Arms flailing in the air, La Rue obscenities were all

but drowned out by the cheers of the men who had followed them from
the waiting room.

Before Carrie could react, the conductor shouted, '"Board!"  and she
was picked up and lifted into the train.

"Wait!"  she gasped.  "That poor man ... what do you think you're

Mad as a peahen, she tore herself free and delivered a blow square on
the shoulder of the man who was holding her.

He grinned, and, lifting her off her feet, headed into the coach and
along the aisle to a maroon upholstered seat, where he unceremoniously
plunked her down.

Carrie leaped up, but just as she did, the train, with a huff and a
jerk, started forward, throwing her off balance and once'again into his
arms.  He steadied her, his hands on her shoulders.  Ready to fight,
she looked up at him.  And stopped.  He was tail, well over six feet,
and broad of shoulder.  His black hair was damp from the snow.  Heavy
black eyebrows jutted over his dark green eyes.  Black Irish, she
decided, and dangerous.

He sat her down again and took the seat facing her as the train began
its slow chug out of the station.  Furious, Carrie turned away toward
the window, just in time to see Nathan La Rue his face contorted with
anger, running alongside, frantically trying to catch up with them.

Turning on the man opposite her, Carrie said, "How could you?  Heaven
only knows when another train will be along.  That poor man!"

Matt Craddock looked Carrie straight in the eye.  "The poor man is a
pimp," he said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"A pimp.  A panderer, He recruits girls for some of Cripple Creek's
cheaper parlor houses."

"Parlor houses?"

Matt raised one eyebrow.  Either the young woman was putting on an act
or she was the greenest greenhorn he'd met in a long time.

"A whorehouse of ill repute," he said.  "Where men go to pay for the
enjoyment of a young lady's companionship."

"Her companionship?  I don't understand.  What...?"  Color flooded
Carrie's face.  "Oh!  Oh, you mean ... and that man wanted me to...? He
thought that I--"

"He'd have gained your confidence, maybe said he'd help you find a
place to stay once you got to Cripple Creek.  He'd have taken you to
one of our seedier hotels, would probably have drugged you by slipping
something into your coffee, and you'd have come to in one of the houses
he works for."

Carrie looked unbelievingly at the man sitting across from her.  This
had all seemed like a fine adventure when she'd set out, for though she
had never been away from home before, she'd felt no trepidation about
making the trip.  In spite of what Josiah Wilkinson had said, she
hadn't been afraid because, she'd known that when she reached her final
destination, she would be reunited with her sister.  "You have very
little money," Josiah had said.

"I have enough to keep me until I find a teaching job," she had
answered, confident that with her teaching credentials from Ohio
Northern University in Ada, and a letter from the principal of the
Norwalk High School where she had taught for the past five years, she
would have no trouble finding a position.

It had all seemed so simple in the early planning stages, but now, for
the first time since she had left Ohio, Carrie felt a tremor of fear.
She had known from Rosalinda's letter, and what little information she
could find at the library, and in the local Norwalk newspaper, that

towns had sprung up all over Colorado.  Cripple Creek and the
neighboring Victor had turned into actual boom towns There were hotels,
grocery stores, churches, even an opera house.  She had pictured it as
a prosperous, cozy little town, a place to begin anew, as Rosalinda had
said in her letter.

But now this man was telling her that there were actually houses of ill
repute in Cripple Creek.

"I suppose there are saloons and gambling halls as well," she said with
tightened lips.

"Enough to keep most men happy for a long, long time," Matt answered
with a grin.

He was curious about her.  He'd started up out of his own seat to help
her with her bags when she'd first come into the station, but Albert
had taken care of her, and then La Rue had made his move.  He'd
watched, waiting for her reaction.

She gave the appearance of being as prim and proper as a Sunday school
teacher, but you could never tell about appearances.  A lot of woman
had been coming West these past few years, many of them looking for a
husband who'd struck it rich.  Some came as mail-order brides, others
looking to get a job in one of the saloons, serving drinks, smiles or
sometimes a song to the miners.  A lot of them ended up in one of the
parlor houses.  This young woman didn't look the type to be singing in
a saloon, so maybe she'd come West looking for a husband.

"Are you coming out here to get married?"  he asked abruptly.

"Married?".  Delicate eyebrows arched in question.

"I thought you might be one of those mail-order brides."

"Heavens no!"  Carrie turned away from him and stared out into the
night.  What was wrong with Western men?  she thought angrily.  La Rue
if what the man opposite her had said was true, had wanted to recruit
her for one of those sinful places.  And this man assumed she was
traveling to Cripple Creek to find a husband.  Was that the choice of
women coming West, the choice of becoming either a prostitute or a
wife?  She felt angry enough to spit.

"I didn't mean to offend you before when I hustled you up into the
train, but Nathan La Rue is a bad character."  He smiled.  "Perhaps we
could start over.  My name is Matthew Craddock.  And you are...?"

She hesitated, but some of her anger eased.  If what he'd said about La
Rue was true, he had done her a service in leaving the man behind.

"I'm Carvie McClennon," she said.


Carrie nodded.  "I'm going to Cripple Creek to be with my sister."

Matt, who had leaned forward on his seat, now moved back, a quizzical
expression on his face.  "Does your sister know you're coming?"  he

"I'm not sure.  She said that she was staying with friends, but she
forgot to put a return address on the envelope.  When I answered her
letter, I simply addressed it to her at Cripple Creek, hoping it would
reach her."  A smile played at the corners of Carrie's lips.  "If she
didn't receive my letter, my arrival will be quite a surprise."  "Yes,
I imagine it will be."

"We haven't seen each other in four years.  She left home when she was
sixteen."  Then, as though defending Rosalinda, Carrie said, "Our
father was a minister.  I'm sure he meant well, and that he wanted only
the best for us, but he didn't understand Rosalinda.  Things were...
were difficult for her at home."

The shadow of a smile crossed Carrie's face.  "She was so different
than I was.  To begin with, she was the pretty one.  She loved to sing.
Sometimes she'd just burst into a song for no reason at all, a popular
song, not a hymn, and Papa didn't like that.  He was ... he was awfully
hard on her."

Tears stung Carrie's eyes and she turned away to stare out of the dark
window into the night.  When she spoke again, it was more to herself
than to the man sitting across from her.  "A theatrical group came to
town.  Rosie wanted to go, but Papa wouldn't allow it because he said
it was sinful.  But Rosie went anyway and when she came home Papa was
waiting for her with the razor strap."  She turned away from the window
and looked at the man across from her.  "She ran away from home that
night.  I never blamed her, but I wish she hadn't left without telling
me.  And now I want to tell her that I understand, that no matter what
happened we're still sisters and that I love her."

Matt didn't say anything.  He looked at Carrie, his dark eyebrows drawn
together in a frown.  He seemed about to speak, but before he could,
Carrie said, "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have bored you with these
personal things.  I haven't really talked to anybody in over a week and
I'm afraid I got car fed away."

"You haven't bored me," he said.  Again he hesitated, as though
debating with himselfi And finally said, "I know your sister."

"You know Rosalinda?"

Matt nodded.

"And her little girl?"

"Yes, I know Sarah."

Carrie stared at him.  "Then you know where she is."  "I know where she
was, Miss McClennon, but I've been in New York for a month.  Your
sister may have moved since I've been away."

"But you know her!"  Excited now, anxious to know all about her sister
and her little niece, Carrie said, "How is she?  Is she all right?  Who
are the friends she was staying with?  Do you know them?"

A smile twitched the corners of Matt's mouth.  "Yes," he said.  "I know

"Well, my goodness!"  Smiling, Carrie sat back against the plush seat,
hands in her lap, and looked expectantly at Matt Craddock.  "What do
you do in Cripple Creek, Mr.  Craddock?"

"I own some saloons and a couple of gambling houses."

Carrie's eyes widened.  "You're a gambling man?"  "That's right."  He
stretched his long legs out in front of him and grinned at her.  "I
reckon your daddy thought gambling was a sin and gamblers were sinners
just like show people."

Lips pursed in a frown, Carrie said, "Yes, I suppose he did."  She
turned her attention to the window and stared out into the darkness.
After a little while, she said, "I'm really quite tired, Mr.  Craddock.
I believe I'll try to sleep."  She drew her gray cloak about her and
closed her eyes.  A gambler!  She gave an inward shudder and resolved
that as soon as they got to Cripple Creek she'd have nothing further to
do with Matthew Craddock.

When Carrie woke she was shivering with cold.  The fan tera lights had
been dimmed and the narrow-gauge train had begun to climb.  She robbed
a hand against the frosty window and peered out into the night.  Snow
was coming down in thick heavy flakes and the wind was blowing so hard
it rocked the coach.

She looked toward the small stove and saw that the fire that had
kindled there had gone out.  Huddling inside the gray cloak, she closed
her eyes, but sleep was impossible.  It was freezing cold, so cold that
try as she might, she couldn't keep her teeth from chattering.

The train slowed and chugged to a stop.  Carrie opened her eyes and
looked out of the window.

"It's the storm," Matt Craddock said.  "I don't think we're going to be
able to get through."

"Not get through?"

"The mountain pass."  He looked up as the conductor came down the aisle
toward them, lighting his way with a lantern.  When the man was abreast
of him, Matt asked, "What's going on?"

"Tracks blocked up ahead, Mr.  Craddock.  We won't be able to move on
until they've been cleared."  "When will that be?"  Carrie asked.

"Not till morning, ma'am.  It's going to be a long night.  You'd best
try to get some sleep."

"Sleep!"  She sneezed.  "I'm freezing to death."  "Sorry about that,
but I'm afraid we've mn out of wood.  Don't you worry though, the
tracks'll be cleared when the sun comes up."

"When the sun comes up!"  Carrie muttered as the man made his way down
the aisle.  She glared at Matt as though this whole thing were his
fault, gathered her cloak about her and determinedly closed her eyes.
They snapped open when Matt Craddock sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?"  she sputtered.  "You can't--" "If I don't, we're
both going to freeze to death."  He took his fur-lined greatcoat off,
and, before Carrie could protest, he put his arm around her, drew her
close, then covered both of them with his coat.

"You're so cold your teeth are chattering," he said when she tried to
straggle out of his grasp.

"Lt.  me go at once or I'll call the conductor!"

Ltamottrt Ivlun

"Stop being childish.  I'm just as cold as you are, and this way we'll
both be warm."

"I demand that you..."  She hesitated.  The coat was still warm from
his body.  In spite of herself she snuggled lower so that the fur
covered her chin.  It was the first time she'd been warm since she'd
gotten off the train in Denver.

"Isn't this better?"  he asked.

"It's warmer," she murmured.

A smile curved at the corners of his mouth.  "Think you can get to
sleep now?"

Carrie tilted her face up and gave him a look that warned what would
happen if he so much as laid one hand on her.  Their faces were close,
their lips only a fraction of an inch apart.  She quickly bobbed her
head down against the collar of his coat.

"Good night," she said.

And though she had promised herself that she wouldn't sleep lest he
take advantage of her, little by little her eyes drifted closed and her
breathing evened.

When he knew that she slept, Matt pulled her closer so that her head
rested against his shoulder.  She sighed and snuggled against him.

With a smile he tightened his arms around her and closed his eyes.  His
last conscious thought was that this was the first time he'd ever slept
with a woman without making love to her.  And that maybe one of these
fine days he just might do something about that.

Chapter Two

The softness of fur brushed her cheek and Carrie snuggled down into it,
closer to the warmth of the body next to hers.  He ... he?  Her eyes
snapped open.

"Good morning, Miss McClennon," Matthew Craddock said.

Carrie sat up and moved away from him, taken aback by the glint of
humor in his eyes.  The gray feathered hat had come off in the night,
and her hair was undone from the pins that held it.

"Good morning," she murmured, and tried to brush the curly strands back
from her face into a semblance of order.

"They cleared the tracks earlier this morning.  We're on our way to
Cripple Creek."  Knowing she was uncomfortable, Matt stood and moved
into the aisle.  "The conductor made some coffee a few minutes ago," he

"Would you like some?"

"Yes, thank you."

Still half-asleep, Carrie watched Matthew Craddock make his way toward
the front of the car.  The fine fabric of his suit coat stretched over
his broad back.  His legs were long, the trousers just the right length
over his boots.

He looked to be a powerful man, and the idea that she had actually
slept with him all night brought hot color to her cheeks, along with
the barest suggestion of a smile, because now if anyone ever asked if
she'd slept with a man she could say that she had.  That made her feel
somehow more worldly than she had been the day before.

When he returned with a large mug of black coffee, she accepted it
gratefully.  Still wrapped in his coat, Carrie turned toward the window
to gaze out at the passing countryside.  The snow had stopped during
the night, but the land was covered with it.  The whole world seemed
white and clean--the mountains, the tall straight pines, everything for
as far as her eye could see.

"It's lovely," she said, sensing a silence in the land, and a beauty
unlike anything she had ever known before.

"Yes, it is."  But Matt wasn't looking out of the window.  He was
looking at her.

He really hadn't observed her closely last night, but he looked at her
now.  Her hair was a lustrous shade of auburn, her eyes were more gray
than blue.  She was not classically beautiful, but there was an
endearing innocence and gentility about her that somehow touched him.
Her gray suit, softened by a white shirtwaist pinned at the collar by a
silver filigree brooch, seemed too severe, too old for her.  And he
found himself wondering how she would look in softer fabrics and
lighter, more vibrant colors.

He also wondered how she would fare out here in this part of the
country that seemed too wild for a woman of her obviously sheltered
background.  Her shock in learning about the parlor houses had been
genuine, as had her dismay when she learned that he owned saloons and
gambling houses.

Cripple Creek had come a long way since gold had

been discovered back in 1891 over in Poverty Gulch, Matt thought as he
sipped the mug of steaming coffee.  When word of the discovery got
around, people had rushed to Cripple Creek and in five years what had
been little more than a mining camp had grown into a thriving town of
almost twenty-five thousand people.

But in many ways Cripple Creek was still a gold camp, for along with
the respected townspeople, the churches, the general stores and the
schools, there were gambling halls, saloons, and, yes, parlor houses.

It wasn't the place for a woman like Carrie McClennon.  He should have
told her that last night when he learned that she was Rosalinda's
sister,.  If her sister hadn't received the letter telling her that
Carrie was on her way to Cripple Creek, it would be quite a surprise,
for both of them.

Knowing that he should tell her what the situation was, Matt took a
deep breath and said, "Miss McClennon?"

She turned.  The fur from the collar of his coat brushed her face, and
the sun streaming in through the window turned her skin to a shade of
ivory touched with rose.  He knew in that minute that he had been
wrong, that she was, after all, quite beautiful.

Something quickened in Matt's body, seeing her that way, something he
couldn't quite define.  And he didn't say the words that might have
made her turn around and go back to the life she knew.

Though Carrie argued that she would leave her bags at the station, Matt
remained firm.  It would be best, he told her, to check into a hotel
before she found her sister.  He gave her no opportunity to argue, he
simply took her bags, put them into one of the rigs waiting at the
station and, once he had helped her in, said, "The Palace Hotel.,

The countryside on the approach to the town had been beautiful, and
Carrie had gazed entranced at the distant Sangre de Cristo peaks that
rimmed the far west edge of the bowl that encircled Cripple Creek.  Her
excitement had grown when the train chugged into the station.  She knew
she had been right to come.  Soon she would see Rosal-inda, and
together with Rosie's little girl, she and her sister would make a
whole new start.

But Carrie's excitement faded as the rig they were riding in made its
way down the main street of the town.  Flimsy pine shacks housed bakery
shops, restaurants, a grocery and a meat market, a hardware store.
Farther on they passed a One Price Shoes and Clothing House, a livery
stable, the stage line, and The Crusher, that was, Matt told her,
Cripple Creek's first newspaper.  '

She didn't see any saloons or what might have been gambling houses, and
she didn't think the signs that read Furnished Rooms, were what Matt
had called "parlor houses."

Horse-drawn wagons clattered up and down the street, the horses'
breaths making puffs of white steam in the cold morning air.  A few men
and worn, n, bundled in heavy coats and woolen caps, hurried in and out
of the shops.

As their rig approached the Palace Hotel on Bennett Avenue, Carrie
heard what sounded to her like a brass band.  And just as they pulled
up in front of the hotel, the band, all twenty-some pieces of it,
rounded the corner at the far end of the street.  Behind it, on a
horse-drawn wagon, was a hearse, and behind that, several carriages
filled with women

AS the cortege grew closer, Carrie gave an audible gasp.  The women
weren't like any she'd ever seen before.  Their faces were painted.
Even bundled in winter clothing they

looked flashy.  She stared at them openmouthed and knew they were what
her father would have called "fallen women."

Walking behind them came what looked like half the men in Cripple

So curious she could hardly take her eyes off the scene passing by the
hotel, Carrie let Matt help her down from the rig.

I've never seen anything like it," she said.  "Look at all the people,
and those women!"

Just then, two of the carriages with the painted ladies passed and one
of the women called out, "Hey Matt!  When'd you get back?"

"Just got in," he said.

Come on over to the house tonight," said a big blonde wearing a purple
velvet cape.

"We missed you," another girl shouted.

Sure as hell did," someone else yelled, and all of the women waved
their gloved hands or their muffs, calling out, "See you later, Matt.
See you later."

He grinned and waved back.

"Those ... those women are ... are loose women, aren't they?"  Carrie

"Yes, ma'am, they surely are," Matt said with a grin.  "And you know
them.  You actually know them."  "I certainly do."

"Well!"  Face averted, chin up, Carrie watched the procession pass on
down the street.  When Matt went to take her arm to lead her into the
hotel, she jerked away, but since he had her bags, she had no choice
but to follow him into the hotel.

He stopped in front of the desk.  "A single room for the lady, Harry,"
he said to the man behind the desk.

"Something in the back on the second floor, away from the noise."

"Sure thing, Matt."  The man Matt had spoken to reached around behind
him and selected a key.  In his middle sixties, with a fringe of dusty
hair around his otherwise bald head, he wore trousers that were held up
by bright red suspenders, a startling contrast to his
green-and-yellow-plaid shirt.

"We saw the funeral procession," Matt said.  "Who died?"

"One of them women over at Charmaine's place.  Rosalinda, the little
red-haired gal."

"Rosa..."  Carrie stared at the man, then at Matt.

There was a moment of total silence.  Matt took a step forward.  "Miss
McClennon," he said.  "Carrie."

Her face went white.  "That's not my sister," she man aged to say.  "It
can't be Rosalinda.  She isn't dead."  "Carrie--"

"I ... I know that Rosalinda isn't all that common a name, but it
certainly isn't unusual.  I mean a lot of women have the same name.

Matt gripped her arms.  "Take it easy," he said.

Her eyes had gone wide with shock, her face was ashen.  She tried to
struggle out of his grasp.  "It isn't Rosalinda," she said again.  "It
can't be."

Matt tightened his grip on her arms.  He was as sorry as death, but she
had to know.  "I think it is," he said.  "For the last couple of months
your sister was living at The Chateau, that's Charmaine's place.  It's
a parlor house, Carrie, but your sister wasn't--"

She pulled away from him.  Tears of disbelief and anguish streamed down
her face.  Her little sister was dead and Matthew Craddock was trying
to tell her that she had lived in a parlor house.

She gripped the edge of the desk.  To the man behind it she said, as
calmly as she could, "Would you be so kind as to have someone take my
bags up to my room?"

He looked uncertainly at Matt.  "Well, I..."  he started to say, then
cleared his throat and finished.  "I'll attend to it right away, Miss

"Thank you."  She started out of the hotel.

"Wait," Matt said, and put a hand on her arm.  "Where are you going?"

"To my sister's funeral."

"I'll take you."

She hesitated.  The funeral cortege had already passed, she didn't know
where the cemetery was.  "Very well," she said.  "Thank you.  If you
don't mind I'd like to freshen up first.  It will only take a

"Lavatory's at the end of the hall, ma'am," Harry Hotchkiss said.

"Thank you."  Back straight, chin up, Carrie went down the dimly
lighted hallway to the door marked Ladies.  Once inside, she leaned
against the door and closed her eyes, her shock and disbelief slowly
replaced by shattering grief.  Rosie was dead.  Her sister was dead.

"Carrie fix ... Carrie fix..."  The words, like an almost forgotten
song, echoed in her brain.  It seemed to her as she stood there in that
small, not-too-clean bathroom, that she could see the child her sister
had been, holding her chubby arms out, crying, "Carrie, fix."

A broken doll, a scraped knee, a hard spanking from their father...
whatever it was, Rosalinda had always come running to her.

But Carrie hadn't been able to fix whatever it was that had gone wrong
in Rosalinda's life once she had left home.  She'd been all alone and
now she was dead and there wasn't anything Carrie could do about it.
She hadn't been here when Rosie needed her, she'd come too late.

She splashed cold water on her face.  Removing the gray hat, she combed
her hair and straightened the bun at the back of her head.  Then she
brushed the specks of dirt off her long skirt and, gathering her cloak
about her, left the bathroom.

She did not cry, because there was no time for tears.  Later, when she
was alone, there would be time.

Snow crunched beneath their shoes as Carrie passed through the wooden
fence that encircled the cemetery.  Matthew Craddock was by her side.
The landscape was cold and harsh for as far as she could see.  The
mountains that before she had thought so majestic now looked only

Mourners circled the grave site.  Matt took her ann and led her through
the crowd so that she stood in front, closer to the minister and the
rough pine box.

There was a faint stir of murmuring from the people gathered about. The
minister paused in what he had been saying, then went on. "Rosalinda
McClennon is in the hands of our Lord now," he said. "She..."

Carrie stared down at the cold hard earth.  It's only a dream, she told
herself.  I'm going to awaken in a moment and this will all be over.
But as the words went on, she knew that this wasn't a dream.  Her sweet
and loving little sister, who had been so filled with the bright joy of
life that no one, not even their father, had been able to extinguish,
was dead.

The service drew to a close.  One by one the women, many of them
weeping, stepped forward to drop a dried flower or a pine branch down
onto the coffin.  One of them handed Carrie a flower.  She took it and
aid it on the coffin.  For a brief moment she rested her hand there,
then she stepped back.

The brass band began to play an old familiar hymn.  Matt Craddock
tightened his arm around her shoulders and Carrie closed her eyes. When
she opened them again, the casket had been lowered.  People were
leaving the cemetery, but some of the women remained there, huddled in
small groups, wiping their eyes, comforting one another.  Then one of
them, a tall, handsome woman in her early forties, dressed in a wool
suit with a fur collar and cuffs and a fur-lined cloak, stepped away
from the others and came toward them.

"It's a sad day, Matt," she said, wiping her eyes.  "We've lost
Rosalinda."  She looked inquiringly at Carrie "Did you know her?"  she

"She was my sister," Carrie said.

The woman's dark eyes widened with shock.  "Your sister?"

"This is Carrie McClennon, Charmaine," Matt said.  "Carrie, this is
Charmaine Duval.  She's the owner of The Chateau."

The Chateau?  "One of them women over at Char-maine's place," the man
at the hotel had said.

Charmaine owned The Chateau.  She was a madam.  Rosalinda had worked
for her.

Later, Carrie told herself I I'll think about this later.  She wet her
lips.  "I'd like to know..."  She took a deep breath to steady herself.
"I'd like to know how my sister died, Miss Duval.  Was she alone when
it happened?  Was she..."  She couldn't go on.

"Why no, honey, Rosie wasn't alone.  I was with her and so were the
others--Effie and Lorelei and Miss Binty.  We were right there with
her, holding her hand.  We did everything we could, and Doc Taylor did
everything he could to try to save her."

"What did she... ?"  Carrie swallowed hard.  "What did Rosalinda die
of?.  What was the cause of her death?"

"Pneumonia, Miss Carrie.  She'd caught a cold last fall and it just
kept hanging on and hanging on till it went to pneumonia."

"When did she die, Miss Duval?"


Yesterday.  If the train hadn't been delayed because of the snow she
might have arrived in time to "fix" things as she had so often.  Maybe
she could have... Carrie's knees buckled.  She knew she was falling but
it didn't matter, nothing mattered, for the blackness of the grave had
closed in about her, too.

Carrie remembered little of the carriage ride back to the Palace Hotel.
She opened her eyes once and tried to tell Matt Craddock that she was
all right, but that seemed like too much of an effort.  The next time
she opened her eyes, she was in bed and Matt and a man she had never
seen before were looking down at her.

"How're you feeling?"  the strange man asked.

"I ... I don't know."  She pushed herself up on the pillows.  "Who are

"Dr.  Elsworth Taylor, at your service, ma'am."  "Where am IT'

"At the Palace Hotel.  Matt and Miss Charmaine brought you here.  She
loosened your clothes and sent somebody running for me.  Don't appear
to me that there's anything bad wrong with you 'cept maybe the
beginnings of a cold.  Mostly I think you're tuckered out. Good-night's
sleep and you ought to be just fine."

He reached for the black bag on the nightstand beside

the bed and snapped it shut.  "Anything you want, you tell Matt or old
Harry downstairs."

"I will.  Thank you."

"Then I'll be running along."  He nodded to Matt and with an "I'll see
you later," went out of the room.

"I fainted."  Carrie pushed herself further up in the bed.

"I've never done that before."

"You had a bad shock."

"Yes."  She looked away from him.  "You knew that Rosalinda was living
at that place, didn't you?  You knew she was a ... was a.."  Tears
filled Carrie's eyes and she couldn't go on.

"Rosalinda was living at The Chateau because she was down on her luck
and had nowhere else to go," Matt said.

"Charmaine took her and Sarah in."  "Charmaine, the ... the madam?"

"And my sister ... my sister lived in that place with her child?"

"Yes, she did."  Matt took a cheroot out of his vest pocket, hesitated,
then put it back.  "I know what you're thinking," he said, "but you're
wrong.  Your sister wasn't working at The Chateau.  She was a guest

"A guest?"  Carrie shook her head.  "I lind that hard to believe, Mr.
Craddock."  Her lips tightened.  "Is Rosal inda's little girl still at
The Chateau?"

"I imagine so."

Carrie sat up.  "I have to take her away from there.  It's no place for
a child, there with those ... those women.  I have to take her out of

"You're going back to Ohio?"

"On the first train I can get.  I..."  Carrie stopped and a look of
utter dismay came over her face.  She couldn't leave!  She didn't have
enough money to leave!  She had camolltt Matt enough for the train
fare, but that was all.  Most of the money she'd got for selling the
house had gone to pay off the debts she had incurred during her
mother's last illness.  She'd bought some new clothes: a traveling
suit, a few new shirt waists a pair of boots, the cloak and the hat,
assuming she would move into her sister's house until she found work.

But there wasn't a house, at least not the kind of a house Carrie had
thought Rosalinda lived in.  Her sister was dead; she had Rosalinda's
child to take care of.

She had no choice, she would have to stay in Cripple Creek until she
had enough money to take both of them back to Ohio.

She thought then that the Reverend Josiah Wilkinson had said he had
need of a wife.  She could ... no!  She could not!  Whatever might
happen, she could never become Josiah Wilkinson's wife.

"I won't be going back to Ohio, at least not for a while," she told

"What are you going to do?"

"I was a teacher back home," Carrie said.  "I'm sure I can find work
here."  She smoothed a wrinkle out of the patchwork quilt.  "I want to
thank you for helping me, Mr.  Craddock.  But I'm all right now and it
really isn't proper, your being here I mean."

"Then by all means I will absent myself," he said in a voice as formal
as hers had been.  "I've sent down to the restaurant for some dinner
for you.  I'll leave as soon as it arrives."

A knock sounded at the door, and when he opened it, a boy handed him a
tray, Matt paid him, and when he'd closed the door, he brought the tray
back and set it across Carrie's lap.

"I hope it's all right," he said.

"I'm sure it will be.  If you'll hand me my bag, Mr.  Craddock, I'll
reimburse you."

"The dinner's on me."  He gathered up his coat from the chair.  "And my
name is Matt, Carrie."

She nodded.  "Thank you ... Matt.  I'm sorry to have been such a

"No bother, Miss Carrie."  He started toward the door, then hesitating,
turned back.  "I'm very sorry about your sister," he said.  "If there's
anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to call on me."

"I'd like to go to that place, to The Chateau, tomorrow.  I don't know
where it is or how to get there, and I'd appreciate it, if it wouldn't
be too much trouble, if you would take me there."  Her gray eyes
darkened.  "I simply cannot let Rosalinda's little girl stay in a place
like that any longer than necessary."

"No, I don't suppose you can."  Matt looked at her, one eyebrow raised.
"I have some business to attend to in the morning, but I should be
finished by noon.  I'll come by for you then."  He put the fur-lined
coat over his shoulders and started toward the door.  But there he
hesitated once more.  Taking a cheroot out of his pocket, he snapped
the end off with his teeth.

"You really should go back to Ohio, Miss Carrie," he said.  "You don't
belong here."

And before she could answer, he went out and closed the door behind

Carrie stared at the closed door, then at the tray of food on her lap.
Tears ran down her face and splashed into the bowl of vegetable soup.
She knuckled them away.  I won't cry, she told herself I I absolutely
will not cry.

Nor would she think about Rosalinda, because if she did, she would not
be able to stand the pain of having lost the one person in the world
she had loved above all others.

She would think instead about her niece.  Sarah was her responsibility
now.  With the money she had left, she would find a small house to rent
and she would get a job.  She would care for and love Rosalinda's
child.  She would..

The tears kept coming and she could not stop them.  She wept for the
sister she had lost, and for her own desperate situation.  And because
she didn't want to be here in this godforsaken place with fallen women
and gambling men.  She wanted to be home.  She wanted to be safe.

Chapter Three

Carrie spent an almost sleepless night going over the events of the
previous day that seemed like a terrible dream.

Rosalinda was dead.

She had lived in a house of prostitution.

Matt Craddock had told her that Rosalinda had only been a guest in the
house, that she had lived there because she had nowhere else to go.
With all her heart, Carrie wanted to believe that, but she did not.

She wished that she had never left home, but she had, and now she had
to stay in Cripple Creek until she made enough money to take
Rosalinda's little girl back to Ohio.  Thinking of the child, who was
still in that dreadful place where Rosalinda had died, Carrie started
to get up.  But the moment she did, the room began to spin.

She lay still for a moment and closed her eyes until the room stopped
spinning.  Her head throbbed, her throat was sore, and every bone in
her body ached.  It was an effort to move, but finally, clinging to the
bedpost to keep her balance, she managed to stand.  No matter how she
felt, she had to get up and get dressed.  She had to retrieve her
sister's child from that terrible place, and those dreadful women.

Last night Matt had returned to see if there was anything he could do
for her.  "I'll be here as soon, after my appointment as I can manage,"
he'd promised before he left.  "At any rate, Charmaine and the other
girls rarely get up before noon."

"Noon!"  Carrie had been shocked.  "But by then half the day is gone.
Why... ?"  And she'd blushed to the roots of her auburn hair because
she'd suddenly realized that the ladies would be sleeping late because
they'd have been plying their trade until the wee hours of the

In as controlled a voice as she could manage, she had said, "Very well,
Mr.  Craddock.  I'll be ready whenever you arrive."  Then, in spite of
the fact that she felt uncomfortable with him, that he was a stranger,
a gambler, and that he obviously had more than a nodding acquaintance
with the painted ladies who had gone to Rosalinda's funeral, she had
offered her hand and said, "Thank you for all the help you've given me.
You've been very kind.  I'm most grateful."

"I'm glad I was there to help," he'd answered.  "I know your sister's
death must have been a terrible shock."

Unable to answer, Carrie had only nodded.

Now, shivering with C ld, she got up and went to the dresser.  The
water in the pitcher had frozen during the night and she stood for a
moment, holding her robe around her, moaning in frustration before she
picked up her hairbrush and proceeded to whack through the top layer of
ice with the handle.  Pouring the freezing cold water into the white
porcelain basin, she bathed as quickly as she could.  And when she had
finished she began to dress.  First came the plain cotton chemise, then
her corset,

a cotton camisole, bloomers of white muslin over her corset, and a
flannel petticoat.  At last she slipped a black worsted dress over her
head, smoothed the skirt and put on her shoes.

Still dizzy, she had to sit down to brush and pin up her long auburn
hair.  When that was done, she lay back against the headboard of the
bed and closed her eyes.  At eleven-thirty, knowing that although she
wasn't hungry she had to eat something, she put on her gray hat and,
with her cloak over her arm, went downstairs to the dining room.

She had hot tea and forced herself to eat a piece of toast.  When she
had finished, she went into the lobby to wait for Matthew Craddock.  He
arrived a little after twelve-thirty, looking rich and warm in his
fur-lined greatcoat.  He was, Carrie reluctantly admitted to herself, a
devilishly handsome man.  And certainly devil was the right word. There
was a glint of wickedness in his green eyes and something about the
curve of his mouth that made him look dangerous.

"Ready?"  he asked.

"Yes, I..."  Carrie got up from the chair in the lobby where she'd been
waiting.  When she did, she was overcome by another wave of dizziness
and had to put a hand on the back of the chair to steady herself.

"Are you all right?"  Matt asked.

"Yes, I'm ... I'm fine.  Just a little tired, that's all.  Shall we

He put a hand under her elbow and led her out through the lobby.  "It's
only a few blocks to Myers Avenue," he said, "but the temperature is
below zero this morning.

I've brought my rig."

"Myers Avenue?"

"That's where most of the gambling halls and the saloons are."  Matt
glanced down at her.  "The houses are there, too."

"The houses?"

"Like The Chateau."

"Oh."  Holding herself erect, mentally and physically bracing herself,
Carrie allowed Matt to help her into the rig and place a fur-lined robe
over her knees.

She looked straight ahead when they started off, as though, like Lot's
wife, she'd be turned into a pillar of salt if she so much as looked at
the scene around her.

Matt repressed a smile when he saw the rigid expression on her face.
This was still the better part of town.

He could only imagine what kind of a shock it had been to discover that
her sister was dead and that she had been living in a place like The
Chateau.  But though Carrie McClennon was in an atmosphere that was
completely foreign to her, her jaw was firm and her back was straight.
He knew she couldn't wait to get out of Cripple Creek, that all she
wanted to do was to get her sister's child and take the first train
back to Ohio, as well she should.  Cripple Creek wasn't her kind of
town; the sooner she left, the better it would be for her.

When he turned onto Myers Avenue and passed the pine shacks that were
the cribs along Poverty Gulch, he saw her eyes go wide with shock.  In
spite of the cold, some of the doors were half-open, and the girls,
bundled in coats or shawls, stood in their doorways looking for early

"Are they..."  Carrie looked at him, then quickly away.

"Are they ... you know?"


"Is The Chateau..."  It was hard to get the words out.  "Is that the
kind of place The Chateau is?"

"Of course not.  These poor girls are at the bottom of the ladder.  The
Chateau isn't anything like that."

A little farther on they heard music and laughter coming from the
saloons.  And Carrie spied drunks loitering on the street.  At the end
of the block two disreputable-looking miners were slugging it out.
Blood ran down the face of one of them, and the carriage passed so
close that Carrie could hear their grunts and the impact of fists on

Suddenly, almost in front of them, a man shot out of the swinging doors
of one of the saloons and landed on his backside.  He picked himself
up, dusted himself off and staggered back through the doors.

Carrie clutched the side of the rig.  She'd been right, the town really
was a Sodom and Gomorrah.

A little farther along they came to the better houses: Laura Bell's,
The Harem, Nellie Grady's, The Pleasure Palace, the Manor House, and
finally The Chateau, a plain two-story house at the end of the block.
There were lace curtains at the windows, and an American flag flying
from the roof.

When Matt brought the rig to a halt, Carrie clutched the side of her
seat.  She had to go in, but the thought of stepping over the threshold
of such a place filled her with horror.  Nevertheless, when Matt
offered his hand to help her down, she took it.

They went up the two steps to the front door.  He knocked and, when the
door was opened by an elderly gray-haired woman, he said, "Good
afternoon, Miss Binty.  May we come in?"

"Course, Mr.  Matt."  She opened the door and offered Carrie a
tentative smile.  "You must be Miz McClennon," she said.  "We're all
mighty sorry about your sister, ma'am.  Every one of us is going to
miss her.  You surely do have my condolences."

"Thank you."  Carrie took another step into the room.  She wasn't sure
what she had expected--satin-covered beds in the parlor probably,
semi-naked women, and a hoard of drunken, sex-crazed men.  Instead,
what she found was a fairly ordinary front parlor.  There were two love
seats in the room, a wooden rocker and several straight-backed chairs.
A pigeon-blood glass lamp graced one of the carved tables, an Edison
phonograph sat atop another.  The floor was covered with an Oriental
rug, and red velvet drapes framed the ace curtains.

"Could I get you a cup of coffee or maybe a nice cup of tea?"  Miss
Binty asked.

"No, thank you.  I..."  Carrie looked up to see Char-maine Duvai coming
down the stairs toward her.  Behind Charmaine came five young women.
While Charmaine and two of her girls were conservatively dressed in
long dark skirts and white shirt waists most of the others were not.
One of the girls, who looked to be no more than fifteen or sixteen,
with carrot-red hair and a freckled face, wore a cotton housedress and
an old gray sweater that hung halfway to her knees.

A slightly plump girl, with the brightest yellow hair Carrie had ever
seen, wore a flowered silk kimono.  Another, a dark-skinned girl with a
wild untamed mane of black hair, wore a blue flannel bathrobe.

"These are my girls," Charmaine said, her face solemn, her dark eyes
serious.  Motioning them forward, she introduced them one by one.

"This is Babette."

A small girl with soft brown eyes curtsied and said, "How do, ma'am."

"And Dorrie O'Keefe."

The girl with the yellow hair stepped forward.

Next came the red-haired, freckled-faced girl.  '"Effie Davis,"
Charmaine said, and the girl offered a tentative smile.

"And Conchita Sanchez."

The dark-skinned woman with the wild mane of black hair said, "Mucho
gusto, Senorita McClennon, a sus or-denes, I am at your service."  She
looked up at Matt and with a wink added, "And at yours, Senor

"Behave yourself, Conchita," Charmaine snapped.  And motioning the last
girl forward, she said, "This is Lorelei, Miss McClennon.  She and
Effie are the ones who's mostly been tending to Rosalinda's little

"How do you do," Carrie said, stiffly polite.  She tried not to stare,
but she couldn't help herself.  The girls were all younger than she
was.  And they didn't look like what she knew they were.

"I know you'd like to see Sarah," Charmaine said.  "She's sleeping
right now, but we can wake her up.  I've told her her auntie's coming
and she's excited as she can be.  Let's go on upstairs."

Upstairs?  Carrie glanced nervously upward, then looked at Matt.  He
raised his dark eyebrows and she found herself wondering how many times
he had trod those stairs, and with whom.

She didn't want to go up, but she had no choice.  With a nod she
followed Charmaine.  When they reached the top of the stairs, she
stared straight ahead, not even dating to look inside any of the rooms
for fear of what she might see.

"This is my room."  Charmaine stood aside and motioned Carrie in.

It was a room not unlike her bedroom back in Ohio.  There was a double
four-poster with a colorful patchwork quilt, a marble-top dresser on
which rested a curling iron, a silver-backed hairbrush and a
pearl-covered box for hairpins.  There was a spittoon in the corner and
a chamber pot under the bed.  Off to one side, there was a smaller bed
where Rosalinda's little girl lay sleeping.

Carrie looked down at the child.  Sarah lay on her stomach, one small
fist up to her mouth.  Her hair was tousled, her cheeks were apple

Tears flooded Carrie's eyes.  She tried to stem them, but it seemed to
her, as she looked down at the child, that she was looking at the
little girl Rosalinda had once been.  She touched one rosy cheek, then
covering her eyes with her hands, turned away, silently weeping for the
sister she had lost, for the child who was now her responsibility, and
for her own desperate situation.

Far away from the only home she had ever known, she had barely a
hundred dollars to her name.  It would have been enough for a train
ticket and to last her until she found another teaching job if she'd
had a home to go back to.  But she'd sold the house and now she
couldn't afford to take the chance of going back, not with a child to
support.  She had no choice, she had to stay in this dreadful town
until she could find a job and save enough money to get them back to

"Now, now," Charmaine soothed as she led Carrie to the bed.  "Go on and
cry if you want to, honey.  Get it all out, you'll feel better if you

"I'm ... I'm all right," Carrie managed to say.  Charmaine patted
Carrie's shoulder and handed her a white lace handkerchief.  "I reckon
this has been a terrible shock, you coming all this way only to find
your sister dead.  Best thing you can do, soon's you're rested some, is
to go on back home to Ohio."

"I can't go back," Carrie wept.  "I spent almost all the

money I had getting here.  I thought Rosalinda and I would live
together.  I thought we would..."  The tears started again.  "I can't
go back," she said again, "not until I get a job and make enough money
to take Sarah back home with me."

"You could stay here for a while, Miss Carrie," Char-maine offered.
"You could have the little room downstairs that was Rosie's.  You

"No!"  Carrie swiped away the tears with the back of her hand and
quickly stood.  But when she did, a wave of dizziness overcame her and
she saw dark spots before her eyes.  As she grasped the bedpost, from a
great distance she heard the other woman asking, "What is it?  Are you
all fight?"

Carrie tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come.  She fell back onto
the bed just as the dark spots converged into one great darkness.

Carrie opened her eyes to see the doctor who had at tended her the day
before standing over her.  "How you feeling, missy?"  he asked.  "Head
aches," she managed to croak.  "Throat sore?"  Carrie nodded.

"She's got the grippe all right," he said to someone in the room.  When
Carrie turned her head, she saw Matt Craddock at the foot of the bed,
standing next to the Duval woman.

"Can't risk taking her out in the cold," the doctor went on.  "She gets
one blast of the wind and we'll be worrying about pneumonia."

"She can stay here," Charmaine said.

Here!  Carrie tried to sit up, but the effort was too much for her.
"Hotel," she tried to say.  "I want to go back to the hotel."  But the
words were little more than a whisper that no one heard.

"That's real nice of you, Charmaine."  Doc Taylor closed his black bag.
"You give her a spoonful of this medicine every four hours, day and
night.  I'll check back in the morning.  If she gets any worse before
then, you send someone to get me."

"I will, Doc.  Thank..."

The voices faded and Carrie's last thought as she drifted off was that
she was going to have to spend the night in a house of ill repute. What
would Papa have had to say about that?

"Papa," she whispered.  "I'm sorry, Papa."

Sorry, sorry, sorry.  How many times over how many years had she said
those words to the father whose credo had been Spare The Rod And Spoil
The Child?  How many times had she watched the bushy black brows
furrow, the cold eyes darken, and heard his voice thunder?

She moaned, caught in that half world of sleep and wakefulness, trying
to fight the memory of those childhood years when through painful
experience she had learned to be submissive.  Learned not to speak
unless she was spoken to, especially at mealtime, and learned never to
speak back to her parents.

Once, when she was seven, she had rushed to defend her four-year-old
sister.  Rosalinda, determined she would not eat the mashed yellow
squash that had been placed in front of her, had defiantly pushed the
plate off the table onto the floor.

Their father's black brows had come together, his eyes had darkened.
Their mother, in a voice quivering with fear, begged, "Horacio,
please," as he yanked Rosalinda up out of her high chair, and snatching
the strap that hung on the back of the kitchen door, had commenced to
beat the child.

Carrie had flown at him.  She'd pounded her small ineffectual fists
against his legs, crying, "Let my sister go!  Let my sister go!"

He had.  And then he had whipped Carrie so badly that she hadn't been
able to go to school the next day.

Carrie had learned, and, though in the years that followed she had done
her best to protect her sister, she had never again openly defied their

When she grew older she had sung in the church choir and taught Sunday
School, and when she had found herself mouthing the same words her
father had spoken--"Never talk back to your parents .... Children must
be seen and not heard .... Playing cards is a sin .... Dancing is a
sin..."--she sometimes stopped in mid-sentence.

And when she cringed at her father's hell, fire and brimstone Sunday
sermons, she tried to tell herself he was only trying to save the souls
of his parishioners.  The Sunday he pointed his finger at
sixteen-year-old Maybelie Hun-nicut and said, "I know all about you,
Maybelie.  I know you went buggy riding after last Wednesday night's
prayer meeting with the oldest Carveil boy."

Arms folded over the pulpit, his face mottled with righteous
indignation, he had roared, "Methodists!  The Car-veils are Methodists!
And you..."  He'd shaken a bony finger down at the weeping girl.
"Ridin' around back country roads.  Spoonin', fornicatin' ..."

Carrie had wanted to leap to her feet and defend the hapless girl.
She'd wanted to cry out, "You have no right to say those things."  But
she hadn't.  And when, beside her, Rosalinda had whispered, "I hate
him.  I hate him," she had squeezed her sister's hand, silencing her.

But Rosalinda, in the years that followed, had not remained silent. Too
many times she had spoken out against their father, defying him, even
in the face of punishment, until at last she had run away.

Memories of that fateful night came into Carrie's dreams, the night she
had tried to defend her sister against their father, and later had held
the weeping girl in her arms.

"Rosie," she whispered.  "Oh, Rosie."

"Shush now, Miss Carrie," someone said.  A wet cloth was laid on her
brow, a cool hand soothed hers.

She floated in and out of consciousness, and whenever she woke, someone
spooned medicine into her mouth.

"Awful, ain't it?"  a voice said one morning when Carrie made a face.
"But I reckon medicine has to taste bad 'fore it does you any good,
leastwise that's what my mama always said."

She smoothed Carrie's pillows and eased her back down.  "You just rest
now and don't worry about anything.  You're getting better every

"Thank you," Carrie whispered.  Wanting to say more but feeling too
weak to speak, she simply closed her eyes.

There were times when she became aware of either Ef-He or Charmaine
hovering over her, and of the doctor who came and went.  And once she
opened her eyes to see Matt Craddock at the foot of her bed, holding
little Sarah.

"This is your Aunt Carrie," Matt told the child.  "She's been sick but
she's getting better."

"Hello," Carrie said.  "How are you, Sarah?"

"Fine."  Thumb in her mouth, the little girl looked down at her.  "My
mommy went away," she said.

"I know, honey.  But I'm your auntie and I'm going to take care of

"Aunt Carrie has to rest now, Sarah," Matt told the child.  "You can
come back tomorrow."

"Will you put me to bed, Uncle Matt?"

He kissed her cheek.  "Of course I will, honey.  You're my favorite
girl, aren't you?"

The child hugged his neck.  "Rest now," he said to Carrie.

The next time Carrie woke it was morning.  Sunshine streamed across the
counterpane, and for the first time since she had fallen ill her head
was clear.  She looked around as Charmaine, dressed in a navy blue wool
skin and a white shirtwaist with leg-of-mutton sleeves, came in with a

"Good morning," she said.  "I do believe you're feeling better."

"Yes, I am."  Carrie sat up.  "How long have I been here?"

"A little over a week."

"A week!"

Charmaine nodded.  "You been real sick, honey.  Doc was doing his best,
but when you didn't seem to be getting any better Matt sent to Denver
for another doctor.  He came two days ago.  Whatever he gave you
must've helped because your fever broke last night.  Now all you got to
do is rest and get well."

Matt Craddock had sent to Denver for a different doctor?  Carrie
groaned inwardly.  She would have to repay him, of course, as well as
paying the local doctor.  Bit by bit her last hundred dollars was

"I'm sorry that I've been so much trouble," she said.  "I'm better now
and I'm sure that by tomorrow I'll be able to go back to the hotel."

