Wings [067-011-4.8]
By: Danielle Steel
Bestselling novelist Danielle Steel tells the story of a young
woman who
fights the odds and becomes a world-renowned aviator. Wings is set when
the world was on the brink of World War II, and the skies were
with adventurers--a time when courage and daring forever changed
modern-day aviation.
Delacorte Press;
ISBN: 0385306059 copyright 1994
The road to O'Malley's Airport was a long, dusty thin trait that
to drift first left, then right, and loop lazily around the
The airport was a small dry patch of land in Good Hope in
County, a hundred and ninety mile southwest of Chicago.
When Pat O'Malley first saw it in the fall of 1918, those
barren acres were the prettiest sigh he had ever seen.
No farmer in his right mind would have wanted them, and none
had. The
land was dirt cheap, and Pat O' Mallepaid for it with most of his
savings. The rest went to
purchase cheat-up little Curtiss Jenny, it
was war surplus, a two-seater plan with dual controls, and he used
it to
teach flying to the rare visitor who could afford a lesson or two,
fly a passenger to Chicago
now and then, or take small cargo loads to anywhere they had to be
flown to. The Curtiss
Jenny all but bankrupted him, but Oona, his
pretty little redheaded wife of ten years, was the only person he
who didn't think he was completely crazy. She knew how desperately he
had always wanted to fly, ever since he'd seen his first plane on
exhibition at a little airstrip in New Jersey. He'd worked two jobs to
make enough money to pay for lessons, and he'd dragged her all the
to San Francisco to see the Panama-Pacific Exhibition in 1915,
just so
he could meet Lincoln Beachey.Beachey had taken Pat up in his
plane with
him, which had made it all the more painful for Pat when Beachey
killed two months later.
Beachey had just made three breathtaking loops
in his experimental plane when it happened. Pat had also met famed
aviator Art Smith at the exhibition, an da battalion of other
fanatics like himself.
They were a brotherhood of daredevils, most of
whom preferred to fly than to do anything else. They only seemed to
come to life when they were flying. They lived it, talked it, breathed
it, dreamed it. They knew
everything there was to know about all the
intricacies of every flying machine ever built, and how best to
fly it.
They told tales and traded advice, and the most minute bits of
information about new planes, and old ones, and seemingly
mechanics. Not
surprisingly, few of them were interested in anything
but flying, nor managed to stay in jobs that had little or nothing
to do
with flying. And Pat was
always in the thick of them, describing some
incredible feat he'd seen, or some remarkable airplane that
managed to surpass the accomplishments of the last one.
He always vowed that he'd have his own plane one day, maybe even a
of them. His friends laughed
at him, his relatives said he was daft.
Only sweet, loving Oona believed him. She followed everything he said
and did with total loyalty and adoration. And when their little
daughters were born, Pat tried not to let her know how
disappointed he
was that none of them were sons, so as not to hurt her feelings.
But no matter how much he loved his wife, Pat O'Malley was not a
man to
waste his time with his daughters. He was a man's man, a man of
precision and great skill.
And the money he had spent on flying lessons
had paid off quickly. He
was one of those pilots who knew instinctively
how to fly almost every machine, and no one was surprised when he
one of the first Americans to volunteer, even before the United
had entered the Great War.
He fought with the Lafayette Escadrille, and
transferred into the 94th Aero Squadron when it was formed, flying
Eddie Rickenbacker as his commander.
Those had been the exciting years. At thirty, he had been older than
most of the other men, when he volunteered in 1916. Rick en backer was
older than many of the men too.
He and Pat had that and their love for
flying in common. And also
like Rick en backer, Pat O'Malley always
knew what he was doing. He
was tough and smart and sure, he took
endless risks, and the men said he had more guts than anyone in
squadron. They loved
flying with him, and Rickenbacker had said himself
that Pat was one of the world's great pilots. He tried to encourage Pat
to stick with it after the war, there were frontiers to be
challenges to be met, new worlds to discover.
But Pat knew that, for him, that kind of flying was over. No matter how
good a pilot he was, for him, the great years had come and gone.
He had to take care of Oona and the girls now. He was thirty-two, at
the war's end in 1918, and it was time to start thinking about his
future. His father had
died by then, and left him a tiny bit of money
from his savings. Oona had
managed to put a little money aside for them
too. And it was that money
he took with him when he went to scout
around the farmlands west of Chicago. One of the men he had flown with
had told him about land going dirt cheap out there, especially if
it was
unsuitable for farming.
And that's when it had all started.
He had
bought seventy-nine acres of miserable farmland, at a good price,
hand-painted the sign which still stood there eighteen years
later. It
said simply "O'Malley's Airport," and in the past
eighteen years, one of
the l's and the y had all but faded.
He'd bought the Curtiss Jenny with the last money he had left in
and managed to bring Oona and the girls out by Christmas.
There was a small shack on the far edge, near a stream, shaded by
old trees. And that was
where they lived, while he flew anyone who had
the price of a charter, and did frequent mail runs in the old
She was a reliable little plane, and he saved every penny he
could. By
spring he was able to buy a de HavillandD.H.4.A, which he used to
mail and cargo. The
government contracts he got to do mail runs were
profitable, but they took him away from home a lot. Sometimes Oona had
to manage the airport alone for him, as well as take care of the
children. She'd learned
how to fuel the planes, and take calls
concerning their contracts or charters. And more often than not, it was
Oona flagging in someone's plane for them on the narrow runway,
Pat was away on a flight, carrying mail, passengers, or cargo.
They were usually startled to see that the person flagging them in
was a
pretty young woman with red hair, particularly that first spring,
she was very obviously pregnant.
She had gotten especially big that time, and at first she'd
thought it
might be twins, but Pat knew for certain that it wasn't
twins. It was
his life's dream . . . a
son to fly planes with him, and help him run
the airport. This was the
boy he had waited ten years for. Pat
delivered the baby himself, in the little shack he had slowly
begun to
add on to. They had their
own bedroom by then, and the three girls were
sharing the other room.
There was a warm, cozy kitchen and a big
spacious parlor. There was
nothing fancy about the house where they
lived, and they had brought few things with them. All of their efforts,
and everything they had, had been sunk into the airport.
Their fourth child had come easily on a warm spring night, in
more than an hour, after a long, peaceful walk, beside their
He'd been talking to her about buying another airplane, and she'd
telling him about how excited the girls were about the new baby.
The girls were five, six, and eight by then, and to them it seemed
like a doll they were waiting for than a real brother or
sister. Oona
felt a little bit that way too, it had been five years since she'd
a baby in her arms, and she was longing for this one to
arrive. And it
did, with a long, lusty wail, shortly before midnight. Oona gave a
sharp cry when she looked down at it and saw it for the first
time, and
then she burst into tears, knowing how disappointed Pat would
be. It
was not Pat's long-awaited son, it was another girl. A big, fat,
beautiful nine-pound girl with big blue eyes, creamy skin, and
hair as
bright as copper. But no
matter how pretty she was, Oona knew only too
well how badly he had wanted a son, and how devastated he was now
not to
have one. "Never
mind, little one," he said, watching her turn away
from him, as he swaddled his new daughter. She was a pretty one,
probably the prettiest of all, but she wasn't the boy he had
planned on.
He touched his wife's cheek, and then pulled her chin around and
her to look at him.
"It's no matter, Oona.
She's a healthy little girl.
She'll be a joy to you one day."
what about you?" she
asked miserably. "You can't run
this place alone
forever." He laughed
at her concern, as the tears coursed down her
cheeks. She was a good
woman, and he loved her, and if they weren't
destined to have sons, so be it.
But there was still a little ache in
his heart where the dream of a boy had been. And he didn't dare think
that there would be another.
They had four children now, and even this
mouth to feed would be hard for them. He wasn't getting rich running
his airport. "You'll
just have to keep helping me fuel the planes,
That's the way it'll have to be," he teased, as he kissed her
and left
the room for a shot of whiskey.
He had earned it. And as he
looking up at the moon, after she and the baby had gone to sleep,
wondered at the quirk of fate that had sent him four daughters and
sons. It didn't seem fair
to him, but he wasn't a man to waste time
worrying about what wasn't.
He had an airport to
run, and a family to feed.
And in the next six weeks, he was so busy,
he scarcely had time to even see his family, let alone mourn the
son who
had turned out to be a beautiful, healthy daughter. It seemed as though
the next time he noticed her again, she had doubled in size, and
had already regained her girlish figure. He marveled at the resiliency
of women. Six weeks before
she had been lumbering and vulnerable, so
full of promise, and so enormous.
Now she looked young and beautiful
again, and the baby was already a fiery-tempered, little redheaded
hellion. If her mother and
sisters didn't tend to her needs
immediately, the entire state of Illinois and most of Iowa could
it. "I'd say she's
the loudest one of all, wouldn't you, m'd ear?"
Pat said one night, exhausted from a long round-trip flight to
She's got great lungs."
He grinned at his wife over a shot of Irish
whiskey. "It's been
hot today, and she has a rash."
Oona always had an
explanation as to why the children were out of sorts.
Pat marveled at her seemingly endless patience. But she was equally
patient with him.
She was one of those quiet people, who spoke little, saw much, and
rarely said anything unkind to or about anyone. Their disagreements had
been rare in nearly eleven years of marriage. He had married her at
seventeen, and she had been the ideal helpmate for him. She had put up
with all his oddities and peculiar plans, and his endless passion
flying. Later that week,
it was one of those airless hot days in June,
when the baby had fussed all night, and Pat had had to get up at
crack of dawn for a quick trip to Chicago. That afternoon when he got
home, he found that he'd have to leave again in two hours on an
unscheduled mail run. It
was hard times and he couldn't afford to turn
any work down. It was a
day when he'd wished more than ever that there
had been someone there to help him, but there were few men he'd
trusted with his precious planes, none he'd seen recently, and
none of the men who'd applied for work there since he'd opened the
"Got any planes to charter, mister?" a voice growled at him, as Pat
pored over his log, and went through the papers on his desk.
He was about to explain, as he always did, that they could rent
him, but
not his planes. And then
he looked across the desk and grinned in
"You sonofabitch."
Pat smiled delightedly at a fresh-faced kid with a
broad smile, and a thatch of dark hair hanging into his blue
eyes. It
was a face he knew well, and had come to love in their turbulent
together in the 94th Aero Squadron. "What's a matter, kid, can't afford
a haircut?" Nick
Galvin had thick straight black hair, and the striking
good looks of the blue-eyed, black-haired Irish. Nick had been almost
like a son to Pat, when he'd flown for him. He had enlisted at
seventeen, and was only a year older than that now, but he had
one of the squad ron's outstanding pilots, and one of Pat's most
men. He'd been shot down
twice by the Germans, and both times managed
to come in, with a crippled engine, making a dead stick landing
somehow saving both himself and the plane. The men in the squadron had
called him "Stick" after that, but Pat called him
"son" most of the
time. He couldn't help
wondering if, now that his latest child had
turned out to be yet another girl, this was the son he so
"What are you doing here?" Pat asked, leaning back in his chair, and
grinning at the boy who had defied death almost as often as he
"Checking up on old friends.
I wanted to see if you'd gotten fat and
lazy. Is that your de
Havilland out there?"
"It is. Bought that
instead of shoes for my kids last year."
"Your wife must have loved that," Nick grinned, and Pat
was reminded of
all the girls in France who had pined for him. Nick Galvin was a
good-looking lad, with a very persuasive manner with the
ladies. He had
done well for himself in Europe.
He told most of them he was
twenty-five or twenty-six, and they always seemed to believe
him. Oona
had met him once, in New York, after the war, and she had thought
charming. She'd said,
blushing, that she thought
he was exceptionally handsome.
His looks certainly outshone Pat's, but
there was something appealing and solid about the older man that
made up
for a lack of Hollywood movie-star looks. Pat was a fine-looking man,
with light brown hair, warm brown eyes, and an Irish smile that
had won
Oona's heart. But Nick had
the kind of looks that made young girls'
hearts melt. "Has
Oona gotten smart and left you yet? I
figured she
would pretty quick after you brought her out here," Nick said
and let himself into the chair across from Pat's desk, as he lit a
cigarette, and his old friend laughed and shook his head in
answer. "I
kind of thought she might too, to tell you the truth. But she hasn't,
don't ask me why. When I
brought her out here, we live din a shack my
grandfather wouldn't have put his cows in, and I wouldn't have
been able
to buy her a newspaper if she'd wanted one, which she didn't.
Thank God. She's one hell
of an amazing woman." He'd always
said that
about her during the war, and Nick had thought as much too when
he'd met
His own parents were dead, and he had no family at all. He had just
been floating around since the war ended, getting short-term jobs
and there at various small airports. At eighteen, he had no place to
go, nowhere to be, and no one to go home to. Pat had always felt a
little sorry for Nick when the men talked about their
families. Nick
had no sisters or brothers, and his parents had died when he was
He'd been in a state orphanage until he'd enlisted. The war had changed
everything for him, and he had loved it. But now there was nowhere for
him to go home to.
"How are the kids?"
Nick had been sweet with them
when he met them. He loved
kids, and he'd seen plenty in the orphanage.
He had always been the one to take care of the younger children,
them stories at night, tell them wild tales, and hold them in the
of the night, when they woke up, crying for their mothers. "They're
Pat hesitated, but only for a moment. "We had another one last month.
Another girl. Big one this
time. Thought it might be a boy, but it
wasn't." He tried not
to sound disappointed but Nick could hear it in
his voice, and he understood it.
"Looks like you'll just have to teach your girls to fly
eventually, huh,
Ace?" he teased, and
Pat rolled his eyes in obvious revulsion.
Pat had never been impressed by even the most extraordinary female
"Not likely, son.
What about you? What are you
flying these days?"
"Egg crates. War
junk. Anything I can lay my hands on.
There's a lot of war surplus hanging around, and a lot of guys
jobs flying them. I've
kind of been hanging around the airports.
got anyone working with you here?" he asked anxiously, hoping that he
Pat shook his head, watching him, wondering if this was a sign, or
merely a coincidence, or just a brief visit. Nick was still very young.
And he had raised a lot of hell during wartime. He loved taking
chances, coming in by the skin of his teeth. He was hard on planes. And
harder on himself.
Nick Galvin had nothing to lose and no one to live for. Pat had
everything he owned in those planes, and he couldn't afford to
them, no matter how much he liked the boy or wanted to help him.
"You still like taking chances like you used to?"
Pat had almost killed him once after watching him come in too
close to
the ground under a cloud bank in a storm. He'd wanted to shake him till
his teeth rattled, but he was so damn relieved Nick had survived
that he
ended up shouting right in his face. It was inhuman to take the chances
he did. But it was what
had made him great.
In wartime. But in
peacetime who could afford his bravado?
Planes were too expensive to play with.
"I only take chances when I have to, Ace." Nick loved Pat. He admired
him more than any man he had ever known or flown with. "And when you
don't have to, Stick? You
still like to play?"
The two men's eyes met and held.
Nick knew what he was asking. He
didn't want to lie to him, he still liked raising hell, still
the danger of it, playing and taking chances, but he had a lot of
respect for Pat, and he wouldn't have done anything to hurt
him. He had
grown up that much. And he
was more careful now that he was flying
other people's planes. He
still loved the thrills, but not enough to
want to jeopardize Pat's future.
Nick had come here, all the way from
New York, on the last dollar he had to see if there was a chance
Pat could use him. "I
can behave myself if I have to," he said quietly,
his ice blue eyes never leaving Pat's kindly brown ones.
There was something boyish and endearing about Nick, and yet at
the same
time he was a man. And once
they had almost been brothers.
Neither one of them could forget that time. It was a bond that would
never change, and they both knew that. "If you don't behave, I'll drop
you out of the Jenny at ten-thousand feet without thinking
twice. You
know that, don't you?"
Pat said sternly.
"I'm not going to have anyone destroying what I'm
trying to do here."
He sighed then. "But I have
to be honest, there's
almost too much work for one man.
And there's going to be entirely too
much for one, and maybe even two, if these mail contracts keep
coming in
the way they have. I never
seem to stop flying anymore. I can't
up with myself. I could
use a man to do some of these runs, but they're
rough, and long. Lots of
bad weather sometimes, especially in the
winter. And no one gives a
damn. No one wants to hear how hard it
The mail's got to get there.
And then there's all the rest of it, the
cargo, the passengers, the short runs here and there, the thrill
who just want to go up and look down, the occasional lesson."
"Sounds like you've got your hands full." Nick grinned at him. He
loved every word of what he was hearing. This was what he had come for.
That and his memories of the Ace.
Nick needed a job desperately.
And Pat was happy to have him.
"This isn't a game here.
It's a serious
business I'm trying to run, and one day I want to put O'Malley's
on the map. But," Pat
explained, "it'll never happen if you knock out
all my planes, Nick, or even one.
I've got everything riding on those
two out 10 there, and this patch of dry land with the sign you saw
you drove in here."
Nick nodded, fully understanding everything he
said, and loving him more than ever. There was something about flying
men, they had a bond like no one else. It was something only they
understood, a bond of honor like no other. "Do you want me to fly some
of the long hauls for you?
You could spend more time here with Oona and
the kids. And I could do
the night stuff maybe. I could start
those and see what you think," Nick asked him nervously.
He was desperate for a job with him, and scared he might not get
But there was no way Pat O'Malley wasn't going to hire him. He just
wanted to be sure Nick understood the ground rules. He would have done
anything for him. Given
him a home, a job, adopted him if he had to.
"The night runs might be a start. Even though"--he looked ruefully at
his young friend. There
were fourteen years separating them, but the
war had long since dissolved the differences between
them--"some nights
that's the most restful place to be. If that new baby of ours doesn't
start sleeping nights pretty soon, I'm going to start dosing her
whiskey. Oona says it's a
heat rash, but I swear it's the red hair and
the disposition that goes with it. Oona's the only redhead I've ever
known with those quiet, gentle ways. This one is a real little
hellion." But despite
his complaints, Pat seemed taken with her, and
for the most part, he'd gotten over his disappointment about not
a son.
Particularly now that Nick was here. His arrival was just the godsend
he had prayed for.
"What's her name?"
Nick looked amused.
From the mo menthe'd laid eyes on them, he'd loved their family,
everything about them.
"Cassandra Maureen. We call
her Cassie." He
glanced at his watch then.
"I'll take you over to the house, and you
can have dinner with Oona and the girls. I've got to be back out here
at five-thirty." He
looked apologetic then. "And
you'll have to find a
place to stay in town.
There are some rooms to rent at old Missis
Wilson's, but I don't have a place for you to stay here, except a
in the hangar where I keep the Jenny." "That would do for now. Hell,
it's warm enough. I don't
care if I sleep on the runway."
"There's an old shower out back, and a bathroom here, but
this is a
little primitive," Pat said hesitantly, and Nick grinned as
he shrugged
his shoulders. "So's
my budget, until you start paying me."
"You can
sleep on our couch, if Oona doesn't mind. She's got a soft spot for you
anyway, always telling me how handsome you are, and how lucky the
are with a lad like you.
I'm sure she won't mind having you on the
couch, till you're ready to rent a room at Missis
Wilson's." But he
never had done either. He
had moved into the hangar immediately, and a
month later he'd built himself a little shack of his own. It was barely
more than a lean-to, but it was big enough for him. It was tidy and
clean, and he spent every spare mo menthe had in the air, flying
Pat, and helping him to build hisbusmess. By the following spring they
were able to buy another plane, a Handley Page. It had a longer range
than either the de Havilland or the Jenny, and it could carry more
passengers and cargo. Nick
spent most of his time flying it, while Pat
stayed closer to home, did the short runs, and ran the
airport. The
arrangement worked perfectly for both of them. It was as though
everything they touched turned to magic. The business went beautifully.
Their reputation spread rapidly through the Midwest.
The word that two hotshot flying aces were operating out of Good
seemed to reach everyone who mattered. They handled cargo, passengers,
lessons, mail, and within a very reasonable time, began turning
over a
fairly respectable profit.
And then the ultimate bit of luck occurred.
Thirteen months after Cassie was born, Christopher Patrick
appeared, a tiny, wizened, screaming, scrawny little infant. But a
lovelier sigh this parents had never seen, and his four sisters
at his unfamiliar anatomy in utter amazement. The second coming could
have made no greater stir than the arrival of Christopher Patrick
O'mally at O'Malley's Airport.
A large blue banner was flown, and every
pilot who came through for a month was handed a cigar by the
father. He'd been worth
waiting for. Almost twelve years of
and finally he had his dream, a son to fly his planes and run his
airport. "Guess I
might as well pack up and leave," Nick said mock
glumly the day after Chris was born. He had just taken an order for a
huge shipment of cargo to be delivered to the West Coast by
Sunday. It
was the biggest job they'd had so far, and a real victory for
"What do you mean, leave?" Pat asked, with a terrible hangover from
celebrating the birth of his son, and a look of panic." What the hell
does that mean?"
"Well, I figured now that Chris is here, my days are
numbered." Nick was
grinning at him. He was happy for both
of them
about the baby, and thrilled to be Chris's godfather.
But the one who had stolen his heart from the first moment he'd
eyes on her was Cassie.
She was just what Pat had said she was from the
very first, a little monster, and everything everyone had ever
about a redhead. And Nick
adored her. Sometimes he almost felt as
though she were his baby sister.
He couldn't have loved her mo reif she
were his own child.
"Yeah, your days are numbered," Pat growled at him,
"for about another fifty years. So get off your lazy behind, Nick
Galvin, and check out the mail they just dumped out there on our
runway." "Yes,
sir . . .
Ace, sir . . . your honor
. . . your excellence . . ."
"Oh, never
mind the blarney!"
Pat shouted at his back, as he poured himself a cup
of black coffee and Nick ran out to the runway to meet with the
before he took off again.
Nick had been just what Pat had hoped from
the first, a godsend. And
had been no funny stuff in the past year. He'd taken his share of
chances flying in bad weather the previous winter, and they both
their share of forced landings and emergency repairs.
But there was nothing really outrageous that Pat could complain
nothing Nick did he wouldn't have done himself, nothing that truly
jeopardized one of Pat's precious airplanes. And Nick loved those
planes as much as Pat did.
And the truth was, having Nick there had
really allowed Pat to build up his business.
And that was just what they had continued to do for the next
years. The years had
rushed past them faster than their planes taking
off from the four meticulously kept runways atO'Malley's Airport. They
had built three of them in the form of a triangle, and the fourth,
running north/ south, bisected it, which meant that they could
land in
almost any wind, and never had to close the airport due to
problems with
planes blocking one of their runways. They had a fleet of ten planes
now too. Nick had actually
bought two of them himself, and the rest
were Pat's.
Nick only worked for him, but Pat had always been generous with
The two were fast friends after long years of working together,
building up the airport.
He'd asked Nick to become partners with him
more than once, but Nick always said he didn't want the headaches
went with it. He liked
being a hired hand, as he put it, although
everyone knew that he and Pat O'Malley moved as one, and to cross
was to risk death at the hands of the other. Pat O'Malley was a special
man, and Nick loved him as a father, brother, friend. He loved his
children as he would his own.
He loved everything about him.
But other
than Pat's, families and relationships were generally not Nick's
suit. He had married once
in 1922, at twenty-one. It had lasted
all of
six months, and his eighteen-year-old bride had gone running back
to her
parents in Nebraska. Nick
had met her on a mail route late one night,
in the town's only restaurant, which was owned by her mother and
The only thing she had hated more than Illinois was everything
that had
anything to do with flying.
She got sick every time Nick 14 took her
up, she cried every time she saw a plane, and she whined every
time he
left to go fly one. It was
definitely not the match for him, and the
only one more relieved than his bride when her parents came to
pick her
up was Nick himself. He
had never been more miserable in his life, and
he had vowed never to let it happen again. There had been women since,
a number of them, but Nick always kept quiet about what he
did. There
had been rumors about him and a married woman in another town, but
one was ever quite sure if they were true or not, and Nick never
said anything to Pat. From
his striking boyish good looks, he had
become a handsome man, but no one ever knew his business.
The women in his life were never obvious. There was nothing anyone
could talk about, except how hard he worked, or how much time he
with the O'Malleys. He
still spent most of his spare time with them and
their kids. He was like an
uncle to them. And Oona had long since
given up trying to fix him up with any of her friends. She had even
tried to start something between him and her youngest sister when
come out to visit years before, she was pretty and young and a
But it had been obvious for years that Nick Galvin was not
interested in
marriage. Nick was
interested in airplanes, and not much more, except
the O' Malleys,and an occasional quiet affair. He lived alone, he
worked hard, and he minded his own business. "He deserves so much
better than that," Oona had complained to Pat for years. "What makes
you think that marriage is so much better?" Pat had teased, but no
matter how convinced she was of what would-be good for him, even
Oona no
longer broached it with Nick.
She had given up. At
thirty-five, he was
happy as he was, and too busy to give much time and attention to a
and kids. Most days, he
spent fifteen or sixteen hours a day at Pat's
airport. And the only
other person there as much as Pat and Nick was
Cassie. She was seventeen
by then, and for most of her life Cassie had
been a fixture at the airport.
She could fuel almost any plane, signal
a plane in, and prepare them for takeoff. She cared for the
runways, cleaned the hangars, hosed down the planes, and spent
spare moment she had hanging out with the pilots. She knew the engines
and the workings of every plane they had. And she had an uncanny sense
of what ailed them. There
was no detail too small, too intricate, too
complicated to escape her attention. She noticed everything about every
plane, and could probably have described almost everything in the
with her eyes closed. She
was remarkable in many ways, and Pat had to
fight with her most of the time to make her go home to help her
She always insisted that her sisters were there and her mother
need her. Pat wanted her
out of his hair, and at home where she
belonged, but if he succeeded in driving her off one day, like the
she'd be back at six o'clock the next morning, to spend an hour or
at the airport before school.
Eventually, Pat just threw up his hands
and ignored her. At
seventeen she was a tall, striking, beautiful
blue-eyed redhead. But the
only thing Cassie knew or cared about was
planes. And Nick knew,
without ever seeing her fly a plane, that she
was a born flier. He
sensed that Pat had to know it too, but he was
adamant about Cassie not learning to fly. And he didn't give a damn
about Amelia Earhart, or Jackie Cochran or Nancy Love, Louise
Thaden, or
any of those female pilots, or the Women's Air Derby. No daughter of
his was going to fly, and that was final. He and Nick had occasionally
argued over it, but Nick had also come to understand that it was a
losing battle. There were
plenty of women in aviation these days, many
of them quite remarkable, but Pat O'Malley thought that things had
far enough, and as far as he was concerned, no woman would ever
fly like
a man. And no woman was
ever going to fly his planes. Certainly
notCassie O'Malley. Nick
had taken him on more than once, and pointed
out that in his opinion, some of the women flying these days were
than Lindbergh. Pat had
become so apoplectic he had almost thrown a
punch at Nick for that.
Charles Lindbergh was Pat's God, second only to
Rickenbacker in the Great War.
In fact, Pat had had his 16 picture
taken with Lindy when he had landed at O'Malley's in1 927, on his
three-month tour of the country.
The photograph still hung, nine years
later, dusty and much loved, over Pat's desk, in a place of honor.
There was no question whatsoever in Pat's mind that no woman pilot
ever top or even match Charles Lindbergh's skill, or his prowess.
Lindbergh's own wife, after all, was only a navigator and radio
operator--to Pat, Lindy was a kind of God, and to compare anyone
to him
was a sacrilege, and one he didn't intend to listen to from Nick
It made Nick laugh when he saw how excited Pat got about it, and
loved goading him. But it
was an argument he knew he would never win.
Women just weren't up to it, according to Pat, no matter how much
flew, how many records they broke, or races they won, or how good
looked in their flight suits.
Women, according to Patrick O'mally, were
not meant to be pilots.
"And you," he looked pointedly at Cassie as she
came in from the runway in a pair of old overalls, having just
fueled a
Ford Tri Motor before it took off for Roosevelt Field on Long
should be at home helping your mother cook dinner." It was a familiar
refrain she always pretended not to hear, and today was no
She strode across the room, almost as tall as most of the men who
for him. She had
shoulder-length red hair that was as bright as flame,
and big lively blue eyes that met Nick's as he grinned at her
mischievously from behind her father. "I'll go home in a while, Dad. I
just want to do some stuff here." At seventeen, she was a real beauty.
But she was completely unconscious of it, which was part of her
And the overalls she wore molded her figure in a way that only
her father more. As far as
he was concerned, she didn't belong here. It
was not an opinion that was going to change, and theirs was an
that everyone had heard at least a thousand times if they'd ever
been to
O'Malley's Airport, and today was no different.
It was a hot June day, and she was out of school for the
summer. Most
of her friends had summer jobs in the drugstore,
the coffee shop, or
stores. But all she wanted
to do was help out, for free, at the
airport. It was her life
and soul, and the only time she worked
anywhere else was when she was desperate for a little money. But no
job, no friend, no boy, no fun could ever keep her away from the
for long. She just
couldn't help it. "Why can't you
do something
useful, instead of getting in the way here?" her father shouted at her
from across his office. He
never thanked her for the work she did.
didn't want her therein the first place. "I just want to pick up one of
the cargo logs, Dad. I
need to make a note in it." She
said it
quietly, looking for the book and then the page that she
needed. She
was familiar with all their logs, and all their procedures. "Get your
hands off my logs! You
don't know what you're doing!" He
was enraged,
as usual. He had grown
irascible over the years, though at fifty he was
still one of their finest pilots.
But he was adamant about his philosophies and ideas, although no
paid much attention, not even Cassie. At the airport, his word was law,
but his battle against women pilots and his arguments with her
fruitless. She knew enough
not to argue with him. Most of the time
didn't even seem to hear him.
She just quietly went about her business.
And to Cassie, the only business she cared about was her father's
airport. When she'd been a
little girl, sometimes she'd sneaked out of
the house at night, and come to look at the planes sitting
shimmering in
the moonlight.
They were so beautiful, she just had to see them. He had found her
there once, after looking for her for an hour, but she was so
about his planes, so in awe of them, and of him, that he hadn't
had the
heart to spank her, no matter how much she'd scared them by
disappearing. He had told
her never to do it again, and had taken her
back to her mother without saying another word about it.
Oona knew too how much Cassie loved planes, but like Pat, she felt
just wasn't fitting. What
would people think? Look what she
like, and smelled like, when she came home from fueling planes, or
loading cargo or mail, or worse yet, working on the engines. But Cassie
knew more about the inner workings of planes than most men knew
their cars. She loved everything
about them. She could take an engine
apart and put it back together again faster and better than most
and she had borrowed and read more books on flying than even Nick
or her
parents suspected. Planes
were her greatest love and passion.
Only Nick seemed to understand her love for them, but even he had
succeeded in convincing her father that it was a suitable pastime
her, and he shrugged now, as he went back to some work on his
desk, and
Cassie went back out to the runway. She had learned long since that if
she stayed away from Pat, she could hang around for hours at the
airport. "I don't
know what's wrong with her . . .
it's unnatural . .
." Pat complained. "I think she does it just to
annoy her brother."
But Nick knew better than anyone that Chris didn't
give a damn. He was about
as interested in flying as he was in getting
to the moon, or becoming an ear of corn. He hung out at the airport
occasionally, to please his dad, and now that he was sixteen, he was
taking flying lessons, to satisfy him, but the truth was, Chris
know anything, and didn't care, about airplanes. He had about as much
interest in them as he did in the big yellow bus which took him to
school every day. But Pat
was convinced, or had convinced himself, that
one day Chris would become a great pilot. Chris had none of Cassie's
instinct for it, or her passionate love of the machine, or her
about an engine. He only
hoped thatCassie's interest in planes would
get his father off his back, but instead it seemed to make him
even more
anxious for Chris to become a pilot. He wanted Chris to become who
Cassie was, and Chris couldn't.
Chris wanted to be an architect.
wanted to build buildings, not fly planes, but as yet, he had
dared to tell his father.
Cassie knew. She loved the
drawings he did,
and the models for school.
He had built a whole city once out of tiny
little boxes and cans and jars, he had even used the tops of
and all sorts of tiny gadgets from their mother's kitchen to
it. For weeks she had been
looking for things, bottle cap shad
disappeared, small tools, and vital utensils. And then it all
reappeared in Chris's remarkable creation. Their father's only comment
had been to ask him why he hadn't designed an airport. It had been an
intriguing idea, and Chris still said he was going to try it. But the
truth was, absolutely nothing about flying enticed him. He was
intelligent and precise and thoughtful, and the flying lessons he
taking seemed incredibly boring.
Nick had already taken him up dozens
of times, and he had logged quite a few hours. But none of it
interested him. It was
like driving a car.
So what? To him, it meant
nothing. And to Cassie, it was life
It was more than that, it was magic. She stayed out of her father's
office that afternoon, and at sixo' clock, Nick saw her far down
runway, signaling a plane in, and then disappearing into one of
hangars with the pilot. He
sought her out a little while later, and she
had oil on her face, and her hair was tied in a knot on her head.
She had a huge smudge of grease on the tip of her nose, and her
were filthy. He couldn't
help laughing as he looked at her. She
quite a picture.
"What's funny?" She
looked tired, but happy, as she
smiled up at him. He had
always been like a brother to her. She
aware of how handsome he was, but it didn't mean anything. They were
good friends, and she loved him.
"You're funny. Have you
looked in the
mirror today? You're
wearing more oil than my Bellanca. Your
father is
going to love that look."
"My father wants me cleaning house in a
housedress, and boiling potatoes for him." "That's useful too."
"Yeah?" She
cocked her head to one side, and was an
intriguingcombination of absurdity and sheer beauty. "Can you cook
potatoes, Stick?" She
called him that sometimes and it always made him
smile as he did now when he answered. "If I have to. I can
cook too,
you know." "But
you don't have to. And when was the
last time you
cleaned house" "I don't know . . ." He looked
thoughtful, "Ten years
ago maybe . . . about 1926
?" He was grinning at her and they
both laughing. "See
what I mean?" "Yeah. But I see what he means too.
I'm not married and I don't have kids. And he doesn't want you to end
up like me. Living in a
shack off the runway and flying mail runs to
Cleveland." His
"shack" was very comfortable by then if not luxurious.
"Sounds good to me."
She grinned. "The mail runs
I mean." "That's the
problem." "He's
the problem," she disagreed.
"There are plenty of
women flying and leading interesting lives. The Ninety-Nines are full
of them." It was a
professional organization founded by ninety-nine
female pilots. "Don't
try and convince me. Tell him."
"It's pointless."
She looked discouraged as she looked up at her old
friend. "I just hope
he lets me be out here all summer."
It was all
she wanted to do now that she was out of school until the end of
It would be a long summer, hiding from him, and trying to avoid
"Couldn't you get yourself a job somewhere else, so he
doesn't drive us both crazy?"
But they both knew that she preferred to do without any extra
money at
all than miss a moment at the airport. "There isn't anything else I
want to do." "I
know. You don't have to tell
me." He knew the extent
of her passion better than anyone else. He had suffered from the same
disease himself. But he'd
been lucky. The war, his sex, and Pat
O'Malley had made it possible for him to spend the rest of his
flying. Somehow, he didn't
think that Cassie O'Malley was going to be
as lucky. In a funny way,
he would have loved to take her up in a plane
one of these days, just to see how well she would fly,
but that was one
headache he didn't need, and he knew Pat would kill him for it.
Without meddling in Pat's family life, Nick had his own work to
do, and
there was plenty of it at the airport. As Nick went back to his desk to
clear up the last of his paperwork, he saw Chris arrive. He was a
good-looking boy, a handsome blond with fine features like his
and his father's powerful build, and warm brown eyes.
He was bright and nice and well liked. He had everything in the world
going for him, except a love for airplanes.
He was working at the newspaper that summer, doing layouts, and he
grateful he didn't have to work at the airport. "Is my sister here?"
he asked Nick hesitantly.
He almost looked as though he wished Nick
would say no. He looked as
though he couldn't wait to leave the
airport. As it was, Cassie
had expected him an hour before and she'd
asked Nick impatiently half a dozen times if he'd seen him. "She is
indeed." Nick smiled
at him. He kept his voice low so he
irritate Pat, in case he overheard him. "She's in the back hangar with
some pilot who just flew in." "I'll find her."
Chris waved at Nick, who promised to take him up again in a few
when he came back from a run to San Diego. "I'll be here. I came out
to practice my solos," he said solemnly. "I'm impressed."
Nick raised an eyebrow, amazed at how badly the boy obviously
wanted to
please his father. It was
no secret to Nick that Chris really didn't
enjoy his lessons. It
wasn't that he was afraid, it was more that they
just bored him. To him,
flying meant nothing. "See
Chris found Cassie easily, and she left her newfound friend very
once she saw her brother.
She was quick to berate him."
You're late, now we're going to be late for dinner. Dad'll have a fit."
"Then let's not do it."
He shrugged. He hadn't even
wanted to leave
work as early as he had, but he knew she'd be furious with him if
didn't. "Come
on," she blazed at him. "I've
been waiting all day!"
She flashed an angry look at him, and he groaned. He knew her too well.
There was no escaping Cassie when she set her mind to something.
"I'm not going home till we do it." "Okay, okay. But we can't stay up
for long."
"Half an hour."
She was begging him, pleading with him, turning her
huge blue eyes imploringly to his gentle brown ones. "Okay.
But if you do anything to get us into trouble, Cass, I swear I'm
to kill you. Dad would
have my hide for this." "I
promise. I won't do
anything." He
searched her eyes as she promised him, and he wanted more
than anything to believe her, but he didn't. Together, they walked
toward the old Jenny their father had had for several years. It had
been built as a trainer for the military, and Pat had told Chris
could use it now any time he wanted to practice. All he had to do was
tell Nick, and he just had.
Chris had a copy of the key, and he took it
out of his pocket. Cassie
almost salivated when she saw it. She
standing close to him, and she could feel her heart beat as Chris
the door to the small open-cockpit airplane. "Will you stop it?"
He looked annoyed at her, "I can feel you breathing on
me. I swear .
you're sick . .
." He felt as though he were
helping an addict supply
his habit as they walked around the plane, checking the wires and
ailerons. Chris put on his
flying helmet and goggles and gloves, and
then got into the plane in the rear seat, and Cassie climbed in
ahead of him intending to look like a passenger, but somehow she
She looked too knowledgeable, too comfortable, even in the front
especially once she put on her own helmet and goggles.
They both buckled in, and Cassie knew the plane was well fueled,
part of her deal with her brother was doing all thescutwork for
him; and
she had done it herself that afternoon. Everything was ready and she
inhaled the familiar smell of castor oil that was characteristic
of the
Jenny. And five minutes
they were headed down the runway, with Cassie watching Chris's
critically. He was always
too cautious, too slow, and once she turned
around to signal to him to go faster, and pull up. She didn't care if
anyone saw her. She knew
that no one was watching now, and everything
she knew, she knew from listening and watching. She had watched her
father and Nick, transient pilots, and barnstormers. She had picked up
some real skills, and a few tricks, and she knew flying by
instinct and
by sheer intuition. It was
Chris wo had had the lessons, and yet it was
Cassie who knew exactly what to do and they both knew she could
haveflown the plane easily without him, and a lot more smoothly.
Eventually, she shouted at him over the sound of the engine, and
nodded, willing her not to do anything foolish. But they both knew
exactly why they had come up here. Chris was taking lessons from Nick,
and in turn he was giving Cassie lessons. Or, in fact, the way it had
been working out, Chris was taking her up in the plane, and
letting her
fly it, and she was giving him lessons. Or just enjoying the
opportunity to fly. She
seemed to know how to do everything, a lot
better than Chris did.
She was a natural. And she
had promised to pay him twenty dollars a
month for unlimited opportunities to fly with him in their
plane. He wanted the money
to spend on his girlfriend, so he had agreed
to do it for her. It was a
perfect arrangement. And she had worked
hard all winter, at odd jobs, baby-sitting, and loading groceries,
even shoveling snow to save the money. Cassie handled the controls with
ease. She did some S
turns, and lazy eights, and then moved on to some
deep turns, which she did carefully, and with perfect
precision. Even
Chris was impressed with her easy, careful style, and he was
grateful to her for how good she would make him look, if anyone
watching him from the ground.
She was a splendid pilot. She
moved into
a loop then, and then he started to get nervous. They'd been up
together several times before, and he hated it when she did
She was too good, too fast, and he was afraid she might get out of
control completely and do some 24 thing really scary. For twenty bucks,
he wasn't willing to let her terrify him.
But she didn't even notice him.
She was concentrating on her flying.
So he just glared at the back of her helmet, and watched her red
fly in the breeze around it.
And eventually, totally fed up with her,
he tapped her hard on the shoulder. It was time to go back, and she
knew it. But for a few
minutes, she pretended to ignore him.
wanted to do a spin, but there was no time and she knew Chris
would have
a fit if she tried it. But
in his calmer moments, he'd have had to
admit that his sister was a very smooth pilot. Even if she did scare
the pants off him more than half the time. He just didn't trust her.
At any moment, she was perfectly capable of doing something really
There was something about airplanes that went to her head and made
forget all reason. But she
lost altitude carefully, and then let Chris
take over the controls again, before they landed. As a result, his
landing was not as smooth as hers would have been. They touched down
too hard, bumping awkwardly down the runway. She was trying to will him
to land the plane properly, but Chris had none of her instincts
and as a
result he'd done a "pancake" as he landed, hitting the
ground hard after
leveling off too high for a proper landing. When they got out of the
plane, both of them were surprised to see Nick and their father
near the runway. They'd
been watching them, and Pat was grinning
broadly at Chris, while Nick seemed to be staring at Cassie.
"Nice work, son," Pat beamed. "You're a natural pilot." Pat looked
immensely pleased and overlooked the shabby landing, as Nick
them. He'd been watching
Chris's face, but he was much more intent on
Cassie as he had been from the moment she stepped out of the
"How was it being up there with your brother,
Cass?" her father asked
her with a smile.
"Pretty good, Dad. It was really
fun." Her eyes
danced like 2 s
Christmas as Nick watched, and Pat led Chris back to the office,
Nick and Cass followed behind in silence. "You like flying with him,
huh, Cass?" Nick
asked carefully as they sauntered toward the office.
"A lot." She
beamed at Nick, and for reasons best known to himself he
wanted to reach over and shake her. He knew she wasn't telling the
truth, and he wondered why Pat was so easily fooled.
Maybe he wanted to be. But
those kinds of games could be dangerous,
even fatal. "That
loop looked pretty good," Nick said quietly.
"Felt good too," she said, without looking at him. "I'll bet it did,"
he said, watching her for a moment, and then, shaking his head, he
back to his office. A few
minutes later, Pat drove the kids home with
him. When Nick heard their
car leave, he sat at his desk, thinking of
them, and the flying he had just seen. He shook his head with a rueful
grin. He knew one thing
for sure. Chris O'Malley had not been
that plane. And he
couldn't help smiling to himself, as he realized
that somehow Cassie had found a way to fly. And maybe, just maybe,
after all her hard work to get there, maybe she deserved it.
Maybe he wouldn't challenge her for a while. Maybe he'd just watch and
see how she did. He smiled
to himself again, thinking of the loop he'd
seen her do. Next she'd be
flying in the air show. But why
not? What
the hell? Everything about
her told him she was a natural. She was
more than thar. He sensed
instinctively that woman or not, she needed
to fly, just like he did.
When Pat, Cassie, and Chris walked into the house that night, all
Cassie's sisters were in the kitchen helping their mother. Glynnis
looked like Pat, and at twenty-five, had four little girls of her
and had been married for six years. Megan was shy like her mom, and
looked like her, though her hair was brown.
At twenty-three, she had three sons, and had married six months
Glynnis. Their husbands
were farmers, and had small properties nearby.
They were decent, hardworking men, and the girls were happy with
Colleen was twenty-two and blond, she had a little boy and a
girl, both were barely more than toddlers, and Colleen had been
for three years to the English teacher at the local school. She wanted
to go to college, but she was pregnant again, and with three kids
home there
was no way she could go anywhere, except if she took them with
It wouldn't be fair to leave three kids with her mother everyday
just so
she could go to school, and her father wouldn't have let her
Maybe when the kids were older.
For the moment college was only a dream
for her. The reality of
her life was three babies and very little
money. Her father gave
them small "gifts" from time to time, but
Colleen's husband was proud, and he hated to take them.
But with his own wages so small, and a new baby only a few weeks
they needed all the help they could get, and Colleen's mother had
her some money that afternoon.
She knew they needed it to buy things
for the baby. Depression
wages had hit the schools, and they could
hardly eat on what David made, even with regular gifts from her
and food given to them by her sisters. All three of the girls were
staying for dinner with them, their husbands had other plans that
and the girls came home to their parents often. Oona loved seeing the
kids, although having them all home at once made the dinner hour
unusually chaotic and noisy.
Pat went to change and Chris went to his
room, while Cassie tried entertaining the kids and everyone else
and two of her nephews thought the dirt on her face was
funny. One of her nieces
did too, and she chased all of them around the
living room pretending to be a monster. Chris didn't appear again until
dinner was called, and he glared at Cassie when he did.
He was still annoyed at her about the loop she had done, but on
other hand she had won his father's praise for him, so he didn't
complain too much or too loudly.
They were both getting what they
wanted out of the arrangement.
She wanted to fly, and he wanted the
money. His father's praise
was an added bonus. Half an hour later,
they all sat down to an enormous meal, of corn and pork, corn
bread and
mashed potatoes. Glynnis
had brought the pork, and Megan the corn, and
Oona had grown the potatoes.
They all grew their own food, and when
they needed more they bought it at Strong's. It was the only grocery
store for 28 miles, and the best one in the region. The Strongs were
doing well, even in tough times, and theirs was a solid
business. Oona
said as much again as they finished the meal, and Cassie heard a
familiar sound of wheels outside the house, almost as though on
It was easy to guess who it was, he dropped by almost every night
dinner, particularly now that they were both out of school for the
summer. Cassie had known
Bobby Strong, the only son of the local
grocer, since they were children.
He was a good boy, and they had been
good friends for years, but for the past two years they'd been
more than
that, though Cassie insisted she didn't quite know what. But her mother
and Megan always reminded her that they had gotten married at
so she better know what she was doing with Bobby. He was serious and
responsible, and her parents liked him too. But Cassie wasn't ready to
admit to herself, or to him, that she loved him. She liked being with
him. She liked him, and
his friends. She liked his good manners
gentle ways. His
thoughtfulness, his patience. He had a
kind heart,
and she loved the way he was around her nieces and nephews.
She enjoyed a lot of things about him, but he still wasn't as
as airplanes. She had
never meta boy who -vas. Maybe there
was no such
thing. Maybe that was
something you just had to accept.
But she would have loved to know a boy who was as exciting as a
"Gee Bee
Super Sportster" or a "Beech Stagger wing" or a
Wedell-Williams racing
plane. Bobby was a nice
kid, but he didn't even compare to an airplane.
"Hi, Missis O'Malley .
. . Glynn . . . Meg . . . Colleen . .
. wow!
Looks like it'll be pretty soon!" Colleen looked huge as she tried to
gather up her kids to leave, and Oona helped her.
"Maybe tonight if I don't stop eating my mother's apple
pie," Colleen
grinned. She was only five
years older than they were, but Cassie felt
as though they were light-years apart sometimes.
Her sisters were all married and so settled and so different. She knew
instinctively that somehow she couldn't be like them. She wondered
sometimes if there was a curse on her, if her father had
wanted a boy so badly that it had somehow damaged her before
Maybe she was a freak. She
liked boys. She liked Bobby
But she liked airplanes and her own independence a whole lot
Bobby shook hands with her father, and said hi to Chris, an dall
little kids climbed all over him.
Then a little while later her mother
and the oldest sisters went out to the kitchen to clean up, and
mother told her not to bother, and just to go sit with Bobby. At least
Cassie had washed her face by then, but you could still see traces
the grease that had been there before dinner. "How was your day?" he
asked with a shy smile. He
was awkward, but likable, and he tried to be
tolerant of her unusual idea sand her fascination with her
airplanes. He pretended to
be interested, and listened to her rattle on
about a new plane that had come through, or her father's cherished
But the truth was, she could have said anything, he just wanted to
near her. He came by
faithfully almost every night, and Cassie still
acted surprised when he did, much to her parents' amusement. She was
just not ready to face the seriousness of his commitment, or what
might mean if he persisted in visiting her. Only a year from now she
would graduate, and if he kept dropping by like this, he might ask
to marry him, and expect to marry her as soon as they finished
school. The very thought
of that terrified her and she just couldn't
face it. She wanted so
much more than that. Time, and space,
college. And the feeling
she got when she did a loop, or a spin.
Being with Bobby was like driving to Ohio. Safe, and solid and
He wasn't like flying anywhere.
And yet she knew that if he had stopped
coming to see her, she would miss him. "I went up in my dad's Jenny
with Chris today."
She filled him in, trying to sound casual.
Getting too serious with Bobby always scared her. "It was fun. We did
some lazy eights, and a loop." "Sounds like Chris is getting good,"
Bobby said politely, but like Chris, airplanes didn't do much to
"What else did 30 you do?" He was always interested in her, and
secretly he thought her beautiful, not like the other boys who
she was too tall, or her hair was too red, or liked her because
figure was great, or thought she was weird because she knew a lot
airplanes. Bobby liked her
because of who she was, even if at times he
recognized the possibility that he might not understand her.
But that was endearing about him too. A lot of things were, which was
why her feelings about him confused her. Her mother told her that she
had felt that way about Pat at first too.
Commitment was always hard, Oona said. And that made it even harder for
Cassie. She didn't know
what to think of what she felt for Bobby.
"Oh, I don't know . .
." Cassie went on to answer his
question, trying
to remember all she'd done.
All of it had to do with airplanes.
"I gassed a bunch of planes, tinkered with the engine on the
before Chris took it out.
I think I might even have fix edit." She
touched her face self-consciously then with a grin. "I got a lot of
grease on my face doing it.
My dad had a fit when he saw me.
couldn't get it all off.
You should have seen me before dinner! " "I thought maybe you were
getting liver spots," he teased and she laughed. He was a good sport,
and he knew how much her dreams meant to her, like college. He had no
plans to go himself. He
was going to stay home and help his father with
their business, just as he did every day after school, and all
the summer. "You
know, Fred Asta ire's new movie Follow the Fleet is
coming to the movie theater this Saturday night. Want to go?
They say it's a great movie." Bobby looked at her hopefully, she nodded
slowly, and smiled up at him.
"I'd like that." A few
minutes later,
the last of her sisters and their children left, and Cassie and
were alone on the porch again.
Her parents were in the living room. She
knew they could see them from where they sat, but her parents were
always discreet about Bobby's visits. They liked him, and Pat wouldn't
have been unhappy if they'd decided to get married when she
school next June. As long
as they didn't get themselves into trouble
first, they could spend all the time they wanted cooing on the
porch. It was fine with
him. Better than having her hang around
Inside the house, Pat was telling Oona about Chris's loop that
afternoon. He was so proud
of him. "The boy's a natural,
He grinned and she smiled at him, grateful that he had finally
the son he had so desperately wanted. On the porch, Bobby was telling
her about his day at the grocery store, and how the Depression was
affecting food prices al lover the country, not just in
Illinois. He
had a dream of opening a series of stores one day, in several
maybe as far reaching as Chicago.
But they all had dream is Cassie's
were a lot wilder than his, and harder to talk about. His just sounded
young and ambitious.
"Do you ever think of doing something totally
different, and not what your father does at all?" she asked him,
intrigued by the idea, even though all she wanted was to follow in
own father's footsteps.
But those footsteps were totally forbidden to
her, which made them all the more appealing. "Not really," Bobby
answered quietly. "I
like his business actually. People need
food, and
they need good food. We do
something important for people, even if it
doesn't seem very exciting.
But maybe it could be."
"Maybe it could,"
she smiled at him, as she heard a sudden droning sound above, and
up toward the familiar noise of the engines. "That's Nick .
. . he's on his way to San Diego with some cargo. Then he's stopping in
San Francisco on the way back, to bring back some mail on one of
contracts." She knew
he was flying the Handley Page, she could tell
just from the sound of the engines. "He probably gets tired of that
too," Bobby said wisely.
"It sounds exciting to us, but to him it's
probably only a job, just like my father's."
"Maybe." But
Cassie knew different. Flying wasn't
like that." Pilots
are a different breed.
They love what they do. It's
almost as though
they can't bear the thought of doing anything else. It's in their
bones. They live and
breathe it. They love it more than
Her eyes shone as she said it.
"I guess," Bobby looked baffled by what
she was saying, "I can't say I understand it." "I don't think most
people can . . . it's like
a mysterious fascination. A wonderful
To people who love flying, it means more than anything." He laughed
softly in the warm night air.
"I think you just see it as very
romantic. I'm not so sure
they do. Believe me, to them, it's
just a job."
"Maybe," she said, not wanting to argue with him, but
knowing far more than she let on to. Flying was like a secret
brotherhood, one she desperately wanted to join, and so far no one
let her. But for those few
moments in the air today, when Chris had let
her fly the plane, that was all that mattered. She sat thinking of it
for a long time, staring into the darkness off the porch,
that Bobby was even there, and then suddenly, when she heard him
she remembered. "I
guess I should go. You're probably
tired from
gassing all those planes," he teased her. But actually, she wanted to
be alone, to think of what it had been like to fly the plane. It had
been so exquisite for those few minutes. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cass."
"Good night." He
held her hand briefly and then brushed her cheek with
his lips before he walked back to his father's old Model A truck
"Strong's Groceries" written across the side. In the daytime, they used
it for deliveries. At
night, they let Bobby drive it.
"I'll see you
tomorrow." She smiled
and waved at him as he drove away, and then she
walked slowly back into the house, thinking of how lucky Nick was
to be
flying through the night, on his way to San Diego.
C H A Nick returned to
Good Hope T E R from the West Coast late Sunday
night and stafter dropping cargo and mail in Detroit and
Chicago. He
was back at his desk at six o'clock Monday morning, looking rested
energetic. It was a busy
day, some new contracts had come in, and there
was always more mail and cargo to be moved around. They had plenty of
pilots working for them, and enough planes, but Nick still
for the longer-range trips himself, and the more difficult
flying. It
gave him enormous satisfaction to get in a plane, and fly off into
night, especially in rotten weather. And Pat was the perfect balance
for him. He was a genius
at running the administrative side of their
business. He still loved
to fly too, but he had less time for it now,
and in some ways less patience.
It annoyed the hell out of him when
something went wrong with a plane, or they were delayed, or their
schedules got loused up. He
had no patience at all for pilots' quirks
and little tricks, and he made them toe the line and be 100
reliable, or they never flew again for O'Malley. "Ya better watch out,
Ace," Nick teased him now and again," you're beginning
to sound like
Rickenbacker," their old commander. "I could do a lot worse, Stick.
And so could you," Pat would growl back at him, using Nick's
old wartime
nickname. His wartime
history was every bit as colorful as Pat's.
Nick had once fought the famed German flying ace Ernst Udet to a
standoff, and brought his plane back safely even though he'd been
wounded. But that was all
behind them now. The only time Nick
of the war was when he was fighting weather, or bringing in a
plane. He had had a few
close calls in the seventeen years he'd flown
for Pat, but none as dramatic as his wartime adventures. Nick was
reminded of one of them late that afternoon, as they watched a
brewing in the east, and mentioned it to Pat. There had been a terrible
storm he'd gotten caught in during the war, and flew so low to the
ground to get under the clouds, he had almost scraped the plane's
Pat laughed, remembering it; he'd given Nick hell for flying that
but he'd managed to save himself and the plane. Two other men had
gotten lost in the same storm and never made it. "Scared the hell out
of me," Nick admitted, two decades later. "You looked a little green
when you got in, as I recall." Pat needled him a little bit, and they
watched the ominous black clouds gather in the distance.
Nick was still tired from the long flight from the West Coast the
before, but he wanted to finish his paperwork before he went home
sleep. And when he walked
back into the office with Pat, after checking
the condition of some planes, he noticed Chris in the distance,
withCassie. They seemed
intent in conversation and neither of them
noticed him. He couldn't
imagine what they were saying. Nor did
3 hit
worry him. He knew that
the weather was looking too ominous for Chris
to want to go up with him or practice solo.
Cassie and Chris were still talking after Nick disappeared back
into the
office, and Cassie was shouting at him over the roar of some
engines. "Don't be
stupid! We only have to go up and down
for a few
minutes. The storm is
still hours away. I listened to all the
reports this morning.
Don't be such a damn chicken, Chris." "I don't
want to go up when the weather looks like this, Cass. We can go
tomorrow." "I
want to go now." The dark clouds
rushing past them
overhead only seemed to excite her further. "It would be fun." "No, it
wouldn't. And if I risk
the Jenny, Dad'll really be mad at me."
knew his father well and so did Cassie. "Don't be dumb.
We're not
risking anything. The
clouds are still way up there. If we go
now, we
can be back in half an hour, and be perfectly safe. Trust me." He
watched her eyes unhappily, hating her for being so
persuasive. She had
always done this to him.
After all, she was his big sister.
He had
always listened to her, and more often than not it had resulted in
disaster, mostly when she urged him to trust her. She was the daredevil
in the family, and he was always the hesitant, cautious one.
But Cassie never listened to reason. Sometimes it was easier just to
give in to her than to go on arguing forever. Her blue eyes were
pleading with him, and it was obvious she wasn't going to take no
for an
answer. "Fifteen
minutes and that's it," he finally conceded
unhappily." And I
decide when we come back in. I don't
give a damn
what you think, if it's too soon, or you haven't had enough.
Fifteen minutes and we're back.
And that's it, Cass. Or forget
"Deal. I just want to get
the feel of the weather." She
like a girl with a new romance as she beamed at him, her eyes
"I think you're nuts," he said grumpily. But it seemed easier to
get it over with than to stand there yelling at each other till
storm broke. They went out
to where the Jenny was kept, rolled it out,
and did the necessary checks on the plane itself, and then they
into their respective seats.
Cassie sat in front again, and Chris took
the instructor's seat behind her.
In theory, just as before, she was
only a passenger, and since they both had controls, no one could
see who
handled them, if it was Chris or Cassie. A few minutes later, Nick
heard the hum of the plane overhead, but he didn't pay much
attention to
it. He figured it was some
fool, trying to get home ahead of the
weather front right before the storm broke.
For once, it wasn't his problem.
All his pilots were on the ground,
where he had told them to stay, after listening to a news bulletin
an hour before. But as he
listened to the sound now, he could have
sworn he could hear the Jenny.
It seemed impossible, but he wandered
over to the window anyway, and then he saw them. He saw Cassie's
distinct red hair in the front seat, and Chris right behind
her. He was
flying the plane, or so Nick thought, and the wind buffeted them
terribly and seemed to almost toss them away right after
takeoff. They
were moving with surprising speed, and then Nick saw them rise
dramatically,probably caught in a sudden updraft. He watched them,
amazed, unable to believe that Chris had been both brave and
enough to take off in a windstorm like this one.
And almost as soon as they disappeared into the cloud hanging over
Nick saw the rain splash down on the ground as though someone in
the sky
had turned on a faucet.
"Shit!" He muttered to
himself as he hurried
outside, watching for where the Jenny had been, but he couldn't
anything, and the storm front was moving fast now, with terrifying
and a flash of lightning.