Charmaine shook her bead.  "That high-priced Denver doctor said you
were to stay in bed for at least another four or five days and that's
what you're going to do."  As though to emphasize her words, she
plumped Carrie's pillows and said, "Rosie was your sister, Miss

That means you're practically one of the family."

"But I'm inconveniencing you," Carrie protested.  "This is your

"I'm doubling up with Dorfie and we're managing.  Sometimes she sleeps
downstairs on the sofa.  Sometimes I do.  We work it out."

When there were special customers?  Carrie wondered.  She looked at
Charmaine, then away.  This was such a puzzle.  She had been brought up
to believe there were bad women and good women.  Her father would have
said that Charmaine and the women who worked for her were bad.  Yet
they had cared for her sister and her child, and now her.  She couldn't
get it straight in her mind.

Charmaine helped her to sit up, then placed the tray across her lap.
"Soon's you're done eating I'll have Miss

Binty bring up hot water so you can wash," she said.  "I'm awfully
sorry to be so much trouble."

"You aren't any trouble at all.  We all thought a lot of Rosalinda.  We
felt real bad when she died and when you came it was a little like
having her back with us."

"Matt ... Mr.  Craddock said that she didn't..."  Carrie hesitated, not
sure how to phrase the question she wanted to ask but needing to know.
"Mr.  Craddock said that Ros-alinda wasn't ... employed here.  He said
that she was more like a guest, but I'm afraid I find that hard to
believe.  I'd like to know the truth."

Charmaine's face went suddenly still.  In a cold, expressionless voice,
she said, "Your sister wasn't a whore, if that's what you're asking,
She and Sarah had a little room off the kitchen and she didn't hardly
come upstairs unless it was to visit one of the girls."

Her blue eyes bright with anger, Charmaine looked down at Carrie. "Your
sister told me about her family

 and I was the one who told her to write you.  Right now I wish I
hadn't.  She loved you and she loved your ma.  She didn't say too much
about your father, but from what little she did say it sounded to me
like he was as mean a son of a bitch as ever lived."

Hands on her hips, Charmaine glared down at Carrie.  "She told me how
you used to stand up for her when you were little girls, and without
even knowing you, I liked you because of that.  I even thought maybe
you'd be like her.  But you aren't.  Rosie treated everybody alike,
nice proper folks and folks like me and the girls.  She didn't judge
anybody.  But you do.  You're just as much of a self-righteous
so-and-so as your daddy was."

With that, Charmaine went out and slammed the door.  Carrie swallowed
hard.  No one had ever talked to her the way Charmaine had.  No one had
ever made her feel so small that she wanted to retreat under the covers
and pull the blankets over her head.

But she didn't slink down under the blankets.  Instead, placing the
slightly heavy tray to one side, she threw them back and stood up.  Or
tried to.

"Charmaine?"  she called out, and started toward the door.  "Charmaine,

Charmaine opened the door.  "What in blazes do you think you're doing
getting out of bed?"  she snapped.

"I wanted to..."  Carrie swayed and would have fallen if Charmaine
hadn't run to put an arm around her waist.  She held her up and steered
her back toward the bed.

"I wanted to tell you..."  Carrie took a deep gulping breath.  "I'm
sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.  I apologize.  I--"

"Get back in bed.  You're white as a sheet."

"Miss Duvai ... Charmaine ... please.  I'm more grateful than I can say
for your taking care of Rosalinda and Sarah.

I don't mean to be judgmental.  It was the way I was raised, I guess. I
I can't seem to help it."

Charmaine eased her back into the bed.  "Maybe you can't," she said.
"It don't bother me none, you thinking you're better than me and the
girls, or the fact that you don't like me, which is all right with me
because I don't reckon I like you, either."  She yanked the blankets up
over Carrie's shoulders.  "But I catch you being uppity with my girls
or looking down on them, I'll throw you out in the snow on your ass, no
matter what that fancy Denver doctor says."

Carrie stared up at the other woman, her eyes wide with shock.  "I'd
never do that," she whispered.  "I'd never--"

But Charmaine had already gone out and slammed the door behind her.

Chapter Four

Not strong enough to get up and out, but well enough to be restless and
aware of what was going on around her, Carrie fretted away the next few

"Be another week before you can be up and around," Doc Taylor said.
"It's cold as a buzzard's nose outside and the snow's dern near up to
your armpits.  You just stay on here at Miss Charmaine's fill you get
your strength back."

And though Carrie argued, the doctor stuck to his guns.  She wasn't to
leave The Chateau until he said so.

Ever since her altercation with Charmaine, Carrie had felt even more
uncomfortable about being there at The Chateau.  One morning,
determined to leave, she had gotten up and bathed.  But by that time
she was so weak, she lay back on the bed, half-dressed.

"You can't go nowhere yet, Miss Carrie," Effie said when she found her
there.  "You just gotta do what Doc Taylor says.  You gotta get your
strength back 'fore you start traipsin' around."  She patted Carrie's
hand, then helped her undress and get into bed.  "I reckon you're bored
stiff having to lay around,"; she said.  "How'd it be if we moved
Sarah's bed back in so's the two of you can start getting acquainted7
Would you like that?"

That afternoon Effie and a man Carrie had never seen before, brought
the smaller bed in and put it next to Carrie's.

"This here's Noah Pierce," Effie said.  "He plays the piano downstairs
and keeps things orderly, just in case any of the gentlemen get out of
hand.  They don't hardly never though, because Miss Charmaine is mighty
particular about the kind of ... of..."  She struggled for the word and
the man said, "Clientele."

Tall and lanky, with sandy hair and a plain and honest face Noah Pierce
appeared to be in his late twenties.  His striped pants were just a
little too short and his shirt-sleeves were just a little too long. But
his brown eyes were as warm as his smile as he took Carrie's hand and
said, "How do, Miss Carrie.  We sure are glad you're feeling better. 
And won't it be nice having Sarah in here with you.  She's as good as
she is pretty and I don't hardly believe she'll be any trouble at

The little girl wasn't any trouble.  Though shy at first, Sarah soon
warmed to Carrie.  During the day, she played on the floor beside
Carrie's bed or sat on the bed next to Carrie while Carrie told her
stories about her mother and how it had been when she and Rosalinda
were young.

Carrie had expected to love this niece of hers, but she had not
expected the love to come so quickly or so deeply.  Nor had she
expected the almost overwhelming emotion she experienced when she
watched Sarah at play, or felt the small hand resting on her arm when
she read her a story.  Sarah was her own special self, and yet there
was so much of Rosalinda in her that when Carrie kissed her good-night,
it seemed to her as though she were looking at Rosalinda at that age.

"Good night, darling," she said each night.  "Night, Auntie Carrie."
"Sleep tight, baby."

"You, too."  And when Sarah held her arms up for that last hug,
something wonderful clutched at Carrie's heart, for Sarah was her child
now and she would love her as she had loved Rosalinda.

The only thing that bothered her was Sarah's constant references to her
"Uncle Matt."

"Uncle Matt took me and Mama for rides in his buggy before she went
away," she'd tell Carrie.  "Sometimes he brought me and Mama candy.  He
still brings me candy, but he says I can't eat it unless I eat all of
my dinner.  How come, Auntie Carrie?  How come?"

"Because sweets are for after dinner," Carrie said.  "First come
vegetables and bread and meat.  If there's still room in your tummy
after that then you can have a piece of candy."

Sarah also spoke in glowing terms about her Auntie Charmaine, as well
as her other "aunties."  She loved them all, especially Effie.

Effie Davis appeared even younger than her fifteen years.  She looked,
Carrie thought, like a scrawny sparrow who'd been out in the rain too
long.  She was small, no more than five one or two, and probably didn't
weigh more than ninety pounds.  Her bright red hair was straight as a
stick and her milk-white face was sprinkled with freckles.

Every afternoon when it was time for the gentlemen to come calling,
Charmaine and the other girls did their best to dress Effie up, but to
Carrie's way of thinking, they only made matters worse.  The curling
iron frizzled the baby-fine hair, and the rouge blotched over the
freckles on her too-white skin giving her a' sad-clown look.

The fancy dresses didn't help, either.  They hung on her skinny frame,
emphasizing the smallness of her budding breasts and her almost
nonexistent bottom.

She looked more like a lost orphan of the storm than a fallen woman.

"She's my best est friend," Sarah told Carrie.  "She tells me stories
and she makes dresses for Mary Agnes."

Mary Agnes, a china doll with long dark curls, had been a gift from
Uncle Matt.  She was Sarah's prized possession and the little girl
carried the doll with her everywhere she went.

"Uncle Matt got her in Chicago," Sarah said.

The fact that Uncle Matt, Aunt Charmaine and all the other aunties were
taking the place of Sarah's playmates concerned Carrie.  For though the
women of The Chateau were unfailingly sweet to both her and Sarah, they
were not her kind of people.  She was determined to take Sarah out of
this environment just as soon as she was able.

But no matter how she felt about the women who worked here, Carrie did
her best to be pleasant to them when they came to visit.  Dressed in
silk kimonos or flannel robes, their hair loose about their shoulders,
they lounged on her bed, chatting, as curious about Carrie as she was
about them.

She soon discovered that Babette had a little boy about Sarah's age who
lived with her folks in Arkansas.

"Miss Charmaine gave me some time off just before Christmas last year,"
Babette told Carrie.  "And Mr.  Matt got me a ticket on the train.  It
was a real nice trip.  I was glad to see my little boy and my folks and
all, but I was so sad when it came time to say goodbye that I don't
hardly think I'll be going back.  Timmie calls my own mama "Mama," and
maybe it's better that he does.  I can't do for him like she can, so
it's best he just keeps

on thinking she's his mama and Papa is his papa.  Mr.  Matt offered to
pay my way back to Arkansas this Christmas, but I told him I'd better
stay here.  He's a real nice man, Miss Carrie.  He's different than any
man I've ever known, and I guess I've known my share."

Like Babette, the other girls also spoke in glowing terms of Matt

"He's the richest man in Cripple Creek," Dorfie told Carrie.

"It all started when he won the High Stakes Saloon in a poker game five
years ago," Lorelei said.  "After that he bought the Dirty Shame, the
Silver Dollar and that fancy gambling place of his."

"Old Dewlap Drummond took me there once," Con-chita said.  "You should
see the place, muchachas.  There are real honest-to-God crystal
chandeliers and red velvet drapes.  There are girls there, too, but
mostly they just circulate among the customers.  They wear expensive
gowns... Chihuahua.t You should see the gowns!  And all they do is
drink champagne and dance with the men.  And the men that go there!
Carumba, they look almost as rich as Senor Matt."

"That's where Sally LeBeau sings," Lorelei said.

"She's the belle of the tenderloin district."

"The tenderloin?"  Carrie asked.

"The place where all the action is," Dorrie explained.  "Matt has a
gold mine, too," Lorelei said.  "The Lucky Lady.  A fella from Chicago
bought it a few years back but it never did pay off.  Mr.  Matt won it
from him in a poker game and six months later he struck gold."  Lorelei
smiled.  "Never did see a luckier man than Matt.  He's got the golden

"In more ways than one," Conchita said with a laugh.

"That ain't nice."  Effie frowned at the other girl.  "You just hush up
with such talk around Miss Carrie."

The golden touch in more ways than one.  Carrie's mouth tightened. That
certainly confirmed her suspicion about Matt Craddock.  He was a
gambler, a rogue, and worst of all he was a client of The Chateau. He'd
probably done wicked things with every female resident in the house,
these very same females that sat chatting on her bed like

But they weren't schoolgirls.  They were fallen women, had women.

In late afternoon Miss Binty always came to close the door of Carrie's
room.  Soon after that the brass knocker on the front door would sound
again and again, and Carrie would hear, over the lively music of Noah
Pierce's piano, the high-pitched voices of the women mingled with the
laughter of men.  It all sounded like any normal party, and for a
little while, lying there, that's what Carrie pretended that it was.

But as the afternoon wore on into evening, the pretending stopped, for
that was when she would hear the footsteps on the stairs, the smothered
giggles, the hushed whispers, the male voices.

And often as she lay there, she wondered if Matt Craddock was one of
the men, and which of the women he was with.

She wondered about what they did.  More than kissing, she knew.  She
didn't know exactly what men and women did when they were alone in a
bed, but whatever it was, she knew it wasn't nice.

One afternoon when Sarah was taking her nap, Noah Pierce knocked on the
open door of Carrie's room.

"Howdy, ma'am," he said.  "I hope I'm not bothering

you."  He handed her a box tied with a red ribbon.  "It's fudge," he
said.  "I thought that after a steady diet of Miss Binty's chicken soup
you might like a taste of something sweet.  I bought it at the Bon Ton
this morning."

"Why, thank you, Mr.  Pierce."  Carrie took the box and, removing the
lid, offered it to him.  "Won't you have some?"

"Thank you, ma'am.  Don't mind if I do."

She bit into a piece.  "It's delicious, Mr.  Pierce."

He blushed and looked down at his feet.  "I been wanting to tell you
how sorry I was about everything, Miss Carrie.  About poor Rosalinda
dying and about your being sick and all.  Your sister was nice as could
be and I reckon Sarah's just about the sweetest little girl I ever
saw."  He looked over at the sleeping child.  "She's lucky to have

"And I'm lucky to have her, Mr.  Pierce," "She's become mighty attached
to Effie."  "Yes, so it seems."

"And Effie's mighty attached to her."

Carrie nodded.  "Yes, I know."

"Effie's a real nice girl, Miss Carrie.  She came here last winter.
Knocked at the door looking half-frozen and asked Miss Charmaine for
work.  She looks better now, but back then she was so skinny and
run-down She could barely stand.  Miss Charmaine took her in and took
care of her.  Made her eat and got her some halfway decent clothes.

"A week or two later her daddy came looking for her, wanting to take
her back home.  Effie took one look at him and started to cry.  Said
she'd never go back, and Miss Charmaine said if Mr.  Davis didn't leave
she was going to call the sheriff.  She called him words I didn't know
any lady knew and shoved him right off the front porch."

Noah shoved his big bony hands into his pockets.  "For a while Miss
Charmaine wouldn't let Effie work, but Effie kept insisting that she do
her share to pay for her board and room or she was going to leave, and
finally Miss Charmaine said all right."

He looked at Carrie.  "She doesn't belong here," he said.  "I was
thinking..."  He cleared his throat before he went on.  "I was thinking
that when you leave here you might need help with Sarah and keeping
house and all.  And that maybe ... well maybe Effie could help you."

Carrie looked at Noah, then away.  He wanted her to take Effie Davis
with her when she left.  She couldn't do that.  She could not possibly
take on the responsibility of another person, especially a person who
made her living as a prostitute.

"I really don't think--" she started to say.

But Noah stopped her.  "She doesn't belong here, ma-'am," he said
again.  "I wish you'd at least think about it."

"I can't..."  She shook her head, then, stopped by the appeal in his
eyes, said, "All right.  I'll think about it."

Toward the end of the week Matt Craddock came to see Carrie.  It was
evening, and from below she could hear the voices and the music of the

"You're looking much better," he said from the doorway.  "May I come

Before Carrie could answer, Sarah launched herself at him, squealing,
"Uncle Matt!  Uncle Matt!"

"Hello, princess."  He swung Sarah up into his arms.  "How's my best

"Fine, Uncle Matt."  He put her down, and when he did she tugged at his
hand to bring him into the bedroom.  "Aunt Carrie was just telling a
story about when Mama

was a little girl back in Ohio.  We're going there sometime, aren't
we, Aunt Carrie?"

"Is that what you've decided?"  Matt pulled a chair closer to the bed
and asked, "May I?"  When Carrie nodded, he sat down and took Sarah up
onto his lap.

"Yes, we'll go back," Carrie said, "but I'm afraid it won't be for a
while yet, a year or two at least."

One black eyebrow raised in question.  "I thought you didn't like
Cripple Creek."

"I don't.  But I don't have any choice.  I have to stay until I get a
teaching job and can save enough money to get Sarah and myself back
home."  She reached for her purse.  "Speaking of money, I owe you for
the doctor you had come from Denver.  How much did he charge?"  "Not
much."  "How much?"

Matt shook his head.  "We can talk about it later."  Carrie firmed her
chin.  "How much?"  she insisted.  "Twenty-five dollars.  But you don't
have to---" Twenty-five dollars!  She swallowed hard, but trying not to
show her chagrin, counted the money out and gave it to Matt.  Her
entire savings at this point was a little over sixty dollars.

"I don't want it," he said.  "But if you insist on paying me then why
don't you wait until you have a job?"

"I don't believe in owing money," she said stiffly.

"My father always paid his bills on time and so do I."  "I don't want
your money.  I--" "I insist," she said.

She was the damnedest woman he'd ever met, Matt decided as he took the
money.  Stiff-necked and rigid as a straight-backed chair.  No wonder
she was an old maid.  If a man ever tried to put his arm around her
she'd probably scream bloody murder.  Besides, no man in his right mind
would ever want to.  Making love to her would be like making love to an

It was too bad, because she wasn't half-bad to look at.  The other
times he'd seen her she'd been wearing a flannel nightshirt, but
tonight she had on some kind of blue gown with frilly white lace around
her throat.  In the light of the bedside lamp, and with her auburn hair
loose about her shoulders, she looked very pretty.  Her eyes were more
gray than blue and her eyelashes were long and silky.  She'd be a
damned good-looking woman, if she ever loosened up.  Not a woman he'd
ever be interested in of course, but still... "There is a school here,
isn't there?"  she asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"One here and another one over in Victor."

"Do you think I'd have any trouble finding a teaching position?"

Matt shook his head.  "The school board's always looking for good
teachers.  A woman by the name of Eivira Primrose is head of the board.
She's the one you'd want to talk to."  Sarah moved in his arms, and
when he saw that she was sleeping, he said, "Is it all right if I put
her to bed?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"I never mind doing anything for Sarah."  He lay the child down on her
bed, pulled the blankets up to her chin, then stooped to kiss her
cheek.  "She's a sweet baby," he said.  "She looks like Rosalinda, but
there's a little of you in her, too.  Your eyes I think."  He turned
and looked at Carrie.  "You have very beautiful eyes," he said.

Carrie looked up at him, and suddenly the silence in the room was
almost palpable.  From below came the music and the sound of laughter,
but here it was quiet.

 moved closer to the bed and stood looking down at Carrie.  Her eyes
were wide, her lips were parted.  He sat on the edge of the bed beside
her.  "What are you doing?"  she whispered.

He curled a strand of her auburn hair around his finger.  She didn't

Nor for a moment did he.  Then suddenly, Matt put his arms under her
shoulders and lifted her closer.  She started to speak, but before she
could, he covered her mouth with his.

Carrie stiffened and gasped.  With her hands flat against his chest,
she tried to push him away, but he held her there and kissed her,
gently at first.  Then with a growing need to make her respond his
mouth moved over hers, demanding, willing her to answer his kiss.  She
tightened her lips and tried to draw away.  But Matt held her there,
held her and kissed her until her lips parted and softened under his.

"Carrie," he whispered, and tightened his arms around her.

He could feel the press of her breasts through the thin material of the
gown.  Her body felt womanly soft, her skin scented with roses.

"Please," she whispered," and this time when she struggled, Matt let
her go and gently laid her back upon the pillows.

"I'm sorry."  He took a steadying breath.  "I shouldn't have done

"No.  You ... you shouldn't have."  Her voice was shaking.  She was
shaking.  She'd never been kissed before.  She didn't know ... hadn't
known that a kiss could affect anyone the way it had affected her.  She
looked at his mouth and a shiver ran through her.  Her hand went to the
top of the blue gown and she held it closer about her throat.  "I think
you'd better leave," she said.

Matt stood and started for the door.  "That won't happen again," he
said.  "Good night, Carrie.  Sleep well."

Sleep well!  When her mind was a jumble of mixed-up thoughts and her
body so strangely weak and warm?

She touched the lips his lips had touched and pulled the blankets up
under her chin.  Matt Craddock had kissed her, and in a way she could
not explain, she didn't think she would ever be the same again.

Chapter Five

Matthew Artemius Craddock was thirty-six years old.  Born and raised in
Chicago, he had attended school there, and one week after his
graduation from the University of Illinois, he set his sights West.

For as long as Matt could remember, his father had talked about
quitting his job on the Erie Canal and going to California.  He'd never
made it, mostly because Matt's mother had a fainting spell every time
he'd mentioned leaving Chicago.  When he told his father his plan,
Henry Craddock had said, "You're right to go, son.  I just wish to God
I was young enough to be going with you."

Matt worked his way down through Missouri, taking whatever job he could
find to keep himself going.  In Springfield he worked in a livery
stable during the day, and started spending some of his nights playing
faro in a local saloon.  Six months later, convinced that there was
more money to be made in games of chance than there was in shoveling
manure, he quit his job and devoted all of his time and energy to

He knew early on that he had a knack for it.  He could sense what the
other players were going to do before they did it.  He watched their
faces, that slight movement of eye, the tightening of mouth, the thin
film of sweat on the upper lip, the small, almost imperceptible twitch
of hand.  He never dealt a dishonest game, but he soon learned to spot
the men who did.

By the time he was twenty-five, he'd been in a couple of gunfights, had
gotten himself engaged and unengaged to several of the city's most
eligible young ladies, and owned half interest in a saloon.  But he
never lost sight of the fact that Springfield was only a temporary
stopover on his way to California.  When one of the young ladies he'd
gotten himself engaged to threatened to sue unless he married her, he
sold his half of the saloon and left Springfield.

Wichita was his next stop.  He stayed for a year, and it was there he
began to hear talk about Colorado.

Like California, gold had been discovered in Colorado, and while Matt
had little or no interest in prospecting for gold, he knew that
wherever there were gold mines, there were men mining them, and
wherever there were men, there was gambling.  He decided to have a look
at Colorado before he went on to California, especially when a man he'd
played faro with started talking about a place called Cripple Creek.

"Darnedest thing anybody ever saw," the man said.  "Fella by the name
of Bob Womack had been prospecting there for almost fifteen years
without any luck when one day damned if he didn't strike it rich.
Discovered gold in a place called Poverty Gulch.  Word got around and
pretty soon a bunch of other prospectors headed for Cripple Creek.
Whole danged town is booming.  Ore's being assayed at more than two
hundred dollars a ton and everybody and their twin brother's going to
Cripple Creek faster 'n a mule can spit.  There's hotels there now,
dance halls, variety theaters, saloons, and enough whorehouses

and gambling places to keep every one of them miners happy till he's

A week later Matt was on his way to Cripple Creek.  He won the High
Stakes Saloon in a poker game and a year later, bought his second
saloon, and then his third.  Three years after that he won the Lucky
Lady mine in a game of chance, and hit a vein of gold that made him
richer than he'd ever dreamed of being.

A millionaire several times over, he could have gone back to Chicago or
even to New York and just let the money come in.  But Matt liked
Cripple Creek and the people who lived there.  He liked owning and
operating his saloons and the gambling palace.  Most important, Matt
liked his life just the way it was; he didn't need or want any
complications.  But somehow he knew, the way he always knew when the
man across the gaming table from him was bluffing, that if he wasn't
careful, Miss Carrie McClennon could become a complication.

She was different from the other women he'd known, and he'd known quite
a few.  She was narrow-minded and prim, proper as a church deacon and
twice as straitlaced.  He wasn't sure why he'd kissed her the other
night, curiosity maybe.  Or maybe it had been that she looked so
feminine and pretty in that blue gown with the white lace curled up
around her throat.  Lord knows it had shocked the socks off her, and
truth to tell, he'd been a little taken aback himself.

She'd jumped like a scared rabbit when he kissed her, but just for a
minute her lips had parted and softened under his.  When they did, he
had felt a surge of excitement unlike anything he'd ever experienced
before.  The press of her breasts against him had set Matt so hot on
fire that he'd thought he'd explode if he didn't touch them.  He
hadn't, but it had taken every bit of his willpower not to.

He had a pretty good idea from the way she'd reacted that she'd
probably never been kissed before, at least not the way he'd kissed
her.  That intimidated as well as excited Matt, and that night after
he'd left her, he thought what it would be like to awaken Miss Carrie M
Clennon, to teach her the many ways of love, to have her respond as she
had for that one brief moment.

During the next few days, Matt did his damnedest to shrug off all
thoughts of Carrie.  She was dangerous.  Her innocence was more
appealing than he wanted to admit.  But try as he might to put her out
of his mind, Matt found himself thinking about her at the oddest
moments--in the middle of a high-stakes game; when he went to bed at
night or awakened in the morning.  He even dreamed about her, about the
tumble of her auburn hair, the sweet fullness of her lips.

He told himself he'd only helped her because she was Rosalinda's sister
and Sarah's aunt, but there was a part of him that had known he'd been
attracted to her from the night on the snowbound train when he'd held
her close to keep her warm.  Her innocence and vulnerability had
stirred something deep within him.  Lord knows she wasn't the kind of a
woman he wanted to become involved with, and yet each time he was with
her he felt an overwhelming need to take her in his arms, to hold and
cuddle her, to kiss her until she was warm and pliant, and his.

He told himself that maybe he would have felt the same about anybody
who'd gone through what Carrie had.  Not only had she lost the sister
she had come so far to see, she had discovered that her sister had
spent the last few months of her life in a whorehouse.  And no matter

anybody said, he knew she believed that Rosalinda had been more than
just a guest there.  Now Carrie herself was staying in that same house,
and while the thought amused Matt, it also made him sympathize with how
she must feel about that.  She was a straitlaced preacher's daughter,
reduced to living among women who made their way by selling their

Soon she'd be able to leave The Chateau, and the sooner she left, the
better it would be for her and everybody else, especially for Sarah.
Until she did, he'd stay away.

But three days later Matt once again found himself climbing the stairs
to Carrie's room, just to see Sarah, he told himself.

The bedroom door was open and Carrie was sitting in a rocking chair by
the window, singing to Sarah.  The song was "Jeanie With the Light
Brown Hair," but each time the word Jeanie was used she substituted

Her voice was sweet and clear and so beautiful it made the breath catch
in his throat.  And she was beautiful.  In a long cotton nightgown with
a blue shawl over her shoulders, and the afternoon sun slanting in
through the window, setting her auburn hair afire, she was just about
the prettiest thing he'd ever seen.

As he watched, she feathered a kiss on the sleeping child's forehead.

Something he could not give name to stirred deep within Matt.  Silently
he closed the door and took a step into the room.  "I dream of
Sarah..."  she sang.

A floorboard creaked.  The song stopped.  Carrie looked up and saw

"You have a lovely voice," he said.

A pale hand fluttered to her throat.  "I ... I didn't hear you come

"Sarah's asleep?"


"Let me take her."  He crossed the room and gently lifted the sleeping
child out of Carrie's arms.  When she stirred, he said, "Hush, baby.
Hush, my little girl.  Everything's all fight.  Uncle Matt is going to
put you to bed for your nap now."

Holding her cradled in one arm, he laid back the blanket and placed her
on the bed, covered her and stood for a moment looking down at her.

"She's such a sweet thing," he said so low that Carrie could barely
hear him.  But she did hear, and smiled.

"You're very good to her," she said when he came back to where she was

"She's easy to be good to."  He looked down at Carrie.  "It's getting
colder," he said.  "You should get back into bed."

"Yes, I suppose I should."  She stood and rested for a moment with one
hand on the back of the rocker.  "It's going to snow.  The wind's
getting colder."

"Yes."  He came closer and placed his hands on her shoulders.  "Let me
help you back to bed," he said, and before Carrie could stop him, he
picked her up in his arms.

"Put me down," she protested.  "I..."  She stopped and drew in her
breath because he was looking at her the way he had the other night
just before he had kissed her.  "Mr.

Craddock," she said.  "Matt--" "Say my name again."  "Put me down!"
"Say my name."

Carrie felt the flutter of a pulse beat in her throat.  "Matt," she

He kissed her, there by the window in the sunlight.  Kissed her with
lips that were full and firm and surprisingly gentle against hers. And
though she struggled, he held her there, cradled against his chest.

His face felt clean and cold against hers.  His mouth was warm and
demanding and she tasted the good pungent odor of a cigar he'd smoked
earlier, and smelled the good man scent of him, and knew that this was
wicked.  That she mustn't let him kiss her like this.  But oh, it was
nice.  He made her feel warm and alive, more alive than she'd ever felt

He pulled at her lower lip, and she moaned low in her throat.  He
glided his tongue into her mouth, seeking her tongue, and when he
touched it, it was as though she had been touched by a flame, and she
cried aloud.  The hands that had flattened against his chest to push
him away crept up around the back of his neck.  She touched the warm
skin there and curled her fingers through the thickness of his velvet
black hair.

Carrie knew she had to stop.  She couldn't let him kiss her like this.
She had to... With a cry, she turned her face from his.  "No," she
whispered.  "This isn't..."

"It isn't nice?"  Matt chuckled low in his throat.  "It's just about
the nicest thing that's ever happened to me, Miss Carrie."  His eyes,
green as new spring grass looked down into hers.  "Isn't it nice for
you?"  he said.  "Isn't it, Carrie?"

He took her mouth again and kissed her deep and hard and good.  She
clung to him, but when he cupped her breast she startled like a
frightened bird, jerking her arms from the back of his neck to clamp
down on his wrist.  "No," she said.  "No---"

He silenced her words with his mouth, and though she struggled against
him, he would not move his hand.  His fingers burned through the thin
fabric of her night gown, and as he brushed his thumb against her
nipple, he kissed her with a force that left her breathless.

"Carrie,"he whispered against her lips.  "Carrie."  Resting his face
against the top of her head, he held her there until she quieted.

"I didn't mean to do that."  He took a deep and shaking breath.  "I
only meant to carry you to your bed."

She hid her face in the fabric of his coat, too ashamed to look at

He took her to her bed, laid her down there and pulled the blankets
around her.  He sat beside her, and he took her chin between his thumb
and first finger and turned her face toward his.

"You think that I shouldn't have kissed you that way," he said.  "That
I shouldn't have touched you."

"No."  Her breath felt ragged.  "No, you shouldn't have."

"I didn't mean to, but when you looked at me the way you did..."  Matt
shook his head.  "There's something between us, Carrie.  I'm not sure
what it is, I only know that it exists."

It was true.  There was something about her, something that heated his
blood and hardened his body with a desire unlike anything he had ever
known.  He wanted her more than he had ever wanted a woman before.  He
gazed down into her gray-blue eyes, eyes still smoky with a desire she
didn't even understand, and began to stroke the auburn hair back from
her face.  "You need someone to take care of you," he said.  "I want to
be that someone, Carrie."  "Take care of me?  I ... I don't

"I have a house in town.  You and Sarah could live there."  '

"With you?"

Matt smiled.  "Of course with me, Carrie.  You won't

have to teach school, you can stay home and take care of Sarah."  He
caressed her cheek.  "And me," he said.

Before she could move away, he put his arms around her and brought her
closer.  "It could be good between us, Carrie.  It could be so good."

"I ... I'm not sure I understand, Matt.  Are you asking me to marry

Frowning, Matt shook his head.  "I'm not a man who would be comfortable
with marriage," he said.  "But I care about you and I'll be good to
you.  When the time comes and you'd like to go back to Ohio, I'll make
sure that you and Sarah have enough money to make you both comfortable
for a very long time."

Carrie stared at him, shock showing in her eyes.  Matt Craddock wasn't
asking her to marry him, he was asking her to live in sin.

"Let go of me," she said in a steely, quiet voice.

The hand on her cheek stilled.  "Carrie," he started to say.  "Let me
explain, my dear.  I--"

"No."  She sat up and moved away from him.  "I'd like you to leave,

A muscle in his cheek jumped.  "I'm sorry if I offended you," he said.
"Perhaps I didn't say it the way I meant it.  Colorado can be a
difficult place for a woman alone, especially a woman with a child. You
need someone to--' '

"I don't need anyone," she snapped.  "I can take care of myself and I
can take care of Sarah."  She glared at him.  "I'm tired.  I'd
appreciate it if you'd leave."

Matt got up and started toward the door.  "Think about what I've said,
Carrie.  If you change your mind--"

"I won't change my mind."

"I still want to help you," he said.  "If I can do anything--"

"You can't."

He hesitated at the door.  "It could be good between us," he said in a
low voice.  "I'd give you everything you've ever wanted.  I'd dress you
in silk and furs.  I'd--"

She picked up the clock from the bedside table and hurled it at him. He
ducked and it clanged hard against the door.

"Get out!"  she cried.  "Get out!"

The suggestion of a grin curved Matt's mouth as he bowed from the
waist.  With exaggerated politeness, he said, "I'll bid you good
afternoon, ma'am," and closed the door just as she reached under the
bed for the chamber pot.

Hot tears ran down Carrie's cheeks.  She'd never been angrier in her
life, as angry with herself as she was with Matt Craddock.  Angry
because she'd behaved like a hussy and allowed Matt Craddock to take
liberties with her.  Angry at him because he'd taken advantage of

She threw herself down on the bed and covered her head.  Oh Lord, what
had she done?  For all she knew she might even be pregnant.

"You can get in a family way through kissing," her friend Margaret
Louise Fairbanks had told her.  "My cousin Hildy warned me never to
kiss a man lest I end up with a baby.  No decent girl ever lets a man
kiss her until she says, "I do."  It's all right to let him to kiss
your 'forehead or your cheek, but never on the lips until the preacher
says you're married."

Married.  She had assumed Matt was asking her to marry him!  She'd
never live down the shame of asking him if that's what he meant.

Someone knocked.  Had he come back!  She couldn't face him. Couldn't...
Charmaine opened the door.  "Are you all right?"  she

asked.  "I heard a crash and..."  She looked at the clock and raised
her eyebrows.

Carrie knuckled away her tears.  "I'm ... I'm fine;" she managed to
say.  "I'm sorry I broke your clock."

"That's all right."  Charmaine picked up the pieces and put them on the
bureau.  "Matt ran out of the house looking like old Nick himself was
after him and you're up here crying.  What happened?  Do you want to
talk about it?"


Charmaine sat on the edge of the bed.  "Maybe you'll feel better if you

"No, I won't."  Carrie looked at Charmaine, then away.  The fear that
she might be pregnant scared her to death.  If a girl really could get
that way by kissing a man then she surely was.  Charmaine was a woman
of the world, she'd probably know whether what Margaret Louise had said
was true or not.  It would embarrass her to ask, but... She took a deep
breath.  "I'd like to ask you a question," she said.

"All right, shoot."

"If a girl..."  Carrie took a deep breath.  "If a girl kisses a man
will she get ... you know?"

"Will she get what?"

Carrie swallowed hard.  "With child," she whispered.  The corners of
Charmaine's mouth turned up in a smile that she tried to hide.
"Wherever did you get an idea like that?"

"My friend Margaret Louise told me."

"Well, Margaret Louise was wrong.  It takes a hell of a lot more than
that to make a girl pregnant."  What?  Carrie wanted to ask but didn't.
"Matt kissed you?"  Charmaine asked.

Carrie, too ashamed to say yes, merely nodded.

"Is that why you're so upset?"  "Yes, and because...?"  "Because?"
Charmaine prompted.

"Because he asked me to ... to live in sin with him."

"To live with him?"  Charmaine's blue eyes widened.  "Matt asked you to
live with him?"

"He said he'd take care of Sarah and me."

"I'll be damned!"  For a moment Charmaine was too surprised to say
anything.  "And you refused him?"  she said at last.

"Of course I refused him!"

"I'll be damned."  Charmaine shook her head.  "I've never known Matt
Craddock to ask any other woman that question.  If he had, you can bet
your Aunt Tiny they'd have said yes."

"Well, I'm not any other woman."

"No, I don't guess you are."  Charmaine gazed out of the window for a
moment or two.  "Matt's as fine a man as I ever knew," she said. "There
isn't a woman in this town would turn him down if he asked them what he
asked you."

"Then let him ask one of them."

Charmaine shook her head.  "He doesn't want any of them, he wants you."
And almost to herself, she added, "It beats the hell out of me why he
does though."

Carrie frowned, but before she could say anything, Charmaine continued.
"There's not another man like Matt in all Colorado, Carrie.  Anybody
down on their luck and he's right there helping, just like the way he
helped Rosie

"What do you mean?"

"He'd met her a few years ago in Kansas City.  She came here with some
no-good varmint who'd made all sorts of promises about getting her a
job singing.  But a

job wasn't what he had in mind.  She was sick and scared and trying to
take care of Sarah and finally she sent word to Matt.  He went to see
the man who'd brought her here, and from what I heard, he knocked the
tar out of him.  After a while he brought Rosie here and asked me to
take her and Sarah in.  He paid me rent for the room I gave her."

"He paid you to take care of her?"

Charmaine smiled.  "He surely did, Miss Carrie, and he was mighty nice
to your sister the whole time she was here.  He brought Sarah presents,
and now and then he'd bring something special for Rosie.  I think it
was almost as much of a shock for him as it was for you when she died.
When he found out I was paying the funeral expenses he wouldn't let me
do it.  He paid for everything.  He's even having a nice tombstone made
for her grave."

"I see."  And suddenly Carrie did see.  Matt had known Rosalinda
before.  He had helped her when she was in trouble and he'd brought her
presents.  He called Sarah "my little girl."

Lorelei's words, "He couldn't be nicer to Sarah if she were his own
little girl," echoed in Carrie's ears.  His own little girl.

She put a hand over her eyes.

"You feeling all right?"  Charmaine asked.

"Yes, I ... I'm just a little tired."

"I'll let you rest a while then."  She patted Carrie's hand.  "You sure
you're all right."

"Yes, thank you."

But she wasn't all right.

Charmaine had told her Matt had known Rosalinda a couple of years
before she'd come here.  A couple of years?  Three or four?

She felt ill, filled with shame, sick with a truth she didn't want to
face but knew that she had to.  Matt and her sister had done what
married people do; as a result, she had become pregnant with Sarah.
Sarah was Matt's daughter.

Snow and sleet beat hard against the window, and wind shook the house.
But Carrie didn't hear it.  She cried for a long time, and when the
tears ended, she got out of bed and began to pack.

Chapter Six

"If you're bound and determined to go gallivanting all over Cripple
Creek, then at least take Effie with you," Charmaine said.

Carrie was bound and determined all right, and she had been ever since
yesterday afternoon.  Bitterly ashamed for having allowed Matt Craddock
to take liberties, and humiliated because she had assumed, when he
asked her to live with him, that he was talking about marriage, the
final blow had come with the realization that he had been Ros-alinda's
lover.  And Sarah's father.  Why else would he have paid Charmaine to
take Rosalinda and her child in?  Why else would he have brought gifts
for Sarah and called her his little girl?

"I'm not going gallivanting," Carrie told Charmaine.  "I'm going to
look for a house."  She put on her gray hat and fastened it with a
three-inch-long pin.  "It was kind of you to take me in the way you
did, Miss Duval, but--" "Charmaine!  For Lord's sake, call me
Charmaine."  "All right.  Charmaine."

"I don't know why you're in such an all-fired hurry to leave.  It's
cold out there and you're still peaked looking.  If you were to catch
another chill--"

"I won't."  Carrie put the gray cloak over her shoulders.  "I'm fine,
really, but it's time I left.  I have to find a place to live and a
job.  The sooner I start looking the better."

"If you're determined to leave, then go on over to the general store
and see Mr.  Davenport.  He knows everything that's going on around
town.  If there're places to rent he'll know about them."  Charmaine
went to the door of Carrie's room and called out; "Effie?  You

"I'm coming, Miss Charmaine."  And before Carrie could say that she
didn't need anybody to go with her, Effie had hurried out into the
hallway.  She wore a shabby, threadbare coat that came almost down to
her ankles and a red wool cap pulled down over her carrot-red hair. She
looked as excited as though she were going to a party instead of house

"I don't get out much," she confided as she took Carrie's arm to help
her down the front steps.  More animated than Carrie had ever seen her,
the younger girl's cheeks were flushed with pleasure.  "The nice folks
in town don't much like us girls traipsing around over in their part of
Cripple Creek," she confided.  "But you're respectable.  Won't nobody
say nothing to me long's I'm with you."  She took a deep breath of the
clear morning air.  "Isn't this the nicest day?"  she said.  "I love it
when it's snowed.  It makes everything look so clean and pretty, don't

Effie stepped around a snowdrift.  Glancing down, Carrie saw how worn
the girl's shoes were, and knew that her feet must already be wet.

Pointing to a single-story frame house, Effie said, "That's Hazel
McMurphy's place.  I tried to go to work there, too, but Miz McMurphy
said I looked like a plucked chicken and that I wasn't strong enough or
pretty enough for the kind of gents that came there."  She shook her

head.  "I'm stronger now, but I don't guess nothing's ever going to
make me any prettier."

Carrie stopped.  "Of course you're pretty," she said.  "Whoever told
you that you weren't?"

"My pa."  Effie buried her chin in the collar of her coat and, in a
voice so low Carrie could barely hear her, said, "Course that didn't
keep him from trying to put his hands on me every chance he got."  She
shot a glance at Carrie.  "He's a real mean man, Miss Carrie.  I don't
much like what I have to do at Miss Charmaine's, but I'd a sight rather
be there than living with Pa."

"Have you ever thought of doing any other kind of work?"

"No, ma'am.  My pa said I was too dumb for anything except laying on my

"You're not dumb," Carrie said emphatically.  "It's just that nobody's
ever given you a chance.  Look how good you are with Sarah.  She loves
you, Effie."

"I love her, too, Miss Carrie, and I'm purely going to hate it when you
and her leave The Chateau.  I'm going to miss both of you more'n I even
want to think about."

"And I'll miss you, Effie," Carrie said as they turned onto Bennett
Avenue.  Strangely enough, she knew that it was true.  There was
something about the girl that touched her, for even when she was all
decked out in her "working" clothes, the silk gowns that all of
Charmaine's girls wore for the benefit of the customers, Effie still
looked like a lost soul.

Life was hard, particularly here in this western boom-town, Carrie
realized.  It was particularly hard on young women like Effie who had
no one to protect them.  If they had no family, no education, no talent
or hope of a decent job, there were two choices left to them: they
could marry if they could find a man who wanted them, or prostitute
themselves.  Effie hadn't had any choice in the path she chose.  And
neither, perhaps, had Rosalinda when she allowed Matt to take care of

Lord, how that hurt and galled, hurt like a knife going into her deep,
galled because for a few moments yesterday she had allowed Matt to hold
and kiss her, as he had once held and kissed Rosalinda.

But she wouldn't think about that now.  She would find a place to rent,
and she would never have to see Matt Craddock again.

Though the snow had stopped during the night, it was banked in
three-foot drifts all along the street.  Because of the cold there
weren't many people out, but those that were were bundled in heavy
coats and caps that pulled down over their ears.

Carrie and Effie made their way down Bennett Avenue, past the Boston
cafe, the bake shop, the drugstore, the millinery shop, a hotel and a
meat market.  Across the street there was another meat market, the shoe
and clothing store, a pawnshop, a sign that read Dancing School, a
Chinese laundry, and the general store.  Farther down on the other side
of the street was the livery stable and the blacksmith.

When they reached the store, Effie hesitated.  "Maybe I'd better wait
outside," she murmured.

"You'll do no such thing."  Carrie took her arm and together they went
into the store.

A potbellied stove warmed the room.  Cans and jars and bottles lined
the shelves, cooking utensils hung from every nail.  There was a crock
of dill pickles near the door, and to one side, a covered glass display
of licorice sticks and hard candy balls.  The man behind the counter
had a white apron tied around his waist.  His cheeks were as red as the
apples he had displayed in a basket at one side of

the counter.  His hair was salt-and-pepper gray and his eyes were a
fine deep blue.

"Help you, ladies?"  he asked.

"I'm looking for a house to rent," Carrie said.  "Someone told me you
might know of something."

Mr.  Davenport ran a hand across his face.  "Believe I do, ma'am.
Believe I do.  Old Miz Bisbee went bad last month and she had to move
in with her daughter over in Victor.  Her house is for rent furnished
and it might just be what you're looking for."

"How much is she asking for it?"  Carrie said.  "Twenty dollars a
month, ma'am."

Twenty dollars.  Carrie gripped the edge of the counter.  She hadn't
figured on paying that much.  She might be able to manage two months'
rent, with a little left over for food and someone to stay with Sarah
while she was at school, but if she didn't find a teaching position
right away she'd be in serious trouble.

"Is there anything else?"  she asked.  "Anything a little cheaper?"

"I'm afraid not.  Miz Bisbee's is a nice little house and if I was you
I'd snap it up before somebody else gets it.  There're families coming
to Cripple Creek every day and houses are hard to find.  When would you
figure on moving in?"

"Tomorrow, if I can."

Mr.  Davenport reached behind the counter and handed Carrie a key.
"It's on Second Street," he said.  "Gray house at the end of the block.
You look it over.  If you like it and you've got twenty dollars you can
move in tomorrow."

Carrie hesitated for a moment, then she picked up the key and, with
Effie in tow, walked the three blocks to Second Street.

A white picket fence enclosed the front yard of the small Victorian
house.  Icicles hung from the roof gutters and the elaborately carved
trim of the arches over the porch.  The steps were piled high with snow
that creaked under their feet.  The house looked bleak and unlived in,
and it was with a heavy heart that Carrie put the key in the lock.

It was as cold inside as it was outside, but the living room looked
pleasant enough.  Well-worn Oriental rugs covered the polished wooden
floor; heavy gold and tasseled drapes hung on either side of the big
bay window.  A brocade love seat and a matching hassock were arranged
in front of the fireplace, and a curio cabinet filled with all sons of
bric-a-brac stood against a wall.  There was a piano in one corner, a
gold-covered sofa, satin-COvered chairs, carved end tables and lamps,
an ornately framed gilded mirror.  With a fire, and the lamps lighted,
the room would be cozy and warm.

There was a dining room with a big round table and six chairs, a
breakfront lined with dishes, and a serving table against one wall. The
kitchen was big and the shelves of the pantry were lined with canned
fruit and vegetables.

Upstairs there were three bedrooms, each one furnished with a
four-poster, dresser and wardrobe.

It was a nice house, a comfortable house.  She and Sarah would be happy
here until she had made enough money to take them both back to Ohio.
But she had to get a job right away.  If she didn't ... no, she wasn't
going to worry about it.  She had her teaching credentials: she'd get a
job.  She knew she would.

"I like it," she told Effie.  "Let's go back and tell Mr.  Davenport
I'm going to take it.  I can bring Sarah's and my things over in the

"I don't guess I'll be seeing you once you and Sarah move in here."
Effie ran her hand over the back of one of the chairs.  "It's a real
pretty house, Miss Carrie.  I reckon you and Sarah are going to be
happy here, but I sure am going to miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, Effie."  And though Carrie was tempted to say,
"But of course you can visit," she didn't.  She liked Effie and she was
sorry for her, but the facts remained that the girl worked at The
Chateau and that this was a respectable neighborhood.

Back at the general store, she gave Mr.  Davenport twenty dollars and
told him she would move in the following day.  He in turn said that
he'd have one of his helpers go over to the house early in the morning
and light a fire so that it wouldn't be so cold when Carrie moved in.
Then he gave each of them an apple and bid them good day.

Carrie was packed and ready by ten the next morning.  She bundled Sarah
in her coat and hat, leggings and little fur-lined boots that had been,
Sarah told her, a present from Uncle Matt.

And though excited about all the hustle and bustle of packing, the
child was confused about the move.  "But why are we leaving?"  she
asked Carrie again and again.  "I like it here."

"We're going to have our own house now," Carrie told her.

"But I like this house," Sarah protested.

"I know, dear.  But don't you think it will be nice having a room of
your own and a whole house that you can play in?"

"But what about Auntie Charmaine and Effie?  Why can't they come with

"Auntie Charmaine has to stay here and take care of her own house and
of ... of the other girls who live here."  "Will Uncle Matt come to
visit us when we move?"  "I don't think so, Sarah."

"Why not?"  Her lower lip came out in a pout.  "Why not, Aunt

"Well, he..."  Carrie hesitated, trying to find the fight words. "We're
going to be living in a different part of town," she said at last. 
"Your Uncle Matt is so busy he probably won't have the time to visit." 
She knelt down to fasten the buttons of Sarah's coat.  "You'll make new
friends, honey.  I'm sure there are a lot of children near where we're
going to live."  She gave Sarah a hug.  "It's going to be fine, Sarah. 
Just you wait and see."

But Sarah's lower lip still pouted and her face was solemn when Noah,
who had volunteered to help Carrie move, knocked on the door.  "Are you
ready, Miss Carrie?  I've got a card age waiting out front."  He patted
Sarah's head.  "I bet you're all excited, aren't you, honey?"

"NO!"  Sarah stamped her foot.  "I don't want to go!"  "Well, now..,"
Noah looked at Carrie.  "You'll love your new house," he told Sarah.
"Why, I bet you've even got your own room."

"Don't want my own room.  Don't want to go away from here."  And to
emphasize what she was saying, Sarah stamped her foot again.

"That's enough!"  Carrie took her niece's hand and led her from the
room.  Charmaine and all of the girls waited at the bottom of the
stairs to say goodbye.

"I guess you're ready," Charmaine said.

"Yes, I am."  Carrie let go of Sarah's hand.  "I can't thank you enough
for all you've done for us," she said.  "And for what you did for
Rosalinda.  I'll never forget you, Charmaine."

"You sound like you're moving back to Ohio."  Char-maine raised an
eyebrow.  "But I suppose you might as well be, seeing as how you're
going to be living on the other side of town."

"Well, I..."  Carrie felt hot color creep into her cheeks.  "I guess
I'd better be going."

"Yes, maybe you had."  Charmaine knelt down and picked Sarah up in her
arms.  "Bye bye, honey babe," she said, and kissed Sarah's check.

"Bye, Auntie Charmaine."  Sarah's lower lip began to tremble.  "I love
you, Auntie Charmaine."

"And I love you, sweetheart."  Charmaine hugged her close for a moment
then set her down.

Dorric and Lorelei kissed Sarah.  Babette gave her a rag doll with
button eyes and a painted mouth.  Conchita took the pair of yellow
beads she was wearing and put them in Sarah's hand.  "To remember me by
rnuchachita," she said.

Effie handed her a tissue-wrapped package.  "I made some new clothes
for Mary Agnes," she whispered.  Then her lower lip trembled and she
started to cry.

"Oh, for the Lord's sweet sake," Charmaine said.  "Stop your crying."

"I can't hardly stand it," Effic wept.  "Sarah's just like the little
sister I always wanted.  I don't want her to go away.  I'll never sec
her again.  I--"

"Hush up!"  Charmaine looked almost as heartbroken as the weeping girl.
"You're upsetting Sarah."

"I can't help it," Effie sobbed.  "I don't want her and Miss Cartic to

"Effie ... Effie, dear..."  Cartic put her arms around the girl's
shoulders.  "Please don't cry," she said.  "You can come and sec us
sometime.  You can..."  She looked at Effic, and at Sarah who had taken
Effic's hand as though to console her.  She took a deep breath.
"Effie," she said quickly, before she could change her mind, "How would
you like to come with us, Effie?"

"What?"  Effie's eyes went big with surprise.  "Come with you?"

"I'll need somebody to stay with Sarah while I'm teaching school.  We'd
both like it if you moved in with us and..."  She looked over Effie's
shoulder to Charmaine.  "I know Effie works for you and I know Ihaven't
any right to ask, but if you could--"

"Sure."  Charmaine grinned.  "What the hell, Miss Carrie, she'll be
happier with you than she's ever been here working for me.  Go ahead,
take her along with you and Sarah."  And to Effie, she said, "Now stop
your crying and go on up and bundle your things together."

Effie looked from Charmaine to Carrie.  Still sniffing, unable to
believe this sudden turn of fortune, she knuckled her tears away.
"You'll wait for me?"  she asked Carrie.  "Of course we will."  She
patted Effie's shoulder.

She wasn't sure she'd done the right thing, or even why she'd done it.
Perhaps it was because, in a way she could not define, Effie reminded
her of Rosalinda.  She hadn't been here when Rosalinda needed her, but
maybe she could be here for Effie.

Carrie saw the look of gratitude in Effie's eyes before the girl turned
and ran up the stairs.  Now there would be another mouth to feed,
another person to be responsible for.  But she could do it.  All she
had to do was get a job.

The Cripple Creek schoolhouse was on the edge of town surrounded by a
stand of tall ponderosa pines.  As Carrie approached the white
clapboard building, the front door opened and what seemed like dozens
of children ran out in a confusion of unfastened coats and galoshes.

Snowballs were made and thrown, girls squealed, boys shouted, yipped
and yelled.  It was the usual after-school exuberance and Carrie smiled
as she approached the steps.

A harried-looking middle-aged woman stood in the doorway.  "Those
children !"  she muttered.  "Regular little hellions.  They're going to
be the death of me yet.  I'm glad to be leaving."

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I..."  The woman looked at Carrie.  "Oh, dear," she said.  "You
must be one of the new mothers."

Carrie smiled reassuringly.  "Actually, Miss...?"  "Eberhart," the
teacher said.

"Actually, Miss Eberhart, I'm a teacher, too.  I've just come from Ohio
and I'm looking for a teaching position."

"Well now, doesn't that beat all.  I'm leaving at the end of the month
and the school board has been trying to find a replacement.  If you've
got a teaching certificate they're certainly going to be glad to see

Relief flooded through Carrie.  She'd been sure she could get a job,
but she hadn't expected it to be this easy.  "I have my teaching
credentials from Ohio Northern University," she said.  "And a letter
from the principal of the school where I taught for the last five

"That ought to satisfy everybody, even Mrs.  Primrose, the head of the
school board.  I shouldn't say anything, but there've been a couple of
applicants.  One of them had been teaching over at Elkton.  He wasn't
as well qualified as you are, but to my way of thinking he would have
been all right.  But Mrs.  Primrose..."  The teacher shook her head. "I
don't like to say anything, but she's a mighty hard woman to please.
There's a meeting of the board tomorrow night here in the schoolhouse
at eight o'clock.  I'm going to be there and I'll tell them about you.
Why don't you come about eight-fifteen?  The sooner you're hired the
sooner I can leave."

So it was arranged, and on the following night at eight, Carrie made
her way to the schoolhouse.  She had dressed modestly in a black wool
suit, her gray cloak and gray leathered hat, and her spirits were

Effie and Sarah had helped her settle into the cozy little house and
she was glad now that she had asked the girl to come with them.  Effie
had smiled and sung while she helped with the housework, but most
important of all, she was wonderful with Sarah.  And she certainly
solved the problem of someone staying with Sarah while Carrie was

Things were working out.  She had a home, a live-in nursemaid for
Sarah, and if things went well tonight, she'd have a job.  Pausing on
the steps of the schoolhouse to stamp the snow off her feet, Carrie
took a deep breath and opened the door.

At the front of the room six men sat in a row of chairs near the
teacher's desk.  A woman sat at the desk and Miss Eberhart in one of
the chairs in the first row.

There seemed to be a discussion going on, but it stopped abruptly when
Carrie entered.  They all looked at her.  "I hope I'm not too early,"
she said.

"Please come up to the front."  The woman at the desk motioned her
forward.  "I am Mrs.  Elvira Primrose.  These gentlemen are Mr. Lorenz,
Mr.  Gardner, Mr.  Knudson, Mr.  Neilson, and Mr.  Satterwhite. You
already know Miss Eberhart."

"Yes."  Carrie cleared her throat.  She hadn't been nervous when she'd
come in, but she was nervous now.  Mrs.  Primrose's voice was as frosty
as the weather, and her slate-gray eyes, as she looked Carrie up and
down, were disapproving: She didn't ask Carrie to sit down.

"I've brought my credentials with me."  Carrie took them out of her
bag.  "If you'd like to see them."

"I hardly think that will be necessary," Mrs.  Primrose said.

Carrie shifted nervously.  She looked at Miss Eberhart.  Miss Eberhart
looked at her, then quickly away.

"I have a few questions."  Mrs.  Primrose looked down at a paper in
front of her.  "I believe you came to Cripple Creek to see your
sister," she said.  "A Miss Rosalinda McClennon."

"Yes, that's right."

"An unmarried woman with a child?"

One of the men seated in the row of chairs facing Carrie coughed.

"Yes," Carrie said.  "My sister had a child."

"But no husband?"

Carrie's chin lifted.  "I'm afraid I can't really answer that.  You see
I hadn't seen my sister for several years.  She--"

"I believe she was living in The Chateau at the time of her death."

Carrie tightened her hands around her bag.

"The Chateau is a house of prostitution," Mrs.  Primrose said.

"But she wasn't..."  Carrie took a deep breath.  "My sister wasn't a
prostitute, Mrs.  Primrose.  She had been ill and Miss Duval--"

"The madam?"  one of the men asked.

Carrie nodded.  "Miss Duval took her in," she finished.  "You yourself
live there, don't you?"

"No, Mrs.  Primrose.  I've rented a house for myself and my niece on
Second Street."

"With one of the girls from The Chateau, I believe."  The slate-gray
eyes narrowed.  "A known prostitute."

"The girl is only fifteen," Carrie said.  "She--"

"I hardly think her age is relevant.  What is, is that both you and
your sister lived, and I presume worked, at The Chateau.  We cannot
have your type of woman teaching our children.  We--"

"My type of woman?"  Carrie took a step forward.  "You presume wrong.
My sister was not a prostitute, Mrs.  Primrose.  Neither am I. Miss
Duval was kind enough to take me in when I was ill.  I left as soon as
I was able to---' '

"I don't think we need to discuss this any longer.  I believe the board
has already decided."  Miss Primrose started up out of her chair.

"We ought to vote on it," one of the men said.

Miss Eberhart stood.  "I wonder if I might say something," she
murmured, "It seems to me--"

"You're not a member of the board," one of the men said

"But Miss McClennon's credentials are excellent," Miss Eberhart said.
"She graduated from Ohio Northern University.  She's had five years of
teaching experience, and she--"

"That will be all!"  Mrs.  Primrose banged a wooden gavel on the desk.
"I don't believe we need your presence now, Miss Eberhart.  You may be

"But..."  The teacher reached down on the seat for her bag.  She looked
at the panel of board members, then at Carrie.  "I'm sorry," she said,
and fastening her coat, she hurried out of the schoolhouse.

"Well, now," Mrs.  Primrose said.  "I don't believe there's anything
more to say, is there gentlemen?"

"I don't believe so," one of the men said.

"I for one go along with your decision, Mrs.  Prim questionable
character teaching our youngsters."

Questionable character?  Hot blood rushed to Carrie's cheeks.  Never
before had her character been questioned, she couldn't believe that it
was being questioned now.  And while she wanted to defend herself, she
knew as she looked at the men in front of her and at Mrs.  Primrose's
set and angry face, that it would do her no good.  They had made up
their minds before she had come in tonight.

There was nothing to say, and yet... "You're wrong about me," she said
with as much dignity as she could muster.  "My moral standards are as
high as any of yours, probably higher.  And I am good with children, as
Mrs.  Hargreaves, the principal back in Norwalk, Ohio, would be happy
to attest to."

Mrs.  Primrose rose and fastened her fur-trimmed coat about her.  "We
are not interested in what someone from

Norwalk, Ohio, has to say," she said.

"No, I don't suppose you are."

"That will be all, Miss McClennon.  You are dismissed."

Dismissed?  Like a naughty.  child?  Carrie 'drew herself up to her
full five foot four, turned and hurried out of the building.

She didn't cry until she was outside, and when she did, her tears were
tears of anger and outrage.  How dare these people sit in judgment of
her?  How dare they treat her as though she were a common prostitute?
How could you prove to people like that that you weren't what they said
you were?  That you were what Papa would have called "A decent
Christian girl."  If she were back in Ohio where people knew her... But
she wasn't back in Ohio, she was in Cripple Creek, Colorado.

She was alone.  Her only friends, if she could call them that, were a
madam and five prostitutes.  And a man who wanted to live in sin with

Carrie dried her face and straightened her shoulders.  She wasn't
beaten yet, not by a long shot.  She would persevere.  Someway,
somehow, she would find a job.  She would save her money and in a year,
or possibly two, she would have enough to take herself and her niece
away from this godforsaken town.

She would get a job.  She had to.

Chapter Seven

The next morning Carrie took the narrow-gauge train to Victor.  There
was no heat in the car, and as the train wound its way around the
mountains and climbed to over ten thousand feet, gusts of wind blew the
snow in through cracks and the air was stinging cold.

She thought how difficult this ride would be if she had to travel back
and forth every day.  But difficult or not, she prayed that there would
be an opening for her in Victor.

The snow was coming down heavier when Carrie got off the train.  She
stopped at the general store to ask the way to the schoolhouse and was
told that it was at the other end of town.  Bundling her muffler up
around her throat, and wishing she had worn boots instead of
thin-soled, high-top shoes, she walked the several blocks to the Victor
schoolhouse, thinking how nice it would be to be inside where it was
warm.  Carrie pressed on, saying a silent prayer that there would be an
opening for her here.

She had slept little the night before.  Sick with disappointment at not
getting the teaching position in Cripple Creek, and angry because of
the reason why, she had paced the floor in her small bedroom.

Elvira Primrose had been her judge and her jury; Carrie had been found
guilty before she'd set foot in the schoolhouse.  And they needed a
schoolteacher!  That's what galled her the most.  They needed her, but
because her sister had lived at The Chateau, because she herself had
stayed there, she had been judged a fallen woman.

The wind blew harder.  Snow whipped about her face and her feet were
freezing.  When she saw the wooden-frame schoolhouse just ahead, she
breathed a sigh of relief and tried to stop her teeth from

Once inside, she brushed the snow from her cloak, then turned to look
into the schoolroom.

The teacher was a heavy-set, middle-aged man.  Steel-rimmed half
glasses rested low on his nose.  He held a book in one hand, a long
pointy stick in the other, and each time he asked a child a question,
he smacked the stick hard against the desk of that child.  Even from
where she stood, Carrie could see each child flinch when he thwacked
the stick.

Carrie cleared her throat.  The children swiveled on their seats and
stared her way.  The teacher looked at her over his glasses and pursed
his thin lips.  He barked at the children, "Eyes forward!"  and started
down the aisle toward Carrie.

"How do you do," she saidl "I--"

"I'm trying to conduct a class.  What do you want?"

"My name is Carrie McClennon.  I'm a teacher.  I have all my
credentials and I--"

"McClennon?"  His heavy black eyebrows met in a disapproving frown.
"I've heard about you, Miss Me-Clennon, and I can tell you right off
that we don't want your kind teaching our children."

"My kind?"  Carrie drew herself up and glared at him.  "I'm a
schoolteacher.  I--"

"I know what you are.  If you want a job here in Victor I suggest you
try one of the parlor houses.  I hear they're looking for girls over at
Lizzie Muldoone's place--"

Carrie hit him.  She didn't mean to, she didn't even know that she had
until she heard the slap of her hand across his face and saw the red
outline there.

The children turned, wide-eyed, their mouths agape.  The man's face
went white except for the growing red of Carrie's handprint.  "Get
out!"  he roared.  "Get out of here before I call for the sheriff!"

She glared at him, fists clenched at her sides, then turned and ran

Snow blinded her, but she didn't feel the cold.  She wanted to throttle
both Mrs.  Primrose and the sorry excuse for a teacher she had just
encountered.  But more than anything she wanted to get out of Colorado,
away from the snow and the wind.  Back home to Norwalk, Ohio, and the
house on Chestnut Street.  That was where she belonged, not here in
this godforsaken country.

There were two extremes of society here.  On one side were the Elvira
Primroses, the "good" people of the town.  On the other side were the
people who ran the tenderloin district, the houses of ill repute, the
saloons and gambling parlors, men like Matt Craddock.  And though
Carrie knew that Matt Craddock had nothing to do with her present
situation, the thought of him added fuel to her rage.

She had never been so angry in her life, but her anger faded while she
waited for the train.  Into its place crept a feeling of desperation.
She had to find work, if not in her own profession then whatever kind
of job she could find.  There was a millinery shop in Cripple Creek, a
dry goods store, and two general stores.  Surely she could get work in
one of those places.

She worried all the way back to Cripple Creek, and by the time she got
off the train and walked half the length of the town to the house on
Second Street, she was shaking with cold.  Stamping the snow off her
feet and trying to brush the snow from her cloak, she opened the front

"Auntie Carrie!  Auntie Carrie!"  Sarah called, and rushed to greet
her.  "Where you been?  It's snowing outside.  Can I go out and play?
Can IT'

"No, sweetheart.  It's much too frigid."  Carrie took her cloak off and
stooped to kiss the little girl.  "Let's go inside by the fire.  I'm a
little cold."

"A little cold!"  Matt Craddock said from the doorway of the living
room.  "You look half-frozen.  Where have you been?  Why in the hell
did you go out on a day like this?  Dammit, woman, you've only just
recovered from pneumonia."

"Miss Carrie went over to Victor to see about a job teaching school."
Effie, wiping her hands on a big white apron, stepped into the entry
hall.  "Did you get the job, Miss Carrie?  Is everything all right?"

"You took the train to Victor on a day like this?"  Matt took Carrie's
arm.  "Come in by the fire," he ordered.  "You're freezing."

"I'm not freezing."  She tried to pull out of his grasp, but Matt held
on to her and led her in toward the hearth.

"You can't teach school in Victor," he said.  "It's too far to go all
the way over there every day in the winter.  You'd have to leave before
sunup to get there and get things going before the students arrive

"I'm not going to teach in Victor!"  Carrie turned on him, her face
burning with anger.  "I'm not going to teach in Cripple Creek, either.
And do you know why?  Because a narrow-minded biddy by the name of
Elyira Primrose

 hand think I'm unfit."

"Unfit?"  Matt stared at her.  "What are you talking about?"

"Unfit!"  Carrie shouted, all of her pent-up anger breaking loose.
"Because Rosalinda was my sister and she lived at The Chateau.  Because
I stayed there.  Because they think I'm a..."  She looked at Effie and
bit her lip.  "They think I worked there," she said.

"I see."  Matt scowled and shook his head.  "Everybody knows that
Elvira Primrose is the town busybody.  But surely the school board--"

"Wanted nothing to do with me," Carrie said.

"Uncle Matt?"  Sarah tugged on his trouser leg.  "Why is Aunt Carrie
mad, Uncle Matt?"

He picked her up.  "She's not really mad, Sarah.  She's just a little
upset."  He handed the child to Effie.  "Take her upstairs, Effie," he
said.  "I'd like to talk to Carrie for a few minutes."

"Sure thing, Mr.  Matt.  Let's you'n me go upstairs and play with your
dollies, Sarah."

Carrie kissed Sarah's cheek.  "I'm not mad, baby.  You go along with
Effie.  I'll be up in a few minutes."

When they left the room, she moved closer to the fireplace and, turning
her back to Matt, began to warm her hands.  She wasn't aware that he
had moved closer to her until he said, "Why did you leave The Chateau
without telling me?"

"I wasn't aware that I had to report my movements to you."

"What's wrong?  Why are you angry?"

"I'm not angry.  It's just..."  She shook her head.  "Just what?"

"I really prefer that you not come here again."  She tightened her
hands together behind her back.  "I'm grateful to you for helping me,
but under the circumstances--" "What circumstances?"

"I know," she said in a low voice.  "I know about you and Rosalinda."

"Rosalinda?"  His face went still.  "What are you talking about?"

She met his angry gaze, then quickly lowered her eyes.  "Charmaine told
me you knew Rosalinda before she came to Cripple Creek.  You bought her
presents.  You took her buggy riding.  You and she were..."  She shook
her head, unable to say the word.

"Lovers?  You think your sister and I were lovers?"  "You knew her
before Sarah was born.  You were together there, and here, and now that
she's dead you thought that I ... that I could take her place.  You

"I said that I wanted to take care of you.  But not because you're
anything like Rosalinda."  His mouth tightened into a cruel, hard line.
"You're not like her, Carrie.  Rosalinda was a sweet and loving woman
who saw good in everybody.  She did the best she could, for herself and
for Sarah.  She--"

"You're her father."

"What?"  Matt's fingers bit hard into Carrie's shoulders.  "What did
you say?"

"You're Sarah's father."  She looked up at him, her face set and angry.
"I know it's true so don't try to deny it.  You bring her presents,

"And that makes me her father?"

"Doesn't it?"

He stared down into her face, his eyes burning with anger.  "My God,"
he said, "what kind of woman are you?"

"Let me go!"

He released her, breathing hard, his hands curled into fists.

"Do you deny it?"  she said.

Matt didn't answer.

She gripped the edge of the mantel.  "Can you tell me that you and
Rosalinda weren't lovers?  That you're not Sarah's father?"

"I won't tell you a damn thing!"  He grabbed his coat up off the chair
by the fireplace and headed for the door.  "Don't come here again," she

He stopped.  "A few minutes ago you talked about Mrs.  Primrose being a
narrow-minded biddy.  Well, maybe you'd better take a look at yourself,
Carrie.  A good long look."

He turned and left, slamming the door behind him.  Carrie stood there
for a moment, then with a cry, she covered her face with her hands and
sank down onto the sofa.

"Matt," she whispered into the stillness of the room.  A chill crept
through her body that had nothing to do with the cold or the wind that
howled outside the small house.  "Matt," she said again.  And began to

The blizzard began before dawn the next day.  It snowed hard for three
days, crippling the town, forcing the people who lived there to stay in
their homes.  Coal and firewood ran low, and so did food.  Though
Carrie managed to keep the downstairs of the house on Second Street
warm, the upstairs was freezing cold.  She and Effie brought a mattress
downstairs and the three of them slept in from of the fire.

As she lay there at night with Rosalinda's little girl in her arms,
Carrie experienced a rush of feeling she hadn't thought possible, for
she had grown to love Rosalinda's daughter, her daughter now.  As she
kissed the top of Sarah's head, she tried not to think that this was
Matt's child.  She did not know why it him so much, but it did.

On the evening of the third night, with the snow still falling, Sarah
developed a fever.  By midnight she had a cough and her throat was so
swollen she could barely speak.  Her face was red and her eyes were

"I don't feel good," she managed to say.  "My throat huns."

"I know, baby."  Carrie kissed the feverish forehead.  "I've got to go
for the doctor, Effie."

"I'll go, Miss Carrie," Effie protested.  "It's best you stay here with

But Carrie insisted that she should be the one to go.  She tied a
muffler over her head, and with the gray cloak closed around her,
opened the door and stepped outside.  Four-foot drifts lined the
street, and still the snow came down.  The wind-blown flakes blinded
her and took her breath away.

The streets were dark, everything was closed.  Because of the hour, and
the cold, no one was out.  A few blocks down, a lone horse-drawn rig
passed her.  White steam rolled from the horse's nostrils and the
animal snorted with cold.

The rig slowed and stopped.

"Carrie?"  Matt looked down at her.  "Is that you?  What's wrong?  What
are you doing out this time of night?"

"It's Sarah.  She's ill.  I'm on my way to Dr.  Taylor's."  He reached
his hand down to her.  "Get in."  "No, I "

"Dammit, get in!"  he roared.  When Carrie climbed up, he covered her
with the lap rug and flicked the whip across the horse's back.  "Ya!

Five minutes later he pulled to a stop in front of Els-worth Taylor's
office.  "Wait here," he told Carrie, and jumped down off the rig.

He returned quickly, Dr.  Taylor in tow.

The older man got in beside Carrie.  "What's the matter with the little
girl?"  he asked as Matt took his seat and called out to the horse.

"She has a fever and a cough, Her throat is so sore she can hardly
speak," Carrie said.

"Croup most likely."  Dr.  Taylor pulled his muffler up to cover his
ears.  "Lots of it going around.  No wonder.  Terrible weather.  Not
fit fer man her mule."  He patted Carrie's hand.  "Don't look so
scared, Miss Carrie.  We're going to fix her up just fine."

But "Carrie was scared.  By the time they reached the house, Sarah's
breathing was labored, and, in spite of the cold, her hair was damp and
she was burning with fever.  She 'lay on the sofa near the fireplace
with Effie beside her.  A steam kettle simmered over the fire, puffing
out hot moist air that smelled of liniment and eucalyptus oil.

"Good girl, Effie," Dr.  Taylor said.  "That'll help her chest and make
it easier for her to breathe."  He pulled a chair up close to the sofa.
"Now then, let's have a look at her."

Sarah opened her eyes when he touched her, but it was Matt she saw, not
the doctor.  "Uncle Matt," she whispered, and holding her arms up to be
held, she began to cry.

Matt knelt beside the sofa and put his arms around her.  "It's all
right, baby," he said.  "I'm here and so is Dr.  Taylor.  He's going to
make you better."  He soothed the tangled hair back and kissed her
forehead.  "Don't cry, little love.  Don't cry, little Sarah."

"Will you stay with me, Uncle Matt?"

He looked up at Carrie.  Her expression was unreadable.  Before he
could answer, Carrie spoke up, "Of course he will, Sarah."

The doctor took a bottle of cough syrup out of his black bag.  "Let's
get some of this into her."  He shook the bottle.  "Get a spoon, will
you, Effie?  And Matt, you raise Sarah up some."

Effie hurried back with the spoon.  The doctor poured the cough syrup
into it.  "Open your mouth, Sarah," he coaxed.

She shook her head.

"Come on, baby," Matt said.  "Do it for me."

The corners of her mouth turned down, but she opened her mouth and took
the syrup.

"That's my girl," Matt said.

My girl.  Carrie clenched her hands to her sides.  "What can I do?" she
asked Dr.  Taylor.

He reached into his bag and took.  out several packets of what appeared
to be herbs.  "Boil these up for the poultice, Miss Carrie.  One of
'ems asafetida.  Smells pure awful but it'll help."

Things seemed to move quickly after that.  The poultice was made and
applied to Sarah's chest, and a warm cloth containing some of the
evil-smelling asafetida was placed around her throat.  Dr.  Taylor
tried to give her another spoonful of cough syrup, but she refused to
take it unless Matt held her.  Finally, cradled in Matt's arms, her
breathing easier, the child went to sleep.

"Do beat all how that young' un takes to you, Matt," Dr.  Taylor said,
closing his bag.  "TII be back in the morning, but I'm pretty sure
she's going to be all right now.  You keep her good and warm, Miss
Carrie, and give her another spoonful of the medicine when she wakes
up.  To morrow you fix her a nice bowl of chicken soup, that'll help,

Chicken soup?  The farmers who sold chickens lived on the other side of
town.  She didn't know if they were open in this weather.  She hadn't
even been able to get milk for three days because of the storm.  But
she nodded and said, "I will, Doctor," vowing that somehow she would
find a chicken.

Dr.  Taylor nodded to Matt.  "If you want to stay here with the little
girl, I'll just borrow your rig and bring it back when I come in the
morning."  He rested a hand on Carrie's shoulder.  "I'm sure Miss
Carrie would feel a whole lot better if you did, seeing as how the
little girl dotes on you."

Carrie looked at Matt and at Sarah.  The child's head rested against
his shoulder, and her chubby little fingers were curled around his
hand.  Matt looked up at Carrie, something unreadable in his eyes,

"It would be..."  She swallowed hard.  "It would be nice if you would
stay, Matt, for sarah's sake."

"Then I will," Matt said.  "For Sarah's sake."

After the doctor left, Carrie sent Effie to try to get some sleep.
"It's not as cold as it was," Carrie said.  "Go upstairs so you can

But the girl shook her head.  "Won't be no sleeping for me till I know
Sarah's all fight.  I'll fix you and Mr.  Matt some coffee and then
I'll just sit here in the rocker by the fire, case you need

Effie went into the kitchen, and the only sound in the room was the
crackle of the fire in the fireplace.  Because she needed to be close
to Sarah, Carrie moved to the other end of the sofa so that she could
touch the child.  Sarah's cheeks were flushed, her breathing was

"She's so small," Carrie whispered, almost to herself.

She aid a finger on Sarah's cheek.  "Children are so vulnerable, Matt.
So helpless, so dependent on the adults in their lives.  I remember
Rosalinda at this age.  I was older and I tried to..."  She shook her
head and a look of intense pain crossed her face.

"What, Carrie?  You tried to what?"

"To protect her," she said.  "But I couldn't.  He was so big.  He was
always so angry."

"Your father?"

A shudder ran through Carrie and he saw that her hands were shaking.

"Sarah looks like Rosie."  Carrie smiled.  "And sometimes she's as
feisty as Rosie was."  She stroked Sarah's cheek.  "Even when Rosie was
Sarah's age she tried to defy Father."  She looked at Matt, then away,
ashamed at having told him, yet somehow needing to.  "She was so little
and he was so big and mean ... to Rosie mostly.  Our mother didn't try
to stop him.  Maybe she should have."  Carrie shook her head.  "I don't
know.  I suppose she was afraid.  I tried, but when I did..."  She
stopped, unable to go on.

"He beat you, too?"  Matt said.

"Yes."  The word trembled from her lips.  "Yes, he beat me, too."  She
swiped at her tearstained cheeks with the back of her hand.  "I never
blamed Rosie for running away, Matt, but I wish she had told me she was

Matt wanted to touch her, to hold her as he held Sarah, but knew that
he couldn't, that she didn't want him to.  He thought of the child she
had been, small and defenseless, trying to protect her younger

The other night, he'd been so angry he'd wanted to throttle her She was
opinionated, strongly independent, and because of the way she had been
raised, set in her ideas of right and wrong, She thought Charmaine and

girls who had tried to help her were sinners headed straight for hell.
Yet she had taken young Effie in.

With the firelight on her tearstained face, she looked young and
vulnerable.  He thought of what she must have been like when she was a
child, and the thought of her being abused tightened his stomach with'a
visceral pain that made him wince.  He looked down at the child he was
holding and he thought of her mother, and of Carrie, and 'of how it had
been for them when they were her age.

Again he was overwhelmed by the need to hold Carrie, and he watched
with lowered eyes when she eased the blanket closer about the sleeping
child.  He knew he still wanted her, straitlaced and opinionated though
she was.  But now with a wanting came a new emotion.  He wanted to make
up to Carrie for all the bad times she had ever suffered.  He wanted to
spoil her, to pet her, to buy pretty things for her.  He wanted... God
help him, he wasn't sure what he wanted.

Effie came back with the coffee.  They drank it and when they'd
finished, Effie took the cups out to the kitchen, then settled herself
in the rocking chair by the fire.  Within minutes her head nodded and
soon she was asleep.

Carrie smiled.  "Poor little thing.  She loves Sarah as much as I do.
She was as frightened tonight as I was."  She looked at Matt.  "And I
was frightened," she said.  "I still am."

Again Matt felt an overwhelming urge to touch her, but knew that if he
did, the closeness they shared would vanish.

Besides which, he was aware that their love for Sarah was the only
reason they were together tonight.  "She's going to be all right," he
said.  "Her breathing is easier."  "Yes."  Carrie smoothed the damp
hair back from Sat ah's forehead.  When she did, her fingers brushed
against Matt's.  She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him.

"Carrie," he said.

Inhaling deeply, Carrie removed her hand.  "She's sleeping now," she
whispered in a shaky voice.  "You can put her down."

But Matt shook his head.  "No, I like to hold her."  Because she's
yours.  A sigh whispered through Carrie.  Sarah was Matt's child and he
loved her.  His tenderness showed in the way he held her, the
gentleness in his voice when he spoke to her.

Carrie thought then of the father who had never touched either her or
Rosalinda with tenderness or with love, and she said, "The other night
I told you that I didn't want you to come here again.  It was wrong of
me.  You're Sar ah's father, you have a right to see her."


"No, it's all right," she said.  "I understand.  I won't stop you from
trying to see her."

"Dammit, woman, will you listen to me?  I..."  Just then, Sarah stirred
in his arms.

"Hush, baby," he said cares singly

Matt reached for Carrie's hand.  "There's something I want to tell you.
I should have before, but I--"

"Wait."  Carrie put her hand on Sarah's forehead.  "She's sweating,"
she said.  "The fever's breaking.  I've got to dry her off and change
her nightshirt.  I'll get a clean one."

"Carrie, listen--"

"I'll be right back," she said.

"And the moment was lost.

When Carrie came downstairs with a towel and a fresh flannel
nightshirt, Matt held Sarah so that Carrie could

 still holding Sarah, she slipped the clean nightshirt over the little
girl's head.  "She'll be all right now, Matt.  You don't have to

"What about you, Carrie?  Will you be all right?"

"Yes, now that Sarah is."  She moved to stand in front of the fire.
"Thank you for coming, Matt.  For helping."  He took a step toward her.
"Carrie, I--"

"No."  She put her hands in front of her as though to defend herself.
"No," she said again.  "You can come to visit Sarah.  Not me."

His nostrils flared.  "I see."

"I'm sorry, but under the circumstances..."  She shook her head, unable
to go on.

"Because you believe that Rosalinda and I were lovers?"

"Yes."  She waited for him to deny it, but he said nothing.

He picked up his hat and coat.  "When Doc Taylor comes, tell him I'm
walking home.  It's almost light and the snow has stopped."  He
hesitated.  "If you don't mind I'd like to stop by in the morning to
check on Sarah."

"Of course I don't mind."  She went with him to the door.  "Thank you
for bringing the doctor.  Thank you for everything, Matt."

"You're welcome."  He looked down at her and it was all he could do not
to gather her in his arms.  He wanted to hold her.  He wanted to kiss
her until her lips parted, until her body went soft against his the way
it once had.  He wanted to touch her until it was too much for them
both.  He wanted... He turned away.  "Sleep if you can," he said.  And
before Carrie could answer, he went out, closing the door behind him.

The next morning Matt returned at eight-thirty while Sarah and Effie
were still asleep.  He came with three chickens, plucked and cleaned, a
gallon of milk, and a bag of oranges.

"Oranges!"  Carrie looked at them, dumbfounded.  "Where did you get

"Mr.  Davenport got them in all the way from California just before the
storm started.  The juice will be good for Sarah."

"She'll love it.  Just let me get my purse and I'll--"

"Dammit," Matt snapped.  "Dammit to hell, Carrie.  I don't want your

"You have to let me pay you."


"I insist."

"You insist and I'll take these things back where I got them."  He
glared at her.  "You're the most exasperating woman I've ever met," he
said.  "You make me so mad I want to..."  He growled low in his throat.
"Dammit," he said, and before she could back away, he grabbed her and
pulled her into his arms.

He kissed her the way he'd 'wanted to kiss her the night before.  He
kissed her with all the anger and the passion he'd been holding in
check since that day in the bedroom at Charmaine's.  Opinionated and
narrow-minded she might be, but by God, she set his blood on fire as
'no woman had ever before.

Her lips were tightly compressed under his, and that made him even
angrier.  He ground his mouth against hers.  When she gasped in
protest, he slid his tongue past her lips.  Her mouth was sweet and
warm and tasted of her.  She tried to get away, but he held her there,
held her while a fire raged through his veins, constricting every

in his body.  When she tried to squirm free, he put one hand against
the small of her back and pressed her to him.

She felt his hardness and brought her hands up against his chest.
Twisting her face from his, she whispered, "No!  Let me go!  Effie

"Effie won't."  He captured her mouth again and pulled her body tighter
to his.  "Kiss me, Carrie," he said against her lips.  "Kiss me,

She didn't want to kiss him, didn't want her body to yearn toward his.
But suddenly her lips parted and, with a sob, she was answering his
kiss and pressing her body close to his.  Somewhere within her a flame
kindled and grew.  She moaned into his mouth and knew that this was

"Oh, please," she said against his lips.  "Oh, please.  Let me go."

A sigh shuddered through Matt, but he did as she asked.  "Carrie," he
murmured, wearing a look she had never seen on a man's face before.  A
look of such hunger, of such need that for a moment she almost

Cupping her face in his hands, he bent to kiss her again.

"No," she whispered.  "No, it's ... it's wicked.  What we feel is

Matt's scowling expression looked almost frightening.

She stepped away from him.  "I'm not like this.  I'm not the kind of
woman who does things like this."

He looked down at her.  "What kind of woman are you, Carrie?"  he asked
in a voice so soft she could barely hear him.

"I'm not like the women you know.  Women like Char-maine and Lorelei

"Women like Rosalinda?"

She flinched as though he had struck her.  "Please," she whispered.
"Please go."

His nostrils flared.  She thought for a moment he was going to speak.
Instead he looked at her, one long look that seemed to touch her very

"Goodbye," he said.  Then he turned and went out the door.

Chapter Eight

By the end of the week Sarah was almost well.  Matt came to see her on
Saturday evening with a bag of lemon drops and a box of building
blocks.  Carrie was upstairs when he came, and that was where she
stayed until he left.  When she heard the door close, she went to the
window and looked at the street below.

In the lamplight she saw the snow drifting down over the shoulders of
his overcoat, dusting his thick black hair with flakes of white.

He was so tall, so powerfully built.  For 'a moment, watching him,
Carrie felt the same flutter of excitement, the same fear she had
experienced the first time she had seen him.

He was so overwhelmingly male, a man in every sense of the word.  She
had felt the strength and the comfort of his arms around her, the
hardness of his body when he drew her close to him.  God help her, she
had felt the heated response of her own body, the flame that had flared
and crept down to the private part of her.  Even now, watching him this
way, knowing that what she felt was wicked, she could not help the fire
that burned with the memory of their embrace.

Matt turned back to wave to Sarah, and when he did, he.  looked up, and
when he saw Carrie, his expression changed.  It seemed to her that even
from this distance he could see, and know, the shameful secret of her

Carrie let the curtain fall back into place and stood there by the
window, feeling the agitated rise and fall of her breathing.  With a
strangled cry, she went to the pitcher and bowl on her dressing table
to splash cold water on her face.  And wash her hands.

These strange desires were bad.  Nice women weren't supposed to feel
this way.  Desires of the flesh were shameful.  She knew, because she
had heard her father preach it almost every Sunday for twenty years.
She had learned well that pleasures of the flesh were the work of the

Once, when Rosalinda had been two or three years old, their mother had
put her down on the old worn sofa in the parlor for a nap.  She had
been waking up when their father came home.  Half-asleep, Rosalinda had
been touching herself.  And their father had seen her.

With a roar he had yanked her up off the sofa and whipped the offending
hand until blisters rose.  Then he had locked Rosalinda in the hall

There were other memories; so many of them dealt with sin and shame.
Carrie remembered when she was eight.  On her way home from school she
had come upon two dogs locked together.  She had stared at them
wide-eyed, wondering how in the world they had gotten that way.  She
had puzzled about it all the way home and she'd burst into the house
saying, "Mama, guess what?  I saw two dogs all hitched up together and
the one dog was crying and the other dog was sort of moving and looking
real funny and--"

"Enough!"  Her father jumped up out of his chair and

started toward her.  "I won't have this kind of wicked talk in my
house."  And he had slapped her, hard across her face.

After that Carrie had earned to keep her thoughts, and her wonderings
to herself.  As the years passed the difference between good and evil,
between nice girls and bad girls, had been firmly implanted into her
mind.  Marilia Buchler, who had a baby seven months after she married,
was bad.  So was sixteen-year-old Jessie Adkins who was caught kissing
freckle-faced Carlisle Collier behind the book stands in the library.

Carrie never saw her father kiss or show any affection toward her
mother, but once a month, always on a Saturday night after he had told
her and her sister to go to bed, he would say, "Get on in the bedroom,

And once when Carrie was older, she had awakened to hear her mother's
muffled cry, "Horacio ... stop, please.  You're hurting me."

And her father's grunting sound, his muffled reply, "It's your duty,

The next morning his sermon would be on the sins of the flesh.

The sins of the flesh.  Carrie washed her hands again.

On Monday morning Sarah was well enough to be left with Effie.  At nine
o'clock Carrie kissed her niece goodbye, donned her hat and cloak and
set out to find a job.

There was a sign in the millinery shop that read Help Wanted.

Thank God, she thought, and with a smile, opened the door and went in.
A bell over the door tinkled and a nice-looking, silver-haired woman
hurried in from the back room.

"Good morning," she said.  "May I help you?"

"I saw your sign in the window," Carrie said.  "I'd like to apply for
the job."

"Well, my goodness, isn't this my lucky day."  The woman beamed.  "Have
you had any experience in a shop like this?"

"No, I haven't.  I'm a schoolteacher and I--"

"A teacher?  You're the teacher Mrs.  Primrose...?"  The 'woman's
cheeks turned pink.  "Miss...?"

"McClennon," Carrie said with a sinking feeling.

"Yes, well ... I really am sorry, Miss McClennon, but

I'm afraid the position has already been filled."

"But the sign is still in the window."

"Is it?"  The woman's hands fluttered over her ample chest.  "Oh, dear
me, I should have taken it out."" She stepped over to the window and
removed it.  "I ... I'm're ally very sorry.  I hope you understand."

"I understand," Carrie said.

She went to the dry goods store next.  The woman behind the counter
smiled until Carrie introduced her selL Then, with a sniff of her pudgy
nose, said there was no opening for the likes of such as Carrie.

Nor was there an opening at the shoe and clothing store, the drugstore,
the hardware store or the cafe.  There wasn't an opening at the
bakeshop, either, but as she was leaving, the owner touched her arm and
said, "I'm sorry.  Believe me, if I could I'd give you a job."  '

By the time Carrie reached Mr.  Davenport's general store, she was
tired and discouraged.  He was her last hope in Cripple Creek.

"I'm sorry," he said with a shake of his head when she asked if he
needed any help.  "I'd hire you if I could, but the only help I really
need is old Homer Teasdale."  His blue eyes were kind.  "I heard the
gossip that old helicat Elvira Primrose has been spreading all over

and how she acted when you went to the schoolhouse.  Time somebody
shut her up.  It's her husband's job, but I reckon she's had poor
Thaddeus buffaloed from the day he said "I do."" Mr.  Davenport
scratched his whiskered chin, then changing the subject, said, "I heard
your sis-tcr's little girl has been poorly.  How's she doing?"

"She's better now, thank you."  Carrie drew her cloak closer about

"Why don't you take her some of these apples?"  Mr.  Davenport reached
behind him, took a brown paper bag and began to fill it with the apples
from the barrel near the counter.  "You give her these," he said.
"They're real tasty."

Carrie opened her purse.  "How much arc they, Mr.  Davenport?"

"They're a gift ma'am.  From me to the little girl."  "But I..," She
felt the sting of tears behind her eyelids.  The hurts and the insults
she had suffered all this long morning hadn't made her cry, but this
sudden kindness did.  LOwering her' eyes, she took a big shaky breath.
"You're very kind," she managed to say.  "I know Sarah will love

The snow had stopped when at last she started home, but the air was
bitterly cold and she was glad when she climbed the steps of the house
on Second street.  "Hey, there!"

Carrie turned just as a man rounded the corner of the street and
started toward her.

"Well, if this don't beat all," he said.  "I been looking all over town
for you ever since I got back from Cheyenne."  He grinned and came up
onto the porch.  "You're just as pert and pretty as I remember. Carrie,
isn't it?  Carrie McClennon?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid I don't remember you, Mr..... ?"

La Rue he said.  "Nathan La Rue We met in the Denver railroad station."
His face darkened.  "I was helping you aboard when that highfalutin
Matt Craddock stopped me.  Near broke my jaw."  His voice took on a
whining tone.  "And for no reason at all.  All I was trying to do was
help a lady in distress.  Here he is, a no-count gamblin' man who just
because he struck it rich with a gold mine thinks he's better than us
common folks.  I surely do hope you haven't been having anything to do
with him."

Nathan La Rue The last time she'd seen him he'd been running alongside
the train trying to catch up with it.  Matt had said he was a procurer,
a man who recruited girls for the cribs and parlor houses.  Girls like

Carrie stepped closer to the door.  "I'm very cold, Mr.  La Rue she
said.  "I really must go in now."

He winked and sidled closer.  "I'm a little cold myself, Miss
McClennon.  Could use a nice cup of coffee or maybe even something
stronger if you was to offer it."  "I'm sorry, Mr.  La Rue but I'm
afraid not."

"I'm just trying to be friendly."  He stepped around in front of
Carrie, blocking her way to the door.  "How've things been going for

"Well enough."

"You're looking a little peaked, if you don't mind my saying so."

"I'm very tired.  I've been out today trying to find work.  So if
you'll excuse me--"

"If it's work you want then you're mighty lucky I happened along."  He
grinned.  "I can put you to work tomorrow."

"To work?"  Carrie asked with a frown.

"A girl like you, Miss McClennon, why I could make you the toast of the
tenderloin.  Set you up real nice in one of the houses and I bet in a
week you'd have more money than you'd know what to do with."  "What?"
Carrie's voice rose.  "What?"  La Rue grin widened.  "You know what."
"Get off my porch," she said.

"Ain't no call to get all riled up.  You need a job, I need an extra
girl.  With your looks "

She shoved him in the chest with the flat of her hand.  "Get away from
me!"  she cried.

"Now you just wait a minute."

But Carrie wasn't waiting for anything.  All her frustration and anger
over being rejected by everybody in town boiled to the surface.  How
dare this man think that she would sell herself?.  How dare he?

She pushed with all her might, catching him by surprise as he backed
away.  With one hard final push, she shoved him right off the front
porch into a snowbank.

"Get out of here!"  she screamed.  "And don't ever come back!"

She yanked open the front door just as Effie, armed with a black iron
skillet, started to open it from the other side.

"Lord, Miss Carrie, what's going on?  I heard..."  She saw La Rue
picking himself up out of the snow and raised the skillet above her
head.  "Is that no-good varmint bothering you?  Let me get a whack at
him.  I'll "

"No, it's all right."  Carrie put a restraining hand on Effie's.  "He's
leaving.  He won't be back."

Hoping to GOd it was true, Carrie led the girl inside and closed the

That night after Carrie had put Sarah to bed, she came back downstairs
to the kitchen.  There was a fire in the fireplace and Effie had the
kettle on.

"You look real done in," she told Carrie.  "I thought maybe a nice cup
of tea would perk you up."

"Yes, it would, Effie.  Thanks."

"I don't guess you had any luck finding a job today, did you?"

"No, I didn't, Effie.  I went into every store in Cripple Creek, but
nobody would hire me."  Carrie looked down at her hands.  "Mrs.
Primrose got to them before I did."