Within minutes he was drenched, and there was
no sign of Chris or Cassie.
Chris was fighting with the controls as
they gained altitude, and Cassie had turned around and was
something to him, 38 but between the storm and the engine's noise,
couldn't hear her.
"Let me take it!" she
was shouting, and at last he
understood, as she signaled him with gestures. He shook his head, but
she kept nodding at him, and it was obvious that he was being
overpowered rapidly by the forces of nature. The force of the wind and
the storm were too much for him, and the plane was being tossed
like a child's toy, in his unskilled hands. And then, without saying a
word to him, she turned her attention to the controls, and by
force, she overpowered him and took them from him. She began flying the
plane with her stronger hands on the controls, and within moments,
despite the ferocious winds, the plane had almost steadied. Chris
stopped fighting her then, and near tears, he let his hands go
slack on
his set of the controls, and let her fly it. She knew less than he did
perhaps, but she seemed to have a relationship with the plane that
couldn't come close to.
And he knew that in his hands they would almost
surely be destroyed. Maybe
in Cassie's there was some hope.
For an instant, he closed his eyes and prayed, wishing he had
never let
her talk him into taking off in the storm. They were both drenched in
the open cockpit, and the plane was rising and falling on
downdrafts. They would
drop a hundred feet or so, and then rise again,
although more slowly. It
was like being dropped off a building when
they fell, and then crawling up the side again, only to be dropped
again, like a paper puppet.
The clouds were almost black as Cassie
fought with the stick, but she seemed to sense their altitude
almost by
instinct. She ha dan
uncanny sense about what the plane would cooperate
with, and seemed to work with it to get where she wanted.
But they had no idea where they were anymore, how far they had
gone, or
exactly how high they were.
The altimeter was going crazy.
Cassie had
some idea, but they had totally lost sight of the ground, and a
moving line of clouds had disoriented them completely. "We're okay,"
she shouted encouragingly back at Chris, but he
couldn't hear her.
"We're going to be fine," she kept saying to
herself, and then she began talking to the Jenny itself, as though
little plane could follow her directions. She had heard about some of
her father's and Nick's tricks, and she knew that there was one
would get them out of this mess, if it didn't kill them. She had to
trust her own instincts for this, and she had to be very, very
sure .
. she was talking to herself, into the wind, as the plane began to
dramatically. She was
looking. for the lowest edge of the
clouds, and
counting on finding it before they hit the ground, but if it was
low, and she dropped too fast, or if she lost control for a single
instant . . . it was
called scud running, and if you lost .
. . you
died. It was as simple as
that. And they both knew it, as the
Jenny dropped toward the ground as quickly as Cassie would let it.
Their speed was terrifying by then, the howling of the wind
as they flew through the inky wet blackness. It seemed like a
bottomless place they were falling into, filled with horrifying
and terrifying feelings, and then suddenly, almost before she
knew, she
sensed before she saw, both the treeline, and the ground, and then
airport. She pulled
sharply on the stick, and pulled herself up just
before they'd have hit the trees.
They got lost in the clouds again for
a moment or two, but she knew then where she was, and how to
the airport. She closed
her eyes just for a second, feeling where she
was, and how fast she could drop, and again she saw the trees, but
time she was in full control.
She came in just over them, as the wind
tipped her wings, and almost knocked them over. She pulled up and
circled the airport again, wondering if they could land at all, or
if in
the end it would be impossible because of the force of the
winds. She wasn't afraid,
she was just thinking very quietly, and then
she saw him. It was Nick
waving frantically. He had seen what
done, seen her running just under the clouds, and almost hit the
She was less than fifty feet above it. He ran to where she should be,
and tried to wave her in, on the farthest runway. The angle of the wind
was just enough gentler there to 40 I allow her to make a
landing. The little Jenny
screeched all the way down the runway, with
the wind hard on their faces, and Cassie gritted her teeth so hard
face ached. Her hair was
plastered to her head from the rain, and her
hands were numb from clutching the stick, and Chris was sitting
her with his eyes closed.
They bounced hard when they hit the ground,
and he opened them.
He couldn't believe she'd brought them in, he had been sure they
were as
good as dead; he was still in shock when Nick came rushing up to
and physically dragged him out of the plane, while Cassie just sat
shaking. "What the
hell are you two lunatics trying to do?
Commit suicide, or bomb the airport?" They had come pretty close to the
roof on the way down, but Cassie had decided that was the least of
problem is She was still amazed that she'd brought them in at all,
she had to fight to repress a grin of relief.
She'd been so damn scared, and yet a part of her had stayed so
All she could do was think about how to get out of it, and talk to
little airplane. "Are
you crazy?" Nick was shaking him,
and glaring at
her, as Pat came running out from the airport. "What the hell is going
on here?" he shouted
at all of them, as the wind buffeted them, and
Cassie began worrying about the plane. She didn't want her turned over
and damaged as they sat in the wind on the runway. "These two fools of
yours went out for a joyride in this. I think they're trying to get
killed, or destroy your airplanes, I'm not sure which, but they
ought to
have their butts kicked."
Nick was so furious he could hardly speak,
and Pat couldn't believe what he was seeing.
He stared at Chris in utter astonishment. "You went out in this?" He
was referring to the weather not the plane, as his son knew. "I .
uh . . . I just thought we'd
go up and come right down . . . and .
." . . . he wanted to
whine as he had as a child, "But, Daddy, Cassie
made me .
. ." But he said not
a word
as his father tried to hide his pride in him. The kid had guts, and he
was a hell of a pilot.
"And you landed her in this?
Don't you know how
dangerous this kind of weather is? You could have been killed."
Pat couldn't hide the pride in his voice, it was beyond him. "I know,
Dad. I'm sorry." Chris was fighting not to cry, and Cassie
watching her father's face.
She knew only too well what she saw there.
It was raw pride in the accomplishments of his son, or so he
It was meant for her, but it went to Chris, because he was a boy,
that was just the way things were. The way they always had been.
Whatever she did in life, she knew she had to do it for herself,
not for
him, because he would never understand it or give her credit for
She was "only a girl" to him. That was all she ever would be.
turned to look at Cassie then, almost as though he could hear her
thinking. And then he
looked at his son again with an angry scowl.
"You should never have taken her up in this. It's too dangerous for
passengers to be out in bad conditions. You shouldn't have gone up
But never take a passenger into weather like this, son." She was
someone to be protected, but never admired. It was her destiny, and she
knew it. "Yes,
sir." There were tears standing
out in Chris's eyes as
his father glanced at the plane, and his son, in fresh
amazement. "Put
her away then." And
with that he walked away, and Nick watched Chris
and Cassie put the plane away.
Chris looked so shaken he could hardly
walk, but Cassie was calm, as she wiped the rain off the plane,
checked the engine. Her
brother only looked at her angrily and stalked
away, determined never to forgive her for almost killing him. He would
never forget how close they had come, and all because of one of
her whim
is She was completely crazy.
She had proved it. She put
the last of her tools away, and she was
surprised when she turned to find Nick standing just behind
her. He
looked very much like the storm she had just flown through. Her brother
was gone, and her father was waiting for them inside the airport.
"Don't ever do that again.
You're a damn fool, and you could have been
killed. That little trick
only works once in a while for the greats,
and usually not for them.
It won't work for you again, Cass.
Don't try
it." But it had
worked for him more than once. And
years before,
watching him, it had made Pat as angry as Nick was now. His eyes were
like steel as he looked at her.
He was furious, but there was something
else there too. And her
heart gave a little leap as she saw it.
It was
what she had wanted from Pat, and knew she would never get from
him. It
was admiration, and respect.
It was all she wanted. "I
don't know what
you mean." She looked
away from him. Now that she was back on
ground, she felt drained.
The exhilaration was almost gone, and what
she felt now was the backlash of the terror, and the
exhaustion. "You
know damn well what I mean!"
he shouted at her and grabbed her arm, his
black hair matted around his face. He had stood staring up at her
plane, willing her in, willing her to find the hole in the clouds,
make it. He couldn't have
stood losing both of them, seeing them die,
and all for a joyride. In
the war, they'd had no choice. But this
different. It was so
senseless. "Let go of me."
She was angry at him. She
was angry at all of them. Her brother
got all the glory and didn't know how to fly worth a damn, her
who was so obsessed with him he couldn't see anything, and Nick
thought he knew it all.
It was their secret club, they had all the toys, and they would
let her play. She was good
enough to fuel their machines and work on
their engines, and get their oil and grease in her hair, but never
fly their planes. "Leave
me alone!" she shouted at him, and
he only
grabbed her other arm. He
had never seen her like this, and he didn't
know whether to spank her or hold her. "Cassie, I saw what you did up
there!" He was still
shouting at her. "I'm not
blind. I know Chris
can't fly like that! I
know you were flying the plane .
. . but you're crazy. You
could have gotten yourself killed . . .
you can't do that . .
." She looked at him with such
misery that his
heart went out to her. He
wanted to beat her senseless for almost killing herself, and now
instead, he felt sorry for her.
He understood now as he never had
before what she wanted, and how badly she wanted it, and just how
she was willing to do to get it.
"Cassie, please . .
." He kept a
grip on her arms and pulled her closer to him. "Please . . .
don't ever do anything like that again. I'll teach you myself. I
promise. Leave Chris
alone. Don't do that to him. I'll teach you.
If you want it so badly, I'll do it." He held her close to him,
cradling her like a little girl, grateful that she hadn't been
killed by
her foolish but daring stunt.
He knew he couldn't have stood it.
He looked at her unhappily as he held her close to him.
They were both badly shaken by what had happened. But she only shook
her head at him. She knew
how impossible it was. This was the
only way
she could have it.
"My father will never let you teach me, Nick," she
said miserably, no longer denying that she had brought Chris in, instead
of the other way around.
Nick knew the truth, and she knew that.
was no point lying to him.
She had done it. "I didn't
say I'd ask him,
Cass. I said I'd do
it. Not here." He smiled ruefully at her, and
handed her a clean towel to dry her hair with.
"You look like a drowned rat." "At least I don't have grease all over
my face for a change," she said shyly. She felt closer to him than she
ever had before. And
different. She was drying her hair, as
she looked
at him again. She couldn't
believe what she was hearing.
"What do you
mean 'no there."
Where else would we go?"
She felt suddenly grown-up,
part of a conspiracy with him.
Something had very subtly changed between them. "There are half a dozen
little strips we can go to.
It may not be easy. You could
catch a bus
to Prairie City after school, and I could meet you there. In the
meantime, maybe Chris would drop you off there this summer now and
on his way to work. I
imagine he'd rather do that than risk his life
several times a week flying with you. I know I would."
Cassie grinned.
Poor Chris. She had scared
the pants off him, and she knew it. But
had seemed like such a great idea, and for a few minutes it was
And after that, it was the scariest thing she had ever done, and
most exciting.
"Do you mean it?"
She looked amazed, but in fact, they both did. He
was a little startled himself at what he'd just offered. "I guess I do.
I never thought I'd do something like this. But I think maybe some
instruction will keep you out of a lot more trouble. And maybe after
you fly respectably for a while," he looked at her pointedly,
"we can
talk to Pat and see if he'll let you fly from here. He'll come around
eventually. He has to." "I don't think he will," she said
gloomily, as
they went back out into the rain to meet her father in his office.
And then, just before they reached it, soaked again, she stopped
looked at him with a smile that melted his very soul. He didn't want to
feel that way with her, and it startled him. But they had been through
a lot that evening, and it had brought them closer together.
"Thanks, Nick."
"Don't mention it.
And I mean that." Her
father would have strangled him for giving her
lessons. He tousled her
wet hair then, and walked her into her father's
office. Chris was looking
shake nand gray, and his father had just
given him a nip of brandy.
"You okay, Cass?" Pat
glanced at her, but
saw that she looked none the worse for wear, unlike her brother.
But the responsibility had been his after all, and the hard part
landing back at the airport, or at least that was what her father
thought, and Chris hadn't told him any different. "I'm okay, Dad," she
assured him.
"You're a brave girl," he said admiringly, but not
admiring enough. It
was Nick who had understood.
Nick who had agreed to give her what she
had always dreamed of. Her
dream come true, and she was suddenly glad
she had gone up in the storm, even if she had taken a hell of a
Maybe in the end, it had been worth it. Pat drove Chris and Cassie
home, and their mother was waiting for them. As soon as they sat down
to dinner, her father told
Oona the whole story. Or
what he thought was the whole story, of how
incredible Chris had been, how he had flown by sheer wit and
nerve, and
after the initial foolishness of going up in the storm, had
brought them
home safely. Their father
was so proud of him, and Chris said nothing
at all. He just went to
his room, and lay on his bed and cried, with
the door closed. Cassie
went in to see him after a while.
She knocked for a longtime, and he finally let her in, with a look
combined anguish and fury.
"What do you want?"
"To tell you I'm sorry I scared you . . . and almost got us killed.
I'm sorry, Chris. I
shouldn't have done it." She could
afford to be
magnanimous now, now that Nick had agreed to give her what she had
always wanted. "I'm
never going up in a plane with you again," he said
ominously, glaring at her like a much younger brother who had been
and betrayed by a wilier older sister. "You don't have to," she said
quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed as he stared at her. "You're
giving up flying?"
That he'd never believe.
"Maybe . . . for now
. . ." She shrugged, as though it didn't matter
to her, but he knew her better.
"I don't believe you."
"I'll see.
It doesn't matter now. I
just wanted to tell you I was sorry."
should be," he fired at her, and then he backed down, and
reached out
and touched her arm.
"Thanks though . . . for
saving our asses up
there. I really thought we
were done for." "So did
I," she grinned
excitedly at him. "I
really thought for awhile there it was over."
And then she giggled.
"You lunatic," and then, admiringly, "you're a
hell of a pilot, Cass. You
gotta learn right one day, and not all this
sneaky stuff behind Dad's back.
He's got to let you fly. You're
times the pilot I'll ever be.
I'll bet you're as good as he is."
doubt that, but you'll be okay.
You're a good straightforward pilot,
Chris. Just stay out of
the tough stuff." "Yeah,
thanks," he grinned
at her, no longer wanting to kill her. "I'll remind you of that, next
time you offer to take me up and kill me." "I won't, for a while," she
said angelically, but he knew her better. "What's that all about?
You're up to something, Cass." "No, I'm not. I'm
going to behave .
for a while anyway . .
." "Lord help us. Just let me know when you
decide to go berserk again.
I'll be sure to stay away from the airport.
Maybe you ought to do that for a while too. I swear, those fumes have
made you crazy."
"Maybe so," she said dreamily. But it was more than
that, and she knew it. She
had those fumes in her blood, her bones, and
she knew more than ever that she would never escape them. Bobby Strong
came by after dinner that night, and he was horrified when he
heard her
father's tale, and furious with Chris a little later when he saw
"The next time you take my girl up and almost kill her, you'
llhave to
answer to me," he said, much to Chris's and Cassie's
"That was a dumb thing to do and you know it." Chris would have liked
to tell him Cassie wanted to, he would have liked to tell him a
lot of
things, but of course he couldn't. "Yeah, sure," her younger brother
mumbled vaguely as he went back to his room. They were all nuts.
Bobby, Cass, his father, Nick.
None of them knew the truth, none of
them knew who was to blame and who wasn't. His father thought he was a
criminal, and Cassie had them all bamboozled. But only Cassie knew the
truth about that, and Nick, now that he had promised to give her
lessons. Bobby lectured her
that night on how dangerous flying was, how
useless, and how foolish; he told her that all the men involved in
were immature, and they were just playing like children. He hoped she
had learned a lesson that night, and that she would be more reasonable
in the future about hanging around the airport. He expected it of her,
he explained. How could
she expect to have any kind of future at all if
she spent her life covered in grease and oil, and was willing to
her life on a wild adventure with her brother?
Besides, she was a girl, and it wasn't proper. She tried to make
herself agree with him, because she knew he meant well. But she was
relieved when he left. And
all she could think of that night, as she
lay in bed listening to the rain, was what Nick had promised her,
how soon they would start flying together. She could hardly wait. She
lay awake for hours, thinking about it, and remembering the
feeling of
the wind on her face, as she dashed beneath the clouds in the
looking for the edge, waiting to escape, just before they hit the
ground, and then soaring free again, shearing the top of the
trees, and
then coming in safely. It
had been an extraordinary day, and she knew
that no matter what anyone said to her about how dangerous or
it was, she would never give it up. Not for any of them. She
couldn't. 48 C H A P T E R
4 Three days after the storm that eventually
turned into a tornado, ten miles away in Blandinsville, Cassie got
and did her chores and when she left the house, she told her
mother she
was going to the library, and then to meet a friend from school
who had
married that spring, and was expecting a baby. And after that she'd
stop by the airport. She
had packed an apple and a sandwich in a paper
bag, and she had taken a dollar from her savings and hidden it in
pocket. She wasn't sure
how much the bus fare would be, but she wanted
to be sure she had enough to get to Prairie City.
She had promised to meet Nick there at noon, and as she walked
the bus terminal downtown in the summer sun, she was sorry she
worn a hat. But she knew
that if she had, her mother would have
suspected something. She
never wore one.
As she walked along, she looked like a long, lanky girl, going off
meet friends. She looked
her age, but was extraordinarilylovely.
She was even prettier than her mother had been, she was taller and
thinner, and she had an even more impressive figure. But her looks were
something that Cassie never thought about. Looks were something for
other girls, who had nothing else in their heads, or girls like
sisters who wanted to get married and have babies. She knew she wanted
children one day, or at least she thought she did, but there were
many other things she wanted first, things she would probably
have, like excitement and freedom and flying. She loved reading stories
about women pilots, and she read everything she could about Amelia
Earhart and Jackie Cochran.
She'd read Lindbergh's book We, about his
Atlantic solo in 1927, and his wife's book North to t7 eOrient the
before when it came out, and Earhart's book, TleFun of It. All the
women involved in aviation were her heroes. She often wondered why they
could do what she could only dream of. But maybe now with Nick helping
her . . . just maybe
. . . if she could just fly .
. . if she could just take off as she had the other day with
Chris, and
soar lazily into the sky forever.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that she almost missed her
bus, and
she had to run to catch it before it left her. She was relieved to see
that no one she knew had gotten on, and the forty-five-minute ride
Prairie City in the dilapidated bus was uneventful. It had only cost
fifteen cents, and she spent the entire trip daydreaming about her
lessons. It was a long
walk to the airstrip after the bus dropped her
off, but Nick had told her exactly how to get there.
He had somehow assumed that she would get a ride from
someone. It had
never dawned on him that she would walk the last two miles to meet
and when she arrived she looked hot and damp and dusty. He was sitting
quietly on a rock, drinking a soda, with the familiar Jenny parked
the end of the deserted airstrip.
There was no one else around, just
the two of them. It was a
runway that was used occasionally for crop
dusters, and had been put in originally in barnstorming days. It was
only used occasionally, but it was in good repair. Nick had known it
would be the perfect place for their lessons. "You okay?" He looked at
her with a fatherly air, as she pushed her bright red hair off her
and held it off her neck.
The sun was blazing. "You
look hotter than
hell. Here, have something
to drink." He handed her his Coke,
watched her admiringly as she took a long swallow. She had a long
graceful neck, and the silky whiteness of her throat reminded him
of the
palest pink marble. She
was a striking girl, and there were times
lately when he almost wished she weren't Pat's daughter. But it
wouldn't have done him any good anyway, he reminded himself. He was
thirty-five and she was seventeen, she was hardly fair prey for a
his age. But there were
moments when it could have been tempting.
"What did you do, you goofball?" he asked, relieving the tension of the
moment. It was odd being
here, just the two of them, alone on their
secret mission. "Did
you walk all the way from Good Hope?"
"No," she grinned back at him, quenched by his
soda. "Just from Prairie
City. It was farther than
I thought. And hotter." "I'm sorry," he
said apologetically. He
felt bad to have brought her so far, but it had
seemed the perfect place for their rendezvous with her father's
for their secret lessons.
"Don't be," she grinned, accepting another
swig of his soda.
"It's worth it." He
could see easily in her eyes how
much it meant to her. She
was crazed over planes, and totally in love
with flying. It was
exactly how he had been at her age, dragging from
airport to airport to airport, happy to do anything, just to be
near the
planes and get a chance to fly now and then. The war had been like a
dream come true for him, flying in the 94th, with men who had
almost all
become legends. But he was
sorry for her, it wouldn't be that easy,
particularly if Pat was determined to keep her from flying. Nick was
hoping that one of these days he might sway him. And in the meantime,
at least he could teach her the important things, so she didn't
herself doing crazy tricks, or 51.
scud running with her brother.
He still shuddered when he thought of
her flying out of the clouds three days before, just barely above
ground and moving like a bullet.
At least now she'd know what she was
doing. "Shall we give
it a whirl?" he asked, waving at
the Jenny.
She was sitting there, waiting for them, an old friend, just as
were. She was too excited
to even speak to him as they walked down the
airstrip to the familiar plane.
She had gassed her a thousand times,
cleaned her engine, lovingly washed her wings, and flown her half
dozen times with Chris pretending that he was taking his sister up
for a
joyride. But the Jenny had
never looked as beautiful to Cassie as she
did now. They did a walk
around first, checked the landing gear to make
sure he hadn't damaged it when he landed. She was a low plane with a
broad wingspan and the feel of a larger plane, although she was a
size, and she wasn't daunting to Cassie. And now Cassie gently stepped
into her and buckled her seat belt. She knew that the skies would soon
be hers, she had a right to them, just as they all did. And after that,
no one could stop her.
"All set?" Nick
shouted at her in the first
noise of the engine.
Cassie nodded with a grin, and he hopped in the
seat behind her. At first,
he would be flying the plane, and once they
were safely in the air, he would turn over the controls to her.
This time she wouldn't have to wrest them from him, as she had
Chris. This time it would
all be aboveboard, and as they taxied down
the runway, Cassie turned to look at him. Nick's was such a familiar
face to her, and yet as she saw him now, she felt happier than she
ever been, and she wanted to throw her arms around his neck and
"What?" She had said
something to him, and at first he couldn't
hear her. He didn't think
anything was wrong, she looked too happy for
there to be a problem. But
he leaned forward so he could hear her
better. His dark hair was
blowing in the wind, his eyes were the same
color as the summer sky, and 52 there were lines around his eyes
where he squinted into the sunlight. "I said . . . thank
you! .
." She shouted back at him, her eyes so filled with joy that
it touched
his heart. He squeezed her
shoulder gently, and she turned forward
again, and put her hand son the controls. But there was no question
this time as to who was flying the plane. Nick was.
He pushed the
throttle forward evenly, and used the rudder pedals. And a moment
later, they lifted smoothly off the runway and rose easily into
the air,
and as they did, Cassie felt her heart soar with the old Jenny.
She felt the same thrill she always did when she left the ground.
She was flying! He started
a gentle turn to move away from the small
airstrip, and then rolled the wings to level off, and touched
Cassie on
the shoulder. She glanced
over her shoulder at him, and he pointed at
her, indicating to her to take the controls now. She nodded, and as
though by instinct, Cassie took over. She knew what she needed to do,
and they flew easily through the bright blue sky, as though she
had been
flying all her life. And
in some ways she had. He was amazed at
skill, and her natural instincts.
She had picked up a lot of his own
and her father's tricks, just by watching them, and she seemed to
have a
style of her own, which was surprisingly smooth and easy. She seemed
totally at ease at the controls of the small plane, and Nick
decided to
see how much she could do on their first lesson. He had her do turns
and banks in different directions, first moving left and then
right; he
was going to tell her to keep the nose up, to maintain altitude,
but she
seemed to know automatically that the plane would fall during
turns, and
she kept the nose up without his telling her anything.
Her natural sense for the plane was uncanny. She kept back pressure on
the stick with a steady hand, and the nose stayed up in response
to her
movements. He had her do S
turns then, using a small dirt road as a
guide, and he noticed as she did them, that she controlled her
easily. She seldom seemed
to look at the instruments yet she knew when
she needed to compensate, or rise higher in the sky.
She seemed to fly primarily by feel and sight, which was a sure
sign of
a natural pilot. It was
rare to see one like her, and he knew he had
seen damn few in his lifetime.
He had her fly circles for a while,
around a silo they spotted on a distant farm, and she complained
at how
boring it was, but he had wanted to check her precision. She was
careful and precise, and astonishingly accurate, particularly for
someone who had scarcely flown.
And then finally, he let her try a
loop, and the double loop she had wanted to terrify her brother
But after that, he taught her how to recover from a stall, which
was far
more important. But she
seemed to know that by instinct too.
Her total calm going into the stall impressed him, as the Jenny
began to
fall nose down with alternate wings dipping.
But within seconds, she released the pressure on the stick that
created the stall in the first place and in a totally fearless
move, she
allowed the dive to increase their airspeed. He had explained how to do
i tat first, but she seemed to have no trouble at all figuring it
and no lack of courage in following the procedure.
Most young pilots were terrified at the drop and the sudden zero
gravity. Cassie was awed
by none of it, as the Jenny plummeted briefly,
and when the Jenny had gained just enough speed, she pushed the
throttle, gave it power, and leveled out like a baby eagle,
gently back to where she wanted to be, without a murmur.
Nick had never been so impressed by anything he'd seen. And he made her
do it again, to see if she could maintain the same cool hands and
head, and quick reactions, or if it had just been beginner's luck.
But the second stall and recovery were even smoother than the
first, and
she swooped him right back up again from a stall that even had him
She was good. She was very
good. She was brilliant. He had her do a
few lazy eights then, an Immelmann, and their last lesson of the
day was
a spin recovery, which was not unlike the stall, but first she had
give it right rudder pedal to induce a 54 spin to the right, and
left rudder pedal to recover.
She did it perfectly, and Nick was
grinning from ear to ear as he landed the plane, but so was
She had never had so much fun in her life, and her only complaint
that she had wanted to try barrel rolls and he wouldn't let
her. He
felt they had done enough for one day, and he'd told her they had
save something for next time.
She wanted to learn a dead stick landing
too, his specialty, which had earned him his nickname, but there
time for that too. There
was time for everything. She was a
He sat in the plane for a moment, looking at her, unable to
believe how
much she had picked up over the years, just by watching. All those
times Pat had taken her up with him, or that Nick had flown her
somewhere, every moment, every gesture, every procedure had been
absorbed, and somehow, by watching them, she had learned how to do
She really was what he had suspected she was all along, the
natural. A pilot who was
born to fly, it would have been a sacrilege to
keep her from it.
"How was I?" She
turned in her seat after they'd stopped, and he killed
the engine.
"Terrible," he grinned at her, still unable to believe what
he'd seen. She had a
natural sense of their altitude, an uncanny sense
of direction, an instinct for guiding the plane almost as much with
mind as with her hands.
She had known exactly what she was doing. "I
don't think I could ever fly with you again," he teased, but
his face
told her all she wanted to know, and she let out a whoop of joy on
silent airstrip. She had
never been as happy in her entire life.
Nick was the best friend she had ever had. He had given her her life's
dream, and this was only the beginning. "You're good, kid," he said
quietly, and handed her another Coke he had brought with him. She took
a long swig, saluting him, and then handed it back to her new
instructor. "But
don't let that go to your head. Those
can be
dangerous words. Never be
overconfident, never over trust yourself,
never assume you can do anything you want to. You can't.
This bird is
only a machine, and
if your head gets too big, the ground will get too close, and you'
llwind up with a tree between your ears. Don't ever forget that."
"Yes, sir." But
she was too happy to care about his warnings.
She knew
how careful she'd have to be, and she was prepared to be, but she
knew that she had been born to fly and now Nick knew it too, and
one day he'd convince her father.
And in the meantime, she was going to learn every single thing she
and be the best pilot who had ever lived. Better than Jean Bat tenor
Louise Thaden or any of the others. "When can we do this again?" she
asked anxiously. All she
wanted to do was go up again, and she didn't
want to wait long to do it.
Nick was paying for the fuel, and she
didn't want it to cost him too much.
But like an addict, she wanted more soon, and he knew it. "You want to
do this again tomorrow, right?" He grinned at her. He had
been the
same way when he was her age.
In fact, he had been almost exactly her
age when he floated all over the country, after the war, trying to
jobs at airports, and finally came to Illinois to fly for his old
Pat O'Malley. "I
don't know, Cass." Nick thought
about it for a
moment." Maybe we
could do this again in a couple of days.
I don't
want Pat to start wondering why I'm taking out the Jenny. I don't
exactly fly her much."
And he definitely didn't want Pat to suspect
them. He wanted her to get
plenty of good solid lessons under her belt
first, before they confronted him with her skill, of which there
be no question. She was a
thousand times the pilot her brother was, a
thousand times the pilot most people he had taught were. But they had
to convince Pat of that, and they both knew that wasn't going to
easy. "Couldn't you
tell him you're giving someone lessons out here.
He doesn't have to know it's me.
Then you'd have an excuse to take her
out whenever you want to."
"And where's the money, miss? I wouldn't want your dad to think I'm
cheating him." They
took a cut on each other's profits, when they used
each other's planes, or sometimes if Nick took 56 charters or
taught on
time he would have otherwise used flying for O'Malley. Cassie looked
crestfallen at this.
"Maybe I could pay you . .
. a little bit from my
savings . . ." She started to look seriously worried and
Nick touched
the bright red hair and ruffled it. "Don't worry. I'll
get her out.
We'll do plenty of this. I
promise." Cassie smiled gently up
at him,
and his heart did a little flip.
It was all the payment he needed.
helped her step from the plane, and noticed that there was a shady
nearby. "Did you
bring anything to eat?" She
nodded, and they went to
sit under it. She shared
her sandwich with him, and he shared his
He drank a lot of it, and unlike Pat, who liked a good whiskey now
then, Nick had never been much of a drinker. He spent too much time in
the air to be able to afford to do much drinking. He was always getting
hauled out of bed for an emergency somewhere, or a special mail
or along distance cargo flight for anywhere from Mexico to
Alaska. He
couldn't have flown those runs if he'd been unexpectedly drunk or
hung over. And Pat was
careful too.
He never drank if he knew he'd be flying. They talked about flying for
a long time, and her family, and how much they had meant to him
when he
first came to Illinois. He
said he had come out from New York just to
work for her father.
"He was good to me during the war . . . I was
such a kid. . . I was a
damn fool too. I'm glad you'll never
have to
get into something like that, dueling it out at ten thousand feet
with a
bunch of crazy Germans. It
was almost like a game, sometimes it was
hard to remember it was real .
. . it was so damn exciting."
His eyes
shone as he talked about it.
For many of them, it had been the perfect
time, and everything afterward had paled in comparison. Sometimes she
thought her father felt that way, and she suspected Nick did. "It must
make everything else seem awfully dull . . . flying the
Jenny . . . or cargo runs to California in the
Handley can't exactly
be exciting."
"No, it's not. But it's
comfortable. It's where I need
to be. I never feel as
good on the ground, Cass, crazy as that sounds.
That's my life up there."
He glanced up at the sky as he said it. "It's
what I do well," he sighed, and leaned back against the tree
trunk where
they were sitting, "the rest of it, I'm not so good at."
"Like what?" She
was curious about him; she had known him all her life,
but he had always treated her as a child, and now that they were
the secret of her flying, for the first time, they seemed almost
"I don't know.
I'm not so great at marriage, people . . . friends . . .
except other pilots and the guys I work with." "You've always been
great to us." She
smiled innocently up at him, and he marveled at how
young seventeen was.
"That's different. You're
my family. But I don't
know . . . sometimes it's
hard to relate to people who don't fly, it's
hard to understand them, harder for them to understand me .
. . particularly women."
He grinned. It didn't bother
him. It was the
way his life was, and he was satisfied with it. There were ground
people, those confined to earth, in their bodies and minds . . . and
then there were the others.
"What about Bobby?" he
asked her
unexpectedly. He knew
about her boyfriend. He had seen him
enough at the house when he stopped by there to see Pat, or came
dinner. "How would he
feel about you flying like you do?
You're good,
Cass. If you learn right,
you could really do it." But do
what? That
was the problem. What
could a woman do, except maybe set records?
"What would he say?"
Nick persisted. - "What
everyone else says.
That I'm nuts."
Cassie laughed at him. "But
I'm not married to him,
you know. He's just a
friend." "He won't be 'just a
friend' forever.
Sooner or later, he'll want to be a lot more, or at least that's
your father thinks."
It was what everyone thought and she knew it.
"Is that so?"
She sounded cool suddenly and Nick laughed at how prim
she was. "Don't go
getting all icy at me over it. You know
what I'm
saying. It's going to be
odd if you want to be another Earhart.
You're going to have to live with it. That's not always easy."
He knew that only too well.
He knew a lot of things he suddenly wanted
to share with her. The new
dimension of their friendship both excited
and frightened him. He
couldn't imagine where it might lead them.
"Why is it such a big deal?" she said plaintively, thinking of Nick's
questions about Bobby. It
didn't make any sense to her. What was
wrong about flying?
"I guess it's a big deal because it's different,"
Nick explained." Men
are made to walk around on the ground.
If you
want to fly around like a bird all the time, maybe they figure you
should have feathers, or maybe they just figure you're weird. What do I
He smiled easily at her, and stretched his long legs out ahead of
It was fun talking to her, she was so bright and young and alive,
excited about the life she had before her. He envied her that. Her
life was filled with challenges to be met and fresh
beginnings. Even at
thirty-five, a lot of the excitement in his life seemed to be
him. "I think people
are stupid about flying. They're just
planes, and
we're just people," she said simply. "No, we're not," he said
"We're superheroesin their heads because we do
something they can't do, and that most of them are afraid of.
We're like lion tamers, or high-wire dancers . . . it's all very
mysterious and very exciting, isn't it?" He made her think about it for
a minute and she nodded, and handed his Coke back to him again.
He took a swig and lit a cigarette, but he didn't offer her
one. She
might be learning to fly, but she wasn't that grown-up yet. "I guess it
is kind of exciting and mysterious," she conceded as she
watched him
smoke. "Maybe that's
why I love it. But it feels so good too
. . .
it's so free . . . so
alive . . . so . . ."
couldn't find the right words and he smiled. He knew just exactly what
she meant. He still felt
that way too. Every time his plane
lifted off
the ground, whichever one he was flying at the time, he always
felt the
same wild thrill of freedom.
It made everything else seem bland and
uninteresting. It had
affected his whole life, what he did, who he saw,
what he wanted to do. It
had affected all his relationships, and one
day it would affect hers too.
He felt he should warn her somehow, but
he wasn't sure what to say.
She was so young and so filled with hope,
it seemed almost wrong to warn her. "It'll change your life, Cass," was
all he could bring himself to say. "Be careful of that."
She nodded, thinking she understood what he had said, but she
"I know"--and then she looked up at him, with eyes so
wise it almost
scared him--"but that's what I want. That's why I'm here. I can't live
on the ground .
. . like the others."
She was one of them, she was telling him, and he
knew it was true. It was
why he had agreed to teach her.
They spent a long time talking that day, and he hated to leave her
all alone, to walk two miles back down the country road to where
catch the bus to home, but he had no choice. He watched her go, with a
long wave, and a moment later he took off, and did a slow roll for
to signal his leaving. She
watched him fly for a long time, still
unable to believe what he had done for her. He had changed her whole
life in a single afternoon, and they both knew it.
It was a brave undertaking for both of them, but one which neither
them could resist, for different reasons. The long hot walk back to the
bus seemed like dancing to her; all she could think about were the
she had done, and the feel of the plane . . .
and the look in Nick's eyes afterward. He was proud of her. And
had never felt better in her life. She boarded the bus with a huge grin
for the bus driver, and almost forgot to pay her fifteen cents.
And when she got home, it was too late to go to the airport. She went
home to help her mother instead, and suddenly even helping her
seem so 60 terrible. She
had fed her soul, and whatever price she had
to pay seemed worth it.
She was quiet at dinner that night, but no one
seemed to notice it.
Everyone had something to say; Chris was excited
about his job at the newspaper, her father had landed a new mail
contract with the government, and Colleen's baby had finally come
night before, and her mother wanted to tell them all about
it. Only
Cassie was unusually quiet and she had the biggest news of all,
couldn't share it. Bobby
came by after dinner, as usual, and they
talked for awhile, but Cassie didn't seem to have much to say to
She was lost in her own thoughts, and the only thing she really
said to
him was that she could hardly wait till the air show. It would be just
after the Fourth of July that year, and Bobby had never been, but
thought this time he might come, and Cassie could explain all the
to him. But to her, the
prospect of going with a novice and explaining
it all didn't seem very exciting.
She would much rather have gone with
Nick, and listened to him.
But it never dawned on her then that the
changes had already begun.
That afternoon, she had set sail on a long, long, interesting but
voyage. 6
C H APT he lessons continued through T E R July, in total secrecy.
But the air show, and Cassie's elation over it, was definitely not
secret. They all went to
the air show together, her entire family Nick,
some of the pilots from the field, and Bobby and his younger
sister. It
was exciting for all of them, but nothing was as important to
Cassie as
her lessons with Nick, not even the Blandinsville Air Show. By the end
of July she had mastered a very impressive dead stick
landing. She had
also learned barrel rolls, splits, and clover leafs, and some even
complicated maneuvers.
Cassie was every flying instructor's dream, a human sponge
desperate to
learn everything, with the hands and mind of an angel. She could fly
almost anything, and in August, Nick started bringing the Bellanca
instead of the Jenny, because it was harder
to fly and he wanted her to have the challenge. It also had the speed
he needed to show her the more complicated stunts and
maneuvers. Pat
still didn't suspect anything, and in spite of the long bus rides
the long walk, their flying lessons were frequent and easy. In August,
Cassie and Nick were both deeply upset when one of the pilots who
for her father was killed when his engine failed on a flight back
Nebraska. They all went to
the funeral, and Cassie was still depressed
about it when she and Nick had their next lesson. Her father had lost a
good friend, and one of his two D. H. 4 s. And everyone was
subdued at
O' Malley'sAirport.
"Don't ever forget that those things happen, Cass,"
Nick reminded her quietly as they sat under their favorite tree,
lunch after a lesson on the last day of August. It had been a wonderful
summer for her, and she had never felt as close to him. He was her
dearest friend, her only real friend now, and her mentor. "It can
happen to any one of us.
Bad engine, bad weather, bad luck .
it's a chance we all take.
You've got to face that."
"I have," she
said sadly, thinking of the most wonderful summer of her life,
which was
almost over. "But I
think I'd rather die that way than any other.
Flying is all I want to do, Nick," she said firmly, but he
knew that by
now. She didn't need to do
anything to convince him. He was sold
her abilities, her natural skill, her extraordinary facility to
and her genuine passion for flying. He was sold on a lot of things
about her. "I know,
Cass." He looked at her long and
hard. She was
the only person he had been truly comfortable with in years, other
Pat and the men he flew with.
She was the only woman who seemed to
share his views and his dreams, it was just his bad luck that she
only a baby, and his best friend's little girl. There was no hope of
her ever being more than that.
But he enjoyed her company, and talking
to her, and it had meant a lot to him to teach her how to
fly. He had
long since had her solo.
"What do you want to do about lessons once you
start school?" he
asked as 64 they finished lunch. She
was going back
the following day for her last year of high school. It seemed hard to
believe that she was already a senior. She had always been such a
little girl to him, except that he had come to know her better
than that
now. In many ways, she was
more adult than most of the men he knew, and
she was very much a woman.
But there was a child in there too.
loved to play pranks and to tease, she had an easy laugh, and she
playing with him.
In some ways, she was no different from the way she had been when
was a baby. "What
about Saturdays?" she asked
pensively, "or Sundays?"
It meant they would fly together less frequently, but at least it
be something. They had
both come to rely on these long quiet hours
together, her unwavering faith in him, her trust in all he told
her, and
his pleasure at teaching her the wonders of flying. It was a gift they
shared, each one enhancing it for the other. "I can do Saturdays," he
said matter-of-factly, and his tone didn't tell her that nothing
have stopped him from it.
She was his star pupil now, but more than that, they were best
and partners in a much loved conspiracy that they both held dear.
Neither of them could have given it up easily, nor did they intend
"I don't know about you walking two miles to the bus once the
gets bad though." He
worried about her walking two miles alone
sometimes, though she would have been annoyed a this concern. She was
an independent spirit and she was convinced she could handle
But the thought of her alone on a country road made him faintly
"Maybe Dad'll let me borrow his truck . . . or Bobby . . ." Nick
nodded, but the thought of Bobby bothered him too, and he knew
that it
shouldn't. He had no right
to object to any of her suitors, but Bobby
just didn't seem right for her.
He was so dull, and so damn landlocked.
"Yeah. Maybe
so," he said noncommittally, reminding himself that he was
twice her age, and Bobby wasn't.
"I'll work it out."
She smiled at him
without a care in the world, and it was hard not to be dazzled by
They both wondered
sometimes how they could go on like this, meeting
at the deserted airstrip for lessons. It had certainly worked so far,
but they both knew it would be more difficult through the
winter. If
nothing else, the weather would be an enormous problem. But
surprisingly, it worked remarkably well, and they met regularly
Saturday. She told her
father that she had a friend from school she was
meeting to do her homework with, and he let her have the truck
Saturday afternoon. No one
seemed to mind, and she always came back on
time, with her arms full of books and notebooks, and in high
Her flying skill had improved still further by then and Nick was
justifiably proud of her.
He said repeatedly that he would have given
anything to put her in an air show. Chris was already preparing for the
next one, and he was precise and reliable, but unexciting, and he
none of the instinctive, natural skills of his sister. They both knew
that if Pat hadn't been pushing him, Chris would never fly at all.
He had admitted to Nick more than once that he didn't really like
Cassie and Nick sat and ate their lunch in the truck once the
got cold, and sometimes if the weather was bright, they went for
near the airstrip. In
September, they talked about Louise Thaden being
the first woman to enter the Bend ix Trophy race, and in October
Jean Batten becoming the first woman to fly from England to New
They talked about a lot of things.
They sat on fall entrees and talked for hours sometimes, and as
months wore on, they only got closer. They seemed to agree about
everything, although she thought he was too conservative
politically, nd
he thought she was too young to go out with boys and he said so.
She made fun of him, and he cherished her irreverence, and she
told him
that the last girl she had seen him with was the ugliest woman she
ever seen, and he told her that Bobby Strong was clearly the
If he was a little more than serious, Cassie never knew it. They just
loved to fly and talk, and share their 66 views of life. Everything
seemed so much in synch, their interests, their worries, their
passion for all things that flew, even their almost identical
sense of
humor. It was always
bittersweet when they left each other late on
Saturday afternoon, because they knew they'd have to wait a week
they could meet again like this.
And sometimes, he couldn't be there at
all if he had a long cargo flight and couldn't get back in time.
But that was rare, he had come to organize his flying schedule
their lessons. On
Thanksgiving, he joined her family, as he always did,
and Cassie teased him without mercy. They always laughed at each other
a lot, but their exchanges seemed a little sharper and more intimate
than they had before their lessons.
Pat told them they were an uncivilized pair, but Oona wondered if
was noticing something different.
It seemed hard to believe after all
these years, but they seemed closer than they'd ever been, and
when Oona
mentioned it to Colleen, she only laughed and said Cassie was just
having fun. Nick was like
her big brother. But Oona wasn't wrong.
The time they had spent, and the things Cassie had learned, and
endless talks under the tree at the airstrip for the past six
had inevitably brought them closer together. Nick was lying on the
couch, claiming that he was going to die from eating so much good
and Cassie was sitting next to him, teasing him and reminding him
gluttony was a sin and he should go to confession. She knew how he
hated to go to church, and he was pretending to ignore her, but
appreciatively at her, when Bobby appeared in the doorway, and ca
brushing the first snow from his hat and shoulders. He was a tall,
handsome boy, and just watching him, Nick felt a thousand years
"It's bitter cold out there," Bobby complained, and then
smiled warmly
at everyone, though cautiously at Nick. There was something about him
that made Bobby uncomfortable, though he wasn't sure what it was.
Maybe it was just that he was always so familiar with Cassie. "Did
everyone have enough to eat?" he
asked the room at large, proud of the fact that he had sent them a
twenty-five-pound turkey.
And everyone groaned in answer.
They had
invited him to come to dinner too, but he had wanted to be with
parents and sister. He
invited Cassie to go out for a walk, but she
declined, and stayed to listen to her mother play the piano.
Glynnis sang, and Megan and her husband joined in. Megan had just told
them all that she was having another baby. Cassie was happy for her,
but it was the kind of news that always made her feel alien and
different. She just
couldn't imagine herself getting married and having
babies. Not for
light-years anyway. It wasn't what she
wanted to do
with her life for a long time, if ever. But then what would she do with
her life, she wondered.
She knew she'd never be Amelia Earhart either,
or Bobbi Trout or Amy Mollison.
They were stars, and she knew she never
would be. There seemed to
be no middle ground out there.
You either did what her sisters did, married right out of school,
kids, and settled down in a dreary life, or you ran away and
became some
kind of superstar. But
there was no money for her to buy planes, or
enter races and set records.
Even if her father had been sympathetic to
her cause, his planes were old and serviceable, but certainly not
you'd use to become world-famous.
More than usual lately, she had
talked to Nick about what she was going to do with her life. In six
months, she would finish school.
And then what? They both knew
was no job waiting for her at the airport, and there never would
be. She
had talked to one of her teachers too, and she was coming closer
knowing what she wanted.
If she couldn't fly professionally, and for
the moment, she couldn't see how that was even remotely possible,
least she could go to college.
She was thinking of becoming a teacher
and much to her delight, she had learned that several teachers'
offered both engineering and aeronautics.
In particular, Bradley College in Peoria. She was hoping to apply for
the fall, and if she could get a scholarship, which her teachers
was possible, she would major in engineering, with a 68 minor in
aeronautics. It was as
close to flying as she could get for the moment.
If she couldn't fly an airplane for a living, like a man, she
could at
least teach all about them.
She hadn't told her parents yet about her
plan but to her it seemed like a good one.
Only Nick knew, but her secrets were always safe with him. He glanced
at her warmly as he stood up to leave that night, with a
look at Bobby, who was talking about his mother's prizewinmng
Somehow, Bobby Strong never failed to annoyhlm. Nick kissed Cassie on
the cheek, and left, and Bobby relaxed considerably once Nick was
The older man always made him nervous. But Cassie seemed distracted
once Nick was gone. She
looked like she had a lot on her mind, and she
brushed Bobby off when he started to talk about graduation. She hated
talking about it now.
Everyone else had concrete plans, and she didn't
.All she had were hopes and dreams, and secrets. It was late when Bobby
finally went home, and Chris teased her once he was gone, and
asked her
when they'd all be going to her wedding. Cassie only made a face and
she made a gesture as though to hit him. "Mind your own business," she
growled, and her father laughed at them both. "I don't think the boy's
wrong, Cassie. Two years
of coming by almost every night must mean
something. I'm surprised
he hasn't asked you yet."
But Cassie was relieved he hadn't. She didn't know what she'd say to
She knew what she was supposed to say to him, but it didn't fit
into her
larger plans for herself, which now included college. Maybe after that,
if he stuck around that long.
But waiting four more years seemed a lot
to ask of him. At least
she didn't have to worry about it for the
moment. She and Nick did
plenty of flying for the next three Saturday
afternoons, despite some fairly dicey weather. And two days before
Christmas, they went up in the Bellanca and within minute shad ice
their wings. Cassie
thought her fingers would freeze inlier gloves as
she held the stick, and then suddenly she heard the
engine start to go, and felt it stall as they went into a dive,
everything happened incredibly quickly. Nick had the controls, but it
was obvious that he was struggling with them, and she held them
along with him. They
recovered from the dive, which was no small feat,
but then the propeller died and she knew instantly what that
They were going to have to do a forced landing. The wind was shrieking
in their ears, and there was no way for him to say anything to
her, but
she knew instinctively what he was going to do.
All she could do was back him up, but suddenly she realized they were
dropping too quickly. She
turned and signaled him, and for an instant
he started to disagree with her, but then he nodded, deciding to
her judgment. He pulled up
as best he could, but the ground came at
them too quickly. For a
second, she was certain they were going to
crash, but at the last minute, he brushed the top of the trees,
somehow broke their fall.
They landed hard, but were unhurt, and all
they damaged was one wheel.
They had been extraordinarily lucky and
they both knew it, as they sat shaking, realizing full well how
they had come to dying.
Cassie was still shaking when they stepped from the plane, but it
was as
much from the cold as from the emotions, and Nick looked down at
and pulled her hard into his arms, with a wave of relief.
For several minutes he had been certain that no matter what he
tried, he
was going to kill her.
"I'm so sorry, Cass. We
never should have gone
up in this. There's a
lesson for you. Never learn to fly with
an old
fool who thinks he knows better than the weather.
And thanks for signaling me when we were going down." Her uncanny sense
about altitude and speed had saved them. "I won't do that to you again,
I swear." He was
still shaking too as he held her. It was
hard to
ignore what she meant to him, as he looked down at her and felt
heart beat. All he had
wanted was to save her life, not his own.
would readily have given up his life for her. And then she looked up at
him and grinned, still folded in his 70 embrace. "It was fun," she
giggled and he wanted to strangle her as he held her. "You're a
lunatic. Remind me never
to fly with you again!" But she
was a lunatic
who meant everything to him, as he slowly released her. "Maybe I should
give you a lesson or two," she teased. But instead she helped him tie
the Bellanca to a tree, and put rock sunder the wheels, and she
gave him
a ride back to her father's airport. No one there seemed to question
their arriving together, and he told her to go home and get
warm. He
was afraid she'd get sick from the bitter chill. He was on his way
inside to have a stiff drink of Pat's stash of Irish whiskey.
Knowing that he had almost killed her that afternoon had still
left him
"What have you been up to this afternoon?" her father asked when she
got home. He had just come
home with their Christmas tree, and her
nephews and nieces were going to come and help decorate it and
stay for
dinner. "Not
much," she said, trying to look casual, but she had torn
her gloves towing the plane, and there was oil on her hands. "You been
out to the airport?"
"Just for a few minutes."
She suddenly wondered if he was onto her, but he only nodded, and
the Christmas tree up in the corner with her brother's help.
He seemed in good spirits, and not inclined to question Cassie
She took a hot bath, and thought about their close call.
It had been frightening, but the odd thing was that she didn't
she'd mind dying in a plane.
It was where she wanted to be, and it
seemed a better place to die than any other. But nonetheless, she was
very glad they hadn't. And
so was Nick. He was still deeply upset
what had almost happened.
And at ten o'clock that night, he was dead
drunk, as he sat in his living room, wondering how Pat would have
survived it if his oldest friend had killed his daughter. It made him
suddenly think twice about flying with her again, and yet he knew
couldn't stop. He just had
to do it, not only for
her sake. It was almost as
though he needed to be with her now, needed
her wit and humor, her wisdom, her big eyes, and the incredible
way she
always looked the first time he saw her.
He loved the way she flew, the way she knew so much instinctively,
worked so hard to learn what she didn't. The trouble was, he had
realized that afternoon, he loved too much about her. The Christmas
tree at the O'Malleys' was beautiful. The children had decorated it as
best they could, and their aunts and uncles and grandparents had
They had strung popcorn and cranberry beads, and hung all their
handmade decorations. Oona
made a few new ones each year, and this year
the star of the show was a big handmade silk angel she hung near
the top
of the Christmas tree, and Cassie was staring up at it admiringly
Bobby arrived with a load of homemade gingersnaps and cider. Her mother
made a big fuss over him, and her sisters left shortly afterward
to put
their children to bed. Pat
and Chris went outside to get more firewood,
and Cassie found herself suddenly alone with Bobby in the
kitchen. "It
was nice of you to bring us the gingersnaps and the cider,"
she said
with a smile. "Your
mom said you were crazy about gingersnaps when you
were a little girl," he said shyly, his blond hair shining
and his eyes
almost like a child's.
And yet, in an odd way, he was so tall and so serious that there
something manly about him.
He was just eighteen, but you could begin to
guess what he might look like at twenty-five or thirty. His father was
still a handsome man at forty-five, and his mother was very
Bobby was a fine boy, and exactly the kind of person her parents
her to marry. He had a
solid future, a decent family, good morals, good
looks, he was even Catholic.
Cassie smiled, thinking of the gingersnaps
again. "I ate so many
once, I was sick for two days and couldn't go to
school. I thought I was
going to die . . . but I
didn't." But she
almost had that afternoon .
. . She had almost been killed in a plane
with Nick, and now she and Bobby were standing there talking about
cookies. Life was so odd
sometimes, so absurd and so insignificant, and
then suddenly so thrilling.
"I . . . uh . . ."
He looked at her awkwardly, not sure what to say to her, and
if this was a good idea.
He had talked it over with his dad first, and
Tom Strong had thought it was.
But this was a lot harder than Bobby
thought, especially when he looked at Cassie. She looked so beautiful,
standing there, in a pair of dark slacks, and a big pale blue
her bright red hair framing her face like one of her mother's
white silk
angels. "Cass . . . I'm not sure how to say this to you, but
. . I . . . uh . .
." He moved closer to her, and reached out and took her hand
in his, and
they could both hear her father and brother stirring in the living
but they carefully left the two young lovers alone in the
kitchen. "I .
. . uh . . . I love you,
Cass," he said, suddenly sounding stronger and
older than he was. "I
love you a lot . . . and I'd like to
marry you
when we graduate in June."
There, he had said it. He looked
proud of himself, as Cassie stared at him, her face suddenly paler
it had ever been, and her blue eyes wide in consternation. Her worst
fears had come true. And
now she had to face them. "I
. . . er . . .
thank you," she said awkwardly, wishing she had crashed that
It would have been simpler.
"Well?" He looked at
her so hopefully,
wanting her to give him the expected answer. "What do you think?" He
was so proud of himself he could have shouted. But his excitement was
not contagious. All Cassie
felt was dismay and terror. "I
think you're
wonderful"--he looked instantly ecstatic at what she'd just
said to
him--"and I think you're really nice to ask me. I .
. . uh . .
I just don't know what I'm going to do in June." June was not the
issue, marriage was, and she knew that. "I . . . Bobby, I
want to go
to college." She said
it as she exhaled, terrified that someone else
would hear her. "You
do? Why?" He looked startled. None of her
sisters had, and her mother certainly hadn't before her, or even
His question was reasonable, and she wasn't even sure she had an
"Because I can't fly professionally" hardly seemed like
a good answer.
And marriage right out of school had never seemed like a
appealing option. "I
just think I should. I was talking to
Wilcox about it a few weeks ago, and she really thinks I
should. I
could teach after that, if I wanted to." And I wouldn't have to get
married right away, and have babies. "Is that what you want?" He
seemed surprised; he had never counted on her wanting to go to
and it altered his plans for her a little bit, but she could be
and go to college too. He
knew people who had done that.
"You want to
be a teacher?"
"I'm not sure. I just don't
want to get married right
out of school, have kids, and never do anything with my life. I want
more than that." She
was trying to explain it to him, but it was so
much easier to explain it to Nick. He was so much older and wiser than
Bobby. "You could
help me with the business. There's lots
you could do
at the store. And my
father says he wants to retire in a few years."
And then suddenly he had an idea; it struck him as brilliant.
"You could study accounting, and then you could do the books. What do
you think, Cass?" She
thought he was a nice boy.
But she didn't want to do his books. "I want to do engineering," she
said, and he looked even more confused. She was certainly full of
surprises, but she always had been. At least she hadn't told him she
wanted to be Amelia Earhart.
She hadn't said a word about flying, only
about school, and now about engineering. But that was a little crazy
He wasn't sure what to tell his father. "What'll you do with an
engineering degree, Cass?"
Understandably, he sounded puzzled.
don't know yet."
"Sounds like you have some thinking to do." He sat
down at the kitchen table, and pulled her into the chair next to
He was 74 holding her hand, and trying to excite her about their
"We could get married, and you could still go to
school." "Until I get
pregnant. And how long
would that be?" He blushed at her
openness, and
he clearly didn't want to discuss it with her any further. "I'd
probably never finish the first year. And then I'd wind up like
Colleen, always talking about going back to school, and too busy
babies." "We
don't have to have as many as they do.
My parents only
had two." He still
sounded hopeful. "That's two more
than I want for a
long time.
Bobby, I just can't . . .
not now . . . not yet. It wouldn't be fair
to you. I'd always be
thinking about what I'd missed, or what I wished
I had done. I can't do
that, to either of us." "Does
flying have
anything to do with any of this?" he asked suspiciously, but she shook
her head. There was no way
she could tell him all that she had been
doing. And that was a
problem too. She couldn't imagine
married to a man she couldn't confide in. Nick and she were just
friends, but there was nothing she couldn't tell him. "I'm just not
ready." She was
honest with him. "When will you
be?" he asked her
sadly. It was
disappointing for him, and he knew his parents would be
disappointed, too. His
father had already offered to help him pick out
and pay for the ring. But
there would be no ring now. "I
don't know.
Not for a long time."
"If you'd already been to college, do you think
you'd marry me?" he
asked her bluntly and she was startled by the
"Probably." She
wouldn't have any excuse not to. It
wasn't that she
needed an excuse, and she did like him. She just didn't want to marry
anyone. Not yet, and not
now, and probably not for a long time, but
suddenly Bobby looked hopeful.
"I'll wait then."
"But that's crazy."
She was embarrassed at having encouraged him. How could she possibly
know how she'd feel when she finished college?
"Look, I'm in love
with you. It's not like I'm looking for
a mail
order bride to pick up in June.
If I have to wait, I will. But
rather not wait the whole four years while you go to college. Maybe we
could compromise in a year or two, and you could finish school
once we
were married. At least
think about that, it doesn't have to be so
terrible. And," he
blushed furiously, "we don't have to have a baby
right away. There are
things you can do about that," he said, almost
choking. She was so
touched by what he'd said to her, and by the
generosity of his feelings that she put her arms around him and
him. "Thank you
. . . for being so fair . . ."
"I love you," he said
honestly, still blushing from the things he had just said to her.
It was the hardest thing he had ever done, proposing to her, and
rejected. "I love you
too," she whispered, overwhelmed by guilt and
tenderness and a maelstrom of emotions. "That's all I need to know," he
said quietly. They sat and
talked in the kitchen for a long time, about
other things. And when he
left, he kissed her on the porch, feeling
they had come to an agreement.
The decision was not now, as far as he
was concerned, but definitely later. And all he had to do now was
convince her that sooner was better than later. It seemed a small task
to him in the heat of the moment.
The class of 1937 walked slowly down the aisle of the auditorium
Thomas Jefferson School, the boys and the girls hand in hand, two
two, the girls carrying bouquets of daisies. The girls looked so lovely
and pure, the boys so young and hopeful. Watching them, Pat was
reminded of the boys who had flown in the war for him. They had been
the same age, and so many of them had died, and to him they had
looked like children.
Together, the entire class sang the school song
for the last time, and the girls all cried, as did their
mothers. Even
their fathers had tears in their eyes as the diplomas were handed
and then suddenly, the ceremony was over and there was
Three hundred kids had graduated and would go on to their lyves,
most of
them to get married, and have babies. Only forty-one of a
class of three hundred and fourteen were going on to college. Of the
forty-one, all but one were going to the state university
atMacomb, and
only three of these were women.