She watched Effie pour a cup of hot tea into one of the china cups and
put it on a saucer, and though Carrie was depressed, it cheered her to
see how much better the girl looked than when she had first seen her.
Effie had gained a little weight and her face didn't look as worried
and pinched as it had when she'd been at The Chateau.  At Carrie's
suggestion, she now wore her hair in a softer style around her face. In
one of the shirt waists and the long dark blue skirt that Carrie had
given her, she looked less waif like and prettier.

"I know you're real worried about money," Effie said, breaking in on
her thoughts.

Carrie forced a smile.  "Well, yes, I'm a little worried, but things
will work out.  Tomorrow I'll go back to Victor and see if I can find
something there."

"That just ain't practical, Miss Carrie.  Leastways not in this kind of
weather."  Effie looked down at her hands.  "I been thinking," she
said.  "I been thinking that I could go back to work."

"Go back to work?  At The Chateau?"

"Yes'm?"  Avoiding Carrie's eyes, she poured tea for herself and took a
seat at the table.  "I could give what I make to you and sometimes when
I wasn't working I could still come over and see you and Sarah and--"

"No!  Absolutely not!"  Carrie reached out and took Ef He's hand.
"You're part of Sarah's and my family now, Effie.  You belong with

"But you need money, Miss Carrie."

"I don't need it that badly.  Besides, something will turn up.  I'll
think of something."

But what?  During the next few days, Carrie racked her brain, trying to
figure out how she was going to manage on the little money she had
left.  In spite of Effie's not wanting her to, she took the train back
to Victor.  But there were no jobs there, either.  She didn't know
whether Mrs.  Primrose had visited the shops and stores there, or
whether there simply weren't any jobs.

One night, alone in her room, Carrie took what money she had left and
counted it.  Twice.  There was so little left, barely enough to buy
food for another week.  She sat for a moment, looking at the money,
then went to the dresser and took the silver filigree brooch out of the
drawer.  She held it in her hand for a moment, then with a sigh put it
in her pocketbook.

It was the only pretty thing her mother had ever had, a gift from her
own mother.  A few days before she died, she had pressed it into
Carrie's hand.

"I never wore it, because your father said it was too frivolous to wear
to church and that was just about the only time I ever got out of the
house except when I did the shopping.  I want you to have it, Carrie,
and what's more, I want you to wear it."

It meant a lot to Carrie, and it would hurt her to part with it.  But
she had no choice, she needed the money.

The following morning she told Effie she had to go shopping.  Bundling
her cloak about her, she made her way along Bennett Avenue to the
pawnshop she had seen there.  At the door she paused, reluctant to go
in, saddened by the need to part with this tenuous link to her

The window was filled with an assortment of things for sale: gold
watches and watch fobs, a violin, a beautifully carved cameo, silver
earrings, gold shirt studs, a trumpet.  All treasures from better

With a smothered sigh, Carrie pushed open the door and went in.

The inside was a larger duplication of the things in the window.  Here
there were overcoats and boots, hunting rifles and six-shooters,
pickaxes and cooking pots.  "Help ya?"

Carrie turned and saw a man peering at her out of what seemed like a
wire cage.  She went toward him, took the brooch out of her handbag and
said, "Yes.  I'd like to..."  She wasn't sure what the word was.  Pawn?
Sell?  "I have this," she said, and put the brooch on the counter at
the edge of the cage.

He picked it up and looked at it.  "Old," he said.  "Not worth much."

Carrie tightened her hands around her bag.  "It's silver," she said.

"Gold's better."

"It's a family heirloom."

"That don't mean nothin' to.  me."

She waited.

"I could give you a couple of dollars for it."

"I want ten dollars."

"Ten dollars!"  He shoved the brooch toward her.  "I can't give you
nothin' like that."

"How much...?"  She felt as though she were begging, and hated it.  She
wanted to turn and run out of the shop.  But she couldn't.  "How much
would you give me?"  she asked.

"Three dollars."

"Three dollars!  But it's worth--"

"Take it or leave it, lady."

Carrie bit hard down on her lip.  "I'll take it," she said.

She came out of the shop just as Matt rounded the corner.  He started
to call out to her, then stopped when he caught a glimpse of her white
face.  When she turned away from him, he saw the slump of her
shoulders, hunched as though in pain.

Hesitating a moment, he looked at her retreating figure, then at the
pawnshop.  "What the hell?"  he muttered under his breath, and headed
for the pawnshop.

"Maybe you could become a seamstress," Effie said, one evening after
Sarah was in bed.  "Those two shirt waists you made over for me turned
out real nice."

"But it took me a week to figure out how to do it."  Carrie shook her
head.  "I'm a terrible seamstress, Effie.  If I tried, to make a living
sewing for other folks, we'd all starve."

"You might could ask Mr.  Matt if he knows anybody who's hiring.  He
knows just about everybody in town.  Maybe he could help."

Carrie shook her head.  "No," she said, "I couldn't do that."

He had not been back to the house since the evening he had brought
Sarah the building blocks, the evening Carrie had watched him from the
window.  When Sarah asked why he hadn't come to see her, Carrie said,
"I guess he's real busy, honey."

"But I miss him," Sarah said.  And each night when she knelt to say her
prayers she always said, "God bless Aunt Carrie and Effie and Uncle

"He 'pears to be real fond of you," Effie said now.  "And of course
he's just crazy about Sarah.  It's real nice, how fond he is of her.
Almost like she was his own little girl.  Lord knows he's more of a
daddy to her than her own ever was."

"I ... I don't understand.  I thought..."  Carrie clasped her hands
together.  "What are you talking about, Effie?"

"I'm talking about that actor fela Miss Rosalinda got hooked up with.
He was from down South somewhere.  Had a fancy name.  Beau ...
Beauregard something, She told me about him when she was sick, about
how he up and left her when he found out she was in a family way."

"But I thought--" Carrie stopped.  No.  She didn't want Effie or
anybody else to know she'd thought Matt was Sarah's father.  But why
hadn't Matt denied it?  Why hadn't he told her that he and Rosalinda
had only been friends, if indeed that's all they had been?

"Matt," she said, "Mr.  Craddock ... he knew Rosalinda before, didn't

Effie nodded.  "Miss Rosalinda met him in Wichita and I guess they got
friendly there.  So when she came here and couldn't get a job, he was
real nice to her."

Real nice.  A sigh escaped Carrie's lips, and while there was relief in
knowing that Matt had not fathered Rosal-inda's child, the fact still
remained that undoubtedly he and Rosalinda had been lovers.

She didn't think she could ever forgive him for that.

Noah Pierce had taken to dropping by the house on Second Street, "to
see how everything's going," he said.  He always brought a little
present for Sarah and a box of homemade fudge for Carrie and Effie.
Mostly he talked to Carrie, because Effie was so tongue-tied in front
of him she could barely speak.  She tried to, but when she did she'd
blush to the roots of her carrot-red hair and, with a

 n stuttered "Excuse me," would beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

"You surely have done a lot for her," Noah said one afternoon after
Effie had said there was something she had to attend to.  "She's filled
out real nice and she's near prettier than a picture."  He leaned
forward in his chair, hands on his knees.  "I believe she's going to
have a birthday soon."

"Next week," Carrie said.  "She'll be sixteen."  "Lots of little gals
get married when they're sixteen."  Carrie waited.

"I'm twenty-seven," he said.  And cleared his throat.  "My job over at
The Chateau pays pretty good, Miss Carrie.  And sometimes when there's
a party, the gentlemen guests pay me extra.  Course I don't plan to
stay there forever.  I've had offers to play the piano in some of the
gambling houses, but I haven't wanted to leave Miss Charmaine because
she's been real good to me.  Even so, I've been thinking lately that if
a man should decide to get married and start having young'uns he might
should work in a place that's a little more respectable, if you get my

"I think I understand," Carrie said.

"I was wondering, since you're looking after Effie, what you'd think if
I started..."  He ran a finger around the collar of his white shirt.
"If I was to court her," he said.

"I think you'd have to ask Effie that question, Noah," Carrie said with
a smile.

"That'd scare me to death, Miss Carrie.  She hightails it every time I
come over.  It seems like I never have a minute alone with her."

Carrie stood.  "How about right now?"  she asked.  "Oh, Lord, I--"

But before he could say anything else, Carrie called out, "Effie? Could
you come in here, please?"

And when the girl came through the kitchen door, Carrie said, "I'm
going upstairs to check on Sarah.  Would you entertain Mr.  Pierce for
a little while?"

Effie looked at Noah Pierce.  Her cheeks flushed and her hands twisted
the edges of the big white apron.  She shot an appealing glance
Carrie's way, but with a wave of her hand, Carrie started up the

Carrie came down half an hour later to see a bemused Effie sitting on
the edge of the rocking chair.  "Did Mr. Pierce leave?"  Carrie asked.

Effie blinked and nodded.

"Did you have a nice visit?"  Carrie persisted.

"Yes.  He..."  Effie looked at her.  "He asked if he could come
calling, Miss Carrie.  He asked if he could... could court me."

"Oh?"  Carrie tried to hide a smile.  "And what did you say, Effie?"

"I didn't hardly know what to say.  I just sat here like a ninny,
staring at him because I couldn't believe-that anybody'd ever want me,
after me being a ... you know.  I like Mr.  Pierce.  He's always been
nice to me, but I never thought ... I never thought he liked me."

"What did you tell him, Effie?"

"I don't know if I told him anything, Miss Carrie.  I think I just kind
of bobbed my head."  She blushed again.  "He asked if it'd be all fight
if next week, on my birthday, he took me out to the Ponderosa
Restaurant for dinner."  She looked at Carrie.  "What do you think,
Miss Carrie?  Should I go?"

"Would you like to?"

"Yes, ma'am.  I believe I would."

"Then go," Carrie said with a smile.  "Mr.  Pierce seems like a very
nice man."

"He is."  Effie said smiling.  "He purely is."

Noah became a frequent visitor to the house on Second Street.  He
bought Effie a pair of earrings for her birthday, and whenever he had
an afternoon or an evening free he took her buggy riding.

Effie blossomed under all the attention.  She smiled and laughed and
sang in a high, off-key voice as she helped Carrie with the housework.
And she punctuated almost every sentence with, "Noah says" or "Noah

It was a pleasure to see her so happy, and Carrie was fervently glad
that if things worked out between Effie and Noah, that never again,
please God, would the girl have to work in a place like The Chateau.

But though she was happy for Effie, every day her concern for her own
problems grew.  She didn't have enough money for next months' rent, and
barely enough for food.  She was so desperate that she'd even thought
of writing Josiah Wilkinson and telling him she'd mah-y him if he'd
send her enough money to get back to Ohio.

But the thought of Josiah Wilkinson, of his ever touching her, of doing
to her what husbands did to their wives when they got married, made her
feel almost physically ill.

She went back to some of the places she had been to before, hoping
against hope that the storekeepers had relented.  The answer was always
the same, they had nothing for her.  She even tried to get a job doing
housework.  No one would have her.

Then one day when Noah came to call on Effie, he said, "I know you've
been looking for work, Miss Carrie, and just today I heard of

"You did?"  Carrie felt her pulses race.  "What is it, Noah?"

"We!!"  ma'am, it's a job working over at the Golden

Nugget as an assistant manager."

"The Golden Nugget?"

"It's a gambling establishment, Miss Carrie.  A real fine place."  '

"But I can't ... I couldn't..."  Carrie shook her head.  "I couldn't
work in a place like that."

"There's just gambling and drinking," Noah persisted.  "It's not like
The Chateau.  There are girls and all, to talk to the customers and
dance with them, but they don't..."  His face reddened.  "That's all
they do," he said.  "And you wouldn't do that.  You'd just take care of
the business end and keep an eye on things, I guess you'd have to wear
some fancy duds and all, but you wouldn't have to drink or dance with
the customers."

Carrie shook her head.  "I don't think so," she said.  Noah looked
troubled.  "If you change your mind, I'll go on over to the Golden
Nugget with you and introduce you to Pete O'Reilly.  He's the manager.
Wouldn't hurt you none to talk to him.  Job pays good and you might
like it."

"I'm afraid not, Noah.  But thank you."

When Carrie was alone, she thought, a gambling saloon!  Noah Pierce had
actually suggested she work in a gambling saloon!  She needed a job all
fight, but that was something she absolutely would not do.

Absolutely not.

Three days later, when she went into the general store to buy a sack of
flour, Mr.  Davenport, looking red faced with embarrassment said, "I
beg your pardon, Miss McClennon.  I hate to say anything, but I'm
afraid you're

a little overdue on your rent.  Miz Bisbee's daughter came in to see
me yesterday and she said unless you could pay her by the end of the
month you're going to have to leave."  '

Carrie stared at the grocer.  Leave?  And go where?

Once again the thought of Josiah Wilkinson flashed through her mind;
once again she rejected it.

But what was she going to do?  Dear God, what could she do?

The next day when Noah came to call, she told him that she had changed
her mind about the job at the Golden Nugget.

Chapter Nine

The dress was wine-colored chiffon over pink satin.  There were inserts
of lace down the sides and around the bosom, with stitched-in tucks of
pink velvet ribbon.  It cinched in at the waist and came to a low vee
in the front.  It was the most daring dress Carrie had ever seen, let
alone worn.

But daring though it was, it was not nearly as revealing as the gowns
the other women wore.  Their full white breasts, pushed high up by
laced-up corsets, bulged over their low-cut gowns.  They wore rouge on
their cheeks and their lips, and makeup around their sultry eyes.

"We put boiled belladonna leaves on our eyes before we come to work," a
woman named Blanche told Carrie.  "It gives us bedroom eyes.  Believe
me, honey, that's what the men like."

Bedroom eyes.  Carrie shuddered.  She'd been shuddering inwardly ever
since she'd walked into the Golden Nugget three days ago and asked for
Pete O'Reilly.

"Over there," a man mopping the floor had told her.  "The bald-headed
guy with the red mustache talking to the little guy.  Over there by the

Carrie had taken a deep breath and, when she approached O'Reilly,
she'd said, "Good afternoon.  My name is Carrie McClennon, and I--"

"Be right with you," he said without looking up from the row of figures
he was adding.  When he was finished checking them, he handed them to
the other man and said, "Show this to the boss, Stan.  He'll want to
check it.  Tell him we did real good last night."  He turned to Carrie.
"Now then," he said, and stopped.  Eyebrows as red as his mustache
climbed.  "You're Miss McClennon?"  he asked.

"Yes."  Carrie cleared her throat.  "Mr.  Noah Pierce told me that you
were looking for an assistant manager."

O'Reilly nodded.  "Yeah, but I was expecting..."  He ran a hand across
his bald head.  "I don't suppose you've had any experience."

"No, but I--"

He sighed.  "When can you start?"

"Tomorrow."  Carrie clutched her handbag.  "Whenever you want me to."

"Next Monday."  He looked her up and down.  "You'll have to have some
gowns made, because sure as shooting you can't come to work looking
like you do now."

Gowns made?  Carrie's heart sank.  She didn't have enough money for
rent, and she certainly didn't have any money to buy gowns.  "I'm
sorry," she started to say.  "I'm afraid I--"

O'Reilly reached into his pocket and handed her a hundred dollars.
"This ought to cover it," he said.  "You go see Miz Howard.  That's
Amelia Howard over on Haw thorne Street.  She'll know what to do."


"Salary's twenty-five dollars a week.  Here's two weeks in advance in
case you need to buy anything else."

Twenty-five dollars a week!  Carrie had stared at the money, unable to
believe that her financial troubles were over.  That kind of salary was
unheard of.  Unless... She looked at O'Reilly.  :."I understood from
Mr.  Pierce that I

was to be the assistant manager."

"That's right."

"He said my work would not include..."  The money was hot in her hand.
She had a crazy and momentary notion to take it and run.  Instead she
said, "I understood that the work I do here would not include
socializing with the customers."

"It don't.  All you got to do is help me and Stun with the books, order
whiskey when it runs low, and kinda keep the girls in line.  You don't
have to drink with nobody or dance with nobody.  Them's my orders from
I mean that's all an assistant manager does.  It's kind of a prestige
job, if you get my meaning."

Carrie didn't get his meaning, she only knew that when she walked out
of the Golden Nugget, she had one hundred and fifty dollars in her

The next day she paid her rent, then went to Hawthorne Street.

Miss Amelia Howard appeared to be a prim lady in her middle forties.
After the seamstress invited Carrie in, she helped her remove her
cloak, then proceeded to give Carrie a quick head-to-toe appraisal. She
finally spoke.

"I know pretty much the kind of dresses you'll be needing.  Now, take
your suit off so that I can get your measurements."

Once that was done, she went to the many bolts of materials stacked
against the wall and began selecting fabrics and colors.  Beautiful
colors--the lightest, most delicate blues Carrie had ever seen, bright
reds, pinks and shadowy mauves, dark greens, pale greens, ivory and

One by one she held them up to Carrie, nodding at the more subdued
tones, putting aside the brighter colors.

"You won't be wearing a flannel petticoat under any of these," she said
with a smile.  "What you'll want will be some opera drawers or
pantalets, and lacy camisoles over your corset.  I can fix you up with
everything you'll need, even the shoes.  I'll have one of the dresses
and some of the underthings finished by Monday.  Come by in the
afternoon and pick them up."

Carrie had left the seamstress in a daze, and she'd felt no different
when she'd gone to collect the dress she would wear her first night at

Waiting until she had put on the delicate undergarments, the white
bloomers and the chemise with a pink ribbon running through the top,
the ribbed stockings, and the pink opera pumps, she finally looked at
herself in the mirror.  Never before had she worn clothes the likes of
these.  They looked indecent and ... a smile curved Carrie's mouth.
They looked pretty.  They made her feel pretty.

But her hair: Carrie frowned.  It was pulled straight back off her face
the Way she always wore it, which was quite proper of course.  But
somehow it didn't seem to go with the undergarments or with the dress
she would be wearing.  She unpinned it, brushed it out, then fluffed it
into a looser fashion about her face before she' pinned it back.

Finally she put the dress on, and when she did,.  she stared at herself
in the mirror.  "Mercy!"  she'd said aloud.

When she went downstairs Effie too had stared at her openmouthed.

"Lord love us, Miss Carrie," she'd whispered.  "If you aren't the
prettiest thing I did see.  You look like a princess right out of one
of Mr.  Grimm's fairy stories."

And Noah Pierce, who had come to escort Carrie to the

Golden Nugget, grinned and said, "Effie's right, ma'am.  You're really
something else in that getup."

She felt like something else, Carrie thought now as she looked around
her.  She felt all arms and bare shoulders and exposed bosom.  As for
this place, it was unlike anything she'd ever seen before.  She'd been
here during the day when she'd come to apply for the job, but it was
different now at night, all sparkling glitter and plush red velvet.

Upstairs, where she hadn't been, were the offices of the owner.  "That
way he can look down on what's happening," Mr.  O'Reilly told her when
he handed her a list of figures to check.  "He isn't here every night,
but when he is, he likes to keep an eye On what's going on."

Carved chairs with velvet seats were arranged at the sides of the room
near the long mahogany bar.  Chandeliers shone down upon the polished
wood floors.  A five-piece musical group played at one end of the big
room near a small raised dance floor.  There were gaming tables where
men played poker and faro, while beautifully dressed girls circulated
among them, offering drinks and encouraging smiles.  Still other girls
stood at the bar, chatting and drinking with the guests there.  Others
'danced with whatever man asked them.

With the music playing, the laughter of the women, the voices of the
men, and the whir of the roulette wheels, the room hummed with life.

When the music stopped, a piano was wheeled onto the small stage at the
side of the dance floor and a woman, wearing the lowest cut gown Carrie
had ever seen, mounted the stage.

Men gathered around and began clapping.  "Whoo-eel" a couple of them
cried.  "Here comes Sally.  Sing it, Sal.  Let's hear it, girl!"

 back over the bare shoulder of her bright red dress, and began to
sing in a loud, uninhibited voice,

"Oh, give me a A man who can A man who can And once in the man who's a
cowboy, rope and can ride, wrangle a woman's fan dangle saddle can ride
her to joy.

"Oh, give me a man who's a miner.

A man who knows how to go deep

A man who can plumb me, whose kisses can stun me

Whose carrot's so good I could weep."

The men roared and stamped their feet and clapped their hands.  "More!"
they yelled.  "Come on, Sally baby, give us more."

"Gimme a drink, boys, and I'll give you anything you want," Sally
LeBeau called out with a laugh.

One of the men handed her a shot glass full of whiskey.  She tossed it
down and reached for another, and then she began to sing a song even
bawdier than the first.

Carrie stared up at the stage, unable to believe what she was heating,
that a woman, that anybody, would sing words like that in public.

Lord forgive me, she thought, I've fallen into a den of iniquity.

Matt watched her from the window of his Upstairs office.  From the
moment Carrie had walked through the door tonight, she had been looking
at everything and everyone with a wide-eyed expression.  Pete O'Reilly,
standing next to him, had said, "I sure hope you know what you're
doing, boss."

Matt wasn't sure that he did, but he honestly couldn't think of another
way to help her.  He'd known from what Noah had told him that Carrie
was running low on funds, but he hadn't known how bad her situation was
until he'd seen her coming out of the pawnshop.  He wanted to help her,
but he knew that she wouldn't accept his help, so he'd thought of a job
in the Golden Nugget.  He'd had Noah tell her about the job, and he'd
told O'Reilly that if and when she showed up, he was to hire her.  He
had also arranged for his bouncer, Worthy Magee, to take her home every
night, and for the bartender, Buck Wattles, to keep an eye on her.

When she had taken her cloak off tonight, there had been a part of him
that wanted to rush downstairs and put it back on her, a part of him
that didn't like her exposing her creamy-white shoulders, or showing
the vee in the line of her breasts.  But the other side of him, that
fiercely male part of him, felt a flare of excitement at seeing her
like that, and yes, a sense of triumph because he'd known that,
underneath her prim exterior and her schoolmarmish clothes, there was a
woman just waiting to be unleashed.  And like a butterfly eager to
spread its wings or a flower waiting to blossom, it was time for Miss
Carrie Me~ Clennon to become a woman.

A pretty woman, for with her auburn hair soft about her face and her
cheeks flushed with excitement, she was one of the prettiest he'd ever
seen.  He knew then, as he'd known from almost the first moment he'd
seen her, that he wanted her.  But he'd have to be careful.  Carrie
wasn't like the other women he'd known in his life.  She was special
and that both worried and excited him.

Going to work wasn't much easier the next night or the nights that
followed.  But Carrie persevered.  She arrived every night promptly at
seven and left at one, always escorted to her front steps by Worthy
Magee, a giant of a man whose job seemed to be making sure that the
gentlemen acted like gentlemen.

As broad as he was tall, with a face that showed the scars of battles
won and lost, Mr.  Magee treated Carrie with old-fashioned courtliness.
He always took her arm when they went up her front steps and waited
until she was safely inside before he'd tip his hat and say, "Good
evening, ma'am."

Stanley Bray, the Golden Nugget's bookkeeper, by contrast to Worthy
Magee, was a quiet, bespectacled man with a humble demeanor.  He showed
Carrie the simple system of bookkeeping used by the Golden Nugget.  He
also instructed her how to count the number of bottles consumed every
night, how to replenish the supply of special whiskey, the year and the
make of the most expensive French champagne, and had taken her down to
the cellar and showed her the kegs of beer and the barrels of what he
called "homemade hooch."

For someone like Carrie, who had never had a drink in her life, this
was a totally new experience.

Many of the customers at the Golden Nugget were well-dressed,
prosperous-looking men, but a lot of them were rougher-looking fellows,
prospectors and miners who liked their whiskey straight and their music
loud.  The first few nights that Carrie was there, a couple of them had
sidled over to the high desk next to the bar where she checked on the
price of drinks and the number of bottles taken to the tables.

Always, politely but firmly, Carrie refused their're quests to share a
drink or a dance, and if they persisted, Buck Wattles would suddenly
appear to ask, "You having any trouble, Miss Carrie?"  At which point,
the men would mumble an excuse and beat a hasty retreat.

The musical group was lively, and although the music wasn't the kind
that Carrie was used to, there were times she found herself tapping her
toes to the beat and humming along with the songs like "Buffalo Gals
(Won't You Come Out Tonight)" or "Oh!  Susanna."

"You've got a' mighty pretty voice," Buck Wattles said one night. "It's
a lot better than Sally's, though I guess the men she's singing to pay
more attention to the words than they do to the music."  He shook his
head.  "She'd shock the likes of a mule skinner, Miss Carrie. Not only
that, she drinks like one.  Pours blue ruin down her throat like we
were going to run out tomorrow.  Look at her up there now, stewed as a
turnip.  Wonder she don't fall right off the stage."

Carrie turned to look at the singer, who was belting out 'one of her
bawdy songs.  Though she had been here for ten days now, she still
wasn't used to Sally's singing.  About the only songs she'd heard when
she was growing up, and later when she sang in the church choir, were
hymns and the more popular songs of the day.

Even some of the other girls who worked in the Golden Nugget were
occasionally shocked by Sally LeBeau's songs.  "Don't she just beat
all?"  a girl named Flo said to Carrie one night.  "She's drinking more
and more every night.  Both Stan and Worthy have tried to talk to her,
but she won't listen.  Said she could drink any man here under the
table and I guess she can."

"But she's heading for a fall," a girl named Gladys put in.  "One of
these days the boss is going to catch her

Lamottn nan when she's drunk, and when he does, she'll be out of here."

"Who is the boss?"  Carrie asked.  "I still haven't met him."

"Oh, he's around," Flo said as she and Gladys exchanged glances.  "But
I guess ... I guess he doesn't come in here as much as he used to."

"When he does, I'd like to thank him for the job."  Carrie smiled.  "So
let me know the next time he comes in."  .

"Sure, honey, we'll let you know."

But they never did.

Carrie had not seen Mau since she had started working there, but on
Sunday, two weeks after she had started at the Golden Nugget, she met
him on the way home from church.

She and Sarah were walking just behind Effie and Noah when Mall pulled
his rig alongside them.

"Good morning," he said.  "I see you've all been to' church."

Before he could say anything else, Sarah had started trying to pull
herself up to him.  "Whoa," he said to his horse, stopping it, then
quickly bent down and scooped Sarah up into his arms.

"Where you been?"  she asked.  "How come you never come to see us?  Can
I go for a ride in your buggy?  Please, can I?"

He looked down at Carrie.  "You can if it's all right with your Aunt
Carrie."  He hesitated.  "And if she comes with us."

Sarah clapped her hands.  "She'll come.  Won't you, Aunt Carrie?  Won't

"I have to get home and start dinner," Carrie said stiffly.

"I'll fix dinner.  You go along with Mr.  Matt."  Effie smiled up at
him.  "Miss Carrie's been working real hard.  It'll do her good to get
some nice fresh air."

Matt reached down for Carrie's hand.  "Allow me to help you up, Miss

She looked at him, at Effie, and at Sarah's expectant face.  "Very
well," she said primly.  "But it's cold out, I have to be careful of

"I have a lap robe.  Besides, the sun's out today."

"I'll have dinner ready when you and Miss Sarah come back," Effie

"I thought maybe we'd ride over to Elkton and have dinner at the
hotel."  Matt shot a smile at Sarah.  "Would you like that?"

"Yes!"  She clapped her hands.  "Won't that be fun, Aunt Carrie?"

Carrie clenched her jaw and glared at Matt.  "I really don't think
that's a good idea, Sarah.  I--"

"You won't mind eating alone with Noah, will you,

Effie?"  Matt asked.

Effie blushed.

"You all go on.  Effie and I will manage just fine," Noah assured

Matt nodded, and with the flick of his whip, set off down Bennett

Carrie fumed all the way to Elkton, which didn't seem to bother Matt at
all.  Sarah chatted like a little magpie and asked question after
question.  "What makes icicles?  How come they hang off the trees that
way?  Who makes the snowflakes?  Did'ja ever taste one?  When is summer
going to come?"

Matt answered all of her questions, patiently, seriously.

And in spite of herself, Carrie once again thought how differently he
acted toward Sarah from the way her father had acted toward both her
and Rosalinda.  Horatio Me-Clennon had never had the time or the
patience to listen to his children.

Matt was different.  Whatever else his faults, he was wonderful with

The hotel restaurant in Elkton was pretty and cheerful, and by the time
they were seated at a table near the fireplace, Carrie found herself
relaxing.  Matt ordered hot cider for her and Sarah, a glass of red
wine for himself.  After the roast chicken had been served, he said, "I
understand you've found a job, Carrie.  How do you like it?"

"At first I didn't like it at all," she said, after a moment's
hesitation.  "And there are parts of it I still don't.  I certainly
don't like the kind of clothes I have to wear.  But..."  She lifted her
shoulders.  "I like it better than I thought I would.  I like the
music, not the kind Sally LeBeau sings, but the music the band plays.
And I like the work."

"But it's a gambling saloon," Matt said with a wicked smile.

"I know."  Carrie toyed with her fork.  "But the people there aren't
what I expected.  Some of the girls are very nice, and so are the men
who work there."

"Any of the customers ever bother you?"

Carrie shook her head.  "Once or twice in the beginning, but Mr.
Wattles, he's the bartender, he told them to leave me alone and they

"I'm glad to hear that."  Matt reached over to tie a napkin under
Sarah's chin.  "And you get home all right at night?"

"A man by the name of Worthy Magee always sees me home.  He works at
the Golden Nugget as a ... I don't know what you call it, but he keeps
everything in order.  I mean in case there's a fight."

"Are you doing all right money-wise?"

Carrie nodded.  "Yes, I am, Matt.  For a while things were difficult. I
even had to..."  She stopped because she'd been about to tell him about
taking her brooch to the pawnshop.  But she was ashamed of that; she
didn't want anybody to ever know about it.  She'd gone back to the
pawnshop as soon as she'd got that first money from Mr.  O'Reilly, but
the brooch was gone.  "Sold it," the man in the cage had muttered.

"Everything is fine now," she went on.  "It won't be too long before
Sarah and I will be able to return to Ohio."

"You're still planning to go back?"

"Of course," she said, surprised.  "That's my home."  He picked up his
wineglass.  Funny, he hadn't thought about her leaving, but now that he
did, he found he didn't like the idea.

"I don't fit in here, Matt."  Carrie looked across the table at him. "I
don't suppose I ever will.  The nice people of the town don't want
anything to do with me, and the others..."  Carrie shook her head.

"You mean the girls that work in places like The Chateau?  The ones you
have to work with at the Golden Nugget."

"Yes, I suppose that's what I mean."  Carrie searched for the right
words.  "We're different, that's all.  We don't really have anything in
common.  As for Sally LeBeau..."  She blushed.  "She's something else

"Yes, she is that," Matt said with a laugh.  He reached across the
table and took Carrie's hand.  "I know you don't belong in a place like
that," he said.  "But it won't be forever, Carrie.  Things will ease up
after a while.  Peo n pie will get to know you, and when they do,
they'll forget all about EIvira Primrose's gossip.  You'll find a
different job, something more to your liking."

"Perhaps you're right."

He tightened his fingers around hers and stroked the back of her hand
with his thumb.  "I wish you'd let me get to know you better," he

The thumb that caressed the back of her hand sent shivers down her
spine.  "No," she said, as she tried to pull her hand from his grasp.

"Carrie, please..."  He stopped and glanced at Sarah.  She had dipped
her fingers into the cranberry sauce and was busily licking them off.
"I want to help you," he said in a low voice.  "Let me, Carrie."

She was caught by the intensity in his deep green eyes, warmed by the
touch of his hand.

"I want to take care of you," he said softly.  "At least until you go
back to Ohio."

"Until I go back to Ohio?"  The words were like a handful of snow going
down her back and she stiffened.

Matt's face flushed.  "I didn't mean that the way it sounded," he said
quickly.  "It's just that I'm not a man who makes longtime commitments.
But I do care about you.  I care a great deal."

Carrie pulled her hand away.  "I'm sorry," she said.  "That's not good

"I see."  He reached for his napkin and wiped the cranberry stains off
Sarah's fingers.

They finished the rest of the meal in silence.

It began to snow when they left the restaurant.  Because the air was
colder than it had been, Carrie put Sarah on her lap and covered her
with the lap robe.  In a little while Sarah's eyes began to close, and,
leaning her head on Carrie's shoulder, she went to sleep.

The snow drifted down, and Carrie eased the robe up over the child's
face.  But she herself didn't seem to mind the weather.  Her cheeks
were red and snowflakes lingered on her long sooty lashes.

Looking at her, Matt felt something quite unexpected clutch at his

Chapter Ten

Sally LeBeau got drunk and fell smack dab off the stage last night,"
Buck Wattles told Carrie the next evening when she reported for work.

"Darnedest thing I ever saw.  She was right in the middle of a song.
Started wiggling her hips the way she does and wiggled herself right
off the stage.  Broke her leg in two places.  Doc Taylor says she'll be
laid up for five or six months."

"That's terrible!"

"Sure is.  Mr.  O'Reilly's mighty upset.  Been looking all over town
today for a new singer, but he hasn't had any luck.  He's going over to
Independence and Victor tomorrow.  Figures he can maybe find a gai in
one of the better gambling halls in one of those places."

"But do you really need a singer?"  Carrie asked.  "The band is awfully
good.  Isn't that enough?"

Wattles shook his head.  "There's lots of the gents who come here just
to gamble, and there's others who come to drink and dance with a pretty
girl.  But there're Some who want to listen to a gal sing."  He stopped
cleaning the bar and looked at Carrie.  "You sing real good," he said
with a grin.  "Maybe you could take old Sally's place."

"Me?"  Carrie shook her head.  "I don't know any of the songs that
Sally sang, Mr.  Wattles.  Even if I did I'd never sing them."

"I didn't think you would, Miss Carrie, and I was only running when I
said that."  He took a clean rag and started polishing some glasses,
but stopped after a moment.  "But what if you were to sing some nice
songs?  You know, the kind of songs that are sung in those fancy music
halls?"  "No," Carrie said firmly.

"Anyways, I don't guess the gents would go for that sorta music, being
as how they're used to what Sal dished outDoes seem a shame though. You
got a real fine voice, Miss Carrie."

"But not that kind of a voice," she said firmly.

A week passed.  O'Reilly went to most of the towns around Cripple Creek
looking for a woman to replace Sally LeBeau.  He even spent two days in
Denver, sure that in a city that large he'd be able to find a saloon
singer.  But he didn't find what he was looking for, and by the second
week he was desperate.

"I gotta get me somebody," he told Buck Wattles.  "If I don't come up
with a singer soon, we're gonna be losing business."

Wattles looked at Carrie and winked.  "I know a gal who can sing," he

"Why didn't you say so?"

"Well, truth to tell, Pete, she's not too keen on singing here.  Even
if she was, she wouldn't sing the kind of songs the fellas are used

"Can she carry a tune?"

"Yep, I heard her.  She sings like an angel."

"It's not an angel I'm looking for."

"Then I don't guess you'd be interested in the girl I'm talking

Carrie frowned and her gray eyes flashed a warning.

O'Reilly slapped a beefy fist on the bar.  "Who is it?"  he demanded.
"Where is she?"

"She's standing right behind you."

"What?  Who're you talking about?"  O'Reilly turned and looked beyond
Carrie toward the already-crowded gambling room.  "Which one of the
girls?"  he asked.  "Miss Carrie," Wattles said.

"Carrie!"  O'Reilly's eyes bulged.  "You gotta be kidding!"

"Nope."  Buck Wattles laughed.  "And she's mad as sin at me right this
minute for telling you."  "You sing?"  O'Reilly asked her.  "No,"
Carrie snapped.

"Then why'd Buck say you did?"  He scratched his bald head.  "I got a
lot of men coming here tonight.  If they don't hear what they want to
hear they'll go someplace else."

"Then let them go?"

"I wouldn't like that.  I wouldn't like it at all."  O'Reilly's eyes
were level with hers.  "You make a mighty nice salary here, ma'am.  I'd
hate to tell the boss that you refused to do something I asked you to

Carrie chewed her bottom lip.  "Really, Mr.  O'Reilly, I don't have the
kind of voice you're looking for.  The only singing I've done was in my
father's church choir back in Ohio."

"I don't want no hymn singing.  What other kind of songs do you

"Just songs," Carrie said.

"What songs?"

""I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen," "Londonderry

Air," things like that.  The men who come here wouldn't want to hear

O'Reilly scratched his chin.  "Probably not," he said gloomily.  "But I
gotta have somebody.  You could fill in tonight and--"

"Tonight?"  Carrie looked at him wide-eyed, her mouth suddenly gone
dry.  "No, I couldn't."

"If I say you can, you can."

She looked from him to Buck Wattles, who frowned and said, "Lord, Miss
Carrie.  I'm sorry.  I was just funning a little.  Leave her alone,
Pete, she doesn't want to do it so, just let her be."

O'Reilly hesitated.  From somewhere in the middle of the room a man
called out, "What about some entertainment?"

Another man joined in, saying, "Yeah, when's Sally coming back?"

Other voices were muttering the same protests, then somebody said,
"Let's go on over to the Silver Fox.  They got a gal over there that's
almost as good as old Sal."

"Hold on, boys," O'Reilly called out in a loud voice.  "We just found
us a singer that'll knock your boots off."  He took Carrie's arm and
propelled her forward.  "It's our own little Carrie McClennon, who was
singing her heart out back in Ohio before she came here."

Carrie tried to hang back, but O'Reilly held firm as he led her toward
the stage.

"Listen," she whispered.  "I can't!  Mr.  O'Reilly, please!"

"You just think about that twenty-five dollars a week we're paying
you," he whispered close to her ear.  "But--"

He lifted her up onto the stage and motioned to the musical group.
"Play anything the little lady wants," he told them.

The men gathered around.  The piano player looked at her.  She looked
at O'Reilly.

"Sing us one of Sally's songs," one of the men yelled.

"Yeah.  How 'bout, "Oh Gimme A Man Who's A Miner'?"  a short,
bandy-legged man called out.

"I ... I'm afraid I don't do that one," Carrie said.  "Well sing
something, darling' !"  another man said.

Carrie wet her lips and turned to the piano player.  "Do you know "Bird
in a Gilded Cage'?"

"I know it," the piano player said.  "But--"

"Then play it," O'Reilly ordered.

"You don't know what you're asking, boss.  I play a song like that
these buzzards'll kill me."

"Play it"

The piano player shrugged, and with a sigh, muttered, "You asked for

And Carrie began to sing, ""I'm only a bird in a gilded cage, a pitiful
sight to--'"

"You're pitiful all right!"  a man called out.

Her voice wobbled.

"Sing, dammit!"  O'Reilly said.

Hands clenched at her sides, Carrie sang in spite of the catcalls, the
boos and the whistles.  A boot thudded up to the stage near the piano
player.  The musician dodged but kept on playing.  A tin of tobacco
bounced off the keys.

"Cut that out!"  One of the miners slugged the man who'd thrown the
tin.  "Give the little lady a chance."

"A chance?  What she needs is singing lessons!"  somebody else called

Carrie faltered.  She looked down at O'Reilly.

"Fer God's sake, keep singing!"  he roared.  "Maybe it'll quiet these
bastards down."

Carrie struggled on, singing in her sweet, clear voice, and at last the
men, except for a few disgruntled mutters, grew quiet.

Matt stood at the back of the room.  He'd heard the commotion from
below and looked down to see Carrie on the stage, hands clasped to her
sides, looking scared half to death.  When one of the miners hurled the
boot, Matt had started down the stairs.  He didn't know who in the
hell's idea it was to get her to sing, but whoever it was was going to
hear from him.

He had hurried into the gambling room and pushed his way through the
throng of gamblers toward the stage, but before he could get there, the
men had quieted down.  "Sing us another'n, honey," one of them said.

Carrie looked toward the piano player.  He gave her an encouraging
smile.  "How about "Red River Valley'?"  he asked.  "Do you know it?"

"Yes, but I..."  Carrie took a deep breath.  "Yes, I know it," she
said, and began to sing, ""From this valley they say you are

As Matt watched, the hard-rock miners quieted down.  Their expressions
changed.  They looked thoughtful, almost wistful.  In the other part of
the room, some of the gamblers stopped to listen, and little by little
the whole saloon grew quiet.

When Carrie finished the song the men clapped their hands and stamped
their feet.  She bobbed her head, thankful that it was over, but as she
turned to 'leave the stage, a man called out, "Do you know "I'll Take
You Home Again Kathleen," ma'am?"

Carrie looked down at the man.  His clothes were rough.  He had a worn
and grizzled face and a beard that came halfway down to his chest.  His
eyes were a watery blue, and there was something in them, a longing, a
memory perhaps, that touched her.

"Yes," she said.  "I'll be happy to sing it for you, sir."  Matt folded
his arms across his chest and stepped back out of the way so that
Carrie wouldn't see him.  As he listened to her singing, he looked
around the room at the faces of the miners and the gamblers, the
drinkers and the con men, all of them touched by the sweetness of
Carrie's voice, the innocence of her expression.

As he was touched.

She reminded him of home, of the mother he had lost when he was
sixteen, of the first girl he'd ever kissed.  She reminded him of green
fields, of the sun shining down on stalks of golden corn, of summer
picnics and harvest moons.  Of youth and love.  Of things that had been
and were no more.  And he knew that the other men, listening as he
listened, were as affected as he was.  This time when Carrie finished
the song, there was only silence.

"You're all right, little gal," a man called out.  "You sure hidey are
all right."

The crowd cheered her and asked for more.  As Matt edged his way back
toward the stairs that led up to his office, Carrie began to sing
"Green Grow The Lilacs."  He listened for a moment, a bemused
expression on his face.  Then smiling to himself, he murmured, "Looks
like a star is born."

Matt told Pete O'Reilly that Carrie was to have new gowns made, and he
described to Amelia Howard the style of gowns he wanted.  They were to
be made of the finest material, fashionable but not too revealing.
Carrie was to have a new cloak, dark blue velvet trimmed with black
sable, with an attached hood that framed her face, and a sable muff to
match.  If she protested about the new clothes or the velvet cloak, she
was to be told they'd been ordered by her employer because, as the new
star of the Golden Nugget it was part of her job to look fashionable.

He also told O'Reilly to increase her salary to fifty dollars a week.

"Fifty dollars!  That's plumb crazy, boss.  No dame's worth that

"This dame is," Matt answered with a smile.

Carrie was worth it though, and more.  Word had gotten around Cripple
Creek that there was a new singer at the Golden Nugget, and that she
was something special.  Men flocked to the gambling parlor, not just
from Cripple Creek but from as far away as Victor, Cameron, Gillette
and Goldfield.  They drank and gambled and danced with the other girls,
but the main reason they came was to listen to Carrie sing.

She stuck to the songs she knew, songs like "Londonderry Air," "Aura
Lee," and "Beautiful Dreamer."  If somebody talked while she was
singing, they had one of the hard-rock miners to deal with.  A thump on
the head usually insured silence.

Matt was proud of her.  He had given her the job at the Golden Nugget
because he knew how desperately she needed money, even though he'd
known she didn't belong in a place like his.  And she hadn't belonged,
not at first.  She'd been as out of place as a two-legged mule at a
horse race and just as uncomfortable.  The night she'd started singing,
with the men hooting and hollering up at her, looking scared and alone,
he'd known he'd been wrOng to trick her into working at the Golden
Nugget.  She should have been singing in a church choir instead of a
gambling saloon, and he'd started downstairs to take her away from the
stage to a place where she'd be spared the humiliation and the
embarrassment she was suffering.

But when the miners had stopped to listen, so had he, and he'd been
just as mesmerized as they had been.  Carrie was an angel, pure,

But Lord help him, how he wanted to touch her.  Night after night, as
Matt watched other men look at her with longing in their eyes, he was
overwhelmed with the need to take her away to some quiet place where
they could be alone.  He wanted to lay her down on a big feather bed
and hold her.  He wanted to slowly slip the silken gown off her
shoulders and rest his face against the creamy whiteness of her
breasts.  He wanted to touch and stroke her, to hear the whisper of her
voice and watch her eyes go smoky with desire.

It was hell seeing her every night with her not knowing he was there,
not being able to talk to her because he knew that if she ever
discovered he owned the Golden Nugget and that he was the one who'd had
her hired, she'd leave.  But Matt needed to see her and talk with her.
So, with the help of his friend, Noah Pierce, Matt got himself invited
to dinner by Effie on a Sunday night when Carrie wasn't working.

Partly because she felt it was Effie's house, too, and partly because
she had missed Matt, Carrie acquiesced.

Matt arrived at the house on Second Street wit ha new doll for Sarah
and a chocolate cake from the bakeshop.  He shook hands with Noah
Pierce and told Effie she was getting prettier every day.  To Carrie,
he said, "I hear you're Cripple Creek's newest star.  Congratulations."
"Thank you," Carrie replied with a blush.  "Do you like singing

Carrie nodded.  "I still don't feel comfortable, wearing the kind of
dresses I do, but yes, in a strange kind of way I do like it."  She
challenged him with her eyes.  "You've never come to hear me, have

"No," Matt said.  "I've never come to the Golden Nugget as a guest."

"I suppose you're busy with other things."

"Maybe not that busy.  I'll drop by tomorrow night."  Watching Matt
gently wipe the chocolate from Sarah's fingers, Carrie was reminded
again of the way he had with children.  Sarah loved him, and he
returned that love with tenderness and caring.  Carrie was grateful
that he did, but just for a moment she felt a pang of sorrow because
neither she nor Rosalinda had experienced that kind of tenderness when
they were young.  She made a silent vow that Sarah would never suffer
as she and Rosalinda had suffered.  She would raise her sister's child
with love and with gentleness.

Reaching out, she smoothed the red curls back off Sarah's forehead.

It was later in the evening that Effie mentioned the girls from The

"I miss them," she said wistfully.  ""Specially Miss Charmaine and

"I guess it'd be all fight if you stopped by to visit them sometime,"
Noah said with a smile.

Carrie looked up from her plate.  "I'd really prefer that Effie not go
back there, Noah."

Effie looked from Noah to Carrie and blinked back sudden tears.  "I
won't if you don't want me to, Miss Carrie," she murmured.

Carrie bit her lip, and knew she had hurt the girl's feelings.
Relenting, she said, "I'm sorry.  I suppose it would be all fight if
you went in the morning.  You can go tomorrow if you'd like to."

"Well, now isn't that nice."  Noah patted Effie's hand.

Matt looked at Carrie from over the top of his wineglass and smiled.

She's changing, he thought.  Little by little, and probably without
realizing it, she's changing from the strait-laced woman who had
annoyed the hell out of him into a woman he wanted to know better.  A
whole lot better.

The following night, having warned the men who worked for him to treat
him as though he were a paying guest, Matt appeared at the Golden
Nugget.  He played a few hands of poker, won a little over two thousand
dollars, and had a brandy at the bar.

"That Miss Carrie is something else," Buck Wattles told him.  "Whoever
would'a thought she'd be packing the men in with the kinda songs she

"Any of the customers give her any trouble?"  Matt asked.

"No, sir!  Any of 'em tried, old Worthy'd give 'em what for, and so
would half a dozen of the other fellas."  He leaned across the bar.
"She's different than the other girls, boss.  There's something special
about her."  Something special.

Matt watched her walk up Onto the stage.  Tonight Car-tie was wearing a
pale blue silk taffeta gown that draped down low over her shoulders and
showed the rise of her bosom.  It nipped in tight around her waist and
flared full and long so that he could just see the tip of her blue
satin slippers.  Her auburn hair was curled in little ringlets about
her face and fastened in the back with a blue satin bow.  The spots of
color on her face were from excitement, not from rouge.

She began with "My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon."

As she sang, Matt moved closer to the stage and when she finished,
someone called out ""Beautiful Dreamer.""

He had heard the song sung before, but surely never the way Carrie sang
it.  As Matt watched her the words took on a new meaning.  "Beautiful
dreamer, wake unto me."

Wake unto me, Carrie, he thought.  Let me be the one to show you how it
feels to hold and be held.  Let me be the one to take you down the many
paths of love.

Matt observed the faces of the men around him and felt a flare of
anger.  He didn't want anybody else looking at her like that.  He
wanted Carrie for himself, wanted to hide her away from all eyes but
his.  He wanted to be the one to touch those bare shoulders, those
creamy breasts.  He wanted to be the one to love her to wakefulness.
"Wake unto me," she sang.

Carrie's eyes found his among the crowd of men, and it was as though
she were singing for him.  Only for him.

Suddenly Matt's eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared.  He wanted
Carrie McClennon, and by all that was holy, he was going to have her.

" "In my sweet little Alice blue gown,"" Carrie sang, and although
this was the usual raucous Saturday-night crowd, men gathered near the
stage to stop and listen and watch.

Tonight she wore the lilac satin gown.  The plunging neckline that
revealed the rise of rounded breasts was discreetly shadowed by chiffon
of an even more delicate shade of lilac.  Her auburn hair was worn
piled high on her head, with only one long curl lying free over her
bare shoulder.  She wore white satin slippers and elbow-length gloves,
and held a lace fan woven with ribbons in one hand.

Carrie finished "Alice Blue Gown," then began singing "After the Ball,"
and as she sang she gently swayed as though she were dancing.  The
gambling saloon, the hubbub of voices, the whir of the roulette wheel
and the faces of the men gathered around her faded as she pictured
herself in a beautiful ballroom, dancing among elegantly dressed men
and women.  Chandeliers shone down upon the handsome couples, a real
orchestra played, and she was dancing with the handsomest man of them
all.  His arms were strong.  His hair was black as velvet, the eyes
that looked into hers were as green as Ohio spring grass.

The song ended, but for a moment Carrie was lost in the dream, lost
until the men who were gathered around the stage began to applaud and
stamp their feet.  She looked down at them, unaware for a moment that,
after all, she wasn't in a beautifully elegant ballroom, but was here
on the stage of the Golden Nugget gambling saloon.

Suddenly she was overwhelmed by the desire to be held, as Matt Craddock
had once held her.  And to belong to someone who really cared.  With a
smothered sigh, she summoned a tremulous smile and, blowing kisses with
the tips of her gloved fingers, left the stage and went to a place near
the far end of the bar that had been designated as her special table.

"I can keep an eye on you here," Buck Wattles had told her.  "Anybody
tries to bother you, either me or Worthy can ward 'em off and send 'em

But this was a Saturday night and the Golden Nugget was jammed with
customers.  Men were lined up three deep at the bar and it was all Buck
and his two helpers could do to keep up with the shouted orders.  The
same was true with Worthy Magee.  After a hard week's work in the
mines, the miners, the gamblers and the traveling salesmen were out to
have a little fun.  They wanted to dance with the saloon girls, gamble
away some of their hard-earned money, get drunk as skunks, and just
generally raise hell.  Every now and then, when somebody took a swing
at somebody else, Worthy Magee would break up the fight and toss the
offenders out into the snow.

It was after midnight; one more show and Carrie would be through for
the night.  After that she would have to wait until Worthy was free to
take her home.  Once or twice, when he had been busy, she had left the
Golden Nugget alone, only to have him come running after her, saying,
"Now you know you're not supposed to leave without me."  Other times,
when he hadn't been able to get away, either Stanley Bray or one of the
bar helpers walked her to her door.

Carrie was tired tonight and she decided that if she didn't see Magee
after she finished singing the next time, she wouldn't wait.  She'd get
her cloak from the room that led off the side of the bar and slip out
before he noticed that she was gone.

"So this is where you're hiding!"

Nathan La Rue rested both hands on her table.  He smelled of whiskey
and cheap cigars.  "Now don't this beat all," he said.  "Whoever
would'a thought you'd be singing in a classy saloon."

Carrie looked quickly over toward the bar.  Buck was way down at the
other end, almost obscured from her view by the men crowded around
demanding drinks.  She frowned up at La Rue "I haven't anything to say
to you," she said.

"Well, ain't you Miss High-and-Mighty," he sneered.  "Too good to work
for me, but not too good to work for Matt Craddock."

"I don't work for Mr.  Craddock and I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me

He lurched against the table.  "How about a dance?"  he said, reaching
for her hand.  "Come on and dance."

"I don't want to dance with you, Mr.  La Rue so please leave me

"You gotta dance with me.  That's what Craddock's paying you for.  You
gotta dance with the customers, and I'm a customer."

"I don't know what you're talking about.  Leave me alone or I'll call
the bartender."

"Bartender's busy."  He reached for her.  "What else is

Craddock paying you to do?"

"Get away from me!"

"Whazza matter?  I'm not good enough for you?"  He waggled his head
back and forth.  "Just like your sister.  Thought she was too good for
me, too, but she wasn't too good for him.  Damn little whore--"

Rising from her chair, Carrie hit him as hard as she could, a stunning
blow across his face that sent him reeling back.  She turned and
started toward the bar, but before she could reach it, La Rue grabbed

"She was doing it for him same as you are," he muttered as he shoved
her hard up against the end of the bar.  "He owns everything in town
and now he owns you."

Carrie struggled to get out of his grip, but he held her there.  She
could feel his whiskey breath on her cheek and she looked around for
Buck.  "Buck!"  she cried.  "Help me!  Help me!"

But he didn't hear her.  No one heard her.

Matt had gotten into a game of faro earlier at the High Stakes.  He'd
lost a little, he'd won a little, and had finally come away with over
five thousand dollars in his pocket.  On his way to the Golden Nugget
he'd checked the action, as well as the receipts at the Silver Dollar
and the Dirty Shame.  It was a typical Saturday night; both places were
filled and the money was rolling in.

It was after twelve by the time he got to the Golden Nugget.  The place
was jam-packed.  The gaming tables were filled, men surrounded the
roulette wheels, all of the dance-hall girls had partners, and men were
lined up at the bar.

Carrie was up on the stage singing, and he paused for a moment to
listen to her.  She looked very beautiful tonight with her hair piled
high on her head and that one silky curl hanging down her bare
shoulder.  She was singing "After the Ball," swaying with the music, a
dreamlike expression on her face, a look of longing that he had never
seen before.

He thought suddenly how it would be if he took her away from here, to
places like Chicago or New York, even to Paris.  He wanted to show her
fine restaurants and theaters.  He wanted to dance with her, to hold
her close and know that when the dancing stopped he would take her to
some quiet place where he'd make love to her.

The dance ended, and still Carrie stood there, that same wistful look
on her face, a look that made him want to go to her.  But he didn't. He
turned away before she could see him and went to the stairs that led up
to his private office.

A few minutes later Stanley Bray came with the receipts and two bags of
money.  Without counting it, Matt put the money into the safe and began
looking over the receipts.

"Looks good tonight, Stan," he said.  "Business is booming."

"It's been better than ever since Miss McClennon started singing here,"
Bray said.  "Hope she isn't taking business away from your other

Matt smiled and shook his head.  "I made my rounds before I came here
and it's business as usual."  He went to the window and looked down on
the crowd below.  "But it's certainly booming in here tonight.  Think
we'll stay open till two.  The way things are going..."  He stopped,

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Just saw somebody come in who's not welcome here."

Bray looked down at the man weaving his way toward the bar.  "Nathan La
Rue he said with a nod.  "Nasty fellow."

"I don't want him here, Stan.  When you go back down, tell Buck or
Worthy to get rid of him."  He turned away and picked up the receipts.
He spread them out.  on his desk and began going through them.  Several
minutes passed.  He put the receipts aside, tapping his fingers on the
desk, then got up and went back to the glass to look down below.

His gaze searched the men crowded around the bar.  He didn't see La Rue
He was about to turn away when suddenly he froze.  "What the hell," he
muttered under his breath, then turned and ran out of the office.

Bray looked down on the scene below, eyes darting, trying to see what
Matt had seen.  Then he saw it.  Nathan La Rue had Carrie McClennon up
against the far end of the bar.  She was struggling to get away from
him.  With a muttered oath he took out after Matt.

La Rue pressed his face close to hers.  "Think you're too good for me,"
he said.  "Think you're Miss Highfa-lutin up there singing, showing
everybody what you got."  He rammed his body against hers.

"Let me go!"  Carrie tried to brace herself against the bar, tried to
push Nathan La Rue away.  He grabbed the back of her head, forcing her
toward him, so close she could see his bloodshot eyes, smell his
drunken breath.  "Help me!"  she cried.  "Somebody--"

Suddenly La Rue spun away from her and she saw Matt, his face angry
white, his lips drawn back in a snarl.  He hit the other man with his
fist.  La Rue staggered back, cursing, screaming out a venom of hate.

Carrie caught a glimpse of startled faces, of Buck Wattles springing
over the bar.

"Stay away!"  Matt called out.  "He's mine!"

Nathan La Rue got to his feet.  Matt hit him again and La Rue slammed
hard against the bar.  Head down, he rushed Matt.  Matt smashed an
uppercut to the chin and La Rue went down.  Blood running from his
mouth, he staggered up.

"Bastard!"  he roared.  "I'll get you for this."  He swiped at the
blood running down his chin.  "One of these days I'll get even with you
and with her and with every other whore in the tenderloin."

"Get up!"  Matt roared, and started toward him.

"TII kill you," La Rue screamed, and quick as a striking rattler, he
reached into the breast pocket of his coat.

Carrie saw the snub-nosed gun.  Saw the flash of fire.  Saw Matt
stagger back against the bar, and the blood, bright red against his
white forehead.

As though from a distance, she could hear the screams of the other
girls, the shouts of the men.

"Get a doctor!"  Buck Wattles cried.

"Don't let that bastard get away!"  a man yelled.  Another shot rang

"He's heading toward the door!"  someone hollered.

"Get him!  Where's Magee?  Where in the hell is Magee?"

"I saw Doc Taylor come in a few minutes ago.  Somebody find him,"
Gladys called out over the din.

Carrie fell on her hands and knees beside Matt.  She cradled his head
in her arms and, yanking off her white gloves, tried to stanch the
blood running from his fore head.  He was unconscious, his breathing
shallow.  "Matt!"  she cried.  "Matt!"  "Let me see him, Miss

Doc Taylor knelt beside her.  "That's it, hold him there.  I want to
look at his head."

The doctor probed with long lean fingers.  "Bullet just grazed him," he
murmured.  "Probably a concussion.  He might be out for an hour or two,
maybe longer.  I'll need to examine him better when we get him home.
Right now we'd best get him outta here and over to where he lives."
"Take him to my house," Carrie said.

The doctor looked up.  Flo's chin dropped, and Gladys said, "To your

Doc Taylor said, "You sure?  He's going to need a lot of taking care of
in the next few days?"

"i'm sure."

"All right then.  Somebody give me a couple of towels so's I can stop
the bleeding.  I'll bandage him when we get to Miss Carrie's."

Buck Wattles handed him two clean towels.  "Soon as the doc is ready, I
want you men there to pick Mr.  Matt up real careful.  Flo, you go and
get Miss Carrie's cloak."

"Let me help you up, ma'am," Stanley Bray said, taking Carrie's arm to
help her to her feet.

Carrie stood, arms crossed over her chest as though for protection,
watching Dr.  Taylor wrap a makeshift bandage around Matt's head,
wincing when Matt mumbled and tried to turn away.  She reached down and
took his hand.  And held it all the way to her house on Second

Matt's head hurt.  He tried to open his eyes, but when he did, the pain
hit him so hard he moaned aloud.

"Shh," a voice 'said beside him.  "It's all right, Matt.  Go back to

He felt a cool hand on his brow, soothing him, quieting him, and
thought that he was dreaming.

He slept again, and when he awoke, a voice that sounded like Carrie's
voice, said, "Try to drink some broth, Matt."

He dreamed that she sang to him, so softly he could barely hear.  She
stroked the hair back off his forehead and the pain went away.  And
once he dreamed he felt her lips brush his cheek.  He tried to awaken
because he wanted to bring her down beside him and enfold her in his
arms.  "Carrie," he tried to say.  But the words would not come.

She was always there.  She spooned medicine into his mouth.  She fed
him hot broth, and she bathed him.  She did everything for him.

Once he opened his eyes to see Doc Taylor bending over him.

"How you doing?"  Dr.  Taylor asked.  "Head still hurting?"

"Hell, yes!"  he said with as much strength as he could muster.

The next time he awoke he saw the lace curtains at the window and knew
that this was a place he had never seen before.  He turned his head and
saw Carrie beside him.

"Carrie?"  He tried to sit up, but pain stabbed at him, and with a
groan he closed his eyes.  "Where... where am


"You're with me, Matt.  At my house."

"Don't understand."  He searched his brain, trying to remember.  "What

"You were shot," she said.

"Shot?"  So that's why his head hurt.  He reached up and touched the
bandage.  "Who shot me?  I don't remember..."  His expression changed,
hardened.  "Nathan La Rue he said.  Pictures formed in his mind.  La
Rue had Carrie jammed up against the bar.  La Rue had his hands on her
and he'd wanted to kill La Rue because he had touched her, had hurt

There'd been a fight, he remembered that now.  He remembered hitting La
Rue But that.  was all.  That and the pain in his head.

"Did they catch him?"

"Not yet, but they will.  The sheriff has men out looking for him.  Try
to rest now."

"Why?"  he asked, looking at her.

"Why what, Matt?"

"Why did you bring me here, Carrie?"

She looked at him, her face still, thoughtful.  There was something in
her eyes he had never seen before.  "I wanted to take care of you," she
said.  "Why, Carrie?"

She shook her head.  "I don't know," she whispered.  "You know."

Pink color rose in her cheeks.  "You live alone.  You needed somebody.
I was afraid that Flo or Gladys or one of the other girls..."  She
shook her head.  "I wanted to be the one to take care of you," she

"You still haven't told me why."  He looked up at her.  "Tell me,

"Because you needed me.  And because I needed to."  He reached for her
hand.  She tried to pull it away, but he held on to it.  "No," he said,
and closed his eyes.  Still holding her hand, he fell asleep.

Carrie sat there beside Matt for a long time.  His face was more
relaxed, his breathing was even, and a slight smile curved the corners
of his mouth.

He had asked her why she had had him brought here.  She had told him
that she needed to, but even now wasn't sure why she had felt such a
need, why it seemed right

 decision on her part.

She barely remembered running through the snow beside the men who
carried him, Dr.  Taylor cautioning them to be careful.  Or of Stanley
Bray saying over and over again, "He's going to be all right, Miss
Carrie.  He's going to be all right."

When they reached the house, Effie had let them in, her face shocked.
Then, at Carrie's bidding, she had raced up the stairs to fold back the
blankets of Carrie's bed.

In a blur Carrie had watched Dr.  Taylor stitch the wound at the side
of Matt's forehead and held Matt's hand when the needle pierced his
skin and he moaned aloud.

She had stayed at his bedside all that long first night.  And prayed as
she had never prayed before.

Again and again she recalled that terrible moment when La Rue had
pointed his gun and fired.  She remembered Matt's blood staining her
gloves, and her fear, her terrible fear that he was dead.

She recalled later, Dr.  Taylor telling her that Matt was going to be
all right.  She had wept then, there beside the bed, clasping Matt's
hand and whispering his name.

But she still had not let herself think why she had brought Matt here.
She had told him that she needed to.  But even she did not quite
understand that need.

Matt slept with the vision of Carrie's face behind his eyelids, and
awoke with the sound of her name on his lips.  Her voice and the touch
of her hand were more dear to him than anything he had ever known.

Finally one morning he awoke with a clear head.  Sunlight streamed in
through the window and Carrie was standing beside him.

"You're better," she said, smiling down at him.

"Yes."  Matt pulled himself to a sitting position.  "How long have I
been here?"

"Five days."

"Five days!"  He ran a hand across his cheek and felt the stubble of
beard.  "How'd I get here?"

"Some of the men from the Golden Nugget carried you."

He remembered then that one of the times he had awakened he had asked
her why they had brought him here.  "You needed someone," she said.

"Thank you," Matt said now.  "Thank you for bringing me here, Carrie.
For taking care of me."  "There's nO need--" "Thank you," he said

Her gaze met his.  "This is where I wanted you to be."

"Why, Carrie?"  He took her hand and pulled her down onto the bed
beside him.  "Tell me why."

"I don't know why, Matt.  I only know that I--"

"Uncle Matt?"  Sarah stood in the doorway.  "Are you better, Uncle

Matt smiled and Carrie got to her feet.  "I'm better, Sarah," he said,
holding his hand out to her.

The girl came slowly across the room.  "Are you really all right?"  she

"Of course I'm all right, and hungry as a bear."  He growled and
reached down to give her a hug.  "Do you suppose you could talk your
Aunt Carrie into bringing me some real food?"

"What would you like?"  Carrie asked with a smile.

"Bacon and eggs, biscuits and coffee.  A lot of everything."

"I'll fix it," Effie offered from the doorway.

But Carrie shook her head.  She needed time to be away

 and hurried out of the room before Effie could stop her.

Doc Taylor was pleased with how rapidly Matt was improving.  "I know
you must be champing at the bit to be out of bed," he told the patient.
"Another day or two and you'll be fit as a fiddle and out on the

But Matt wasn't eager to be out on the town.  He wanted to stay right
where he was.  He liked waking in the morning and having Carrie bring
his breakfast in to him.  He liked looking at her, talking to her.

She hadn't gone back to the Golden Nugget.  "I don't want to go back
until you're better," she said.  Then she hesitated.  "Nathan La Rue
told me that you own it.  Do you?"

"Yes, Carrie."  Matt waited for her anger.  Instead she only looked

"You set it up with Noah Pierce," she said at last.  "And with Pete
O'Reilly."  The suggestion of a smile curved her lips.  "Poor Pete,"
she mused.  "I remember the first time he saw me.  He looked me up and
down, and I knew he couldn't imagine why in the world I was there."

She met Matt's gaze.  "But I know," she said.  "I know you were trying
to help me, Matt.  I understand now about the outrageous salary, the
gowns, all of it."

"You're not angry?"

Carrie shook her head.  "Maybe I should be," she said.  "But I'm not,
because I know you were trying to help me.  And you did, Matt.  You
saved my life and I'm grateful."  She looked down at him.  "But I can't
keep taking your money."

"I'm afraid you'll have to."  He grinned at her.  "You?re a star, Miss
Carrie.  If I tell my customers you're not coming back, those hard-rock
miners will tar and feather me."  He reached for her hand.  "But you
don't have to go back unless you want to, Carrie.  If you hate it--"

"I don't hate it.  Besides, I'm saving money.  Soon I'll have enough to
take Sarah back to Ohio, even enough to buy a little house in Norwalk."
She smiled.  "And I won't have to marry Josiah Wilkinson."

"Who in the hell is Josiah Wilkinson?"  Matt asked with a scowl.

"He's the preacher who took my father's place.  He warned me about
coming West.  He said sin was rampant and temptation waited."  She
looked down at her hands.  "He wanted to marry me," she said.  "I
thought about it when things were bad, when I'd almost run out of
money.  I thought about writing him.  He would have sent me the money
to go home.  But I..."  She shook her head.  "I couldn't," she said. 
"I just couldn't do that."

She went to the window and looked out at the snow.  "Now I won't have
to.  Thanks to you I've got enough money to take care of Sarah and
myself until I find a job teaching."

"You could stay here."  Matt cleared his throat.  "I don't want you to
go," he said.  "I want you to stay here, with me."

Carrie turned away from the window.  "I don't think I can do that," she
said carefully.

Matt reached out his hand toward her.  "Carrie, I--"

"Uncle Matt!  Guess what, Uncle Matt?"  Sarah said from the doorway.

And with one last fleeting look, Carrie hurried from the room.

Chapter Twelve

The following morning when Carrie went into the kitchen to fix Matt's
breakfast tray, Effie said, "I saw Miss Charmaine when I was out
shopping yesterday and she asked me if I could..."  She stopped,
hesitant, and lowering her eyes, began to dry her hands on the kitchen

"She asked you if you could what?"  Carrie prompted.

"She said Babette was ailing and she asked me to ask you if sometime I
could bring Sarah over for a visit."

"To The Chateau?"  Carrie frowned.  "I don't think that's a good idea,

"No, ma'am, I don't suppose it is."

"What's the matter with Babette?"

"Along about Christmastime she got word that her little boy, the one
who's back in Arkansas where she came from, she got word he was bad
off.  She's been real worried and she's been sending money and all. For
a while she didn't hear anything and then last week she got a letter
from her mother saying little Timmie had died.  Miss


Babette's been grieving something terrible and seein as how Babette was
so about Sarah and Sarah bein the same age as her Timmie, that maybe
seeing Sarah would cheer her up."

Effie dabbed at her eyes.  "I can understand about your not wanting
Sarah to go, but if it's all fight with you I'd like to go over and
spend the afternoon with Babette."

"Yes, of course it's all fight."  Carrie hesitated.  She really didn't
want Effie to go back to The Chateau, and certainly she didn't want
Sarah there.  The townspeople already thought that she was a fallen
woman and if someone like Mrs.  Primrose saw Effie taking Sarah down to
the tenderloin district, word would be all over Cripple Creek that
she'd allowed her niece to visit there.  She was sorry about Babette's
little boy, but she really couldn't allow Sarah to go back to The

From the living room by the fire where Sarah was playing with her
dolls, she heard Sarah say, "Drink your milk, Mary Agnes.  If you do
I'll give both of us a cookie."  Then Sarah laughed, a happy chortle of
sound that seemed to fill the whole house with warmth.

A child's laughter.  Was there anything more beautiful?  Carrie thought
of a little boy's laughter that had been forever silenced, and of the
mother who grieved for him.  In such a short space of time, Sarah had
become so incredibly dear to her.  How frightened she had been when
Sarah had the croup.  How would she feel if she ever lost the precious
little girl?

Babette was grieving for the little boy she had lost, a little boy she
hadn't been able to keep with her because of how she made her living.

And suddenly Carrie thought, to hell with the Mrs.  Primroses of the
town.  I don't care what they think.

"I've changed my mind," she told Effie.  "Go ahead and take Sarah with
you.  Perhaps you're right.  Perhaps it will help Babette to spend some
time with her."

"You sure you don't mind?"

Carrie put her arm around the girl's shoulders.  "I don't mind," she
said.  "And tell Babette that as soon as I can, I'll come by to see
her, too."

So it was that Carrie found herself alone with Matt that afternoon.
When she took his luncheon tray up to him, he was standing by the
window, waving down to Sarah and Effie.  Stanley Bray had brought him
some clothes a few days ago, and he was wearing a black quilted robe.
He turned and smiled at Carrie as she entered.

"Sarah looks all excited," he said.  "Where is she going?"

"To The Chateau."

He raised one black eyebrow in question.

"Babette's little boy died, Matt.  Effie saw Charmaine the other day
and she told her how sad Babette was, and that she thought it might
cheer her up if she could see Sarah."  Carrie put the tray down on the
dresser.  "I didn't want her to go back there, but I..."  She shook her
head.  "I don't know.  Maybe her being there will help Babette."

For a moment Matt didn't say anything.  Then he smiled and said,
"You're a nice woman, Carrie."

A slight smile curved Carrie's lips.  "You said once that I was a
narrow-minded biddy."

"That was before."  He crossed the room and put his hands on her
shoulders.  "That was before so many things," he said.

Carrie was suddenly aware how quiet the house was, and that she was
alone with him.  "You really should be back in bed," she murmured.

Matt put a finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him.  "I'm all
right, thanks to you, Carrie.  I'm all right because you sat by my bed
at night, because the sound of your voice and your touch made the pain
go away.  I haven't told you before what that meant to me, just knowing
you were with me."  He rested his palm on the side of her face.  "It
meant everything to me, Carrie.  Everything."

Carrie didn't know why, but suddenly she felt the sting of tears behind
her eyelids.  She couldn't help herself as she leaned her face into his
shoulder.  "I was so afraid," she whispered.  "When La Rue shot you,
when I saw you fall..."  She rubbed her face back and forth against the
smoothness of his robe.  "I thought he'd killed you.  I thought--"

"Shh, Carrie.  Don't, sweetheart."

She raised her tearstained face to his, and in a way Matt could not
explain, it seemed to him as though he were seeing her for the very
first time.  He looked deeply into her gray-blue eyes, eyes that he
could drown in.  Her lips were sweetly parted, as though waiting for
him to claim them.

"Carrie," he said again.  And he kissed her.

For a moment she stiffened.  Then with a muffled cry, her mouth warmed
and her lips melted against his.  A flame that she had tried so hard to
deny curled deep within her She wanted Matt to kiss her, to kiss her
and hold her and never let her go.

His lips were firm yet soft against hers.  His mouth was warm, and,
when he touched the tip of his tongue to hers, the flame became a fire
and she moaned deep in her throat.  But did not pull away.

He cupped her head between his hands.  He kissed her closed eyes, the
corners of her mouth.  He ran his tongue across her lower lip and took
it between his strong white teeth to tease and to suckle.  He kissed
her until her knees went weak, until her body trembled and she had to
cling to him lest she fall.

She felt the warmth of his hand against her breast and she whispered,
"No, you shouldn't do that.  It isn't nice."

But, oh, it was nice.  It made her feel all kinds of wonderful feelings
she had never felt before.  She leaned closer, her body warming in a
way she didn't really understand.  And when he fumbled with the buttons
of her white shirtwaist, she did not try to stop him.

His hand crept under her chemise, so cool against her skin that she
flinched.  He held her there, warming his hand with the heat of her
flesh, cupping the firm roundness and lightly, so lightly, caressing

She cried out, and when she did, he kissed her deep' and hard.  He
cupped her breasts and draw his fingers up around the peaked and almost
painful nipples to stroke and soothe her there.

Desire shivered through her like hot fingers of need.  A liquid fire
burned in her veins, sizzling its tortuous way down to her belly, down
to that most secret part of her.

She clung to him, moaning into his mouth, loving his touch, not wanting
him to stop.

He put his hand against the small of her back and pressed her close.
She felt the whole hard length of his body and, afraid, tried to move
away.  He wouldn't let her.

"This is what happens to me when I touch you, Carrie," he whispered
against her lips.  "This is the way it is for me.  This is part of me.
Don't pull away from me, Carrie."

He pressed her even closer and suddenly that most intimate part was on
fire.  She tried to tell herself how bad this was, how wicked, even
as-she felt herself moving against him, It was as if she had no control
over her body, as if getting closer to him would somehow ease the
unbearable tension growing within her.

He moved his legs apart and brought her closer to that throbbing part
of him.  She whimpered in need.  He robbed her breasts and squeezed one
tender nipple.  The breath came ragged from her throat.  Her mouth
sought his and she groaned against his lips.

"Carrie," he murmured, and with a cry, he picked her up and carried her
to the bed.

"No," she whispered.  "Oh, please, I..."

Matt pulled at the buttons of her shirtwaist and shrugged it off her
shoulders.  He untied the blue ribbon of her chemise and slipped it

"Look at you," he said hoarsely.  "Oh, Lord, just look at you."

He cuddled her breasts, and frightened, she attempted to push herself
away, to protect herself from the hot, moist mouth pressed against her
flesh.  But Matt held her there, pinned her with his body.

"You're beautiful," he said.  "Oh, Carrie, you're so beautiful."

He flicked his tongue across her nipples, eliciting a cry so shrill it
was as though she had been touched by lightning.

"Oh, yes," he whispered.  And he began to suckle her there, to take one
rigid tip between his teeth to gently tug and tease.

Carrie throbbed with desire, and turning her head from side to side in
an agony of need, she whispered, "Don't.  Oh, don't."  But even as she
said the words, her hands stroked the thickness of his hair and she
held him there.

At last he let her go and looked at her, his eyes hooded and dark with
desire.  He kissed her mouth.  He whispered her name against her lips
in a voice made hoarse by all that he was feeling.  And when he let her
go, he unfastened her heavy dark skirt and pulled it down over her

"No!"  she cried.  "What are you doing?  No!"  And tried to cover

He came up beside her and took her in his arms again.  "We're going to
make love," he told her.  "And it's going to be good, Carrie.  I
promise you, it's going to be good."

He kissed her again, very gently, and though she hid her face in the
pillow and though she said, "You musn't," she did not struggle when he
tugged the white silk opera bloomers down over her ankles.

She pulled the blanket up to cover her shame.  But he said, "No,
Carrie," and with a slight smile took the blanket out of her hands and
laid it back.

With hungry eyes he looked at her, and, as though to himself, he
murmured, "I knew.  I knew this is the way you would look."  He ran his
hands over her breasts, and continued to caress her, gently stroking
her, watching her when she gasped.  Then, slowly he went down her body,
down over the smallness of her waist, the flatness of her belly, down,
down to the apex of her legs.

"You mustn't do that," she said softly.

Matt held her with his gaze.  "I need to touch you like this," he said.
"I've wanted to for such a long time, Car-tie."

He curled his fingers through the crisp spring of curls.  She grabbed
his wrist to stop him, but he said, "Shh, Carrie.  It's all right,
sweetheart."  He took her hand away and held it, while his other hand
continued to caress her.  "So warm," he whispered.  "So moist and

Her body moved under his, and moved as though with a will of its own,
even as she tried to struggle away from him.  She had never felt like
this before, and while there was a part of her that wanted Matt to
stop, there was a part of her that didn't want him ever to stop.  His
fingers were so warm, so capable.  The mouth that moved to capture her
mouth was warm, too, and his tongue was silky soft.

"Carrie," he said in a strangled voice, and moved away from her.  She
opened her eyes then, and saw him taking off his robe, tearing at his

"What are you doing?"  she cried.  "What..."

He lay beside her and took her back into his arms.  "Have you ever made
love before?"  he asked in a gentle voice.

With her head buried in the hollow of his shoulder, she shook her

"Do you want to now?"

"If you want to," she whispered, and felt his smile when he kissed

"I want to," he said.

The kiss deepened, and in spite of her fear, the fire began again, for
while he kissed her, he fondled her breasts.  If this was what
lovemaking was, if this is what people did when they married, then she
liked it.  She enjoyed the kissing, the touching.  Like a lazy cat
Carrie stretched beneath him, sighing her pleasure, embracing his
shoulders, moving her mouth against his as he had moved his mouth
against hers; caressing, suckling, coaxing.

Then, he came over her.  She felt the whole length of him.  And felt
his hardness as she cradled him between her thighs.  That startled her,
frightened her.  What was he going to do?  What...?

He held her hips.  He said, "I'll try not to hurt you, Carrie.  But we
have to do this, sweetheart.  We have to."  Gripping her hips, he
plunged that hardness into her.

Pain ripped through her.  She cried out and tried to move away from

"I'm sorry, sorry," he gasped against her lips.  "But it will be all
right now, Carrie.  I promise you, sweetheart.  I promise you."

He began to move against her, carefully, gently.  He kissed her mouth.
"It will be all right now, Carrie dear," he said softly against her
lips.  "I won't hurt you again."

The pain eased and in its place there came a warming.  A sweetly
sensuous feeling flooded through Carrie.  She felt him grow and throb
with life, pulsate inside her.  Her body quivered with reaction and she
moved ever so tentatively against him.

"That's my sweet girl," he murmured.  "Put your arms around me, Carrie.
Lift your body to mine, sweet.  That's it, Carrie.  That's it, love."

She hadn't known, had not even imagined that anything could be this
incredibly good, that anything could make her feel like this.

He kissed the side of her face.  He told her how good this was, how
much it meant to him to be with her like this.

And she loved it.  Lord forgive her, she loved it.  She wanted it to go
on and on.  She didn't ever want to stop, because she knew that nothing
could ever be this good again.  She felt his breath against her
breasts, heard his whispers of pleasure and felt a thrill unlike
anything she had ever known because she knew she was pleasing him.

He thrust more deeply into her and his movements quickened.

"Matt," she said.  "Oh, Matt."  And suddenly, with the sound of his
name a strange and frightening thing began to happen to her.

"Oh stop!"  she protested weakly.  "Something's happening to me.
Matt...?  Oh please!"  He kissed her mouth, and his breath came hot and
quick against her lips.  "Yes, Carrie," he encouraged.  "Yes, love. Let
it happen, Carrie.  Let go, sweetheart.  Let it happen."

"No ... no, I..."  Then there were no words.  She spun out of control,
clinging to him as he began to gather more momentum.  Higher and
higher, scarcely able to breathe, on the verge of fainting with sheer
pleasure.  He surged against her and she heard him cry her name in a
paroxysm of pleasure.

His arms tightened around her and she clung to him, her body shaking in
an agony of release while he soothed her and told her how fine she was
and what this had meant to him.

For a long time they lay like that, bodies entwined, breathing hard,
not speaking.  But when at last their breathing evened Matt slid to her
side and gathered her in his arms.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," he said.  "It's only for the first time,
Carrie.  It won't be like that again."  He raised her face and gently
kissed her.  "I knew the first time I kissed you it would be like this
between us, Carrie."  He began to stroke her back.  "Are you all

"I'm not sure.  I feel strange, like my body is..."  She looked at him.
"I don't know how to explain it, Matt.  I feel more alive than I've
ever felt before.  Like I'm ... like I'm singing inside."  She blushed
and hid her face against his shoulder.  "I didn't know anything could
be like what we did," she whispered.  "I didn't know it could be so

Matt kissed the top of her head, then gently raised her face so that
she would look at him again.  "Tell me," he said.  "Tell me what you're
thinking now."

She caught her lower lip between her teeth, suddenly shy and

"Tell me," he said again.

"I ... I didn't know that was what people did."

His eyes widened with surprise.  "You didn't know?"  Carrie shook her
head.  "I thought babies came from kissing, from touching, but I didn't
know..."  She shook her head.  "I know what we did was wicked, Matt,
but there's a part of me that wonders why anything that feels so good
is bad.  I mean if two people really care about each other.  If

Hot color rose in Carrie's cheeks, but before she could say anything
else, Matt said, "Two people care, Carrie.  That's what makes
lovemaking special."

"But the girls at The Chateau..."  The blush deepened.  "Is this what
they do?"

Matt nodded.  "Yes, dear, but it's different."  He kissed her bare
shoulder.  "When two people feel the way we feel..."  He shook his
head, trying to find the words to explain how different it was when a
man made love to a woman he cared about.

Matt had made love to many women, women he had paid for, and women who
had come casually into his life.  But with none of them had he
experienced what he had experienced with Carrie.  She had been awkward
and unsure of herself, and though at first she had been afraid, she had
responded with a sweetness of passion such as he had never known.
Somewhere deep down inside himself he knew that no other woman would
ever thrill him the way Carrie had.  He knew, too, that Carrie wasn't a
part time girl, and that this was not a casual lovemaking.

That gave Matt pause.  How serious were his intentions?  he asked
himself.  He was thirty-six years old, free and unattached, and he
wanted to keep it that way.  Yet the thought of ever leaving Carrie, of
not being able to be with her, to make love with her again, sent a cold
shiver of fear down his spine.

They were such different people: he was a gambler, she was a
straitlaced... Matt grinned.  Well, not as straitlaced as he had once

But there were problems.  For one thing, she thought that he and
Rosalinda had been lovers.

He eased himself up onto the pillows.  "There's something I want to
tell you," he said.  "It's about Rosalinda."

Carrie didn't want to hear it, not now, not after what she had just
shared with Matt.  For a little while she had forgotten that once he
had Rosalinda... She turned away, at the thought that once he and
Rosalinda had been together in the way she and Matt had.

But when she said, "I don't want to hear it," and started to get up,
Matt put his arm around her waist and brought her down beside him.
"It's something you need to hear," he said.

Arms crossed over her chest, her jaw set and firm, Carrie stared
straight ahead.

"I met Rosalinda almost four years ago in Wichita," he said.  "I had
gone with friends to see a theatrical group perform a musical comedy.
Rosalinda was the star."  He tightened his arms around Carrie.  "You
would have been proud of her, Carrie.  Her acting was good and so was
her singing, though she didn't have the voice you have.  But she was
dear and funny and appealing and she carried the show.

"I went backstage with my friends afterward and somebody introduced us.
She knew some of my friends, and when we invited her to dinner, she
accepted.  We talked a lot that night and we became friends."

"I see," Carrie said in a cold, precise voice.

"There was something about Rosalinda that touched

"Tell me," he said again.

"I ... I didn't know that was what people did."

His eyes widened with surprise.  "You didn't know?"  Carrie shook her
head.  "I thought babies came from kissing, from touching, but I didn't
know..."  She shook her head.  "I know what we did was wicked, Matt,
but there's a part of me that wonders why anything that feels so good
is bad.  I mean if two people really care about each other.  If

Hot color rose in Carrie's cheeks, but before she could say anything
else, Matt said, "Two people care, Carrie.  That's what makes
lovemaking special."

"But the girls at The Chateau..."  The blush deepened.  "Is this what
they do?"

Matt nodded.  "Yes, dear, but it's different."  He kissed her bare
shoulder.  "When two people feel the way we feel..."  He shook his
head, trying to find the words to explain how different it was when a
man made love to a woman he cared about.

Matt had made love to many women, women he had paid for, and women who
had come casually into his life.  But with none of them had he
experienced what he had experienced with Carrie.  She had been awkward
and unsure of herself, and though at fit st she had been afraid, she
had responded with a sweetness of passion such as he had never' known.
Somewhere deep down inside himself he knew that no other woman would
ever thrill him the way Carrie had.  He knew, too, that Carrie wasn't a
part time girl, and that this was not a casual lovemaking.

That gave Matt pause.  How serious were his intentions?  he asked
himself.  He was thirty-six years old, free and unattached, and he
wanted to keep it that way.  Yet the thought of ever leaving Carrie, of
not being able to be with her, to make love with her again, sent a cold
shiver of fear down his spine.

They were such different people: he was a gambler, she was a
straitlaced... Matt grinned.  Well, not as straitlaced as he had once

But there were problems.  For one thing, she thought that he and
Rosalinda had been lovers.

He eased himself up onto the pillows.  "There's something I want to
tell you," he said.  "It's about Rosalinda."

Carrie didn't want to hear it, not now, not after what she had just
shared with Matt.  For a little while she had forgotten that once he
had Rosalinda... She turned away, at the thought that once he and
Rosalinda had been together in the way she and Matt had.

But when she said, "I don't want to hear it," and started to get up,
Matt put his arm around her waist and brought her down beside him.
"It's something you need to hear," he said.

Arms crossed over her chest, her jaw set and firm, Carrie stared
straight ahead.

"I met Rosalinda almost four years ago in Wichita," he said.  "I had
gone with friends to see a theatrical group perform a musical comedy.
Rosalinda was the star."  He tightened his arms around Carrie.  "You
would have been proud of her, Carrie.  Her acting was good and so was
her singing, though she didn't have the voice you have.  But she was
dear and funny and appealing and she carried the show.

"I went backstage with my friends afterward and somebody introduced us.
She knew some of my friends, and when we invited her to dinner, she
accepted.  We talked a lot that night and we became friends."

"I see," Carrie said in a cold, precise voice.

"There was gomething about Rosalinda that touched me, Carrie.  She was
so young and she seemed so alone, and I had the feeling she wasn't
doing too well money-wise.  I took her out to dinner whenever I was in
town.  I tried to give her money, but she wouldn't accept it, so once
in a while I bought her a gift---earrings, a hat I saw her looking at,
a fur muff."

"How nice."

Matt took hold of her chin and said in a firm, no-nonsense voice, "I
was not her lover, Carrie.  I liked Ros-alinda, and I worded about her,
the way I would if she had been my younger sister.  But I wasn't in
love with her.  Nor was she in love with me."

Carrie's eyes widened.  "But when I accused you of being her lover, you
didn't deny it."

"I didn't see any reason why I should.  Maybe it's stiff-necked pride,
but I've never felt that I had to defend myself or explain myself to
anybody."  His eyes burned into hers.  "But I'm doing it now," he said.
"You need to know how it was."

He moved slightly away from her.  "The actor who played opposite
Rosalinda left the show and they hired a new fellow to play the part.
His name was Beauregard Jones."

"Beauregard... ?"  Carrie turned to look at him.  "Effie told me about
him.  She said that he was Sarah's father."

Matt nodded.  "Yes, it's true.  That sorry son of a bitch was Sarah's

Carrie shivered, and he reached down and pulled the blanket up around
them, "I tried to warn Rosalinda about him, but she wouldn't listen.
Maybe people never do when they're in love."  Matt shook his head.
"Anyway, about that time I decided to move to Cripple Creek, so I
didn't see your sister for a while.  I didn't know she was pregnant,
that she'd had a child, or that Beauregard had left her."

"But why did she come here?  Was it because of you?  Because you had
been her friend?

Matt hesitated.  Yes, he wanted to say, that's why.  But he couldn't.
Carrie needed to hear the truth.  He wanted her to know exactly what
had happened, because she had the right to know.

"She came to Cripple Creek with Nathan La Rue he said.

"With...?"  Carrie's face went as white as the sheet that covered

"He talked her into coming here with him by promising her a job singing
in a saloon.  But once they got here..."  Matt reached for Carrie's
hand.  "Once they got here, he tried to put her into a crib."

"A crib?"  She stared at Matt, horrified.  She remembered the first
time she had seen the tenderloin, remembered the broken-down pine
shacks there in the place called Poverty Gulch, and the girls leaning
in the doorways, shawls over their shoulders.  Their eyes looked old,
their pinched faces were splotched with rouge and despair.

"But Rosalinda didn't..."  Tears were running down Carrie's face now.
"She couldn't have..."  She tried to pull her hand from Matt's, but he
held on 'to her.  "What about Sarah?"  she cried.

"Rosalinda kept Sarah with her."

"In one of those places?"  Carrie covered her face with her hand.  "Oh,
my God."  She wept.  "My God."

Matt tightened his hand around hers.  "Rosalinda tried to get away from
La Rue She wouldn't do what he asked.  She wouldn't prostitute herself.
And because she wouldn't, he beat her."

He was painfully aware of Came weeping beside him.

He wanted to stop, but he knew that he had to go on.  She had to know

"She managed to sneak away to one of the other cribs.  The woman there
hid her out and managed to get word to me."

Matt closed his eyes and saw again the crib where Ros-alinda had been
hiding.  He had found her there, huddled in a corner of the room, the
frightened child on her lap.  One of her eyes had been blackened and
there had been a bruise the size of a peach on the side of her face.
Her arms were black and blue.

That was the first time he had seen Sarah.  She had been wearing a
ragged little dress and she was barefoot.  Her eyes had been wide with

"This is Sarah," Rosalinda had said.

When he'd held his hand out to help Rosalinda up, the child cried out
and clung to her mother.  "No," she had whimpered.  "Don't hit my

He knelt beside them.  "I've come to take you and your mother away from
here," he told Sarah.  "I have a big house and a very nice lady who
helps me.  Her name is Tillie.  I have a dog, too.  His name is Big BOy
and he doesn't have anybody to play with."

"You have a doggie?"  Some of the fear went out of Sarah's eyes.

"Yes, !  do.  He's brown except for a white circle around his tail.
Would you like to see him?"


He had held out his arms and she had come to him.  "It's going to be
all right now, baby," he had told her.  "Nothing is ever going to hurt
you again."

"I found them," he told Carrie.  "I took them home with me.  Rosalinda
was ill and my housekeeper took care of her.  When she was better, I
found a respectable rooming house where she could live with Sarah."

He let go of Carrie's hand and brought her close to him.  "When word
got out that I was looking for La Rue--he skipped town.  After a while
Rosalinda insisted on getting a job, and when she asked me to, I gave
her a job singing at the High Stakes.  I shouldn't have, Carrie.  I
shouldn't have listened to her, because she really wasn't well.  But
God, she had spunk.  She'd been knocked down by two men, but she wasn't
out.  Whatever happened, she came up fighting.

"One night La Rue came into the High Stakes.  He saw Rosalinda there.
Before I could get to him, he'd grabbed her and started dragging her
out of the saloon."  Matt looked down at her.  "The way he tried to
grab you.  I knocked the hell out of him, Carrie.  I beat him worse
than I'd ever beat a man in my life."

He tightened his arms around her.  "When I saw him moving in on you at
the train station in Denver, the way he'd moved in on Rosalinda, I knew
I had to step in and stop him any way I could.  That's why I wouldn't
let him get on the train with you."

"Oh, Matt."  Carrie leaned her face against his shoulder and they
remained like that, without speaking, until she said, "But why did
Rosalinda go to live in The Chateau?"

"She hadn't been well, and after the incident with La Rue she seemed to
get worse.  And I think she was afraid that he would return.  She
wasn't able to work, so I said I'd keep on paying her rent at the
rooming house or that she could move back to my place.  But she
wouldn't do that, she said she wasn't going to let me go on taking care
of her.

"Charmaine and I had been friends for a long time, and when she heard
about Rosalinda and Sarah, she insisted I

bring them over to The Chateau.  They had a bedroom off the kitchen,
Carrie.  Nobody bothered them there.  Rosal-inda never--"

"I know," Carrie said.  "I know."

"She told Charmaine she had a sister, and Charmaine told her to write
to you.  I'm sorry she didn't write sooner, Carrie."

"Yes, so am I."  She leaned back against him.  All of the things he had
told her had been difficult to hear, yet she had had to hear them.  She
wanted to weep for the sister she had lost.  She wanted to kill Nathan
La Rue for what he had made her suffer.

"I'm glad you told me," she said at last.

"Rosalinda was a brave and a wonderful young woman, Carrie.  She had a
special kind of charm, a grace--' '

"And joy," Carrie said.  "That's what I remember about her, Matt.  Her
pleasure at little things--a field of buttercups, the lilt of a song, a
butterfly, a child's laughter.  I'm glad she had Sarah to love.  And
I'm..."  Her eyes filled with tears.  "I'm glad she gave me Sarah to

Matt kissed the top of her head; "I wish I could have helped her more
than I did.  I wish I could have saved her so that the two of you could
have been together again."  He held Carrie away from him and looked
down into her eyes.  "I cared about Rosalinda, Carrie, but I never..."
He shook his head.  "I never felt for her what I feel for you.  I never
shared with her what I have just shared with you.  Do you

Carrie touched the side of his face.  "Yes," she said.  "I

He brought her back into his arms and held her there, comforted and
petted her until the tension went out of her body and she relaxed
against him.

He thought about Rosalinda and of how it had been for her.  And he
thought about Carrie.  He remembered how, that night on the train, he
had sat next to her and covered both of them with his coat.  When she
slept, her head against his shoulder, he had thought with a certain
smugness that it was the first time he had ever slept with a woman
without making love to her.  And that maybe he'd do something about

But he had felt no smugness in having made love to Carrie.  Though she
had been afraid, she had yielded to him.  And yes, perhaps in that
first moment when he had known she would, a sense of triumph had surged
through him because he had won, because he had conquered her.