And of course one of them was Cassie,
who was the only student going as far as Peoria, to attend
Bradley. It
would be a long haul every day, well over an hour each way in her
father's old truck, but she was convinced it was worth it, just
for the
chance to take the aeronautics courses they offered, and some
engineering. Cassie had
had to fight tooth and nail for it. Her
though tit was a waste of time, and she'd be a lot better off
married to
Bobby Strong. He was
furious with her for turning him down, and he only
backed off because Oona had insisted to him quietly that she was
they would get married eventually, if they didn't push her. Cassie just
needed time. It was Oona
who had prevailed on him, and talked Pat into
letting her go on to college.
It certainly couldn't do any harm, and
she had agreed to compromise and major in English, not
engineering. If
she graduated, she'd get a teaching degree, but she had still
for a minor in aeronautics.
No woman had ever applied for the course, and she had been told
she'd have to wait to see if the professor felt she was eligible
for the
class. But she was going
to talk to him as soon as she got to school in
September. There was a
reception at the high school after graduation,
and of course Cassie had already gone to her senior prom with
Bobby. He
had seemed to accept his fate for the past six months, but the
they graduated, he talked to her about it again, just in case
changed her mind, and had second thoughts about college.
"No, I haven't," she said with a gentle smile. He was so faithful to
her, and so earnest, that sometimes he made her feel very
guilty. But
she had made a commitment to other things, and she didn't want to
sight of them now, no matter how sweet he was, or how kind, or how
guilty he made her feel, or how much her father liked him. He left
early that night, his grandmother was in town, and he had to go
home and
visit with her.
Pat growled at Cassie after 78 Bobby left. She was still wearing the
white dress she had worn under her black gown, and she looked very
pretty. "You'll be a
damn fool, Cassie O'Malley, if you let that boy
slip through your fingers."
"He won't, Dad." It
was the only thing she
could think of to say to him.
It sounded conceited, but it was better
than saying she didn't care, which would really have enraged
him. And
the truth was, she did care.
There were times when she thought she
really loved him, especially when he kissed her. "Don't be so sure,"
her father railed at her.
"No man can be expected to wait forever. But
maybe once you have your teaching degree, you won't care.
Maybe you have it in mind to become an old maid schoolteacher.
Now there's something to wish for." He was still annoyed with her about
this business of going to college. Instead of being proud of her, as
the other two girls' fathers were, he thought it was foolish.
But Nick was pleased for her that she was going. He had realized long
since how bright she was, and how capable, and it didn't seem
fair, even
to him, to just push her into getting married and having babies.
He was relieved too that she hadn't decided to marry Bobby Strong
out of school. That would
have changed everything, and he couldn't have
borne it. He knew that
eventually things would have to change, but at
least for now their sacred Saturdays were safe, and they would
have their precious hours of flying. Cassie sat by the radio that night
after everyone had left. She had been dying to do that all afternoon,
but she knew how much it would have annoyed her father.
Amelia Earhart had taken off from Miami that afternoon, with Fred
Noonan, in a twin-engine Lockheed Electra. She was flying around the
world, and the expedition had been highly publicized by her
George Putnam. Her trip
had been oddly plotted because of the threat of
war, and there were areas she clearly had to avoid. They had chosen the
longest route around the world at the equator, and the most
over isolated, and underdeveloped countries, which offered few
and fewer opportunities for fuel.
had not set an easy task for herself, and Cassie was enthralled
all of it. Like many other
girls her age, and half the world, Cassie
was in love with the courage and excitement of Amelia Earhart.
"What are you doing, sweetheart?" her mother asked as she wandered past
her into the kitchen. It
had been an emotional day for her, and she
thought Cassie looked tired too.
"Just listening to see if there's any
news about Amelia Earhart."
"Not at this hour," her mother smiled.
"There will be plenty o fit in the news tomorrow.
She's a brave girl."
She was more than a girl obviously, she was a
month shy of forty, which to Cassie seemed fairly ancient. But in spite
of that she was still exciting.
"She's lucky," Cassie said softly,
wishing she could do something just like Earhart was doing.
She would have liked nothingbeKer than to tour the world, setting
records, and flying incredible distances over strange lands and
uncharted waters. It
didn't frighten her at all, all it did was excite
her. And she said as much
to Nick the next day, after they'd flown
turns around a marker over their secret airstrip.
"You're as crazy as she is," he said, dismissing
Earhart's folly with a
casual wave. "She's
not the great pilot Putnam sets her up to be.
She's crashed more than half the women who fly, and I' llbet you a
dollar that in that Electra of hers she overshoots every
runway. It's a
heavy machine, Cass, and it's got the heaviest Wasp engine
would give it. That's more
than a handful for a woman of her size and
build. This trip is just a
stunt to make her the first woman to fly
around the world. It's
been done by men, and it's not going to do
anything to advance aviation, only to advance Amelia
Earhart." He
seemed unimpressed, but Cassie was undaunted. "Don't be a jerk, Nick.
You're just mad because she's a woman." "I'm not. If you told me
Jackie Cochran was doing this, I'd say great. I just don't think
Earhart has the stuff to do it.
And I talked to a guy in Chicago who knows her, and he says she
ready, 80 and neither was the plane. But Putnam wants to squeeze all
the publicity he can out of it.
I feel sorry for her actually. I
she's being used. And I
think she's being pushed into some lousy
"Sounds like sour grapes, Nick," Cassie teased, as they
shared a Coca-Cola. Their
flights together had become a beloved ritual
neither of them would have missed for anything in the world. They had
been going on for exactly a year now. "You'll eat your words when she
breaks all records," Cassie said confidently as he shook his
"Don't hold your breath." And then he smiled at her, his eyes crinkling
in the corners, as they did when he was staring into the sun when
he was
flying. "I'd rather
put my money on you in a few years."
He was playing with her, but he also meant it. "Yeah, sure. And my
father will be taking the bets, right?" They still hadn't figured out
how to tell him about Cassie's flying, let alone that Nick thought
Cassie was one of the best pilots he knew. But he had promised her that
one of these days, when the time was right, they would do it.
The Peoria Air Show was in two weeks, and he was working with
Chris, who
was as steady as ever, and as uninterested as he had always been.
He was entering the air show only to please his father. He was going to
try and set an altitude record, though he didn't think he really
Stunts were not his strong suit, and the hotshot flying still
him. But they had
strengthened the structure of Nick's Bellanca, and
put a turbo supercharger on the engine to increase its power. "I wish I
could fly in it too," Cassie said longingly, and Nick wished
the same
thing right along with her.
"So do I. Next year," he promised her, and
when he said it, he meant it.
"Do you really think I could?" She looked overwhelmed with excitement.
Though it was a year away, it was something to look forward to,
more than college. "I
don't see any reason why not, Cass. You
better than any
of the guys there. It
would make quite an impression, dazzle 'em a
little bit. Believe me,
they need it." "There are
some pretty good
guys at the air show," Cassie said respectfully. She had seen some
great flying over the years, but she also knew that she could fly
well as, or better than, most of those men now. Cassie had seen some
terrible tragedies over the years too. It was not unusual to have
fatalities at the air show.
Oona had finally forced Pat to give it up,
because flying stunts at the air show was just too dangerous. But he
loved to see it. "Want
to take me back up and give me some cheap
thrills?" Nick asked
after their lunch. Sometimes they went
back up
for another spin, if the weather was good and they had time, as
they did
that afternoon. "You
could use a little work on your takeoff sand
landings in crosswinds."
They had also been working on takeoffs with
power cutbacks. "The
hell I do. My landings are better than
are," she disagreed with a grin.
"Don't be so modest."
He ruffled her hair, and let her sit behind him
this time, and as usual, she didn't disappoint him. She was fabulous.
It was as simple as that.
And he was sorry all over again that he
couldn't put her in this year's air show. But two days before the air
show, Cassie was sitting glued to her radio, unable to believe
what she
was hearing. Amelia
Earhart had gone down, somewhere near Howland
Island in the South Pacific.
It seemed incredible to her, and to
everyone else who heard the news.
All except her father, who repeated
constantly for everyone to hear that women belonged in the
kitchen, and
not in planes, except maybe as Sky girls, and even that didn't
suitable to him. But
Cassie was reminded of what Nick had said too,
that Earhart wasn't good at handling heavy planes, and there were
several people who knew her well who said she hadn't been
ready. It
seemed like a terrible tragedy, and the government cooperated
immediately with the search for her. But on the day of the air show,
two days later, they still hadn't found her. It dampened Cassie's
spirits terribly, as she watched all the trick flying and the
stunts at
the air show. "Cheer
up." She heard a familiar voice
behind her.
"Don't look so gloomy."
It was Nick. He had a hot dog in
one hand, and
a beer in the other, and he was wearing a paper Fourth of July
The air shows were always festive. "I'm sorry," she apologized with a
tired smile. She had been
up for two days, listening for reports of
Amelia Earhart. But there
were none.
Nothing at all had been found.
She had totally vanished.
"I was just
thinking about . .
." "I know what you were
thinking about.
The same thing you've been thinking about since she took off. But it's
not going to do you any good, getting sick over her. Remember, I told
you a longtime ago. There
are chances we all take. We all know
We accept them. So did
she. She was doing what she
He offered her a bite of his hot dog, and she took it, looking
Maybe he was right. Maybe
she had a right to die that way. Maybe
she'd been given a choice of a ripe old age in a rocking chair,
and a
quick exit in a Lockheed, she would have preferred this. But Cassie
still hated to think of her going down.
It was the death of a legend.
"Maybe you're right," Cassie said
quietly. "It just
seems so sad." "It is
sad," he agreed. "No one ever
said it wasn't. It's sad
when anyone goes down. But it's a risk
we all
take, and some of us love.
You too." He put a hand
under her chin and
reminded her silently of how much she loved to fly and how willing
was to take chances.
"You would do the same thing, given half a chance,
you little fool. You ever
try to go on one of those damn world tours,
and I'll set fire to your plane.
Count on it."
"Thanks." She
grinned up at him, and then he tugged at her arm in
excitement. "Hey
. . . take a look at this . . . there goes Chris .
. . come on . . . come on
. . . head up there . . ."
He was heading
for an altitude trophy in Nick's plane, and he almost disappeared
they watched him. He had
good steady hands, and a seriousness that made
him perfect for this kind of competition.
He had none of Cassie's excitement or sheer grit; all he really
had was
endurance. And when he
landed, Nick was amazed by how far he'd gone.
They hurried over to where Pat and Oona and some ofCassie's
sisters were
standing with their children.
Glynnis and Megan were both hugely
pregnant again, and Colleen had been looking a little green around
gills of late, which had made Oona suspect she was pregnant again
but hadn't yet said it.
They were a prolific group. This
would be the
fourth for Megan and Colleen, the fifth for Glynnis. "Good thing too,"
Cassie whispered under her breath as she chatted with Nick,
"if I'm
never going to have any.
They can have all the kids they want, as far
as I'm concerned."
Lately she had begun to think she never wanted a
husband or children.
"You'll have kids too, don't kid yourself. Why
shouldn't you?" Nick
never believed her when she said she'd never marry
or have children. She
didn't really believe it herself. But
she knew
she didn't want any of that for a long, long time, if ever. All she
wanted was airplanes.
"What makes you so sure I'll have kids, Nick?"
she challenged him.
"Because you come from a family that multiply like
rabbits." "Oh
thanks a lot." She was still
laughing when Bobby Strong
found her, and glanced at Nick awkwardly. He always had the feeling
that Nick didn't like him.
Moments later, having said very little to
either of them, Nick went off to hang out with the other
pilots. Half
an hour later, they announced that Chris had won a prize for
setting the
altitude record. And her
father was beside himself with excitement.
went off to find Chris, and Oona went to find drinks with the
girls, and
the younger children.
Bobby stood watching the show with her, as tiny
red and blue and silver planes did stunts and rolls, and lazy
spins in
the air, crazy eights, and double eights, and a few tricks Cassie
never heard of. Just 84
watching them took your breath away, and more
than once the crowd gasped as disaster seemed imminent, and then
when there was a last minute save.
She was used to it, but it was always exciting.
"What were you thinking just then?"
Bobby had begun watching her face. It had been filled with light and an
expression of total rapture as she watched a plane do an outside
it was a stunt Jimmy Doolittle had invented ten years before, and
really impressed her. The
pilot then finished with a flourish by doing
a low-level inverted pass, away from the crowd, so no one was
endangered. Bobby watched
the look on her face with fascination.
then she turned and smiled at him, almost sadly.
"I was thinking that I wish I were up there doing that,"
she said
honestly. "It looks
like so much fun." All she wanted
was to be one of
them. "I think I'd
get sick," he said with equal honesty, and she
grinned at him, as a vendor wandered by with cotton candy.
"You probably would.
I almost have a couple of times."
She had almost
spilled the beans then, and had to remind herself to be careful.
"Negative G's will do it to you. You get those in a stall, just before
you recover. It feels like
your stomach is going to fly right out of
your mouth . . . but it
doesn't." She grinned.
"I don't know how you can like all this, Cass. It scares me to death."
He looked handsome and blond and very young as he stood admiring
and she was growing, day by day, to be more of a woman. "It's in my
bones, I guess." He
nodded, worried that that was true.
"That's too
bad about Amelia Earhart."
She nodded too.
"Yes, it is. Nick
says that all pilots accept those possibilities.
It can happen to anyone."
She looked up at the sky."
Anyone here too.
I guess they figure it's worth it." "Nothing's worth risking your
life," Bobby disagreed with her," unless you have to,
like in a war, or
to save someone you love." "That's the trouble"--Cassie looked at him
with a sad smile
"most pilots would risk anything to fly.
But other
people don't understand that." "Maybe that's why women shouldn't,
Cass," he said quietly and she sighed. "You sound like my father."
"Maybe you should listen to him." She wanted to say "I can't," but
knew she couldn't say that to him. She could only say that to Nick.
He was the only human being who knew the whole truth about her,
accepted it. No one else
really knew her. Especially not
Bobby. She
saw Chris walking toward them then, and she ran to him. He was carrying
his medal, his face was glowing with pride, and Pat was walking on
right behind him.
"First medal at seventeen!"
he was telling anyone
who would listen.
"That's my man!" He
was handing out beers, and
slapping everyone on the back, including Chris and Bobby.
Chris was basking in his father's love and approval. Cassie was
watching them, fascinated by how desperate her father was for
success in the air, yet at the same time how adamant he was that
never get there.
She was ten times the flier Chris was, or better still, but her
would never acknowledge it, or even know it. Nick came over to shake
hands with Chris, and the boy was elated by his victory, and then
went off with Nick to meet some of the other pilots. It was an exciting
day for him, and a day Pat O'Malley had waited fifty-one years
for. And
as far as he was concerned, this was only the beginning.
Instead of seeing that this was the top of Chris's skill, he
more. He was already
talking about next year, and Cassie felt sorry for
Chris then.
She knew how much their father meant to him, and that no matter
what it
cost him, he would do anything to please him. The O'Malley clan were in
high spirits. They were
almost the last ones to leave, and Bobby went
home with them for dinner.
Nick went out to celebrate with his flying
friends, and he looked pretty well oiled by the time he left the
But he knew Chris was flying the Bellanca back to O'Malley
Airport, and
he could hop a ride in Pat's truck, so he didn't have to worry
flying or driving. Oona
had cooked platters of fried chicken for them
in the morning before they left, and there was corn on the cob,
salad and baked potatoes.
There was a ham too, and she had baked
blueberry pie and made ice cream once back at the house. It was a real
feast, and Pat poured Chris a full glass of Irish whiskey.
"Drink up, lad, you're the next ace in this
family!" Chris struggled
with the drink, and Cassie watched them, feeling sad. She felt left out
somehow. She should have
been flying with them, and basking in her
father's praise, and she knew she couldn't. She wondered if she ever
would. But the only fate
that seemed open to her was that of her
sisters, having another baby every year, and condemned to their
kitchens. It seemed a
terrible life to her, although she loved them
all, and her mother, but she would have rather died than spend her
the way they had.
Cassie noticed too that Bobby was very sweet to all of them.
He was kind to her sisters, and adorable to all their
children. He was
a gentle man, and he would make a wonderful husband. Her mother pointed
it out to her again when she was helping clean up in the
kitchen. And
afterward, she and Bobby went for a long walk, and he surprised
her when
he talked to her about flying.
"I was watching you a lot today, Cass,
and I know what all that means to you. And you may think I'm crazy, but
I want you to promise me you'll never do any of that crazy
stuff. I
really don't want you to fly.
It's not that I don't want you to have
fun. But I don't want you
to get hurt. You know . . .
like Amelia Earhart."
It seemed reasonable to him, and she was touched,
but Cassie laughed nervously.
The idea of promising anyone that she
wouldn't fly made her shudder.
"I'm not going to fly around the world, if that's what you're
about," she said with an anxious smile. But he shook his head, he meant
a lot more than that, and she knew it. "That's not what I mean.
I mean I don't want you flying at all."
He had only seen a glimmer of how dangerous it was, but watching
stunts at the air show had convinced him. There was no question that
there were risks in flying, and two years before there had been a
terrible tragedy at the same air show. Bobby was no fool, and he knew
the magic it held for her.
Simply put, he didn't want to lose her.
don't want you learning to fly, Cass. I know you want to.
But it's just too dangerous.
Your father is right. An dit's
much too
dangerous for a woman."
"I don't think that's a reasonable thing to
ask," she said quietly.
She didn't want to lie to him, but she also
didn't want to tell him that she'd been flying regularly with Nick
over a year now. "I
think you have to trust my judgment on that." "I
want you to promise me you won't fly," he said, showing a
strength and
stubbornness she had never seen before. She was impressed, but she
wasn't going to promise.
"That's unreasonable. You
know how much I
love to fly."
"That's why I'm asking you to promise, Cass. I think you
would be just the one to take chances." "Believe me, I wouldn't.
I'm careful . . . and I'm
good . . . that is, I would be. Look,
Bobby, please . . . don't
do this . . ." "Then I want you to think
about it. This is very
important tome." So is flying to
me, she wanted
to scream. It was the only
thing she cared about, and now he wanted to
take it from her. What was
wrong with all of them? Bobby, her
even Chris. Why did they
want to take something away from her that she
loved so much? Only Nick
understood. He was the only one who
knew, and
cared how she felt about it.
Though at that exact moment, Nick Galvin
was passed out cold in the arms of a girl he had met at the air
She had bright red hair, and brightly painted lips, and as he
close to her, he smiled and whispered, "Cassie."
C H A P T E Rassie's schedule at Bradley was more demanding than
it had
been as a senior in high school, but she managed to juggle it
and now she and Nick met twice a week, always on Saturdays, and
sometimes on a weekday morning. Her father wasn't aware of her
schedule, and it was easy for both of them. And she had started working
as a waitress in order to repay Nick for the fuel, even if she
afford to pay him for the lessons. But he had never expected any
payment from her. He did
it for sheer love and pleasure. She was
getting better each time they flew, refining some fine points, and
flying every plane she could so as to learn their differences and
quirks. She flew the
Jenny, the old Gypsy Moth, Nick's Bellanca, the de
Havilland 4, and even the lumbering old
Handley. Nick wanted her
to fly everything she could, and he had her
perfecting all her techniques and honing her skills with great
precision. He had even
taught her some rescue techniques, and told her
all the details of some of his more illustrious forced landings
and near
misses while fighting the Germans. There was very little she didn't
know about flying the Jenny or the Bellanca or even the Handley,
Nick had brought with him because it was so much heavier and
harder to
fly, and had two engines.
She spent less time at her father's airport
now, since she had farther to go to school, but she still hung
whenever she could, and she and Nick would exchange a
smile, whenever their paths crossed. She was working on an engine one
day, in a back hangar, when she was surprised to see her father
walk in
with Nick. They were
talking about buying a new plane, and her father
thought it might be too expensive. It was a used Lockheed Vega.
worth it, Pat. It's a
heavy plane, but it's a beautiful machine.
checked one out the last time I was in Chicago."
"And who do you think is going to fly it? You, and me. And the others
are just going to bring it down in the trees. It's a damn fine machine,
Nick, and there aren't five men here I'd trust to fly it.
Maybe not even two."
But as her father said the words, Cassie saw Nick looking at her
strangely, and then she felt terror run up her spine. She knew
instinctively what he was going to do. She wanted to tell him to stop,
but another part of her wanted him to do it. She couldn't hide forever.
Sooner or later her father would have to know. And Nick kept talking to
her about flying in the next air show. "There may not be five men
around here who can fly it, Pat.
But i can tell you one woman who can, with her eyes closed."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Her father growled at him, already
annoyed at the mention of a woman who could fly anything, let
alone a
plane he wouldn't trust his own men with. Nick said it very quietly,
and calmly, as Cass watched them, terrified, praying that her
would listen. "Your
daughter is the best pilot I've ever seen, Pat.
She's been flying with me for more than a year, a year and a half
to be
exact. She's the best damn
pilot you and I have seen since seventeen.
I mean that."
"You what?" Pat
looked at his old friend and associate in total
outrage. "You've been
flying with her? Knowing how I'd feel
about it?
How dare you!"
"If I didn't dare, she would.
She would have killed
herself a year ago, terrorizing her brother into taking her up and
letting her fly anything she could lay her hands on. I'm telling you,
she's the best damn natural pilot you've ever seen, and you're a
fool if
you don't let her show you what she's got, Pat. Give the kid a chance.
If she were a boy, you would, and you know it." "I don't know what I
know!" he raged at
both of them, "except that you're both two damn
lying fools, and I'm telling you right now I forbid you to fly,
Cassandra Maureen."
He looked straight at her as he said it, and then
at Nick. "And I'm not
going to put up with any nonsense from you, you
damn fool, Nick Galvin, do you hear me?" "You're dead wrong!" Nick was
insistent, but Pat was too livid to listen. "I don't give a damn what
you think.
You're a bigger idiot than she is. She's not flying my planes at my
airport. And if you're
fool enough to fly her in your own, somewhere
else, then I lay the responsibility on your head if you kill her,
it's your own damn fault, if she kills you, which she will
There isn't a woman alive who can fly worth a damn, and you know
He had just knocked out, with a single blow, an entire generation
extraordinary women, and among them his own daughter.
But he didn't care. That
was what he believed, and no one was going to
tell him any different.
"Let me take her up and show you, Pat. She can
fly anything we've got.
She's got a sense of speed and height that
relies on her gut and her eyes, more than on anything she sees on
controls. Pat, she's
terrific." "You're not going
to show me anything,
and I don't want to see
it. Couple of damn fools
. . . I suppose she's bamboozled you
all this." He looked
at his daughter with total fury. As far
as he was
concerned, it was all her fault.
She was a stubborn little monster,
determined to kill herself with her father's planes and right at
his own
airport. "She didn't
bamboozle me into anything. I saw her
running a year ago, in that storm she got herself into with Chris,
and I
knew damn well he wasn't flying the plane. I figured if I didn't step
in, she'd kill both of them, so I started teaching her
then." "That was
Chris flying in that storm last year," her father argued
"It was not !"
Nick shouted back at him, furious now himself at how
unreasonable Pat was prepared to be, and all to support an
position. "How blind
can you be? The boy's got no guts, no
All he can do is run straight up and down, like an elevator, just
he did for you at the air show.
What on God's earth makes you think he
could have gotten them out of that storm? That was Cassie." He looked
at her possessively, and he was surprised to see that she was
crying in
the face of her father's fury.
"It was, Dad," she said quietly. "It
was me. Nick knew. He confronted me when we came down,
and--" "I won't
listen to this. You're a
liar on top of everything else, Cassandra
Maureen, trying to take the glory from your own brother."
The force of his accusations took her breath away, and told her
how hopeless it was to try to convince him. Maybe one day, but not now.
And never seemed more likely.
"Give her a chance, Pat."
Nick was
trying to calm him down again, but it was useless. "Please. Just let
her show you her stuff.
She deserves that. And next
year, I'd like to
put her in the airshow."
"You're both daft, is what you are.
Two brazen fools. What
makes you think she wouldn't kill herself, and
me, and you, and a dozen other people at the air show?"
"Because she flies better than anyone you've ever seen
92 Nick tried to stay calm, but he was losing control slowly. Pat was
not an easy man, and this was a very volatile subject. "She flies
better than Rickenbacker, for chrissake. Just let her show you."
he had uttered the ultimate sacrilege this time, in invoking the name
the commander of the 94th Aero Squadron. Nick knew he'd pushed too far,
and Pat stalked off and left them, and went back to his office.
He never looked back at them, and he never said another word to
daughter. She was crying
openly by then, and Nick came to put an arm
around her.
"Christ, your father is a stubborn man. I'd forgotten how impossible he
can be when he gets something in his teeth. But I'll get him yet on
this one. I
promise." He gave her a squeeze
and she smiled through her
tears. If she had been
Chris, her father would have let her show him
anything at all. But not
now, not ever, not her, because she was a
girl. It was so unfair,
but she knew that nothing would change him.
"He'll never give in, Nick." "He doesn't have to.
You're eighteen.
You can do what you want, you know. You're not doing anything wrong.
You're taking flying lessons.
So what? Okay? Relax." And very shortly she'd have her own license.
She was more than qualified for it. When Pat had started flying in
1914, he hadn't even needed a license to fly then. "What if he throws
me out of the house?"
She looked terrified and Nick laughed.
He knew Pat better than that, and so did she. He made a lot of noise,
and he was limited in his ideas and beliefs, but he loved his
"He's not going to do that, Cass. He may make you miserable for a
while. But he's not going
to throw you out. He loves
you." "He loves
Chris," she said glumly.
"He loves you too. He's
just a little behind
the times, and stubborn as hell.
Christ, sometimes he drives me crazy."
"Me too." She
smiled and blew her nose, and then she looked up at Nick
with worried eyes.
"Will you still teach me?"
"Of course," he
grinned, looking boyish and full of mischief, and then
he pretended to look at her sternly. "And don't let everything I said
go to your head. You don't
fly like the leader of the great 94th," he
scowled at her, and then grinned.
"But you could be better than he was
one day, if you'd clean up some of those turns and listen to your
"Yes, sir." "Go
wash your face, you look terrible . .
I'll see you at the airstrip tomorrow, Cass." He smiled at her.
"Don't forget, we have an air show to prepare for."
She looked gratefully at him, as he strode away, wondering what it
take to bring Pat O'Malley to his senses. He had certainly not come to
them that night when he refused to say a word to her at their
table. He had told Oona
what she'd done, and her mother cried when she
heard it. Pat had
convinced her long since that women were not
constitutionally or mentally cut out to fly airplanes.
"It's just too dangerous," she tried to explain to
Cassie later that
night in her room. With
her sisters married and gone, Cassie had long
since had her own bedroom.
"It's no more dangerous for me than it is
for Chris," Cassie said through tears again. She was exhausted from
fighting with them, and she knew she'd never win.
Even Chris had said nothing in her defense. He hated getting into
arguments with their parents.
"That's not true," her mother countered
what she'd said."
Chris is a man. It's less
dangerous for a man to
fly," her mother said as though it were gospel truth, because
heard it from her husband.
"How can you say that?
That's nonsense."
"It's not. Your father says
that women don't have
the concentration."
"Mom, that's a lie. I
swear. Look at all the
women who fly. Great
ones." "Look at Amelia Earhart,
She's a perfect example of what 94 your father says. She obviously lost
her direction, or her wits, somewhere out there, and she took that
man with her."
"How do you know their disappearance wasn't his fault?"
Cassie said persistently.
"He was the navigator, not Earhart. And maybe they were shot down,"
Cass said sadly. She knew
she wasn't getting anywhere. Her mother
completely convinced of everything her husband had always told
"You have to stop behaving this way, Cassie. I should never have let
you loll around at the airport all these years. But you loved it so,
and I thought it would be nice for your father. But you have to give up
these foolish dreams, Cassie.
You're a college girl now. One
you'll be a teacher. You
can't go flying around like some silly gypsy."
"Oh yes, I can . . .
dammit, yes I can!"
Cassie raised her voice to her, and a moment later her father was
in her
room, berating her again, and telling her that she had to
apologize to
her mother. Both women
were crying by then, and Pat was at his wit's
end, and clearly livid.
"I'm sorry, Mom," she said mournfully.
"And well you should be," her father said before he
slammed the door
A moment later her mother left, and Cassie lay on the bed and
from the sheer frustration of dealing with her parents. When Bobby
Strong came by later that night, Cassie had Chris tell him that
she had
a terrible headache. He
drove away looking concerned, after leaving her
a note, telling her that he hoped she felt better soon, and he'd
be back
tomorrow. "Maybe
tomorrow I'll be dead," she said glumly as she read
the note her brother handed her.
"Maybe that would be an improvement."
"Relax, Sis. They'll
get over it," Chris said calmly.
"No, they won't.
Dad never will. He refuses
to believe women can fly, or do anything
except knit and have babies." "Sounds great. So
how's your knitting?"
he teased, and she threw a shoe at him, as he closed the door to
But by the next day she
felt better again. She felt like
once she and Nick took off in the Bellanca. He didn't feel he should
let her fly any of her father's planes now. She handled it skillfully
as usual, and just being in the air with Nick lifted her spirits.
Afterward, they sat in the old truck for a while, talking, and
seemed subdued. She was
still obviously upset about her father's
reaction to her flying.
"As good as Rickenbacker, huh?" she teased
Nick after their flying.
"I told you not to let it go to your head. I
was just lying to impress him."
"He sure looked impressed, don't you think?" Cassie grinned ruefully,
and Nick laughed. She was
a good sport, and sooner or later they'd wear
Pat down. He couldn't keep
his head in the sand forever, or could he?
Their flying schedule scarcely changed.
The only time it did was when Nick had long cargo runs, or she had
much homework. But neither
of them was anxious to miss their lessons,
so they always worked their other obligations around them.
And interestingly her father never asked either of them if they
continuing their lessons.
Nick joined them at Thanksgiving as usual;
Pat was cooler than he normally was, to both of them. He hadn't
forgiven either of them yet for what he considered their
betrayal. At
the airport, Nick was walking on eggs, and at home, Pat had
said two words to Cassie since October. It was getting more and more
difficult, but by Christmas he seemed to have relaxed again.
And then finally, he relented totally when Bobby Strong handed
Cassie a
tiny diamond engagement ring on Christmas Eve.
Bobby said he knew it would be a long wait for her, but he'd feel
if they were engaged. He
had been courting her for three years, and he
didn't think it was too soon.
He looked so earnest and so in love with
her that Cassie just didn't have the heart to turn him down.
She wasn't sure what she felt, other than confused, as she let him
the ring slowly onto her finger.
She 9 chad felt so guilty and so
unhappy about everything, since her parents had made such a huge
about her flying. But the
engagement seemed to mollify them, and
restore her to their good graces.
They were very pleased. They
announced her engagement to the rest of the family the next day at
Christmas dinner.
Nick was there too, and he looked surprised at the news, but he
say anything. He only
looked at Cassie, wondering if this would change
everything between them.
But oddly, she didn't behave differently.
She seemed no closer or more comfortable with Bobby now. And she was as
easy with Nick as she ever had been. In fact, very little changed,
Bobby only lingered a little longer on the porch before he left,
but it
wasn't what Cassie herself would have expected of an
engagement. But
Nick was still wondering about it the next time he saw her at
deserted airfield.
"What does that mean?"
He pointed to the ring, and
she hesitated for a moment and shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want
to be mean, but she never seemed to react to anything the way
expected. "I'm not
sure," she said honestly. She
didn't feel any
differently about him from the way she had before he put the ring
on her
finger. She liked him, she
cared about him, but she couldn't imagine
being more to him than she was now. She had gotten engaged mostly
because it seemed to matter so much to Bobby and her parents.
Most of all, it seemed to make a difference to him, and she
that. "I didn't have
the heart to give it back to him."
She looked
sheepishly at Nick as she kept an eye on the Bellanca. They had had a
good flight that day, and she had learned some fine points about
in crosswinds. "He
knows I want to finish college," she said
helplessly. But college
wasn't really the problem. "Poor
guy. This is
going to be the longest engagement in history. What is that?
Another three and a half years?" "Yes." She
grinned mischievously at
him, and he couldn't help but laugh as he resisted an urge to kiss
He was so relieved by
what she'd said. He had
felt sick when he first saw the engagement
ring. He hated the idea of
her being married to anyone, or even
engaged, but Bobby wasn't much of a threat actually. Sooner or later
Cassie would have to figure that out for herself, but then someone
would be. And he knew how
much it would bother him when that happened.
"Okay . . . get your
ass in gear, O'Malley . . . let's see another
dead stick landing."
He was going to take her up again.
"You must think I'm going to spend half my life on the ground
instead of
in the air. Can't you
teach anything else, Stick ?" She
emphasized the
word. "Or is that the
only trick in your repertoire?"
She loved
teasing him, loved being with him, loved being with the only
person in
the world who really understood her.
And better yet, if they could be flying. This time he sent her up
alone, and watched her land perfectly, dead stick, then again
without a
hitch, and finally, without flicking an eye or a wing in the
It really was a shame, he found himself thinking again, that her
refused to watch her fly.
It would have given him so much pleasure.
"Ready to call it a day?" he asked, as they walked back to her truck,
so she could drive home to Good Hope.
"Yeah, I guess so," she said sadly. "I always hate to comedown. I wish
I could go on forever."
"Maybe you should be a Sky girl when you grow
up," he teased her again, and she swatted him with her
gloves, but she
looked sad. She really had
no options. And if it weren't for Nick,
couldn't fly at all.
"Take it easy, kid," he said gently.
"He'll come around."
"No, he won't," she said, knowing her father.
Nick touched her hand, and her eyes met his.
She was grateful for all that he had given her, and his kindness.
They had the kind of friendship that neither of them had ever
found with
anyone else. She was a
great girl, and a good friend, and they had fun
on their stolen afternoons at their airstrip. Nick only wished it could
98 go on forever. He
couldn't imagine not meeting her like this
anymore, or not having her to fly with, and share his thoughts
with. In
all the important ways, she was the only person he really talked
And he was her only friend too.
The only tragedy, for both of them, was
that there was nothing more ahead for them in the future. She drove
home alone late that afternoon, thinking of him, an dit started to
just after she got back.
She went into the house and helped her mother
cook dinner for the four of them, but her father was late.
And an hour later, he still hadn't come home. Oona finally sent Chris
out with the truck to find Pat at the airport. Chris came back twenty
minutes later to grab something to eat for him and Pat. There was a
train wreck two hundred miles southwest of them, with hundreds of
injuries, and they were asking for rescue teams from
everywhere. Pat
was organizing rescue teams at the airport, and he wanted Chris to
him. Nick was there too,
and they were calling all their pilots in to
fly. But three were home
sick, and too ill to come in, and they hadn't
been able to reach some of the others. They were still waiting for a
few more to come in. Pat
had told Chris to tell his mother they
wouldn't be back all night.
Oona nodded, used to this, and packed some
food for them to eat at the airport. "Wait!" Cassie
said, as Chris
started to go back to him.
"I' llcome with you."
"You shouldn't . .
." Oona started to object, but at
the look on her
daughter's face, she shrugged.
There was no harm in it. All she
do was sit at the airport.
"All right. I'll pack
something for you to
eat too." She gave
them a basket filled with food, and Cassie and Chris
drove off, skidding on and off the old road on the property to the
airport. It was an icy
night, and the snow had been falling for two
hours. She wondered if
they'd even be able to take off.
Conditions did not look good, and her father looked worried when
she and
Chris walked into his office at the airport.
"Hi, kids." He pushed aside the food. He and Nick were talking
anxiously about the planes they could use, and the men they needed.
They were trying to send four planes with supplies and rescue tea
Everything and everyone were assembled, except for the
pilots. And so
far, they were still two men short, and they were trying to reach
Pat was going to fly the new Vega himself with Chris.
Although, if he'd had to, Pat could have flown solo. Another of their
best men had come in, with his co-pilot, and they had each been
planes. But they needed
two more men to fly the old Handley.
It was tricky to fly and because of its age and size, it was wiser
have two men flying it in this kind of weather. Nick could have flown
it alone but it wouldn't have been a wise decision.
And he wanted someone good to fly it with him. Silently, he looked over
at Cassie, but he said nothing.
They heard from two more men shortly
after that. One was
bone-tired after a sixteen-hour flight around the
country, delivering mail in terrible weather, and the other was
quick to
admit that he'd been drinking.
"That leaves one," Nick said unhappily.
One man left they needed to hear from. He called in finally around ten,
with a ferocious earache.
"End of the line, O'Malley," Nick said
pointedly. They were one
man short for their mission. Pat read
mind easily, and began shaking his head, but this time Nick
listen. "I'm taking
Cassie with me," he said quietly, as Pat started to
sputter. "Don't waste
your time, Ace.
There are hundreds of injured people waiting for help and
supplies, and
I'm not going to argue with you.
I know what I'm doing, and she's
coming with me." The
only other choice would have been to let her
co-pilot the Vega with her father, and Nick knew he wouldn't let
her do
it. Nick grabbed his
jacket and started moving toward the door, and he
held his breath as Pat stared at him angrily, but made no
"You're a damn fool, Nick," Pat growled at him, but he
said 100 nothing
more as they gathered their things, and he called Oona and asked
her to
wait for them at the airport.
Cassie followed Nick quietly out to the
familiar plane, feeling something deep inside her tremble, and for
an instant she saw her father look hard at her with eyes full of
and betrayal. She wanted
to say something to him then, but she didn't
know what to say, and a moment later, he was gone, with Chris, in
Vega. "He'll be all
right," Nick said as he helped her to her seat, but
she only nodded.
Nick had stuck up for her, as usual; he believe din her, and he
been afraid to say so. He
was an amazing man, and she just hoped she
wouldn't let him down as they flew the old plane in bad weather
all the
way to Missouri.
They did the usual check on the ground, and then checked inside
carefully. She knew the
plane well, thanks to Nick, and as she strapped
herself in, she was suddenly excited at what they were doing and
forgot all about her father.
They were carrying emergency supplies that
had been brought to them at the airport.
The other planes were also carrying supplies, and two doctors and
nurses. Help was coming
from four states. There were nearly a
people injured. Nick took
off cautiously but smoothly.
There had been no ice on the wings, and the snow had thinned. It had
almost stopped as they reached their final altitude of eight
feet and flew southwest toward Kansas City. It was a
two-and-a-half-hour flight for them, although her father and Chris
make it in a little over an hour in the Vega. It was turbulent most of
the time, but it didn't bother Cassie or Nick. Cassie was snmned by the
beauty of the night, and how peaceful it was to be at the control
sin a
night sky full of stars now.
It was like being on the edge of the
world, in an endless universe.
She had never felt so small or so free
or so alive as at that moment.
Nick let her fly the plane much of the
time, and when they reached a good-sized field near the train
wreck, he
brought it in for a landing.
There were wounded
everywhere when they got to the train, supplies
being brought in, medical personnel trying to help people lying on
ground, children crying.
Nick and Cassie and the others stayed to help
until dawn, and by then the state police seemed to have everything
control. Ambulances and
medical personnel had come from all over he
state. People had driven,
flown, they had come as soon as they could.
And in the morning, Nick and Cass flew home with the others. She had
scarcely seen her father all night, as they did everything they
could to
help the rescue workers.
The sun came up just as they took off, and onz$[1] $[1]y
back Nick let her fly it herself, and she brought it in for a
textbook landing in spite of heavy winds and slippery conditions
on the
runway. Nick shook hands
with her as she turned the engines off, and
congratulated her for a job well done. She was grinning broadly as she
stepped off the plane, and she was surprised to almost collide
with her
father. He was standing
right next to the plane, and he looked at Nick
with tired eyes, as he barked a question. "Who landed this plane?" It
was his plane, and Cassie instantly sensed trouble. "I did," Cassie
said quietly, ready to take the blame for any mistake she'd made.
She took her flying seriously and calmly. "You did a damn fine job," he
said awkwardly, and then turned and walked away. She had proven
everything Nick had said, and they both wondered what Pat would do
her now. It was hard to
say. There was no predicting Pat
But as she watched him walk away, there were tears in her
eyes. It was
the only praise he had ever given her that had meant
anything. And she
wanted to shout she was so excited. Instead, she just grinned at Nick,
and saw that he was smiling broadly. And they walked arm in arm back to
the office. Her mother had
brought in coffee and rolls for all the men,
and Cassie sat quietly drinking her coffee and talking to Nick
about 102
what they'd seen at the train wreck. It had been a long, rough night,
but at least they'd been useful.
"So, you think you're a hotshot." She
heard her father's words as he stood next to her, and she looked
up at
him, but he didn't look angry anymore when their eyes met.
"No, Dad, I don't. I
just want to fly," she said softly.
unnatural is what it is.
Look at what happened to that poor fool
Earhart." Cassie had
heard it all before and she was prepared for it,
but she was in no way prepared for what he said next, and her jaw
dropped as she glanced at Nick to make sure she'd heard him
"I'll give you some work out here, after school. Nothing big. Just the
little jobs. I can't have
Nick flying around all the time, wasting fuel
and time, giving you lessons." She grinned as she looked at him, and
Nick let out a whoop as the other men glanced over at them in
She threw her arms around her father's neck, and Nick pumped his
as Chris walked over to his sister and hugged her. She had never been
happier in her life. He was
going to let her fly . . . her father
going to let her fly, and give her flying jobs to do at the
airport .
. "Just wait till the air show in July!" she whispered to Nick as she
hugged him tight, and he laughed.
Her father was in for a big surprise.
But this was certainly a good beginning.
C H A P For ,1. , i T E R
the next six months, Cassie's days seemed to
fly by. heIIV. _ to Bradley every day, worked at the
restaurant three
afternoons a week to pay for fuel when she flew with Nick. And she
tried to get to the airport as soon as she could before nightfall.
She did whatever she could to help there, but most of her work for
father, and flying, was done on weekends. And those were her happiest
days. Nick even took her
on some cargo Detroit, and Cleveland.
life had never before seemed as perfect. secret flying lessons with
Nick sometimes, and ..
. shared alone. But he
taught her openly now, when they both had time,
taking off from her father's airport. And although Pat never said
anything to her, it was obvious that he approved of her style,
rllnc to
; hicao She missed her the time theY'd
and secretly he admitted to Nick once that she was a damn fine
flier. All of his obvious
praise went to Chris, who tried hard, but
really didn't deserve it.
But it didn't bother Cassie anymore.
She had
everything she wanted. The
only problem she had was with her fiance,
who was aghast that her father had relented. But since he had, there
was little Bobby could say, except to remind her constantly of his
disapproval. Her own
mother thought it was only a passing phase,
something she would lose interest in once she and Bobby we
remarried and
had children. The biggest
news that spring was when Hitler took over
Austria in March. For the
first time, there was serious concern about
war, although most people still believed Roosevelt. He said there would
be no war, and America would never step in again if there
was. Once had
been enough. America had
learned her lesson. But Nick didn't
think it
was quite that simple. He
had read about Hitler and didn't trust him.
He also had friends who had volunteered to fly in the Spanish
Civil War
two years before, and he believed that soon all of Europe would
again be in terrible trouble.
Nick could easily envision America
getting involved again despite Roosevelt's promises and
protests. "I
can't believe we'd get into it again. Can you, Nick?"
Cassie asked seriously after they'd practiced for the air
show. "I
can," he answered honestly.
"I think we will too, eventually.
I think
Hitler is going to go too far, and we'll have to step in to
support our
allies." "That's
hard to believe," Cassie said. It
was harder still to
believe that her father was actually going to let her fly in the
airshow. Nick had talked
him into it, and more than anything, Pat was
afraid of being embarrassed.
He had already seen that she was safe, had
good hands, and had been well taught, but what if she did very
What if she did so badly he couldn't hold his head up? "Chris won't let
you down," Nick had encouraged him, and Pat had naively
bought it.
Nick was a lot surer of Cass, but he 106 wouldn't have dared to
say so
to her father. Pat still wanted
to believe that Chris had a great
future in the air, and he refused to see how little Chris cared
In all fairness, Chris didn't let him see his true feelings. He was
afraid to. And when at
last the big day came, all of Nick's beliefs and
predictions proved to be prophetic. Chris won the prize for altitude
again, but Cassie took second for speed, on a straightaway, and
for a race on a closed-circuit course. As they announced the winners in
the afternoon, Pat couldn't believe his ears, and neither could
She and Nick were dancing around like two children, hugging and
and letting out whoops and screams The local paper took a picture
her, first alone, and then standing next to her father. And Chris
didn't begrudge her any of it.
He knew how much it meant to her.
was her whole life. Pat
couldn't believe what she'd done. But
could. He had always known
it. And he wasn't surprised either when
of the turn judges said he'd never seen a pilot as good at
pylon turns as Cassie.
"Well, you did it, kid."
Nick smiled at her, as
he drove her home at the end of the day, after they had flown all
father's planes back to the airport. "I still can't believe it," she
said, staring at him, and then looking into the distance out the
"Neither can your dad."
He smiled.
"I owe it all to you," she said seriously, but he only
shook his head.
He knew better. "You
owe it to yourself. That's the one you
owe it to.
I didn't give you the gift, Cass.
God did that.
I only helped you."
"You did everything."
She turned to look at him,
feeling suddenly sad. What
if he stopped teaching her now?
What if they no longer spent time together? "Will you still take me up
"Sure. If you promise not
to scare me." He told her what
the turn judge had said then, with real pride in her. She guffawed, and
then she almost groaned when she saw
Bobby Strong waiting on their front porch. He had been so afraid of
what might happen to her, he had refused to come to the airshow.
There were things she had to reckon with there, but she never had
courage, and he never wanted to hear it. He didn't want to believe how
much flying meant to her, how badly she wanted other things than
his wife and having babies.
What she really wanted right now was to
relive every moment of the airshow with Nick and have him assure
that their time together wasn't over. But instead now she'd have to
deal with Bobby. "There's your friend," Nick said quietly. "You gonna
marry him one of these days?" It was something he always wondered. "I
don't know," she said honestly with a sigh. She was always honest with
him. But her honest
answers were not what Bobby wanted. She
nineteen years old and she didn't feel ready to tie herself to
and yet it was what they all wanted for her." Everyone keeps telling me
I'll change, that being married and having kids changes
I guess that's what I'm scared of. My mom says it's what all women
So how come all I wan tis what I had today and a hangar full of
"I can't say I've ever felt any different," he grinned,
and then grew
thoughtful. "No,
that's not true. I did feel differently
when I was
about your age. I tried
like hell, but it didn't work.
And I've been scared to death ever since. There's no room for both a
family and planes in my life.
But, Cassie, maybe you're different."
In away he wanted her to be, but not for Bobby. "My dad seemed to do
okay at it," she grinned back at him." Maybe we're both weird, you and
Maybe we're both just cowards.
Sometimes it's easier to love airplanes
than people." Except
that she knew she loved him. He was the
friend she had, and she knew he had loved her since she was a
The trouble was, she wasn't a child now. "You know," he nodded
thoughtfully then, responding to her calling herself a coward,
exactly what I said to myself today when I watched you do that
loop followed by the inverted spin before you flipped into the
roll in the aerobatics race.
I said to myself, gee, I never realized
Cassie is a coward."
She burst into laughter at the expression on his
face, and pushed him where he sat behind the wheel in his old
"You know what I mean.
Maybe we're cowards about people," she said
cautiously. "Maybe
we're just not stupid. I think being
married to the
wrong person is about as bad as it gets.
Believe me, I tried it."
"Are you telling me he's the wrong person for
me?" Cassie asked him
in an undertone as Bobby waited for her patiently
on the porch. He had
already heard that she'd been a two-time winner at
the air show. "I
can't tell you that, Cass.
Only you know that. But
don't let anyone else tell you he's the right
one either. You figure it
out. If you don't, you'll be awfully
later." She nodded at
the unexpected wisdom of his words, and then
hugged him again for all he'd done for her. "I'll see you at work
tomorrow." She was
going to be working at the airport all summer.
father was going to let her quit her job at the restaurant and
work for
him, for a pittance. She
wondered if her father would let her do cargo
runs alone. She wondered
if her performance in the air show was going
to change things. She
hopped lightly out of the truck, with a last look
at Nick, and then went to talk to Bobby. He had waited a long time for
her, and he was pleased that she had won, but he looked annoyed as
hurried over. He had been
worried sick all afternoon, working in his
father's store, and terrified he would hear of a disaster at the
show. And now she looked
as breezy as could be, as though she'd gone
into town to go shopping with her sisters. "It's not fair to me, Cass,"
he said quietly. "I
was worried about you all afternoon.
You don't
know what it's like, thinking of all the horrible things that
"I'm sorry, Bobby," she said quietly, "but it was a
special day for me."
"I know," he
nodded, but he didn't look pleased.
None of her sisters
flew, what was she trying to prove? He really didn't want her to keep
on flying, and he said so.
But now was not the time, and Cassie
suddenly looked as angry as he did. "How can you say that to me?" She
had come too far now, the air show, her father, all those years of
lessons with Nick. She
wasn't coming down ever again now. She
was up
there. And she was
staying, whether Bobby liked it or not.
He figured
that eventually he'd change her.
But by the end of the summer he had
come to understand that he had allied himself with a family of
and blood ran thicker than engagements. For the moment, all he could do
was ask her to be careful.
And she was, of course, but not because of
Bobby. She was just good
at what she did. And she flew
By fall, when Jackie Cochran won the Bendix Trophey race from
Burbank to
Cleveland, Cassie was starting to fly mail runs for her
father. He was
sure of her flying by then, and had had her fly him all over the
herself. He had finally
admitted to Nick that he was right. It
was a
coincidence of course, and you couldn't really trust a female the
you could a male, but she was a damn good pilot. Of course, Pat never
said as much toCassie. She
stayed on at Bradley for her sophomore year,
and worked at the airport all through the winter.
She helped out on several emergencies, flew with Nick whenever she
could, and by spring she was an accepted member of the team at the
airport. She flew
everywhere, short runs, long, and of course she was
practicing again for the summer air show. She went out to practice
sometimes with Nick, and their time together reminded her of their
of lessons. But now they
had time to talk at the airport, while they
worked, and more than once, she joined him flying cargo or mail
She was still engaged to Bobby Strong, but his father had been
sick all
year, and he had more responsibilities at the store now. He seemed to
be visiting Cassie less and less often. And she was so busy, sometimes
she didn't even notice.
Hitler occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia in
March, and became more of a threat than ever.
Once again, there was talk of war, and fear of an American
Roosevelt continued to promise that it wouldn't happen this
time. And
Nick continued not to believe him. When Charles Lindbergh returned from
Europe in the spring of1 939, he was the most outspoken champion
America staying out of the war.
And Pat was glad to hear it. He
believed whatever the famed aviator had to say. To Pat O'Malley, the
name of Lindbergh was still sacred. "We don't belong in the next one,
Nick. We learned our
lesson in the last one." Pat was
adamant. He was
sure the United States would never get pulled into another war in
Europe. But there was
already trouble between the Chinese and the
Japanese. Mussolini had
taken Albania. And Hitler seemed to be
toward Poland. But all
Cassie could think of by then was the summer air
show. She was hard at work
learning rolls and turns, and some new
aerobatics she'd seen at a small airstrip in Ohio where she'd gone
Nick. She was working on
her speed, and practicing whenever she could
spare the time. By June,
she had finished her sophomore year, and she
thought she was ready for the air show. Bobby was annoyed about her
participating in the air show again, but he had his own problems
at the
grocery store, and he had long since understood how impossible
was about flying. They
went to see the new Tarzan movie when it came
out in June, and it was the only respite they shared as she
prepared for
the air show. Finally, at
long last, the big day came, and Cassie was
at the airstrip in Peoria with Nick at four o'clock in the
morning. Her
brother was coming in later with Pat, but he wasn't particularly
enthused about flying in the show this year. He had been so excited
about starting college at Western Illinois University at Ma comb
that he
had hardly practiced. Pat
was still pinning all his
hopes on him, and despite Cassie's impressive wins the year
before, he
scarcely ever mentioned her entering the air show. Nick helped her fuel
the plane and check everything, and at sixo' clock he took her out
"Relax," he smiled at her, remembering how he himself had
been the first time he'd flown in an exhibition show, after the
war. Pat
had gone with him and Oona had brought the kids to see him.
Cassie had been there too of course, she was only two then.
And remembering that suddenly made him feel old. The two had become so
close since he had started teaching her to fly years before. They had
developed a bond that they would never lose now.
But the painful thing for him sometimes was forcing himself to
that he was old enough to be her father. She was twenty now, and there
were eighteen years between them.
He still felt like a kid, and he
looked far younger than his years, and Cassie accused him
constantly of
acting like a child. But
the fact was, he was thirty-eight . . .
she was only twenty. He
would have given anything to cut in half the
difference between them.
Not that she seemed to care.
But he did. But then again, she
was still
the daughter of his closest friend, and nothing would ever change
Pat would never have understood the bond or the closeness between
Nick knew it was a hurdle they would never overcome, unlike her
Pat had gone that far, but he would go no further.
Nick ordered her a plate of eggs, some sausages, a side of toast,
and a
cup of black coffee. But
she waved it away as soon as it appeared at
the table. "I can't,
Nick. I'm not hungry." "Eat it anyway. You'll
need it later. I know what
I'm talking about, kid.
Otherwise, you're going to go weak in the knees when you're doing
and negative G's out there.
Be a good girl and eat it, or I'll have to
force it down your throat, and the waitress might not understand
He looked at her in a way that said how much he cared, and she
up at him happily.
"You're disgusting."
"You're cute.
Especially when you take first prize.
I like that in a
girl. In fact, I'm kind of
counting on you to do that."
"Be nice.
Don't push. I'll do what I
can." But she wanted to win first
too, maybe even several of them.
For him, for herself, and more
importantly, to impress her father. "He loves you anyway, you know.
He just can't stand admitting he was wrong.
But he knows how good you are.
I heard him tell a bunch of guys at the
airport last week. He just
doesn't want to tell you, that's all."
Nick understood him better than Cass did. For all his gruff ways and
seeming outrage over women fliers, her father was desperately
proud of
her, and just as embarrassed to show it.
"Maybe if I stacked a bunch of prizes up today, he'd have to
finally, that I fly okay .
. . to me, I mean, not just to a bunch of
guys." She still
sounded angry when she talked about it sometimes.
Her father was always bragging about Chris, who didn't even like
to fly.
It drove her crazy.
"Would it really make that much difference to hear
the words?" Nick
asked her, eating fried eggs and steak with her.
He wasn't going to be doing loops, but he had ordered himself a
"Maybe. I'd like to hear
them just for the hell of it.
Just to see how it feels."
"And then what?"
"I go back to flying for
you, and him, and myself, no big deal, I guess." "And you finish
college and become a teacher." He liked to say the words, but they both
knew that she didn't believe that. "I'd rather teach flying like you,"
she said honestly, taking a sip of hot coffee. "Yeah, and fly mail
runs. That's a great life
for a college girl." "Don't
be so impressed.
I haven't learned a thing, except from you." And she meant it. But
they were interrupted before he could deflect her praise, by a
group of
young men who had just finished
breakfast. They seemed to
hesitate somewhere near their table,
circling like young birds, glancing at Nick and eyeing Cassie.
"You know those guys?"
Nick asked in an under voice, and she shook her
head. She had never seen
them, and then finally one of them approached
Cassie's table. He looked
down at her, and then at Nick, and he looked
suddenly very young as he got up the nerve to address them. "Are you .
. . Stick Galvin?" he
asked hesitantly, and then he glanced at her,
"And Cassie O'Malley?"
"I am," she answered before Nick did. "I'm
Billy Nolan. I'm from
California .
. . we're flying in the air show.
I saw you there last year," he
blushed furiously, "you were terrific." He looked about fourteen and
Nick almost groaned. He
was actually twenty-four, but he didn't look
it. He was blond and
young, his hair stood up in a cowlick like a kid's
,and his face was covered with freckles. "My dad knew who you were," he
said to Nick. "He
flew in the 94th with you, he got shot down.
probably don't remember him .
. . Tommy Nolan." "Oh,
my God," Nick
grinned as he stuck out his hand, and invited Billy to sit down
them. "How is
he?" "Pretty good. He's had a bad limp since the war,
but it doesn't seem to bother him much. We have a shoe store in San
"Good for him. Does he fly
Nick remembered him well, and the funny thing was that Billy
looked just
like him. But Billy said
he hadn't flown in years, and he was none too
thrilled that Billy had caught the bug from him. His friends were
standing watching him then, and Billy beckoned them over.
There were four of them, all about his age, and all from various
of California. For the
most part, they looked like cowboys.
races are you in?"
they asked Cass, and she told them.
aerobatics, and a number of others, which Nick thought was a
ambitious. But it meant so
much to her, and she loved being in the air
show so much, he hadn't wanted to dampen her 114 spirits. She had
waited a long time for this, and she really enjoy edit. Billy
introduced them to everyone, they were a nice bunch of guys, and
for the
second time that morning, Nick Galvin felt ancient. Most of the boys
were fifteen years younger than he was. They were all closer to
Cassie's age, and by the time they all left the restaurant,
everyone was
laughing and chatting, and talking about the air show. They were like a
bunch of kids, going to the school fair, and having a great
time. "I
ought to let you kids go play," Nick grinned at them,
"but then again
maybe Cassie might forget to fly.
Maybe I'd better stick around to see
that you all behave and remember the airshow." They all laughed at him,
and most of them had a thousand questions about the 94th and the
and the Germans he had shot down before it ended.
"Hey, hold on a minute, guys. . . one at a time," and he told them
another story. They
treated him like a hero, and they were all in high
spirits when they got to the fairground. This was what flying was all
about, the camaraderie, and the fun, and the people you met at
like this, the experiences you shared. It wasn't just about the long
flights and the solitude, and the sky at night when you felt as
you owned the world. It
was all of those things, the highs and the
lows, the terror and the peace of it, the incredible
contrasts. They
wished Cassie luck, and went off to check their plane. They were all
taking turns flying it, and they were enrolled indifferent
events. But
only Billy was going to be flying against Cassie. "He's nice," she said
easily, once they were gone, and Nick glanced at her over his
"Don't forget you're engaged," he said politely, and she
laughed at the
pious look on his face, which was very unlike him. Most of the time he
had no interest at all in Bobby Strong, or her fidelity to
him. "Oh for
heaven's sake. I just
meant he was 'nice,' you know, as someone to talk
I wasn't planning to run off with him." She
was fueling the plane, and wondered suddenly if Nick could be
It was a ridiculous idea, and she brushed it off as soon as she
it. "You could run
off with him, you know," he persisted.
"He's the
right age. And at least he
flies. That might be refreshing,"
he said
innocently. "Are you
finding guys for me now?"
She looked amused. "I
didn't know that was part of the service you
provided," she said calmly.
"The service I will provide will be to
chain you to the ground if you don't prepare your plane
right. Don't
fool around, Cass. You're
going to be putting a lot of stress on the
plane, and yourself. Pay
attention." "Yes,
sir." The games were over
now, but for a fraction of an instant, she could have sworn that
he was
jealous, although he certainly had no reason to be. She was engaged to
someone else, and they were just friends, and always had
been. She
wondered if it annoyed him to see her making friends with other
He was very proud of all she'd done, and maybe that was what had
bothering him. It was hard
to tell as he helped her check the plane.