But that feeling of triumph had changed when he joined his body to
hers.  As her warmth closed about him, he had felt a oneness with
another he had never known before.  And when she lifted her body to
his, he had known a sense not of triumph but of gratitude and of

In that final moment when she had whispered his name he'd thought his
heart would burst with joy unlike anything he had ever known.

Carrie.  He kissed the top of her head and held her close while she

Chapter Thirteen

Carrie awakened in Matt's arms, his hand on her bare thigh, the warmth
of his breath on her cheek.  She lay there, scarcely daring to move or
to breathe.  She didn't want to rouse him; she needed this time to sort
out what had happened.

Her body felt lighter, freer.  She didn't understand that, nor did she
understand why she wasn't overwhelmed with guilt.  She should have
been, for surely what she had done wasn't something nice women did. She
waited for the guilt to come.  It didn't.  Instead she smiled, because
it seemed to her as though she had just discovered a delicious secret
that nobody else in the world knew about.

What she had experienced this afternoon with Matt had been the most
pleasurable, the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her.  It
had been like falling off the end of the earth.  No, that wasn't right,
it had been like soaring above the earth.

She had been shocked and frightened when Matt had joined his body to
hers.  All she had felt in that first moment was pain and
embarrassment.  Is this what making love is?  she had wondered.  It
hurt, and besides that, it was awkward and unpleasant.  She'd liked it
when they kissed and touched, but she didn't like this.  Then something
very strange began to happen to her.  The heat she had felt before
started again, but with an even greater intensity.  It came in a great
flooding of warmth, a yearning to be closer to Matt, to meld her body
to his.  It was so good she didn't want it to stop, because surely
nothing could ever be this good again.

She had heard muffled cries of pleasure, had been barely conscious they
were her own, but was unable to stifle them.  She had loved what Matt
was doing to her so much that all thoughts of what was proper and what
was not had fled from her brain.  In that final moment when her body
shattered with an immensity of feeling, she had clung to Matt,
trembling in his arms as sensation after sensation shook her, helpless
and yielding in his embrace, totally his in that final moment of what
she knew now was pure ecstasy.

Carrie wasn't sure how all this had happened, or why it had happened.
Matt Craddock wasn't like any other man she had ever known, certainly
he was as different from Josiah Wilkinson as night was from day.  He
was a gambling man, a man her father would have said was a sinner
headed straight for hell.

A sinner?  He had befriended Rosalinda, had taken in a woman and her
child when they had no one else.  And he had extended a helping hand to
her from the very first moment they had met.  Before they had met,
actually, when he had thrown Nathan La Rue off the train bound for
Cripple Creek.

He had defended her, as he had once defended Rosalin-da, from La Rue He
had been shot trying to help her.  The thought of La Rue chilled her.
She prayed that he was far away and that he would stay far away.

She studied Matt's face.  His velvet black hair, still with

 n a light bandage where he had been shot, was tousled, and one thick
strand lay over his wide forehead.  She had a sudden urge to smooth it
back, but was afraid if she did she would awaken him.  There were
shadows beneath his eyes, his lashes were long and thick.  He had a
straight, strong nose, wickedly full lips, and a cleft in his chin that
intrigued her and made her want to kiss him there.

Matt, she thought.  Oh, Matt.  And she began to edge away from him.
Embarrassed by her nakedness, and shivering with cold, she slid out of
bed.  Gathering up her clothes, she went into the bedroom she had
shared with Sarah ever since Matt had come into their home.

Pulling a robe around her, she went to stand in front of the mirror
above the dresser to study her face, to see how she had changed.
Because she had changed.  She touched her lips still swollen from his
kisses.  She looked into eyes that though they seemed the same, were
not.  They had looked into a man's eyes and found something special
there.  They held a wonderful secret now, and they would never again
look at the world in quite the same way.

She was not sorry that she had made love with Matthew Craddock, but it
was something she needed to think about.

She dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen.  Adding more wood to
the fire, she pulled up a rocking chair and sat there, alone with her
thoughts, until she heard the front door open and Sarah call out, "Aunt
Carrie?  Where are you, Aunt Carrie?"

"In the kitchen," Carrie answered.  She got up, opened the kitchen door
and called out, "Come in here where it's wal'll."

They came in, Effie and Sarah, their cheeks apple red from the cold.
Carrie kissed Sarah, and, taking her hand, led her closer to the fire
and began to unbutton her coat.  "Did you have a nice afternoon?"  she
asked Effie.

"Yes, ma'am.  We really did.  Poor Babette was awfully glad to see

"Me and Babette had a tea party, and Aunt Charmaine made me little
cakes and Dorrie sang and Lorelei and Conchita danced," Sarah told her.
"You shoulda been there, Aunt Carrie."

"Yes, I guess I should have."  Carrie looked at Effie.  "How's Babette
doing?"  she asked.

"She looks real done in, Miss Carrie.  But seeing Sarah cheered her up
a whole lot."

"Then I'm glad you went."

"It's Dorfie's birthday tomorrow.  They're going to have a little
party.  Just the girls I mean.  It'll be early, before any of the
gentlemen come.  Dorrie asked me to ask you if maybe you'd let Sarah
come back.  She--" "Please, Aunt Carrie?  Can I go?  Please can I

"I think it would be nice if you did," Matt said from the doorway of
the kitchen.

"Uncle Matt!"  Sarah launched herself at him.  "Are you all well?"

Matt picked her up and kissed both of her cheeks.  "Yes, I'm all well,
thanks to you and Effie and your Aunt Carrie."  His gaze sought
Carrie's from across the room.  "You took care of me," he said.  "You
nursed me back to health."

Caught by the intensity of his gaze and the warmth of his green eyes,
Carrie couldn't speak.  She only stood there, looking at him.  He wore
the black quilted robe, and his hair was still damp from washing up.
The same lock had fallen down over his forehead, and again Carrie had
the overwhelming desire to smooth it back.

"You'd better sit down," she said, motioning him to a chair.  "You
musn't overdo."

"I'm all right.  As a matter of fact I don't know when I've slept so
well or felt so good.  Maybe spring is in the air.  Or maybe..."  He
smiled a deceptively innocent smile at Carrie.  "Or maybe it's you ...
your good home cooking I mean."

When Cartic blushed, he went to the rocking chair and sat down with
Sarah on his lap.  "Did you have a nice time today?"  he asked the
child.  "Babette and mere" "Babette and I," he corrected.

"That's what I said.  Babette and me had a tea party and tomorrow Effie
and me arc going back for Dorfic's birthday."

"Well, isn't that nice?"  He looked at Carrie over the top of Sarah's
head.  "You'll let her go?"

She looked at Sarah, then at him.  "Yes," she said.  "I'll let her

Later, after Carrie and Effie had fixed supper, the four of them sat
around the table in the kitchen.  Still later, while the women washed
the dishes, Matt sat beside the fire and rocked Sarah until she fell
asleep, her head on his shoulder, her small hand curled inside his.  "I
should take her up," Carrie said.  Mau shook his head.  "Let me do

"You go on, too, Miss Carrie," Effie said.  "I'll finish cleaning up
here in the kitchen.

"All right, Effie."  Carrie patted the girl's shoulder, and when Matt
rose, she followed him up the stairs to Sarah's room.

He put the sleeping child down on the bed, waiting while Carrie
undressed her.  And when Carrie slipped the red flannel nightshirt over
Sarah's head, he pulled back the blankets, and together they eased
Sarah into bed.

"She's had a busy day," Carrie said.  "She'll sleep till morning."

"You've had a busy day, too" Matt rested his hands on Carrie's
shoulders and brought her around to face him.  "Are you all right?"  he
asked in a gentle voice.  "I didn't hurt you?"

She shook her head and, not meeting his eyes, tried to move away.  But
he held her there.  "Don't be sorry about what we did," he said.

"I'm not."

"It was the nicest thing that ever happened to me."  His eyes were
serious, intent, warming as he gazed down at her.  His hands tightened
on her shoulders; he moved closer.

"Matt," she whispered.

"We'll be alone again tomorrow," he murmured.  "Think about that
tonight before you go to sleep, Carrie."

Then he kissed her and let her go.

Sarah and Effie left the house the next morning at eleven.  The sun was
out and there was the hint of spring in the air.

Matt had come down for breakfast, and later he had bundled Sarah into
her coat and her boots, and given her five silver dollars to buy a
birthday present for Dorfie.

"You really should go upstairs and rest," Carrie said when Sarah and
Effie had gone.  "Dr.  Taylor said you needed a couple more days to

"I've recuperated."  He grinned.  "In fact I feel better than I have in
a long time."

"Matt..."  She backed away from him.  "Carrie..."  The grin widened
wickedly.  "You really have to rest."

"I intend to."  He reached for her.  "I have to clean up the kitchen."

"No, I--"

He stopped her words with a kiss.  "I thought about this all night," he
said against her lips.  "I thought what it would be like to hold you
again, to kiss you again."  He drew her closer, his hand against the
back of her head, holding her as he studied her face.  "Do you know
what you do to me, Carrie?  Do you have any idea how I feel when I look
at you, when I touch you?"

It started again, the same warmth, the same delicious weakening of her
knees.  The same feeling of doubt that she shouldn't be like this with

He took her face between his hands and kissed her, his mouth warm
against hers, searching, probing.  She felt herself giving way, felt
her body warm and soften.  He put one hand against the small of her
back to bring her closer, and she became startlingly aware of the hard
tautness of his body.

She tried to move away, but he said, "No, Carrie.  No, sweetheart," and
pressed her closer.  "Ah, Carrie," he whispered against her lips.  "My
sweet girl.  My lovely Carrie."

He unbuttoned her shirtwaist and Carrie felt the heat of his hand
against her breast.  "Come upstairs with me, Carrie," he said.  "Come
with me now."

"No."  She tried to struggle out of his embrace.  "What we did
yesterday..."  She shook her head.  "It was wonderful, Matt.  But we
shouldn't have.  People shouldn't do what we did, especially if they
aren't married.  We shouldn't..."

He cupped her bottom and brought her closer, so close that she could
feel the hardness of that most intimate part of him burning against
that most intimate part of her.

He began to move against her while he held her there.  He took her
mouth and touched his tongue to hers.  He kissed her deep and hard.  A
shock wave surged through her body, and her fingers dug hard into the
taut flesh of his arms.

"What are you doing to me?"  she managed to gasp.  He kissed the words
away and held her there, moving against her, urging her ever closer.
Shocks of pure fire burned where he touched and she moaned into his
mouth.  He lifted her, drawing her to him, pressing insistently against
the small of her back, all the while his hungry mouth was devouring

"Carrie," he whispered against her lips.  He suddenly let her go and,
picking her up in his arms, headed for the stairs.

Carrie buried her head against his shoulder, dizzy with an emotion she
still didn't understand.  He made her feel wanton, made her forget all
the rules she'd been raised with, things she'd been brought up to

"Wait," she said when they reached the bedroom and he put her down.
"You have to listen to me."  She gulped for breath.  "We shouldn't do
this again, Matt."

"Why not, sweetheart?"  He resumed opening the remainder of the buttons
of her shirtwaist, then slipped it off her shoulders.

"Because we..."  She tried to speak reasonably, calmly, but he'd
started nibbling on one earlobe, and it was hard to concentrate with a
shiver of thrills running up and down her spine.  "But we ... we did it
yesterday.  People don't--"

He ran his tongue around the curve of her ear.  "They don't what,

"They only do it ... I think you're only supposed to do something like
we did just once in a while."

"Once in a while?"  One dark eyebrow cocked.

She remembered her father ordering her mother into the bedroom, and the
sermon that followed the next morning.  "It's a sin of the flesh," she
whispered.  "My father said that.  He..."  She shook her head, unable
to go on.

Matt stared down at her, then taking her hand, he led her to the
rocking chair by the window.  He sat down and brought her into his lap,
and he held her as he had held Sarah last night.  Yesterday, carried
away by a passion she didn't understand, Carrie had yielded to him. But
she'd had time to think about what she had done, and the old fears, the
old beliefs and prejudices had surfaced.  Though his body throbbed with
wanting her, he knew he would not force her to do anything she didn't
want to do.

For little while he just held her there, soothing her, quieting her
before he said, "Carrie, what happened between us yesterday was just
about the nicest thing that can happen between a man and a woman.  It's
the closest two people can come to each other.  It's giving and
receiving, it's as elemental as life itself."

He kissed her forehead, and, holding her close, he tried to understand
how it had been for her and for Rosalinda.  Rosalinda had told him
about their father, about his coldness and his cruelty, about the
whippings.  "We grew up with sin," she'd said.  "It was our heritage,
our daily lesson, our bible."

"Carrie was the good one," Rosalinda said.  "I don't know if she
believed everything our father preached, but she was obedient.  She
always did what she was told except when she tried to protect me."  Her
eyes had been sad, her mouth pinched with remembered pain.  "It never
did much good because Papa always had his way.  But she tried, Matt.
She tried and she took a lot of lickings because of me."

Rosalinda had run away, but Carrie had stayed and been the dutiful
daughter.  What had it cost her?  he wondered now.  What fears of right
and wrong lay beneath her calm demeanor?  What childhood terrors still

He kissed her again, but not as he had before.  This time he kissed her
gently, tenderly, and only when her lips parted under his did he let
the kiss deepen and grow.

Carrie sighed against him and he shifted in the chair, holding her
closer, cradling her body against his.  He kissed her eyelids, her
cheeks, her nose.  When she whispered his name, he took her mouth
again.  He cupped her breast, and though she murmured a protest, she
didn't draw away.

Little by little a sweet lethargy crept over Carrie, and she was barely
aware when Matt slipped the camisole lower so that he could stroke her
breasts.  She turned toward him then, and with her arms around his
neck, began to answer his kisses.

His hands were gentle, but his skin was rough against her softness, and
she loved the roughness.  That slight scratch of skin against skin
excited and aroused her.  He palmed her breast, and when his thumb
grazed her nipple, she whispered her pleasure.

Matt tried to content himself with this, because he wanted to allay her
fears, to make it so good for her that her feelings of guilt would
disappear.  He wanted to go slowly, but she was coming alive under his
ministrations.  Her small moans and gasps of excitement were driving
him over the edge, arousing him to a point of no return.

She pushed aside the opening of his robe to unbutton his pajamas.
Slipping her hand inside, she began to caress him as he caressed her,
curling her fingers through the dark thatch of chest hair, loving the
feel of it and of his skin.

"Carrie?"  It was a plea of hunger, a plea of need against her lips.
She buried her face against the hollow of his shoulder, and when he
picked her up and carried her to the bed, she did not protest.  Nor did
she protest when he stripped her clothes away.  But she was still
afraid to look at him, and turned away and covered herself when he took
off his robe.

He lay down beside her and gathered her in his arms.  "Carrie," he said
against her lips.  Again, as he had before, he made himself wait while
he stroked her to readiness, and only when her body began to tremble
against his, only when she yearned toward him, murmuring his name in a
litany of desire, did he join his body to hers.

Carrie tensed, remembering yesterday's pain, but when he said, "It's
all right, Carrie," she relaxed against him and lifted her body to his
the way he had told her to.

And it was as it had been.  He filled her, he became a part of her.
Shivers ran through her body.  Her nerve ends tingled and her body
heated as small shocks of pure desire quivered through her veins.  He
kissed her throat, he nibbled her ears until she thought she would go
wild.  He rained kisses over her face and took her mouth, thrusting his
tongue as his body moved over hers.

He left her mouth to suckle her breast, rolling the peaked and painful
nipple with his tongue, sucking hard, driving her to ecstasy.

She cried his name.  Her body writhed under his and she tried to get
closer, tried to merge herself with him, to become part of him.

"Sweetheart," he gasped.  "Ah, Carrie, Carrie."  He cupped her buttocks
to bring her closer.  "Tell me," he whispered.  "Tell me if it's too

But she was beyond words, beyond thought.  She gripped his shoulders
and sought his mouth and lifted her body to his, weeping out in
anguished joy as the waves of sensation flooded through her.

"Yes!"  Matt cried.  "Oh, yes!"  And his big body thundered against
hers, driving her on and on until, close to fainting, she cried out his
name and heard his answering cry,

He held her close, so close she could barely get her breath.  He
stroked her and told her how fine she was and how she made him feel. He
kissed the side of her face, he brushed the tangled hair back from her
cheek, and when she started to move from him, he said, "No, honey, stay
for a moment.  I love the feel of your body under mine, I love the
softness of you holding me this way."

Her body was wet with perspiration, her heart rocketing in her chest,"
but as he stroked her, she began to relax.  She liked the feel of his
body over hers this way, the texture of his skin.  She ran her hands
along his back, down to his rounded buttocks.  And when he asked, "Am I
too heavy for you?"  she shook her head.

"No, stay like this," she whispered, and felt him relax against her.

He breathed in her scents, rubbing his face against the fall of her
hair and her throat.  He wanted to make her a part of him, to hold her
like this and never let her go.

And that scared the hell out of Matt.  As did the fact that he'd never
felt for a woman what he was feeling right now with Carrie.  She was an
innocent, inexperienced.  Yet she had responded to him with a warmth
and a giving that had set his blood on fire.  Repressed though she had
been, she was all woman.  When her body had quivered under his, when
she cried his name and lifted herself to him in that final moment, he
had felt a thrill of exaltation unlike anything he had ever felt

And with the thought of how it had been, it began to happen again.  She
felt him grow.  Her eyes popped open and she said, "What are you

"I'm making love with you again."

"Oh."  She looked up at him.  "I didn't think ... I mean

I...!  thought you were only supposed to do it once."  "Or twice."  He
smiled.  "Or more."

"More?"  Her eyes widened.  Then she answered his smile with a smile
that set the blood zinging through his veins.  "Do you like this?"  he
asked her.

She turned her head into his shoulder, still shy, and in a voice so low
he could barely hear her, whispered, "Yes, Matt.  Yes, I like it."

"Say my name again."

She looked up at him.  "Matt," she said.  "Matt."

He kissed her and began to move against her.  He wanted it to last for
a very long time and so he moved slowly, letting it build, loving her
whimperings of pleasure, her murmured, "Oh, Matt," as she lifted her
body to his.  "Oh, yes.  Oh, yes.  That's good.  That's so good.,"

She entwined her arms around his neck and sought his mouth.  They
kissed softly, deeply.  All the while, his body moved against hers, and
when she began to tremble and her breath came in short, frenzied gasps,
he said, "Yes, Carrie?  Yes?"

Again, as it had been before, she could do no more than whisper his
name.  As her body moved like a frantic thing under his, she bit hard
down on her lip so that she would not cry out.

He thrust hard against her, once, twice, and it was too much for him
and for her.  They cried each other's names, and held each other, heart
to beating heart, as wave after wave of white blinding passion gripped
and shattered them.

When at last their heartbeats slowed, Matt shifted and rolled so that
Carrie lay over him.  He held her there, stroking her to calmness.
"Carrie," he whispered.  "My Car-tie?"

Matt left the next day after breakfast, telling himself and Carrie that
he had fully recovered from the gunshot wound and it was time he went
back to work.

But that wasn't the real reason Matt was leaving.  He was running
scared, scared of the power of Carrie's kisses, of the arms that held
him, of the sweet womanly body that eagerly met his.  Scared?  Hell, he
was running for his life.

Chapter Fourteen

Matt stayed away from Carrie for four miserable days.  He didn't sleep
we!!"  he barely touched his food.  He missed her voice and the sound
of her step on the stair, her softness and her scents.  His arms felt
empty without her.

Before, he had always been able to walk away from a woman without any
lasting emotional problem.  He had always been generous, both before
and at the end of the relationship, and maybe that's what helped him
walk away with a clear conscience.

This time it was different.  He wasn't sure how it had happened, why
Carrie McClennon affected him the way she did or why he had absolutely
no desire to walk away from her.  It was something he had to think

He spent his afternoons playing poker.  He had always enjoyed the game
and he was a lucky gambler, able to bluff the men playing with him with
a grin and a slight lift of an eyebrow.  But his luck had changed, he
was losing more than he was winning.  The night he folded holding a
jacks-high full house he knew he was in trouble.  He left the game and
headed for the house on Second Street.

It was after midnight when Matt pulled his rig up in front of Carrie's
place.  There was a light in her room and he thought of her up there
alone, getting ready for bed.  He closed his eyes and it seemed to him
he could see her there, untying the ribbon of her lacy camisole,
pulling the satin bloomers down over her hips .... He ran a hand over
his face and tried to quell the sudden tightening of his body.  He was
acting like a lovesick schoolboy, mooning under the window of his girl.
Feeling like a fool, he muttered a string of curses under his breath
and took hold of the reins.  But before he could flick them across the
horse's back, he saw her coming down the street toward him.

He wanted to tell the horse to "Giddap!"  and leave before she saw him.
But it was too late.

"That you, boss?"  Worthy Magee asked, surprise in his voice.

"Yes."  Matt looked down at Carrie.  "It's late," he said, angry and
embarrassed that she had seen him here.  "Where have you been?"

"At the Golden Nugget," she said, obviously puzzled.

God, he was losing his mind!  How could he have forgotten she worked
this late?

"I don't like it," he said.

"You don't like what?"

"I don't like your working there."

"But it's your place," she said reasonably.  "You arranged for me
to-work there."

He glowered down at her, and to Magee he said, "You can leave now,
Worthy.  I'll see Miss McClennon to her door."

The other man nodded and tipped his hat.  "See you later, boss," he
said as he departed.

"6et in," Matt said.

Carrie looked up at him, flustered, not understanding.

He reached a hand down to her.  "Get in," he said again.

Not sure that she should, Carte held out her hand and climbed up beside
him.  "Where are we going?"  she asked.

"I don't know.  Somewhere..."  Matt shook his head.  "I don't know

"Matt..."  She touched his ann.  "Matt, what is it?"  "I'm damned if I
know," he said under his breath, and, flicking the whip over the
horse's back, headed toward the edge of town.

He looked straight ahead, his face in the night shadows stern and
unhappy.  She wanted to say something, to ask him what had happened to
upset him.  But she said nothing.

She'd had a lot to think about since Matt had left, and she had gone
through a whole confusion of emotions: uncertainty over having become
intimate with him, guilt because she had, and a nagging fear that she
was headed straight to hell.

Coupled with her guilt had been the fear that because Matt had had his
way with her she would never see him again.  After four days of not
seeing or hearing from him, she was sure that was the case.  But now he
was here, looking thundercloud grim.  Was he about to tell her that
they had made a terrible mistake?  That they shouldn't have made

She clasped her hands together inside the fur muff and looked straight
ahead.  The trees on either side of the narrow rutted road were bare,
and though it hadn't snowed for over a week the air was frosty cold.

Matt didn't speak.  When the town was behind them, he pulled off the
road and stopped near a stand of ponderosa pines.  Without saying
anything, he jumped down, then held up his arms to Carrie.

She moistened her lips.  "I don't understand," she said.  "Why did you
bring me here?"

"Come down," he said, and she put her hands on his shoulders and let
him lift her out of the rig.  He spanned her waist, but instead of
setting her on the ground, he slid her slowly down the length of his
body and kept her there, pressed tightly against him.

"Carrie."  The word was a strangled sigh whispered against her lips. He
kissed her hard, with all the pent-up anger and frustration he'd been
harboring for days.

His face was cold against hers, but his mouth was warm.  Her lips
parted and the kiss grew deeper, stronger.  She felt the strength of
arms that held her, and she clung to him, whispering his name against
her lips.

When at last he put her down, she shivered with reaction.

"You're cold."  He opened his coat and enfolded her with it.  The fur
was warm, his body warmer.  She snuggled against him and he groaned
aloud.  "I've missed you," he said against her hair.  "Lord, Carrie,
how I've missed you."

"You didn't come back," she said.  "There was no word from you.  I
thought you didn't want to see me because we did what we ... what we
did."  She shook her head.  "I thought you didn't want to see me

"No!  Oh, God, no!  It wasn't that, honey.  Never that.

It was..."  He looked down at her and shook his head.  "What, Matt?
What was it?"

He took a deep breath.  "I had to sort out my feelings."  He held her
away from him.  "I've never felt toward a woman what I feel for you,
Carrie.  I'm not sure I understand it, I'm not even sure I like it.  I
only know that when

I'm not with you I'm so damned miserable I can't think straight."  He
brought her back into his arms.  "I want you with me, Carrie.  I want
you beside me when I go to bed at night, and when I wake in the
morning."  He tightened his arms around her.  "I want you, Carrie."

Relief flooded through her.  Matt cared about her.  He loved her and
missed her, wanted her.  Surely now he was talking about marriage.


She looked up at him and said, "Yes, Matt?  Yes, darling?"

"I want to live with you, Carrie."

She took a trembling breath.

"Move in with me," he said.  "You and Sarah, and Effie, if you want her
to."  He tightened his arms around her.  "I can't stand being away from
you, Carrie.  I need you."

"Are you ... are you asking me to marry you, Matt?"

"Marry... ?"  He frowned.  "No," he said uncertainly.  "I'm asking you
to live with me."

She stepped away from him.  "I see."

"That doesn't mean I don't care about you.  That I don't want--' '

"That you don't want me."  She felt cold, frozen all the way to her

He took hold of her arms, but when he tried to pull her back into his
embrace, he felt her resistance.  "I'll treat you real fine," he said.
"Maybe in time--"

"No."  She turned away.  "It's late.  I'd like to go back to town."

"Carrie..."  He tried to find the words to tell her how he felt, to
explain that though he felt deeply about her, he wasn't ready for
marriage, that he might never be ready.

She stood beside the rig, her back straight as a stick,

her jaw set and firm.  He took her arm to help her into the rig.  She
didn't look at him.

"I didn't mean to offend you," he said when he came up beside her.  "I
care about you and I love being with you, but..."  Matt shook his

"But you're not the marrying kind," she said.

His mouth tightened.  "No, I'm not."

Carrie looked him square in the eye.  "Well, I am," she said.

They rode all the way back to town without speaking.

"I'm a mite worried, boss."  Charlie Riggs, the manager of the Dirty
Shame Saloon, paused in wiping off the bar.  "A fela that was in the
other night told me he'd seen Nathan La Rue over in Victor.  La Rue was
drunk as a pie-eyed skunk and bragging about how he near killed you and
that one of these days he was coming back to finish the job."

"Drunken talk," Matt said.  "Besides, the word is out, Charlie.  He
sets foot back in Cripple Creek he'll be in trouble with the law. Don't

But Matt was worded, not so much for himself but for Carrie.  La Rue
was a good-for-nothing slicker, a panderer who beat up women and made
his money selling their bodies.  Matt had taken Rosalinda away from La
Rue and protected her from him, the same way he'd protected Car-tie
from La Rue at the Denver railroad station.  But La Rue still had his
eye on Carrie and that worried him.  For though both Buck Wattles and
Worthy Magee kept tabs on her at work, she was vulnerable whenever she
was alone.  He had no idea what La Rue might try, but he didn't want to
take any chances with Carrie's welfare.

He knew how she felt about him, but he had to see her,

to warn her that La Rue had been seen in Victor and that he might cause
trouble again.

As soon as she arrived at the Golden Nugget the next night, he sent for
her.  She came up to his office, escorted by Stanley Bray.

"You wanted to see me?"  she said when they were alone.

Matt pointed to a chair.  "Sit down.  I want to talk to you."

"We have nothing to say."

His jaw clenched and firmed.  "It's about La Rue he said.

La Rue Her eyes widened.  "Is he here in Cripple Creek?"

Matt shook his head.  "No, but he's been seen in Victor."

"I see.  If he's that close then he might come here."  She gripped the
arms of the chair and a knot of fear welled up in her throat, not for
herself, but for Matt.  La Rue had threatened to get even with him.
He'd almost killed Matt before.  If he came back

"Don't look like that."  Matt got up from behind his desk and came
around to where she sat.  "I've been thinking," he said.  "Maybe you'd
better take some time off, just until things cool down.  Until he
leaves the area or we know he's safely put away.  I can have one of the
men from the saloon watch your house."

"I don't want to take time off."

"If you're worried about money, we'll continue to pay you."

"It isn't the money," she said impatiently.  "I like singing here and
I'm not going to run away like some frightened rabbit."


"No buts, Matt."  Carrie stood and faced him.  "If you'll excuse me now
it's time I went back to work."  "I'll take you home tonight."

She shook her head.  "Mr.  Magee usually sees me home."

"He's busy.  I want him here."

"Then I'll go by myself."

Matt's face hardened.  "I'll have my rig brought round at
twelve-thirty," he told her.

Hands on her hips, Carrie glared at him.

He glared back at her.  "Twelve-thirty," he said.

She stamped her way downstairs, and when it was time to sing, she added
three extra songs to her show.  Let Matt wait, she thought angrily, mad
enough to spit if she'd been a spitting woman.

She'd been mad enough to spit ever since the other night when he'd told
her he wasn't the marrying kind.  He was what her friend, Margaret
Louise Fairbanks, would have called a cad, a love-'em-and-leave-'em
man.  He had taken her innocence.  He had changed her, and she would
never be the same again.

It cut down deep into her soul that what they shared hadn't meant as
much to him as it had to her.  That while he had wanted to sleep with
her he had absolutely no thought of marrying her, that he'd actually
blanched when she mentioned the word marriage.

Still fuming, Carrie put on the dark blue velvet cloak, and, pulling
the hood up to cover her hair, went to meet Matt.  There would be no
rides out of town tonight, she decided.  He could take her home, but
that's all he could do.

Worthy Magee accompanied her out to the rig and helped her up.  "Good
night, Miss Carrie," he said.  "Night, boss."

"Good night, Worthy.  Keep an eye on things, will you?"

"Sure thing, Mr.  Craddock.  See you tomorrow night."  Matt said,
"Giddap," and that was the last word spoken until they arrived at
Carrie's house.  "I'll see you to your door," he said then, and offered
his hand to help her down.

She took his hand but stood well away from him when her feet touched
the ground.  "That won't be necessary."  She gathered the cloak around
her.  "I'm quite capable of going up the steps by myself.  Good--"

"Wait!"  Matt held up a cautioning hand.  "I thought I heard

"I didn't."  Carrie started up the front walk, but Matt stopped her,
his hand on her arm.  Still holding her there, he reached into the
pocket of his overcoat and she saw him pull out a small, snub-nosed

"What are you doing?"  she whispered.  "What--" ""Shh."  As quietly as
he could, Matt opened the front gate.  "Get in the house," he started
to say but stopped when he heard another sound.  Quickly, he yanked
Carrie inside the gate and shoved her down behind it.  "Stay where you
are," he ordered in a whisper.  "Don't move."

Carrie looked up at him, frightened enough now to do what he said.

Bending low to the ground, Matt started around toward the back of the
house.  From somewhere down the street a dog barked.  Matt waited, then
began to edge forward.  A branch snapped and before he could turn, a
figure rushed at him through the darkness.  He saw the upraised arm,
the glint of a blade as the knife slashed down.  As he brought his arm
up, the blade cut through the heavy fabric of his coat and he dropped
the derringer.

Carrie screamed.  The attacker struck again and Matt staggered back,
regained a foothold and lunged at the man with the knife.  The two of
them grappled.  Carrie saw the flash of steel, saw Matt dodge out of
the way.  The moon came out behind the heavy clouds, and she screamed
again when she saw Matt's assailant.

Nathan La Rue his face distorted with rage, knife clutched in his fist,
struck again.  But Matt was ready for him.  His fist doubled, he hit La
Rue a stunning blow on the jaw.  La Rue went back, but he didn't fall.
Before Matt could reach him, he'd scrambled up, spun around and headed
down the street.

Matt started after him.

"No!"  Carrie screamed.

Matt went down on one knee, hands flat on the ground, holding himself
so that he wouldn't fall.

The front door opened.  Effie called out "What's happening?  Miss
Carrie?  Miss Carrie?  Are you all right?"

"It's Matt!"  She ran to him.  "He's been hurt.  Help me."

"I'm all right."  He managed to get to his feet.  "Don't make such a
damn fuss."

She put an arm around his waist.  "Shut up!"  she cried, almost
hysterical with reaction.  "Just shut up!"

They got him into the kitchen and sat him down.  The left arm of his
overcoat was ripped from shoulder to elbow, and bloody.  Carrie eased
his coat off, then the tweed jacket of his suit.  It too was torn and

"I can do it," Matt said.

"No, you can't," Carrie scolded.  "Get a pillowcase and tear it into
bandages, and antiseptic," she said to Ef-He.  Stripping off his shirt,
she winced when he winced.  The wound was almost three inches long. 
She stanched the blood with a clean kitchen towel and held it there,
her other hand on his shoulder, supporting him.

"It isn't bad," Matt said.  "Don't look like that, Car-tie."

La Rue could have killed you," she whispered.

"But he didn't."  He would have if he'd had a gun, Matt thought, Why
hadn't he?  His eyebrows drew together in a frown.  Dammit, of course!
It hadn't been him La Rue was waiting for, it had been Carrie.

The thought chilled him.  She'd been angry tonight.  What if in a fit
of pique she had left without him and found La Rue waiting for her?
What would La Rue have done?  Would he have forced her into the house?
Or had he planned to take her away with him?

Matt felt a cold trickle of sweat run down the middle of his back.  The
thought of the other man putting his hands on Carrie was like a
physical pain that hurt more than the knife wound.  It was Carrie who
was in danger.  La Rue had decided to get back at him through her.
Well, by God, La Rue wouldn't get away with it.

It would be easier to protect her if she would agree to move in with
him.  He had a housekeeper, a cook and a handyman.  He could pull in
one of the miners from the Lucky Lady to watch his house at night.  But
when he'd asked her to move in with him, she'd bristled like a hen
turkey with her tail feathers ruffled.

Still he knew she cared for him.  He'd known that when he'd made love
to her.  He knew it now by the way she touched him, and the way her
eyes filled when she dabbed the antiseptic to the wound.  He felt it in
the gentleness of her hands.

He closed his eyes.  Carrie, he thought, what am I going to do about

Later, because he would not leave her, they sat in front of the
fireplace in the parlor, Matt stretched out on the love seat, Carrie in
the rocking chair.  She had wanted to go for Dr.  Taylor, but he
wouldn't let her.

"The wound is superficial," he said.  "If you'll feel better about it,
I'll stop in tomorrow and see the doc.  But I'm staying here

And though she had objected, he refused to leave.  Tomorrow he would
speak to the sheriff, and he'd have the sheriff notify the neighboring
towns to be on the lookout for La Rue He'd hire two men, one to watch
the house during the day and another at night.  If Carrie refused to
move in with him, he was going to make damn sure she was protected.

He shifted on the love seat and she said, "What is it?  Are you all
right?  Does your arm hurt?"

"It hurts," he said.  "But it'll be all right.  Don't worry."  He held
out his hand to her.  "Come sit beside me, Carrie.  I want to talk to

For a moment Carrie hesitated, then she crossed the room and sat next
to him.

"I know you were frightened by what happened tonight," he said.  "I
used to think La Rue was just a cheap hustler.  That's what all
right, but now I know how dangerous he is."  Matt took her hand.  "I
wish you'd change your mind about moving in with me, Carrie."

Her chin fir reed but before she could speak, Matt went on.  "You don't
have to share my bedroom, but I'd like you to be where I know you'll be
safe if La Rue decides to try again."

Carrie stared at him.  La Rue isn't after me.  It's you he wants."

Because he didn't want her to know what he suspected, Matt didn't argue
the point.  "I know, Carrie.  But I still think it would be a good idea
if you and Effie and Sarah moved in with me."

"That's out of the question.  This is my home and this is where I
intend to stay until I go back to Ohio."

"I don't want you to go back to Ohio," he said before he thought.  But
once the words were out, he knew that it was true.  He didn't want her
to leave.

He took her hand, and, when she tried to tug it away, he held on to it
and said, "We have to talk Carrie.  I know I hurt you the other night
when I told you that I wasn't ready for marriage and I'm sorry.  But
I've been on my own for a long time, I'm used to living the way I live.
I don't want to be accountable to anyone."

A furrow creased his brow, clearly showing his concern.  "If I'm in an
all-night poker game I don't want to have to worry about hurrying home
to a waiting wife.  If I want to drink and raise a little hell over at
Charmaine's, I want to be free to do it.  Maybe I'd take a sudden
notion to get on a train and go back to Chicago or to New York, maybe
on down to Mexico.  The thing is, Carrie, I've been a free man since
the day I left school and went out on my own.  I don't think I'm ready
to give up that freedom."

"I'm not asking you to," she said between clenched teeth.

He knew she was angry, and that he should stop, but something made him
go on.  It was important to him that she understand.

"There's something else," he said.  "I'm not sure that marriage really
works..  I saw what happened to my mother and father, I saw how she
held him back.  All his life my dad worked on the Erie Canal, and he
hated every minute of it.  For years he begged my mother to go out to
California with him.  He had maps, Carrie, maps and books and newspaper
articles, everything he could find on California.  It was his dream,
his obsession.  It was all he talked about, all he ever thought about.
But he never got there because my mother held him back.  And I
decided..."  He looked at her, his face set and serious.  "I decided
that I'd never let a woman do to me what my mother did to my father."

"All women aren't like your mother," Carrie said.  "Mayhe not."  He
turned his gaze toward the fire, and, taking another tack, he asked,
"How many happy marriages have you known, Carrie?"

She thought of her parents' marriage.  "I haven't known many," she
answered truthfully.  "But that doesn't mean that marriage can't work
if two people..."  She stopped.  My God, it sounded as though she were
pleading with him to marry her.  "You're right," she snapped, angry
again.  "Marriage is a terrible institution."

For a few moments they didn't speak, then Matt said, "I've never felt
for a woman what I feel for you, Carrie.  It's a new emotion for me, it
takes a little getting used to."  He stroked the back of her hand.  "At
first you were a challenge and I--"

"A challenge!"  she said, looking outraged.

Matt smiled.  "You were so straitlaced and prim that I couldn't help
wanting to know what kind of a woman you were underneath all that

Carrie shot him a withering look, but he went on.  "Little by little
you began to get under my skin.  It wasn't just that I was curious, or
that you were pretty.  I began to see the kind of a woman you were.  I
saw the way you were with Sarah, and that touched me because she means
a lot to me."

Matt hesitated, wondering how much he should tell her.  He decided to
continue.  "Rosalinda told me all about your father.  She made me
promise that if anything happened to her, I'd never let him have
Sarah."  He tightened his hand around Carrie's.  "I would have kept
that promise,

and because I didn't know you, I decided that if you were anything like
him I was going to do everything I could to keep Sarah away from

Carrie stared at him, her eyes wide with shock.

"But you're nothing like your father, Carrie.  You've loved Sarah from
the very first day.  You treat her gently and I know you'll be as good
a mother to her as Rosalinda would have been."

"I will be, Matt," Carrie said softly.  "I promise you I will."

"I've seen your struggle and your pride," he went on.  "I know how hard
you tried to keep going so that you could take care of Sarah and
Effie."  With his good hand, Matt reached into his vest pocket and
brought out a tissue-wrapped package.  "I saw you sell this," he said,
and placed it in her hand.

Carrie opened the paper and stared at the filigree brooch that had been
her mother's.  Her eyes filled with tears.  "I tried to buy it back,"
she said.  "BUt the man in the pawnshop told me someone had bought

"I saw you leave the shop."  Matt closed her fingers around the brooch.
"I've been waiting for the right moment to give it to you, Carrie."

"Matt... ?"

He kissed the tears from her cheeks.  "You're so fine," he said.
"You're everything I've ever dreamed a woman could be."  He held her a
little away from him so that he could look deep into her eyes.  "Give
me some time, Carrie," he said.  "Give me a chance to see if I can be
the kind of a man you want me to be."

"Matt, I--"

He stopped her words with a kiss that was neither fierce nor demanding,
but rather a sharing of warmth.  "Don't shut me out," he said.  "Don't
keep me away."

Carrie felt herself soften inside, and when he drew her closer, she did
not pull away, but let her head rest against his chest.

They stayed like that far into the night, he with his good arm around
her, her head on his shoulder as they gazed into the fire, each with
their own thoughts, their own doubts and fears.

At times he stroked the hair back from her face or kissed her brow.  He
held her without passion, for what he felt went deeper than passion, it
went into his very heart.  He did not understand it, he only knew he
was filled with an overwhelming tenderness and with a need to take care
of her.

Carrie, he thought.  And held her there, close to him, until they both
went to sleep.

Chapter Fifteen

A month passed without any trace of Nathan La Rue But though some of
his tension eased, Matt still insisted on keeping the men he hired to
watch the house on Second Street.  And that after Carrie had finished
for the night at the Golden Nugget, either he or Worthy Magee escorted
her home.

Every day Carrie's popularity grew.  News of her singing spread across
the state.  The owner of the Crystal Palace in Denver came to try and
hire her away from Matt.

"I'll double what he's paying you," Thomas T. Trainor said.  "What're
you making here?"

"Fifty dollars a week."

"Fifty dollars!  I doubt Miss Jenny Lind herself made that kind of
money.  But by damn, I'll pay it.  A hundred dollars a week and you
start next Saturday night."

"But you don't understand, Mr.  Trainor," Carrie said with a smile.  "I
don't want to leave Cripple Creek."  Or Matt.

Carrie and Matt had been tentative with each other these past four
weeks.  They were polite and friendly, but as though by mutual consent,
they avoided any closer contact.

Carrie had thought a great deal about their conversation the night of
Nathan La Rue attack, and she had tried to sort out her feelings about
Matt and his attitude toward marriage.

He had said he wasn't ready to give up his freedom.  She tried to
understand that perhaps men needed the feeling they were free more than
women did, but it was difficult for her.  Being with Matt, making love
with Matt, had made her long for a home and family of her own.  She
wanted to do things for Matt, to be there for him.  She didn't need any
more freedom than the freedom to be in his arms.

He had said, too, he didn't want to be accountable to anybody, that if
he wanted to gamble all night that's what he would do.  Or if he wanted
to go to Chicago or New York or Mexico he had to be free to leave.

What was so wonderful about staying up all night gambling?  she
wondered.  And when he got on a train to go somewhere, why couldn't she
go with him?

He had spoken of the unhappiness of his mother and father's marriage,
and because of the bitterness of her own parents' marriage she
understood.  If marriage was for better or for worse then certainly for
her mother it had been for worse.  In the case of Matt's parents, it
had been his father who suffered.  Held back by a wife afraid to
venture out in the world, he had lost his dream.

She did not think she would ever be the kind of wife Matt's mother had
been.  But how could she be sure?  When a couple married, they took a
vow to love and cherish each other forever.  But how long did forever
last?  How long before the wants and needs of one conflicted with the
wants and needs of the other?  Why did love have to end?  Why did the
small selfish ways and the' small cruelties begin?  The hurt feelings
and the pain.

She understood Matt's-fears because they were her fears, too.  But
surely if a man and a woman loved each other... Love.  This was the
first time Carrie had allowed the word to enter her conscious mind. She
was afraid of it; she savored it.  She said it aloud in the silence of
her room and knew that it was true.  She loved Matthew Craddock.

He came to dinner most Sunday afternoons.  So did Noah Pierce, and
usually after dinner Noah and Effie went buggy riding.  Matt stayed
until it was time for Sarah to go to bed, and when it was, he kissed
the little girl good-night, and, like a family friend, kissed Carrie
with the same tender affection.  Though at times Carrie could see the
hunger in his eyes, he never went beyond that one affectionate kiss.

"Noah's crazy about Effie," he said one night after the other couple
had left.  "One of these days he's going to ask her to marry him."

"Effie's only sixteen," Carrie answered.  "That's too young to marry,
but I would certainly rather have her marry Noah than go back to The

"Charmaine was saying the other day how much Effie had changed since
she's been with you.  She's pleased about Noah's courting Eflie

"You've seen Charmaine?"  Carrie's eyebrows rose.  "You've been to The

Matt nodded.  "With a man from Durango I'm doing some business with."

Carrie frowned and her lips drew into a disapproving line.

"For drinks."

"Really?"  She looked at him, then away.  "Well, it certainly isn't any
concern of mine."

"Isn't it?"

"A lot of men go to The Chateau for a drink and a little conversation,
Carrie.  Not all of them go upstairs."  He got up from the love seat
and went to stand in front of her.  "I didn't go upstairs, Carrie, if
that's what's bothering you."

"It isn't," she said, and averted her eyes.

Matt reached down and pulled her out of the rocker.  "There hasn't been

"Uncle Matt?"  Sarah looked up from where she'd been playing with her
dolls in front of the fireplace.  Dressed in the long pink flannel
nightshirt and fuzzy slippers that Carrie had put on her earlier, her
little face was wrinkled with concern.  "Are you mad at Aunt Carrie,

Matt glared down at Carrie for a moment, then he let her go.  "Of
course not, sweetheart," he said to Sarah.  "Sometimes grown-ups have
serious things to say to each other, that's all."

"Is Aunt Carrie mad at you?"

Matt looked at Carrie, then back to Sarah.  He went over and picked her
up and kissed both her cheeks.  "No, baby.  But your Aunt Carrie and I
need to have a serious talk.

How about if I take you up to bed and tuck you in?"  "Will you tell me
a story?"

"You bet I will."  And to Carrie, he said, "You don't mind if I take
her up?"

"Of course not."  But she didn't look at Matt when she kissed Sarah and
said, "Night-night, iovey.  I'll be up in a few minutes."

She watched him carry the little girl up the stairs, then went to stand
in front of the fire.  It isn't any of my business what Matt does, she
told herself.  I haven't any right to object.  But the thought of him
holding another woman the way he had held her, of doing all the things
with someone else that he had done with her, sent a stab of pain
through her so fierce that she covered her mouth with her hand lest she
cry out.

She was still standing there ten minutes later, her back to the room,
when Matt came downstairs.  Without a word he went to her, and before
she knew what he meant to do, he took hold of her arms and turned her
around to face him.

"I went to The Chateau," he said.  "I had a drink, I talked to the
girls, and I did some business with the man I went there with.  That's
all I did, Carrie."  When she didn't answer, he gave her a little
shake.  "There hasn't been anybody since the last time you and I were
together.  I don't want anybody else, I only want you."

Carrie tried to pull away from him, but he held her there, gripping her
shoulders.  "I want you," he said.  "You, Carrie.  Not Charmaine or
Lorelei or Conchita or anybody else.  You've spoiled me for any other
woman."  His hands tightened.  "And frankly, my dear, that makes me mad
as hell."

He held her away from him, and suddenly all of his anger and
frustration boiled to the surface.  His eyes flashed sparks of hot
green fire, his mouth firmed into a cruel hard line.  "Damn you," he
said.  "Damn you, Carrie McClennon."

He kissed her, his mouth fierce, hungry, passionate.  He held her
there, one hand behind her head so that she couldn't move away from
him, the other hand cupping her bottom, pressing her so close she could
feel the tension of his body, the rigid part of him burning against the
fabric of her gown.

Heat rushed into her loins.  Her hands came up to push him away, but
instead flattened against his chest.  Her lips parted under his and she
moaned aloud into his mouth.

Beyond all reason, burning with a flame that threatened to consume him
if he did not have her, Matt plunged his tongue into her sweet hot
mouth and kissed her hard and deep.

When she murmured a protest, he reached for her breasts, cupping them
in his big hands, running his thumbs over the peaks of her nipples,
squeezing, tugging, feeling them grow under his fingers.