And then a few minutes later they saw her father and her
brother. It
was nearly eight o'clock by then.
And the races started at nine.
Although her first event wasn't until nine-thirty. "All set, Cass?" her
father asked nervously.
"Did you check everything?"
"I did," she said
defensively. Didn't he
think she was capable of doing it? And
if he
cared so much, why hadn't he come out to help her, instead of
He could have been attentive to both of them, but he wasn't. All his
concern was for Chris, who looked more than anything as though he
he didn't have to be there.
He was in only one event this year, and
Cassie hoped for his sake that he'd win it. "Good luck," her father
said quietly, and then left her to join Chris across the airfield.
"Why does he bother?"
she muttered as he walked away, and Nick answered
gently. "Because he
loves you, and he doesn't know how to say it."
"He has an odd way of showing it sometimes."
"Yeah? Maybe it's
because you kept him up all night when you were born.
Maybe you deserve it."
She grinned at the answer he gave her.
Nick always made her feel better about everything, an dit was
to know that he'd always been there. She saw Billy Nolan and the boys
again before her first event.
They were hooting and laughing and
raising hell. It was hard
to believe they were serious, but they had
entered all the toughest races.
"I hope they know what they're doing,"
Nick said quietly. They
looked like a bunch of kids, but it was hard to
tell sometimes. He had
known some real aces who had looked like
But no one wanted to watch a tragedy, and that usually happened
people overestimated their skill, or didn't know their planes'
"They must be okay," Cassie said confidently, "they
qualified." "So did
you," he teased, "what does that mean?" "Jerk . . ." she laughed at
him, and half an hour later she was on her way. It was almost her turn.
There had already been some pretty impressive stunts in the air,
great gasps, a few screams It was all in a day? s work at the air show.
"Give 'em hell!"
Nick called as he left her and she taxied off down the
short runway in the Moth for the aerobatic event. And for the first
time in years, he found himself praying. He hadn't been nearly as
nervous for her last year, but this year he was afraid she might
too hard, just to prove something to him, or her father. She wanted to
win more than anything, and he knew it She began with a few slow
then a double, and a barrel roll.
She went through the whole repertoire backward and forward,
including a
Cuban eight, and a falling leaf, and as he watched her, each
was completed to perfection, and then
she did a triple, and a dive, and somewhere near him a woman
not realizing that in an instant, Cassie would recover. . . and of
course she did. Perfectly. It was the most beautifuldemonstration he
had ever seen, and she finished it off with an outside loop, which
delighted everyone. And
Nick was beaming at her when she landed.
bad for a start, Cass.
Pretty clean."
His eyes shone right into hers as he praised her. "That's all?" Her
excitement and adrenaline turned instantly to disappointment, but
gave her a tight hug and told her she'd been terrific. "You were the
best," he said honestly, and half an hour later, the judges
it. Her father
congratulated her politely when their paths crossed.
But his praise was more for Nick than for Cassie. He was proud of her.
But it still irked him that she was showing up the men with her
"You must have had a very good teacher." "I had a very good student,"
Nick corrected him, and the two men smiled, but her father said
more to Cassie. Chris's
race was next, and he tried hard, but he lost.
He didn't even place this time, and the truth was he didn't really
anymore. For him, his
flying days were over. He was much more
interested in his classes at school, and all things separate from
and airports. He just
didn't have the bug, and the only thing he hated
about it was disappointing his father. "I'm sorry, Dad," he apologized
after he parked the plane.
"I guess I should have practiced more." He'd
been flying Nick's beefed-up Bellanca, which Cassie was going to
"Yes, you should have, son," Pat said sadly. He hated to see him lose
when, with a little effort, he could have been a great flier, or
so Pat
thought. But Pat was the
only one who thought of Chris that way.
Everyone else knew the truth, even Chris, that he just wasn't a
But Cassie congratulated him anyway. "Good job, baby brother.
That was
a pretty piece of flying."
"Not pretty enough apparently," he grinned
at her, and then congratulated her for taking first prize in the
previous event.
And a few minutes later she saw one of Billy Nolan's friend stake
place. He had done some
very fine flying.
Cassie's next race was at ten o'clock and it was more difficult
time. It involved speed,
and she was worried that the Vega couldn't do
it. It was fast, but some
of the racing planes were faster.
"She'll do it if you play her right," Nick promised as
he talked to
Cassie right before takeoff.
The Vega was a great plane and Cassie flew
it well. Nick knew that
for this race it was better than the Bellanca.
"Just keep cool, Cass.
Don't let it scare you."
She nodded and said
not a word as she taxied off, and a moment later she was in the
air, and
flying remarkably. Nick
had never seen anyone more precise or faster,
and she managed some extraordinarily complicated maneuvers. He couldn't
take his eyes off her, and he noticed that Pat was watching her
too. And so was a tall
blond man in a blazer and white trousers.
was watching her very carefully through binoculars, and talking to
a man
who was taking notes. He
was out of place and Nick figured he was
probably from one of the Chicago papers. Cassie won second prize that
time, but only because she hadn't had a faster plane.
She had overcome every handicap the Vega had, and Nick still
believe it. He had never
expected her to win that race, and she had
placed handsomely.
When she was down again, Billy came over and congratulated
her. He had
won third against her.
They were a great bunch of fliers, and Nick
liked what he had just seen of Billy. He was careful and sure, and he
had won in spite of an inferior plane. Like Cass, he had push edit to
the limit. She had two
more races to fly that day. One at
noon, which
went well, and the last one in the afternoon, which was a race
would have preferred she hadn't entered. She and Nick had had lunch
with Billy Nolan and his friends, Chris had joined them
eventually, and
when her father wandered by, she introduced them to the famous Pat
He liked all the young boys, and Billy spent some extra time
talking to
him, telling him about
his father. Pat remembered
him well, and was sorry he had lost track
of him in the past twenty years.
He had genuinely liked him. And
it was time for Cassie's race.
When Pat heard that she had entered, he
was furious, and his eyes blazed as he berated his partner. "Didn't you
tell her not to?" he
barked at Nick, who looked annoyed and unhappy at
Pat's reaction. He felt
guilty enough for letting her enter it and Pat
wasn't helping. "She
takes after her old man, Pat. She does
what she
wants." "She's
got the wrong plane for that, and she doesn't have the
experience to do it."
"I told her that. But she's
practiced a lot, and
I think she's smart enough to let it go if she can't make it. She's not
going to push it to the edge, Pat. I told her that myself."
He only
prayed that she had listened.
The two men stood staring up at the sky
unhappily, with Chris, and Billy and his friends, and the man in
white trousers. It was a
daredevil event, usually entered only by old
stunt pilots withaerobatic planes, which Nick's Bellanca wasn't.
But she had desperately wanted to try her hand at this event. It
allowed her to show off all the stuff she did best, and pull off a
miracle or two, if she could get the plane to cooperate with her
at low
altitudes. She knew it was
going to be scary, but she was prepared to
scrub the race if she really had to. There were over a dozen moves she
had to do, all of them impressive and frightening, and she went
the first half dozen of them without being a hair off. Pat was even
beginning to smile as he watched her. And then on the final dive, she
seemed to lose control.
Her plane dove with its wings askew, and Nick
wondered if she was panicking and had forgotten everything he had
her, or maybe she had fainted.
But she was doing absolutely nothing to
save herself, nothing at all, and no one moved as they stared in
at what was going to become a tragedy in a single instant.
But suddenly, with a roar, she throttled the hell out of it, and
up, barely higher than the heads of the horrified 120 crowd, and
out of it, soaring high and completing a triple roll that took
everyone's breath away.
She completed every move and did a final loop
that won her the race hands down, without even hearing from the
Nick had a lump in his throat the size of an egg and Pat looked
but as he realized what she'd done, Nick wanted to throttle her
scaring him so badly. How
could she terrify them that way? Even
prize wasn't worth it. He
ran to where she taxied the plane and almost
yanked her out of the cockpit.
"What the hell were you doing up there,
you damn fool? Trying to
kill yourself showing off? Don't you
that another foot and you couldn't have pulled up?" "I know that," she
said calmly, startled to realize that he was shaking. She had done
everything intentionally and with flawless calculation. "You're a
lunatic, that's what you are!
You're not human, and you have no right
to be in a plane."
"Did I lose?" She
looked agonized and more than
ever he wanted to shake her, as her father watched from the
with a look of fascination.
And as he watched Nick's face, he realized
that he was seeing something there he had never seen before.
He wondered if Nick even knew it.
"Did you lose?" Nick
raged on,
holding firmly to her arm.
"Are you nuts? You almost
lost your life up
there, and killed about a hundred people." "I'm sorry, Nick." She
looked suddenly contrite.
"I thought I could get away with it." "You
did. Damn you. And it was the finest piece of flying I've
ever seen,
but if you ever do anything like that again, I'm going to kill
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now get out of that
damn plane, and go apologize to
your father." But
surprisingly, he was much kinder to her, although he
had been as scared as Nick, and he was grateful that Oona wasn't
there to see it. She had
stayed home with Glynnis, who was pregnant
again, and all five of her young ones had the measles. But Pat had seen
what Nick had done, and he thought there had been enough said.
Instead, he complimented her on her style and her courage. "I guess
Nick was right after all," he said almost humbly." You're quite a
flier, Cass."
"Thank you, Dad." He
gave her a hug, and it was the
greatest moment of her life as he held her. They watched Billy Nolan
fly again after that, and he won first prize in his last race too.
Cassie had won a second and three firsts, which was better than
dreamed. And the newspaper
kept taking her picture. They were all
standing around drinking beer and watching the last event, when
Cassie saw Nick's jaw tighten as he stood beside her. She followed his
eyes high into the sky, and saw smoke, and suddenly, like everyone
there, she looked frightened.
"He's in trouble," Nick whispered to her.
They all knew who it was.
It was a young pilot named Jim Bradshaw. He
had two babies and a young wife, and a plane that wasn't worth
spit, but
more than anything in life, he loved air shows. "Oh, my God," Cassie
mouthed the words, as they all watched in horror, as he began to
lazily, just as she had, but this was for real, and the plumes of
from his fuselage told them all that this was no stunt.
This was a disaster.
The crowd began to run away from where the plane appeared to be,
people started screaming.
But Cassie found she couldn't move, all she
could do was stare at it, the lazy bird falling head over heels,
the ground, and then suddenly it hit with a tremendous crash an
explosion. People ran from
everywhere, and Nick and Billy were among
the first there, trying to pull Jim from the wreckage, but it was
late. He was inhumanly
burned, and it was obvious that he had died on
impact. His wife was
sobbing hysterically, 122 and two of the women
held her, as her mother held onto the children. The ambulances were
already there, but it was a somber end to an exciting day, a
reminder to
all of them of the danger they constantly courted. "I guess we'd better
go home," Nick said quietly, and Pat nodded. Earlier that day, Pat had
feared that Cassie might meet the same fate and he was ashamed to
now how grateful he was that it had been someone else and not his
Billy came to say good-bye to them, as they loaded their three
onto flatbeds, and tied them up firmly. "I'd like to come out and see
you at the airport before I go," he said to Pat after they
shook hands.
"Anytime. You going
back to San Francisco?"
"Actually, I was wondering
. . . I was kind of hoping
maybe you could use another pair of hands .
. . I . . . I wouldn't
mind sticking around and doing some flying." "We
could use a flier like you, lad.
Come by and see me tomorrow morning."
Billy thanked him profusely, and they all said good-bye
again. His
friends were all going home the next day, and Billy looked
thrilled to
be staying. "What do
we need another hotshot kid for?"
Nick asked Pat,
with a look of annoyance.
"You planning to spend the rest of your life
flying nights?" Pa
tasked with a look of amusement.
"Don't worry. I
don't think he's their type." Her father grinned ruefully and for the
first time in years, Nick blushed, and turned away from his old
"I might remind you though, Nick Galvin, she's engaged to the
boy, and she'll marry him eventually, if I have anything to say
it. She needs a man firmly
planted on the ground, not up in the sky,
like the two of us."
He meant what he said, but what he'd seen in
Nick's eyes that day intrigued him.
There was something very powerful there, between the two of them,
he suspected that Cassie was too young to know it. But he also
knew that Nick was wise enough not to be carried away by his own
emotions. They headed for
the O'Malley home then, where Oona had
promised to cook them dinner.
She was amazed to hear of Cassie's wins
when they got home. In
most ways, it had been a good day. But
death of Jim Bradshaw had spoiled it for all of them, and then in
midst of dinner, Bobby had arrived, looking crazed.
He burst into their living room, and apologized when he saw them all
eating dinner. His eyes
went to Cassie first, and he looked as though
he were going to burst into tears. He looked so distressed that Oona
rose as though to go to him, but he backed out of the room
apologetically and stood in the doorway. "I'm sorry . . . I
. . .
they told me there was an accident . . ." His eyes filled
with tears
again, and they all felt sorry for him. It was easy to see what he'd
thought, and Cassie got up and went to him. "I'm sorry.
It was Jim Bradshaw," she said softly. "Oh, my God. Poor Peggy."
She was a widow at nineteen and alone with two children. Bobby seemed
overcome at the thought of it, but what had upset him so terribly
the fear that it could have been Cassie who was killed.
And no one he talked to seemed to know what had happened. They went out
to sit on the porch quietly, and Cassie closed the door. You couldn't
hear anything from inside the room, but they could still see how
distressed he looked, as he talked to her. And she just sat there and
nodded. He was telling her
that he couldn't live like this anymore,
just being engaged to her, not going anywhere, not getting
married, and
never being entirely sure if they even had a future. He knew that she
wanted to finish school, but he wasn't sure he could wait two more
years. His father was so
ill now, and his mother was so dependent on
him. He seemed overwhelmed
by all of it, and it was obvious to her that
he needed her to help him.
But it was 124 equally obvious to both of
them that she wasn't prepared to give up everything, and be what
needed. "And this
flying thing." He looked at her,
his eyes filled
with anguish.
"I can't live like this.
I keep thinking you're going to be killed .
. and today . . . you
could have been . . . you could have
been .
He started to cry and she put her arms around him and held
him. "Oh,
poor Bobby . . . poor
Bobby . . . it's all right . .
. shhh . . ." It was like consoling one of her
nephews. But she
understood now that there was too much on his shoulders and she
was only
part of that burden. He
desperately needed someone to help.
He was only twenty-one, barely more than a boy himself, and he
so much more than she had to give, and they both knew it.
As she comforted him, she gently slipped his ring off her finger,
pressed it into his hand.
"You deserve so much," she whispered to him,
"you deserve everything, and I have a long, long road ahead
of me. I
know that now. I was never
sure of it before, but I am now."
wanted life and freedom and flying. And now that her father accepted
her, maybe she could have all those things. But she couldn't give Bobby
Strong what he deserved, and in truth it was the last thing she wanted.
"Are you going to keep flying, Cass?" he asked miserably, sniffing like
a small child, while the members of her family in the main room
tried to
ignore them. "I
am," she nodded at him. "I
have to. It's my life."
"Don't get hurt . . .
oh God, Cassie . . . don't get hurt .
. . I love you . . . I
thought you were dead today." He
was sobbing
again and she felt terrible for him. She could only imagine what it
must have been like. Just
as it had been for Peggy Bradshaw.
"I'm okay . . . I'm
fine . . ." She smiled up at him with tear sin
her own eyes. "You
deserve wonderful things, Bobby, not someone like
me. Find yourself a good
wife, Bobby Strong.
You deserve it."
"Will you stay here?"
he asked curiously, and it
seemed an odd
question to her. She had
nowhere else to go, and she had always lived
there. "Where else
would I go?" "I don't
know," he smiled sadly,
holding her ring. He
missed her already. "You seem so
free to me.
Sometimes I hate our damn grocery store, and all the problems that
with it."
"You're going to do great things," she said confidently, sure
that it was a lie, but he deserved all the encouragement she could
him. "Do you really
think so, Cass?"
He sighed then, thinking of his life. "The funny thing is I just want
to be married and have kids." "And I don't."
She grinned.
"That's the trouble."
"I hope you do one day.
Maybe we'll find each
other again," he said hopefully, wanting to pursue the dream
She had always seemed so exciting to him, maybe even too much
so. But
she shook her head as she looked at him. She was wiser than he was.
"Don't wait for that.
Go get what you want."
"I love you, Cass."
love you too," she whispered as she hugged him again and then
stood up.
"Do you want to come inside?" she asked, but he shook his head, tears
bright in his eyes.
"I guess I better go."
She nodded, and he slipped
the ring into his pocket.
He stopped for a long moment, and looked at
her again, and then he turned and hurried off the porch before he
started crying again. And
Cassie went back inside and sat down.
No one
asked her anything, but they could all guess what had just
Nick glanced at her finger, and he wasn't surprised not to see the
In fact, he was relieved not to see it. Now all he had to worry about
was Billy Nolan. 126
CHAPTER 9 T he next morning, as Cassie lay in bed,
thinking of the day before, she realized with a start that she was
longer engaged. She wasn't
sure it changed anything, but suddenly she
felt as though she didn't belong to anyone.
It was partially very exciting, and in some ways suddenly very
But she had known all along it was wrong, she just hadn't had the
courage to say it.
But that night, it had seemed so cruel to goon torturing him, to
him wait another two years, and then tell him she still wasn't
She didn't think she ever would be, not for a life like his or for
and now she really knew that.
She made herself breakfast, and saw a
note from her mother, saying she had gone to take care of
Glynnis's kids
again, and she doubted if she'd be home in time to make dinner.
Chris had left
another note saying he'd be out with friends, and half an hour later,
Cassie had showered, dressed, and gotten herself to the
airport. She
put on a clean pair of overalls and fueled some planes, and it was
before she saw either Nick or her father.
"Sleeping till noon these days, Cass?" Nick teased. "Or just resting
on your laurels?"
"Oh don't be such a smart ass.
I was here at nine.
I was just doing some work in the back hangar." "Yeah?
Well, I've got
a run for you today, if you want it." "Where to?" She was intrigued.
"Indiana. A little
cargo, and some mail, and a quick stop in Chicago on
the way back. It shouldn't
take too long. You should be home in
for dinner. You can fly
the Handley."
"Sounds good to me," she grinned. He told her where to pickup the log,
and her father came out of his office just then, and told Billy to
the cargo. He had appeared
out of nowhere, and he had been working hard
all day. And her father
surprised her by telling him to go with her.
"I can go alone, Dad."
"Sure you can. But he needs
to learn our
routes, and I don't like the idea of your flying into
Chicago." She
rolled her eyes at him, and he made a face, but at least he wasn't
objecting to her flying.
Things were looking up, and Nick looked
warningly at her and Billy, as though they were both naughty
"Behave yourselves, you two.
No stunts, no rolls." He
turned to Billy
then, "And watch out for her double loops." "If she tries anything,
I'll toss her out on her ear," Billy grinned, looking more
than ever
like everyone's brother.
And as they took off toward the plane, Nick
stood for a minute and watched them. They looked as though they were
enjoying themselves, but they looked like two kids. He couldn't imagine
her falling for him, but stranger things had happened. And in fact,
even if she didn't, it didn't change anything for him. He had no right
to be chasing a girl her age, and he would never have done 128
it. She
deserved a lot more than life in a lean-to shack atO'Malley's
and he knew it. They had
just taken off when a brand-new green Lincoln
Zephyr pulled up, and a man in a gray double-breasted suit stepped
and looked around the airport.
He looked pleasantly at Nick, and at the
small building which housed their offices and was the
airport. "Do you
know where I might find Cassie O'Malley?" he asked smoothly. He had
wavy blond hair, and movie-star good looks.
And suddenly, Nick wondered if someone was going to offer Cassie a
career. This was the man
he'd seen the day before at the air show, in
the blazer and white trousers.
And he didn't look like a reporter now. He looked like a businessman of
some kind, or maybe an agent.
Nick pointed up at the sky.
"She just
took off on a mail run.
Can I help you?" "I'd like
to talk to her. Do
you know when she'll be back?" "Maybe seven or eight hours.
Not before. I'd say she'll
be back sometime tonight. Can I give
her a
message?" He handed
Nick a card. His name was Desmond
Williams And the
card said "Williams Aircraft," with an address in
Newport Beach,
California. Nick knew
exactly who he was. He was the young
tycoon who
had inherited a fortune and an aircraft company from his
father. And he
wasn't all that young, Nick decided, looking at him. He was pretty
close to his own age. In
fact, he was thirty-four. A lot too old
Cassie, according to Nick anyway.
"Will you be sure and give her my card? I'm staying at the Portsmouth."
It was the finest hotel in town, which wasn't saying much. But it was
the best Good Hope had to offer.
"I'll tell her," Nick assured him,
dying of curiosity.
"Anything else?"
Williams shook his head, and looked Nick over with interest. "How did
you like the air show?"
Nick couldn't resist asking him.
"Not bad for
a small town, eh?"
"Very interesting."
Williams conceded with a smile,
and then sized Nick up again, and decided to ask him a question.
Williams's whole style was very cool, everything about him was
and manicured, totally calculated and planned. He was a man who never
made mistakes, or allowed himself to be swayed by emotions.
"Are you her instructor?" Nick nodded with pride.
"I was. She could
teach me to fly now."
"I doubt that," Desmond Williams said politely.
He had an Eastern accent despite his Los Angeles address.
And twelve years before, he had graduated from Princeton. "She's very
good. She's done you
proud." "Thank you,"
Nick said quietly, wondering
what this man wanted with her.
There was something faintly ominous
about him, incredibly cool, and strangely exciting. He was very
good-looking and very aristocratic, but everything about him said
he meant business. He
didn't say another word to Nick then, but got
back into the car he'd just bought in Detroit a few days before,
drove swiftly away from the airport. "Who was that?"
Pat asked as he
came outside. "He
certainly kicked up enough dust. Can he
go any
faster?" The car was
the latest wonder by Ford, with a V-12 engine.
"That's Desmond Williams" Nick answered his question
with a look of
concern at his old friend.
"They're after her, Pat. I
never thought it
would happen, but I think it may now.
She made just enough noise at the air show." "I was afraid of that."
Pat looked unhappily at Nick.
He didn't want her exploited or used, and
he knew how easy it would be for that to happen to her.
She was beautiful and young and innocent, and an incredible flier.
It was a dangerous combination, and they both knew it. "Where is she?"
Pat asked. "She's
gone. She and the Nolan kid took off
just as he go
there," Nick explained.
"Good." Pat glanced at
the card in his hand,
took it and tore i tin half.
"Forget him."
"You're not going to tell
her?" Nick looked at
him in amazement. No matter what he
thought, he
wouldn't have had the guts to do that. But on the other hand, he wasn't
her father. "No, I'm
not," Pat answered him, "and neither are you.
Right, Stick?"
"Yes, sir." Nick
saluted with a grin, and they both
went back to work with a vengeance. On the way back from Chicago Cassie
turned the controls over to Billy, to see how he handled them.
She was impressed by how good he was. He said his father had taught him
at fourteen, and he had flown for ten years now. And from the way he
flew, it was easy to believe him.
He had sure hands, and a good eye, he
flew steadily and well, and she knew her father would be pleased.
Billy was going to be a great asset to the airport. And besides that,
he was a nice guy, easygoing and intelligent, and very pleasant to
with. They'd had a good
time that day, on the flight, trading stories.
"I noticed yesterday that you were engaged," he
mentionedconversationally on the leg home. "But I don't see the ring
today. You getting married
soon?" "Nope," she said,
thinking of Bobby.
"I'm not engaged anymore.
Gave back the ring last night."
She wasn't sure why she was telling him, but he was there, and
they were
almost the same age, and she liked him. Besides, she didn't get the
feeling he was interested in her.
He just wanted to be friends, and
that seemed comfortable and easy.
"Are you upset? Think
you'll get
back together?"
"Nope," she said again, almost feeling sorry for
herself now." He's a
great guy, but he hates my flying. He's
in a
hurry to get married, I want to finish school. I don't know . . .
it wasn't right, never was, I just never had the guts to say
"I know what that's like.
I've been engaged twice, scared the hell out
of me both times."
"What did you do about it?"
"The first time I ran,"
he admitted honestly with his boyish grin and his face full of
"And the last
time? You got married?" he didn't look like someone
who'd been "No," he said quietly, "she died, at the
Jdll lCV! U ....
vyear." He said it
very calmly but she could see the pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry."
There was nothing else to say.
They had all lost friends
at air shows. And it was
terrible, but worse for him if he had loved
her. "So am I. But
I've learned to live with it, more or less.
haven't really gone out with anyone since, and _.. ......
"Is that a warning?"
she grinned. "Yeah,"
his eyes were full of
mischief, you could jump me at ten thousand feet. I've been scared to
death the whole trip."
The way he said it made her burst into laughter,
and five minutes later they were both laughing again. By the time they
got home, they were as easy with each other as old friends.
As far as Cassie was concerned, there was nothing romantic about
Nolan, Cassie just liked him, and he was a terrific pilot. Her father
had lucked out, and she thought Nick would like him too. They landed at
the airport about nine and Cassie offered him a ride to the
boardinghouse where he was staying. His friends had gone back to
California with their truck and their plane, and he had to save
money to buy a car, which wouldn't be anytime soon with the wages
knew her father paid.
"How long you think you'll stay?" she asked him.
for tv Years . . .
like forever?" . , , , "I don't know . . .
thirty, grinned." r I C h I , 1 h P, A t h i c ci Innked
flying. She told him why,
and Pat nodded, pleased by her report,
married. though he'd have
to see for himself. He told her to get
sleep Air ChnA Ct after she'd had something to eat, and he never
mentioned Desmond Williams's visit to the airport.
T rlnn't thillk I want to."
"just in case you thought ' T-T vill all u a answer.
"I don't know.
Awhile. I needed to get
away. My and with Sally last
year, I just figured I needed to get _, California. I miss my dad, but
he understands."
"Lucky for us," she smiled warmly at him. "It was fun
today. See you
tomorrow." She waved, and drove
home. Her mother was
home by then, and she made Cassie a sandwich. Her father was sitting in
the kitchen, drinking a beer.
He asked her how thehnw imnrccorl ch was
with Billy's flight was, and she told him .
132 mom died, away from Cassie was living under an Electra the
next day,
with grease all over her face after working on the tail wheel,
when she
looked up and noticed an immaculate pair of white linen trousers.
She couldn't help smiling as she looked at them, they looked so
incongruous here, and so did the handmade spectators where the
She looked up in curiosity, and was surprised to see an attractive
man looking down at her was almost unrecognizable, with her hair
all over her face, and a pair of old been her father's.
"Miss O'Malley?"
he asked with a frown, and she grinned.
She looked
like a bad joke from vaudeville as her white teeth shone in with a
puzzled air. She piled up
on her head, blue overalls that had
the black face, and the polished-looking man couldn't help
"Yes, I'm Miss O'Malley." She was still lying on her back, looking up
at him, and she suddenly realized she'd better get up and see what
wanted. She sprang easily
to her feet, and hesitated to shake hands
with him. He looked so
clean and so exquisitely groomed, everything
about him was perfection.
She wondered if he wanted to charter a plane
from them, and she was about to direct him to her father. "Can I help
you?" "My name
is Desmond Williams, and I saw you at the air show two
days ago. I wanted to
speak to you, if I may." He looked
around the
hangar and then back to her.
"Is there anywhere we could go and talk?"
She looked startled at the question.
No one had ever come to visit her that way, and the only place to
privately would have been her father's office. I "If you don't mind the
noise of the planes, we could walk over near the runway, I
She didn't know what else to offer him. They began walking side by
side, and she almost laughed thinking of how incongruous they must
seemed, he so beautifully clean, and she so incredibly dirty.
But she forced herself to look serious. She had no idea if he had a
sense of humor. She saw
that Billy had caught sight of them by then.
He waved, but she only nodded.
"You were very impressive at the air
show," Desmond Williams said quietly to her as they walked
along the
edge of the fields, and his shoes began to get very dusty. "Thank you."
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone win so many prizes
. .
. certainly not a girl your age.
How old are you, anyway?"
He was
watching her very carefully, and he sounded serious, but he was
quick to
smile at her. She still
didn't know what he wanted. "I'm
This fall I'll be a junior in college." "I see," he nodded, as though
that made a big difference.
And then he stopped walking and looked at
her pointedly before he 136 asked his next question. "Miss O'Malley,
have you ever thought of a future for yourself in
aviation?" "In what
sense?" She looked
completely baffled, and all of a sudden she wondered
if he had come here to ask her to be aSkygirl, but even to her,
didn't seem very likely.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean flying . . . as a
job . . . as your future.
Doing what you love best, or at least I think it is. You certainly fly
as though you love it better than anything." She nodded with a smile,
and he watched her face relentlessly, but so far, he liked
it. "I'm
talking about flying remarkable planes, planes that no one else
has .
. testing them . . .
setting records . . .
becoming an important part of modern-day aviation . . . like
"Like Lindbergh?" She
looked amazed. He couldn't mean
it." Who would I be
flying for? You mean someone would just
give me
these planes, or would I have to buy them?" Maybe he was trying to sell
her a new plane, but Desmond Williams smiled at her innocence.
He was glad that no one had gotten to her before him. "You'd be flying
for me, for my company.
Williams Aircraft." As soon
as she heard the
name, she realized who he was, and she couldn't believe he was
to her and comparing her to Charles Lindbergh. "There's a wonderful
future out there for someone like you, Miss O'Malley.
You could do great things.
And you'd be flying planes that otherwise
you'd never be able to lay your hands on. The best there is. That's
quite a thrill. Not like
these." He looked around him
and for a moment she felt hurt on behalf of her father. These planes
were her friends, and her father's proudest possessions. "I mean real
planes," Williams went on.
"The kind that world records a remade in."
"What would I have to do to get the job?" she asked suspiciously.
"Would I have to pay you?" No one had ever offered her anything like
this, and she had no idea how it worked. She had always thought that
important pilots had their own planes, it ha
never occurred to her that they were given or loaned by aircraft
companies like his. She
had a lot to learn, and he was more than
willing to teach her. She
was the first fresh face he had seen since he
had taken over his father's business. "You wouldn't have to pay me
anything." He smiled at
her. "I would pay you, and
You'd get your photograph taken all the time, you'd get a lot of
publicity, and if you're as good as I think you are, you could
become a
very important figure in aviation. Of course," he looked at her
carefully, "you might have to wash your face a little more
often than
you do now," he teased and she suddenly remembered that she
was probably
covered with grease. She
wiped her face on her sleeve, and was
astonished at what she saw there.
But he was even more impressed by the
face he could see better now.
She was exactly what he had been looking
for. She was the girl of
his dream is All he had to do now was get her
to sign a contract.
"When would I start?"
She was curious, it was the
most exciting thing she had ever heard, and she couldn't wait to
Nick and her father.
"Tomorrow. Next
week. As soon as you can get to Los
Angeles. We would
pay your way out of course, and give you an apartment." "An apartment?"
Her voice almost squeaked as he nodded. "In Newport Beach, where
Williams Aircraft is. It's
a beautiful spot, and you can get into the
city in no time. What do
you say? Do you want the job?"
He had brought the contract with him, and he was hoping she would
without waiting another moment.
But she hesitated briefly as she
nodded. "Yes. But I have to ask my father. I'd have to give up
school. He might not like
that." Particularly not for a
flying job.
Although he'd never been overly excited about her going to college.
But he might not like this either. "We could arrange for you to take
classes, whenever you're free.
But most of the time, you'll be pretty
busy. There's a lot of 138
good will involved, a lot of photography.
And frankly, a lot of flying."
It sounded utterly fantastic.
"Actually, I came by yesterday, but the
man in the office said you were flying. I left my card with him, and
asked for you to call me.
You probably got back too late, but I thought
I'd better come out here again just in case he lost my
card." He smiled
a winning smile at her, as Cassie looked at him pensively. "You gave it
to a man?" It had to
be Nick or her father. "I did and
I told him I
was staying at the Portsmouth.
Did you call me there? Maybe I
didn't get the message."
"No, I didn't," she said honestly. "I never
got the card or the message."
"Well, there's no harm done.
I'm glad I found you today.
Here's the
contract for you to go over with your father." "What does the contract
say?" she asked
innocently. "It commits you to a
year of test flights
and publicity for Williams Aircraft, nothing more than that. I don't
think you'll find anything wrong with it," he said
confidently. He
somehow managed to convey, just looking at her, that this was a
opportunity and she would love it. She held the contract nervously in
her hands, wondering what it all meant and why he had really come
It couldn't really be this simple.
"I'll show my father," she said quietly. She wanted to ask him about it
too. Why hadn't he and
Nick told her anything about Desmond Williams's
visit? To give them the
benefit of the doubt, maybe they had just
forgotten. But something
told her it was more than that.
They had kept it from her.
But why? It sounded so
perfect. "Why don't
you think it all over, and we'll meet again tomorrow morning.
How about breakfast at my hotel at eight-thirty? After that, I've got
to head back to the West Coast.
But hopefully you'll be there too in a
few days." He smiled,
and she noticed that there was something very
persuasive about him. He
was very
handsome and very cool, and he somehow made it sound as though she
couldn't possibly resist him, and surely wouldn't want to.
"Eight-thirty tomorrow morning then?" he asked pointedly, and she
nodded. They shook hands
on it, and a moment later, he had walked back
to his car and driven away.
As she stood staring, the Lincoln
disappeared into the horizon.
She tried to remember everything she'd
ever heard about Desmond Williams He was thirty-four; he was one
of the
richest men in the world, and he had inherited an empire from his
father. His company made
some of the finest planes, and he was
supposedly ruthless in his business dealings, she had read
She had seen a photograph of him with some movie stars.
And in her wildest dreams, she couldn't imagine what he wanted
Cassie O'Malley. She
walked slowly toward the small building where Nick
and her father worked, thinking of everything he had said, and
what it
might mean to her. It was
an opportunity that clearly would never come
again. She couldn't even
bring herself to believe that it had come this
time. She walked in, in
her father's old overalls, and he glanced up at
her, with her streaked face, and disheveled hair, and asked her if
was a problem with the de Havilland, because if there wasn't they
it at noon for a long run.
But she wasn't paying any attention to him,
as she stared at him. And
in her hand she was holding the contract.
"Why didn't you tell me someone came to see me
yesterday?" she asked,
and he looked suddenly startled.
"Who told you that?"
He was going to
have Nick's head if he had betrayed him.
But Nick was staring at them.
He had seen the look on her face when she
walked into the office.
"That's not the point. A
man came here
yesterday and left a card for me.
And neither of you ever told me."
She turned angry eyes to Nick then, accusing him as well, and both
looked uncomfortable beneath her gaze. "That's like lying to me.
Why?" Her father
tried to look unconcerned. "I
didn't think it
wasimporrant. I probably
just forgot." "Do you know
who he is?" She
looked from one to the other of them, unable to believe that they
been that ignorant.
"He's Desmond Williams, of Williams Aircraft." It
was one of the largest manufacturers of airplanes in the world,
second biggest in the States.
Desmond Williams was certainly what one
could call important.
"What did he want?"
Nick asked casually,
watching her, but he already sensed what Williams must have said,
the way she was behaving.
"Oh . . . just to give me a
bunch of
remarkable planes to fly, you know, to test fly, set records in,
out for him. Nothing
much. Just a little job like that for a
whole lot
of money, and an apartment."
The two men exchanged a dark look.
This was exactly what they'd been afraid of.
"Sounds nice," Nick said easily, "what's the
catch?" "There is none."
"Oh yes, there is," Nick laughed at her. She was still a child, and he
knew that he and Pat would have to do everything they could to
her. Desmond Williams was
flying around the country looking for
publicity props, and once he had her, he would use her till she
not just for test flights, but for everything else he could,
advertisements, endless photography. In Nick's opinion, she was just
going to be another kind of Sky girl. "Did he give you a contract?"
Nick asked casually, and she was quick to wave it at him. "Of course he
"Mind if I have a look?" She handed it to him, and Pat glared at both
of them. This was exactly
what he had never wanted. "You're
going to
say no to him, Cassandra Maureen," her father said quietly as
Nick pored
over the contract. Nick
was no lawyer, but it looked pretty good.
They were offering her a car, an apartment, for her use of course,
as a gift; she was to fly anything they thought appropriate, doing
flights for them; and the second part of the contract said that
would be available for unlimited publicity in connection with
planes. She
had to make herself available for social, state, and even national
events, for photography at the drop of a hat. She would be counted on
as a spokeswoman for Williams Aircraft, and they expected her to
accordingly. She couldn't
smoke at all, or drink excessively, there was
an allowance for wardrobe costs, and they were going to supply her
uniforms she could fly in.
Everything was clearly spelled out.
The contract was for one year, and they were offering her fifty
dollars for the year, with a renewable option for a second year,
if both
parties agreed, at a higher rate to be negotiated, within
reason. It
was the best contract Nick had ever seen, and an opportunity few
would have turned down.
But the contract also made it clear, Williams
Aircraft was looking for a woman.
It could be an opportunity that would be hard to miss, in spite of
fact that she was going to be part pilot, part model. But he was still
deeply suspicious of Desmond Williams "What do you think,
Pat?" Nick
looked up at him, curious about his reaction. "She's staying right
here. That's what I
think. She's not going anywhere, and
certainly not
to California to live in an apartment." Cassie looked at him, blinded
by anger over his not even telling her that Desmond Williams had
come to
see her. "I haven't
decided yet, Dad. I'm going to meet
with him
tomorrow morning."
"No, you're not," Pat O'Malley told his daughter
firmly, and Nick didn't want to argue with him in front of
Cassie. He
thought there were plenty of possibilities for exploitation in the
but it was still worth exploring.
It would be fun for her, and she
would fly incredible planes for the next year. It was very exciting.
They were even testing planes for the military, and openly
with the Germans, and the money she would make would take care of
for a long time. It seemed
unfair to him to keep her from it, or not to
at least consider it carefully.
"What about college?"
Nick asked her
quietly as her father stormed back into his office and slammed the
behind him.
"He said I could take classes there when I have
time." "It doesn't
sound like you will, at least not most of the time. When you're not
flying, you'll be doing publicity." And then, cautiously, "Cassie are
you sure you want to do this?" She looked at him thoughtfully.
She had
never wanted to leave home, but her life wasn't going anywhere.
She liked hanging around the airport, and she had had a good time
at the
air show. But she didn't
want to teach. She didn't want to marry
Strong, or any of the other boys she'd gone to school with. What was
she going to do with the rest of her life? She wondered some times. And
even she knew that there was more to life than greasing and
gassing her
father's planes, and making short runs to Indiana with Billy
"What am I going to do here?" she asked honestly.
"Hang around with
me," he said sadly.
If only she could, for ever. He
would have loved
it. "That's the bad
part of it, leaving all of you here.
It would be perfect if I could take you all with me." "It says in the
contract they'll lend you a plane to come home with now and
then. I can
hardly wait for that. How
about bringing home an XW-1 Phaeton for a
quiet weekend."
"For you, I'd bring home a Starlifter if you wanted me
to, I'd even steal one."
"Now there's a thought.
That might soften up
your old man. We could use
a few new planes around here. Maybe
like to give us one or two," he joked, but he was feeling
devastated at
the thought of her leaving.
She was so much a part of his everyday
life, and they had done so much flying together in the past three
he couldn't bear to think of her going to L.A. He had never
anything like that to happen to her. And neither had Pat. He
had no
intention of losing his little girl. It was bad enough that Chris had
been talking about going to Europe to study architecture for a
year or
two. But that was still a
few years away.
This was now. And it
wasn't Chris, it was Cassie.
"You're not going
anywhere," he reiterated again that after 143__
noon, "and that's final." But in her mind, she was still going to make
the decision. She talked
to Nick about it again, and he could
definitely see opportunities for them to take advantage of her,
there were so many benefits to her in the process that he wasn't a
sure it mattered. The
money, the fame, the planes, the test flights,
the records she could set, the benefits to her seemed almost
It would be impossible to turn them down. But he had no idea how she
was going to convince her father.
She talked to Billy about it too, and
he knew Desmond Williams from the West Coast, though only by
Some people said he was a fair man, others clearly didn't like
him. He
had offered a job to a girl Billy knew from San Francisco and she
hated it. She had said it
had been too much hard work, and she felt as
though they owned her.
But Billy confided to Cass that she had also been a miserable
For someone like Cassie, it could be the opportunity of a
"You really could end up another Mary Nichols on," he
said, citing one
of the stars of the day.
But Cassie couldn't imagine ever being that
famous. "I doubt
it," she said gloomily. The
difficulty of the
decision was driving her crazy.
She didn't want to leave her home and
family, but she also knew that she had very little else to stay
And if she wanted to fly, Williams Aircraft was the place to be,
matter how many dumb photographs they took of her in her uniform,
or how
many interviews she had to give.
She wanted to fly airplanes. And
Williams had the best ones.
"Give it some thought, kid.
You may not
get another chance," Billy advised her solemnly, and in their
Nick was telling Pat much the same thing. She was a brilliant pilot,
and there was nowhere for her to go from here. She'd be hanging around
the airport all her life, and flying dusty routes around the
with a bunch of guys who would never fly as well as she did. "I told
you not to teach her to fly!" Pat roared at him, suddenly angry at
everyone, Nick, Cassie, Chris, all of them. It had to be someone's
fault. And the worst
culprit of all was the devil himself, 144 l
Desmond Williams "He's probably a criminal . . . going after innocent
young girls, looking to rob them of their virtue." Nick felt sorry for
him. After all these
years, and with almost no warning at all, he was
about to lose his little girl.
And Nick knew how he felt. He
hated it
as much as Pat did. But he
also knew they had no right to hang onto
her. She had to fly . . . like a bird . . .
and it was time for her to soar with the eagles. "You can't stop her,
Pat," Nick said quietly, wishing he could say how much it
hurt him too.
"It's not fair. She
deserves so much better than we have to give her."
"That's your fault," Pat boomed at him again. "You shouldn't have
taught her to fly so damn well." Nick laughed at the reproach, and Pat
helped himself to a slug of whiskey. He knew he wouldn't be flying that
day, and he was deeply upset over losing Cassie. And he still had to
tell Oona about Cassie's visit from Desmond Williams And when he
that night, Oona was shocked.
She imagined all sorts of terrible
immoral things. She
couldn't imagine Cassie living anywhere but home,
certainly not in Los Angeles, living alone as a test pilot and a
publicity spokeswoman for Desmond Williams "Do girls do that
kind of
thing?" she asked Pat
unhappily. "Pose for pictures and
all that? Do
they wear clothes?"
"Of course, Oona. It's not
a striptease parlor,
the man builds airplanes."
"Then what do they want with our little girl?" "Your little girl," he
said miserably, "is probably the best pilot I've ever seen,
Nick Galvin, or Rickenbacker.
She's the best there is, and Williams is no fool. He can see that.
She put on a hell of a show two days ago, at the air show. I didn't
want to worry you, but she almost killed herself, the little fool,
pulled herself right out of a spin no more than fifty feet off the
ground. I damn near
died. But she did it, and never turned
a hair.
Did a lot of other crazy stunts too.
But she did them perfectly.
And he knew it
"Does he want her to
fly stunts?" "No, just to
test planes, and set
some records if she can. I
read the contract, and it sounds fair.
just don't like the idea of her going away, and I knew you
either." "What
does Cassie want?" her mother
asked, trying to take it
all in, but there was a lot to absorb in a short time. And they all
knew that Cassie had to make a decision before morning. "I think she
wants to go. She says she
wants to go. Or she says she wants the
freedom to decide her own fate." "And what did you say?" Oona asked
with wide eyes, and her husband grinned sheepishly. "I forbade her to
go, just like I forbade her to fly."
"That didn't get you very far," Oona smiled, "and I
don't suppose it
will this time."
"What should we say?"
He turned to his wife for
advice. He relied on her
judgment more than he realized, and sometimes
more than he wanted to.
But he trusted her, particularly about their
daughters. "I think
we should let her do what she wants.
She will anyway, Pat, and she'll be happier if she feels she can
her own decisions. She'll
come back to us, no matter how many planes
she flies in California.
She knows how much we love her."
They called
her into their bedroom then, and Oona let her father tell her what
had decided. "Your mother
and I want you," he hesitated and glanced at
Oona for a second, "to make your own decision. And whatever you decide,
we're behind you. But if
you go," he warned, "you'd better come back,
and damn often."
There were tears in his eyes when he hugged her, and
she clung to him and kissed her mother, who was crying.
"Thank you . . .
thank you . .
." She hugged them both, and sat down at the foot of their
bed with a
sigh. "It's been a
hard decision." "Do you know
what you're going to
do?" Oona asked. Pat didn't dare ask her, but he already
what Cassie had decided as she nodded and looked at them with a
of excitement. "I'm
going." But leaving them was
harder than she'd
feared. She met with
Desmond Williams at the Portsmouth the next
morning, and signed the contract with him. She had black coffee and
toast, she was too nervous to eat anything else, and the details
of what
he was telling her were so exciting that she kept getting
confused. They
were going to arrange a flight for her from Chicago to Los
There was an apartment, a car .
. . uniforms . . . a chaperone
they felt she needed one .
. . a wardrobe . . . escorts, a
place in Malibu she could use.
A plane for her personal use, whenever
she wanted to fly home.
And the kinds of planes she had always dreamed
about flying. Her schedule
began in five days. There would be a
conference, a newsreel, and a test flight of a new Starlifter
right off
the bat. He wanted her to show
America just how good she was. But
first he wanted to show her what his planes could do. He was going to
spend the first two weeks with her, mostly flying. "I can't believe
it," she said to Billy as they lay in the sun on an old
unused piece of
runway later that morning.
"You sure did get a big break," he said
But he was happy here, and for the moment he had no desire to go
back to
California. "I'll be
home in two weeks for a visit, no matter what,"
she promised him and everyone else. Her parents gave a big dinner for
her the night before she left, with all her sisters and
their kids, Chris, Nick, and Billy. Bobby wasn't there of course,
although she had seen him two days before at Jim Bradshaw's
wake. He
had been talking quietly with Peggy, and holding one of her
But it was Nick she stood next to all night, whom she couldn't
bear to
leave. She derived so much
comfort and support from him, and had for so
many years, that now she didn't know how she would survive without
The next morning everyone
was at the airport when she left. Nick
flying her to Chicago in the Vega, and after she kissed her mother
sisters and Chris good-bye, she went over to her father.
They both had tears in their eyes as he looked at her. He wanted to ask
her to change her mind, but he would never do it. "Thank you, Dad," she
whispered into his neck as he held her close to him. "Be careful,
Cassie. Pay
attention. Don't ever get sloppy in one
of those fancy
planes. They won't forgive
you for an instant." "I
promise, Dad." "I
wish I believed you," he smiled, "damn female
pilot." He was laughing
then through his tears, and gave her another bear hug and then
sent her
off with Nick. Chris and
Billy were waving from the runway too, when
they took off, and Cassie heaved an enormous sigh. It had been harder
leaving home than she had ever dreamed, and all she could think of
the people she was leaving there, instead of the places where she
going. And as she turned
to look at Nick, her heart felt heavier still.
She wanted to hold onto every moment she had with him. "You're a lucky
girl," Nick reminded her on the way up, to take her mind off
her family,
who were still waving at her, "but you deserve it. You've got what it
takes, Cass. Just don't
let those city slickers use you."
Desmond Williams was indeed pretty slick, but he also seemed both
and honest. He had made no
bones about what he wanted from her. He
wanted the best pilot in the world, the best-looking, best behaved
he could find to represent his product, he wanted new records set,
his planes unharmed and well viewed by the American public.
It was a tall order, but she was capable of filling it for him,
and he
was smart enough to sense that.
She was the best pilot he had ever
seen, and good-looking too, and for him, that was a
beginning. For Nick
it was an end. But he was
more than willing to sacrifice himself for
her future. It was his
final gift of love to her. First
flying, and
then finally, her freedom.
"Don't let them push you around," Nick
reminded her; "you're 148 a great girl, and if they're too
tough on you,
tell them to go to hell, and come straight home. All you have to do is
call, and I'll fly out to get you." It sounded crazy, but it was
actually reassuring.
"Will you come out to see me?" "Sure. Whenever I
have a run out there, I'll take a little detour." "Don't give the
California runs to Billy then," she reminded him, "be
sure you do them
yourself." He smiled
at her admonition. She was suddenly
looking very
nervous. "I kind of
thought you might like to see more of him," Nick
said, speaking of Billy as nonchalantly as he could, which meant
very. "Was I
wrong?" He was relieved at what
she had just said. But
he had already begun to suspect that Billy was a friend and not a
romance, just as her father had predicted.
But it was nice to hear her confirm it. What he wanted from her was
celibacy and total adoration, and he knew how crazy that was. One of
these days she'd have to find a husband, and have kids, and he
knew it
wouldn't be him, but he wished it could be. "Billy and I are just
friends," she said quietly.
"You know that."
Maybe I do."
"You know a lot of things," she said wisely. "About me,
about life, about what matters, about what doesn't. You've taught me a
lot, Nick. You've made my
whole life mean something to me. You've
given me everything."
"I wish I had, Cass, but I haven't done all that
well myself. And no one
deserves it all more than you do."
"Yes, you
have given me everything," she said, her admiration obvious,
her love
for him even more so.
"I'm no Desmond Williams, Cass," he said
honestly. He had no
pretense about him.
"Who is? Most people
aren't that lucky." "You
might be one day, Cass.
You might become someone really important."
"From being in
newsreels and getting my picture taken?
I doubt it.
That's show-offy stuff, it's not real. I know that much."
"You're a
smart girl, Cass. Stay
that way. Don't let them spoil
it." They
landed in Chicago after a little while, and he walked her to her
carrying her bag for her.
She was wearing a navy blue suit that had
been her mother's. It
looked a little out of date, and it was too big
for her, but it was hard to make Cassie O'Malley look anything but
lovely. At twenty years of
age, she took your breath away, with her
shining red hair, her big blue eyes, her full bust and long legs,
tiny waist he loved to put his hands around when he helped her to
ground. But she was
looking up at him now, like a child, and all he
wanted to do was take her back to her mother.
Her eyes were filled with tears, but she wasn't crying for them,
she was
crying for him. She didn't
want to leave him. "Come and see
me, Nick
... I'll miss you so much...." "I'll always be there for you, kid .
. don't you forget that."
"I won't," she sniffed, and he put an arm
around her and held her.
He didn't say anything else to her.
He just
kissed the top of her head, and walked away. There was nothing else he
could say, and he knew if he did, his voice would betray him, and
never leave her.
When the flight from Chicago landed in Los Angeles, there were
people waiting to meet her, a driver, a representative from the
and Mister Williams's secretary.
Cassie was a little surprised to see
them. He had told her she
would be met at the plane, but she hadn't
expected to be met so officially, or by so many people.
On the drive to Newport Beach, the company representative gave her
list of appointments for the week, a review of their latest
planes, a
test flight in each of them, a press conference with all the most
important members of the local press, and a newsreel. The secretary
then gave her a list of social events she was expected to attend
and without any of several escorts, and a few with Mister Williams
was more than a little overwhelming. But she
was even more overcome when she saw the apartment they had rented
her. It was in Newport
Beach, and it had a bedroom, a living room, and
a dining room, all overlooking the ocean. It had spectacular views, and
a terrace which surrounded it.
The refrigerator was stocked, the
furniture was beautiful, there were Italian linens in the
drawers. And
she was told that a maid would attend to her needs if she wished
entertain, and she would clean the apartment daily. "I .
. . oh, my
Lord!" Cassie
exclaimed as she opened a drawer full of lace
tablecloths. Her mother
would have given her left arm to have any one
of them, and Cassie couldn't begin to imagine why she had
them. "What
are these for?"
"Mister Williams thought you'd like to entertain," his
personal secretary, Miss Fitzpatrick, said primly. She was twice
Cassie's age, and she had gone to school at Miss Porter's in the
She knew very little about planes, but she knew everything there
was to
know about all things social, and the proper decorum. "But I don't know
anyone here," Cassie laughed as she spun around, looking at
apartment. She had never
dreamed of anything even remotely like it.
She was dying to tell someone, or show them. Billy, Nick . . . her
sisters . . . her mom
. . . but there was no one here. Just Cassie,
and her entourage. And
when she looked in the bedroom, she found all
her new clothes neatly arranged for her. There were four or five
well-cut suits in an array of somber colors, several hats to
match, a
long black evening dress and two short ones. There were even shoes and
some handbags. Everything
was in the sizes she had given them.
And in a smaller closet in the room, she found all her uniform is
were navy blue, and looked extremely official. There was even a small
hat that had been designed for it, and regulation shoes. And for a
moment, she almost felt her heart sink. Maybe Nick was right.
she was going to be a Sky girl.
Everything was so regimented and
prearranged, it was all like a very strange dream. It was like being
dropped into someone else's 152 life, with their clothes, and
apartment. It was hard to
believe this was all hers now. There
was a
young woman waiting for Cassie too. She was neatly dressed in a gray
suit, with a matching hat.
She had a warm smile, lively blue eyes, and
well-cut dark blond hair that hung to her shoulders in a smooth
boy. And she appeared to
be inlier early thirties. "This is
Firestone," Miss Fitzpatrick explained. "She will be your chaperone,
whenever Mister Williams feels that one is needed. She can help you
with whatever needs you have, hand lethe press, escort you to
and luncheons." The
young woman introduced herself to Cass, and gave
her a warm smile as she showed her around the apartment. A chaperone?
What would she do with her?
Leave her on the runway when she tested
planes? After seeing all
of it, Cassie was beginning to wonder if she'd
even have time to fly one.
"It's all a little overwhelming at first,"
Nancy Firestone said sympathetically. "Why don't you let me unpack for
you, and then we can talk about your schedule over lunch?"
Nancy said, as cassie glanced around, feeling lost. She had noticed a
maid in the kitchen making sandwiches and a salad. She was an older
woman in a black uniform, and she seemed perfectly at home
there. Far
more than Cassie felt at the moment.
She couldn't help wondering what she was going to do with all these
people. It was obvious
that they were there to help, and Desmond
Williams had certainly provided every possible creature
comfort. He had
done more than that. He
had provided a dream for her. But
suddenly all
she felt was desperately lonely among all these strangers.
And Nancy Firestone seemed to sense that. That was why Williams had
hired her. He knew her
well, and had assessed instantly that she was
just what Cassie needed.
"Are we going out to look at the planes
today?" Cassie asked
mournfully. At least that was something
understood, and she was a lot more interested in planes than in
she'd seen in her closet.
At least the planes were familiar to her, and
this glamorous
lifestyle wasn't. She
hadn't come to California to play dress-up.
She had come to fly airplanes.
And amid all the hats and shoe sand
gloves, and people who were there to take care of her, she
wondered if
she'd ever get a chance to fly one. Suddenly, all Cassie wanted was her
simple life in Illinois, and a hangar full of her father's
"We'll go out to the airfield tomorrow," Nancy said
kindly. She knew
instinctively, and from everything Desmond had said, that she had
treat Cassie gently. This
was a whole new world for her, and he had
warned Nancy that she would be new to all this and probably a
startled at first, but she was also headstrong and
independent. He
didn't want her suddenly deciding that this wasn't for her. He wanted
her to like it.
"Mister Williams didn't want to wear you out on the
first day," she smiled warmly, as they sat down and helped
themselves to
sandwiches. But
Cassiewasn't hungry. "You have a
press conference at
five o'clock.
The hairdresser is coming here at three. And we have a lot to talk
about before that."
She made it sound as though they were just two
girls getting ready for a party, and Cassie's head was spinning as
listened. Williams's
secretary, Miss Fitzpatrick, left the apartment
then, after pointing to a stack of briefing papers Mister Williams
wanted her to have about his planes. And she said tersely that Mister
Williams would come by to pick her up between four and
"He's taking you to the press conference," Nancy
explained as the door
closed behind Miss Fitzpatrick.
She made it sound like a great honor,
and Cassie knew it was.
But it terrified her anyway.
They all did.
All Cassie could do by then was stare at Nancy Firestone in dismay
amazement. What was all
this? What did it mean? What was she doing
here? And what did any of
it ha veto do with airplanes?
Nancy read her face easily and tried to reassure her. "I know it's a
little startling at first," Nancy smiled calmly. She was a pretty
woman, but there was something sad in her eyes that Cassie had
the moment she saw her.
But she seemed determined to make Cassie feel
at ease in these unfamiliar surroundings. "I don't even know where to
start," Cassie admitted to her, suddenly feeling an
overwhelming urge to
cry, but she knew that she couldn't. They were all being so good to
her, but there was so much to absorb and understand, the clothes,
appointments, what they expected of her, what she had to say to
press. All she really
wanted to do was learn about the planes, and
instead she had to worry about how she looked and dressed, and if
sounded intelligent or grown-up enough. It was terrifying, and even
Nancy Firestone's warmth was of very little comfort. At first glance,
it almost seemed as though they had brought he rout for show and
not for
flying. "What do they
want with me?"Cassie asked her honestly as they
sat looking out at the Pacific." Why did he bring me out here?"
She was almost sorry she'd come now. It was just too scary.
brought you here," Nancy answered her, "because I hear
you're one of the
best pilots he's ever seen.
You must be terrific, Cassie.
doesn't impress easily.
And he hasn't stopped talking about you since
he saw you at the air show.
But he brought you here because you're a woman too, and not just
amazing pilot. And to
Desmond, that's very important."
In some ways,
women were important to him.
In others, they mattered no tat all.
Nancy didn't explain that to Cassie. Desmond Williams liked to have
women around when they served his purposes, but he attached
himself to
no one. "He thinks
that women sell planes better than men because
they're more exciting. He
thinks that women--women like you, that
is--are the future of aviation.
You're a terrific press bonus for him,
and a great boost for public relations." She didn't tell Cassie it was
also because of her looks, but that was part of it. She was a real
beauty, and if she hadn't been, she wouldn't have been there. Nancy
knew he had been looking for someone like her for a long time, and
had talked to a lot of female pilots, and gone to a lot of air
before he
found her. This was an
idea he had had for years, even before George
Putnam discovered Amelia Earhart.
"But why me? Who cares
about me?"
Cassie asked innocently, still looking overwhelmed in spite of
encouragement and explanations.
She still didn't understand it.
wasn't stupid, she was naive, and it was difficult for most people
conceive of a mind like Desmond Williams's. Nancy knew a lot about him,
from her husband, before he died, testing one of Williams's
planes, from
the other pilots he knew, and from her own experiences since Skip
died. Desmond Williams had
done a lot to help her. In many ways,
been a godsend. Yet there
were things about him that were unnerving.
There was a single-mindedness about him that was frightening at
When he wanted something, or when he thought something would be good
the company, he would stop at nothing to get it. He had been very good
to her when Skip died, and he had done everything possible for her
her daughter. He had told
her that she and Jane were part of the
"family," that Williams Aircraft would take care of them
forever. He
had opened a bank account for them, and all of their needs would
provided for. Jane's
education was assured, and Nancy's pension.
had died for Desmond Williams, and he would never forget it. He had
even bought a small house for them. And drawn up a contract.
She was
to remain an employee of Williams Aircraft for the next twenty
doing projects such as these, nothing too unreasonable, or
But projects that required intelligence and loyalty. He reminded her
subtly of how much he'd done for them, and suddenly she knew she
had no
choice but to do what he wanted.
Skip had left them nothing but debts
and sweet memories. And
now, after all he'd done for her and Jane,
Desmond Williams owned her.
He kept her in a pretty little gilded cage,
he made good use of her, he was fair, or at least he seemed to be,
he never let her forget that he owned her. She couldn't go anywhere,
she couldn't leave; if she did, they'd have nothing again.
She had no real training for anything, she'd be lucky to get a
job, 15
hand Janie would never go to college.
But if she stayed, she could keep what he'd given her. And Williams saw
something useful inlier, just as he did in Cassie. And what he wanted
he got. He bought it, fair
and square, and he paid a high price for it.
But there was no mistaking his ownership once the contract was
and the purchase complete.
He was a smart man, and he always knew what
he wanted. "Everyone
will care about you eventually," Nancy said
quietly. She knew more
about his plans than she intended to share
withCassie. He was a
genius at dealing with the press, and creating a
huge concept from a very small one. "The American public will come to
love you. Women and planes
are what's ahead of us now. Williams
Aircraft makes the finest planes that fly, but to have that
brought home
to the public through your eyes, through you, is a very powerful
To have you identified with his planes will give them a special
a special magic." And
Desmond Williams knew that. It was that
that he
wanted from Cassie.
He'd been looking for years for a woman who embodied the American
young, beautiful, a simple girl with great looks, a good mind, and
brilliant flier. And much
to everyone's amazement, he had finally found
her in Cassie O'Malley.
And what better fate for her?
What more could she possibly have wanted? Nancy knew cassie was a lucky
girl, and even if there were strings attached eventually, even if
wanted lifetime fealty, he would make it up to her. She'd be famous and
rich, and a legend, if she played her cards right. Even in Nancy's
eyes, knowing just how tightly those strings could be tied, she
that Cassie O'Malley was to be envied. Desmond was going to make her a
star like no other.
"It's so strange though, when you think of it,"
Cassie said, looking thoughtfully at Nancy. "I'm no one. I'm not Jean
Batten, or Amy Johnson, or anyone important. I'm a kid from Illinois
who won four prizes at the local air show. So what?" she asked
modestly, finally taking a bite of a perfectly made chicken
"You're not 'just a kid' anymore," Nancy said wisely,
"or you
won't be after five o'clock today." She knew just how carefully
Desmond had begun laying the groundwork from the moment she'd
signed the
contract. "And just
how do you think those other women got started?
Without someone like Desmond to publicize them, they'd never have
happened." Cassie
listened, but she didn't agree with her.
reputations were built on skill, not just on publicity, but Nancy
clearly believed in what Williams was doing." Earhart was what George
Putnam made of her.
Desmond has always been fascinated by that. He
always felt that she was a lot less of a pilot than Putnam made
her out
to be, and maybe he was right." Skip had thought so too, and as Nancy
thought of it, she looked at Cassie sadly. Cassie was intrigued by
Nancy, though there was a lot she liked about her, and yet there
was a
part of her that seemed very removed. She seemed both enthusiastic
about what lay ahead for Cassie, and maybe even a little bit
She made it all sound like such a great deal, and she spoke of
as though she knew him better than she would ever have admitted.
Watching her, Cassie couldn't help wondering if there was anything
between them, or maybe she just admired him a great deal, and
wanted to
be sure that Cassie appreciated everything he had done for
her. It was
all a lot to absorb and analyze i none afternoon, as they sorted
Cassie's things, and Nancy tried to explain the importance of
"marketing" to her.
Like Desmond, Nancy thought it was everything. It was what made people
buy the products other people made. In this case, planes.
Cassie was part of a larger plan.
What she was, what she would be, was
a tool to sell airplanes.
It was an odd concept to her, and when the
hairdresser arrived, she was still trying to understand it.
Nancy had told her about her husband by then, and Jane. She had
explained, simply, that Skip had died in an accident the year
during a test flight over Las Vegas. She spoke about it very calmly,
but there was something ravaged in her eyes when she spoke of him.
In a way, her life had ended when he died, or she felt that
way. But in
a number of ways, Desmond Williams had changed that.
"He's been very good to me," she said quietly, "and
to my daughter."
Cassie nodded, watching her, and then the hairdresserdistracted
both of
them with her plans for Cassie's bright red mane. She wanted to give it
a good trim, and have her wear it long, like Lauren Bacall. She even
said she saw a similarity, which made Cassie guffaw. She knew Nick
would have really laughed if he'd heard that, or at least she
so. But Nancy took the
hairdresser very seriously, and approved of
everything she wanted.
"What exactly is it they want from me?"
Cassie asked with a nervous sigh, as the hairdresser clipped and
with determination, and Nancy watched her. She managed to glance at her
new charge with a smile, and answered her as best she could. "They want
you to look pretty, sound smart, behave yourself, and fly like an
That about sums it up."
She smiled again and Cassie grinned at the
description. Nancy made it
sound surprisingly simple. "That
be too hard. The flying
part anyway; the behaving ought to be okay if
it means don't fall down drunk or runaround with guys. I'm not sure
what 'sound smart' is going to mean, that could be rough, and
could be hopeless," Cassie grinned at her new friend. When she stopped
feeling terrified over it, it was all very exciting. How did things
like this happen?
It was almost like being in a movie. There was a feeling of unreality
to it that she just couldn't escape now. "I get the feeling you haven't
looked in the mirror in a while," Nancy said honestly, and
nodded. "No time. I've been too busy flying and repairing
planes at my
father's airport."
"You'll have to learn to look in the mirror now."
This was why Williams had so much faith in Nancy. She was tactful,
ladylike, intelligent, she did what she was told, and she knew
what was
expected. Desmond Williams
knew his people well and he always knew
exactly what he was buying.
He had never doubted for a
moment that Nancy would be useful to him when they had signed
contract. "Just smile
and think that a few photographs won't hurt you.
And the rest of the time you can fly anything you want. It's an
opportunity almost no one gets, Cassie. You're very lucky," Nancy
encouraged her. She knew
just what flying fanatics liked, and how to
cajole Cassie into doing the things she didn't .Like the press
conferences she was scheduled for, the interviews, the newsreels,
the parties Desmond wanted her to be seen at. Miss Fitzpatrick had even
provided a list of escorts.
"Why do I have to go to those?"
Cassie asked suspiciously about the parties. "Because people have to
get to know your name.
Mister Williams went to a lot of trouble to have
you included, and you really can't disappoint him." She said it
surprisingly firmly.
"Oh," Cassie said, looking more than a little
daunted. She didn't want
to seem ungrateful, and she was already
beginning to trust Nancy's opinions. It was all happening so quickly,
and Nancy was her only friend here. And what Nancy said was true,
Williams was doing a lot for her, and maybe she owed it to him to
his invitations.
Nonetheless, to Cassie, looking at the list, the
social obligations seemed endless. But Desmond Williams knew exactly
what he was doing. And so
did Nancy.
When the hairdresser was finished, they all liked Cassie's
hair. She
suddenly looked more sophisticated, but it was both elegant and
And then the hairdresser helped Cassie to do her makeup. At
three-fifteen she took a bath and at three forty-five, she put on
own underwear, and the silk stockings that had been left for
her. And
when she put on a dark green suit at fouro' clock, she looked like
million dollars.
"Wow!" Nancy said,
adjusting Cassie's blouse
carefully and checking that the shoes matched her suit and
"Silk stockings!"
Cassie beamed. "Wait till I
tell Mom!" She was
grinning like a kid and Nancy laughed and asked if she had any
Cassie looked blank and then shook her head. Her 160 mom had a pair
that had been her mother's, but Cassie had never owned any. Nor had her
"I'll have to tell Mister Williams" Nancy made a note to
herself. She
needed a string of pearls too.
He had told Nancy exactly the look he
wanted. No greasy overalls
or work clothes. They could save that
one rare shot, maybe for Life, as part of a bigger shoot. But the look
he wanted for her on the ground was pure Lady. Although all Nancy could
think of as she looked at her was Rita Hay worth. Desmond Williams
arrived promptly at four o'clock, and he was very pleased with
what he
saw. He handed Cassie some
photographs and details of the Phaeton and
Starlifter she was going to fly that week, just so she could
herself with them. And the
following week she had some important tests
to do on a high altitude plane he was trying to convert for the
Army Air
Corps. But as she looked
at the photographs, she couldn't help thinking
of Nancy's husband. What
if Desmond's planes were too dangerous, or the
risks he wanted her to take were too great? Like all good test pilots,
she tempered blind courage with caution.
She wasn't afraid to fly anything, she decided, as she looked
at a photograph of the experimental Phaeton. "You're going to let me
fly t7 at?" She
beamed at him, and he nodded.
How about right now?
Forget the press, let's go fly."
She beamed at
him happily, and suddenly all her earlier concerns and hesitations
forgotten. He
laughed. He loved the way she looked,
and Nancy had let
him know as he came in that Cassie had been completely cooperative
her. He was very pleased
with both of them. This was the best
publicity plan he had ever had, and he knew it.
"Never forget the press, Cassie. They can make or break your business.
Or mine at any rate. We
want to be very nice to them.
Always." He looked at
her pointedly, and she nodded, still feeling
completely in awe of him.
He was wearing an impeccably cut dark blue
double-breasted suit, and brilliantly shined handmade black shoes.
His blond hair was perfectly combed and everything about
him was starched, ironed to perfection, and spotless. He was the most
beautifully groomed man she had ever seen. And she watched him with
utter fascination.
Everything about him was calculated and
preconceived, thought out to the nth degree. But she was too young to
understand that. What she
saw was the finished product, what he wanted
her to see. And that was
what he wanted to teach her, to show the world
just exactly the face he wanted.
The smiling, sunny, small-town girl,
who flew better than any man, and dared everything, and then came
tumbling out of the cockpit with a big grin, and a shock of
combed red hair. She was
going to have every man in the country in love
with her in six months, if it even took that long, and she was
going to
be every woman's idol. In
order to do that, she had to behave
perfectly, look spectacular, and fly planes that made the toughest
pilots tremble. He had
studied everyone else's mistakes, and he didn't
intend to make any of the same ones.
Desmond Williams was not going to fail, nor was Cassie, if he had
control over her at all.
She was going to become the biggest name the
country had ever seen. He
was going to completely create her. And
her own small way, just by making her comfortable and keeping an
eye on
her, Nancy Firestone was going to help him. He wasn't going to have all
his dreams shot down, by having Cassie get drunk, or swear at someone,
or look like hell after a long flight or get involved with some
She was going to have to be perfect. "Ready for the big time?" he
smiled at her. She looked
fine, better than that actually, but he could
still see room for improvement.
She had her own remarkable looks, but
the suit was a little too big for her, and later Nancy would have
arrange for alterations.
She was just a fraction thinner than he'd
remembered, and her looks were stronger. She needed something just a
little more glamorous, a little bit younger. And he hadn't realized
when he'd met her in Good Hope that she had such a spectacular
He wanted to play to that without cheapening her, or even
the vulgar. But there was
a look he wanted to achieve, and 162 they
were not quite there yet.
But for a first run . . . she
was doing
fine. And she did far
better than he had expected at the press
conference, in the large conference room next to his office. Twenty
members of the press had been handpicked by him, the
ones. The men who liked
girls a little too much, the women.
None of
the great cynics. And then
he introduced her. She came in looking
frightened and a little pale, and feeling a little strange in her
clothes and bright red lipstick.
But she looked terrific in her new
haircut and the green suit.
And her natural good looks and warm nature
sparkled. She enchanted
them. He had given them the information
the air show, and she was very humble about it. She explained that she
had hung around her father's airport all her life, working on
and fueling planes.
"I spent most of my childhood covered with grease.
I only found out I had red hair when I got here," she
quipped, and they
loved her. She had an easy
style, and once she got used to them, she
treated them like old friends, and they loved it.
Desmond Williams was so ecstatic he couldn't stop grinning. In the end,
he had to tear her away.
They'd have sat with her all night, listening
to her stories. She had
even told them about her father not wanting her
to fly, and only convincing him after the night she flew in the
snowstorm with Nick, to rescue the wounded at the train wreck.
"What did you fly, Miss O'Malley?" "An old Handley of my father's."
There was an appreciative look from the knowledgeable members of
It was a hard plane to fly.
But they knew she had to be good, or
Williams wouldn't have brought her out here. By the time she left them,
they were calling her Cassie.
She was totally unpretentious and
completely ingenuous. And
when she made the front page of the L.A.
Times the next day, the picture of her was sensational, and the
told of a redheaded bombshell that was about to hit L.A. and take
world by storm. They
might as well have written a banner headline that said, WE LOVE
cAsslE! because it was
obvious that they did. The campaign had
And from then on, Desmond Williams kept her very busy. Her second day
in L.A Cassie "visited" all his planes, and of course
the press was
there, and so were the Movie tone people fora newsreel. When the
newsreel was released, her mother took all her sister sand their
children to see it. Cassie
wanted Nick and her father to see it too,
but all she got was a postcard from Nick that said, "We miss
you, Sky
girl!" which annoyed
her. She knew what she looked like in
newsreel, in the uniform she had to wear, but she knew he had to
impressed by their planes too.
They were nothing short of fantastic.
Her first flights were in the Phaeton they were working on, and
then the
Starlifter he had shown her.
After that, he let her fly a high-altitude
plane he was working on, to take extensive notes for their
She had gone to forty-six thousand feet, and it was the first time
ever had to use an oxygen mask, or an electrically heated flight
But she had been able to gather some very important
information. Their
goal was to convert the plane into a high-level bomber for the
It was hard work. And she
scared herself once or twice, but she
impressed the hell out of Desmond Williams His engineers and one
of his
pilots had gone up with her, and they had described her flying as
than Lindbergh's. She was
prettier too, one of them had pointed out.
But that much Williams knew.
What he was pleased to hear was that her
flying skill was beyond expectation. She set an altitude record her
second week there and a speed record in the Phaeton three days
Both were verified by theF AI and they were official. These were the
planes she had always dreamed of.
The only thing that slowed her down
was the constant press conferences and the photographs and the
newsreels. They were incredibly
tedious, and sometimes the press really
got in her way.
164 She'd been in Los Angeles for three weeks by then, and the
were already starting to follow her everywhere she went. She was
becoming news. And
although she tried to be pleasant to them, sometimes
it really annoyed her. She
had almost run over one of them the day
before on takeoff.
"Can't you keep them off the runway for chrissake?"
she shouted from the cockpit before takeoff.
She didn't want to hurt anyone and they'd frightened her by
getting so
close to the plane. But
the men on the ground only shrugged.
They were
getting used to it. There
was a frenzy about her like none they had
ever seen. Items were
printed about her constantly, and photographs.
The public ate her up, and Desmond Williams kept feeding them
what they wanted. Just
enough of her to excite them and keep the love
affair alive, but never so much that they tired of her. It was a fine
art, and he was brilliant at it.
And Nancy Firestone was feeding him
all the little personal details they needed. And she continued to be a
huge help to Cassie. She
was scheduled to do a commercial for a
breakfast cereal for kids, and an ad for her favorite magazine,
and when
Nick saw i tat the airport one day, he tossed it in the garbage.
He was furious and railed at her father. "How can you let her do that?
What is she doing, selling breakfast cereal, or flying?" "Looks like
both to me." He
didn't really mind. He didn't think
women belonged in
serious aviation anyway.
"Her mother loves it."
"When does she find
time to fly?" Nick
groused at him, and Patgrmned. "I
wouldn't know,
Stick. Why don't you fly
out and ask her?" Pat was
surprisingly calm
about all of it, now that she was out in California. The only thing he
was sorry about was that she didn't have time to go to school, but
was flying some damn gorgeous airplanes. And he couldn't help being
proud of her, though he never actually said it. Nick had thought of
flying out to see her several times, but he
lhadn't had time to get
away. With Cassie gone, he seemed to be
more flying than ever, in spite of the useful presence of
But business was booming at O'Malley's. And Pat recognized more than
anyone that his daughter's sudden stardom probably hadn't hurt
The reporters had turned up there a few times too, but there
wasn't much
fodder for them, and after a few photographs, and a shot of the
where she'd grown up, the wire-service guys had gone back to
Cassie's life on the West Coast seemed to move even faster than
planes. She could hardly
keep up with herself, between test flights,
and short runs to check out new instruments on planes, and
meetings with
engineers to explain their aerodynamics to her. She had gone to a few
development meetings too, to better understand what direction
Aircraft was striving for, and Desmond himself couldn't believe
extent of her involvement.
She wanted to know everything there was to know about his
planes. He
was flattered and impressed, and he was enormously proud of his
judgment. He had inherited
an empire, which he had doubled in size in
an incredibly short time span.
At thirty-four, he was one of the
richest men in the country, if not the world, and he could have
had or
done almost anything he wanted.
He had been married twice, and divorced
both times, had no children, and the only thing he cared about, or
with any passion at all, was his business. People came and went in his
life, and there was always plenty of talk about his women, but the
thing that mattered to him were his planes, and being at the very
top of
the aviation business. And
for the moment, Cassie O'Malley was helping
him get what he wanted. He
loved Cassie's remarkable understanding
about planes, and her naive but clear perceptions about his
She wasn't afraid to express herself, or even, when necessary, to
confront him. He liked
seeing her at meetings, liked the fact that she
cared enough to be there.
He was thrilled with the flying records she'd
set too. She dared almost
anything, within reason. The only thing
seemed hesitant about, and often balked at going to, were the 166
events, which he insisted were critical, and Cassie thought were
nonsense. "But
why?" She argued constantly with
Nancy Firestone.
"I can't stay out all night, and fly intelligently at four
o'clock in
the morning."
"Then start later. Mister
Williams will understand. He
wants you to go out in the evening." "But I don't want to." Cassie's
natural stubbornness hadn't been left in Illinois, and she had
intention of winning.
"I'd rather stay home and read about his
"That's not what Mister Williams wants," Nancy said firmly,
and so far she had usually won the argument, but there were a few
when Cassie escaped her.
She preferred walking on the beach, or being alone at night,
letters to Nick, or her sisters, or her mother. She missed her family
terribly, and the familiar people she had grown up with. And even
writing to Nick made her heart ache. Sometimes she felt as though the
air was being pressed out of her as she wrote to him and told him
she was doing. She missed
flying with him, and arguing with him and
telling him how wrong he was, or what a fool. She wanted to tell him
how much she missed him, but it always sounded strange to her in a
letter. And more often
than not, she tore it up, and just told him
about the planes she was flying.
She never mentioned her social life to
him, or to anyone, it didn't mean anything to her, no matter how
they wrote about it in the papers. Nancy had found a lot of young men
to escort her, most of whom knew nothing about planes, and some of
were actors who needed to be seen too. It was all about being "seen,"
and where she went, and who you were "seen" with. She didn't want to be
seen with any of them, and most of the time, they just posed for
photographs and then took her home, and she would collapse into
relieved to be rid of them.
The only thing she really loved about her
new movie-star life was the flying. And the flying was incredible.
Sailing into the dawn in the Phaeton , breaking all records for
was the sweetest thing she had ever done, and probably the most
dangerous. But much to her
own surprise, with the incredible machines,
she was honing her skills here.
She was learning how to handle very heavy planes, learning how to
compensate for any problems they had, signaling them to the
and correcting them right along with them. Her input was valued here,
her views, they admired the way she flew, and they understood
she wanted. It was every
pilot's dream to be in the seat she was in,
and as long as she was in the air, there was no question about
it. She
loved it. She was stepping
out of an Army pursuit plane with a Merlin
engine on it for more speed, one afternoon, after a short flight
Las Vegas to make some notes for the design team, when a hand
reached up
to her and helped her down, and she was surprised to see it was
Williams He was as impeccable a sever, and his hair blew a little
his face in the soft breeze and he looked suddenly less rigid, and
younger than the other times she'd seen him. "Did you have a good
"I did. But the
Merlin engine was disappointing here.
It still didn't
give us what we wanted out of this plane. We have to try something
else. But I've got some
ideas I want to kick around with the design
team tomorrow. The plane
was pulling to port on takeoff too, which is a
real problem." She
always thought of his planes, and the problems they
needed to conquer. At night
she dreamed of them, and by day she pressed
them to their limits. And
as he glanced at her, he was more impressed
than ever with what he was hearing. She was a gold mine.
"Sounds like you need a break."
He smiled at her, as she pushed her hair out of her eyes and
her uniform. She still
longed for her overalls sometimes, and the old
days of never caring how she looked when she flew. To Cassie, it didn't
matter." How about
dinner tonight?" She was surprised
at the
invitation, and wondered if he had something on his mind. Maybe he was
unhappy with her. He had
w 11 a never invited her out before, and their dealings with each
had been strictly business.
"Is something wrong, Mister Williams?"
She looked worried and he laughed at the question. She wondered if
maybe he was firing her, and he shook his head and looked at her
amusement. "The only
thing wrong is that you work too hard, and have
absolutely no idea what a miracle you are. Of course nothing's wrong.
I just thought it might be nice to have dinner."
"Sure," she said shyly, wondering what it would be like
to have dinner
with him. He was so
handsome and so perfect and so smart, and so rich,
that he scared her. Nancy
always said what good company he was, and how
pleasant, and she seemed to know him well. But he still frightened
Cassie more than a little.
"What do you like?
French? Italian?
There are some wonderful restaurants in Los Angeles. I imagine you've
been to them all by now."
"Yes, I have."
She looked him right in the eye, overcoming her shyness
for a moment. "And I
wish I hadn't." "So I
hear." He smiled at her.
"I understand you've been chafing at your social
schedule." He looked
almost fatherly for an instant, despite his age, and Cassie could
why Nancy liked him.
"That's putting it mildly.
I just don't see why I
have to go out every night if I'm going to fly for you at four
the next morning."
"Maybe you should get a later start." He said
practically, but she groaned in answer.
"That's what Nancy said.
But flying is the important part.
Going out
doesn't matter." He
stopped walking with her then, and looked down at
her, and she was totally surprised to realize how much taller he
In more ways than one, he was a man of great stature. "It's all
important, Cassie. All of
it. Not just the flying. But the going out
too. Look what the papers
say about you . . . what the public
now . . .
how much they love you . .
. Look how much
that means, how much access that gives you to them, how much
weight you
carry with the public after only a month here. They want to know what
you eat, what you read, what you think. Don't ever underestimate that.
It's the power of the American public." "I don't get it," she said,
looking like a kid, and he smiled at her.
He already knew her better than that. He had an uncanny sense about
people. "Yes, you
do," he said quietly. "You
just don't want to.
You want to play the game on your term is But you'll get a lot
more out
of it in the end, if you play my way. Trust me."
"Having dinner at the
Cocoanut Grove, or Mo cambo, isn't going to make me a better
"No, but it will make you exciting . . . glamorous . .
. someone people want to know more about. It will make them listen to
you, and once they're listening, you can tell them anything you
to." "And if I'm
asleep at home in bed, they won't listen?"
She grinned, but she had gotten his point, and she was intrigued
by it,
and he knew it. "All
they'll hear then, Miss O'Malley, is you snoring."
She laughed at him, and he left her at the hangar a few minute
He had promised to pick her up at seven o'clock, and said he would
her later where they were going.
She told Nancy who she was having
dinner with when she got home, but she had already heard from Miss
Fitzpatrick what her dinner plans were.
There were no secrets at Williams Aircraft. And she suspected where he
would take her, probably Perino's .Nancy helped her pick out a
particularly sophisticated dress, and assured Cassie that it was
the sort of thing he really liked. "Why do you think he wants to have
dinner with me?"
Cassie asked worriedly. She was
still wondering if he
was secretly displeased with her about something.
Maybe he really was annoyed that she complained about going out at
night, and wanted to scold her.
"I think he wants to take you out
because you're so ugly," Nancy teased. She had begun treating Cassie
like her daughter. In some
ways, Cassie was still a child, not unlike
Janie. In fact, Jane and
Cassie had hit it off splendidly on the two
occasions Nancy had invited her to dinner.
She would have invited her more frequently, but Cassie never had
for a private evening.
"Now go wash your face and stop worrying. He's
a perfect gentleman."
He always was, no matter what he wanted, business
or pleasure. Desmond
Williams had a brilliant mind and impeccable
manners. What he did not
have was a heart, or at least, that was what
women said. If he did, no
one had found it yet.
But Nancy knew it was not Cassie's heart Desmond wanted. He wanted her
loyalty, and her life, her mind, her judgment about planes, and
courage. It was what he
wanted from everyone. He wanted
except what was really important.
And in return, he would take care of
her, in the ways he understood, with contracts and money.
Cassie was ready right on time, and he appeared downstairs in a
brand-new Packard. He was
a man who liked machines, and he had bought
every exciting car there was to own, at one time or another. The Zephyr
she'd seen him in back home had already been shipped to
California. She
was wearing a slinky black dress Nancy had picked out for her, and
silk stockings and black satin platform shoes that made her look
taller. But he was still
taller than she was, and her figure looked
fabulous in the black dress.
Her hair was piled high on her head in
loose curls, and in the month since she'd been in L.A. she had
to do her makeup to perfection.
"Wow! If I do say so
myself," Desmond
beamed at her, as they headed toward the city, "that's quite
an outfit."
"I was going to wear my overalls," she grinned
mischievously," but Nancy
sent them to the cleaners."
"I can't say I'm disappointed," he teased
back. They chatted easily
all the way into town, about a new plane she
knew he was designing.
There were questions she had about the fuselage,
and her queries about the design, as usual, impressed him deeply.
"How did you ever get
to know so much about planes, Cass?"
"I just
love them a lot. You know,
like dolls, for some kids. I've just
with planes all my life. I
put my first engine back together when I was
nine. I've been doing it
since I was a little kid. My father put
me to
work when I was five, but then he had a fit when I learned to fly.
Engines were okay, but flying was for guys, not for
women." "It's hard
to believe." He
looked amused.
To him, it sounded like the dark ages. "I know." She
grinned, thinking
fondly of her father.
"He's an adorable old dinosaur and I love him.
He threw your card away that day, you know. The first time you came to
the airport." "I
thought he'd do something like that, he and his
partner. That's why I came
back." He glanced over at her as
reachedL. A. "I'm
glad I did. When I think what I would
have missed.
What this country would have lost. It would have been a tragedy." He
made it sound very dramatic, and she laughed. What he said was very
frightening, but it always sounded like nonsense toCassie. She knew her
own worth, or she thought she did. She was a pretty good pilot, but she
wasn't the oracle he pretended she was, or the genius . . . or the
beauty . . . but Americans
were already beginning to know different.
They agreed with desmond Williams "Where are we going
tonight?" she
asked with mild curiosity.
She recognized the neighborhood, but hadn't
guessed what restaurant.
He told her they were going to the Trocadero.
And when they stepped inside, she saw instantly how glamorous it
and how luxurious.
The lights were dim, and the band was playing a rumba. "You haven't
been here yet, Cassie, have you?" She shook her head, visibly impressed
by her surroundings, and by being there with him. She was twenty years
old, and she had never seen anything like that. "No, sir," she said,
and he leaned closer to her and touched her arm.
"You could call me Desmond." He smiled at her, and she 172 blushed.
It was odd being so friendly with him. He was so important, he was her
boss, and he was so much older.
"Yes, sir .
. . I mean, Desmond . .
." She was still blushing in the
darkness as
they were led to an important table. "Of course Sir Desmond has a
certain ring to it. I
hadn't thought of that before." He
made her
laugh easily, and he helped her order. He made her feel surprisingly
comfortable, even though everything she was experiencing was new.
But he never made her feel ignorant or foolish. He treated it all as a
great opportunity for her, and for him. He always let her know how
lucky he felt to be there with her. He was a master at the fine art of
putting her a tease, and before their dinner came, he had her
and dancing, and completely comfortable with him. So much so that she
danced in his arms as though she had been doing it for a dozen
and when the photographers appeared after dinner, they got a
photograph of her smiling up at him, as though she adored
him. She was
uncomfortable about it the next day, when she saw the newspaper on
way to work. The
photograph somehow managed to convey the impression
that she was involved with him, which she certainly wasn't. But there
was something very intimate about the way he looked at her, as she
next to him, and yet nothing inappropriate, or even faintly
had ever happened. He was
her boss, the man who had "discovered" her,
and given her a great opportunity. And she was grateful to him for
But there was absolutely nothing else between them.
She wondered if anyone at work would make a comment about it, but
no one
did, until three days later when she got a call from Nick. He was
flying a mail run to San Diego that night, and he could come up to
her the following morning.
It would be Saturday and she was free to
spend the day with him.
She was supposed togo to a charity ball with
one of Nancy's young friends that night, but for Nick, she'd
"So, is Williams giving you the rush, or are you falling for
him?" he
asked bluntly after he told her he'd meet her at her apartment as
as he came up from San Diego.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She was annoyed at his assumption.
"I was in Chicago yesterday, Cass. I saw the picture of you two in the
paper. Looks pretty
cozy." There was an edge to his
voice she'd never
heard there before, and she didn't like it.
"I happen to work for him.
And he took me out to dinner.
That was it.
He has about as much interest in me as he has in his engineers, so
it off."
"I think you're being naive.
And those didn't look like work clothes."
He was angry and jealous, and sorry her father had ever let her
come out
here. The flying she was
doing for Williams was too damn dangerous. But
it wasn't just the flying he was upset about. It was the look on
Desmond's face as he looked at her in the photograph in the paper.
"It was just a business dinner, Nick. He was just being nice taking me
out. He was probably bored
to death. And believe it or not, those
my work clothes." She
was referring to the slinky black dress she'd
been wearing. "My
chaperone buys me everything, and they send me out
every night like a trained dog to show off and get my picture
They call it public relations."
"Doesn't sound like work to me. Or flying." He was
consumed with
annoyance, and the loneliness of not having seen her in over a
He had been aching to see her.
But she hadn't had time to get home yet.
It had shocked him to discover how much he missed her. He felt as
though he'd lost a limb, or his best friend.
And he didn't like the idea of Williams taking her out to dinner.
"We'll talk about it when you're here," she said
quietly, sounding more
grown-up than she had at home.
She had already changed, but she didn't
know it. And she had
already acquired a lot of big-city polish.
long can you stay?"
"I've got to be out by six o'clock. I've got to get back with some
mail." She was
instantly disappointed, and she would have no excuse to
cancel her "date" to go to the ball to benefit children
with infantile
"Well, we'll make the best of it. Try and get here early."
"As early as I can, kid.
I'm not flying the fancy stuff you are."
"You don't need 'em.
The way you fly, you could fly egg crates and get
more out of them than anything I see here," she said warmly.
"Stop flattering an old man," he said, sounding mellower
than he had at
the beginning of the call.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
She could hardly wait, and she was up as usual at three-thirty,
for him to arrive. It
seemed endless, before he rang her bell at
seven-fifteen that morning.
She flew down the stairs and threw herself
into his arms so hard she almost knocked him down. He was stunned by
the sheer beauty of her, and the force of her affection. She had missed
him too, even more than she'd realized. She missed their confidences,
and their long talks, and their flying.
"Hey, wait a minute, you .
. . give a guy a chance, before you knock
the wind out of me . .
." She was kissing him and hugging
him, she was
like a lost child who had finally found her parents.
"Hey, it's okay . . .
it's okay . . ." There were tears in her eyes
as she clung to him, and he held her so close he wanted never to
let her
go. She had never looked
as good to him, or felt as good in his arms,
and he had to force himself to step back and release her.
He would have liked to stay that way forever. "Wow .
. . don't you
look fine." He
smiled. He noticed the new haircut, and
the makeup, and
she was wearing beige slacks and a white sweater.
She looked surprisingly like Hepburn or Hay worth. "You don't look like
you've been suffering," he teased, and then he whistled when
he saw the
apartment. "My, my
. . . talk about hardship . . .
"Isn't it great?"
she beamed at him, and showed him around.
He was very impressed, and he had to remind himself that this was
little girl he had known since she was a baby. This was not some movie
star he had just met. This
was Pat O'Malley's daughter.
"Looks like you got lucky, Cass," he said fairly. But he also thought
she deserved it. There was
no reason for her not to have all this.
But he still worried about her.
"Do they treat you right?"
"They do everything for me.
Buy me clothes, feed me, I have a maid,
she's the nicest woman you've ever met. Her name is Lavinia. I
have a
chaperone named Nancy, who buys me clothes and sets up everything
me, like all the events I have to go to, my escorts, the people I
She chatted on and Nick looked at her strangely.
"Your escorts? They
set you up with men?" He looked
startled, and none
too pleased, as she served him the breakfast she had made for him,
fried some eggs while he waited.
"Sort of. But not
really. Some of them aren't really
. . . I mean .
. . they don't really like women, you know . . . but they're friends of
Nancy's, or she knows who they are. Some of them are actors who need to
be seen, and we . . . I
. . . we go to events, or parties and
get our
photographs taken together."
She looked embarrassed as she explained it
to him, it wasn't the part of her work she liked best by any
means, but
after Desmond's explanation the other night, she was trying to
it. "I don't like
doing it, but it's important to Desmond."
"Desmond?" Nick raised
an eyebrow as he ate the eggs she had made him.
They were delicious. But
the sudden mention of Williams in such
familiar terms made him stop eating.
"He thinks public relations is the most important thing in
"What about flying?
Is that important to him, or do you even get to do
"Come on, Nick, be fair.
I have to do what they ask me to.
Look at all this."
She waved around at the spacious modern kitchen and
the rest of the apartment beyond it. "Look what they're doing for me.
If they want me to go out and have my photograph taken, I owe it
them. It's not such a big
deal." But he looked angry as he
"That's bullshit, and you know it. You didn't come out here to be a
model, or go to finishing school, Cass. And the only thing you owe them
is to risk your ass testing their planes, and break any record you
That's what you owe them.
The rest is up to you, or at least it should
be. Williams doesn't own
you, for chrissake. Or does
he?" He looked
at her ominously, and she shook her head. He made her feel ashamed for
going along with the plan.
But she did feel she owed it to them, and
she could also understand what Williams wanted. He wanted her to become
a star, in order to further her career in aviation, and publicize
planes. That wasn't
totally wrong, and the other women in aviation had
done their share of it too.
You did what you had to.
"I don't think you're being fair," she said quietly.
"I think you're being used, and it makes me mad as
hell," he said,
pushing his plate away, and then taking a sip of his coffee.
"He wants to use you, Cass.
I can smell it."
"That's not true. He
wants to help me, Nick. He's already
done a lot
for me, and I just got here."
"Like what? Take you
out dancing the other night? How often
has he
done that?"
"Just that once. He
was being nice. And he was trying to
explain to me
how important it is to do the social things too, because Nancy
told him
how much I hate it."
"Well, at least I know you haven't been completely snowed by
him. How
often have you been out with him?" he asked pointedly, and she looked
him square in the eye when she answered.
"I told you just that once.
And he was totally polite and respectful.
He was a perfect gentleman.
He danced with me twice, and it just so
happened that the second time he danced with me they took our
"And that was an accident, I suppose." He marveled at her innocence.
It was all so obvious to him.
He had thought it a great opportunity at
first, but only if their main focus had been on her flying. All this
social nonsense, and going out, and courting the press told him
something very different.
It told him Williams was using her in a much
broader sense. And he knew
she was too young to understand it. And
what more did Williams want from her? Did he want her for himself?
young and naive as she was, she would be inevitably dazzled by him
Nick suddenly realized he didn't like the prospect of that
either. She
was too young to be involved with a man like him. And besides, Desmond
Williams didn't love her.
Nick had said all this to Pat, and even
suggested that Williams might have unsuitable designs on her, and
he had
tried to rile Pat up about it.
But her father was under Oona's spell
and she was completely enthralled to be seeing her daughter in
newsreels. And Pat
wouldn't have done anything to interfere with it.
She was safe, she was well, and from what she said in her letters,
were treating her like royalty.
She even had a chaperone, so how
unsuitable could that be?
And they were paying her a ransom on top of
it. What more could she
ask for?
"Don't you realize," Nick went on, pressing her,
"that either the guy
has the hots for you, or he set it up to look that way by taking
someplace where you'd be seen, and photographed.
He probably tipped them off that he'd be taking you there. So now
America has more than just a pretty face to fall in love with,
they have
a romance. Dashing tycoon
Desmond Williams courts America's sweetheart
from the Midwest, girl next door and flying ace, Cassie O'Malley.
Cassie, wake up. The guy
is using you, and he's great at it.
working. He's going to
make you the biggest name there is, just to sell
his goddamn planes and then what?"
That was what worried Nick.
What if he married her? The
thought of it
made him feel sick, but he didn't say that.
"What difference does it make? What's wrong with it?"
Cassie didn't
see all the dangers he did.
"He's doing it for himself, for his business, not for
you. He's not
sincere. He doesn't give a
damn. This is business to him. He's
exploiting you, Cass, and it scares me." Everything about Williams, and
his plans for Cassie, scared him.
"Why?" That was
what she didn't understand. Why was he
so against it?
And why was he so suspicious of Desmond Williams?
He had done only good things for her, but Nick saw other dangers.
"Look what happened to Earhart. She got too big for herself, she did
something she never should have .
. . a lot of people thought she
wasn't capable of that last trip, and she obviously wasn't. What if he
sets you up for something like that? What if that's what he's leading
up to? You'll get hurt,
Cass . . ." He felt his heart squeeze as he
thought of it, and all he wanted to do was take her back to Good
where he knew she'd be safe forever.
"He's not doing that, Nick.
I swear. He has no plans for
me. At least
not that I know of. And
I'm a better flier than she was anyway."
It was an outrageous thing to say, and she laughed as she said it.
But Nick took her seriously, as he sat there and watched her. She had
gotten still lovelier in the month she'd been away and she didn't
know it.
"You are faster, as a matter of fact. And you don't know what his plans
are. This guy isn't doing
it for small potatoes. He's got his eye
the big time."
"Maybe you're right," she said, doubtfully. Maybe he did have a world
tour in mind. "If he
mentions anything about one, I'll tell you.
"Be careful." He
frowned at her, still worried about her, and lit a
cigarette, as she closed her eyes and sniffed the familiar fumes
of his
Camels. They reminded her
of her father's airport . . . and of
Nick .
. . and the old days, of meeting at the airfield in Prairie City.
Just sitting there with him made her desperately homesick, for
him, and
all the people she loved there.
But she had missed him almost more than
In the end he relaxed, and enjoyed the fact that he was finally
with her
again. Being away from her
for so long had almost driven him crazy. And
day after day, he had thought of new plots that Williams might be
hatching to exploit her.
He finally stopped nagging her about
Williams's plans for her, and the fact that she was being used,
and they
had a nice afternoon. They
went for a long walk on the beach, and sat
on the sand in the August sun, looking out at the ocean. It felt good
just sitting side by side again, and they sat for a long time
in silence.
"There's going to be a war in Europe soon," he said
prophetically, when
they started chatting again.
"The signs are as clear as that sun up
there," he said unhappily.
"Hitler won't be controlled.
They're going
to have to stop him."
"Do you think we'll get into it eventually?" She loved talking to him
about politics again. She
had no one to talk to here. She was too
solitary and too busy.
Nancy talked to her about clothes, and her
"escorts" just posed for pictures.
"Most people think we won't get into it," he said
quietly. "But I think
we'll have to."
"And you?" She
knew him well. Too well. She wondered if that was what
he was telling her. That
he felt the same pull he had felt twenty years
before. She hoped
not. "Would you go?"
"I'm probably too old to go." He was thirty-eight, and not old by any
means. But he could have
stayed home if he'd wanted to.
Pat was too old to fight another war. But Nick still had choices.
"But I'd probably want to." He smiled at her, his hair flying in the
salt air, as hers did.
They were sitting side by side on the sand,
their shoulders touching and their hands. It was so comforting to have
him near her. She had
relied on him for so long, and learned so much
from him. She missed him
more than anyone at home, and he had found
that her absence was like a physical ache that still had not
"I don't want you to go," she said unhappily, looking
into the blue eyes
she knew so well, with the small crow's-feet beside them. She couldn't
bear the thought of losing him.
She wanted to make him promise he
wouldn't go to another war in Europe.
"I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you,
Nick." She said it so
softly he could hardly hear her.
"We take the same risks every day," he said
honestly. "You can run into
trouble tomorrow, so can I. I think we both know that."
"That's different."
"Not really. I worry
about you out here too. Flying those
planes is
risky business. You're
dealing with high speeds, and heavy machines,
and altered engines at unusual altitudes. You're looking for problems
and trying to set records.
That's about as dangerous as you get," he
said grimly. "I keep
worrying that you're going to crash somewhere in
one of his damn test planes."
He looked at her seriously and they both recognized the danger.
"Besides, your dad says women pilots can't fly worth a
He grinned and she laughed.
"I know what a lousy teacher you had."
"Yeah." She
smiled up at him, and touched his face with her fingers.
"I miss you a lot . .
. I miss the days when we used to hang out and
talk on our runway."
"So do I," he said softly, and curled her fingers into
"Those were some special times." She nodded, and neither of them said
anything for a long time, and then they walked along the beach for
while and talked about family and friends back home. Her brother hadn't
flown since the air show, and her father didn't seem to mind.
Chris was busy with school now.
Colleen was pregnant again. To
it seemed endless. And
Bobby had started seeing Peggy Bradshaw.
was widowed and alone with two small kids, and Nick had seen him
than once, driving his truck to her little cottage.
"She'd be good for him," Cassie said fairly, surprised
at how little she
felt for him. It was only
amazing that they had been engaged for a year
and a half. They never
should have been. "And now she'll
hate flying
as much as he does," she said sadly, thinking of the
horrifying accident
at the air show. It had
been so awful.
"You'd have been miserable with him," Nick said, looking
down at her
possessively. He wanted to
stay right here and protect her, from being
used, or endangered.
"I know. I think I
even knew that then. I just didn't know
how to get
out of it without hurting his feelings. And I really though I was
supposed to marry him. I
don't know what I'm going to do," she said,
looking out at the horizon.
"One of these days everyone's going to want
me to grow up and get out of the sky, and then what am I going to
Nick? I don't think I
could stand it."
"Maybe you can figure out a way to have both one day. A real life, and
flying. I never have, but
you're smarter than I am." He was
honest with her. Most of
them made a choice. He had made
his. And so
had she, for the moment.
"I don't see why you can't have both. But nobody else seems to believe
"It's not much of a life for the other guy, and most people
are smart
enough to know that. Bobby
was. So was my wife."
"Yeah," she nodded, "I guess so."
They went back to her apartment after that, and talked some
more. And
he promised to tell her mother all about where she lived. And afterward
she drove him to the airport.
She got into the familiar Bellanca with
him, and she almost cried.
It was like going home. She sat
there with
him for a long time, and then finally, she got out, once he was on
He looked down at her with the smile she had known and loved all
life, and she wanted to cry and beg him to take her with him. But they
had their lives to lead.
He had to get back to Illinois, and she had
signed a contract with Desmond Williams.
Most people would have died for what he had given her, but a part
of her
wanted to throw it all away and go home to where life was simpler.
"Take care of yourself, kid.
Don't let them take too many pictures."
He smiled at her. He still
didn't trust what Williams had up his
sleeve. But he felt better
about Cassie now that he had seen her.
had her head on her shoulders.
And she wasn't being snowed by anyone.
She also didn't appear to be in love with Desmond Williams.
"Come back soon, Nick."
"I'll try." His
eyes held hers for a long time. There
was so much he
wanted to say to her, but this wasn't the time, or the moment.
"Say hi to everyone .
. . Mom . . . Dad . . . Chris .
. .
Billy . . ." She was lingering, wishing he would
stay. But she knew
he couldn't.
"Yeah." He
looked down at her, wishing he could swoop her up with him.
He had wanted to do that for a long time, but he knew now he never
would. It wasn't in their
destinies. All he had to do was learn
accept that. "Make
sure you don't run off with Desmond Williams.
come after you, if you do.
Course your mama might shoot me for
destroying your big chance."
"Tell her not to worry," Cassie laughed. That was one thing that she
was sure would never happen.
"Tell her I love her."
And then as he
revved up his engines, she had to shout at him. "I love you, Nick .
. thanks for coming."
He nodded, wanting to tell her he loved her too, but he didn't.
He couldn't. He saluted
her, signaled her to step back, and a few
minutes later he was circling lazily and dipping his wings over
Pasadena Airport. She
watched him as long as she could, until he
disappeared, a tiny speck on the horizon.
Exactly two weeks after Nick's visit to L.A Germany invaded
Poland, and
the world was aghast at the destruction Hitler wrought there. And two
days after that, on September third, Britain and France declared
war on
Germany. It had happened
at last; there was war in Europe.
Cassie called home to the airport when she heard, but Nick was
out, and
her father was taking some passengers to Cleveland. She had lunch with
Desmond that day, and he had spoken to the President only that
There was no question, the United States was planning to stay out
of the
war in Europe. And it was
a relief to hear that.
She told him she wanted to go home anyway, and Desmond lent her
one of
his personal planes for the weekend. She had been
planning to go home
for a weekend since July, and she never had any free time. So this was
the perfect opportunity, and no one objected.
She landed at her father's airport late Friday night. She had left L.A.
at noon, and got to Good Hope at eight-thirty local time.
There was no one there, but it was still light as she came in on
long east-west runway, and taxied to a slow stop. She tied down her
plane, and walked to the old truck she knew her father kept
there. She
hadn't told anyone she was coming. She wanted to surprise them.
she did. She slipped into
the house after nine o'clock that night.
Her parents were already in bed, and her mother almost fainted
when she
walked out of her room in her nightgown the next morning.
"Oh, my God!"
her mother screamed, "Pat!"
He came running out of their
room and grinned when he saw her.
"Hi, Ma . . . Hi, Dad
. . . I thought I'd drop in and say
She beamed at them.
"You're a sly one."
Her father hugged her with a broad smile, and her
mother cooed and clucked, made her an enormous breakfast, and woke
Chris, who was pleased to see her.
"What's it like being a movie star?" her father teased. He still
wasn't completely sure he approved of it, but everyone in town
seemed to
think it was great stuff, and it was hard to ignore that.
"Nick said you live in a palace," her mother said, as
she looked Cassie
over carefully. She looked
healthy and well, and other than a good
haircut and beautifully manicured red nails, she didn't look any
"It's a pretty nice place," Cassie conceded with a
grin. "I'm glad to
hear he liked it."
They sat around talking about her life in Los Angeles for a while,
finally she got dressed and rode with her father to the
airport. She
was happy to see all her old friends, and Billy gave a huge whoop
glee as soon as he saw her.
She put on a pair of old overalls, and
walked out to work on one of the planes with him, and half an hour
she heard Nick's old truck drive in. And she looked up and grinned. But
he didn't come out to the hangar to see her until lunchtime. She
figured he was busy, and she'd see him in a while, but she was
just knowing that she was near him.
"You guys sure start work late around here," she teased
when she first
saw him. "I'm at
fourteen thousand by four A.M. every morning."
"Yeah? How
come," he grinned, obviously elated to see her, "you meet
your hairdresser up there?"
His eyes danced, and his heart was pounding
as he looked at her. His
feelings for her were beginning to worry him.
Maybe it was just as well she was living in California.
Lately, it was getting harder and harder to control what he felt
"Very funny."
"I hear the Movie tone guys will be here at three"--he
grinned at Billy
and two of the other men--"better get clean clothes on."
"That'll be a nice change for you, Stick," she shot back
at him, and he
leaned against the plane she'd been working on with Billy, and
gave her
an appraising look. She
looked better than ever.
"Did you bring your chaperone with you?" he teased.
"I figured I could handle you myself."
"Yeah," he nodded slowly, "you probably could. Want to go have
something to eat?" He
invited her in an undertone, which was unusual.
It was rare for him to take her anywhere. Usually, they just hung out
together at the airport.
"Sure." She
followed him to his truck, and he drove her to Paoli's
dairy. They had a
lunchroom in the rear, and they made good sandwiches
and homemade ice cream.
"Hope this'll do.
It's not exactly the Brown Derby."
"I'll manage."
She was just so happy being with him, she'd have gone
anywhere and loved it.
He ordered roast beef sandwiches for them both, and a chocolate
shake for her. All he
wanted to drink was black coffee.
"It's not my birthday, you know," she reminded him. She was still
impressed that he had taken her out to lunch. She couldn't even
remember the last time he'd done that. If ever.
"I figure you're so spoiled now, eating beef jerky in the
back hangar
wouldn't do it." He
shrugged, but he looked desperately happy to see
her. They were halfway
through lunch, and she noticed he wasn't eating
much, when she realized there was more to it than just taking her
out to
eat. He looked
uncomfortable suddenly and a little worried.
"What's up, Stick?
You rob a bank?"
"Not yet. But I'm
working on it." But the jokes
ended there. He
looked into her eyes and the moment she looked at him, she
knew. And
she said the words even before he did.
"You're going?"
The words caught in her throat, and her milk shake
soured instantly in her stomach when he nodded. "Oh, Nick . . . no .
. . but you don't have to.
We're not in it."
"We will be eventually, whatever they say. And I'll bet Williams knows
it too. He's probably
counting on it. He'll sell a lot of
I don't believe all this stuff about the U.S. staying out of
it. And it
doesn't matter if we do.
They need help over there. I'm
going to
England to join the R.A.F. I made some inquiries, and they need
all the
guys they can get. I've
got what they need, and no one really needs me
here. They don't need a
genius to fly mail runs to Cincinnati."
"But they don't need you to get shot down in a war that's not
Tears filled her eyes as she said it. "Does Dad know?"
He nodded. He hated
telling her. But he had wanted to tell
himself. He had told Pat
that the minute he knew she was home, and Pat
had agreed to let him tell her.
"I told him yesterday. He
said he knew
anyway." And then he
looked at her strangely. "I'll be
back, Cass.
I've got a lot of years left to do this kind of thing.
And who knows? Maybe I'll
grow up this time. There's a lot of
things I
never did with my life after the last one."
"You can do them here, you don't have to risk your life in
order to
change what you don't like in your life here."
"I don't like how lazy I've been, how easy I've made it on !
myself. I just cruised for
the last twenty years, because it was easy.
It went by so fast I forgot where I was. Now I'm here, I'm halfway
through, or thereabouts, and I've wasted a lot of time. I'm not going
to do that next time."
She wasn't sure what he meant, but it was
obvious he had regrets about things he hadn't done, relationships
hadn't bothered with. He
always thought he had time.
And he did. But in some
ways he had lacked courage. He had
wanted to get married again, or to care too much about anyone, or
too involved, or have kids of his own. He never wanted to risk anything
on the ground. He didn't
want to lose.
But he didn't mind dying.
It was an odd kind of cowardice peculiar to
most of them; they were brave in the air, but on land they were
"Don't go . .
." she whispered over the remains
of their lunch.
She didn't know what to say to stop him, but she wanted to more
anything. She didn't want
to lose him.
"I have to."
"No, you don't!"
She raised her voice at him, and people turned around
at other tables. "You
don't have to do anything!"
"Neither did you," he suddenly raged back, "but
you've made choices with
your life. I have a right
to that too. I'm not going to sit here
they fight a war without me." They took their battle outside and
shouted at each other in the September sunshine.
"Are you so important then?
You're the only flier who can do it right
for them? For God's sake,
Nick, grow up. Stay here . . .
don't get yourself killed in a fight that's not yours, or even
ours .
. Nick . . . please . . ."
She was crying, and before he knew it, he
was holding her and telling her how much he loved her. He had promised
himself he never would, and now he couldn't stop himself any
"Baby, don't . . .
please . . . I love you so much . . . but I've got
to do this . . . and when
I come back, things'll be different.
Maybe you'll be through playing Sky girl for Desmond Williams by
and I'll have learned something I never figured out the first
time. I
want so much more than I have now . . . And, Cassie, I never figured
out how to get it."
"All you have to do is reach out and take it . . . that's all . .
She was clinging to him, and he was holding her, and all she
suddenly was to go away somewhere with him and forget the war, but
was nowhere to run now.
"It's not as simple as all that," he said slowly,
looking down at her.
There was so much he wanted to say to her, so much he didn't
dare. And
maybe he never would. He
just didn't have the answers.
They walked back to his truck hand in hand, and when they got to
airport he drove to the hangar where they kept the Jenny. It was the
plane he had taught her in, and she knew without a word where they
going. She got into the
front seat, out of deference to him, since the
instructor always sat in the rear seat, and a few minutes later
they had
done all their checks, and were taxiing down the runway. Her father saw
them take off and he didn't say anything. He knew Nick must have told
her he was going.
They reached the old airstrip, and Nick let her land, and they sat
beneath their familiar tree.
She laid her head against him, and they
sat in the soft grass, looking up at the sky. It was hard to believe
that there was a war somewhere, and Nick was really going.
"Why?" she said
miserably after a while, the tears rolling slowly down
her cheeks, and then her eyes met his and he thought his heart
break as he touched her face, and gently wiped her tears away with
fingers. "Why do you
have to go?" After all this time,
he had told her
he loved her, and now he was leaving, maybe even forever.
"Because I believe in what I'm doing. I believe in free men, and honor,
and a safe world, and all those things I'm going to defend in the
over England."
"You did that once.
Let someone else do it this time, Nick.
It's not
your problem."
"Yes, it is. And I've
got nothing important to do here. Even
that's my own fault."
"So you're going because you're bored." There was always a little bit
of that in all men, that and the spirit of the hunter.
But there were good motives there too, and she knew that. She just
thought it was foolish of him to go now, and she didn't want him
to get
hurt. But he swore he
"I'm too good to get hurt," he said, teasing her.
"You fly like shit when you're tired," she said, not
entirely believing
it, but he laughed.
"I'll be sure to get lots of sleep. What about you?" he
frowning. "You're
flying those damn heavy planes over the desert, don't
think I don't know the chances you take testing them.
Plenty of guys have gotten killed doing it, and they probably flew
better than you do."
It reminded her of Nancy's husband when he said it
and she nodded. She
couldn't deny the dangers of her job, but she was
good at what she did, and there were no Germans shooting at her
over Las
"I'm careful."
"We all are.
Sometimes that's not enough.
Sometimes you just have to
be lucky."
"Be lucky . . .
please . . ." she whispered to him, and he looked at
her for a long time, and then without a word, he did what he had
to for so long, and never dared.
What he had never let himself do, and
thought he never would.
But now he knew he had to. He
couldn't leave
without letting her know how much he loved her. He leaned down ever so
gently, and kissed her.
And she kissed him back as she had kissed no
man before him. There had
been no man . . . only a boy . . . and now,
Nick, the man she had loved since she was old enough to remember.
"I love you," he whispered into her hair, breathlessly,
wishing there
could be more, but he knew there couldn't. "I always have . . . I
always will . . . I want
to give you so much, Cass . . .
but I have nothing to give you .
. ~~ "How can you say that?"
He broke
her heart with his words.
"I've been in love with you since I was five . . . I've always loved
you. That's all we
need. I don't want anything else."
"You should have lots more than that . . . you should have a house and
kids . . . you should have
a lot of things, like all the things they've
given you in California.
But they should come from your husband."
"My parents never had fancy things, but they didn't
care. They had each
other, and they built my father's business from a pile of
dirt. I don't
care if we start with nothing."
"I couldn't let you do that, Cass. And your father would kill me.
eighteen years older than you are."
"So what?" She
was unimpressed, all she could think of now was the fact
that he loved her. And she
didn't want to lose him.
Not after all they'd been through.
"I'm an old man," he tried to object unconvincingly,
"compared to you at
least. You should marry
someone your age and have a mob of kids like
your parents."
"I'd probably go crazy if I did. And I don't want a mob of kids.
I never did. Just one or
two kids would be fine." With
Nick, even the
prospect of children wasn't as daunting as she had once thought
He smiled down at her tenderly as he listened to her, trying to
talk him
into something impossible.
He was going to war, and she had a contract
to fly planes in California.
But he had to admit, he liked the sound of
what she was saying. Maybe
someday though he doubted it.
He'd never be that lucky or that foolish. She deserved so much more
than he could ever give her.
"I'd love to give you kids, Cassie . .
I'd love to give you everything I have to give. But I'm never going to
have anything but a bunch of old planes, and a shack at the end of
father's airport."
"He'd give you half of everything, and you know it. You've earned it.
You built the business with him.
You know he's always wanted you to be
his partner."
"It's funny, I was so young when I started out that I never
wanted to be
more than a hired hand, and now I'm sorry. Maybe you're doing the right
thing with that crazy job of yours, Cass.
Make a bunch of money, save it up, and come back where you belong
something to show for it.
I don't have zip, and I never cared .
. .
until you grew up, and I realized everything I didn't have to give
That and the fact that I'm almost twice your age, and your father
probably kill me for this."
"I doubt it," Cassie said wisely. She was smarter than he was about her
father. "I've always
thought he wouldn't be surprised. I
think he'd
rather I was happy than married to the wrong man and
"You should be married to a man like Desmond Williams,"
he said
unhappily and she laughed at him.
He hated the thought of it, but
Williams had so much to give her.
"And you should be married to the Queen of England. Don't be stupid,
Nick. Who
cares?" She smiled at him, but he
was unconvinced.
"You'll care, when you're older. You're just a kid. You
think your
sisters are so happy being poor, or your mother?"
"My mother never complains about anything, and I think she is
And maybe if my sisters stopped having babies every year they
be quite as poor."
Cassie had always thought they had too many
children. One or two
seemed sensible to her. But Glynnis was
her sixth, and Colleen and Megan their fifth, respectively.
To Cassie it had always seemed excessive and a little scary.
He kissed her again then, thinking of the babies he would have
liked to
have with her, and never would.
He would never allow himself the
self-indulgence or the selfishness of marrying Cassie.
No matter how much he loved her, or maybe because he did. She deserved
so much better.
"I love you, Nick Galvin.
I'm not going to run away. Or
let you run
away from me. I'll come
over and find you, if I have to."
And she
would too. He knew it.
"Don't you dare. I'll
have you kicked right out of England if I have
to. And don't you dare let
Williams talk you into some goddamn world
tour. I just smell that's
what he has in mind for later. Just
Earhart. But with the war
in Europe now, you won't be safe anywhere,
not in the Pacific, and not in Europe.
Stay home, Cass. Promise
me . . ." He looked desperately worried and
she nodded.
"You too," she said softly, and then kissed him, and he
had to control
himself as he felt her passion meeting his own. He lay on the ground
next to her, holding her, wishing he could have her forever. "When are
you going?" she
finally asked him hoarsely, as he lay next to her and
held her.
He hesitated for a long time and then he answered. "In four days."
"Does Dad know?"
She knew it would be hard on her father, and she was
sorry now that she wouldn't be there to help him.
"He does. Billy said
he'd take care of things. He's a good
kid and a
tremendous pilot. I think
he just needed to get away from his father.
Old flying aces sometimes make life difficult for their kids, but
guess you wouldn't know about that, would you?" She smiled, thinking of
how impossible her father had been, but lately he seemed to have
She sat up and looked down at Nick then, wanting to know where
stood between them.
"What does all this mean, Nick?
We find out we
love each other, and now you go?
Now what? Now what am I supposed
do without you?"
"Same thing you did before," he said firmly; "go
out and smile pretty
for the cameras."