He heard the rasp of her breath against his lips and felt the softening
of her body against his hardness.  He wanted her.  He would take her.
He could, here on the floor in front of the fire.  Strip her clothes
off.  Join his body to hers.  Feel that soft, moist, heated part of her
close around him.  He could... With a growl he let her go.  Gripping
her shoulders so hard that she flinched, he looked down at her with
angry eyes.

"Damn you," he said again.  Before she could answer, he scooped his
coat up off the chair and ran out the front door as though the devil
himself were after him.

Carrie stood there, dazed, unable to move.  She touched her bruised and
swollen lips, and with a broken sob, sank down onto the love seat and
covered her eyes with her hand.  "Matt," she wept.  "Oh, Matt."

Carrie did not see him or hear from him for a week.

The weather changed.  The air warmed and softened.  And Sarah got the

Rosalinda had had them when she was a child, so Carrie knew what it was
as soon as she saw the eruptions on Sarah's body and felt her feverish

"Go get Dr.  Taylor," she told Effie.  "Then go to the

Golden Nugget and tell them I won't be in for a few days."

That night when Matt stopped in at the gambling saloon and saw that
Carrie wasn't there, he said, "Where's Miss McClennon?  Why isn't she

"Her little niece is sick," Stanley Bray told him.  "A girl came by
this afternoon to say that Miss Carrie wouldn't be in."

"Sarah's ill?  What's the matter with her?"

"Measles, the girl said.  She'd already gone for Doc Taylor."  Bray
shook his head.  "There's going to be a hullabaloo when the customers
find out Miss Carrie isn't going to be here tonight.  They've already
started asking where she is."

"It won't be for long," Matt said.  And it wouldn't be, if everything
went all right with Sarah.  If there were no complications.

The next morning he knocked on Carrie's door.  "Miss Carrie's upstairs
with Sarah," Effie said when she answered it.  "Poor little tyke is
sicker'n a dog.  All over, a rash and a fever, and feeling plumb
poorly."  "is it all right if I go up?"

Effie bobbed her head.  "She'll be real glad to see you, Mr.  Matt."

He took the stairs two at a time and stopped at the open doorway.
"Hello, princess," he said.  "I heard you weren't feeling so good."

Sarah looked up at him.  "I'm sick," she said, sniffling.

"I know, baby."  He went to her bedside and took her hand.  "What did
Doc Taylor say?"  he asked Carrie.  "It's the measles.  She'll be in
bed for a week."  "You look pretty done in, Carrie.  Why don't you go
downstairs and let Effie fix you a cup of tea.  I'll stay with

Carrie hesitated, then she patted Sarah's hand and said, "I'll just be
downstairs, honey.  You can visit with Uncle Matt while I'm gone."

As she left the room, she heard Sarah say, "Come sit 'side me, Uncle

Matt came every day to see Sarah.  He held her when she didn't feel
well, told her Stories when she fussed, and rocked her to sleep when
she was tired.  He brought her presents, and when Carrie protested that
he was spoiling Sarah, he said, "All little girls should be spoiled and
petted, Carrie."  He smiled.  "And so should not-so-little girls."

When she looked away without answering, he said, "I've missed you."

For a moment her gray eyes softened and he saw the slight tremble of
her lips.

"Carrie," he said.

"No," she whispered.  And before he could stop her, she turned and left
the room.

By the end of the week Sarah was well enough to come downstairs.  Matt
built up the fire, and when the parlor was warm, he wrapped Sarah in a
blanket and carried her down.

Carrie had prepared her favorite dinner of fried chicken, and Effie had
made chocolate cupcakes.  After they had eaten, Sarah beamed a smile at
each of them and said, "This is just like a party."

"All we need now is some music," Effie said.

"I agree."  Matt looked at Carrie.  "Will you sing for us?"  '

Sarah clapped her hands.  "Yes, sing, Aunt Carrie."

Carrie hesitated, uncomfortable with Matt looking at her the way he
was, then hesitantly began to sing "Sweet

Betsy from Pike," substituting the name sarah for Betsy, which made
Sarah clap her hands and chortle with pleasure.  After that Carrie sang
"Skip to My Lou," and when Matt said, "One more, please," she nodded
and began to sing "Greensleeves."

Firelight turned her auburn hair to flame and cast soft shadows on her
face.  The lace of the collar of her white shirtwaist edged the line of
her throat.  There was a touching sweetness of expression when she
looked at Sarah and sang the old and lovely words,

""Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously, When I
have loved you so long, Delighting in your company.""

Matt's eyes grew thoughtful as he watched her.  Had he done wrong to
Carrie?  Had he cast her off discourteously after she had so willingly
given of herself, given of her love?  Had he been selfish, thinking
only of his desire without giving thought to the consequences for

"That was beautiful, Miss Carrie," Effie said when the song ended.  "I
swear, you sing like an angel."

Matt said, "Yes, it was beautiful, Carrie."

Carrie looked at him and there was something in his eyes she hadn't
seen before--a questioning, a shadow of doubt.  And a hunger.

"I'll take Sarah up," Matt offered, turning away and gathering the
child in his arms.  As Sarah's head nodded on his shoulder, he made his
way up the stairs.

"Mr.  Matt is just about the nicest man I ever met," Effie said.

Carrie, still lost in the dream of his eyes, only nodded.

Then, because she didn't want to talk about Matt, she forced a smile
and asked, "What about Noah?"

"Well, he's nice, too."  Effie blushed and bobbed her head.  "He's real
nice, Miss Carrie.  He treats me like I was somebody special and he
never says a word about my having been at The Chateau.  It's just like
I never was as far as he's concerned.  He's so good and he treats me
like I was good, too."

Carrie took the girl's hand.  "You are good, Effie.

You're one of the nicest girls I've ever known."

"But you know what I was, Miss Carrie."

"I know who you are, Effie.  That's all that matters.  Who you are

"Yes, ma'am."  Effie toyed with the edge of her skirt.  "Noah's asked
me to marry him, Miss Carrie."

Carrie had been expecting it, but still she was surprised.  "What did
you say?"  she asked.

"I told him I had to ask you.  I ... I don't have any kin except my pa
and I wouldn't ask him for the time of day."  She looked beseechingly
at Carrie.  "What do you think I should 'do?  Should I marry Noah?" 
She twisted her hands together.  "I just don't know what to do."

"Do you love him?"

Effie's eyes filled.  "Yes'm, I love him something terrible."

"Then I think you should mary him, Effie."  Carrie moved closer to the
girl and put her arm around her.  "Noah's a fine man," she said.
"You'll be happy with him."

"But I don't want to leave you and Sarah."

"We'll see each other often.  Besides, Sarah and I will be going back
to Ohio one of these days."  She squeezed the girl's thin shoulders.
"It makes me happy to know that you'll be taken care of when I'm

At Carrie's words, Matt stopped at the bottom of the stairs, his hand
on the newel post.  He sucked breath into his lungs, steadying himself
before he asked, What going on?"

"Noah has asked Effie to marry him," Carrie said.  "Well, now."  Matt
strode into the room.  "That's mighty good news, Effie.  When's the
wedding going to be?"

"I don't know, Mr.  Matt.  I don't want to leave Miss Carrie until
Sarah's all better.  And Noah's got to find us a house.  He's wanting
to do it next month and I guess ... I guess if it's all right with Miss
Carrie, that's when it'll

"Of course it's all right with me," Carrie said with a smile.  "Would
you like to have the wedding here?"

"I'd love to, Miss Carrie.  This is the nicest house I've ever lived
in, and I've been happy here with you and Sarah.  It would mean a lot
to me to get married here.  But I ... I don't think I should."  Effie
lowered her eyes.  "You see, I'd like to ask Miss Charmaine and the
girls and I know you wouldn't cotton to that so maybe it'd be better if
me and Noah went to the justice of the peace and--"

"You'll do no such thing," Carrie said indignantly.  "You'll be married
here and if you want to invite..."  She swallowed hard and tried to
ignore the glint of humor in Matt's eyes.  "If you want to invite
Charmaine and the other girls, you can."

Effie looked at her, wide-eyed.  "Really?  Really, Miss Carrie?"

"Really," Carrie said, and hoped she wouldn't live to regret it.

The wedding was set for the second Sunday in April.  Carrie would stand
up for Effie, Matt would act as Noah's best man, and Sarah would be the
flower girl.

Carrie and Effie began preparing the house for the wedding.  Floors
were scrubbed, rugs were hung on the clothesline and beaten with flat
sticks to get the dust out.  The curtains were washed and the furniture

Carrie was polishing the silver on the afternoon Matt came to call. She
was wearing an Old Mother Hubbard dress and had her hair tucked up
under a scarf.

He took one look at her, raised an eyebrow and said,

"I've come to take you away from all this."

"I'm busy," she said.

"It's a beautiful day and you need a break."  He took the cleaning
cloth out of her hand.  "I'll wait while you change."

Carrie tried to look severe.  "I can't, Matt," she said.

"I have to finish cleaning the silver."

"The silver can wait."

"Course it can," Effie said from the kitchen doorway.  "You go along
with Mr.  Matt."

Carrie looked from Effie to Matt.

"The columbine is in bloom," he said.

Carrie took a deep breath.  "You win.  It'll take me a few minutes to
get ready, if you don't mind waiting."

"I'm a patient man, Miss Carrie," he said with a deceptively innocent
smile.  "I found out a long time ago that anything good is worth
waiting for."

Carrie's stomach fluttered with anticipation.  "I'll only be a minute,"
she murmured, and headed for the stairs.

Twenty minutes later she came down wearing a black wool skirt, a
handkerchief-linen blouse with a pleated front, and a short blue velvet
jacket with a fur collar and a matching muff.  Her hat, of the same
blue velvet, was trimmed with a fluff of veil.

A smile tugged at the corners of Matt's mouth, and he thought how
Carrie had changed in the months he had known her, how far she had come
from the gray church mouse he had seen that blustery day at the Denver
station to this well-dressed stylish woman.

"I don't want to be gone too long," she said.

"You won't be."  He smiled at Effie and, swooping Sarah up in his arms,
gave her a hug before he took Carrie's arm and led her out to his

Matt was right, the mountain meadows were covered with columbine.
Purple thistles softened the winter-dry fields, and the mountains were
bright with yellow clover.  As she looked around her, Carrie felt
herself beginning to relax.  She was glad she had come out--it was a
beautiful day, spring was in the air, and she was with Matt.

"I thought we'd ride out to the Lucky Lady," he said.  "I've got a man
who runs the mine for me, but every once in a while I like to take a
look at it."

"What made you decide to buy a gold mine?"

"I didn't buy it, I won it playing poker."  He chuckled.  "There were
only two of us left in the game and we were playing five-card stud.  I
had a pair of queens showing and the man across from me, the one who
owned the Lucky Lady, showed three sixes.  I raised as high as I could
go.  He thought I was bluffing so he kept raising the stakes.  When we
were both just about out of money I wagered the Dirty Shame and he
wagered the Lucky Lady.  I wasn't bluffing.  My down card was a queen."
Matt grinned.  "My Lucky Lady," he said.

Carrie shook her head.  She knew nothing about cards and she couldn't
understand a man who would wager so much on a game of chance.  Again,
as she had before, she realized just how different she and Matt were.

When they arrived at the mine, Matt introduced her to his foreman, a
roddy-faced man by the name of Sam Car-rut hers He showed her the
mining office and the tracks that led into the mine, and the cage that
took the miners underground.

"The men are working at seven hundred feet," Car-rut hers told Matt.
"It's rich as damn sin down there and seems like every day is better'n
the day before."  He grinned and scratched his bald head.  "Keeps going
like it is, you're going to be the richest man in Colorado."

"Let's hope so," Matt said with a laugh, and taking Carrie's arm, he
led her back to the rig.

The richest man in Colorado, Matt had it all: looks, money and charm.
He could have any woman he wanted, and what bothered Carrie was that
just maybe he wanted as many of them as he could get before he settled

When Matt saw the pucker of worry linger between Carrie's eyebrows, he
asked, "What's the matter?"

Carrie shook her head.  "It's nothing, Matt.  Nothing.  important."

"Maybe you're hungry."

"Maybe."  She forced a smile.  After all, it was a beautiful afternoon,
she was with Matt, and she was going to enjoy it.  The sun was warm on
her face, the aspen were in bud, and spring was almost here.  And, yes,
she really was hungry.

"What would you say to fried chicken and biscuits, fresh country
cheese, apple pie, and a bottle of red wine?"

"It sounds wonderful.  We're not too far from Victor.  Is that where
we're going?  To a restaurant there?"

"Nope."  Matt pointed up toward the mountains.  "See that overhang of
rocks?"  he said.  "That's where we're going."

"But there isn't anyplace to eat up there."

"Sure there is.  There's a meadow and pine trees and sunshine.  There's
even an orchestra."

"An orchestra?"  Carrie looked at him and shook her head.  "What in the
world are you talking about, Matt?"

"Birds," he said.  "Best music in the world except maybe for your
singing."  He grinned.  "Look behind you, car He Fried chicken and all
the trimmings."

Carrie lifted the lap robe and saw the picnic basket.  "Lunch," she
said, pleased.  She looked up at the high meadow and thought what it
would be like up there, alone with Matt.

The lofty ponderosa pines with their cathedral like spires surrounded
fields of columbine and yellow clover.  Except for the spontaneous
chirping of the birds, it was quiet here, as quiet as a church on a
Sunday morning before anyone came.

"It's so beautiful," she whispered, not wanting to break the silence.
"It's as though we were the only ones left in the world, isn't it?" She
looked up at him.  "Thank you for bringing me here, Matt.  It truly is
a special place."

"My place," he said.  "I've never brought anyone else here, Carrie."

They walked to the edge of the pines and spread the lap robe on the
ground.  When they were seated, Matt opened the basket and took out the
fried chicken, the china plates, the silver and two crystal wine
glasses.  He served the wine, pouring his glass half-full, carefully
measuring only a little for her.  Then handing Carrie hers, he said,
"Let's drink to spring."

"To spring."  She touched her glass to his.

The fried chicken was crisp.  They ate cheese with the biscuits, sipped
the red wine and finished almost half of the apple pie.

When Carrie was done eating, she took her jacket and her hat off and
lay back on the lap robe.  The sun warmed her face and clover scented
the air.  She hadn't been this relaxed in weeks.  Tonight she would go
to work at the Golden Nugget.  Tomorrow she would cook and clean and
take care of Sarah, but for now, for this glorious afternoon, she
hadn't a care in the world.  She could just lie here looking up at the
trees and listening to the birds.

She was aware of Matt beside her, his back against the trunk of a tree,
his long legs stretched out in front of him, his face shadowed by pine
branches.  She watched him take a cheroot out of the pocket of his
brown corduroy jacket, bite the end off and light it.

"You don't mind?"  he asked.

"No, I like it."  It was a good smell; when she had kissed him the
scent of it was on his breath, a part of him, of his masculinity.

She closed her eyes.  Only for a moment, she told herself, but suddenly
she was drifting, dreaming.  The sun was warm and the meadow hummed
with a life all its own.

Matt snubbed the cheroot out and moved away from the tree.  "Let me
hold you," he said softly, and lifting Carrie's shoulders, he rested
her head on his lap.

"It's time we left," she murmured, half-asleep.  "Shh," he soothed.
"Close your eyes, Carrie.  Rest."  "For a minute."

"Yes, dear.  For a minute."

Her breathing evened.  Matt watched the gentle rise and fall of her
breasts and smiled.  He stroked loose tendrils of her rich auburn hair
back from her face.  He ran his tinge nips over her forehead, her
cheeks and her lips.  He traced the lobes of her ears, the line of her

Between sleeping and waking, Carrie murmured her pleasure, shifting so
that she was turned toward him as he continued to stroke her.  She felt
his fingers at the top button of her handkerchief-linen shirtwaist, and
still she did not open her eyes or move away.

He opened the shirtwaist and tugged at the pink ribbon that threaded
through the white camisole.  The sun warmed her breasts and she opened
her eyes.

"Don't move away," he said.  "Not yet."

"I won't," she whispered.

He touched her with gentle hands, caressing the roundness of her
breasts, watching the sudden peak of rose-tipped nipples.

"My sweet Carrie," he murmured.  Shifting so that he lay beside her, he
leaned to kiss her breasts.

Carrie felt the warm earth beneath her back, the sun, and the warmth of
his mouth.  She threaded her fingers through the black thickness of his
hair.  She felt his breath against her skin.  "Matt," she said, and
gave herself up to his hungry mouth.

His mouth was gentle, his tongue like a sweet fire burning against her
nipples.  It was agony, it was ecstasy, and when it became too much,
she said, "Wait," and sat up.

There was a question in his eyes, but he didn't try to stop her.

She touched the side of his face, then, with her gaze meeting his, she
shrugged the shirtwaist off her shoulders, then the camisole.  Next she
took off her low-cut opera pumps and unfastened the buttons of her
black wool skin.

"Carrie?"  Matt questioned in a voice grown thick with desire.  But
still he did not touch her or move toward her.

She took off the cotton-and-lace petticoat, and all that was left were
the white ruffled pantalets.

"Now you," she said.

Never shifting his gaze from hers, Matt took off his clothes.  This
time she did not look away.  Instead she looked at him, her eyes smoky
with desire.  His shoulders were broad.  His waist and his hips were
narrow, his legs long and finely muscled.  His skin was bronzed by the

He laid her down on the robe and put his corduroy jacket beneath her
head.  His hands shaking with eagerness, he took off her white ruffled

She was glorious.  Her skin, touched by the sun, was like pale pink
ivory, but unlike ivory, it was warm and alive to the touch.  His

He ran his hands slowly down the silky-smooth length of her.  Though
his body thrummed with desire, he made himself wait.  As he made her

He kissed her mouth gently, slowly.  Her lips parted under his, and her
mouth was sweet.  The whisper of her breath mingled with his.  He
trailed a line of kisses over her face.  He kissed her ears and her
throat while she moaned softly against him, and her arms came up to
caress his shoulders and his back.  He took both breasts, cupping them
while he tasted the tender nipples.

"Oh, please," Carrie whispered, her body on fire.  "Please, Matt."

Kissing her with all of the pent-up longing he had held in check too
long, he grasped her hips and entered her with a moan.

He moved against her hard and fast.  For though he had told himself he
would go slowly, he could not.  It was heaven to be with her like this,
to feel her warmth close about him.  To look down into her face and see
there the same desire that burned within him.

Carrie rolled her head from side to side, lost in the heat of
sensation, loving the movement of his body over hers, offering her lips
when he took them, whispering his name in a frenzy of desire.  When he
groaned with pleasure, her body swelled with pride, because she knew
that she was pleasing him.  And she wanted to.  Oh, yes, she wanted to
please Matt.  She wanted to give of herself, to be everything he wanted
her to be because she loved him.  God help her, she loved him.

"Carrie," he whispered softly against her lips.  "My Carrie."

She began to climb toward that final moment when the world would
explode, and she clung to him, her fingertips digging into his
shoulders, crying his name with wild abandon.

"Yes!"  he whispered.  "Oh, yes!"  And together they crested the
unbelievable high that lovers have known since time began.

When at last their breathing evened, Carrie looked up at the sun
filtering through the pines and knew a happiness unlike anything she
had known before.  For this glorious afternoon, she and Matt were one.
He might leave her, she might leave him, but in this perfect moment
they were one, their bodies and their hearts joined here in this quiet
meadow.  Here beneath the April sun.

Chapter Sixteen

The Reverend Hubert Barnside, a tall spare man in his late sixties,
lowered his glasses on his thick, red-veined nose and frowned at Effie.
"It'd be a lot more fittin' if you got married in the church," he

"But Miss Carrie said I could be married at her house and that's what
I..."  She looked at Carrie, then back at the forbidding man seated
across the desk from her.  "That's what I want to do," she finished.

"Weddings should be in a church," he insisted.  "I don't rightly like
performing 'em in somebody's house."

"But that's what Effie and Mr.  Pierce have decided they want," Carrie

He frowned at Carrie.  "Far as I'm concerned that's not the way it
should be."

"Very well."  Carte stood.  "Thank you for your time, Reverend
Barnside."  With a nod to Effie, she said, "Let's go."

The minister's face got red.  "I didn't say I wouldn't do it.  I just
said it oughta be here in the church.  No need for you to get on your
high home, woman.  I was just discussing, that's all."

Carrie sat back down.

"You religious at all?"

"My father was a minister."

"Then I reckon you are, or leastways you were."  He lowered his glasses
even farther down on the bridge of his nose.  "Maybe you've had more'n
your share of churchgoing."

"Maybe."  Then relenting, Carrie smiled and said, "I come to church,
Reverend Barnside.  And so does Miss Davis."

"Then maybe we can work something out," he muttered.

And it was arranged.

Invitations were issued to Charmaine, Miss Binty and the girls.  Buck
Wattles, Stanley Bray and Worthy Magee would attend, so would the men
in the musical group who were all friends of Noah's.

The only two people Carrie knew on the "right" side of town were Mr.
Davenport and that sour-acting Elvira Primrose.  Sorely tempted to send
an invitation to that lady, she smiled at the idea of Mrs.  Primrose,
dressed in her Sunday best, sitting between Conchita and Lorelei in
their Sunday best.

Over Effie's protestations that a pretty shirtwaist and a new skin
would do her just fine for the wedding, Carrie insisted on taking her
to Miss Amelia Howard's, where she ordered a wedding dress made.  She
also ordered a new dress for herself and one for Sarah.

A week before the wedding, heavenly smells of cakes and cookies,
cranberry-nut bread, and apple fruitcake filled the house.  "Weddings
are even better'n Christmas," Sarah commented.  "Can we bake more
cookies when you get married, Aunt Carrie?"

Carrie wiped a smudge of flour off Sarah's cheek.  "We'll see," she

She had tried not to think about that subject, but had instead resigned
herself to the way things were.  Again and again she told herself that
somehow it would work out between her and Matt, that surely he could
not be the way he was with her if he didn't care.  She had seen the
expression in his eyes when he looked at her.  She knew his need to
touch her, the hand that rested on her hand, the arm around her
shoulder, the gentle squeeze around her waist when no one was

There had been no opportunity to be really alone since the day they had
gone buggy riding.  Sometimes in bed at night she thought about that
afternoon, how they had made love there in that open field beneath the
sheltering pines, and waited for the guilt feelings to come.  But they
didn't come.  All that she felt was a gladness in her heart that at
last she knew what it meant to love someone, to hold and be held, and
to share a passion that was as beautiful as it was exciting.

It will be all right, she told herself I He will come to love me as I
love him and then he won't be afraid.  All I have to do is be patient,
to wait for that moment when he realizes how right we are for each
other, that our marriage will be different than either of our parents'

She had only to wait.  And to keep on loving him.

The second Sunday in April dawned bright and clear and perfect.  At the
first light of dawn, Effie knocked timidly at Carrie's door, and when
Carrie mumbled a sleepy "Yes?"  Effie said, "I'm so nervous I could
bust.  Could we maybe talk for a little while?"

Though it had been after one when Carrie had gotten to bed that
morning, she put a robe on and went downstairs with Effie.  They drank
coffee while she assured the younger woman that everything Was going to
be just fine,

that as long as she loved Noah there was nothing to worry about.

"And we'll see each other every day," Carrie said, for it had already
been arranged that because Noah worked almost the same hours as Carrie
did, Effie would come over every night and stay with Sarah, and that
after Worthy Magee had seen Carrie safely to her door, he would then
walk Effie the two blocks to the house she and Noah had rented.

"You're a part of Sarah's and my lives," Carrie said now.  "We'll never
really lose each other."

Little by little she managed to calm Effie down.  When Sarah awakened,
the three of them had breakfast, then Carrie made Effie go up and try
to rest.

The wedding was at four.  At two-thirty, Carrie said that it was time
for them to start dressing.

"You're going to look just beautiful," she told Effie when she laid the
gown on the bed.

"It's almost too pretty to wear, isn't it?"  Effie said, touching the
creamy smooth satin.  "It's the most beautiful dress I've ever seen,
Miss Carrie."  She shook her head, a look of wonder in her eyes.  "I
sure hidey never even dreamed I'd have a wedding or a dress like this.
I thought when we were picking it out that maybe I shouldn't be wearing
white, me being what I was and all.  But now ... now I think it's all
right."  She raised her eyes and looked at Carrie.  "It's a new
beginning for me," she said softly.  "I'm starting over.  But I
wouldn't be if it hadn't been for you.  You took me away from The
Chateau and brought me here into your own house, knowing what I Was."

"I knew what you were, Effie," Carrie said with a warm smile.  "I knew
you were a dear and loving girl and that's all that mattered."

"I don't reckon there's any way I can ever thank you, Miss Carrie.  But
I do.  I thank you with all my heart for taking me in, for letting me
have the wedding here, and for the dress.  It's kinda a shame to be
wearing it only once, isn't it?"

"You can save it for your daughter to wear at her wedding."  Then,
feeling a sudden and unaccountable twinge of sadness, Carrie said,
"Come now, let's get you dressed."

First came the silk undergarments, the tightly laced corset, the lace
camisole, the pantalets and the petticoats, and finally the white satin
wedding gown.  The sleeves were capped with a ace flounce.  The bodice
was trimmed with ace, the hem with a flounce of raffled satin.

Carrie fastened all of the buttons up the back, then stepped back and
looked at Effie.  "You look..."  She swallowed hard.  "You look just
beautiful," she said.  "Come and see."  And taking Effie's hand, she
led her to the full-length mirror next to the window.

For a moment Effie couldn't speak.  She gazed at herself in the mirror
with startled eyes, then a slow, sweet smile curved the corners of her
mouth.  "I can't hardly believe that's me."  She took a big, shaking
breath, and in a shy voice, asked, "Do you think Noah's going to like
me like this?"

"I think he's going to love you."  Carrie gave the girl a quick hug,
then led her to a straight-backed chair and said, "Sit here and try not
to get wrinkled.  I'm going to dress Sarah."

Which was no easy task, because the little girl was so excited she
could hardly stand still.  She jiggled and hopped from one foot to the
other until Carrie tied the pink sash of the mffiy pink dress.  Just as
she finished brushing Sarah's hair, Miss Binty, who had offered to come
early to help usher in the guests, arrived.  Carrie went down to meet
her, with Sarah following behind.

"You go on up and do whatever you have to do," Miss Binty told Carrie.
"I'll take care of things down here."  She smiled at Sarah.  "Lord
sakes, just look at you.  If You aren't the prettiest little girl I've
seen in all my born days.  And look at that pretty dress.  I swear you
look like a little pink angel."

She took off her coat, and when she started into the front parlor, she
stopped and said, "Oh, my goodness, doesn't that look nice!"

There were bouquets of wildflowers near the windows, and pots of
buttercups and daisies on either side of the fireplace where the
Reverend Mr.  Barnside would stand.  The two rows of chairs that Matt
had sent over from the Golden Nugget were lined up facing the

"This is a real nice place for a wedding, Miss Carrie," Miss Binty
said.  "It was real kind of you to have it here."

"Effie is a special friend of mine," Carrie answered.  "I wanted things
to be nice for her."

"They're going to be, ma'am.  With you for her friend and Noah Pierce
for her husband, Effie's going to be just fine.  Now why don't you go
on up and get dressed.  Sarah and I will take care of whoever's coming.
When it's time I'll send her upstairs.  Soon's you hear the music you
and Effie come on down."

So Carrie went upstairs to bathe and dress in her own new gown of
pink-and-gold brocaded satin.  She unpinned the hair she'd so hastily
rolled into a bun this morning, brushed it until it was smooth, and
fixed it in a loose pompadour with small tendrils about her face and
the back of her neck.  That done, she went in to Effie.

The girl was pacing up and down her room.

"I'm in a nervous twit," the girl said when she saw

Carrie.  "I just can't sit still.  My stomach has got the nervous
flutters and my throat's so dry I'm spittin' cotton."

"But you look beautiful," Carrie said with a smile.  She sat Effie
down, smoothed the girl's hair, then placed the crystal-beaded coronet
on her head and fastened the veil into place.

Without a word, she took Effie's hand and led her once again to the
full-length mirror.  "Be happy, dear," she whispered.  "Be happy."

The piano player struck a chord; the wedding march commenced.

The three of them came slowly down the beribboned stairway, Sarah
leading the way, looking solemn and a little frightened, scattering
rosebuds as she walked.  At the entrance of the parlor, she hesitated,
unsure what to do next until Matt motioned her forward.

Like Noah, Matt wore a black frock coat and pin-striped pants, with a
sprig of columbine in his lapel.  And like Noah he turned to watch the
two women come down the stairs, Carrie first, looking as beautiful as
he had ever seen her, and Effie, pretty as a picture in her wedding
dress, a bouquet of lilacs in her arms.

He looked at Noah looking at Effie.  The groom's Adam's apple bobbed up
and down.  He gulped, and there was in his eyes an expression of such
love, of such wonder, that for the smallest fraction of a moment Mall
felt his own throat constrict with unaccustomed pain.

The Reverend Mr.  Barnside cleared his throat.  Effie and Carrie took
their places.  He and Noah stepped forward.

Noah reached for Effie's hand.

And it began.

How many times, at how many weddings in her father's church had Carrie
heard these very same words?  But now they took on a new significance
and touched something deep within her.  She was so very aware of Matt
standing only a few feet away from her, but she tried not to look at
him when the Reverend Mr.  Barnside said the old familiar words.

"To love.  To honor and to cherish."

She could not help herself, she had to look at Matt.  He was watching
her, his dark eyebrows drawn together, his eyes strangely troubled.
Anguish and love and need welled up inside her, and she cast her eyes
down so that he would not see all that she was feeling.

"Do you, Effie?"

And her shy, sweet answer.

"Do you, Noah?"

And his hearty, "Yes!  I mean I do.  Yes."

"Till death do us part," they repeated in unison.

Till death do us part.  A lifetime commitment, one man and one woman
bound together in love.

This was the way it should be, for marriage, after all, was the
culmination of love.  It was the natural process of the order of
things.  When a man and woman fell in love, they married.  That was the
way it was meant to be.

She looked at the girls from The Chateau, with their brightly colored
ruffled dresses, their frizzed hair and rouged cheeks, and saw in their
eyes the same bittersweet longing she felt.

"By the power vested in me, in the sight of God..."  In the sight of
God.  Carrie closed her eyes.

"I do pronounce you husband and wife.  May the sun shine on this day
and all the days of your lives together."

Matt saw the tears well up in Carrie's eyes.  The breath caught in his
throat and, without thinking, he took a step toward her, then stopped,
remembering where they were.

"You may kiss your bride, Mr.  Pierce," the Reverend

Mr.  Barnside said, and, blushing scarlet, Noah took in his arms and
soundly kissed her.

"Bravo!"  Conchita cried.

The piano player began to play (There'll Be) Time in the Old Town
Tonight," and everybody lau The girls from The Chateau rushed to kiss
Effie, Buck and Worthy and Stanley Bray shook hands Noah.

Only Carrie and Matt stayed where they were caught in each other's
gaze, unable to turn away.  He a step toward her, but at that moment
Doterie grabbed an arm.  "Come on and kiss the bride, Matt," she said

He looked at Carrie,.then with a whispered, "Sc let Dorfie lead him

Carrie shook hands with Noah.  She kissed l-cheek, then, embarrassed by
her tears, hurried out kitchen to help Miss Binty.

"Let me help, too," Charmaine said, and before could answer, Charmaine
began picking up the pla cakes and cookies to carry into the dining

"That was just about the nicest wedding I've seen," she said as she put
an apple cake on the table was nice of you to invite us."

"You're Effie's friends," Carrie said a bit stiffly course I'd invite

Charmaine raised one arched eyebrow.  "Of cot she said.

Dressed in a bright blue taffeta suit and a matchiJ with plumed ostrich
feathers, the older woman loo[ bright as springtime.  Hands on her
narrow hip."  looked at Carrie.  "It isn't often the girls and I are
over to this side of town where the so-called nice live."

"Nice folks like Elvira Primrose?"  Carrie sho head.  "I guess just
about everything in this life looks different depending on where you're
standing, Charmaine.  Nice.folks?  I wonder what that really means."

Charmaine's lips twitched.  "I do declare, Miss Carrie.  I think maybe
you've come down a peg or two.  It wouldn't have anything to do with
Matt, would it?"

A flush rose to Carrie's cheeks.  "I ... I don't know what you're
talking about."

"Don't you?"  Charmaine grinned.  "Well, something or somebody's sure
loosened your laces," she said.  Her expression sobered as she glanced
toward the wedding guests.  "Matt Craddock is as fine a man as I ever
met, Carrie.  I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but
I sure do hope, for both your sakes, that whatever it is works out."

"So do I," Carrie murmured so low that Charmaine could barely hear

"Then you do care?"

"Oh, yes.  I care" Taking.  a deep breath, Carrie said, "We'd better
get the rest of the food on the table."

Matt had brought several cases of French champagne, and Buck Wattles
insisted on acting as bartender.  The Reverend Mr.  Barnside, after
having declared that he was not a drinking man, accepted a glass to
toast the bride and groom.

"A toast," Matt said, raising his glass, "to Effie and Noah.  Through
all your years of wedded bliss may you be as happy as you are today."

"Hear, hear," the Reverend Mr.  Barnside said, and downed his glass.

More toasts were drunk and congratulations were offered.  The musicians
began to play, and Dorde said, "It's sorta the custom for the bride and
groom to dance together Miss Carrie.  Would it be all fight if we
rolled the rug?"

"Could we?"  Lorelei asked.  "Please, Miss C could we?"

"Of course," Carrie said, mostly because she really have any choice.
While the men proceeded to, the furniture, Carrie went into the kitchen
where Binty had prepared platters of cheeses, meat bail small brown

When she went back into the parlor, the band beg play one of Mr. Johann
Strauss's waltzes.  Noah b low from his waist and said, "May I have
this dance Pierce?"

Effie, her face suffused with pink, took his hand while their friends
watched, they danced to Mr.  Stn "The Blue Danube" waltz.

And again, though she had not meant to, Carrie herself looking at Matt.
He was watching the newly ried couple, and there was in his eyes an
expressi tender affection, and something else, something she not

He turned and saw her watching him, but just started toward her, Sarah
tugged at his sleeve an "I wanna dance, too, Uncle Matt."

With a smile he bowed, took her hand and led he the circle of

"Just look at her," Babette said, coming to stand 1 Carrie.  "Did you
ever see anything as sweet as thi girl?  You're real lucky to have her,
Miss Carrie.  l just nothing like a little child to make you feel like
something special yourself.  That's the way felt w little boy.  I..."

Babette shook her head, unable to go on.  Knowing the girl was close to
tears, Carrie put an arm atom

"Why don't you come out and help me in the kitchen for a little while?"
she said, tightening her arm around the girl's shoulders and leading
her away from the dancing couples.

In the kitchen she told Miss Binty to go and enjoy herself.  And when
she and Babette were alone, she said, "I'm so sorry about your little

Babette swiped at her tears with the back of her hand.  "I just can't
help thinking it was my fault."  She bowed her head.  "If I'd been a
better mother ... if I coulda kept little Timmie with me..."

"I'm sure your folks did the best they could."

"I know, Miss Carrie.  They're real good people.  I know they did what
they could for him."

Carrie poured the tea and handed a cup to Babette.  "Have you ever
thought about going home?"  she asked.

"Yes'm, I've thought about it.  I thought about it a lot.  But I don't
guess I could.  Not now.  It's too late for me."  She looked at Carrie
over the rim of the teacup.  "I hated the farm," she said.  "I hated
slopping hogs and milking cows and hauling manure and picking potatoes
until my back felt like it was broke.  Ever since I can remember, all I
ever thought about was getting away from it.  First chance I got I

"Did your parents try to stop you?"

"I didn't tell them I was going, Miss Carrie."  Babette put another
spoonful of sugar into her tea and slowly stirred.  "A traveling
salesman fella come by to sell my pa some new kind of chicken feed.  Pa
put him up for a couple of nights and when he left I left with him.  I
was fifteen."

Only a year younger than Rosalinda had been when she left, Carrie

"He took me to Wichita and I was so excited I didn't hardly know what
to do.  We stayed in a hotel an bought me some clothes and we went out
to res taut and to the musical theater, and I guess for about weeks I
was the happiest I've ever been."

Babette's face clouded.  "Then one day he told m was out of money and
he guessed I'd have to help I told him I didn't have a dime to my name
and he "I know that, Baby, but I sure know how you can some."  I told
him I didn't have no talent for singin dancing or anything like that.
And he said... he said I had to do didn't hardly take any talent at

Babette looked down into her cup.  "So I did wh wanted me to do, Miss
Carrie.  But after a while he st being real mean.  He beat me up pretty
bad one night v I didn't make as much money as he thought I shouk and
the next morning when he was sleeping, I took's of the money back I'd
earned and left.

"I'd heard about Cripple Creek from some of the I'd ... I'd met, and
how it was a boom town and thought maybe I could get me a job waiting
tables.  ] couldn't, and finally when I didn't have any money I went to
Miss Charmaine's and she took me in."

She raised her gaze and looked at Carrie.  "It's ion!  late for me,"
she said matter-of-factly.  "I couldn't r go home again."

It's never too late, Carrie wanted to say.  But she it wouldn't help.
Perhaps Babette was right, perhaps il too late for her, just as it had
been too late for Rosal

Miss Binty came back to the kitchen to say that needed more champagne.
"That preacher fella is drinking his share," she said.  "Tossing it
down far Buck can fill 'em up."  She looked at Babette.  "Yt right,
hon?"  she asked.

Babette nodded and got up.  "I shouldn't been bending your ear the way
I was," she told Carrie.

"You can bend my ear anytime," Carrie said.  Couples were dancing when
they went back to the parlor, even the Reverend Mr.  Barnside, who
waltzed Char-maine around the floor and declared that she was just
about the best looking woman this side of the Continental Divide.

The hour grew late.  Carrie didn't dance.  Instead she busied herself
running back and forth to the kitchen.  When she saw Sarah dozing in a
chair beside the fireplace, she picked up her little niece and carried
her to her room.

There'd be no story tonight, Carrie thought with a smile as she
undressed Sarah.  The little girl was so sleepy she could barely keep
her eyes open.

From downstairs she could hear the music and the laughter.  It had been
a busy and exciting day and she was beginning to tire.  But it was a
good sort of tired.  The wedding had gone well.  Effie was happy, and
everybody seemed to be having a grand time.

Carrie smoothed her hair and left the room, closing the door behind her
before she started down the stairs.  Matt was waiting for her.

"We haven't danced," he said.

"I don't know how."

"I'll teach you."  He held out both of his hands and,

as though mesmerized, Carrie came down into his arms.  "I really don't
know how," she said.

"Just follow me."  He looked into her eyes.  Holding her close, they
began to dance there in the hallway, away from the others.  "

She rested her head against his shoulder, and he clasped her hand and
brought it up to rest against his chest.

Little by little Carrie began to relax, to follow his and the movement
of his body.

"That's it," he whispered against her hair.  "Thal Carrie-love."

Carrie-love.  She closed her eyes and drifted wit' flow of the music.
He feathered a kiss against her te She closed her eyes and moved closer
in his arms.

"Carrie," he said, and, holding her away from hi looked down at her.

His eyes were soft with an emotion she had never before.

"Carrie-love," he said, and kissed her with pass io with tenderness.

"Matt," she whispered.  She cupped his face bef her hands, and her lips
parted under his as she ans his kiss.

I love you, she wanted to say.  I love you with a heart, Matthew

But she did not say the words she so longed t She only held him and he
held her, and answered hi with a passion and tenderness to match his

And danced with him, there in the hallway, t, sweetly sad music of
"After The Ball."

Chapter Seventeen

In the days that followed Effie's wedding, Carrie was torn between
feelings of love that warmed and nourished her, and a troubling
uncertainty that, after all, what she and Matt had done was wrong.

Insidious feelings of guilt disturbed her sleep and invaded her dreams
Night after night she awakened trembling and fearful, the vision of her
father shaking a skeletal finger at her, crying, "Wanton!  Jezebel!
Harlot!  You will burn in eternal hell!"

One night she dreamed of herself in Effie's wedding dress, standing
alone in front of the Reverend Hubert Barnside while he shook his head
and said, "He's not going to come.  I reckon he just doesn't love you
enough to marry you."

But in spite of the dreams that troubled her and the doubts that
shadowed her days, Carrie knew deep in her heart that while Matt could
not give voice to his feelings, he really did care about her.  She saw
it in his eyes, she heard it in his voice when he spoke her name.  Over
and over again she told herself that he could not be as he was with her
if he did not love her, and that perhaps it was only a matter of time
before he declared his love.

Be patient, she told herself I Be loving and he will you in return.

Several times he came to the house to take he Sarah out riding in his
rig.  She saw him at night, too often when it came time for her to
sing, she would out through the faces of the men and see Matt stm to
one side of the big room.  When she did, she turn to the piano player
and whisper, "Greenslee And when she came to the words, "And I have
lover so long," her gaze would linger on his for the bri fraction of a

I have loved you.  The words echoed in her mind.  I loved you, Matt.

Effie and Noah returned from their wedding tt Denver and once in a
while, when Carte knew she be working late at the Golden Nugget, she
took Sa Effie's to spend the night.

The first time she did, on a night when Matt esc her home, instead of
Worthy Magee, he kissed he: said, "Let me stay with you tonight."

Carrie shook her head.  "No, we can't do that, M wouldn't be right."

He put his arms around her, and, tilting her face he said, "I want to
go to sleep with you, Carte.  I to lie beside you.  I want to reach out
my hand and that you are there.  I want to make love to you."

She looked up at him, looked deeply into his eye saw the desire there.
Love and need, and an overwhe sense of fight and wrong quivered through
her.  shouldn't," she said.  "It isn't the fight thing to do, 1

"It's incredibly fight," he said.  Then he kissed h mouth hot and
hungry against hers, and before she get her breath, he swept her off
her feet and carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.

"No," she said.  And meant it.  At least she told herself she meant it.
But when he took off his coat and loosened his tie and came toward her,
she did not move away, but stood there by the light of the lamp,

"We shouldn't do this," she protested.  "We--"

But he took her words, smothering them with his lips, and when he let
her go, he began to slowly undress her.

He took off her cloak and her gown.  He unfastened the ribbon of her
camisole and slowly unbuttoned it.  He un-laced her corset, shaking his
head when he did, saying, "I'm damned if I know why you women wear
these fool things."

Once she tried to stop him.  "Matt," she said.  "Matt, you can't

But he appeared not to have heard.  He sat her down on the bed and took
off her shoes and the ribbed stockings.  And when he had slipped the
satin and lace pantalets down over her ankles, he knelt in front of
her.  He kissed one bare ankle.  Holding it, he trailed a line of
kisses up her leg.  He held her there while she shivered from the touch
of his lips against her skin.

He kissed the insides of her thighs and she closed her eyes, shivering
more violently.

"Please," she whispered, not even sure what it was she pleaded for.

"Where is your robe?"  he asked, and when he had put it on her, he
said, in a voice thick with all that he was feeling, "Take your hair
down," and watched while with trembling hands she took the pins out of
her hair.

She shook it out and it fell, thick and luxurious about her shoulders.
He took her hairbrush.  Standing over the bed, he began to brush her
hair from scalp to tangled ends,

stroke after stroke, brushing until it shone burnished red in the

He took handfuls of it and rubbed them against his face, breathing in
the scent of her.  He spread his fingers through the silky strands and
she felt his hands against her scalp,

massaging, warming, lulling her to surrender.  "Matt," she whispered.
"Soon, Carrie-love.  Soon."  Carrie-love.

His hands were so warm, so strong yet gentle, she gave herself up to
them, becoming his in complete surrender.

He slipped the robe off her shoulders, and when he had turned back the
blankets, he laid her naked on the bed.  Without taking his gaze from
hers, he undressed and climbed in beside her, drawing her into his

"Carrie," he breathed against the spill of her hair.

He kissed every inch of her that night, kissed and caressed her until
she trembled with need and cried out.

They made love, fiercely, tenderly, and at that final splendid moment,
with her lips muffled against his shoulder so that he couldn't hear,
she said the words she had so longed to say.  "I love you, Matt.  I
love you."

They slept, and woke to love again, each softly speaking the other's
name there in the stillness of the night.

Carrie woke before Matt in the morning and lay there beside him, lost
in the wonder of it all.  Except when she and Rosalinda were very
small, she had never slept with anyone before.  It was strange and
comforting to feel the warmth of another's body against hers, to feel
his breath against her throat, to watch the rise and fall of his

Carefully she folded the blanket back and looked at the hand that
rested against the whiteness of her breast.  She remembered all of the
ways his hands had touched her in the night.  She remembered, too, her
muted cries, her pleas for a release of a passion she could no longer
bear.  She remembered how he had soothed and held her.  She remembered

"Carrie?"  He opened eyes that were as green as the fresh new buds of
spring in the early-morning light.  He smiled a knowing smile and the
fingers on her breast began to make slow, smooth circles.

"It's morning," she murmured.  "We have to get up.  I have to get
Sarah.  I have to--"

"All you have to do is love me," he said against her lips.  And it
started again, that slow, sweet heat that crept through her body,
warming her, thrilling her.

And as he had before, Matt felt a sense of wonder that Carrie could be
like this with him, that he need only to touch her and her body would
meld into his.  He had never before known a woman who gave as she

She 'was everything he had ever wanted in a woman, yet even as he
joined his body to hers, there was a part of him that held back, that
could not give as freely as she gave.  He did not want to lose a part
of himself.  He did not want to surrender to a love that would change
him.  If he gave in to everything that he was feeling, he would lose
the freedom he so dearly cherished.

He wasn't ready for that, he might never be ready.  She lifted her body
to his.  She whispered, "Oh, Matt.  Oh, darling," and her slender arms
tightened around his neck.

His heart swelled with an emotion he had tried for so long to deny. But
even as his body thundered over hers and he convulsed with a surge of
passion that took his breath and shook him to the very depths of his
soul, he would not say the words he knew she wanted to hear.

"I heard you had a real nice wedding," Mr.  Davenport said to Effie
with a smile.  "And I heard you were the flower girl, Miss Sarah," he
added to the little girl.  you were pretty as a picture, too."

Sarah nodded.  "I had a new pink dress and I can' basket of flowers and
I dropped them all over the so's Effie and Aunt Carrie could walk on

"Now doesn't that just beat all."  He opened the that held the candy.
"Do you think your Aunt would mind if I gave you a licorice stick?"

Sarah looked up at Carrie.  "You don't mind, do you, she asked

"No, I don't mind," Carrie said with a laugh.  "Jr sure you say
thank-you to Mr.  Davenport."

"Thank you, Mr.  Davenport," Sarah immediately replied.

"What can I do for you today, Miss McClennon?  storekeeper questioned
as he handed the cand Sarah.

"I need a pound of coffee, a five-pound bag of and--' '

The bell over the door jangled as it opened and Primrose walked in. She
looked at Carrie, then at and her mouth pursed in disapproval. Chin
elevated, ing her gaze, she marched to the counter.  "I want pounds of
sugar, a box of chamomile tea, a--"

"I'm sorry, Mrs.  Primrose," Mr.  Davenport said, ing his throat.  "I'm
afraid these ladies are ahead of.