"What does that mean?"
"Exactly what it sounds like. Nothing's changed. You're
And I'm going to England."
"Bullshit." She
raged at him. "That's it? I love you, you love me,
and nothing, so long, good-bye, I'm going to war, have a nice
life, and
see you when I get back.
"You got it." He
looked suddenly hardened, but he had made up his mind
a long time ago, and he was not going to change it.
For her sake.
"And then what? You
come home, and if we're lucky we find each other
again and start over?"
"Nope," he said sadly.
"If you're lucky, we find each other again, and
you introduce me to your husband and kids, if I'm gone that long,
and if
I'm not, then you just introduce me to your husband."
"What are you? Crazy,
or sick?" She looked outraged as
she stared at
him, suddenly wanting to hit him.
What kind of game was this? But
was no game to him. Nick
Galvin had promised himself years before that
he wasn't going to let himself ruin Cassie's life just because he
"Haven't you been listening to me?" He was shouting at her in their
secret place, but there was no one to hear them. They were safe here.
"I have nothing to give you, Cass. That's not going to change while I'm
gone, and it's not likely to improve when I get back, unless I rob
bank or hit it lucky in Las Vegas. You're a lot likelier to make some
money than I am."
"Then go work for Desmond Williams," she said
angrily. How could he be
so stupid!
"My legs aren't good enough.
Look, you're a commodity to him.
You're a
genius in the air, and look good.
You're a dolly who can fly; you're
gold in the bank for him, Cass.
I'm just another flyboy."
"Why is that my fault?"
she said angrily. "Why are
you taking it out
on me? What did I do,
aside from get lucky?" She was crying
now, and
shaking with rage and frustration. Why were men so unfair sometimes?
It was exhausting being a woman.
"You didn't do anything.
The trouble is neither did I for the last
twenty years, except fly a bunch of old planes and hang out with
father. I had a good time,
we did some good things, the best of which
was teach you how to fly, or teach you not to crash may be more
like it,
you taught yourself to fly.
But that's not enough, Cass. I'm
not going
to marry you with nothing in the bank and empty pockets."
"You're a jerk!"
She shouted at him through her tears.
"You own three
planes, and you built my father a goddamn airport."
"I may never come back, Cass," he said quietly. That was part of it
too. He was not leaving her
hanging there, waiting for him.
It wasn't fair, not at her age.
"That's a fact. I may be
gone for five
years. I may be gone
forever. You gonna wait for that? With the life
you have now, and the opportunities, that's what you want?
To wait for a guy twice your age, who may leave you a penniless
before you start? Forget
it. This is my life, Cass. This is what I've
made of it. This is what I
want. I want to fly. No strings.
No promises. That's it
. . . forget it . . ."
"How can you say that?"
she raged at him, but he looked at her very
"Easy. Because I love
you so damn much. I want you to go out
there and
hit the jackpot. I want
you to get everything you can get, fly
everything you can lay your hands on, as long as you're safe, and
I want
you to be happy forever. I
don't want to worry about your doing that,
when I'm flying my tail off after some Kraut over the English
"You're incredibly selfish," she said angrily.
"So are most people, Cass," he said honestly,
"especially fliers.
If they weren't, they wouldn't do it. They wouldn't scare the hell out
of the people they love, risking their lives every day, and
themselves right under their loved ones' noses at air shows.
Think of that. Think of
what we do to the people we love."
"I have. A lot. But you and I both know that, that's an
right there. We're
"No we're not. You're
twenty years old, for chrissake. You
have a
whole life ahead of you, and a great one. But I don't want you waiting
for me. If I get back, and
I win the Irish sweepstakes while I'm there,
I'll call you."
"I hate you," she stormed, unable to move him or change
his mind. Nick
was as stubborn as she was.
"I figured that. I
especially figured that when I kissed you." He
kissed her again then, and all her fury and her rage and her
exploded through her in a wave of passion that he felt with equal
He would have wanted to change a lot of things, but he knew he
He wanted to hold her and make love to her till they both died of
pleasure. But he forced
himself to let go of her before it was too late
to stop. And for both of
them, that moment was coming closer.
"Will you write to me?"
she asked breathlessly, a little while later.
"If I can. But don't
count on it. Don't worry if you don't
hear from
me. That's just what I
don't want. I don't want you waiting
for me.
It's the shortest love story in the world. I love you.
The End.
That's it. I probably
should never have told you."
"Then why did you?"
she asked unhappily.
"Because I'm a selfish sonofabitch and I couldn't stand not
saying it
anymore. I had to fight
myself not to say it each time we came here.
And it almost killed me when I left you in California.
I've needed to tell you for a long time. But it doesn't change
anything, Cass. It's nice
to know. Maybe for both of us. But I'm
still going."
They went round and round about it for a long time, but she couldn't
convince him not to go.
And eventually, they flew back to the airport
after kissing each other for a long time and nearly tearing each
clothes off.
It was a long, sad weekend for her, and she spent a lot of time
him. And on Sunday
afternoon when she left, it tore her apart as
nothing before in her life had.
Her father had sensed what was
happening and he had talked to her before she left, but it hadn't
helped her. It made her
feel closer to him, but it didn't change what
was happening with Nick.
She was in love with him, and he with her, and
he was telling her to forget it.
She didn't tell her father that in so
many words, but he understood it.
"It's the way he is, Cass. He has to
be free to do what he believes in."
"It's not our fight."
"But he wants it to be his, and he's good at it. He's a good man,
"I know that."
And then she looked unhappily up at her father.
"He thinks he's too old for me."
"He is. I used to
worry about him falling for you," Pat admitted, "but
I think he'd do you a lot of good too. But you can't convince a man of
that. He has to find it
out for himself."
"He thinks you'd be angry at him."
"He knows that's not the truth . . . nor the problem . . .
the problem
is in his mind, what he believes, what he wants for you.
You won't find the answers now, Cass. If you're lucky, he'll come back,
and you can both work it out later."
"And if he doesn't?"
she asked sadly.
"Then you've been loved by a fine man, and you've been lucky
to know
him." She clung to
her father then, finding the lessons to be learned
to be almost beyond bearing.
She said good-bye to her family at the house, and Nick drove her
out to
the airfield. He helped
her untie her plane, and do all her ground
checks, admiring the extraordinary machine she had brought with
her, but
as she revved her engines, he pulled her close to him and just
held her.
"Take care of yourself .
. ." she said, in
anguish. "I love you."
"I love you too. Now
be a good girl, and do some good flying.
I can
see now why they keep a chaperone with you," he teased, to
help lighten
the moment. They had come
very close to losing their heads more than
once over the weekend.
"Write to me . . . I
et me know where you are . .
." she said, as
tears ran down her cheeks like rivers.
He pointed to the sky with a sad smile. His eyes told her everything
she needed to know, and he could no longer say to her. He was leaving
her, and if he came back, who knew what the future held. There were no
promises, no sure things.
There was only now. And right
now, at this
very moment, he loved her as he had never loved anyone and never
"Take it easy, Cass," he said softly, as he stepped away
from her.
"Keep it high."
He was smiling, but there were tears in his eyes too.
"I love you," he mouthed, and then left the plane. She looked at him
for a long painful moment, and her eyes were so full of tears she
hardly see as she taxied down the runway.
It was the only time in her entire life when there was no thrill
as she
left the ground, and she slowly dipped her wings to him, and then
west, as he watched her.
T he first weeks after Nick was gone
difficult for Cass.
Her mind was constantly on him, but she had to force herself to
concentrate on other things when she was flying. She seemed to fly all
the time, from morning till night, and in the month of September
she set
two more records in the Phaeton.
By October, Poland had fallen
completely into German hands.
And Cassie knew that Nick was at
Hornchurch Aerodrome, and assigned to a unit of fighter pilots as
instructor. He was
training young pilots to do what he had done in the
last war, and for the moment he wasn't flying missions
himself. Her
father claimed that his age might keep him out of it, but with his
extraordinary reputation, he thought it unlikely. But at least for the
moment, he was safe. He
hadn't written to her, but he had
gotten word
to her father through another pilot, which was something.
Her life in Los Angeles was as hectic as usual, and the
and social events seemed to be thicker than ever. But Desmond kept
insisting on the importance of it, and he took her to lunch from
time to
time, to discuss his planes and her observations of them, which
astounded him, but also to encourage her about the importance of
relations. Their
conversations were almost always about his planes, and
he was always very businesslike with her. There was a mutual respect
there too, and at times he seemed a little more friendly. But the only
thing that ever really interested him was his business. And for someone
who had such a strong interest in publicity, she was surprised
that she
so seldom saw anything personal about him in the papers.
He continued to be very generous with her, giving her a large
bonus each
time she set a record. And
he encouraged her to fly all his planes.
Thanksgiving she went home in a Williams P-6
Storm Petrel; she was sleek and painted black and the sheer beauty
her totally amazed her father.
She took him up in it, and offered Chris
a ride too, but he said he was too busy. He had a new girlfriend in
Walnut Grove, and he didn't want to waste any time at the airport.
But Billy was more than eager to go with her.
He had heard from Nick. It
seemed as though everyone had, except
Cassie. It was almost as
though he were proving a point. But she
long since understood the message. It was just as he had said it would
be in spite of all her pleas and protests. "I love you.
So long. End of
Story." And there was nothing she
could do about it
now, if ever. She talked
to Billy about it late one night, and he told
her Nick was the greatest guy he'd ever known, but the epitome of
"I think he's crazy about you, Cass. I saw it the first time I met you.
I figured you knew it too, and I was surprised you didn't. But he's
scared, I guess. He's not
used to taking anyone with him. And he
figured maybe he wouldn't come back this time. He didn't want to do
that to you."
"Great. So he tells
me he loves me, and then dumps me."
"He figures you should marry some hotshot in L.A. He said so."
"Nice of him to decide that,' she complained, but there was
nothing she
could do. Talking to Billy
helped. He was like another brother,
one who liked to fly as much as she did. He was planning to come out
and see her in L.A. sometime before Christmas.
And when she left again, she promised to come home for the
holidays. Until then, she
had a lot to do. Williams was
two new planes, and she was an important part of those
She was going to be doing test flights, and interviews, and posing
photographs. But she
figured that by Christmas the worst of it would be
all over. Desmond had
already agreed to give her a week off between
Christmas and New Year's.
The Russians invaded Finland the day she went back after the
Thanksgiving holiday, and it was obvious that things were not
going well
in Europe. It worried her
for Nick, but with her grueling schedule, she
scarcely had time to keep up with the news.
She was relieved to know that, for the moment, Nick was just an
When Billy came out to visit her in mid-December, she took him up
their best planes. He was
stunned by what she'd been ying.
"You've got some great stuff out here, Cass." His eyes had lit up like
Christmas when he saw the maritime patrol variant developed by
from an earlier transport, borrowing innovations from Howard
fabulous racer.
"They'd probably give you a job as a test pilot if you ever
wanted it,"
she suggested to him, but her father would probably be outraged by
luring him away. Pat was
relying on him now, and Billy knew that.
"I couldn't leave him," Billy smiled. "Just bring one of these gals
home for a visit now and then, and that'll keep me happy."
But she introduced him to Desmond Williams anyway, and told him
what an
extraordinary pilot Billy was the next time they had lunch in his
office. He showed some
interest in him, but his real interest was in
Cassie. He couldn't
imagine another pilot who flew as well as she did.
They talked a lot about the war in Europe these days too. He was hoping
to sell planes abroad, and like Nick, he assumed America would get
involved eventually.
"I think we'll get shamed into it by our allies," he
said calmly.
It was exactly what had happened last time.
"I've got a friend over there now," she admitted to him
one day. "He
signed up as a fighter instructor for the R.A.F. He's stationed at
Hornchurch." It was
one of those rare days when they talked about
something more than business.
"He sounds like a noble man," Desmond commented as a
waiter poured
coffee for them in his private office.
"No, just another fool like the rest of us," she said
ruefully and he
laughed. They both knew
that fliers were a special breed of people.
"And what about you, Cass?
No grandiose ideas of noble plans?
accomplished a great deal since you've been here.
Does that give you any bigger ideas?" She wasn't sure what he had in
mind, but he seemed to have an idea he wasn't ready to discuss
"Not for the moment," she said honestly, "I'm happy
You've been very good to me, Desmond."
He couldn't help notice that she had grown up a lot in the five
since she'd been in Los Angeles.
She looked very sophisticated, and
very polished, in part thanks to Nancy's help. But Cassie had her own
ideas about clothes now.
She handled herself beautifully with the
press, and the public adored her.
Not enough of them knew her yet, for
his taste, but in the spring, he wanted her to start doing a tour
local air shows. She
wondered sometimes what difference that kind of
publicity made and if it really sold airplanes. Most air shows seemed
so local and small scale.
But it was important to him, and he reminded her that he expected
her to
make a tour of several hospitals and orphanages for a Christmas
"You should have time to do that before you go home," he
said firmly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." She smiled at him and he laughed.
Her eyes were always full of mischief, and he found it very
He knew how much she disliked his publicity ideas, and he always
wondered if she would balk at them. But in the end, she always did what
was expected of her.
"In January, we're flying to New York, by the way," he
said casually,
but this time with a glimmer in his own eye. "For a meeting between the
queen of the cockpit, Cassie O'Malley, and the illustrious Charles
Lindbergh." She knew
her father would be thrilled with that piece of
news when she told him.
Even she was impressed by that one, as she
listened to Desmond explain it to her.
They were taking Desmond's brand-new plane, and Cassie was to fly
brief demonstration for Lindbergh, and then he would give both her
the plane his endorsement.
He had already promised it to Desmond, and
they were old friends.
Like Desmond, Charles Lindbergh knew the value
of public relations. And
besides Lindy was interested in meeting
Desmond's legendary young pilot.
She managed to do her hospital tour as planned, and Desmond was
extremely pleased with what they got of it on the newsreel.
And then she went home on schedule, for a week. Her mother had
influenza, but she managed to be up and around long enough to cook
Christmas dinner for all of them, and her father was in fine form.
Billy had gone home too, to see his dad in San Francisco.
And Chris was all wrapped up in Jessie, his new girl in Walnut
Grove, so
there was no one for her to play with. But she was happy anyway.
She went for a long walk on Christmas Eve, and to church that
night with
her sisters. She stopped
at the airfield on the way back, to check on
her plane. She always felt
even more responsible for the ones she
brought home, they were so valuable and they weren't hers. But it was
fun to fly them.
She checked that no one had disturbed anything, that the windows
closed, and the engine was protected. Her father had cleared his best
hangar for her, and she knew that all his friends would come to
see the
plane she'd flown home.
Little by little, she was becoming a legend.
After she'd checked on the plane, she walked slowly back into the
air. It was cold and
brisk, and there was snow on the ground. It
reminded her of Christmases when she was a little girl, and she
had come
to the airport with Nick and her father. It was hard not to think of
him here. There were so
many memories that Nick was a part of.
looked up at the sky, thinking of him, and almost jumped out of
her skin
when she heard a voice behind her whisper "Merry
Christmas." She
wheeled to see who it was, and gave a gasp when she saw him
there in uniform, like a vision.
"Oh, my God . .
." She stared at him in disbelief. "What are you
doing here?" she
asked Nick breathlessly as she flung herself toward
him and he caught her.
"Should I go back?"
he asked with a grin, looking handsomer than ever,
as he held her and she hugged him.
"No. Never," she
answered as he clung to her as powerfully as she held
him. He had never been
happier than at this moment as he kissed her.
They were golden days.
They talked, they laughed, they flew, they went
for long walks, they even went ice skating on the pond, and to see
Ninotchka with Garbo at the movies. It was all like a dream.
time together was so precious and so short, it was idyllic. And
although they sat and kissed and held each other for hours
sometimes, he
was adamant that no one know what had changed between them.
"My father knows anyway.
What difference does it make?"
She was always
so matter-of-fact, but as usual he was insistent, and convinced he
"I don't want to ruin your reputation."
"By kissing me? How
old-fashioned can you get?"
"Never mind. The
whole world doesn't need to know you've fallen in love
with an old man."
"I'll be sure not to tell them your age."
"Thanks." But as
usual, he was very stubborn. There were
no ties, no
promises, no future held out to her. There was only now, and the
infinite exquisite beauty and pain of the moment. They kissed
constantly whenever they were alone, and they were hardpressed not
to go
any further. But the last
thing he wanted to do now was leave her
The day before he had to leave, he brought up the subject of the
He said conditions in England were good, and so far he hadn't
flown a
single mission.
"They'll probably never put me out there at my age, and
you'll get me
back like a bad penny at the end of the war. And then you'll be sorry,
my friend," he warned her.
But that was all she wanted.
"And then what?"
She tried to pin him down, but he wouldn't let her.
"Then I talk you into marrying Billy, which you should be
yourself, not an old goat like me." At thirty-eight, he was hardly an
old goat, but no matter what she felt, he was still convinced he
was too
old for Cassie. She
wondered sometimes if he hadn't seen her in diapers
if he might have felt different.
"I don't happen to love Billy, if you care," she
explained with a grin,
as they walked by the lake.
"That's absolutely immaterial. You'll have to marry him anyway."
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
"Should we warn him?"
Cassie loved being with him, he always made her
laugh, even when he made her cry, which he had done a lot lately.
"Eventually. Might as
well let the boy relax for a while.
Besides he
might bolt if he knew."
"How flattering!"
She gave him a shove and he almost tripped on the
ice. He gave her a push
then too, and a few minutes later they were
rolling in the snow again and kissing.
They were perfect days, and over too soon, almost as soon as they
begun. She flew him to
Chicago, and he took the train to New York, and
from there he would return to England.
"Will you be able to come back again soon?" she asked as they stood
waiting for the train in Union Station.
"I don't know. That
was kind of a fluke. I'll have to see
what happens
once I'm back at Hornchurch." She nodded. She
understood that.
There were no promises again, only tears, and the aching feeling
knowing that he might not come back and this could be the last
time she
ever saw him. He kissed
her one last time before he left, and she ran
beside the train for as long as she could, and then he was gone,
and she
stood alone in the station.
It was a lonely flight back to Good Hope, and the next day she
flew back
to L.A and her apartment.
She was desperately lonely for him this time,
and tired of the ache of worry and not knowing if he was all
right, if
he'd be back, and if they'd ever find a way to be together.
She wondered if he'd ever get over the objections to the
difference in
their ages, it was so hard to know what would happen.
In January, she flew to New York with Desmond and his new plane to
demonstrate it for Charles Lindbergh. There were lots of photographs
and newsreels too. And
after that, it was a long, lonely spring for
her, despite the long flights, the constant tests, the checking
rechecking of new equipment.
She was racking up quite a reputation, for
her skill and passion for flying.
And she had begun meeting some of the
women she had only read about for years, like Pancho Barnes and
Trout. They gave her whole
life new dimension. She spent time with
Nancy and Jane Firestone too.
It was fun being with them, although she
realized eventually that she never became as close friends with
Nancy as
she had hoped to. Maybe
there was just too much difference in their
She had dinner again with Desmond one night in April, and he
her by asking if she was involved with anyone. Given the businesslike
relationship they shared, it struck her as an odd question, but
she told
him that she wasn't, and Nancy was still lining up her
"I'm surprised," he said pleasantly.
"Just too ugly I guess," Cassie smiled at him, and he
couldn't help
laughing as she joked. And
in truth, she looked more spectacular than
ever. If anything, she had
gotten more beautiful, and Desmond had never
been as pleased with any of his plans or projects.
"Maybe you work too hard," he said thoughtfully, looking
her straight in
the eye. "Or is there
someone at home?"
"Not anymore," she smiled sadly. "He's in England. And he's not mine,"
she added quietly.
"He's his own. Very much
"I see. That might
change." Desmond was intrigued by
her, she was as
good as any man at what she did, better perhaps, and far more
about her work. She didn't
seem to care at all about her social life,
and even less about becoming famous. It was part of her charm, and part
of what the public sensed, and why they loved her. In spite of her
astonishing success and visibility in the past nine months, she
somehow managed to stay modest.
He didn't know many women like that.
He liked a lot of things about her, and he was surprised he
did. It was
rare for him to take a personal interest in his employees, except
unusual cases, like Nancy's.
"War does funny things to men," he said. "Sometimes they change . .
sometimes they realize what's important to them."
"Yes," Cassie said with a wistful smile, "their
bombers. I think fliers
are a different breed of men.
At least all the ones I know are.
The women too. They're all
a little crazy."
"It's part of the charm." He smiled at her, suddenly looking more
relaxed than she'd ever seen him.
"I'll have to remember that," she said, sipping her
wine, and watching
him. She wondered what
made him tick, but there was no way of knowing.
Even when he was being friendly, he was completely guarded. There was
really no way of knowing him.
He was careful to keep his distance.
Nancy had told her that about him, and Cassie finally understood
"And then there are the rest of us." He smiled at her again.
"Those who live on the ground. So simple, and so lowly."
"I don't think I'd say that," she said quietly, as he
watched her.
"More sensible perhaps.
More reasonable about what life is all about,
more directed toward their goals.
There's a lot of merit to that, I
"And you? Where do
you fall in all that, Cass? Up in the
sky, or on
the ground? You seem to
live very successfully in both worlds, from
what I've noticed."
But the sky was her preference, she lived to fly,
and he knew that. All she
did on the ground was pass time until she
could get back in the air, and fly with the birds again.
And then he decided to spring his idea on her. It was still too soon,
but not for the seed to be sown, like a precious baby.
"What would you think of a world tour?" he asked cautiously, and she
looked up, startled. Nick
had warned her of that, and its dangers.
had said that that was what Williams had in mind all along. But how
could he have known? She
looked puzzled as she struggled for an answer.
"Now? Wouldn't it be
awfully difficult?" The Germans
had already
invaded Norway and Denmark, and they were advancing toward Belgium
the Netherlands at that moment.
"A lot of Europe would be inaccessible
to us, and the Pacific is awfully sensitive." It had affected Earhart's
route, and that had been three years before. Things were so much worse
"We could probably get around it. It wouldn't be easy, but we could do
it, if we had to. But I've
always thought that was the ultimate.
round the world trip. If
you did it right. It has to be
planned and brilliantly handled.
And it's not for now of course.
would take at least a year of planning."
"I've always thought it would be fantastic, but right now or
even a year
from now, I can't imagine how we'll do it." She was intrigued by the
idea, but nervous about it too, and mindful of Nick's warnings.
But Desmond seemed so sure of what he wanted.
"Let me worry about that, Cass," he said, touching her
hand, looking
excited for the first time since she'd known him. It was his dream.
And he had shared it with her.
"All you'd have to do is fly the very
best plane in the sky. The
rest is mine to worry about. If you'd
want to do it."
"I'd have to give it some thought." It would certainly change her life.
Her name would be a household word forever, just like Cochran or
Lindbergh, Elinor Smith, or Helen Richey.
"Let's talk about it again this summer." They both knew her contract
would be up for renewal then.
And there was no reason why she wouldn't
want to renew with them.
She made no secret of the fact that she loved
what she was doing. But
the world tour was something else. It
was her
dream too, but Nick had been so adamant about her not doing it for
Williams. ". . . He's
using you . . ." she could still hear his words
. . . "Cassie . . . don't do it . . . it scares me . .
But why not? What was
wrong with it? And why shouldn't
she? Nick was
doing what he wanted, wasn't he?
And most of the time, he didn't even
bother to write her. She
had only had two letters from him since
Christmas. And they only
told her what he was doing, and not what he
felt for her. He was doing
nothing to maintain his relationship with
He thought it wasn't right for her, and he refused to encourage
her, or
ask her to wait for him.
His letters were like bulletins from flight
Desmond had taken her dancing that night, and all he talked about
they whirled around the floor at Mo cambo was his world tour. Now that
he had shared it with her, he couldn't stop talking about it, and
felt sure that she would be as excited about it as he was.
He mentioned it to her again the following week, not to press her
it, but just in passing, as though it were a secret they shared, a
they both longed for. It
was obvious that this was something that meant
a great deal to him, and now that he had shared it with her, he
closer to her.
And given how busy he was, Cassie was startled when he asked if he
take her out for her twenty-first birthday. She was surprised he knew,
but he had armies of people to remind him of minor details.
Details were important to him, the smallest element of anything
fascinated him, and he thought it was the key between the ordinary
Not having anyone special to celebrate with, Cassie was pleased he
remembered. He took her to
the Victor Hugo Restaurant, and then dancing
at Ciro's afterward for an evening which touched her deeply.
He had a birthday cake for her at the restaurant and served
both there and at Ciro's.
He had obviously checked with Nancy Firestone
about all of Cassie's favorite things, and the entire meal was
around them. Her favorite
dinner, her favorite cake, her favorite
songs. She felt like a
little girl having a magical birthday.
And afterward he gave her a diamond pin in the form of a plane,
with the
number twenty-one on its wings, and the word Cassie on its side.
He had had it made months before by Car tier. He told her that after
she opened it, and she couldn't believe the trouble he'd gone to.
"How could you do that?" She blushed as she looked at it.
She had
never seen anything as beautiful, and somehow felt she didn't
But he was looking at her very seriously. She had only seen him look
that way at a plane that he was studying before he redesigned
it. "I
always knew you'd be very important to me someday.
I knew that the first day I met you." He said it with total seriousness
but Cassie laughed, remembering the moment.
"In the overalls with the grease all over my face? I must have made
quite an impression."
She was laughing and holding the pin that seemed
so remarkable to her. Even
the propeller moved when she touched it.
"You did," he admitted.
"You're the only woman I know who looks good in
"Desmond, you're awful." She laughed, feeling close to him. It was
odd, but despite the distance between them, she felt friendly
him. He was one of the few
friends she had here. Other than
there was only Nancy, and one or two of the other pilots. But there was
no one she spent any real time with.
She respected Desmond enormously and all he stood for and worked
so hard
for. He believed in
excellence, at any cost, to him, or to his company.
He never settled for anything less than perfection. Just like the
little plane she held in her hand as a gift from him. It was perfect.
"Am I awful, Cass?"
he asked seriously after her lighthearted comment.
"I've been told that by experts and they're probably right." But he
said it so disarmingly, she felt sorry for him. She realized he was a
lonely man, in spite of his importance, and all the luxuries he
He had no children, no wife, few friends, and according to the
newspapers at the moment, not even a girlfriend.
All he had were his airplanes and his business.
"You know you're not awful," Cass said softly.
"I'd like to be your friend, Cass," he said honestly,
and held a hand
out to her across the table.
She wasn't quite sure what he meant, but
she was deeply touched by all he'd done for her, and the gesture
"I am your friend, Desmond.
You've been very kind to me . .
even before this . . . I
never really felt that I deserved it."
"That's why I like you," he smiled, "you don't
expect anything, and you
deserve it all, even better than that." He gestured to the tiny diamond
plane in her hand, and then took it from her, and pinned it on her
from across the table.
"You're a special girl, Cass.
I've never known
anyone like you." She
smiled at him, touched by what he had said, and
grateful for his friendship.
He took her home that night, and walked her upstairs. He didn't ask to
come in, and he never mentioned the world tour. But he surprised her by
sending her flowers the next day, and calling her on Sunday and
her to go for a ride. It
had never even occurred to her before what he
might do on the weekends.
She usually flew if she had time, or Nancy
booked her into social events where she had to be seen with her
list of escorts.
Desmond picked her up at two o'clock, and they drove out to
Malibu, and
walked on the beach. It
was a glorious day, and the beach was almost
deserted. He talked for a
while about his youth, his years in boarding
school, and then at Princeton.
He hadn't been home a lot during that
time. His mother had died
when he was very young, and his father had
plunged himself into his business. He had built an empire, but in the
process of building it, he had forgotten his only child. He had never
even bothered to have Desmond home for vacations. He stayed at his
various schools, first Fessenden then St. Paul's, and then finally
Princeton. By then, he
didn't really care anymore, he went away on his
own or with friends for his vacation.
"Didn't you have any family at all?" Cassie looked horrified at the
story of his desperately lonely childhood.
"None. Both of my
parents were only children. All of my
were dead before I was born.
I never had anyone except my father, and
actually, I never really knew him. I think that's why I've never wanted
any children of my own. I
wouldn't have wanted to inflict that kind of
pain on anyone. I'm happy
as I am, and I wouldn't want to disappoint a
child." There was
something very bleak and sad about him, and she
understood him better now.
It was the loneliness she had sensed, the
isolation that had gone on for years. He had put it to good use, but
how painful for him. And
he still seemed so lonely.
"Desmond . . . you
wouldn't disappoint anyone . . . you've
been so
kind to me." He had
been. Her contacts with him had been
nothing but
pleasant. He was the
perfect gentleman, the perfect friend, the perfect
employer. There was no
reason why he couldn't be the perfect husband or
parent. She knew he had
been married twice previously and she also knew
he had no children.
Magazines she'd read made a big point of saying that there was no
to his gigantic fortune.
But now she knew why. He didn't
want one.
"I married very young," he explained, as they sat on the
sand finally,
looking out at the water.
"I was still at Princeton.
And it was
incredibly stupid. Amy was
a lovely girl, and completely spoiled by her
parents. We came back here
when I graduated, and she hated everything
about it." He looked
at Cass then with sudden amusement.
"I was the same age you are now, but with tremendous
illusions about
being grown up, and knowing what I was doing. She wanted me to move to
New York, and I wouldn't.
She wanted to be close to her family, and I thought it terribly
I took her to Africa instead, on safari, and then to India for six
months. And then we went
to Hong Kong, where she took the first ship
back to her parents. She
said I had tortured her and taken her to
horrible places. She said
she'd been held hostage with savages."
smiled at the absurdity of it and Cassie laughed. He made it all sound
very funny. "By the
time I got back, her father's lawyers had filed for
divorce. I suppose I never
understood that she wanted to be near her
mother, and I wanted to show her something a lot more exciting.
"My next wife was a lot more intriguing. I was twenty-five, and she was
a fascinating Englishwoman in Bangkok. She was ten years older than I
was, and apparently she'd led a very busy life.
It turned out that she was married to someone else, and he
rather unexpectedly while we were happily living together. He was not
pleased, and our marriage was annulled. And then I came back here and
settled down eventually. I
enjoyed some of it, but I'm afraid none of
that sounds like real marriage.
I've never really tried it right here,
or done what was expected of me.
And once I inherited the business, I
had no time for all that nonsense. I had no time for anything .
. .
except the business. So
here I am, ten years later, alone, and very
"I wouldn't call all that boring . . . safaris . . . India
. . .
Bangkok.... It's certainly a long way from Illinois, where I come
I'm the fourth of five children, and I've spent my whole life
living on
an airport, and I have sixteen nieces and nephews. You don't get much
more mundane than that.
I'm the first member of my family to go to
college, the first woman to fly a plane, the first person to move
although my father and mother came out from New York, and from
before that.
But it's awfully ordinary, and not in the least glamorous or exciting."
"You're glamorous now, Cass," he said quietly, watching
He always seemed interested in her reactions.
"I don't think I am.
I know I'm still the girl in the overalls, with
grease all over her face."
"What other people see is very different."
"Maybe I just don't understand that."
"You couldn't say we have an awful lot in common," he
said thoughtfully,
"but sometimes that works," he said pensively.
"Actually, I'm not sure anymore what works. It's been so long since I
even tried to figure it out, I can't remember." She smiled, and
suddenly she felt as though she were being interviewed, but she
sure for what position.
"What about you, Cass? Why
is it exactly that
at the ripe old age of twenty-one and two days, you're not
He was only half teasing.
He wanted to know just how free she was. He
had never been quite sure, although she didn't seem to be too tied
anyone, except maybe the R.A.F pilot in England.
"No one wants me," she explained easily and he laughed,
and so did she.
She was surprisingly comfortable with him.
"Try again." He
lay back on the sand, looking at her, completely amused
by her, and very relaxed in her unaffected presence. "Tell me something
I'll believe." She
was far too beautiful for no one to want her.
"I mean it. Boys my
age are terrified by women pilots.
Unless they fly
themselves, and then the last thing they want is competition from
another pilot."
"And what about boys my age?" he asked cautiously, as she remembered
that he was four years younger than Nick, who was thirty-nine now.
"They seem to get upset about the difference in age. At least some of
them do, the ones say . .
. four years older than you are."
"I see. They think
you're immature?" But she wasn't
that either.
"No, they think they're too old, but haven't come far enough
in life and
have nothing to offer me.
They fly away to England and tell me to go
play with kids my own age.
No promises. No hope."
"I see. And do you
play with boys your own age?" He
was intrigued by
her story. He wondered
immediately if it was her father's partner at
the airport, but he didn't ask her. He assumed it was, after the way
the fellow had tried to protect her from him that first day at the
"No," she said honestly. "I haven't had time for any boys of any age.
I've been too busy flying for you, and going to all the social
you think are important."
She also didn't want to be involved with
anyone. She was too much
in love with Nick to care about someone else,
but she didn't say that.
"Social events are important, Cassie."
"Not to me," she smiled.
"You can't be easy to please, Miss Cassie O'Malley. You've been out
five nights a week with a different man each night for close to a
now. And no one has struck
your fancy?"
"I guess not. Too
busy, no time, no interest. They all
bore me."
She didn't bother telling him that most of them were male models,
less than masculine actors.
Not that it made a difference to her.
"You're spoiled."
He wagged a finger at her, and she laughed at him.
"If I am, it's all your fault. Look what you've done for me,
apartments, clothes, all the planes I could ever want to fly,
a diamond one"--she smiled gratefully, she had written him a
note only that morning--"cars . . . hotels . . .
fancy restaurants . . .
who wouldn't be spoiled after all that?"
"You," he said simply, telling the truth, and then he
pulled her to her
feet and they walked further down the beach in their bare feet
each other silly stories.
They had dinner at a little Mexican
restaurant near her apartment, and he told her the food was
but she loved it, and then he took her home and promised to call
her the
next morning.
"I go to work at four," she said, "I won't be
"So do I," he smiled, "we must both work for the
same tyrant.
I'll call you at three-thirty." She was surprised when he did.
He was
the oddest person. And so
lonely. His stories of his childhood
her heart ache. It was no
wonder he had never loved anyone, no one had
ever loved him. It made
her want to protect him, and undo it all, and
yet at the same time he was always doing things for her. He was an
unusual combination of warm and cold, invulnerable, and deeply
He picked her up at the airport that afternoon, and drove her
home, but
he didn't come in. And
from then on, he called her every day, and took
her to dinner several times a week in quiet places. He never did
anything more than that, and Cassie never felt they were more than
friends, but within a short time they were very good ones. He had never
mentioned the world tour again, but she thought of it sometimes
when she
flew, and all of Nick's warnings.
She thought he was crazy to have been
so worried. Desmond had no
desire to do anything that would harm her or
push her. He wanted only
the best for her. She was sure of that.
More than anything, he was her friend now. He turned up at the oddest
times, as she climbed out of a plane, or left for work at four in
morning. He was there for
her, if she needed him, he never intruded on
her, or asked for more than she wanted to give.
He seemed to want so little from her, and yet she always sensed
He brought her new contract to her himself at the end of June, and
time she was amazed at what she saw in it. Most of the terms were the
same, except that some of the social events were optional, and the
was doubled. He promised
to let her test all their best planes, and
wanted her to guarantee that she would do a minimum number of
commercials per year. But
then the last clause in the contract was the
one that stunned her. It
stated that for an additional hundred and
fifty thousand dollars, plus any additional fees and benefits that
accrued from it, he was offering her a world tour within the year,
the best plane they had, on the safest route that could be
devised, to
be embarked on, on the second of July 1941, almost exactly a year
then, on the anniversary of the day Amelia Earhart disappeared
years before. It was to be
the publicity tour of all time, and she
would undoubtedly set new records. The prospect of it was enormously
tempting, but she thought she ought to discuss it with her father.
She was going home that week anyway, for the air show.
"Do you think he'll disapprove?" Desmond asked her nervously before she
left, looking like a boy who was terrified someone would take his
favorite toy from him. And
she smiled and tried to reassure him.
"I don't think so. He
may think it's dangerous, but if you think it
could be done safely, I believe you." He had never lied to her, never
cheated her, never fooled her.
He had never disappointed her as a
friend, or as an employer.
And they spent a great deal of time
together. Theirs was a
strange relationship for a girl her age, and a
man his, it was based only on business and friendship.
Nothing more. He had never
even tried to kiss her and yet he had wanted
to know that she was free.
And he had relaxed visibly when he heard she
was, with the exception of Nick, who hadn't written to her in
She knew how violently he would have disapproved of this
contract. "My
father is pretty reasonable," she reassured him.
"Cassie, I've always wanted to do this. But there was never anyone who
could, or whom I would have trusted, or wanted to work with. I trust
you completely. And I've
never seen anyone fly a plane the way you do."
She couldn't help being flattered by what he said about her.
"We'll talk about it when I get back," she promised
him. She just
needed a few days to think it out, but she was very tempted, and
he knew
"You're not flying in the air show this year, are
you?" He looked
worried before he left her, but she was quick to shake her
head. Her
life was an air show every day, and she hadn't practiced. She just
hadn't had time this year, although she was looking forward to
"No, but my brother is.
God knows why. He doesn't really
like to fly,
he just does it to please my father."
"He's no different than the rest of us. I did wrestling at Princeton,
because my father had.
It's the most disgusting sport in the world, and
I hated every minute of it, but I thought he'd be delighted. I'm not
sure he ever even knew, and when I think of all the stiff necks
bloody noses I got, not to mention the bruises." She laughed at his
description of it, and she promised him she'd call him from home
tell him about the air show.
"I'll miss you when you're gone, you know. I have no one else to call
at three o'clock in the morning."
"You can call me," she said generously. "I'll get up to talk to you,
it's five o'clock there."
"Just have fun," he smiled at her, "and come back
and sign on for the
world tour. But if you
don't," he suddenly said seriously, "we'll still
be friends, you know. I'd
understand if you didn't want to do it."
way he said it made her want to throw her arms around him and tell
she loved him. He was such
a solitary soul, and he wanted so badly to
do the right thing, and to be fair. He also wanted the world tour so
desperately. She really
didn't want to disappoint him.
"I'll try not to let you down, Desmond, I promise. I just need some
time to think about it."
She was glad she didn't have to face Nick and
listen to him erupt like a volcano.
"I understand."
He kissed her on the cheek before she left, and told
her to wish her brother luck from him, and she promised she would
she saw him.
She flew home in one of Desmond's twin engine transports and
what her father was going to say about the world tour when she
him. There was no doubt
that it was somewhat dangerous, even without
the war, and the problems in the Pacific; flying long distance
like that
could be disastrous if you didn't know what you were doing, or had
incredibly bad luck and hit unexpected storms. Nobody had ever figured
out what had happened to Amelia Earhart. The disappearance had no
rational explanation, except perhaps that she'd run out of fuel
and gone
down without a trace. It
was the only sensible reason anyone could come
up with. The wilder theories
had their fans, but Cassie had never
believed them.
But the world tour gnawed at Cassie all the way home. Dangerous or not,
she was aching to do it.
he Peoria Air Show was the same wonderful circus that Cassie
it to be. She had never
been happier than when she stood there with
Billy and her father. Her
mother and the other girls were off somewhere
with the children. And
Chris was pacing back and forth nervously eating
hot dogs.
"You're making me sick," Cassie scolded him, and he
grinned and bought
some cotton candy.
All of their old friends were there, her father's cronies, and the
younger fly boys. Most of
the flying fanatics from miles around had
come to visit the day before, at her father's insistence. The Peoria
Air Show was an important event in aviation. There were even a couple
of girls this year, in one of the tamer events. And Chris was going for
his usual prize for altitude in the last race of the
afternoon. It
wasn't much of a showstopper, but they both knew it would please
"Don't you want to try something, Sis? Dad could lend you a plane."
The one she had flown east in was far too big, and far too
clumsy. And
also worth far too much money.
And it was Desmond's. She had tested
for him right after she had gone to work for him, and they had
recently perfected her recommended changes. For a girl of twenty-one,
she had a remarkably important job; everyone here knew how famous
was now and there was a lot of talk about her being there. At Desmond's
suggestion, the wire services had shown up in full force to greet
But Cassie was quick to tell her brother she wasn't going to be in
air show. "I'm not
good enough anymore. I've been flying
these boats
all year long, Chris.
Besides, I haven't practiced."
"Neither have I," he said with a grin. At twenty, he looked exactly
like their father. He was
doing well in school, and still intent on
becoming an architect, if he could get a scholarship at the
of Illinois in another year or two. And for the moment, he spent every
spare waking moment with Jessie.
They were adorable and Pat said he
wouldn't be surprised if they got married.
Billy looked no older than Chris did. He seemed to have even more
freckles this year, but it was obvious from his performance in the
two races that, unlike her brother, he had practiced.
He won first prize twice, and another one half an hour later, in
of the most difficult competitions.
"What have you been doing, practicing all year? Boy, you guys get a lot
of time to fool around," she teased with an arm around him,
as a
photographer from the wire service snapped their picture. Cassie was
careful to give them Billy's name and spell it correctly, and to
him that Billy had taken first prize three times so far that
"And the day's not over yet," he quipped with a wink at
"What about you, Miss O'Malley?" one of the reporters asked her. "No
performance today?"
"I'm afraid not.
Today is my brother's show, and Mr.
"Any romantic ties between you and Mr. Nolan?" he asked pointedly and
she grinned at him as Billy pretended to choke on his lemonade.
"Not a one," she answered coolly.
"And what about you and Mr.
"We're the best of friends," she said with a smile.
"Nothing else?"
the man pressed on as her father wondered how she stood
it. But she was very
patient with him, and very gracious.
Desmond had taught her well, and she felt an obligation to him to
with the press here, although a little mischief with them might
been tempting. They took
themselves so seriously, and of course Cassie
"Not that he's told me," she said pleasantly, and then
turned away to
talk to some friends, and they finally left her.
"What pests they are," Billy said with a look of
"Don't they get on your nerves all the time?"
"Yes, but Mr.
Williams thinks they're good for business."
"Was there any truth to that, by the way?" Billy asked when they were
alone again.
"Anything between you and Williams?"
"No," she said cautiously, "we're just
friends. I don't think he wants
to be involved. I'm
probably as close to him as he is to anyone.
a very lonely man. I feel
sorry for him sometimes," she said quietly so
no one else would hear her.
But Billy was in no mood to be serious, and
he was always irreverent about tycoons worth over a billion
"I feel sorry for him too.
All that nasty old money he has to take care
of. And all those movie
stars he probably goes out with.
Poor guy."
"Oh shut up."
She gave him a shove, and Chris came over to join them.
He was eating again, and Cassie made a face watching him. He'd been
eating like that since he was fourteen, and he was still as thin
as a
scarecrow. Jessie was
standing right next to him, beaming up at him in
silent adoration. She
worked at the lo ca!
library. She was a serious
girl, and she gave all the money she earned
back to her parents to help support her four younger sisters. And it
was obvious to everyone that she was crazy about Chris. She was very
sweet to all the O'Malleys, especially the younger children.
"Don't you ever stop eating?" Cassie asked him, with feigned
"Not if I can help it.
If you time it right, you can pretty much keep
eating from the time you wake up till you go to bed at night.
Mom says I eat more than the entire family put together."
"One day you're going to wind up a fat old man," Billy
warned him, with
a wink at Jessie, who giggled.
They were all in a good mood, and there were a few really glorious
feats, but none that matched Cassie's of the year before, her
dive and last second recovery.
"I hated it when you did that," Chris admitted to her;
"it made my
stomach roll over watching you.
I thought you were going to crash."
"I'm too smart for that," she said smugly. But she was glad he wasn't
doing anything dangerous.
Altitude never got anyone into much trouble.
It wasn't very exciting either, but she was happy knowing he was
and not taking any chances.
"So what's happening in L.A" Billy asked during a lull,
and she told him
about her work and their new planes, but she didn't say anything
the world tour. She wanted
to talk to her father about it first.
And then she was going to mention it to Billy.
She had been thinking about it a lot, and if she did it, she
wanted him
to fly with her. He was
the best pilot she'd ever seen; even after a
year in Los Angeles flying with some real greats, she still
Billy was better.
He went back up after they chatted for a while, and won another
prize, to prove her point.
And shortly after that, there was a near
disaster when two planes almost collided, but there was a last
save, and after some gasps and screams from the crowd, everything
out all right. But it made
everyone think of the year before, when
Jimmy Bradshaw crashed at the air show. Needless to say, they didn't
see Peggy there this year, but Cassie had already heard from Chris
she and Bobby Strong were getting married. She had no regrets about him
at all. Her life had moved
far past him. But she wished him well,
she was happy for Peggy.
Chris was standing with her just before his big event, and they
chatting about some old friends, and then they called his group to
"Well, here goes nothing." He looked nervous, understandably, and he
looked at Cassie and grinned, and she reached out and touched him.
"Good luck, kid. When
you come back, we'll get you something to eat.
Try and hang on till then."
"Thanks." He
grinned at her as Jessie went to find one of her sisters.
And as he walked away, for no particular reason except that she
proud of him, Cassie shouted after him, "I love
you!" He turned and
showed a sign that he had heard her, and then he was gone. And at last
it was his turn in the small red plane as he climbed, and he
and he climbed, and she watched him sharply. She thought she saw
something then, and she narrowed her eyes against the sun, and she
about to say something to Billy.
Sometimes she felt things even before
she saw them. But before
she could say anything, she saw what she had
feared, a thin trail of smoke, and she found herself looking up at
willing him to the ground as swiftly and as safely as he could get
there. She wasn't even
sure he knew what the problem was yet, but he
did a moment later. His
engine had caught fire, and a moment later he
was plummeting to the ground faster than he had risen. There was no
stopping him, no time to say anything. There were the familiar gasps
that meant something terrible, as everyone waited. And Cassie was
mentally willing him to pull up on his stick as he fell, and she
clutched Billy's arm, but she never took her eyes off her
plane. And then he was
down, in a column of flame, as she and every man
at hand rushed toward him.
But the flames were furious and the smoke
pitch black. Billy reached
him before anyone else and she was right
beside him. Together they
pulled him from the flames, but he was
already gone, and every inch of him was burning. Someone ran toward
them with a blanket to quench the flames, and Cassie was sobbing
as she
held him. She didn't even
realize she had burned her arm very badly.
She didn't know anything, except that Chris was in her arms, and
would never see again, or laugh, or cry, he would never grow up,
or be
rude to her, or get married.
She couldn't stop crying as she held him,
and she heard a guttural cry above her, as the plane exploded and
shards of metal at the crowd.
Billy was pulling on her to get her away,
and she was still holding Chris as her father tried to take him
"My boy . .
." He was sobbing . . . "My boy . . . oh, God . . . no
. . . my baby . .
." They were both holding him, and
people were
running and screaming all around them, and then powerful arms
Chris from her, and her father was led away, and in the distance
could see Jessie crying, and all Cassie knew was Billy was holding
and then she saw her mother sobbing in her father's arms. And everyone
around them was crying. It
had been that way the year before, but this
was worse, because it was Chris .
. . her baby brother.
She was never sure what happened after that, except that she
being in the hospital, and Billy was with her. The arm didn't hurt at
all, but people were doing things to her. Someone said it was a third
degree burn, and they kept talking about the accident . . . the
accident . . . the plane
. . . but she hadn't crashed. She hadn't
crashed in her plane, and she kept saying as much to Billy.
"I know, Cass. I
know, sweetheart. You didn't do
"Is Chris okay?"
She suddenly remembered that there was something wrong
with him, but she couldn't remember what, and Billy just nodded.
She was in shock. She had
been since it happened.
They gave her something to sleep for a while, and when she woke
up, the
arm had started to hurt terribly, but she didn't care.
She had remembered.
But Billy was still there, and they cried together. Her parents were
there too by then. They
had come back to see her. Her mother
almost hysterical, and her father was heartbroken, and Glynnis and
husband Jack were there, but everyone kept crying. Glynnis told her
Jessie had gone home with friends of Chris's, and her parents had
had to
call the doctor.
Because Chris was so badly burned, the casket was closed, and the
was the following night at the funeral home in Good Hope. And the
funeral was the next day at St. Mary's. Everyone he had ever gone to
school with was there, all his friends, and Jessie. She was in terrible
shape, surrounded by her sisters, and Cassie made a point of going
kiss her. It was a
terrible thing for a nineteen-year-old girl to live
Bobby Strong was there, and he came over and talked to Cass, but
just couldn't. Some of
Chris's friends from college had come too, and
almost everyone who'd been in the air show, just as all of them
had gone
for Jim the year before.
It seemed such an idle death, such a stupid
way to die, climbing to the sky just to prove how far you could
go, or
worse yet, that you couldn't.
Cassie felt as though part of herself had died, and as she
followed the
casket out of the church, she and her father had to hold up her
It was the worst thing Cassie had ever seen, the worst thing she'd
been through.
And it was only as they left the church that she looked up and saw
Desmond Williams. She
couldn't even imagine how he had known, and then
she realized the wire services had been there and it was probably
over the papers. She was a
star now, and her brother's death in an air
show was big news. But she
was glad he had come anyway. There was
something comforting about seeing him there. And she reached out to him
as they left the church, and thanked him for coming. She asked him to
come to the house afterward, with their other friends, and once he
arrived she could tell him how much his coming meant to her. He nodded,
and then she started to cry, and he just held her in his arms,
awkward. He didn't know
what to say or do, he just held her, hoping
that was enough. And then
he saw her arm, and moved her gently.
"Are you all right?
How bad is it?" He had been
very worried when he
heard she'd been burned trying to save her brother.
"I'm okay. Billy and
I pulled him out, and . . . and . . . he was
still burning." The
image she created was so horrible that it almost
made him sick. But he was
reassured when she told him the doctors
weren't worried about her.
He told her he wanted it checked out in L.A.
when she got back. And he
made a point of talking to her parents, and
chatting with Billy for a while.
And then he left. He said he was
flying back that night. He
had just wanted to be there for her, and she
was glad he'd come. It
meant a lot to her, and she told him.
"Thank you, Desmond .
. . for everything . .
." He didn't mention the
world tour, but she knew it was on his mind. And she was still planning
to talk to her father. But
she had already told Desmond she wanted to
stay home for a week or two, with them, and he told her to stay as
as she wanted.
She walked back outside with him, and he hugged her, and then he
looking very somber. And
when she went back inside, her father was
crying and said that Chris had done it for him, and he should
never have
let him.
"He did it because he wanted to, Dad," Cass said
quietly, "We all do.
You know that." It
was true in her case, but not in Chris's, but she
felt she at least owed her father that. "He told me before he went up
that he wanted to do it.
He liked it." It was a lie,
but a kind one.
"He did?" Her
father looked surprised, but relieved as he dried his
eyes, and took another shot of whiskey.
"That was a nice thing you did for him," Billy said to
her later, and
she only nodded, thinking of something else.
"I wish Nick were here," she said quietly. And then Billy decided to
tell her what he'd done.
"I sent him a telegram the night it happened. I think they're pretty
reasonable about granting leave to volunteers. I don't know, I just
thought . . ." He wasn't sure if she'd be mad at him, but
it was
obvious now that she wasn't.
"I'm glad you did," she said gratefully, and stood
around looking at
their friends.
It was a miserable reason to get together. She wondered then if Nick
would come, if he could get away, or they would let him.
She sat for hours with her parents that night, talking about
Chris, and
the things he'd done as a child.
They cried and they laughed, and
remembered the little things that meant so much to them now that
he was
no longer with them.
The next morning Cassie dropped by the hospital, to have them look
her arm. They changed the
dressings for her and then she went back to
the house to sit with her father.
He hadn't gone to the airport since the accident, and Billy was
care of things for him.
Cassie stopped there on the way, and Billy
asked her how her dad was.
"Not so great."
He'd been drinking that morning when she left him after
breakfast. He just
couldn't face what had happened yet.
He only drank in moments of great stress or celebration, and when
went back, he was sitting alone in the living room and crying.
"Hi, Dad," she said as she came in. She had lain awake all night,
thinking of how she had resented Chris, of how often she had
thought her
father liked him better.
She wondered if Chris had ever known it.
She hoped not.
"How're you feeling?"
He just shrugged and didn't bother to answer. She talked about some of
their visitors then, and about stopping to see Billy at the
But for once, her father didn't ask how things were there.
"Did you see Desmond Williams here yesterday?" she said, groping for
things to say to him as he looked up at her blankly.
But at least this time he answered.
"Was he here?"
She nodded, and sat down next to him.
"That was nice of
him. What's he like,
Cass?" Her father had talked to
him briefly, but
he didn't remember in the agony of the day.
"He's very quiet, very honest . . . hardworking . . .
They were odd things to say about the man she worked for.
"Driven, I guess, would be the right word. He lives for his business.
It's all he has."
"That's sad for him," he said, looking at her, and then
he started to
cry again, thinking about the air show. The poor kid had been only
twenty. "It could
have been you, Cass," he said through his tears.
"It could have been you last year. I was never so scared as when I
watched you."
"I know," she smiled, "I scared the pants off Nick
too, but I knew what
I was doing."
"That's what we all think," he said gloomily. "Chris probably thought
so too."
"But he never did know, Dad.
He wasn't like us."
"I know," he agreed.
They all knew it too. Chris had
really never
known what he was doing.
"I just keep thinking of how he looked when
you and Billy pulled him out." He looked sick as he thought about it,
and not knowing what else to do, she poured him another
drink. But by
lunchtime, he was slurring and half asleep. And then finally, he dozed
off, and she just let him sit there. Maybe the best thing for him was
to sleep. Her mother came
back that afternoon with two of Cassie's
sisters, and by then her father was awake and had sobered up
Cassie made them all something to eat, and then they sat talking
in the kitchen.
It was odd being with all of them, and Cassie realized that they
to be waiting for something.
It was as though the reality of Chris's
being gone hadn't sunk in yet, and everyone was waiting for him to
home, or for someone to tell them it hadn't happened. But it had.
had been as bad as it could have been. It couldn't have been much
worse, except if he had suffered.
Glynnis and Megan left when Colleen arrived, with all her kids,
and the
brief chaos did them all good, and then finally they were alone
Cassie cooked dinner for her parents, and she was glad she was
with them. She had no idea
yet when she'd be leaving. Her mother
again at the end of lthe meal, and Cassie put her to bed, like a
but her father seemed better that night. He was calmer and very
clear-headed!, and he wanted to talk to her after Oona had gone to
He ; asked her about her work, and if she liked it, what kind of
she'd been flying, and about her life in L.A. He knew the year was
and he wondered if Cassie would stay in L.A. or come home now.
With Chris gone, his concerns were more poignant.
"I've been offered a new contract." Cassie answered his question
"What's he giving you?"
he asked with inlterest.
"Double what he paid me last year," she said proudly,
"but I was going
to send the difference to you and Mom. I really don't need it."
"You might," her father said gruffly. "You never know what can happen.
Your sisters have their husbands ltO take care of them, but you,
Chris . . ." And then he caught: himself and his eyes
filled with
tears again as she touched his hal nd and he held hers
tightly. "I
forget sometimes," he said throug, h his tears.
"I know, Daddy . . .
so do I . . ." She had been thinking about Chris
that afternoon, and wondered i if he was in Walnut Grove with
and then she remembered.
It was as though their hearts and minds just
didn't want to) accept it.
She had talked to Jessie on the phone that
afternoon, . and she felt
that way too. She said she kept
for his truck.. They all
"Anyway, I want you to keep the money,"' Pat said
"That's silly."
"Why is he paying you so much?" he a$ ked with a worried frown. "He's
not making you do anything diishonest, is he, Cass?
Or too dangerous?"
"No more dangerous than any other test pilot who works for
him, and
probably less so. He's got
a big investment in me. I think he just
thinks I'm useful to the company, because I'm a woman, and all the
publicity . . . the speed
records I've set are important for his
planes." And then she
looked at him, wondering if it was too soon to
tell him. But she wanted
to tell him now. She wanted to sign the
contract as soon as she went back. She had thought about it a lot in
the last few days, in spite of Chris, and she knew what she
"He wants me to do a world tour, Dad," she said quietly,
and for a
moment, there was a long silence while he absorbed it.
"What kind of world tour?
There's a war on, you know."
"I know. He said we'd
have to work around it. But he thinks
it could
be done safely, if we plan our route carefully."
"So did George Putnam," her father said grimly. He had just lost one
child, he didn't want to lose another. "There's no way to do a world
tour safely, Cass, war or no.
There are too many variables, too many
dangers. Your engines
could fail. You could navigate
wrong. You could
hit a storm. A million
unexpected things could happen."
"But less so in one of his planes, and if I took the right
man with me."
"Did you have anyone in mind?" He thought instantly of Nick, but he
couldn't go now.
Cassie nodded. "I
thought maybe Billy." Pat
hesitated while he thought
about it, and then he nodded.
"He's good," he agreed.
"But he's young," and then he reconsidered.
"Maybe you have to be.
No one older than you kids would be crazy enough
to want to do it." He
almost smiled then, and Cass suddenly felt
better. It was almost as
though he had approved. And she wanted
to. She wanted to do it
with his blessing. "Is that why
they're paying
you so much?"
"No," she shook her head. "They'd pay me even more for the world tour."
She didn't even dare tell him how much. A hundred and fifty thousand
would sound like the world to him, and it was.
And she didn't want him to think she was doing it out of greed,
she wasn't. "And
there would be bonuses, and other con W I N G S tracts
resulting from it, and endorsements. It's a pretty good deal," she
explained modestly. But
even talking about those amounts of money
scared her.
"It's not a good deal if you're dead," Pat said bluntly,
and she nodded.
"You'd better think about it carefully, Cassandra Maureen.
It's not a game. You'll
take your life in your hands if you do "What do
you think I should do, Dad?"
She was begging for his approval and he
knew it.
"I just don't know," he said, and then he closed his
eyes, thinking
about it. He opened them
again, and reached for her hands and held
them. "You have to do
what you need to do, Cass.
Whatever it is your mind and heart tell you. I can't stand between you
and a great future. But if
you get hurt, I'll never forgive myself .
. . or Desmond Williams.
I'd like you to stay here, and never risk
anything again . . .
particularly after what just happened to Chris.
But that's not right. You
have to follow your heart. I said as
much to
Nick when he decided to go to England.
You're young, it could be a great thing if you make it. And a terrible
heartbreak for us, if you don't." He looked at her long and hard, not
sure what else he should say to her. It was her decision in the end.
She'd been right to go to Los Angeles the year before, but he just
didn't know now.
"I'd like to do it, Daddy," she said quietly, and he
"At your age, I would have too. It would have been the greatest
opportunity in my life, if anyone had offered it. But they didn't."
He smiled, and looked more like himself again. "You're a lucky girl,
Cass. That man has given
you a great chance to become someone very
important. It's a gift
. . . but a dangerous one. I hope he knows
what he's doing."
"So do I, Daddy. But
I trust him. He's too smart to take
chances. He
believes totally in what he's doing."
"When does he want you to go?" Pat asked cautiously.
"Not for another year.
He wants to plan it perfectly."
"I like that," Pat said. "Well, think about it, and let me know what
you decide. I wouldn't tell
your mother for a while, if you decide to
do it." She nodded,
and a little while later they turned out the lights
and went to bed, but she was immensely relieved to have talked to
and even more so that he hadn't gotten angry.
He seemed to have finally accepted who she was, and what she was
He'd come a long way since he'd forbidden her to fly or take
The memory of that made her smile now.
She talked to Billy about it the next day, and he went wild when
told him she had suggested him as her navigator and co-pilot.
"You want me?"
he shrieked and then threw his arms around her neck and
kissed her.
"Would you do it?"
"Are you kidding?
When do we leave? I'll pack
"Relax," she laughed at him, "not for another
year. July 2, 1941, to be
exact. He wants to do it
on the anniversary of the day Earhart went
down. It's a little spooky
but he likes that." It had to do
publicity, and in that, she trusted Desmond's judgment.
"Why so long?"
Billy sounded disappointed.
"He wants to plan it carefully, build it up, test the right
He's thinking about our using the Starlifter, which would be
publicity for it, for distance and endurance." That was really what it
was all about, but if they made it, their lives would never be the
again. And she already
knew that there was fifty thousand dollars in it
for Billy, and she told him.
"I could sure have a good time with that, couldn't
I?" But like Cassie,
it wasn't the money that appealed to him, it was the excitement
and the
challenge. It was the same
thing that appealed to Desmond, and had even
sparked a flicker of excitement in her father. "Well, let me know what
you do." And like her
father, he suspected that she had already made
the decision. She had, but
she was trying it on for size, thinking
about it, trying to be sure she wanted to make the commitment.
Working for Desmond for another year was one thing, that was an
choice, but agreeing to do the world tour was entirely different,
she knew it. She knew how
great the risks were, and the benefits, if
she made it.
Imagine what Earhart would have been if she had succeeded. It was hard
to imagine her legend being even stronger than it was, but it
would have
been. If only . . .
Billy left on a quick hop to Cleveland that afternoon, and her
was still at home, so Cassie volunteered to stick around and close
office. She put some
papers away for them, and then she put on a
familiar pair of overalls and went out to gas some planes.
She had nothing else to do, and it would save Billy some work in
She had just finished the last of them, and put away some tools,
she saw a small plane coming in on the main runway. The little plane
didn't seem to hesitate.
It came right in, and then taxied toward the
far hangar. She wondered
if it was a regular, it had to be. She
know all of them anymore.
He seemed to know exactly where to go, and
what to do. She watched
him for a minute, but the sun was in her eyes.
And then she saw him. It
couldn't be . . . it couldn't .
. . but it was. He had
come home to them. It was Nick. And she was
crying as she ran toward him.
She flew into his arms and he held her there, careful of her
arm. It brought it all
back to be there with him, the sorrow and the
pain, and the shock of losing Chris mingled with the pleasure of
Nick now. He kissed her
long and hard, and she felt safe and at peace
suddenly, knowing he was home now.
"They let me go as soon as I heard," he explained when
they came up for
air. "But I had a
hell of a time getting to New York.
I had to fly out of Lisbon, I got in last night, and I chartered
crate in New York this morning.
I never thought I'd make it. The
thing barely got off the ground in New Jersey."
"I'm so glad you're here." She hugged him again, so relieved to see
him. And he looked
incredibly handsome in his R.A.F uniform.
But also very worried.
"How's your dad?"
"Not great," she said honestly. "He'll be glad to see you. I'll drive
you over now. You can stay
with us." And then she almost
choked on the
words, "You can have Chris's room . . . or mine . . . I'll
sleep on
the couch." Billy was
living in Nick's old shack, and it would have
been close quarters with both of them there.
"I can sleep on the floor," he grinned. "It's not a problem. The
British aren't known for their comfortable barracks. I haven't had a
decent night's sleep since last September."
"When are you coming home?" she asked, as she drove him to her parents'
"When it's over."
But it wouldn't be over soon.
Now that France had
fallen three weeks before, Hitler had control of an even larger
chunk of
Europe. And the British
had their hands full keeping him from trying to
take what was left of the French fleet in North Africa.
Their problems were far from over.
Nick inquired about her arm, and she admitted it hurt, but was
They had arrived at the house by then, and her father was sitting
in a
chair on the porch looking doleful.
"Got a cot for a soldier, Ace?" Nick said quietly as he stepped onto
the porch and walked swiftly to his old friend and embraced
him. The
two men cried, sharing each other's pain, and Cassie left them
alone to
talk and fix them some dinner.
Her mother had gone to bed with a
terrible headache. She was
still taking it very hard, understandably,
he had been her baby, and so young. He was only twenty.
Cassie made them both sandwiches and poured them beer, and her
had made a big salad in case they wanted it. It was enough. None of
them were very hungry. And
as they ate, Nick told them about what was
happening in Europe. He
had heard tales of the fall of France three
weeks before, and the heartbreaking fall of Paris. The Germans were
everywhere, and the British were afraid Hitler would try to take
next, and there was some fear that he might succeed, although no
said it.
"Are they letting you fly missions yet?" Pat asked, smiling at the
memories of their days together at the end of the last war.
"They're too smart for that, Ace. They know I'm over the hill."
"Not at your age.
Give 'em time. When things get
hot for them, they're
going to throw your behind into a fighter and kiss you good-bye in
a hot
"I hope not." It
made Cassie angry listening to them.
They all loved
war so much, and as far as they were concerned, it was all right
to take
chances, as long as they were the ones who did it.
She left them talking on the porch late that night. She would have
liked to talk to Nick too, but she knew her father needed him
And she had time. Nick was
there for three days. She would see him
the morning.
Her father finally went to his office the next day, and he was
to find everything in good order.
Billy had taken good care of the
planes. Cassie had taken
good care of his desk, and his pilots were all
standing by waiting for directions. It did him good to come back, and
halfway through the morning, Cassie was surprised when Desmond
her. He asked if it was
okay to talk, and she stepped in and closed the
door to her father's office.
"It's fine. You're
nice to call."
"I've been worried about you, Cass. But I didn't want to intrude at a
time like this. How's the
"I'll be fine."
She didn't want to worry him by telling him how bad it
really was, but so far it was healing nicely. "Is everything all right
there?" she asked,
feeling guilty for staying away for so long.
had been gone almost a week now, but he had told her not to rush
She apologized again, and he told her to stay as long as she wanted.
"How are your parents?"
"Not great. But my
dad came to work today. I think it'll
do him good,
especially once someone makes him mad about something.
It'll take his mind off his troubles." He laughed at what she said, and
asked if she'd given the world tour any more thought, and she
smiled and
said she had. "I
talked to my father about it."
"I imagine he was thrilled to hear about it right now. Your timing
wasn't exactly the best, Miss O'Malley." He almost groaned at the
thought of her telling him now.
He could just imagine what he must have
said. But she surprised
"Actually, he wasn't all that opposed to it, after we talked
about it
for a while. I think he's
worried about a lot of things, but he was
surprisingly reasonable. I
think he sees it as a great opportunity for
me. He told me I had to
make up my own mind."
"And have you?"
he asked, holding his breath. He
had been frantic
about her since she left.
And he was surprised at how much he missed
her. And he was even more
worried she might not come back to L.A. or
renew her contract after her brother's death.
She was an important part of his life now.
"Almost," she told him tantalizingly. "I just want to think it out
while I'm here. I'll tell
you the minute I get back, Desmond, I
"I can't stand the suspense." And he meant it. It was
driving him
"I think you'll find the answer worth waiting for," she
teased and he
grinned. He liked the way
she sounded. And he couldn't help
of how she looked, as he talked to her. She had even looked beautiful
at the funeral with her ravaged face and heavily bandaged arm, but
seemed wrong to think so.
"Promises, promises.
Hurry up and come home, I miss you."
"I miss you too."
She said it as she would have to a friend, as she
would have to Chris, or to Billy.
She missed talking to him at the
crazy hours when they were both awake, and about the things they
cared about, his airplanes.
"I'll see you soon, Cass."
"Take care. Thanks
for calling." She hung up and went
back outside to
her father and Nick. Her
father asked her who had called and she told
him Desmond Williams.
"What did he want?"
Nick asked, looking annoyed.
"To talk to me," she said coolly. She didn't like the way Nick had
asked the question. He was
acting as though he owned her.
And for a man who hadn't even bothered to write in three months,
was pushing his luck, or so she thought.
"What about?"
Nick persisted.
"Business," she said bluntly and changed the subject.
Pat smiled then and walked away.
He could see a storm gathering, and he
could only smile. She was
definitely an O'Malley.
"How's the arm?"
Nick asked when they were alone again.
"So-so," she said honestly. "It's starting to hurt like hell, which
they claim is a good sign."
She shrugged and looked up at him then, and
invited him to take a walk with her. He agreed and they strolled to the
far edges of the airport.
"What are you doing these days, Cass?" He sounded gentler than he had a
few minutes before, and her heart melted again the minute he came
her, and put an arm around her.
"The same stuff.
Flying planes, pushing limits.
My contract is up this
week. They've offered me a
new one."
"Same terms?" he
asked bluntly.
"Better." So was
"Are you going to do it?"
"I think so."
And then Nick asked a question she hadn't expected. "Are you in love
with him, Cass?" He
looked worried as he asked, and she smiled at the
bluntness of the question.
"Desmond? Of course
not. We're friends, but that's
all. He's a very
lonely person."
"So am I, in England."
But he didn't sound sorry for himself as he said
it. He sounded angry about
Desmond, and jealous.
"Apparently not lonely enough to be bothered writing to
me," she said
tartly. She hated not
hearing from him, especially since he wrote to
her father sometimes, and to Billy.
"You know how I feel about that. There's no point stringing you along,
or our getting tied up with each other, Cass. There's no future in it
for you."
"I still don't see why not.
Unless you don't love me. That I
understand. This I
can't. This is crazy."
"It's very simple. I
could be dead next week."
"So could I. So what, we're fliers. I'm willing to take my chances on
you. Are you willing to
take them on me?"
"That's not the point and you know it. If I do get lucky and survive,
which would be lucky for me, and maybe not so lucky for you, then
You live in a shack and starve for the rest of your life?
Congratulations to the big winner. I'm a flier, Cass. I'm
never going
to have a hill of beans. I
never minded till now. I never paid
attention, just like Billy isn't.
He's having a good time. So was
I still am. Then
what? It's no future for you,
Cass. I won't do that.
And your father would kill me if I let you do that to
"He may kill you sooner if you don't wind up with me. He thinks we're
both crazy. Me for loving
you, and you for running."
"Maybe he's right.
Who knows, but that's the way I see it."
"And what if I save some money?" It was an interesting question.
"Good for you. Enjoy
it. I hope you do. You're practically a movie
star these days. Every
time I see a newsreel from home now, you're in
it more than Hitler."
"Gee, thanks."
"Well, it's true.
Williams sure knows what he's doing.
So what are you
asking me? If you get rich
thanks to him, am I willing to live off of
you? The answer is no, if
that's the question."
"You don't make anything easy, do you?" She was beginning to get
annoyed. He made
everything impossible. Heads I win,
tails you lose.
He had loaded the dice, and she just couldn't win a round, and she
getting sick of it.
"Are you saying that if you'd saved some money over
these past few years, then you'd come home and marry me. But since you
didn't, if I make some money, that's not okay. Is that it?"
"You've got it," he said smugly. He had decided not to ruin her life,
and he was determined to do everything he had to to stick by
it. "I
don't live off women."
"You don't make much sense either. You're the only man I've ever met
who's more stubborn than my father. And he's at least beginning to make
sense in his old age. Just
how long do I have to wait with you?"
She said impatiently.
"Till I get soft upstairs," he said with a grin,
"and it won't be long
now." He was tired of
arguing with her. All he wanted was to
put his
arms around her and kiss her.
It drove him up the wall when he saw her
in the newsreels. He
wanted to shout, "Hey, that's my girl!" But she
wasn't. He wouldn't let
her be. She was his best friend's
and the girl he'd been in love with since she was three. Try explaining
that to a bunch of guys in the R.A.F.
It had knocked him off his feet to realize that. Two or three of them
had her on their walls as pinups.
"Get over here," he said gruffly, as she stood several
feet away with
her arms crossed, tapping her foot at him. "And don't look at me like
"Why not?" She
scowled at him.
"Because I may be a complete jerk, and I may want you to
marry someone
half my age and have ten kids, but I still love you, Cass . . . I
always will, baby . . .
you know that."
"Oh, Nick." She
melted at the sight of him, and as he pulled her into
his arms all she wanted was him.
They stood together and kissed for a
long time, forgetting all the words and the arguments and the
And then they walked slowly back to the airport. Her father saw them
from where he sat in his office, and he figured they had worked
out. He wondered when they
were going to get smart and figure out that
they had something rare and important. But they were both stubborn as
hell, and he wasn't going to get into it with them. He wondered if she
had told Nick about the world tour yet, and what he would
say. But it
was only the next day that it came up, as they were all three
sitting in
Pat's office.
"What are you talking about?" Nick looked confused. Pat
had referred
to it, and Nick had no idea what he was saying.
Pat looked at his daughter then and raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you
going to tell him?"
"Tell me what? Oh great. So what's the big secret?" He knew she
wasn't in love with someone else or even seeing anyone, although
he had
told her to, and she had had a fit over his telling her that. And she
certainly wasn't pregnant, since he pretty much knew she was a virgin.
There had never been anyone in Cassie's life except Bobby, and
And all she and Bobby had ever done was a little light kissing on
porch. And Nick would
never have touched her. "So what's
the deal
She decided to tell him herself.
It wasn't a fait accompli yet.
But she was as good as sure.
And she was going to tell Desmond when she
went back to L.A. that she was going.
"I've had a very interesting offer from Williams
"I know. For another
year. You told me," he said
smugly, but Cassie
only looked at him and then slowly shook her head as Pat watched
"No. For a world
tour. A year from now. I've been thinking about it,
and I talked to Dad about it before you got here. But I wanted to make
up my own mind before I told you."
"A world tour?"
He exploded onto his feet with a look of outrage.
"That's right, Nick," she said calmly. She didn't tell him the price
attached to it, because that wasn't why she wanted to do it.
And saying it sounded vulgar.
"I told you that's what that sonofabitch had in mind right
from the
beginning. Goddamnit,
Cassie, don't you ever listen?" He
raged at her,
swinging at the air with a pointing finger. "That's what the newsreels
are all about, and the constant publicity. He wanted to make you into a
name, and now he's going to exploit the hell out of you, and risk
life. There's a war going
on, how the hell do you think you're going to
do it? Even if you do
figure out some insane route, which I doubt.
Goddamnit, Cass, I won't let you do it!"
"That's my decision, Nick," she said quietly. "It's not up to you.
Any more than your joining the R.A.F was mine. We make our own
"Oh great. So what is
this? Revenge? Because I volunteered? Or
because I don't write you?
Don't you understand what this guy is doing?
He's using you, Cass. For
God's sake, wake up, before he kills you."
Nick was in a total rage over what Williams was doing, and Cass
to see it.
"He's not going to kill me.
That's ridiculous."
"Are you crazy? Do
you know how dangerous that trip is, with or without
the war? It's
suicide. And you won't make it. You don't have the
endurance or the experience."
"I do now."
"Bullshit, all you do is fly test flights. That's nothing like it.
When was the last time you flew long distance?"
"Last week when I came here.
I do it all the time, Nick."
"You'll kill yourself, you damn fool. And what about you?"
He turned to Pat with a look of fury. "You're willing to let her do
"I'm not happy about it," Pat said sadly. He had just lost a son after
all, but he had learned a lot in recent years, and much of it from
Cassie. "But she's
old enough to make up her own mind, Nick, for better
or worse. I don't have a
right to make her decisions for her."
Cassie wanted to cheer when she heard him.
"What happened to you?"
Nick looked stunned. "How
can you say that?"
"Because I've grown older and wiser, and maybe you need to
too. On the
one hand you tell her she's on her own, you won't marry her
you're too old for her or God knows why and then you want to tell
what to do. It doesn't
work that way, Nick. And even if you
marry her,
she may not let you tell her what to do. It's a new generation of women
out there. I'm learning
fast. And I'm damn glad I got Oona when
I did,
I can tell you.
They're a complicated lot, these newfangled women."
"I don't believe you.
You sold out. You've let her
talk you into
"No." Pat was
adamant. "She hasn't even told me
if she's going yet.
This is her decision, Nick.
All hers. Not yours, or
mine. I don't
want to be the man who kept her from it, if I stop her, and you
shouldn't either."
"And if it kills her?"
Nick asked bluntly.
"Then I'll never forgive myself," Pat answered
honestly. "But I still
have to let her do it."
There were tears in his eyes as he said the
words, and she walked over and kissed him.
Nick was staring at her when she turned to him again. "Well, are you
going to do it?" Both
men held their breath while they waited, and then
she nodded, and Nick looked as though he might cry.
"Yes, I am. But I
haven't told Desmond."
"No wonder he called yesterday," Nick groaned in
anguish. He couldn't
believe she was going to do it.
He had taught her himself.
He knew that she was capable of great things, but not this . . .
not yet . . . not now
. . . and maybe never.
"He called to see how I was, and how Dad was."
"How touching."
And then he looked at her in fresh rage.
"And that'll be the next thing, won't it?"
"What will?" She
didn't understand him and neither did Pat, but Nick
was off on a new tangent.
"More publicity. More
stunts. It was no accident last year
when he
took you to that restaurant to go dancing and had his picture
taken with
you. It kept things
exciting in the press, mysterious . . .
but he'll
have to go a lot further than that now, to make things
interesting, to
keep it going. How much do
you want to bet he'll ask you to marry him?"
Nick said in a complete rage over it, and Cassie looked at him in
disgust, and her father in amusement. He had never seen his old friend
have a jealous fit before but that was clearly what this was, and
amused him.
"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard,"
Cassie accused him,
but he was sure of it.
And Pat shared wise words with him. "If you've told her you won't marry
her under any circumstances when you get back, and you won't even
to the girl now, what exactly do you expect?
For her to enter a convent for the rest of her life, or stay a
She has a right to a life, Nick.
If not with you, then with someone
else. And he seemed a
decent man, if you ask me, whatever commercial
motives he might have over this trip, or about his publicity. He's
selling airplanes. He has
to do what he can to make them interesting,
and if having them flown by a pretty girl, who happens to be a
damn fine
pilot, I might add, works for him, then more power to him. And if you
don't want to marry her and he does, then I don't think you've got
to say about it, do you?"
Cassie had to hide a smile as she listened to him. She had never heard
her father make a speech like that, and the best part of it was
that he
was right. But Nick didn't
want to admit it.
"He doesn't love her, Pat .
. . I do."
"Then marry her," Pat said quietly, and walked out of
the room, to give
them some time alone. They
needed it more than any two people he knew,
but an hour later they were still fighting and had gotten
nowhere. He
was accusing her of either being naive or leading Desmond on, and
was accusing him of being infantile. It was a hell of an afternoon, and
by the end of the day, both of them were exhausted. And Nick had to fly
back to New York in the morning.
They talked almost all night, and nothing was resolved. He kept
reminding her that he was a thirty-nine-year-old man and he was
going to marry a child, and destroy her life.
"Then leave me alone!"
she shouted at him, and went to bed finally, and
the next morning before he left they were both still angry at each
"I forbid you to fly on the world tour," he told her
before he took off
in his chartered plane, and she begged him to be reasonable and
not give
her ultimatums.
"Why can't we forget it for right now? It's not for another year, and
you're leaving and going back to England."
"I don't care if I'm flying to the moon, I don't want you to
sign that
"You have no right to say that. Stop it, Nick!"
"No, I won't, goddammit, until you agree not to do it!"
"Well, I'm going to!"
She shouted at him, her red hair flying in the
wind, as he grabbed her and yanked her toward him.
"No, you're not."
He kissed her hard on the lips, but they both came up
"I am."
"Shut up."
"I love you."
"Then don't do it."
"Oh for God's sake."
He kissed her again, but nothing was resolved by
the time he left, predictably, and as he took off, she stood
crying next
to the runway. And five
minutes later, she stormed into her father's
office. "That man
drives me nuts."
"You two are going to kill each other one of these days. It's a wonder
you haven't yet," he said, smiling. "Stubborn as two mules.
It really
will be a shame if you don't get married one day.
You deserve each other.
Either of you would wear anyone else out."
And then he looked at her seriously for a long moment. "Do you think
he's right, that Williams might ask you to marry him for publicity
the trip?"
"No, I do not."
She looked incensed. "The
man is terrified of getting
involved with anyone. He's
had two disastrous marriages.
And I think if he ever did marry again, it would have to be for
"I hope so." But
he felt better to have heard her say it.
"Has he
shown any particular interest in you, Cassie?" Other than coming to
Chris's funeral, which he had thought was damn fine of him, and he
"Not really. We're
just friends. Nick doesn't know what
he's talking
"Well, you could do a lot worse, if you don't marry that
lunatic on his
way back to England. I
swear, he'll be the death of me one day.
He and
I used to have rows like that in the old days. Stubbornest sonofabitch
I ever met." Cassie
didn't disagree with him, as she went back to the
house to check on her mother.
She left Illinois the following week, and returned to Newport
Beach, to
her apartment, and to work, and to sign her new contract for
year at twice the money.
And on her first day back, she went to talk to
Desmond alone in his office.
"Is something wrong?"
he asked nervously, standing up quickly as she
came in. He always did
that for her when she entered the room, and she
liked it.
"Fitzpatrick said it was urgent."
"That depends on how you look at it," she said
quietly. "I thought
you'd want your answer about the world tour." But he suddenly sensed
from the look on her face that she didn't want to do it, and he
feel his heart sink.
"I . . . I
understand, Cass . . . I thought
probably after your
brother . . . I don't
suppose your parents were pleased . . .
wouldn't be fair to them .
. ." He was trying to accept
her decision
gracefully, but it was a huge disappointment for him, and very
He wanted this so badly.
He wanted to be part of it, and to help her do
"No, it wouldn't be fair to them," she agreed. "And my dad wasn't
pleased." They had
agreed not to tell her mother yet.
"But he said it
was my decision entirely, so that's how I made it." He didn't say a
word as he looked at her, and she came a step closer.
"I'll do it, Desmond."
"What?" he
"I'll do the tour. I
want to do it for you."
"Oh, my God." He
sank back into his chair with his eyes closed, and
then he looked up and saw her.
He leaped to his feet and came across
his desk to kiss her. It
was a chaste kiss, but it held all the fervent
gratitude that he felt for her.
Nothing had ever meant more to him. And
nothing would ever again be as important. He would see to that. He had
a thousand plans, and he was going to share all of them with
her. They
had an incredible year ahead of them. And as he sat down and started
telling her, he held tightly to her hand, and kept thanking
her. And
she was happier than ever that she had decided to do it. To hell with
Nick. This was her life.
CHAPTER he publicity for the world tour began almost at once, with
huge announcement at a press conference in Newport Beach. This was
followed by a series of announcements and brief lectures given by
Cassie, all orchestrated and organized by Desmond. She spoke to men's
and women's groups, political associations, and clubs. She was
interviewed on radio, and there was a special newsreel just about
Within two weeks the press was saturated with news of her coming
And then suddenly in mid August Cassie was forced right off the
pages, by the escalation of the war in Europe. The Battle of Britain
had begun, the blitz as it was called. The Luftwaffe was pounding
England, in the hope of destroying it. And she knew without any doubt,
just by being there, that Nick was in danger. No matter how angry at
him she was, the news terrified her, and all she could think of
now was
She called her father to see if he'd heard from him, but of course
hadn't, even by the end of August.
"I don't see how anything could get out, Cass. You just have to know
he's all right. I'm listed
as his next of kin. I'll hear if
happens." It was
small encouragement, and her father had agreed with
her that he was sure that by now they had pressed Nick into active
service. He wouldn't be
teaching anymore, he'd be flying bombers or
fighters. The Luftwaffe's
entire goal was to destroy the R.A.F, so
Cassie knew Nick had to be fighting to defend it. And knowing that
worried her constantly. It
seemed even more awful now to have left each
other on such bad terms.
She only hoped that he would be safe.
Nothing else mattered.
Despite the war, Desmond continued to plan the tour very
carefully, and
with incredible precision.
They had agreed on the plane she would take,
and it was already being prepared and equipped with extraordinary
instruments, extra fuel tanks, and longrange tracking devices.
With Desmond's meticulous attention to detail, Cassie felt sure
they were proceeding safely.
The only real difficulty they had, and major change, was with
route, because of the war in Europe. By 1940, the war had spread to too
many places. There were
areas of the Pacific that weren't safe, large
parts of North Africa, and of course all of Europe. It had become
impossible to think of circling the globe now. But there were still
extraordinary records to be set, and enormous distances to cover.
And with Desmond's heightened interest in warplanes, he was
anxious to
prove the reliability of his aircraft over vast expanses of
ocean. In
essence, they were going to circle the Pacific, doing eight legs
in ten
days, and covering fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty miles.
Their plane was to fly from Los Angeles to Guatemala City, and
there to the Galapagos.
From the Galapagos to Easter Island, and then
on to Tahiti. From Tahiti
to Pago Pago, and then on to Howland Island,
where Desmond already had a brief ceremony in mind, to honor
Earhart, and from Howland they would head for Honolulu. There would be
celebrations there, of course, and he planned to meet them, and
then he
would fly back with them to San Francisco, for the final
triumphant leg
of their tour. He was
disappointed not to have her circle the globe,
but the Pacific tour, as he called it now, accomplished many of
the same
things. The world tour
would just have to come later, after the war in
Europe was over. And
flying nearly sixteen thousand miles would
establish almost all the same things for Cassie's reputation, and that
of his airplanes. Cassie
was impressed too by how sensibly he'd made
the adjustment. In some
ways, it disproved all the terrible things Nick
had said about Desmond. He
was not a madman, determined to kill her.
Certainly that year, no one, mad or otherwise, would have
attempted to
fly through Europe.
Desmond arranged more press conferences for her in the fall, and
saw to
it that she was always in the news. He wanted all the attention
possible focused on her.
It was also a good diversion for people from
the war in Europe. This
was something wholesome and hopeful and
exciting, and she looked so beautiful in every photograph that
was in love with her and wanted her to make it. People stopped her on
the street now, and men hung out of cars to wave to her. People asked
her to sign autographs.
Nick was right in that sense, she was being
treated like a movie star.
But Desmond had slowed down her social life lately too. He seemed to
want to keep her "pure" and free of romantic gossip.
Nancy Firestone was still working with her, but she no longer
for escorts. If Cassie
went anywhere important now, she went with
Desmond. He said he could
keep better control of things if he was
there. They went to
openings and premieres in Hollywood, they went out
dancing at night, and to the theater.
He was good company, and she enjoyed being with him, and since he
got up
as early as she did every day, he was happy to go home early. It was
the perfect arrangement.
Meanwhile, Britain was still being pounded mercilessly by the
And Cassie knew that her father had finally heard from Nick, and
been safe as recently as early October. He was flying Spitfires in the
54th Squadron, and he was still stationed at Hornchurch
Aerodrome. He
almost sounded as though he was enjoying it, and he promised that
if he
had anything to do with it, the Brits would soon be kicking the
shit out
of the Germans. His only
mention of Cassie was to tell Pat to give his
love to his very unreasonable daughter. So the battle between them was
not yet over, but at least he was alive, which was a huge relief
to all
the O'Malleys.
Even Desmond had been kind enough to inquire about his welfare,
and she
told him what she knew. But at least by November, the Luftwaffe seemed
to be easing up a little bit.
Until then, the bombings had been
incessant and relentless.
Children had begun arriving in the States to
be cared for until after the war, and her sister Colleen had taken
two of them, which touched Cassie deeply. They were adorable, and the
poor things were still completely terrified when Cassie saw them
Thanksgiving. Funnily
enough they were both redheads just like she was.
Annabelle was three and Humphrey was four. They were brother and
sister, and their parents had lost their home in London, and had
relatives in the country.
The Red Cross had arranged for them to come
to New York, and Billy had flown there to get them. And he was shocked
when the children asked him, on the way back, if he was going to
the airport.
Like everyone else, Cassie had fallen completely in love with
Having the two children there gave her mother something to worry
and caring for them took her mind off missing Chris. It was
particularly hard over Thanksgiving for everyone, but somehow they
through it, thankful for each other. Cassie went to see Jessie then
too, while she was home for Thanksgiving, and she seemed to be
over it better than the O'Malleys.
She was young and eventually, for her, there would be someone
else, but
Cassie would never have another brother.
She ran into Bobby and Peggy too.
And Cassie had correctly guessed that
Peggy was pregnant. She
congratulated them, and Bobby looked as though
he had grown up and flourished since he'd gotten married. His father
had died, and the grocery store was his now. He was still dreaming of a
chain of stores across Illinois, but for the moment he was more
about the baby.
"And what about you, Cass?" he asked hesitantly. He
didn't want to
pry, and he'd heard about the tour, but he wondered what else she
doing with her life, other than flying.
"I'm pretty busy getting ready for the Pacific tour,"
she said honestly.
And he felt sorry for her.
He had long since decided that she would
probably never get married, or know the happiness he now had with
The tour didn't seem like much to him, but it was amazing how many
of every day it consumed, reading reports, checking out the plane,
double-checking every little change the engineers made. She was also
making long-range trips to get ready for the actual tour, and
familiarizing herself with the details of their route across the
She explained it to her father while she was there, and he was
fascinated by all the preparations. He was anxious to see her plane,
and she invited him to California to visit her, and see it.
But he insisted he didn't have time, he was too busy at the
And he was about to get a lot busier. Billy had to be in Newport Beach
right after Christmas to start preparing for the trip too. He was so
excited it was all he talked about, and Pat growled constantly
what an inconvenience it would be to have him go away for seven or
months. They were
expecting the trip to take less than a month to
complete but there would be press conferences and interviews
if he ever came back at all.
Like Cassie, he would become a hero and he would get much bigger
than O'Malley's Airport.
And Pat hated to lose him.
In December, Cassie tried to do a thousand things, before she went
again for Christmas. The
days were never long enough, and finally she
had to send Nancy out to buy toys for all her nieces and nephews
Annabelle and Humphrey.
She bought her sisters' gifts herself, and for
her brothers-in-law, and her parents. It made her sad to realize there
was no gift for Chris this year, and there never would be. When he was
a little boy she used to give him cars that she traded her dolls
She would have done anything for him then, and now he was
gone. She
still couldn't believe it.
It was going to be a rough Christmas this year, she knew, but they
expecting it, and she was touched when Desmond came by the night
she left, to bring her a present.
She had bought him a beautiful navy
cashmere scarf that she'd picked out for him at Edward Bursals in
Beverly Hills, and a handsome new briefcase from the Beverly Hills
luggage shop where Nancy said he bought his luggage. She couldn't
imagine giving him anything frivolous, like a loud tie or a baggy
sweater. The very idea
made her laugh.
And she was thrilled when he liked his presents. They weren't personal,
but they were useful, and he liked that.
The gifts he had given her reminded her, as always, of how
thoughtful he
was. He had given her the
book Listen! the Wind by Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, the famed aviator's wife, and a licensed pilot in her
right, and a lovely watercolor of the beach at Malibu, because he
she loved it there. And
then he handed her a smaller box, and she
smiled as she unwrapped it.
"I'm not sure you'll like this one," he said anxiously,
which was unlike
him. And then he stopped
her and took her hand. "But if you
Cass, just give it back, and I'll understand. You don't have to feel
obliged to accept it."
"I can't imagine giving anything back that you gave me,"
she said
kindly, and he let her start unwrapping it again. Beneath the red
paper, there was a small black box, and she couldn't imagine what
was in
it. It was very small, and
she guessed it had to be a very tiny object.
And then he stopped her again and took both her hands in his
own. He
looked so pale, she was worried about him.
This was so unlike him. It
was almost as though he regretted giving her
the gift at all, or was afraid of her reaction.
"I've never done anything like this," he said, looking
very nervous.
"You may think I'm crazy."
"Don't worry," she said gently. Her face was very close to his, and for
the first time in a year and a half, she felt a strange current
between them.
"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'm going to love it," she
promised, speaking very softly, and he looked relieved, but still
uncertain. He was a
powerful man, but for this one moment, he looked so
vulnerable. She couldn't
imagine what was happening or why. She
wondered if the holidays were hard for him, because he was
alone. She
felt sorry for him, as she thought of it, and then she smiled at
"Everything is okay, Desmond. I promise." She
wanted to reassure him.
They were friends now. The
long preparations for the Pacific tour had
already brought them closer together.
"Don't say that until you look at my present."
"All right, then let me open it," she said calmly. He took his hands
away then, and she opened the box finally, and all she could do
stare at the contents. It
was a perfectly round, extremely large
fifteen-carat diamond engagement ring, and as she stared at it in
disbelief, he slipped it on her finger.
"Desmond, I . .
." She didn't know what to say to
him. She hadn't
expected this. He had
never even really kissed her.
"Whatever you do, don't be angry at me," he begged. "I never intended
to do this . . . not this
way . . . but . . . Cass--" He looked at
her imploringly, so vulnerable suddenly, so open. "I've fallen head
over heels in love with you.
I never expected to do that. I
we'd just be friends, and then .
. . I don't know what happened.
if you don't want to marry me, I'll understand. We'll just go on as we
did before, we'll do the tour .
. .
Cass . . . please . . . say something . . . oh God, Cassie . . .
I love you." He
buried his face in her hair, and she was overwhelmed
with tenderness for him.
She didn't love him as she loved Nick, that
would have been impossible, but she loved him as one would a dear
friend, or someone who needed you very badly. She wanted to make things
right for him, to be there for him, to help him. Even to erase the pain
of the past for him, if she 256 257
But not for an instant had she ever thought of their getting
"Oh, Desmond," she said softly, as he pulled away to
look at her face
and see what she was really saying.
"Are you angry at me?"
"How could I be . . .
?" She looked stunned more than
anything. She
had no idea what to say now.
"Oh, Cassie, God how I love you," he whispered and then
kissed her for
the first time, without waiting to hear if she would keep the
ring, and
she was startled by the extent of his passion.
He was deeply emotional, in a way she had never even suspected.
Everything was bottled up inside, and had been for years
probably. He
kissed her again, and she was surprised at herself when she
and was breathless when she pulled away from him. The entire experience
was dizzying and she was confused by everything she was
feeling. He was
a far more powerful person than she was.
"I think this is supposed to be the engagement, not the
honeymoon," she
said hoarsely, and he grinned, looking boyish and a little
"Is it? Is it the
engagement, Cass?" He couldn't
believe what he was
hearing. He wanted it to
be, but she wasn't sure yet. This was
all so
"I don't know . . . I
. . . I didn't expect this . . ."
But she
didn't look angry at him, and she hadn't said no yet.
"I don't expect you to love me immediately. I know about your friend in
the R.A.F . . . if . . . if you think that . . . Cassie, you have to
do what's right for you .
. . what about him?" He had
to know now.
And she wanted to be honest with him.
"I still love him."
She couldn't imagine loving anyone but him.
She had always loved him, as far back as she could remember.
"He says he'll never marry me . . . he left in a rage about the tour
the last time I saw him, and I haven't heard from him since.
I don't think I will."
She looked at him a little forlornly,
remembering the last time she'd seen Nick. But everything with Desmond
was so different.
"Where does that leave us?" he asked her gently. She
looked at him and
shivered. He was so good
to her, so understanding. And she knew
couldn't abandon him now after all he'd done for her. But it didn't
seem right to love one man and marry another. It wasn't fair to
Desmond, more than anyone, but he seemed willing to accept the
situation. And Nick would
never marry her, that she was sure of.
was the stubbornest man alive.
And she and Desmond had so much in
common. They shared his
business and the tour. Together they
could do
great things. And if she
couldn't have Nick, then maybe all she needed
was to be married to a good friend. It didn't seem possible to find
another man she loved as she did Nick in one lifetime. And in time, she
might come to love him as she did Nick, though she couldn't
imagine it.
But in many ways, she already cared about Desmond deeply.
Marriage would be the ultimate bond between them. But it hurt to think
of marrying anyone other than Nick Galvin.
"I'm not sure."
She looked at Desmond honestly.
"I don't want to
short-change you. You've
already had two marriages that cheated you out
of what you should have had.
I . . ." She looked into his eyes then,
and saw all his desperate hope there. He was pleading with her, without
saying a word, and all she wanted to do was please him. She wanted to
help him, and be there for him .
. . and maybe that meant she loved
"I know how much he must mean to you," he said
understandingly. "I
don't expect to replace him overnight, Cass . . . I understand . .
I just love you."
"I love you too," she said softly. And she did. She valued his
friendship, and his loyalty.
She respected and admired everything about
him. He had done nothing
but good things for her. Right from the
moment they met he had been wonderful to her. And now he wanted to give
her everything. He wanted
her to become Mrs. Desmond Williams.
She couldn't help smiling at the idea. It was more than a little
"If it doesn't work for you, we'll get divorced," he
said, as though to
reassure her. But she
looked horrified at the suggestion.
"I would never do that." She had her parents' marriage as an example.
"I don't mean to seem .
. . ungrateful . . . or
hesitant." She was
groping for the right words, as he watched her. His eyes never left
hers, and she felt the power of his wanting bore through her. She was
surprised at the sheer force of him, as he held her hand and sat
next to
her. She could feel the
strength of his need for her, and everything he
wanted to give her.
"I'll never hurt you, Cass.
And I'll always leave you free to be your
own person. You're too
important to me to try and clip your wings.
You can do, and be, anything you want if we get married."
"Would you ever want children?" She was almost embarrassed to ask him.
The question was so intimate, and their relationship never had
"They're not important to me," he said honestly. "But maybe some day,
if that's what you really want, and you're not too busy
flying. But I
think that's something you really have to think about.
You have a lot of important things to do with your life. Having
children might be more appropriate for women like your sisters.
That's their job. You have
yours, and it's a very important one.
But I'm not telling you I wouldn't have one. I just wonder if that's
really what you want."
"I've never been sure.
I used to think I didn't."
And then with Nick,
she had begun to think she would love to have his babies.
She didn't feel ready to give up the idea forever. It was too soon, and
she was too young to decide that, and he knew it.
"You've got plenty of time to make those decisions
later. At
twenty-one, it's really not all that important. And you've got the tour
to think of." It was
that that brought them together. And
now she
could imagine feeling even closer to him, if they were married.
"Desmond, I don't know what to say to you." She was near tears as he
pulled her closer.
"Say you'll marry me," he said, putting an arm around
her l shoulder and
bringing her closer.
"Say you trust me . . . say
that even if you're
not sure now, you believe that one day you could really love me.
I already do, Cass. I love
you more than anyone or anything in my life
until this moment."
How could she deny that?
How could she let him down, or run away from
him? How could she spend a
lifetime waiting for Nick when she knew he
wouldn't marry her? Her
father had told him as much the last time he'd
been home. If Nick wouldn't
marry her, he had no right to interfere
with her future, or her decisions.
"Yes . . ." The word was barely more than a whisper as
he stared at
her in amazement.
"Yes," she said it very softly, and without another
sound, he kissed her. It
seemed hours before he let her go again, and
Cassie was trembling with emotion.
"My parents are going to be stunned," she said, looking
like a child
suddenly, and then she had a thought. Everything was going to be so
"Why don't you come home with me for Christmas?" She wanted to take him
home to her family. If
they were going to be married, it was important
to her that he meet them and spend time with them. Her parents didn't
even remember meeting him when Chris died. And their announcement would
certainly make for an unexpectedly happy Christmas for the
But he looked uncomfortable at the invitation. He hadn't had a family
Christmas in years. He no
longer even missed them. "Cass, I
don't want
to intrude, sweetheart.
Especially not this year. It may
be a lot for
your parents to absorb.
And holidays aren't my strong suit."
But she looked terribly disappointed. "Desmond, please.
They'll think I made it up, and stole the ring."
"No, they won't. I'll
call you three times a day. Honestly, I
have a
ton of work to do. You
know that better than anyone. And when
you come
back, we'll go skiing for a weekend." The last thing he wanted to do
was spend Christmas in Illinois with the O'Malleys. The thought of it
made him desperately uncomfortable and nothing she said would
"I don't want to go skiing. I want you to come home with me," she
insisted with tears in her eyes.
She was suddenly overwhelmed by events
and emotions. She was
engaged to Desmond Williams.
It was amazing. And
through it all she tried to force herself not to
think of Nick Galvin.
"I promise we'll go next year," he said firmly.
"Well, I should hope so," she said, shocked at the idea
that they
wouldn't. "You're not
just getting me, you're getting my family.
And there are lots of us."
She beamed, warming up to the idea of
announcing her engagement.
"There's only one of you," he said intensely and then he
kissed her
again. And for a flash of
an instant, she thought of Nick, and knew she
had betrayed him. And as
she thought of him, she remembered his
warnings about Desmond.
But he'd been wrong about him.
Desmond was a
decent man. He loved her
and she knew that in time she would love him,
and they would have a great life together.
"When shall we set the date for?" Desmond broke into her thoughts again
as he poured her another glass of champagne.
"Let's not wait too long.
I'm not sure I can stand it, now that you've
said yes. You'll have to
keep Nancy around to protect you."
He smiled
knowingly at her and she blushed as she smiled up at him.
"I'll be sure to warn her," Cassie said softly. She was happy with him,
she always had been, even now they were more like friends than
except for the sudden fervor of his kisses.
"What about Valentine's Day?" he suggested. "It's
sort of corny, but I
like it. What do you
think?" He sounded as though he
were planning the
tour, but she didn't mind that.
She was used to Desmond being in
control of things, but she also knew that he respected her
It was all so romantic.
She was marrying a man that any woman in the
world would have given her right arm to be married to, and he
wanted to
marry her on Valentine's Day.
How much more perfect could it get, she
asked herself. Not much
. . .
except if Nick had felt any different . . . But she wouldn't let
herself think that. She
couldn't. She would hold onto the dream
of him
forever, but that's all it was now.
"Valentine's Day is less than two months away," she
said, looking
startled. "Will we
have a big wedding?" She was
looking down at her
ring, and flashing it. It
looked like a headlamp. Everything
seemed so
unreal. It had been a
remarkable evening.
"Do you like it?"
he asked, as he pulled her closer again and kissed
"I love it." She
had never even seen a diamond that size, nor had
anyone she knew. It was
beyond amazing. And so was Desmond
"In answer to your question," he said, with a smile, as
she flashed her
ring at him again and sipped champagne, with a giggle, "no, I
think we should have a big wedding. I think we should have a very small
one, with only special people in attendance." He kissed her again, and
explained, "This may be your first wedding, my love . . .
but it's not mine. I think
the third time one ought to be discreet, so
as to generate a minimum of comment."
"Oh . . ." She hadn't thought of it, but he was
right. And they
couldn't be married in the church if he was divorced. She wondered if
her parents would mind terribly, though her parents had never been
religious. "What are
you, by the way?" she asked
innocently. She had
never even thought to ask him.
"I'm Catholic."
He smiled. She was still a
child sometimes, and he loved that.
suspected that. I'm
Episcopalian. But I think a nice
friendly judge
would do just fine, don't you?" Feeling herself swept away on his
tides, she nodded.
"And you'll need a beautiful dress . . . I'd say,
something short but very elegant, in white satin. And a hat with a
small veil. It's a shame
we can't order something from Paris . .
Hats from Paris, fifteen-carat rings . . . marriage to Desmond Williams
on Valentine's Day.
Suddenly she was staring at him, wondering if she
had dreamed it all, but she hadn't. He was sitting there, talking about
white dresses and hats with veils, and she was wearing the biggest
diamond she had ever seen, as she looked up at him, and tears
filled her
eyes. She looked like a
child as she sat there beside him.
"Desmond, tell me I'm not dreaming."
"You're not dreaming, my love. And we are engaged. And
very soon,
you'll be married to me, for better or worse, forever." He looked
ecstatic and triumphant.
"Do you want to get married here?" she asked quietly, leaning against
him. It was too much to
absorb, she almost felt weak looking at him,
and suddenly she realized more than she ever had before, how
powerful he
was, and how handsome. He
had a quiet sexuality that he kept in control
at all times, but now she could sense his nearness to her, and his
interest. He hadn't
stopped kissing her since he'd proposed, and she
was almost feeling dizzy.
"I think we should get married here. It's not as though we can have a
church wedding in Illinois, Cass.
I think this is simpler, more
discreet, and requires fewer explanations."
"I guess you're right.
I hope my parents come."
"Of course they will.
We'll fly them out for it. They
can stay at the
Beverly Wilshire."
"My mother will die."
She grinned.
"I hope not."
And then he took her in his arms again, and forgot all
the arrangements. She was
so young, so sweet, so pure, he almost felt
guilty kissing her, and there was so much more he wanted now. But it
was still too soon, and he knew it.
He seemed to have to force himself to leave that night, and he
her the moment he got home, and then again, as he always did, at
three-thirty the next morning.
They chatted like old friends, and it
was exciting knowing that soon she would be his wife, and she
share his life forever.
And together, they decided not to tell anyone,
until she had told her parents.
They both knew that the entire country
would be very excited.
He took her to the airport himself and as usual, she had checked
out a
plane to fly home. But
this time, he told her repeatedly to be careful.
"It hasn't affected my brain, you know. Or maybe it has." She grinned,
kissing him again. She
noticed one of the ground crew watching them and
smiling. "It'll be
all over the papers if you don't watch out."
"Something more dramatic might end up in the papers, if you
don't hurry
up and marry me soon, Miss O'Malley."
"You only asked me last night! Give me a chance to get a dress and some
shoes for heaven's sake.
You don't expect me to get married in my
uniform, do you?"
"I might. Or
less. Maybe I should have come to
Illinois with you."
But he was only teasing.
She knew he had too much to do to go anywhere,
with all the plans for the Pacific tour. But she was still sorry he
wasn't going.
"My parents are going to be disappointed that you
didn't," she said
sincerely. Especially when
they heard the news. She still couldn't
believe it herself, even when she saw his ring on her finger. And she
would never forget how sweet he'd been when he'd asked her.
"Fly safely, my love," he warned her again, and a few
minutes later he
left the plane, and waved as he watched her from the runway. She took
off easily, and the flight was smooth. She had plenty of time to think
of him, and Nick, along the way.
Her heart still ached for him, but he
had made his choice, so had she.
They both had to move on now.
The flight to Good Hope took exactly seven hours. She landed at
dinnertime and the first person she saw at the airport was Billy.
"Ready to come to California with me next week?" she asked, but she
didn't need to. He was
ready to leave that night. For weeks
now, it
was all he could think of.
And then as she signed her log, he noticed
her ring, and stared down at it in amazement.
"What's that? A
flying saucer?"
"More or less."
She grinned up at him, feeling awkward suddenly. But
she'd have to tell him sooner or later. "Actually, it's my engagement
ring. Desmond and I got
engaged last night."
"You did?" He
stared at her in disbelief, knowing that was impossible.
Or was it? "What
about Nick?"
"What about Nick?"
she asked coolly.
"Okay . . . sorry I
asked . . . but does he know? Did you tell him?"
She shook her head in answer.
"Are you going to? Did you
write him?"
"He doesn't write to me," she said unhappily. Why was Billy trying to
make her feel guilty?
"He'll find out sooner or later."
"Yeah I guess," Billy said, confused by what she'd
done. Ever since
he'd met them, he had known how much she and Nick loved each
"He's going to be very upset, isn't he?" Billy said quietly and she
nodded, fighting back tears.
But she had made her decision, and she
couldn't let Desmond down now.
He wanted her to be his wife.
didn't. He had said
so. But still, being back home made
Nick all the
more real, which only made it harder for her.
"I can't help Nick's being upset," she told Billy
quietly. "He didn't
want any ties to me when he left.
He said he wanted me to marry someone
else." She looked at
him sadly.
"I hope he meant it," Billy said softly, and drove her
home to her
parents. Everyone was there
waiting for her, and it was only a matter
of moments before one of her sisters let out a scream, pointing at
"Oh, my God, what is it?" Megan asked, and Glynnis and Colleen pointed
it out to their mother, who was playing with the children.
"I think it's a light bulb," Colleen's husband
"I think it must be," Megan teased, as her parents
exchanged a look.
Cassie hadn't said anything when she called them.
"It's my engagement ring," Cassie said calmly.
"I figured that much out," Glynnis said. "Who's the lucky guy?
Alfred Vanderbilt? Who is
"Desmond Williams."
Almost as soon as she said his name, as though on
cue, the phone rang. It
was Desmond. "I just told
them," she
explained. "My
sisters went into shock when they saw my ring."
"What did your parents say?"
"They haven't had a chance to say anything yet."
"May I speak to your father, Cassie?" Desmond asked gently, and she
passed the phone to him, and after that, Desmond talked to her
Her sisters were all going wild by then, and her brothers-in-law
teasing her. She had just
told them she was getting married in Los
Angeles on Valentine's Day, and Desmond was going to fly her
parents out
for the wedding.
Her parents had come back from the phone by then. Her mother was crying
softly, which she did a lot these days, and she hugged Cassie
close to
her. "He sounds like
such a nice man. He promised me he'd
always take
care of you like a little girl." She kissed Cassie then, and Pat seemed
pleased as well. The man
had said all the right things to him.
when he was alone with his daughter that night, he asked her some
questions, and he wanted to hear her answers.
"What about Nick, Cass?
God willing, he's going to come back
eventually. You can't stay
mad at him forever, and you can't marry
another man because you're angry at him. That's a childish thing to do
and Mr. Williams doesn't deserve it." He had liked him on the phone
that night, but he wanted to know that his daughter was being
with him, and herself.
"I swear I'm not marrying him out of revenge. He just asked me last
night, and he took me by surprise . . . but he's so alone . .
. he's
had such a rotten life.
He's a decent person and he wants to marry me.
And in a funny way I do love him, though not like Nick. We're friends
and I owe him so much for all he's done for me."
"You don't owe anyone that much, Cassie O'Malley. He pays you a salary
and you earn it."
"I know that. But
he's been so good to me, Dad. I want to
be there for
him. And he knows about
Nick. He says he understands.
I think in time, Daddy, I could really come to love him."
"And Nick? What about
him?" He looked her straight in
the eye. "Can
you tell me you don't love him?"
"I still love him, Dad," she sighed. "But nothing's going to change.
He's going to come back and tell me why he can't marry me. He's too
old, he's too poor. Maybe
the truth is he doesn't love me. He
written to me since he left.
And before he left, he kept saying no
strings, no ties, no future.
He doesn't want me, Dad. Desmond
He really needs me."
"And you can live with that?
Knowing you love another man?"
"I think I can, Daddy," she said softly, but just
thinking of Nick
turned her knees to water.
Being back here now made him all the more
real to her. But she knew
she had to put him out of her mind now.
"You'd better be rock sure before you marry this man, Cassie
"I know. I am. I'll be fair to him. I promise."
"I'll not have you running around here, cheating on him, and
going off
somewhere with Nick, when he comes back. A married woman is just that
in this house."
"Yes, sir." She
was impressed by what he said to her and the way he
said it.
"Marriage is a sacred vow, no matter where you get
"I know, Daddy."
"See that you don't forget it, and that you bring honor to
this man.
He seems to love you."
"I won't let him down .
. . or you . . . I
Her father nodded, satisfied with her answers. But there was another
thing he wanted to ask her now.
Maybe it was unfair, but he had to ask
the question. "Do you
remember what Nick said before he left, about how
Williams would try and marry you before the world tour, to
publicize it?
Do you think he's doing that now, or that he's sincere?
I don't know the man, Cassie.
But I want you to think about it for a
minute and tell me."
Nick's words had rung in his ears that night, the
moment Cassie said she was getting married to Desmond Williams.
She was only twenty-one after all, and still naive. Williams was
thirty-five and a man of the world. It would have been child's play for
him to fool her. But she
shook her head as she thought of it.
This time Nick was wrong.
She was sure of it.
"I don't believe he'd do that to me. I think it's just coincidence.
We've worked so closely ever since I said I'd do the tour . . . and
he's so solitary, I think it just happened by accident. And I think
it's only coincidence that Nick said it would. It was a mean thing for
him to say. I think he was
Pat nodded, anxious to believe her, and relieved, and then he had
smile at her in spite of himself.
"That's nothing to the fit he's going
to have when he comes home and finds you married. I warned him of
"I know you did. I
don't think he wants to be tied to anyone .
. .
and certainly not me . .
." she said, but she seemed to
accept her
fate now. It was certainly
a lucky one, and her father was pleased with
what she'd told him.
He looked down at her tenderly on Christmas Eve, and held her hand
his own, and then he kissed her cheek. There were tears in his eyes
when he spoke to her. And
in hers when she heard him.
"Cassandra Maureen, you have my blessing."
_ assie stayed at home until the morning of December 31 and then
she and
Billy flew back to Los Angeles together. It was emotional for everyone
when they left. And this
time, most of the family came to the airport,
even little Annabelle and Humphrey Cassie wanted to spend New
Year's Eve
with Desmond. A nc when
she got back, he was waiting for her on the
runway. He was wearing a
navy blue coat, flapping in the breeze, and
the sun was setting just behind him. He looked handsome, and tall, and
ver distinguished. He was
an extremely aristocratic man, and togethe]
they made a striking couple.
Desmond climbed into the cockpit easily, and he startled her I
her on the lips, and smiling down at her before she h
even left her
seat. He barely even
seemed to notice Billy, who looked away with a
smile while they were kissing.
"Hello there, Miss O'Malley . . . I missed you . .
"Me too," she said with a shy smile. She had had dinner with her entire
family the night before, and everyone had toasted her on her
They were all excited about her wedding in six weeks, and everyone
wanted to meet him.
Suddenly she was the one who had done well. She
was the shining star. And
her engagement ring sparkled impressively on
her left hand as though to prove it.
"I have a surprise for you," he said with a big smile,
after finally
greeting Billy. He was
gathering up his things and ready to leave the
"Not another surprise," she beamed, leaning back in her
"My life has been nothing but surprises for the past
week." It was hard
to believe that they had only gotten engaged a week before.
It already seemed as though she had belonged to him forever. She was
already getting used to it, and she really liked it. He was an exciting
man to be engaged to.
Nick had come to mind a lot when she was in Illinois, but she had
herself to remember that he had wanted her to marry someone
else. He
had given her up intentionally, and Desmond wanted and needed her
badly. And she had every
intention of being a good wife to him.
smiled up at him as she thought of it, and he kissed her again,
gently touched her face with his fingers. The ground crew waited
outside respectfully. The
word was already out among them.
O'Malley was to be the next Mrs.
"What's the surprise?"
she asked excitedly while Billy watched them.
Williams certainly seemed to be crazy about her, but Billy still
sorry for Nick Galvin. It
was going to destroy him when he found out
he'd lost her.
"We've got some friends outside," Desmond explained, as
he hung his head
with a sheepish grin that made her smile. "I'm afraid I've been so
excited I've been doing a little too much talking . . . Some of the
boys from A.P want to get a picture of us together. Everyone wants to
be first. And I told
everyone you were away, but they just thought .
. . I told them you were coming back tonight, and when I got here
. there they were . . . do
you mind terribly, Cass? Are you too
after the flight? I just
couldn't help telling them we were engaged .
. . I'm so proud . .
." He looked more boyish and more
vulnerable than
ever. There were times
when he looked like a tycoon, or a relentless
businessman, and there were others when he looked like a little
boy, and
she wanted to put her arms around him.
"It's okay. I'm
excited too. I told everyone in
Illinois. I guess if
the press was there, they'd have been on our doorstep morning,
noon, and
night too." She stood
up in the cramped cockpit, and picked up her
flight bag with her log and her maps, and Desmond reached up and
took it
for her. And then he
glanced at Billy, as though remembering him.
"You know, I don't suppose it would hurt to have your Pacific
co-pilot on hand too.
You're welcome to join us."
He invited Billy
with a smile, but the younger man looked embarrassed.
"I don't want to intrude."
"Not at all." He
insisted on including him, as Cassie combed her hair
and put on lipstick.
Desmond stepped out of the plane first, and Cassie came out right
him. And as she did, what
seemed like a hundred flashbulbs went off,
and she was almost blinded.
She and Desmond both waved gamely at them,
and then he turned around and kissed her. And as she stepped onto the
runway with him, she was stunned to realize that there must have
twenty photographers waiting for them. They didn't even notice Billy.
"When's the big day?"
The L.A. Times shouted at them as the Pasadena
Star News crowded in for another picture. The New York Times took two
more, and the San Francisco Chronicle wanted to know about the
tour and their honeymoon.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute . . ." Desmond laughed
amiably at them.
"The big day is Valentine's Day . . . the Pacific tour is in July .
. . and no, we're not spending our honeymoon on the North
Star." It was
the name she had chosen for her plane for the tour.
And then they asked a hundred more questions, and all the while,
stood close to her, smiling and laughing with the press, as she
tried to
catch her breath, and understand everything that had happened.
"I think that's all, boys," Desmond finally said
"My little bride has had a long flight. We've got to get home and get
her rested. Thank you for
They snapped a dozen more photographs as the couple got into his
Packard, while one of the ground crew gave Billy a ride. And Cassie
waved gamely as they drove away.
Overnight she had become the bride of
the year and America's sweetheart in a flight suit.
"It seems so weird, doesn't it?" Cassie asked, still struggling to
absorb it. "They act
as though we're movie stars. Everyone
is so
excited." People had
stopped her on the street back home, just to ask
about the Pacific tour, and they hadn't even known she was engaged
"People love a fairy tale, Cass," he said quietly as he
drove her home,
and he patted her knee as she sat beside him. He really had missed her.
"It's nice to be able to give it to them."
"I guess. But it
feels weird to be one. I keep thinking
to myself I'm
just me . . . but they act
as though . . . I don't know . . .
as though I were someone else, someone I don't even know . . .
and now they want to know everything, they want to be part of
it." It
was almost as though they wanted to own her. And the thought of that
made her uncomfortable.
She had tried to explain it one night to her
father, and he had reminded her that it would get worse after the
Look at the price poor Lindy had paid . . . his infant son kidnapped
and killed . . . the price
of fame could be frightening. But Pat
that Desmond would protect her.
"You belong to them now, Cass," Desmond said, as though
he believed
that. And stranger still,
he seemed to accept it. "They want
It's not fair to hold back.
They want to share in your happiness.
It's a nice thing to give them." Desmond always seemed to feel as
though he owed a great deal to the public.
But she wasn't prepared for the intensity of their attention over
next six weeks until their wedding. She was followed everywhere, and
photographed, at the hangar, in the office going over charts and
with Billy, outside her apartment, on the way to work, in
stores, shopping for her wedding dress, and any time she appeared
anywhere with Desmond.
She took Nancy Firestone with her everywhere now, and sometimes
she even
tried to hide, with a big hat, or a scarf and dark glasses. But the
persistence of the press was astounding. They hung off fire escapes and
ledges, dropped from awnings, lay under bushes and in cars.
They popped out at her constantly, from everywhere, and by early
February Cassie thought they would drive her crazy. And for once, Nancy
was of fairly little help to her.
With anything. As
organized as she was, Nancy seemed to have a lot on
her mind, and she seemed less interested than usual in the details
Cassie's wedding. Desmond
had told Cassie not to worry about it, and he
was having Miss Fitzpatrick and an assistant handle most of the
Cassie had enough to do just dealing with the press, and getting
for the Pacific tour. He
didn't want her too distracted by having to
organize her own wedding.