"Ladies?"  Mrs.  Primrose looked at Carrie first, tl Effie.  "Really,
Mr.  Davenport, if you persist in cal to people of this type, I shall
have to take my down the street to Mr.  Armitage."

"You do that, Mrs, Primrose.  You just go on a that."

Hot color spotted the woman's cheeks.  She turned from the counter and
bumped into Sarah, the sleeve of her coat brushing against the
well-licked licorice stick.  "Get out of my way, you brat," she

Sarah looked up at her, wide-eyed.  Her chin started to wobble.

Carrie put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  "The lady didn't mean
that," she said.

"Indeed I did!"  Mrs.  Primrose drew her coat closer about her.  "Women
like you haven't any business here in Cripple Creek.  You don't belong
here and if you had any decency at all you'd take your sister's bastard
child and get out of town."

Carrie tightened her hand on Sarah's shoulder.  She had never wanted to
hit a woman, but she did now, and she would have if Sarah hadn't been
looking up at her with stricken eyes.  Before she could say anything,
Mr.  Davenport came around the counter.  He went straight for the door,
opened it and said, "Good day, Mrs.  Primrose."

The matron hesitated for a moment, then turning on the heel of her
boot, swept out of the store.

"I'm mighty sorry about that, ma'am," he said to Carrie.

"It's not your fault, Mr.  Davenport."

Effie, who up to now had been speechless, said, "That's the meanest
woman I ever set eyes on.  I don't know how in the world she could be
so mean, 'specially to Sarah."

Sarah looked from Effie to Carrie.  "What's a basserd?"  she asked.

Carrie knelt down and put her hands on Sarah's shoulders.  "Bastard
isn't a nice word," she said.  "And I'm afraid Mrs.  Primrose isn't a
very nice lady."

"But what is it?"

"It's an ugly word."  Carrie hesitated.  "I know a nice word that will
make you forget all about it," she "It's angel and that's what you are,
Sarah.  You're a special angel."  She hugged the little girl.  "Now
don't you and Effie and I go home and have some of chocolate cake that
Effie brought over yesterday.  W you like that?"

Sarah nodded, but she looked troubled and on the v of tears.  "That was
a mean lady," she sniffed.  "Amen to that," Mr.  Davenport said.

The three of them returned to the house and had olate cake.  And though
Carrie tried to act as though ing had happened, Mrs.  Primrose's words,
"You belong here," echoed in her mind.

That night, Matt sent Stanley Bray to ask Carrie if's come up to his
office.  When she came, he took both hands, kissed her and said, "Sit
down for a few min There's something I want to tell you."

"You're firing me," she said with a grin.

He laughed and shook his head.  "If I did, you're to take that offer to
go to Denver and I wouldn't that."  He took a cheroot out of the small
ma hogan on his desk.  "I just wanted to tell you that I'm goi be busy
this weekend and I won't be able to see yo

"Oh?"  She sat down on the chair facing the desk.  you going out of

"No, I'll be here but I'll be tied up."  He snipped the end of the
cheroot and struck a match.  Keeping his on the flame, he said, "I've
got some businessmen coming in from the East on Friday and I've
reserved Chateau for the weekend."

"The Chateau?"  Carrie stared at him.

"It's business.  These same men were here a yea and we met there then.
I had a telegram from John calhoun a few days ago.  He's the head of a
conglomerate that wants to buy into the Lucky Lady and he's requested
that we hold our meeting at The Chateau.  Charmaine is closing the
place to everybody else and she's hired extra help to work in the
kitchen."  He looked at her, smiling a reassuring smile.  "We'll do
some drinking and gambling,

but mostly we'll talk business.  If the price is right--" "I don't want
you to," Carrie said.  "What did you say?"

"I said I don't want you to spend the weekend at The Chateau."

He studied the glowing end of the cigar.  "I don't think you
understand," he said carefully.  "This is business, Carrie.  Calhoun
and his men are interested in buying the mine and I'm interested in
selling it.  If The Chateau is where they want to hold the meeting,
then that's where it will be."

Anger turned her cold.  "I see," she said.

"No, you don't see."  He came to her and put his hands on her
shoulders.  "Business meetings have been held there before.  Some of
the men will spend the night with the girls, some of them won't."

"Which one will you spend the night with, Matt?  Lorelei?  Conchita? 
Or maybe with Charmaine?"

Matt tried to hold his anger in check because it mattered a great deal
to him what Carrie thought.  He didn't want to hurt her, but he would
not yield to her on this.  Business was business, and in the case of
Big John Calhoun, business meant three, maybe four million dollars.

Calhoun had come to Cripple Creek with three of his employees a year
ago.  He and Matt had spent two days and two nights talking business
and when it was all wrapped up, Calhoun had said, "Now that that's
behind us, let's go get us some relaxation.  You know a place?"

Matt had taken them to The Chateau.  Charmaine i duced the girls, who
served conversation and smiles a with the drinks.  They had inch-thick
steaks, potatoe hot biscuits, and drank a couple of bottles of good Sp
wine.  After that they'd played faro.

A little after midnight one of the men excused hi and went upstairs.
Soon after that, the other two met owed.

"One more brandy and I'll call it a night," "Call had said.  He'd
patted the remaining two girls on behinds and said, "You all run along
up to bed."

"My girls don't please you?"  Charmaine had a: "You don't find them

"They're all mighty fine looking," Calhoun said ing.  "But it's not a
girl I'm looking for, Miss Charm It's a woman."

She'd arched one eyebrow in question.

He counted out three thousand dollars and aid it o table.  "I'd be real
honored if I could have the ple of your company for the next four or
five days."

Charmaine looked him square in the eye.  "I rap ell tertain the men who
come here," she said.

Big John Calhoun had looked right back at he didn't hardly think you
did," he said.

"Three thousand dollars is a lot of money."  "I've got a feeling you're
worth every penny of Her lips had twitched.

"Can this place get along without you for a few'd "Why?"

"I thought we'd go on to Denver or Colorado Sp Stay in one of those
fancy hotels, eat some fine foo; dance to some fine music.  How'd you
like that."

"I think..."  Charmaine had picked the money t the table.  "I think I'd
like that just fine," she said.

Now John Calhoun was coming back.  He wanted the meeting to be at The
Chateau and that's where it was going to be.  No matter what Carrie

"I told you before that just because I'm at The Chateau it doesn't mean
that I'm with any of the girls."  "Doesn't it?"

Matt's eyes narrowed in anger.  "No, it doesn't."  He took a step
toward her.  "I also told you that there hasn't been anyone but you
from the time we made love."  His eyes were level with hers.  "That's
not because I had to, Carrie.  Not because of any obligation or a piece
of paper that said I should be faithful to you.  It's because I wanted
to be.  I care a great deal for you, but I won't let you or anyone else
tell me what I can or cannot do.  Is that clear?"

"Quite clear," she said.

"I'll be at The Chateau this weekend.  I don't know whether or not I
will spend the nights there."

A pain unlike anything Carrie had ever known clutched at her insides.
With a smothered gasp she folded her arms across her chest.

"But even if I do," Matt went on, "I won't be with anyone else."

Carrie looked at him.  "I don't believe you," she managed to say.

His mouth tightened.  He took a deep breath.  "I can't help that," he

She wanted to strike out at him, to hurt him as he was hurting her. She
wanted to cry for a smashed dream.  She wanted to beg him not to do
this to her.

"Don't do this," she said in a low voice.  "Because if you do---"

"Don't threaten me, Carrie.  I'm my own man.  I do as I please."

She took a step toward him and stopped, her hands at her sides.  The
anger seeped out of her, leaving her err devoid of feeling.

"I can't plead with you," she said quietly.  "I'd know how."  '

"Carrie..."  He reached out for her, but she stel back, away from

"No," she said.  "No."  And before he could stop she turned and ran out
the door.

It was only a little after eleven, but Carrie didn't that she was
supposed to sing.  She didn't care about thing.  She grabbed her cloak,
and, not waiting for W Magee, left the Golden Nugget and hurried down 1
Avenue toward home.

A startled Effie opened the door.  "You're home ca she said, surprised.
"Is anything wrong?  Aren't you ing well?"

"I'm perfectly all right."  "Would you like a cup of tea?"  "No, I
would not like a cup of tea."  Effie's chin trembled.  "I only

"I'm sorry."  Carrie put her arms around the girl didn't mean to snap
at you, Effie.  I'm sorry.  This h anything to do with you."

"Did something happen at the Golden Nugget?  some of the men say
something bad to you?  If the Mr.  Matt'li fix 'em good."

"No, it isn't anything like that."  Carrie forced a's "Look," she said,
"you don't need to stay.  If Sat sleeping, I'll walk you home."

But Effie shook her head.  "No need to do that.  It' around the corner
and it's not late."  She hesitated.  you sure I can't do anything for

"No, but thank you."

"You look awful upset."

"I guess I am, Effie.  But I'll get over it."

Yes, she would get over it and she would get over Matt.  It might take
all eternity to do it, but she would.  By God, she would!

She helped Effie into her coat.  She walked her to the door and gave
her a hug.

Then she went upstairs to start packing.

Chapter Eighteen

"You're running away!"  Hands on her hips, maine glared at Carrie.

"You bet I am."  Carrie opened a dresser drawer taking underclothes
out, began stacking them on th "Why?"

"I think you know why."

"Because Matt's going to be at The Chateau this end."

"That's right."  Carrie opened the wardrobe frowned at the clothes
hanging there.  "It's business," Charmaine said.  "Sure it is."

"Dammit, Carrie, will you listen to me?"

"I'll listen, but it's not going to change anything "A lot of
businessmen hold their meetings at my 1 They can let their hair down
there, drink and gamble raise a little hell after the business part of
it is throe doesn't necessarily mean they take advantage of thing The
Chateau has to offer."

"Really."  Carrie started folding her petticoats.

"It doesn't mean they're going to hire a girl fi evening."

"Doesn't it?"  Carrie turned and faced the other woman.  "But they
will, won't they?"

"Some of them."

"And you'll make a lot of money."

"I hope so."  Charmaine frowned.  "It's my business, Carrie.  I run a
parlor house.  It's how my girls and I make our living."

"I'm sure you like what you do."

"Not always."

"But it's easy, isn't it?  Easier than actually working for a

"Easy?"  Charmaine shook her head.  "No, Carrie, it isn't easy.  My
place is better than most because my girls are like family, maybe
because we're the only family most of us have got.  Sure there are
times when the men are nice and we're having a party and there's
drinking and dancing and we're all having fun.  But there are other
times, like Christmas Eve, when regular people are with their families
gathered around under a Christmas tree, and Christmas morning, when
their kids are sitting there in their nightshirts, opening presents."

Carrie paused from what she was doing and looked at Charmaine.

"Some of the time it's a hard and bitter life," Char-maine said.  "Once
in a while it's dangerous."  She sat down on the bed and looped her arm
around one of the bedposts.  "Cripple Creek is a boom town Carrie, and
we get all kinds here.  I'm careful about my clientele, a hell of a lot
more than any of the other madams on the street, but once in a while a
real bad apple slips by me.  A couple of years ago one of the miners
started beating on Dorfie.  Before Miss Binty and I could get to him
he'd split her lip and broken her jaw.  She was in bed for a week and
it was two months before Doc Taylor let her go ba work.

"Carry Nation claims Cripple Creek is the most la and wicked city to be
found anywhere and maybe right.  Lord knows we've got our share of
drunks sharpshooters, swindlers and crooks.  We've even gc share of
opium dens."

"Opium dens!"  For a moment Carrie was so st: she forgot to be angry.

"It's a hard life, Carrie, and I guess there're times a girl wants to
forget and go off into some kind of I, dream.  Last week a girl in one
of the cribs died taking an overdose of morphine.  A couple of month
one of the dance-hall girls sniffed up too much cf form."  Charmaine
shook her head.  "So no, it isn easy life.  But it's the only life some
of these girls k I make it as easy as I can for the ones who work fo
but I'm a businesswoman.  I have to make money."

"Do you ever... ?"  Carrie hesitated.  She didn't w ask the question
that had been bothering her for a time, but now she took a deep breath
and made h ask, "Do you take care of any of the customers?"

"When I want to.  But if you're wondering if Ma ever been a customer of
mine, the answer is no.  comes to The Chateau to drink and play poker,
b takes his other pleasures somewhere else."  She !  squarely at
Carrie.  "And I don't think there's b somewhere else since the day he
met you."

Carrie wanted to believe it, But even if she did, it didn't change
anything.  The real issue between then that Matt wanted to be free,
that the very thought of ing a commitment sent him running for the

That was not the way it was for her.  She wan belong to him, to be
heart and soul a part of her wanted to be his life's partner, his wife.
If that wasn't what he wanted then they had no future together.  "Talk
to him," Charmaine said.  "We've already talked."

"You're not going back to the Golden Nugget?"  "No."

"You're going home then?  Back to Ohio?"

"Just as soon as I can make the arrangements."  She looked at
Charmaine.  "I don't belong here," she said.  "I never did."

"Maybe not.  But for a while there you seemed to be fitting in.  What
with your singing at the Golden Nugget, half the men in Cripple Creek
are in love with you."  Charmaine looked thoughtful.  "I've been
wondering about that.  I think maybe it's because you're different.
You're the kind of woman men dream about, the kind they marry.

"Not all men," Carrie said bitterly.  "Not Matt Craddock."

"Maybe he doesn't know what he wants.  Maybe if you gave him a little
more time--"

"I've run out of time," Carrie said.  "I'm going home."

And there was nothing Charmaine could say to dissuade her.

There was nothing Effie could say, either.

"But you're my best friend," Effie wept when car de told her she was
leaving.  "What'll I do without you?"

"We'll always be friends, Effie.  And you have Noah.  You love each
other and I can leave knowing you're going to have a happy life with
him.  I'll miss you, but this is something I have to do.  I came to
CriPple Creek because of Rosalinda, but Rosalinda is dead.  This isn't
my home, it can never be my home."

"But what about Mr.  Matt?  I thought you and him ... I thought there
was something real special between the two of you."

"There isn't."

And there never can be, Carrie thought.  That's over.  Finished.  There
was a train leaving Sunday afternoon and she and Sarah would be on

Sarah was another problem.  When Carrie told her that they were leaving
to go back to Ohio, Sarah stared up at her, puzzled, disbelieving.

"We're going away?"  she asked.  "Yes, dear.  This Sunday."  "But I
don't want to go."  "I know, darling, but--"

"I won't go!  I won't, and you can't make me!"

To Carrie's complete amazement, her sunny, adorable little niece
suddenly turned into a three-foot ball of fury.  She stamped her feet
and howled like a banshee.  She lay on the floor, her small face
distorted with tears and anger, kicking, screeching at the top of her
lungs, "I won't go!  I won't go!"

With no idea how of how to handle the angry child, Carrie simply' left
the room and went to sit in the rocking chair by the fire in the

The screeching stopped, the sobs subsided, and in a little while a
silent Sarah came to stand in the kitchen doorway, her head down, her
small body trembling with reaction.

"Come here," Carrie said.

Sarah sniffed, but slowly, reluctantly, she moved closer to Carrie.

Without a word Carrie picked the little girl up and drew her into.  her
lap and began to rock her.  "It's going to be all right," she said, as
much to herself as to the child.

"You'll like Ohio, Sarah.  It's where your mother and I grew up.  The
town we lived in is a pretty place with lots of flowers and trees and
nice houses.  The home where Rosie and I were raised is gone, but you
and I will buy another house.  We'll settle in and pretty soon you'll
go to school and make lots of new friends."

"What about Effie?  Can she come with us?"

"No, darling.  Effie will stay here with Noah.  But one of these days,
maybe even next summer, she and Noah will come for a visit."

"And Uncle Matt?  Can he come, too?"

Carrie tightened her arms around Sarah.  It was a moment before she was
able to answer.  "I don't think so, honey.  Uncle Matt is busy with so
many things.  He has lots of businesses and the gold mine and--" "Won't
I ever see him again?"  "I don't know, Sarah."  "I love Uncle Matt." 
"I know you do, baby."

"Aunt Carrie..."  Sarah toyed with the buttons of Carrie's shirtwaist.
"Would it be all right, I mean since my real mama's gone, would it be
all right if sometimes I called you mama?"

For a moment Carrie couldn't speak.  Then she kissed the top of Sarah's
head, and, trying to hold back the threatening tears, whispered, "Yes,
darling.  Of course you can.  I'd like that very much, Sarah.  Very

Sarah snuggled closer while Carrie continued to rock her.  And not
until Sarah went to sleep did Carrie allow the tears to flow.

Carrie booked two seats on the train leaving Cripple Creek on Sunday

Matt came to the house on Friday.  When Sarah saw him, she flew into
his arms, hugging his neck and crying, "We're going away, Uncle Matt.
Did you know?  We're going all the way to Ohio."

He looked over her shoulder at Carrie.  "It's definite then?"

"Yes."  She turned away, afraid to meet his eyes.  "I thought you'd be
at The Chateau today."

"Calhoun doesn't get in until tonight.  I'll see him tomorrow."  He put
Sarah down.  "You're making a mistake," he said to Carrie.  "Just
because we've had a little misunderstanding--"

"A little misunderstanding?"  Carrie shook her head.  "There isn't any
misunderstanding, Matt.  We're different people, that's all.  You
belong here.  I never did and I never will.  I'm going back where I
belong.  I'm going home."

Matt wanted to ask her to stay.  He wanted to take her in his arms and
keep her there.  He wanted to ease the tight line of her mouth, the
stubborn lift of her chin.  He wanted to see her look at him the way
she had the last time they had kissed.

But he knew that she wouldn't stay, not unless he became what she
wanted him to be.  And he wouldn't do that.  He was a gambling man, a
man who chose his own path.  A man who had never let anyone, especially
a woman, tell him what to do.  As much as he wanted her to stay, he
would not yield.

"I've come to say goodbye," he said.

"I'm glad you did."  Her voice was coolly pleasant.  "For Sarah's sake,
I mean."

"I know what you mean."  He looked down at Sarah.  "How would you and
your Aunt Carrie like to go for a ride in my rig?"

"I call her Mama now."  Sarah reached for his hand,

looked up at Carrie and asked, "Can we go for a ride with Uncle Matt,
Mama?  Can we, please?"

"I don't think we should, Sarah.  We have a lot of things we need to do
before Sunday."

Sunday.  She was leaving on Sunday.  Without thinking, Matt tightened
his grip on Sarah's hand.

"Please," Sarah begged.  Her chin trembled.  "Please, Mama!"

Carrie looked at the child, then at Matt.  This would be the last time
she would see him.  The thought of it cut into her like a knife, and a
moment passed before she could find her voice.

"All right," she said.  "Sarah, go get your hat and coat," and to Matt,
she said, "I'll only be a minute."

But it took her more than a minute to try to regain her composure.  She
smoothed her hair, and, picking up the gray hat she'd first worn to
Cripple Creek, she looked at herself in the mirror.  Her eyes were more
gray than blue, and her face seemed pallid and weary.  A sob rose in
her throat, but she held it back, and, taking the old gray cloak out of
the wardrobe, went down to meet Matt.

Matt lifted Sarah up into the rig, then helped Carrie up, holding her
hand a moment longer than necessary, reluctant to let it go.

The day was warm and though they might very well have another cold
spell, for now at least it was a day to enjoy.  Without conscious
thought Matt took the road that led out to the mine, the road he and
Carrie had taken that other spring day.

The trees were more fully in bud than they had been that day.  The
fresh new leaves of the quaking aspen stirred in the gentle breeze. The
fields were alive with color, the blue and red of the columbine, the
yellow of daisies, the purple of thistles.

The Sangre de Cristo mountain peaks were still covered with snow, but
the slopes of the nearer hills were green with cedar and ponderosa
pine.  After the winter snows the land had come alive again.  It was a
flowering time, a new beginning.

But for Carrie it was an ending, a last goodbye to this place that for
a little while had been her home.

She stole a glance at Matt.  He looked pensive.  Sarah linked her arm
through his, and when she looked up at him, he smiled.  "I'm going to
miss you, kitten," he said.

"I'll miss you, too, Uncle Matt."  She sniffled and buried her face
against his sleeve.

He slowed the rig.  "Look," he whispered.  "Sarah, look."

A young doe hesitated just at the edge of the trees, its soft tan face
lifted, its dark liquid eyes frightened, yet curious.

"Oh," Sarah said softly.  "Oh, look at that.  It's a little deer."  She
leaned forward and held her hand out.  "Here, deer," she called. "Here,
little deer."

The animal's ears perked up.  It took a step forward, then with a
start, turned and ran back into the trees.

Sarah, her eyes wide with wonder, leaned against Matt's arm.  "That's
the prettiest thing I ever saw," she whispered.  Then she looked at
Carrie and asked, "Do they have deers in Ohio?"

"Yes, of course."

"I bet they're not as nice as they are here."  She cud-died closer to
Matt and he put his arm around her.

"Sure they are," Matt said.  "They've got all kinds of deer in Ohio."
He flicked the reins across his horse's back.  "It's a nice place,
Sarah.  I bet you're going to love it."

"But it won't be like here."  She looked at Carrie, her bottom lip at
half-mast.  "I don't want to go," she said.

They rode for a way without speaking, each of them with their own
troubled thoughts.  Carrie wished she hadn't come.  It was too
difficult, being with Matt like this, knowing that their time together
was almost over.  On Sunday afternoon she and Sarah would board the
train for Denver, and from there back to Ohio.  She'd never see Matt

She looked away, out across the spring fields, her eyes blinded by
tears.  Oh, Matt, her heart cried.  If only you were different, if only
I could change the way I feel about things.

But she could not.  She could not live in sin with Matt.  Her father,
although he had been a cruel and fanatical man, had been right about
some things.  When the Reverend Mr.  Barnside married Effie and Noah,
he had quoted the words, "And you shall cleave one to another for as
long as ye both shall live."

As long as ye both shall live.  That's what she believed in.  She could
not change.

Carrie was so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she was not aware
that they had been climbing or that Matt had stopped the rig until
Sarah asked, "How come we're stopping, Uncle Matt?"

"I just want to give the horse a rest, honey."  He looked at Carrie.
"And this is a special place."

Carrie looked up to where the ponderosa pines with their cathedral like
spires surrounded the field of columbine and yellow clover.  This was
where they had had the picnic, here under the trees.  This was where
they had made love.  Matt had held her and touched her here.  She had
felt the warm earth beneath her back.  And she had thought she would
die with loving him.

Matt saw her tears.  He wanted to take her hand, b did not.  He wasn't
sure why he had brought her here he knew that once she left, he would
never come t place again.  He looked at the tall trees and the me
grass, and he remembered the touch of her skin ag his as she lay
beneath him.  He remembered how she lifted her body to his and cried
his name in that moment.  He knew he would never again feel for a we
what he had felt for Carrie that afternoon.

She was going to leave, and though there was a pa him that wanted to
get down on bended knee and bel not to, there was that other part of
him, the proud, g hell part of him that would not bend or yield.

"Giddap," he said to the horse, and turning the ri.  headed back toward

Sarah was asleep by the time they reached Cri Creek.  Matt stopped in
front of Carrie's house, and he had jumped down, he reached up and took
the from Carrie.  He carried Sarah inside and placed her g{ on the
sofa.  "I won't wake her," he said.

"But she'd want to say goodbye to you."

He shook his head.  "No, it's better this way.  I'm a she'd cry and I
don't think I could stand that."

touched Sarah's cheek.  "I'm going to miss her," he "She loves you."

We both love you, she wanted to say.  But didn't.  She went with him to
the door.  She held out her 1 "Thank you for taking us riding today,
Matt.  Thank for so many things.  For--"

Matt held up his hand, stopping her.  "No!"  he harshly.  "Don't thank
me.  I don't want your than want..."  He clenched his fists so tightly
his knu turned white.  "Dammit," he exploded, "you know what I want."

"Matt, please."

He grasped her shoulders.  "Why are you doing this?  Just because I'm
spending the weekend at The Chateau?  I told you I wouldn't be with
anybody else.  There couldn't be anybody else for me.  Don't you know
that, Carrie?"  He shook her.  "Don't you know how I feel about you?"

"It isn't just because of The Chateau," she said, fighting for control.
"There are other things, too.  We're different people, Matt.  We
believe in different things."  

"But if you care about me."

"I care," she said.  "Oh, yes, I care."  She rested her head against
his chest.  For a moment, only a moment.  For one last time.

"Goodbye," she whispered.  "Goodbye, Matt."

"I won't let you go."

"Yes, you will."  She looked up at him.  "Yes, you will,

"Carrie!"  He drew her into his arms and kissed her, kissed her with
all of his pent-up anger and longing, with frustration because he
didn't understand, because he wanted her, and because he would not pay
the price it would take to keep her here.

Her lips were cool and sweet under his, but the passion was gone and he
knew that he had lost.

He let her go.  "Do you want me to take you to the train?"  he asked,
his voice controlled, expressionless.

"No."  She stepped away from him.  "Effie and Noah will take us.
Besides, you'll be busy at The Chateau."

He clenched his jaw and a muscle twitched under the pressure.  "Yes, I

Carrie again held out her hand.i "Goodbye, Matt.  God

He took a step toward her.  "Carrie... ?"

"No," she whispered.

For one moment more h looked at her, looked de into her gray-blue eyes,
then, without a word, he tu away.

Carrie closed the door behind him and leaned agit, hands over her eyes,
tears seeping through her fin as she whispered his name in an agony of
grief m any she had ever known.

Finally she went into the parlor and sat on the 1 next to the sofa
beside the sleeping child.

Chapter Nineteen

The sky was gray, the air cold.  Carrie fastened Sarah's coat, then her
own.  Taking Sarah's hand, she went out the door and did not look

Noah, who had already put her trunk and suitcase into the carriage,
waited at the curb.

"You all set?"  he asked Carrie.

"Yes."  She took his proffered hand to let him help her up.  "Thank
you, Noah," she said.  "And thank you for taking us to the station."

"That's all right, Miss Carrie.  I'm glad to do it."  He lifted Sarah
into her outstretched arms.  "I mean I'm glad to help, but I sure wish
you weren't leaving.  The town's just not going to be the same without

"Nothing will be the same," Effie said sadly, holding a handkerchief to
her eyes.

"You and Noah are coming to Ohio next summer," Carrie said quickly.  If
Effie started to cry, then Sarah would surely join in.  She didn't
think she could stand that.

The little girl had been unusually quiet this morning.  She hadn't
fidgeted like she usually did when Carrie dressed her, but had stood
passive, her eyes lowered.  Now, clutching Mary Agnes in her arms, her
lower lip stuck out in a pout, she looked as though any moment she
would burst into tears.

"I guess we're ready."  Noah flicked the reins over the horses' backs.
"Get along now," he said.

Carrie looked straight ahead all the way down Second Street.  When they
reached Bennett Avenue she didn't even glance at the bakeshop or the
meat market, the One Price Shoes and Clothing House or the livery
stable.  But when they passed the general store, she turned her head
for one last look.

Yesterday when she had stopped in to tell Mr.  Davenport she was
leaving, he had said, "I surely do hate to see you go, Miss McClennon.
You and that little girl brighten up the store every time you come in.
I'm going to miss you."

He'd taken half a dozen licorice sticks out of the candy case and put
them in a paper bag.  "Never did see a child so fond of licorice as she
is," he said.  "You give her these to eat on the train."

When she had left Mr.  Davenport's store, Carrie had sent a messenger
with a note to Charmaine, thanking her for her kindness in having taken
Rosalinda and Sarah in, and for taking care of her when she was ill.
"Say goodbye to the girls for me," she had written.  "I'll always
remember her their kindness, and yours."

It was almost over.  She had been here less than six months, yet so
much in her life had changed.  She was not the woman she had been when
she left Ohio.  Love had softened and tempered her, it had made her see
so many things through different eyes.  She had learned that everything
was not just black and white, good or evil, that there were as many
varied shadings of that concept as there were people.  Her best friend
had been a prostitute she herself had been a saloon singer.  And she
had loved a gambling man.

She would never forget Matthew Craddock, for though she could not
accept his kind of life, he would always and forever be a part of

"Something's burning," Effie said, breaking in on Carrie's thoughts.

"Some kids with a bonfire."  Noah chucked to the horses.  "Or maybe a
farmer burning grass."

"Maybe."  Effie sniffed.  "Seems to me it's getting worse every

"If it's more than a bonfire or burning grass the fire department
fellas will put it out.  They hardly ever get a call to do anything. Do
'em good to get routed out on a Sunday.  They--"

Suddenly, the horses reared.  Ears back, they tried to stop, jerking
from side to side, whinnying, snorting, eyes wide and rolling.

"Whoa!"  Noah tightened his hands on the reins.  "Whoa, there!"

"What is it?"  Effie asked.  "What's the matter with them?"

"I don't know, hon.  Dern horses got a mind of their own.  Don't you
worry, Carrie.  We'll get you and Sarah to the station on time."

"I'm not worded," Carrie said.  "I--"

A sudden clanging of the fire wagon bells interrupted her words, and
Noah, still keeping a tight grip on the horses, looked back over his

"Oh, Lord!"  he cried.  "Lord a'mighty.  Look at that!"

"What?  What is it?"  Effie turned to look behind them at the same
moment Carrie did.

"Oh, my God!"  Carrie clutched at the seat in front of her.  "It looks
like the whole town is on fire!"

Noah snapped the reins across the horses' backs.  "We'd best get you
and Sarah to the station, Miss Carrie," he said nervously.  "We might
have some trouble getting back if those fire wagons are blocking the

From the town, behind them, they could hear the clatter of the fire
wagons.  Then the bell of the First Methodist Church started to ring.
People on the street turned to stare back at the town.  Two men on
horseback smacked their mounts and headed back toward Bennett Avenue.

Noah galloped the horses into the station.  The conductors and the
porters stood beside the train looking puzzled and Curious.

"Train leaves in ten minutes."  Noah hopped down out of the buggy.
"You'd best get aboard, Miss Carrie.  I'll just get your trunk down..."
He stopped as a rig raced up beside him and a man jumped out.  "You
just come from town?"  Noah asked.

"Yeah."  The man took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his
face.  "Damnedest thing I ever saw," he said, Shaking his head.

"Fire bad?"

"Worse than bad, man.  It's burning faster'n the fire boys can handle

"Where is it?"

"Myers Avenue mostly.  Looks like every one of those houses are going
to go."

The Chateau was on Myers Avenue.  Matt was there with the Eastern
businessmen.  What if the Chateau...?  "My God," Carrie said.  "The

Noah's face paled.  "I gotta get back there, Miss Carrie."  He swung
down from the card age and started to take her trunk down, but she
stopped him.

"Matt's there," she said.  "And Charmaine and the girls."

"Yes'm, I know."

"I've got to go back."

"But the train's going to be leaving in a few minutes.  You can't--"

"Noah, please!"  She looked at Effie.  "You'll take Sarah back home
with you, won't you?"

"Of course I will."  Effie's face went pale.  She clutched the side of
the rig.  "But if the fire's bad I don't think either you or Noah ought
to go anywhere near it."

Noah climbed back up into the carriage and Effie grabbed his arm.
"Don't go," she implored him.  "It might be dangerous."

"I gotta go.  I gotta see how I can help."  He gripped Effie's hand.
"I'll get as close as I can to Myers Avenue.  Then you can take the
carriage and head for home as fast as you can."

Sarah began to cry.  Hugging Mary Agnes, she wept, "I'm scared, Mama.
I'm scared."

Carrie pulled her close.  "It's going to be all right, sweetheart.  I
want you to be a good girl and go along with Effie."

"You come, too, Mama."  The little girl clung to Car-tie.  "Don't leave
me," she pleaded.  "Don't leave me."

Carrie hugged her.  "I have to," she said.  "I have to find Uncle

The billowing smoke grew thicker.  Bells clanged and church bells rang.
Horse and buggies careened around corners.  Townspeople, searching for
loved ones called out to one another.  A fire wagon, pulled by a
six-horse team, raced down Bennett Avenue.  A milk cart that had
started to cross the street tried to get out of the way, but not in
time.  It overturned, milk cans flying in every direction as the driver
jumped free, shaking his fist at the firemen as he scrambled for a

Noah reined the horses in.  "I can't go any farther," he told Effie.
"You take the reins now.  The horses are real skittish so hold them
firm."  He shot a look at Carrie.  "It's best you go on with Effie and
Sarah," he said.  "A fire's no place for a woman."

Carrie jumped down from the carriage.  "I'm going," she told him. "With
or without you."  She reached for Sarah's hand.  "Sit close to Effie
and do whatever she tells you to do," she said.  "I'll come back just
as soon as I can."

"I'm afraid."  Sarah coughed and covered her face with her hands.
"Please don't go, Mama," she cried.

"I have to, baby.  But I'll be back.  I promise you, Sarah."

Noah jumped down beside her.  "Get going," he told Effie.  "Keep a
tight rein and don't stop for nothing."

Effie bit down hard on her lower lip, then with a "Gid-dap!"  she
slapped the reins across the horses' backs.

Noah took Carrie's arm.  "Come on," he said, and together they ran
toward the tenderloin district.

The smoke grew thicker the closer they got to the fire.  When they
started down Myers Avenue they saw that the flimsy wooden structures
that housed the cribs there were ablaze.  The girls were on the street,
huddled together, weeping, clutching shawls, or pillowcases filled with
their belongings.

Farther down the street they saw the other houses burning.

"Lookit there."  Noah stopped, his mouth agape.  "It's Laura Bell's."

Flames shot up from the roof of the two-story wooden structure.  A fire
brigade tried in vain to aim water at the burning house, but as Carrie
and Noah watched there was

"Yes'm, I know."

"I've got to go back."

"But the train's going to be leaving in a few minutes.  You can't--"

"Noah, please!"  She looked at Effie.  "You'll take Sarah back home
with you, won't you?"

"Of course I will."  Effie's face went pale.  She clutched the side of
the rig.  "But if the fire's bad I don't think either you or Noah ought
to go anywhere near it."

Noah climbed back up into the carriage and Effie grabbed his arm.
"Don't go," she implored him.  "It might be dangerous."

"I gotta go.  I gotta see how I can help."  He gripped Effie's hand.
"I'll get as close as I can to Myers Avenue.  Then you can take the
carriage and head for home as fast as you can."

Sarah began to cry.  Hugging Mary Agnes, she wept, "I'm scared, Mama.
I'm scared."

Carrie pulled her close.  "It's going to be all right, sweetheart.  I
want you to be a good girl and go along with Effie."

"You come, too, Mama."  The little girl clung to Carrie.  "Don't leave
me," she pleaded.  "Don't leave me."

Carrie hugged her.  "I have to," she said.  "I have to find Uncle

The billowing smoke grew thicker.  Bells clanged and church bells rang.
Horse and buggies careened around corners.  Townspeople, searching for
loved ones called out to one another.  A fire wagon, pulled by a
six-horse team, raced down Bennett Avenue.  A milk cart that had
started to cross the street tried to get out of the way, but not in
time.  It overturned, milk cans flying in every direction as the driver
jumped free, shaking his fist at the firemen as he scrambled for a

Noah reined the horses in.  "I can't go any farther," he told Effie.
"You take the reins now.  The horses are real skittish so hold them
firm."  He shot a look at Carrie.  "It's bst you go on with Effie and
Sarah," he said.  "A fire's no place for a woman."

Carrie jumped down from the carriage.  "I'm going," she told him. "With
or without you."  She reached for Sarah's hand.  "Sit close to Effie
and do whatever she tells you to do," she said.  "I'll come back just
as soon as I can."

"Vm afraid."  Sarah coughed and covered her face with her hands.
"Please don't go, Mama," she cried.

"I have to, baby.  But I'll be back.  I promise you, Sarah."

Noah jumped down beside her.  "Get going," he told Effie.  "Keep a
tight rein and don't stop for nothing."

Effie bit down hard on her lower lip, then with a "Gid-dap!"  she
slapped the reins across the horses' backs.

Noah took Carrie's arm.  "Come on," he said, and together they ran
toward the tenderloin district.

The smoke grew thicker the closer they got to the fire.  When they
started down Myers Avenue they saw that the flimsy wooden structures
that housed the cribs there were ablaze.  The girls were on the street,
huddled together, weeping, clutching shawls, or pillowcases filled with
their belongings.

Farther down the street they saw the other houses bum-ing.

"Lookit there."  Noah stopped, his mouth agape.  "It's Laura Bell's."

Flames shot up from the roof of the two-story wooden structure.  A fire
brigade tried in vain to aim water at the burning house, but as Carrie
and Noah watched there was a terrible explosion.  The fire crackled,
and then, the roof caved in.

Women screamed.  Somebody yelled, "Oh, my God, the girls!  Were there
girls still in there?"

Women lined the street, frantic, weeping, some wearing only kimonos or
wrappers, some with shawls over their shoulders.  The street was filled
with smoke and confusion.

It was hard to breathe.  Tears streamed down Carrie's face, partly from
the smoke, partly from the shock of the scene around her.

Noah ripped off the kerchief from around his neck and handed it to her.
"Cover your face," he yelled above the chaos.

Ahead of them they could see The Harem and Nelly Grady's.  Both houses
were on fire.

"You oughta go back," Noah said.

Carrie shook her head and followed him on down Myers Avenue toward The
Chateau.  They drew closer.  "Oh, God!"  she cried.  "Noah, look!"

The house was ablaze, flames shooting out of the upstairs windows,
curtains burning, sparks flying up to the roof.

"Lord a'mighty!"  Noah ran forward, Carrie after him.

Firemen battled the blaze, their 'faces black from the smoke, cursing,
sweating, shouting orders.

Frantic with fear for Matt, Carrie looked among the throng of people,
trying to find him.  She saw Dorde and Conchita across the street on
the grass, arms clasped around each other.  She ran toward them just as
Miss Binty, helped by a man Carrie had never seen before, came down the
front steps of the house.  Miss Binty's gray hair was singed, the
bottom of her skirt was blackened.

"Get outta here," a fireman yelled at Noah.  "You can't go no

But Noah pushed ahead, holding on to Carrie's arm, bringing her along
with him as they hurried toward Miss Binty.

"Is she all right?"  Carrie cried to the man helping her.  "Her legs
are burned," the man said.  "She needs help."

Noah picked the older woman up and carried her toward the place where
Dorde and Conchita were huddled together.

"She's bad burned," he told them.  "If you see Doc Taylor, tell him. Do
what you can for her?"

Carrie took off her cloak and wrapped it around the older woman.  "Have
you seen Matt?"  she asked.  "Have any of you seen Matt?"

"We were upstairs when the fire started," Dorde said.  "He was down in
the parlor playing cards."  She wiped at the tears running down her
soot-streaked face.  "I don't know where he is, Miss Carrie."  She
buried her head in her hands, weeping.  "It was awful!  It was just

Carrie rested a hand on her shoulder.  "I'll be back," she said.  "Take
care of Miss Binty.  She--"

"There's Charmaine!"  Noah cried, and Carrie turned to see a man
carrying her down the steps of the house.  Another man came after them,
his arm around Lorelei.

Noah and Carrie ran toward them.  "Is she all right?"  Noah called out
to the man carrying Charmaine.

"She's unconscious."  The big man shouldered past Noah and laid
Charmaine on the grass.  "She ran upstairs trying to get the girls out
before we could stop her.  She breathed in a lot of smoke."  He knelt
beside her.  "Char-maine," he said.  "Come on, honey, breathe for Big

"Matt Craddock."  Carrie clutched at his arm.  "Have you seen Matt

The big man looked up.  His eyebrows were singed.  Half of his
handlebar mustache was burned off.  "Last time I saw he was running up
the stairs," he said.  "Ba-bette was still up there.  He went after

There was a thunderous crash behind them as part of the roof caved in.
Above the terrible noise they heard a piercing scream.

"It's Babette!"  Conchita jumped to her feet, pointing.  "There,

Babette was half-out of the window, straddling the sill.  The curtains
were on fire, her hair was ablaze.  Even from here they could see the
whiteness of her skin, the frantic look of fear.

"She's going to jump!"  Noah started forward, but it was too late.
Screaming, Babette went out of the window, her arms flailing at the

Carrie looked up, her fist against her mouth.  Her eyes went from the
falling girl to the figure at the window that reached out for her.  But
it was too late.  Flames engulfed him and Carrie screamed, "Matt!

Before Noah or anyone else could stop her, she sprinted toward the

A fireman tried to block her way, but she pushed him aside, her only
thought to get to Matt.

Carrie ran up the steps into the house, spurred on by her fear.

Half the stairway was engulfed with flames.  She touched the banister
and gasped in pain, her hand burned by the terrible heat.  She went up
the stairs, calling out above the crackle of the fire, "Matt!  Matt,
answer me!  Where are you?"

Choking and coughing, her lungs on fire, she rounded the curve of the
staircase.  The figure of a man rushed down toward her.  She reached
out to him, crying his name.

He grasped her hands.  But it wasn't Matt.  It was Nathan La Rue

She screamed and struggled to free herself.  "Let me go!"  she cried.
"Matt's up there."

"He's dead."  La Rue grasped her wrist and tried to pull her down the
stairs after him.

"Liar!"  Carrie struck out at him, trying to break free of his grasp
hysterical with fear and anger.  "Let me go!"  she screamed.  "Let me

He hit her across the face and she staggered back, stunned, hurt by the
blow, almost suffocated by the smoke and the flames that came closer
and ever closer.

"Let go of her!"

Matt stood at the top of the stairs, a derringer in his hand, smoke all
around him.

"Matt!"  Carrie struggled in a frenzy to break free from La Rue

La Rue brought his gun up and leveled it at Matt's chest.

Carrie hit La Rue arm with her hand and the gun spun out of his

"Bitch!"  He reached for her.  But his hand froze in midair and he
looked up, stark terror on his face.  Carrie saw, too late, the flaming
beam falling toward them.  She raised an arm to try to shield herself,
as she was enveloped by an inferno of flame and smoke.  As though in
the distance, she heard La Rue scream, Matt's cry, and then she was
falling, down, down into the fire.

"Fire and brimstone," her father intoned.  "Ye who have sinned will
burn in eternal hell."

Burn.  Oh, no!  Oh, God, no!  She opened her eyes and tried to cry out.
She was surrounded by flames, choked by the terrible fire.


She saw Matt coming toward her through the flames.  His coat was on
fire.  He beat it out with his hands, then he reached for her and
pulled her into his arms.

"I've got you," he cried against her face.  "Hang on, Carrie.  Hang

He covered her with part of his coat and ran, bead down, through one
small path in the flames.  Carrie fought for breath, but when she tried
to breathe, smoke burned her lungs.  God help us, she thought, as she
slipped into unconsciousness.

Carrie felt the grass, wet beneath her back.  A voice called out to

She wanted to open her eyes, but it was too much of an effort.

"Carrie, please.  Oh, God, Carrie.  Carrie-love, please."  Carrie-love.
It was Matt.  Her eyelids fluttered.  She tried to speak, but when she
did, she coughed.  He held her up.  He patted her back.  "That's it,
Carrie," he said.  "Breathe for me, Carrie.  Breathe for me because I
love you."

I love you.  She closed her eyes.

The next time she opened them, she was in bed in a room she had never
seen before.  It was a big room, twice as large as her bedroom in the
house on Second Street.  There were blue velvet drapes on the windows,
and a thick Indian carpet covered the floor.


She turned her head and saw Matt sitting on the bed beside her. "You're
here," she said in a voice that didn't sound like hers.  Her chest hurt
when she breathed, her throat was sore.  "You're all right?"

Matt took her hand.  "We're both all right, Carrie

La Rue She struggled to sit up.  "He tried t you.

"He's dead, Carrie.  He died in the fire."

"Why was he there?"

"I'm not sure.  John Calhoun saw him just after th broke out.  He
started after him, but then he heard maine scream and went to help
her."  "Charmaine?  Is she all right?"

"She will be.  John took her to Denver.  She's hospital there and he's
with her."

"The other girls?  Miss Binty?"

"Doe Taylor's taking care of her.  Dorrie's hands burned, but she's
going to be all right.  Conchita am're lei are fine."

"Babette?  What happened to...?"  Then she're be red the fire, the
flaming window.  Her eyes flooded mars.  "She's with her little boy,"
she said quietly.  '" with Timrole."

"Yes, dear."

"What happened, Matt?  What started the fire?"  "Nobody really knows
for sure, Carrie.  Somehod) it started in one of the dance halls."  He
shook his I "Over fifteen acres of the town have been leveled,

are without homes.  Half of Bennett Avenue is gone "Sarah?"  She
struggled to sit up.  "Is Sarah all ri "She's with Effie and Noah,
Carrie.  The street the, on was saved, none of the houses burned there.
N did mine."

"That's where I am?  At your house?"

"In my bed," Matt said with a grin.  "And this is you're going to stay
until you're well enough to go'd stairs for the wedding."

"The wedding?"  Her eyes widened.  "Who's getting married?"

"You are, Carrie-love.  To me."  "Oh," she said.  "Any argument?"

She smiled.  "No, Matthe, w?"

He touched the side of her face and suddenly, unbidden, felt the sting
of tears behind his eyelids.  He thought of the terror of that moment
when the beam that killed Nathan La Rue fell.  He saw again the flames
that had engulfed Carrie.  He heard her piercing scream.  He relived
his own near madness when he raced through the flames to get to her.

He knew how close he had come to losing her.

With a smothered groan, ashamed of all that he was feeling, he covered
his eyes with his hands.

"Mau?"  she said.  When she took his hand away, she saw the tears.
"Darling," she whispered.  "Oh, darling."  "I thought I'd lost you." 
"I know, Matt."

"Don't ever leave me," he said.

"I won't."

He took a quivering breath and tried to smile.  "How do you feel about
marrying a gambling man, Miss Carrie?"

A gambling man.  She put her arms around him.  "I feel just fine about
it," she said.  "I feel just purely fine."


For the first time in its rambunctious history, the town of Cripple
Creek, Colorado, was united.  Before the ashes cooled, the' folks there
began to rebuild.

The homeless were sheltered in tent cities.  Residents from the
tenderloin, along with the hard-rock miners, saloon keepers, gamblers
and two-fisted drinkers, all turned out to help rebuild the shops and
homes on the other side of town.  The more respectable folks worked
right alongside of them, some even took in the unfortunate girls from
the parlor houses.

Shacks were thrown up to serve the thirsty miners, and within a few
weeks all the establishments along Myers Avenue were back in

On a sunny afternoon in May, Carrie McClennon and Matthew Artemius
Craddock were united in marriage by the Reverend Hubert Barnside.  A
slightly pregnant Mrs.  Noah Pierce was the matron of honor, and Miss
Sarah Craddock, who had only a week before been legally adopted by
Matt, acted as flower girl.

Lorelei Blue, Dorrie O'Keefe, and Conchita Sanchez were the attendants.
Charmaine, still recovering from the effects of the fire,

 n sat in the front row between Big John Calhoun and Miss Binty.  With
the possible exception of Mrs.  Elyira Primrose, everybody in Cripple
Creek attended the wedding.

"Do you take this woman for your wedded wife?"  the Reverend Mr.
Barnside asked the groom.

"I do," Matt said, looking into Carrie's eyes.  "I do."

"And do you, Carrie, take this man unto your husband?"

"I do," she whispered, lost in his gaze.

"Then in the presence of God and these assembled I pronounce you man
and wife."

Matt lifted her gossamer veil.  "Carrie-love," he said.  And it was