But when Cassie tried to talk to him about Nancy Firestone, he
took her seriously. She
was trying to explain to him that she had the
impression lately that Nancy was annoyed at her and she wasn't
sure why.
Nancy had been irritable and cool ever since she and Desmond had
announced their engagement.
And there was no rational explanation for
it. Nancy herself seemed
to spend less time with her, and on the one
evening Cassie had invited her for dinner, she had insisted that
she had
to stay home and help Jane with her homework.
"I don't know what's wrong with her. I feel awful. Sometimes I get the
feeling she hates me."
They had never gotten as close as Cassie had
once thought they might when they first met, but they had always
been on
good terms, and enjoyed each other's company when they worked
"The wedding probably upsets her," Desmond said
sensibly, with the
rationality of a man, analyzing the situation, "it probably
reminds her
of her husband. So she's
backed off so as not to get too involved, or
upset. It probably brings
up painful memories for her," he said,
smiling at his bride. She
was so young, there were a lot of things she
didn't think of. "I
told you, just work with Miss Fitzpatrick."
"I will. And I'm sure
you're right. I feel like a moron for
thinking of it." And
the next time she saw her, she realized that
Desmond's explanation fit completely. Nancy was short with her more
than once, and a little brittle when Cassie asked her advice about
detail of the wedding. And
from then on, for Nancy's sake, Cassie took
Desmond's advice and kept her distance.
She did her best to cope with the press herself, but at times they
truly impossible to deal with.
"Don't they ever stop?"
Cassie gasped one day, as she ran into
Desmond's house through the kitchen, and collapsed into a chair,
exhausted. She had been
trying to move some of her things from her
apartment, but someone must have tipped them off. They had arrived en
masse before she ever got through the door, and from then on it
sheer circus.
Desmond came in the front door half an hour later, and they
him, and finally he convinced her to come out and pose for a few
pictures with him and get it over with. He had a great way with them.
He always gave them just enough to keep them happy.
"Are you nervous yet?"
one reporter shouted at her and she grinned back
at them and nodded.
"Only about you tripping me on my wedding day," she
quipped back, and
they laughed and shouted at her.
"We'll be there."
Desmond and Cassie went back inside a few minutes later, and after
the reporters went away, until the following morning.
Her parents arrived the day before her wedding day, and Desmond
arranged for a suite for them at the Beverly Wilshire.
None of her sisters had come, finally. It was just too complicated with
all of their children. And
Cassie was especially touched that Desmond
had asked Billy to be his best man. It was really going to be the home
team at their wedding. Her
father would give her away, even though the
ceremony was being performed by a judge.
And she had asked Nancy Firestone to be her matron of honor.
Nancy had balked at first, claiming that one of her sisters really
should be. But in the end,
she'd relented after Desmond talked to her.
They had selected a gray satin dress for her, and an exquisitely
white one for Cassie, by Schiaparelli. I. Magn in had made her a little
hat to match, with a short white veil, and she was going to carry
bouquet of white orchids, lily of the valley, grown locally, and
Desmond had given her a string of his mother's pearls and a
pair of pearl and diamond earrings.
"You'll be the bride of the year," her mother said
proudly as she looked
her over at the hotel.
There were tears in Oona's eyes, as she thought
she had never seen Cassie look so lovely. She looked radiant, and very
excited. "You're so
beautiful, Cass," her mother breathed, and then
added proudly, "Every time I look at a newspaper or a
magazine, we see
your picture!"
And the next day was all that they had expected. Photographers,
reporters, and newsreel crews waited outside the judge's home
where they
were to be married. Even
the international press were there.
They threw rice at her, and flowers as the wedding party left to
to the Beverly Wilshire, where Desmond had arranged a small
reception in
a private room. There were
even crowds outside and in the lobby of the
hotel, because someone had leaked to the press that that was where
were going.
Desmond had invited about a dozen friends, and several of his more
important designers were there, particularly the man who had
Cassie's plane for the Pacific tour. It was an impressive group, and
the bride looked like a star in a movie. She was the most beautiful
thing Desmond had ever seen, and he beamed as they danced a slow
to the "Blue Danube."
"You look ravishing, my dear," he said proudly, and then
he smiled even
more broadly. "Who
would have ever thought that the little grease
monkey I met under a plane less than two years ago would have
turned out
to be such a beauty. I
wish I'd had a picture of you that day .
. I'll never forget it."
She rapped his shoulder with her bouquet and laughed happily as
parents watched her.
It was a perfect day, and after Desmond, she danced with her
father, and
then Billy. He looked very
handsome in the new suit he had bought for
the occasion. He was
having a great time in L.A particularly with all
the money he was making.
And he was enjoying some of the best flying he
had ever done, in planes he had longed all his life to get his
hands on.
"You have a wonderful daughter, Mrs. O'Malley," Desmond
said warmly to
his new mother-in-law.
Cassie had bought her a blue dress the same
color as her eyes, and a little hat to go with it, and she looked
pretty, and very much like her daughter.
"She's a very lucky girl," Oona said shyly. She was so impressed by
Desmond's elegance and sophisticated air, she could hardly speak
to him.
But he was very polite to her and very friendly.
"I'm the lucky one here," he disagreed with her. And a little while
later, Pat toasted them and wished them many happy years and many
"Not till after the Pacific tour!" Desmond qualified, and everyone
laughed, "But immediately thereafter!"
Hear!" her father said
Desmond had decided to let the press in for a round of pictures of
They were in the lobby anyway, and he thought it was better to do
it in
a controlled situation.
They arrived en masse, led by Nancy Firestone,
and they got a very pretty picture of the bride dancing first with
Desmond, and then her father.
They made a big deal about his being a
flying ace from the last war, and Cassie gave them all the
knowing it made her father feel imp or And then, finally, they
to a waiting limousine in a shower of rose petals and rice.
Cassie was wearing an emerald green suit, and a big picture hat, and
photographs of her afterward were spectacular, as Desmond lifted
easily in his arms, and put her in the limousine. They were both waving
from the rear window as they drove away, and her mother was crying
waving. Her father had
tears in his eyes as he stood beside her.
The newlyweds spent the night at the Bel Air Hotel, and the next
they flew to Mexico, to a deserted beach on a tiny island off
where Desmond had rented an entire hotel just for them. It was small,
but perfectly private. The
beach was as white as pearls, the sun was
brilliant and hot, there was always a gentle breeze, and at night
were serenaded by mariachis.
It was the most romantic place Cassie had
ever seen, and as they lay on the beach and talked, Desmond
reminded her
that some of the places she would go on her tour would be even
and more exotic.
"But I don't suppose I'll be spending much time lying on
beaches," she
smiled at him, "or with you.
I'll really miss you."
"You'll be doing something incredibly important for aviation,
That's more important."
He said it firmly, as you would to a child who
was not paying attention to her homework.
"Nothing is more important than we are," she corrected
him, but he shook
his head.
"You're wrong, Cass.
What you're going to do has far, far-reaching
importance. People will
remember you for a hundred years. Men
attempt to follow your example.
Planes will be named for you, and
designed after yours. You will
have proven that plane travel over vast
expanses of ocean can be safe, in the right aircraft. A myriad of
people and ideas will be affected.
Don't think for a moment that it isn't of the utmost
importance." He
made it sound so serious, so solemn, that it didn't even sound
flying. And she wondered
sometimes if he attached too much importance
to it, like a game that had stopped being fun and had become so
that people's lives depended on it. Hers did of course, and Billy's,
but still . . . she never
lost sight of the joy of it. But he
"I still think you're more important than
anything." She rolled over on
her stomach in her new white bathing suit, resting on her elbows.
And he smiled down as he saw her.
"You're too beautiful, you know," he said, looking at
the gentle
cleavage between her breasts.
She had a very exciting body.
distract me."
"Good," she said comfortably. "You need it."
"Shame on you."
He leaned down and kissed her then, and a little while
later they went back to their room. He was amazed, and so was she, at
how easily they had adjusted to each other. She had been afraid of him
at first, and of what physical love might be, but he had surprised
by not forcing it, and spending their night at the Bel Air merely
holding her, and stroking her, and talking about their lives, and
dreams, and their future.
They had even talked about the tour and what
it meant to them.
It had allowed her to feel at ease with him, just as she always
And it was only when they reached the hotel in Mexico the
afternoon that he permitted himself to undress her. He peeled her
clothes gently away from her, and stood looking at her astounding
She was long and tall and lean, with high round breasts, and a
waist that curved into narrow but appealing hips, and legs almost
long as his. He had taken
her slowly and carefully, and in the past
week, he had shown her the exquisite ecstasies of their joined
And as with everything he did, he did it expertly and well, and
extraordinary precision.
And she had been ready for him.
She wanted to
be his wife, and to be there for him, and to make love to him, and
to him that someone loved him.
She was healthy and young and alive and
vital and exciting. He was
much more restrained, but she pushed him to
heights he had forgotten for a long time, and he found himself
the unexpected youth and abandon she brought him.
"I don't know about you," he said hoarsely, after they
made love that
afternoon, "you're dangerous." He enjoyed making love to her
enormously, much more than he had expected. There was a warmth and
sincerity to her, which added to her passion, surprised him and
"Maybe I should give up flying, and we should just stay in
bed and make
babies," she said, and then she groaned at herself, thinking
that she
was becoming just like her sisters. It made her wonder if this was what
had happened to them; it was just so easy to be swept away, in the
of a man you loved, and abandon yourself to the pleasures of the
and their obvious rewards, in the natural order.
"I always thought they were missing so much by marrying so
young, and
having so many kids," she explained to him as they lay side
by side on
the bed, their bodies hot and damp and sated.
"But I guess I can see now how it happens. It's just so easy to let
things be, to be a woman, and get married and have babies."
But Desmond shook his head as he listened to her. "You can never do
that, Cass. You're
destined for far greater things."
"Maybe. For
now." If he said so. Right now, she felt as though she
were destined for nothing more than his arms, and she didn't want
That was enough for her.
Just to be his. Forever. Her sudden
introduction to the physical side of him had swept her to a place
had never known, or understood before, and she liked it. "But one day
I'd like to have kids."
And he had said he would be willing if that was
what she wanted.
"You have a lot to do first.
Important things," he said, sounding like
a schoolteacher again, and she grinned, and turned over to look at
and run a lazy finger enticingly around him.
"I can think of some very important things...." she said mischievously,
as he laughed and let her do as she wanted. The results were
inevitable. And the sun
was setting on their desert island when they
fell from each other again like two bits of lifeless flotsam in
"How was the honeymoon?" the reporters shouted at them from their front
lawn as they got home. As
usual, they had somehow learned when the
Williamses would be arriving, and as the limousine drove up, the
reporters rushed forward.
Sometimes it made her wonder how they always
knew where they would be and where they were going.
They could hardly get through the door into the house, and then as
usual, Desmond stopped for a moment and spoke to them, and while
he did,
they snapped a thousand pictures.
The one on the cover of Life the next
week was of Desmond carrying Cassie over the threshold.
But from that moment on, for Cassie, the honeymoon was over.
They had been gone for two idyllic weeks, and the first morning
back, he
woke her at three, and she was back in training in her North Star
four o'clock that morning.
Their schedule was grueling and she and Billy were put through
paces a thousand times.
They simulated every disaster possible, taking
off and landing with one engine, then two, flying in with both
cut, and practicing landing on the shortest of runways and in
crosswinds. They also
simulated landings in all kinds of conditions,
from the difficult to nearly impossible. They also simulated long
distance flying for hours at a stretch.
And whenever they weren't flying, they were poring over charts,
maps, and fuel tables.
They met with the designers and engineers, and
learned every possible repair from the mechanics.
Billy spent hours practicing with the radio equipment, and Cassie
in the
Link Trainer, learning to fly blind, in all conditions.
She and Billy flew hard and flew well; they were a great team, and
April, they were doing stunts that would have dazzled any air
They spent fourteen hours together every day and Desmond brought
her to
work at four A.M and picked her up promptly at six o'clock every
He took her home, where she bathed, and they ate a quick
dinner. Then
he retired to his study with a briefcase full of notes and plans
for the
tour, and recently with requests for visas. He was also busy arranging
for fuel to be shipped to each of their stops. And of course he was
negotiating contracts now for articles and books afterward.
Generally he brought papers for her to look over too, about
conditions around the world, important new developments in
aviation, or
areas they would have to watch out for on the tour, given the
sensitivities of the world situation. It was like doing homework every
night, and after a long day of flying she was seldom in the mood
to do
it. She wanted to go out
to dinner with him once in a while, or to a
movie. She was a
twenty-one-year-old girl, and he was treating her like
a robot. The only times
they went out at all were to the important
social events that he thought were useful for her to be seen at.
"Can't we do anything that doesn't have to do with the tour
she complained one night when he had brought her a particularly thick
stack of papers, and reminded her that they needed her immediate
"Not now. You can
play next winter, unless you've planned another
record-setting flight.
Right now, you have to get down to business," he
said firmly.
"That's all we do," she whined, and he looked at her
with disapproval.
"Do you want to end up like the Star of the
Pleiades?" he asked
angrily. It was Earhart's
plane, and there were times when Cassie was
sick of hearing him say it.
She took the papers from him, and went back upstairs, slamming her
door behind her. She
apologized to him later on, and as always, he was
very understanding.
"I want you to be prepared, Cassie, in every possible way, so
there will
never be a mishap."
But there were elements they both knew he wouldn't
be able to anticipate for her, like storms, or problems with the
But so far, he had thought of everything, down to the merest
Even Pat was vastly impressed by what she told him of their
preparations. The man was
a genius at planning and precision.
And more so at public relations.
Even if he was compulsive about all
his plans, he had her safety in mind, and her well-being.
And as a reward for her hard work, he took her to San Francisco
for a
romantic weekend in late April, and Cassie thoroughly enjoyed it,
for the fact that he had set up three interviews for her when they
Their publicity stepped up radically in May. There were press
conferences every week, and footage of her flying in newsreels.
She and Billy made appearances everywhere: on radio and at women's
clubs. They did
endorsements and posed for photographs constantly.
She felt sometimes as though she had no life of her own anymore,
and in
fact she didn't. And the
harder they worked, and the closer they got to
the tour, the less time she and Desmond spent together. He even went to
his club a few hours at night sometimes, just to get a
breather. And
more often than not, by late May, he read papers in his study
until he
fell asleep there.
She was so sick of it that he suggested she go home for a weekend
May, for a break, and she was relieved to go. She was also happy to see
her parents. This time it
meant not being with Desmond on her birthday,
but he gave her a beautiful sapphire bracelet before she left and
her they'd be together for the next fifty.
Even she didn't feel it was a tragedy to miss this one. She was too
tense now before the tour to enjoy it much anyway. And she and Desmond
seemed miles apart these days.
All he cared about was the tour.
It was ridiculous; she was turning twenty-two years old, married
to one
of the most important men in the world. She was one of the most
celebrated women herself, and she was feeling restless and
All Desmond talked about was the tour, all he wanted to do was
about it, all he wanted her to do was pose for pictures, and spend
fifteen hours a day flying.
There was more to life than that.
At least
she thought so, but he didn't seem to know she was alive these
days. And
in some ways, she wasn't.
There was certainly no romance in their life. Just the tour and its
myriad preparations.
"How much goddamned flying can we do?" she complained to Billy on the
way home. He had decided
to come with her for the long weekend.
swear, sometimes I think I'm beginning to hate it."
"You'll feel better once we get under way, Cass. It's just rough
waiting to go now."
The tour was only five weeks away, and they were
both getting tense about it.
Cassie could feel it. And on top
of it,
she had been married for three and a half months, and she felt as
she were no closer to Desmond than before they got married.
Their nights together certainly weren't romantic, she thought to
as they flew east, but she didn't say anything to Billy.
Instead they talked about the press conferences Desmond had set up
L.A. and New York. And he
wanted them to go to Chicago for an interview
after the weekend, but so far Cassie hadn't agreed to do it.
"God, it's exhausting, isn't it?" She smiled at Billy when they were
halfway there. She was
glad she was going home. She needed to
see her
"I figure that later we'll think it was all worth it,"
Billy encouraged
her, and she shrugged, feeling better.
"I hope so."
They flew on in silence for a while, and then he looked at her.
She had looked particularly tired and unhappy lately. He suspected that
the constant pressure from the press was getting to her. They were a
lot easier on him. But
they devoured Cassie, and Desmond never seemed
to protect her from them.
On the contrary, he liked them.
"You okay, Cass?"
Billy asked after a while. She
was like a younger
sister to him, or a very best friend. They spent almost all their time
together every day, and they never argued, or snapped at each
other, or
got tired of each other's company. She was going to be the perfect
companion for the Pacific tour, and he was gladder than ever that
he was
"Yeah . . . I'm okay
. . . I'm feeling better. It'll be good to get
home and see everyone."
He nodded. He had gone to
San Francisco the week before, to see his
father, who was so proud of him.
He knew how much Cassie's family meant
to her. She needed them
right now, just as he had needed to see his
father. And then,
suddenly, alone in the plane, he found himself
wanting to ask her something he had felt awkward asking her
But she seemed very relaxed now.
"Do you ever hear from Nick?" he asked casually, and she stared out
into the clouds for a long time and then shook her head.
"Nope, I don't. He
wanted us both to be free. I guess he
got what he
"Does he know?"
Billy asked quietly, sorry that things hadn't worked
out for them. Nick was a
great guy, and Billy had always sensed how
much Cassie loved him.
Right from the first day he'd met them.
It was
as though they belonged to each other.
"About Desmond?"
she asked, and he nodded.
"No. Since he didn't want
to write, I figured he'd just hear eventually. I didn't want to write
and tell him." She
also didn't want to write him and upset the balance.
Something like that could make you just loose enough to make a
mistake in a fighter plane, and she didn't want that. "He must know by
now. I know he writes to
my dad sometimes." But she had
never asked
Pat if he had told him. It
was still too painful to even think about,
and she forced him from her mind as they flew over Kansas.
The press was waiting for them as they touched down in
Illinois. They
had spent the entire day waiting for them at her father's
airport. And
she knew there wasn't going to be any peace anymore, not until
after the
tour. It was just too
close now.
She did what Desmond always wanted her to, gave them plenty of
lots of photographs, satisfied them by answering some questions,
then she called it a day, and said she was anxious to go home to
Her father had been waiting for her, and he posed for photographs
her too, as did Billy. And
then finally, the photographers left, and
she heaved a sigh of relief, as she and Billy threw their things
her father's truck, and he looked at her with a long, slow smile. But
she had noticed as soon as they'd arrived that her father didn't
"You okay, Dad?"
He looked kind of gray, and she didn't like it. But
she figured maybe he'd had influenza. She knew her mother had when they
returned from California.
And he worked hard for a man his age.
Harder now that Nick was gone, and she and Billy, and Chris.... He
to rely entirely on hired hands, and the usual nomadic crews of
wandering pilots.
"I'm fine," he said unconvincingly. And then he looked anxiously at his
daughter. Oona said he
should have told her on the phone, but he wasn't
sure what to say. But she
had to know now.
Pat hadn't told Nick either.
And amazingly neither had anyone else.
He had only arrived the night before though.
"Something wrong?"
She had sensed his hesitation.
Billy was unaware of
it, as he looked at the familiar landscape out the window.
"Nick is here," he said all at one gulp, looking
straight ahead.
"He is? Where is he
staying?" she asked uncomfortably.
"At his own place.
But I imagine he'll come by the house eventually.
I thought I'd better warn you."
"Does he know I'm coming?" Pat shook his head, and Billy watched her
eyes. He had just heard
what her father had said, and he hoped it
wouldn't upset her too much.
"Not yet. He got in
last night. He's just here for a few
days. I
didn't have a chance to tell him." She didn't dare ask if he had told
him she was married.
She said not another word, and a few minutes later she was in the
of her mother. Billy
carried in her things, and Pat took him into
Chris's room. His things
were still everywhere, and it was a shock to
walk in and see it. It
made Cassie's heart ache to look around.
It was
as though he would be home any minute.
She settled into her old room, and her mother had dinner waiting
them. It was a hot, simple
meal of the things Cassie liked best, fried
chicken, corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes.
"I'd be the size of this house if I lived here," Cassie
said happily
between mouthfuls.
"Me too," Billy grinned happily, and her mother was
"You've lost weight," Oona reproached her with a worried
frown. But
Billy was quick to explain it.
"We've been working pretty hard, Mrs. O'Malley. Test flights fifteen
hours a day. Long distance
runs all over the country, we're testing
everything we can before July."
"I'm glad to hear it," Pat said.
And as Oona cleared the table and prepared to serve them apple pie
homemade vanilla ice cream, they heard footsteps on the porch, and
Cassie felt her heart stop.
She was looking at her plate, and she had
to force her eyes up to look at him as he came through the
door. She
didn't want to see him, but she knew she had to. And when she did, he
took her breath away. He
was more handsome than he had ever been, with
his jet black hair, brilliant blue eyes, and a dark suntan. She almost
gasped when she saw him, and then she blushed bright red, and no
moved or said a word. It
was as though they all knew what was coming.
"Did I interrupt something?" Nick asked awkwardly. He
could sense the
tension in the room, like another person. And then he saw Billy.
"Hiya, kid. How's it
going?" He strode around the room
to shake his
hand, and Billy stood up, grinning, his face still freckled, his
alight with pleasure to see him.
"Things are great.
What about you, Stick?"
"I'm starting to sound like a limey." And then, inevitably, he looked
down at her, and their eyes met.
There was a world of sadness in hers,
and a look of wonder in his.
He had missed her more than he had ever
wanted. "Hi,
Cass," he said quietly.
"You're looking good.
Getting ready for the tour, I guess." The last
newsreel he'd seen had talked about it, but it was five months
They were a little behind the times at Hornchurch, for obvious
He had done nothing but fly for the last year, every moment, every
every second. That and
pull the bodies of dead women and children from
burning buildings in London.
It had been a tough year, but he felt as
though he were being useful.
It was better than sitting here, picking corn from his teeth and
for mail runs to Minnesota.
Oona offered him dessert, and he sat down cautiously. He could sense
that he had interrupted something, or that they all felt awkward
him. Or maybe he just
imagined it. He wasn't sure, but he
amiably with Billy and Pat, and Cassie said nothing. She went out to
the kitchen to help her mother.
But she had to come back eventually,
while they all ate dessert.
She didn't touch her apple pie, even though
her mother knew she loved it.
Pat knew what was wrong with her.
And so did Billy. But Nick had
idea what had happened.
He lit a cigarette afterward, and stood up and stretched. He had lost a
lot of weight too, and he looked young and firm and lean and very
"Want to go for a walk?" he asked her casually.
But there was nothing
relaxed about the question.
He knew something was wrong, and he wanted
to ask her himself. For a
terrifying moment, he wondered if she'd
fallen in love with Billy.
Nick hadn't been home in almost a year, not
since Chris had died. It
was just an odd quirk of fate that he had come
back when she was here.
But as always, he was glad to see her. More than that, it filled his
soul with light and air, and all he wanted to do was kiss her, but
was holding back purposely and he knew it. He figured she was probably
mad at him. He had made a
point of not writing to her all year.
didn't want to lead her on.
He had meant what he said when he left her.
"Something wrong, Cass?" he asked finally, when they reached the stream
that ran along the far edge of her father's property.
She had said not a single word until then.
"Not really," she said softly, trying not to look at
him, but she had
to. She couldn't keep her
eyes from him. No matter what she had
herself that year about being ready to move on, about caring for
and his needing her, she knew without a doubt she was still in
love with
Nick, whether he loved her or not.
That was the way it was between them. But she would never have betrayed
Desmond. She remembered
her father's words when she'd told him she
wanted to marry Desmond.
And she was going to honor her marriage, if it
killed her. But it might,
she realized, as she looked up at Nick.
seeing him made her heart ache.
"What is it, sweetheart?
. . . You can tell me . . . whatever it is,
if nothing else, we're old friends." He sat down next to her on an old
log, and took her hand in his, and then as he looked down, he saw
The thin line of gold on her third finger, left hand. She hadn't worn
her engagement ring home this time, just her wedding band, that
said it
all, as his eyes met hers and she nodded. "You're married?" He looked
as though she had just hit him.
"I am," she said sadly, feeling, despite all her
explanations to
herself, and the fact that he had told her to move on, that she
betrayed him. She could
have waited. But she hadn't. "I got married
three months ago . . . I
would have told you . . . but you never
anyway . . . and I didn't
know what to say . . ."
Tears rolled slowly down her cheeks, and her voice caught as she
"Who? . . ."
Billy had looked very uncomfortable with her, and they
had come home together.
Nick had always felt they were right for each
other, and he was the right age.
It was what he had wanted for her, but
it hurt so damn much now thinking of it, it brought tears to his
"Billy?" he
asked in a choked voice, trying to sound noble, but this
time she laughed through her tears, and took her hand away gently.
"Of course not."
She hesitated for a long time, looking away, and then,
finally, back up at him.
She had to tell him.
There was an endless silence in the warm night air, and then a
shout of
disbelief, almost of pain, as he understood it. "Desmond Williams?"
As though there were ten others with the same first name. He stared at
her in outraged agony as she nodded. "For God's sake, Cassie .
. .
how could you be such a fool?
I told you, didn't I? Why the
hell do
you think he married you?"
"Because he wanted to, Nick," she said with a tone of
annoyance. "He
needs me. He loves me, in
his own way." Though she knew
better than
anyone that most of the time there wasn't room in his life for
more than
planes and papers.
"He doesn't need anything but a flight director and a
newsreel crew and
you know it. I haven't
seen a newsreel that's less than five months old
in a year, but I bet he's pumped the hell out of marrying you, and
you've spent more time posing for pictures than Garbo."
"It's five weeks before the tour, Nick, what do you
"I expected you to have more brains, to see him for what he
He's a charlatan and a bulls hitter, and I've said it since the
day I
met him. He's going to use
you until he's squeezed you dry, or fly you
till you drop, or wind yourself around a tree somewhere in a
that's too much for you.
He cares about one thing: publicity and his
goddamn aircraft company.
The man is a machine, he's a publicity
genius, and that's all he is.
Are you telling me that you love him?"
He was shouting at her, and she flinched as he stood right in
front of
her and cast aspersions on her husband.
"Yes, I do. And he
loves me. He thinks of me
constantly. He takes
care of . . . sure he
cares about his planes, and the tour, but he's
doing absolutely everything to protect me."
"Like what? Sending
you with waterproof cameras and a frogman crew?
Come on, Cassie, come off it.
Are you telling me he hasn't publicized
the hell out of your marriage?
I haven't seen any of it, but I'll bet
they have here. I'll bet
you tossed your bouquet right at the cameras."
"So what for God's sake?" He was closer to the truth than he knew, but
Desmond was always telling her to cooperate and be patient, that
press was an important part of their life, and her tour. But she was
sure he had not married her because of it. That was disgusting, and
hearing Nick say that made her angry. What right did he have to
criticize? He hadn't even
written to her.
"What do you care anyway?" she fought back.
"You didn't want me. You
didn't want to marry me, or write to me, or come home to me, or
offer me any hope if you did get back from the war. All you want to do
is play ace in somebody else's dogfight.
Well, go for it, flyboy.
You didn't want me. You told me
that. You
just wanted to smooch around with me while you were here and then
go off
to your own life. Well, go
for it. But I have a right to a life
And I've got one."
"No, you don't," he said viciously, "you have a
figment of your
imagination. And as soon
as the tour is over, and he doesn't need the
illusions anymore to feed the press, he's going to dump you so
fast your
head will spin, or maybe he'll keep you around and ignore
It was what he was doing now, but she knew it was because he had
so much
work to do before the tour.
She wanted Nick to be wrong.
Everything he said was unfair, because he was a sore loser and he
angry. And then he went on
to make it worse as he took another step
closer to her. He wanted
to yank her right off the log and into his
arms, but out of respect for her, he didn't. "I hear he keeps half a
dozen mistresses quietly stashed away, Cass. Has anyone told you that,
or have you figured it out for yourself yet?" He said it viciously, but
he also looked as though he believed it.
"That's ridiculous.
How would you know anyway?"
"Word gets around.
He's not the saint he appears to be, or the
husband," he said sadly.
He wished he had married her himself, but it
seemed so wrong to him when he left. It still did. But so did
being married to Desmond.
"The guy's a bastard, Cass.
He probably
doesn't love you at all.
Face it. He's a showman and a
con man. You
didn't marry him. All you
did was join the circus."
But hearing Nick say those things about Desmond frightened her so
all it did was make her want to strike out to stop him.
She reached back to slap him with all her strength, but he was
than she was. He grabbed
her arm and pulled it behind her, and then he
couldn't help himself. He
kissed her harder than he ever had, harder
than he would have dared at any other moment, but she wasn't a
girl anymore, she was a woman.
And without even thinking, she felt
herself respond to him, and for an endless piece of time, the two
to each other in unbridled passion. It was Cassie who finally pulled
away, with tears rolling down her cheeks. She hated what was happening
to them, hated herself for what she had done to him, but it had
so right at the time to marry Desmond. Maybe she was wrong.
But that wasn't the issue now.
The issue was Nick, and what they no
longer had a right to.
"Cassie, I love you," Nick said urgently as he held her
in his arms
again, but this time he didn't kiss her. "I always have, I always will.
I didn't want to ruin your life, but I never thought you'd do
this stupid . . . I
thought you'd wind up with Billy."
She laughed at
the idea, and sat down next to him on the log again, thinking
about the
mess she'd created. She
was in love with two men .
. . or maybe only one . .
. but she was obsessed with one, and married
to another.
"Being married to Billy would have been like marrying
Chris," she
laughed sadly.
"And being married to him?" he asked in a choked voice.
He wanted to
know now.
"He's very serious," she sighed, "everything he
does is for the tour
right now. I think he's
doing it for me. I don't know, Nick
. . . I
thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe I made a mistake. I
don't know."
"Cancel the trip," he said urgently. "Divorce him." He was panicking.
He would do anything. He
would marry her if that was what she wanted.
But every fiber of his being told him she was in danger.
"I can't do that, Nick," she said honorably. "It wouldn't be fair. He
married me in good faith.
I can't walk out on him. I owe
him too much
now. He's got so much
riding on this tour, he's invested so much in it,
not just the plane . .
." It didn't bear thinking about.
"You're not ready for it."
But she was. And she knew
it. "Yes, I am."
"You don't love him."
He looked suddenly so young and so vulnerable.
She wished she had waited for him, but she hadn't.
"I'm not in love with him.
I never was. He knew that. I told him
about you, and he accepted it.
But I do love him. He's been too
to me for me not to love him.
I can't let him down now, Nick."
"And afterward? Then
what? You're stuck with him
"I don't know, Nick.
There are no easy answers."
"They're as easy as you want them to be," he said
"That's what I said to you two years ago, Nick, before you
And you didn't listen to me either."
"Sometimes things seem more complicated than they are. We make them
that way, but we don't have to," he said wisely.
"I married him, Nick, for better or worse. Whether I loved you or not.
I can't abandon him, just because you say so."
"Maybe not," Nick said tersely, "but he'll abandon
you one day,
emotionally if not otherwise, when this is over. It's all for
publicity. You'll see,
Cass. I know it."
"Maybe. But until
then, I owe him something. And I'm not
going to
break my word, or betray him.
He is my husband. He deserves
than the two of us defiling him.
I won't do it."
He looked at her for a long time, and then seemed to sag as the
force of
her words hit him.
"You're a good girl, Cass. He's a lucky man. I
guess I've been a fool all along.
I thought I was too old for you .
. and too poor . . . and
too foolish. I was part right
anyway." And
then he couldn't resist a cheap shot, "How does it feel to be
married to
one of the richest men in the world?"
"No different than being married to you would have
been," she came back
at him quickly.
"You're both spoiled boys who want everything your own
way. Maybe all men are
like that, rich or poor," she said, meeting his
gaze, and he laughed at her.
She hadn't lost her spirit.
"Touche. I wish I
could be happy for you, Cass, but I'm not."
"Try. We don't have
any other choice." She had to live
up to the
choice she'd made. For all
their sakes. She was an honorable woman.
He nodded then, and eventually they walked back slowly, holding
hands in
the starlit night and talking.
He realized more than ever what a fool
he'd been, but he had made his decisions for her, and look what
happened. Her father had
been right. He had set her free, and
she had
married someone else. But
Desmond Williams . . . he hated
he knew about him.
And he was convinced to his bones that he was using Cassie. And she was
much too young and innocent to know it. He was forty years old and he
could read Desmond like the front page of the New York Times. And so
far, Nick didn't like the headlines.
Cassie said good night to him on the front porch, and they didn't
again. And it was only
after she had gone inside that Nick saw his old
friend, quietly sitting in a chair and watching.
"Keeping an eye on me, Ace?" Nick asked with a tired grin, and sat down
in a chair near him.
"I am. I told Cassie
months ago I'll not have her defiling her
"She's not going to.
She's a good girl. And I'm a
fool. You were
right, Pat."
"I was afraid I would be." And then, in the partnership among men, he
was honest with his old friend, the boy who had been his protege
another war, a quarter of a century before. "The worst of it for her is
that she still loves you.
You can see it. Is she happy
with him?"
Pat asked him conspiratorially.
"I don't think so.
But she thinks she owes him everything."
"She owes him a lot, Nick.
There's no denying it."
"And if she gets hurt?"
Nick didn't want to say "killed" to her father.
But it could happen, and they knew it. "What do we owe him then?"
"It's the risk we all take, Nick. You know it. She knows
what she
wants and she knows what she's doing. The only thing she's not sure
about is you."
"Neither am I. I still wouldn't have married her by now. I didn't want
to leave her a widow."
He laughed emptily then.
"I thought I was too old for her, but hell, he's almost as
old as I am."
"We're all fools. I
almost didn't marry Oona thirty-two years ago.
thought she was too good for me, and my mother told me I was
She told me to go for the brass ring. I was right. She is too
good for
me . . . but I love the
girl . . . to this day, I've never
regretted a
single day of our marriage."
It was more than he had ever said to her,
and the advice was too late for Nick. For now anyway.
But if Nick was right about Desmond tossing Cassie aside, maybe
she'd be
free again someday. It was
hard to say now.
They sat on the porch together and talked for a long time, and
noticed when they stood up that Pat was a little breathless.
That was something new for him, and Nick didn't like it.
"You been sick, Ace?"
"Ahh . . . nothing
much . . . a little influenza, a little
cough .
. I'm getting too fat, Oona's cooking's too good. I get breathless
sometimes. It's
"Take it easy," Nick said with a worried frown.
"Tell yourself," Pat laughed at him, "shooting
Jerries all day.
I'd say you've got a lot more to worry about than I do."
Nick nodded, grateful for the things Pat had said to him about
"Good night, Ace. See
you tomorrow."
Nick walked all the way back to his shack, and everything in it
dusty. He hadn't been home
in a year, but it felt good to be there.
Everything felt good to him, except the fact that Cassie was
He still couldn't believe it.
He lay in his familiar bed that night,
aching for her, unable to believe that she belonged to someone
else now
. . . that sweet face . .
. the little girl he had loved so much was no
longer his, and never would be again. She was Desmond's. And as
fell asleep that night, the tears rolled slowly from his eyes and
his pillow.
T he weekend at home turned out to be difficult for both of them.
Cassie made every effort to stay away from Nick, but their world
was too
small. And they kept
running into each other everywhere, at the house,
at the airport, even at the grocery store when she did some
shopping for
her mother. And he tried
to be respectful of her, for her sake, if not
for Desmond, but it was impossible. They wound up in each other's arms
again the night before she left.
It was the night of her twenty-second
He'd had dinner with her and her family. And all through the meal, they
were inexorably drawn to each other like magnets.
They knew it was their last night to see each other, and there
never be another chance again.
The very thought of that made them
"We can't do this, Nick," she
said after kissing him longingly.
"I promised Dad I wouldn't.
And I can't do it for me . . .
or to
Desmond." And the way
the press followed her around, all she needed was
a scandal. They had tried
to get pictures of everyone at the airport
today, but Nick had disappeared discreetly into his shack until
photographers left and then he emerged again, and she was
She knew that Desmond would have been very upset to see Nick in
pictures. She hadn't told
him Nick was home when she called him.
"I know, Cassie . . .
I know." Nick didn't argue with
her. He didn't
want to hurt her. They sat
on the porch and talked. Her parents
gone to bed an hour before but they hadn't said anything when Nick
stayed to talk to Cassie.
She was leaving the next day and it was their
last chance to be together.
"Are you sure you're ready for the tour? Billy says your plane is heavy
as hell."
"I can handle it."
He didn't argue with her about it this time. "Is your route safe?"
"It better be.
Desmond works on it every night until midnight."
"That must be fun for you," he said smartly, and then he
smiled at her
ruefully. "Damn
fool. You could have had Bobby Strong
and be selling
onions, and what do you do?
You marry the biggest tycoon in the
country. Can't you do
anything right, Cass?" he teased
and she
laughed. There was nothing
laughable about it, but if they didn't
laugh, they'd cry. Just in
the few days that they'd both been in town,
it was obvious to both of them that they were cursed with loving
other forever. Each time
they met, or looked into each other's eyes,
the power of what they felt for each other brought them
closer. There
was no escaping it. And
Cassie realized now that it wasn't something
time would change.
She and Nick were part of each other. They always would be.
There was no denying it anymore.
She had never loved Nick more, and now
she had to live with the agony of loving Nick and not wanting to
But on this last night, they both knew this was their only chance
to be
together, and perhaps their last one. He was returning to the war to
risk his life again, and she was taking every chance possible,
across the Pacific. It was
too late for games, or even anger anymore.
They just had to live with what they'd done. They had both been
foolish, and they knew it.
"What are we going to do, Cass?" he asked unhappily, as they looked at
a full moon in a starry sky.
It was a perfect night to be in love, but
their story was no longer simple.
They both longed for the early days
when they had spent hours together at the deserted airstrip. They could
have done anything then.
And instead, they had made such stupid
choices, he to fight another war, and she to marry a man she cared
but didn't love. She knew
only too well that despite all her loyalty to
Desmond, Nick was the only man she loved or ever would. Maybe one day
it would change, but it hadn't yet, and she didn't think it would
for a
long time, if ever. She'd
been kidding herself when she married
Desmond, and now that she saw Nick again, she knew it.
"I wish I were going back to England with you," she said
"So do I. There are no women flying in combat over
there. Not yet
anyway, but the limeys are pretty open-minded."
"Maybe I should run away and join the R.A.F," she said,
only half
serious. She couldn't see
how she was going to live her life now.
In a
way, she was grateful for the tour. At least it would keep her busy,
and away from Desmond.
"Maybe I never should have gone in the first place," he
said, surprising
her totally. And listening
to him worried her. If he lost heart
he could get hurt. She had
heard too many stories like that, of men who
lost their girlfriends or their wives, and then got killed in
"It's too late to say that now," she scolded him,
"you'd beKer pay
attention to what you're doing."
"Look who's talking," he laughed, thinking of what she
was facing in
barely more than a month.
The thought of her tour still worried him
sick, as he invited her to take a walk with him, and they walked
from her parents' house toward the airport. It just seemed to act like
a magnet for them. He told
her what England was like for him, and she
told him about the tour, and their route across the Pacific.
"It's a damn shame the war won't let you do a proper
one. I'd feel
better than with those long stretches across the
Pacific." But that was
where the glory was right now, and they both knew that.
They were at the airport while they talked of it, and almost
thinking, they wandered toward the old Jenny. It was a warm night, and
the moon was so bright, they could see easily across the airport.
"Want to go for a ride?" he asked hesitantly. She
had a right to tell
him to go to hell, but they both knew she didn't want to. She wanted to
be alone with him for a while, and forget her other life, and the
that they had to leave each other again tomorrow.
This time maybe forever.
"I'd like that," she said softly. And without another word, she helped
him push the plane out, and do their ground check. They sailed into the
midnight sky easily, with all the familiar sounds and feelings.
But there was something different about doing it at night. They were in
their own world up there, a world full of stars and dreams, where
no one
else could touch or hurt them.
He hesitated only briefly at the old airstrip where they used to
and brought the little plane down easily in the moonlight.
And then he shut the engine off, and helped Cassie from the plane.
They had no idea where they were going, they just knew they needed
to be
together now, in their own world, away from everyone. And here it was
so peaceful. Without
thinking, they both wandered toward the place
where they used to sit and talk for hours. She felt so much older now,
and so much sadder. Her
brother was gone, and she had lost all hope of
being Nick's now.
It was here that he had kissed her for the first time, and told
her he
loved her. It was the day
he had told her he was joining the R.A.F.
And they'd been making bad decisions ever since then.
"Don't you wish you could turn the clock back
sometimes?" she asked,
looking up at him as he watched her sadly.
"What would you do differently, Cass? Then, I mean?"
"I'd have told you how much I loved you a long time ago. I never
thought you'd care because I was just a kid. I thought you'd laugh at
me." She looked
beautiful as he watched her standing beside him.
"I thought your father would have me arrested." It was strange to
realize now that Pat wouldn't have disapproved of him, and they
loved each other for so long.
And now she was married to someone else,
it was all so crazy.
"My father might have you arrested now," she smiled,
"but not then, I
guess." But she
wasn't even sure he'd object now. He knew
how much
they loved each other, even though this was exactly what he had
told her
he didn't want her doing.
But he had softened so much over the years.
He was her closest friend now.
Especially now that Nick was gone. Her father had been surprisingly
understanding about everything she'd done. It still surprised her.
They walked over to their old familiar log, and the grass was
Nick took the old flight jacket off, and let her sit on it, and
then he
sat down beside her and took her in his arms and kissed her. They both
knew why they had come here.
They were grownups now. They
didn't need
permission, or have to tell lies.
Not tonight at least. They were
because they loved each other, and needed something to take away
"I don't want to do anything dumb," he said as she
nestled close to him,
and he worried about her.
It was the same worry he had had about her
when he left for England.
But things were just different enough now to
warrant the risk, and in an odd way, this time he almost hoped
leave her pregnant. Maybe
then she'd have to leave Desmond.
And as she lay down beside him, and felt his powerful arms around
as he kissed her, she wished the same thing. But within moments, their
future paled in comparison to their present.
She felt hot flames shoot through her as they kissed, and within
minutes, her silvery flesh shimmered next to his in the moonlight.
It was a night that neither of them would ever forget, and they
knew it would have to sustain them for years, maybe forever.
"Cassie . . . I love
you so much . . ." he whispered tenderly,
holding her, feeling her body next to his in the warm night air.
She was more beautiful than he'd ever dreamed as they lay with their
clothes scattered in the dew around them. "I was such a fool." He lay
on his side, looking at her, carving each moment in memory. In the
moonlight, she looked like a goddess.
"I was a fool too," she whispered sleepily, but right
now she didn't
care, as long as she could lie in his arms and be near him.
This was all she wanted.
For this one moment in time, this was all that
"Maybe one of these days, we'll both get smart . . . or lucky," he
said, but he doubted it.
It was all too complicated now.
All they had
was this. Tonight. In the silver moonlight.
They lay side by side for a long time, and they made love again
before sunrise. They had
both fallen asleep, and awoke in each other's
arms, aching for each other in the balmy morning.
The sun came up, smiling down at them, and this time he watched
graceful limbs kissed not by silver, but by the golden light of
And afterward, they held each other close for a long time, wishing
could stay there forever.
When they flew back to her father's airport, the sky was streaked
pink and gold and mauve, and they both looked peaceful as they
tied down
the Jenny. She turned to
him then with a long, slow smile. She
regret anything they'd done.
This was their destiny.
"I love you, Nick," she said happily.
"I'll always love you," he answered, and then he walked
her back to her
parents' house. They
belonged to each other now.
Theirs was a bond that could not be broken.
Her parents' house was quiet as they stood outside. It was still early,
and no one was up as Nick held her in his arms, and stroked her
trying not to think of the future, or Desmond Williams. They stood
there for a long time, not wanting to leave each other as he
kissed her
again, and she told him again and again how much she loved him.
He left finally when he heard her parents get up and move
around. They
had no regrets. They
needed each other's strength to go back to their
lives, with all the terrors and challenges they would be facing.
"I'll see you before I go," she promised him in a
whisper, and then she
pulled him close to her again, and kissed him on the lips with
softness. He wondered how
he would ever leave her again, or watch her
go, especially knowing that she was going back to her husband.
"I can't let you go, Cass."
"I know," she said unhappily, "but we have
to." They had no choice now,
and they knew it.
He left her then and she walked slowly into the room she'd lived
in as a
child, thinking of him, and wishing things were different.
She showered, and dressed, thinking of Nick, and then she had
with her parents. And as
Nick had seen earlier, she noticed that her
father was having trouble breathing. But he insisted it was nothing.
And as soon as they were finished eating, her father drove her and
to the airport. She
promised to call her mother frequently before the
tour, and maybe even to fly back once more if she could.
But she wondered if Desmond would let her. Seeing her father look so
pale made her think she ought to.
Nick was in the office when they arrived, and he looked at her
long and
hard as they said good-bye, and then he walked out to their plane
them, chatting idly with Billy.
But every moment, Cassie could sense
him close by, she could feel the satin of his flesh on hers, and
exquisite pleasure. The
real bond they shared was time and love and
caring, but with passion added to it, Cassie knew now that the
flame of
her love for him would burn forever.
"Take it away, you two," Nick admonished them, thinking
of the tour
again. "Watch out
that she doesn't fly into a tree somewhere," he
warned Billy, and then shook his hand, while Cassie did their
checks, and he watched her.
Nick couldn't keep his eyes from her, and
she loved feeling him near her.
She kissed her father then, while Billy settled in, and then there
no escaping it. It was
time to say good-bye to Nick. Their eyes
and held, their hands touched, and then he pulled her into his
arms and
kissed her gently in front of the others. He didn't care anymore. He
just wanted to be sure she knew he loved her.
"Take care, Cass," he whispered into her hair after he
kissed her.
"Don't do anything crazy on that tour of yours." He still wished she
wouldn't go but he knew he couldn't stop her.
"I love you," she said softly, with eyes full of tears
that told him
everything she felt for him and mirrored everything he felt. "Let me
know how you are sometime."
He nodded, and she stepped up into the
cockpit as he squeezed her hand for the last time. It was almost
impossible this time to leave each other. Pat was watching them, sorry
for both of them. But he
said nothing to reproach them.
Her father and Nick were still standing there as they taxied down
runway in the huge Williams Aircraft plane she'd borrowed from
Once off the ground, she dipped her wings at them, and then they
gone. Nick stood staring
at the sky for a long time, long after Pat had
walked back into the airport, long after her plane had left the
sky. All
he could think of now was lying beside her in the moonlight.
And in a way, he was relieved that the next morning, he'd be going
to the war. He couldn't
stand being here now without her.
She and Billy didn't talk much on the flight back to L.A. Her
mother had
given them a thermos of coffee, and some fried chicken. But neither of
them was hungry. Her eyes
told a thousand tales, but he didn't ask her
any questions for the first two hours. And then, finally, he couldn't
stand the silence any longer.
"Eow do you feel?"
She knew what he was asking her, and she sighed
before she answered.
"I don't know. I'm
glad I saw him. At least he knows
She was filled with hope and despair all at once. It was hard to
explain it to Billy. At
least Nick knew about Desmond now, but in some
ways their time together had only made it harder for her to go
back to
"How did he take it?"
"As well as he could have.
He was furious at first. He said
a lot of
things." She
hesitated and then looked at her friend grimly.
"He thinks Desmond married me as a publicity stunt to make
the tour more
appealing to the public."
"Is that what you think?" he asked pointedly, and she thought about it
and hesitated. She didn't
want to think that. "Sounds like
sour grapes
to me. Maybe it's hard for
Nick to admit to himself that the guy really
loves you." But did
he? He was so cool to her now, so
involved in the
tour, and nothing else about her.
What if Nick was right, she wondered.
It was hard to know, hard to see clearly, especially after the
she'd spent with Nick at the old airstrip.
But she knew for certain that she had to put that out of her mind
She wanted to be fair to Desmond.
And she had to think of the tour.
She could work the rest out later.
But thinking of the tour reminded her again of everything she owed
Desmond. Nick wasn't being
fair, and she didn't believe that Desmond
had other women. He was
completely driven by his work, he was obsessed
with it. In a way, that
was their biggest problem. That, and
Galvin. But she was
returning to L.A. determined to play fairly.
wouldn't allow Nick to cast a shadow of doubt on their marriage.
But from the moment she returned, Desmond did everything Nick had
predicted. All he did was
talk about the press, and the Pacific tour.
He didn't even ask about her weekend with her parents. And in spite of
herself, she found herself suddenly suspicious of Desmond's
and his constant love affair with photographers and
newsreels. She
questioned him about some interviews he had scheduled for her,
at the necessity of it, and the tensions between them were
"What exactly is it you're complaining about?" he snapped at her
nastily at midnight on the day after she got back from her
She was exhausted from flying a twelve-hour day, followed by five
of meetings. And he had
ended her day with a bevy of reporters and
photographers to take her picture.
"I'm just tired of falling over photographers every time I
get out of
bed, or climb out of the bathtub.
They're everywhere, and I'm tired of
it. Get rid of them,"
she said pointedly, with a look of irritation.
"What is it that you're objecting to?" he said angrily. "The fact that
you're the biggest name in the news, or that you've been on the
cover of
Life magazine twice this year?
What exactly is your problem?"
"My problem is that I'm exhausted, and I'm tired of being
treated like a
show dog." Nick's
warnings were affecting her. And she
realized that
she was suspicious of Desmond.
But she really was tired of reporters.
And Desmond very clearly didn't like being challenged. He was furious
with her. After another
hour of arguing pointlessly, he moved into the
small guest room off his study.
He spent the rest of the week sleeping
and working there, claiming he had too much work to do to move
back into
their bedroom. But she
knew he was punishing her for complaining.
But in a way it was a relief, and it gave her time to sort out her
confusion. Being with Nick
hadn't made things any easier, but she knew
that part of that was her own fault.
Eventually, things calmed down again with Desmond. Tensions were high,
and their nerves were raw because of the pressures of the tour,
but he
apologized to her for being "testy." He tried to explain the value of
the press to her again, and she decided that Nick was wrong about
There was a certain truth to what Desmond was saying. Publicity was an
important part of the Pacific tour, and he was right, there was no
accomplishing it in silence.
Desmond was a decent man, she knew. He just had very definite opinions.
And he obviously knew what he was doing.
But in spite of their peace treaty over the press, some things
improve. For months now,
they had had no love life whatsoever.
than once, she had wondered if there was something wrong with him,
with her, but she would never have dared to ask him. All he thought
about was the tour. The
budding passion of their honeymoon was long
since forgotten. She knew
that some of that had made her more
vulnerable to Nick. But
she also knew that her love for Nick was
something Desmond had no part in.
But her lack of physical relationship with Desmond made it hard
Cassie to feel close to him, and sometimes she wished she had
someone to
talk to. She thought of
saying something to Nancy Firestone, but ever
since her marriage to Desmond, Nancy had put a very definite
between them. It was as
though she felt uncomfortable being friendly
with Cassie since she was the boss's wife now. But with no friends
except Billy, and Desmond so cool, it made Cassie feel lonelier
In spite of whatever tensions existed, everything moved ahead on
schedule. They were within
a week of the tour, and they were ready.
Photographers followed her everywhere chronicling her last week
the trip, every action, every meeting, every movement. She felt as
though she was spending her entire life smiling and waving. There was
no privacy, no quiet time with Desmond.
Everything was the Pacific tour, and the endless preparations for
This was her only life now.
It was also getting very exciting for all of them. Cassie could hardly
sleep anymore. And they
were down to five days when Glynnis called her
late one afternoon, and reached her at the airfield. Cassie was
surprised to hear from her, and wondered if anything was wrong.
"Hi, Glynn . . .
what's up?"
"It's Dad," she answered quickly. She started to cry before she could
say another word, and a vise of steel clutched Cassie's heart as
listened. "He had a
heart attack this morning. He's in
Mercy Hospital.
Mom's with him." Oh
God . . . no . . . not her father.
"Is he going to be okay?" Cassie asked her oldest sister quickly.
"They don't know yet," Glynnis said, in tears again.
"I'll come home as soon as I can. Tonight. I'll tell
Desmond and start
in a little while."
Without a moment's hesitation, Cassie knew she had
to be there.
"Can you do that?"
Glynnis sounded worried, but she knew she had to
call her. They had told
her at first that her father wasn't going to
make it. But in the last
hour he had stabilized, and they were
cautiously hopeful.
"When do you leave on the tour?"
"Not for five more days.
I've got time, Glynn. I'm coming
. . .
I love you . . . tell Dad
I love him . . . tell him to wait
. . .
not to go . . . please
. . ." She was sobbing.
"I love you too, baby," Glynnis said, in the strong
voice of her older
sister, "I'll see you later.
Fly safely."
"Tell Mom I love her too." They were both crying as she hung up the
phone, and then she went to tell Billy what had happened, and that
was going home to see her father.
Without hesitating for an instant, he
said he'd go with her.
They were inseparable these days, like Siamese
twins. They had become
like each other's shadows in the six months of
training. Sometimes they
even seemed to know what the other was
"I'll meet you back here in half an hour. Do me a favor. Gas up the
Phaeton. I'm going to go
tell Desmond." But she knew he'd
Cassie thought. He knew
how much her father meant to her.
But when she got to his office, she was in for a surprise.
"Of course you're not going," he said coldly. "You've got five days of
training and briefings left, two press conferences, and we have to
the final course according to the weather."
"I'll be back in two days," she said quietly. She couldn't believe he
was arguing with her about something this important.
"You will not," he said firmly, as Miss Fitzpatrick
slipped out of the
room discreetly.
"Desmond, my father had a heart attack. He may not survive it."
Obviously, he didn't understand, Cassie thought. But he did.
"Let me make myself clear, Cass. You're not going. I am
ordering you
to stay here." He
sounded like an air marshal in a war.
It was
ridiculous. He was her
husband. What was he talking about?
She looked at him in confusion.
"You're what?"
He repeated himself for her benefit and she stared at
him. "My father may
die, Desmond. I'm going home to him,
whether you
like it or not."
Something hardened in her eyes as she said it.
"Against my wishes, and not in one of my planes," he
said coldly.
"I'll steal one if I have to," she said furiously. "I can't believe
you're saying these things.
You must be tired, or sick . . .
wrong with you?"
There were tears in her eyes, but he was immovable.
The tour meant everything to him.
More than her father. Who was
man she had married?
"Do you have any idea how much money is riding on this tour?
Do you care?" he spat
at her.
"Of course I care, and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize
it, but this
is my father we're talking about.
Look, I'll be back in two days.
I promise." She tried
to calm down again, and remind herself that they
were both under a lot of pressure.
"You're not going," he repeated coldly. This was ridiculous.
What was he trying to do to her?
As she looked at him, she started to
"You have no choice!"
she shouted at him, losing control finally.
"I'm going! And
Billy's coming with me."
"I won't allow it."
"What are you going to do?" She stared at him with new eyes suddenly.
She had never seen him so heartless. He had never been cruel to her
before. This was a new
insight into Desmond. "Fire us
both? Isn't it
a little close to the trip, or do you think you can replace us?" She
was not amused by his behavior.
"Anyone can be replaced.
Eventually. And let me explain
something to
you, Cass, while we're on the subject. If you don't come back, I'll
divorce you, and sue you for breach of contract. Is that clear? You
have a contract with me for this tour, and I intend to hold you to
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Who was he?
If he meant
what he was saying, the man was a monster.
Her mouth opened as she listened to him, but no sound came out. Nick
had been right. All that
mattered to him was the tour.
He didn't care about her or her feelings, or the fact that her
was dying. He would have
divorced her for canceling the tour. It
incredible. But so was
everything he had just said to her.
She walked slowly to his desk, and looked at him, wondering if she
knew him. "I'll fly
the tour for you. Because I want to.
But after that, you and I are going to have a serious
He didn't answer her, and she turned around and walked out of his
office. She was
threatening the only thing in his life he cared about,
his precious Pacific tour.
But the real shock was that it meant more to
him than their marriage.
She said not a word to Billy as she climbed into the plane, and
signed the plane out properly.
She suddenly felt like an employee and
nothing else. Her face was
taut and angry as they took off, and Billy
watched her. She had
wanted to fly, so he didn't offer to take the
controls. It kept her mind
occupied while she tried not to worry about
her father, but he could see that she did anyway. But she looked angry
more than worried, and he wondered what had happened.
"What did he say?
. . . about our going, I mean
. . ."
"You mean Desmond?"
she said icily and he nodded.
"He said he'd
divorce me if I didn't do the tour. And he'd sue me for breach of
contract." It had to
sink in for a minute before Billy reacted.
"He said what? He was
kidding obviously."
"He was not kidding.
He was deadly serious. If we
cancel, he's going
to sue the pants off us.
Me, anyway. Apparently, the tour
means a
little more to him than I thought. This is the big time, Billy.
investments, big money, big stakes, big penalties if we blow it. Maybe
he'll sue our families if we crack up his plane for him," she
sarcastically, as Billy listened in amazement. She sounded angry and
bitterly disappointed.
"But you're his wife, Cass." He was confused by what she was saying.
"Apparently not," she said miserably, "just an
employee." He had
disappointed her terribly.
But then again, families were not his forte.
"I told him we'd be back in two days. We're in deep shit, kid, if we
aren't." She grinned
at him. They were in it now, up to
their ears,
but at least they were together.
She was grateful he had come with her.
He was truly her only friend now.
"We'll be back in time.
Your dad'll be fine." He
tried to reassure
But when they got to Mercy Hospital, Pat was anything but
fine. Three
nuns and a nurse were standing at his bedside, and a priest had
given him the last rites.
All of his children and grandchildren were
there, and Oona was crying softly.
Cassie cleared the kids out first, she sent them outside with
She knew he could manage them, he was like the pied piper with
kids, and
one of her brothers-in-law volunteered to go with him. And then she
hugged her mother, and talked quietly to her sisters. Pat wasn't
rallying, and he hadn't regained consciousness since Glynnis
called her.
The doctor came to talk to her a few minutes after that, and he
that he was doubtful now that Pat would make it.
Cassie couldn't believe what she was hearing, or what had happened
him. She had seen him only
four weeks before, and he hadn't looked
great, but she'd had no idea that he was this sick.
Apparently, his heart had been giving him trouble for a while, but
ignored it, despite Oona's pleadings.
Cassie and her mother and all three of her sisters sat with him
night, and by morning there was still no improvement. And it was only
late the following day that he regained consciousness, and smiled
briefly at Oona. It was
the first sign of hope they'd had, and two
hours later, he opened his eyes again and squeezed Cassie's hand
told her he loved her. All
she could think of then was how much she had
loved him as a little girl, how good he had always been to her,
and how
much she had loved flying with him . . . she thought of a thousand
things . . . a hundred
special moments.
"Is he going to be okay?" she asked the doctor when he came by that
afternoon, and he said it was still too soon to tell. But after another
sleepless night for all of them, miraculously, the next morning,
as the
nuns kept silent vigil with them, saying their rosaries, he
and the doctor said he was going to make it.
It was going to be a long haul, and he predicted two months of
rest, most of it at home in bed, and after that, with any luck at
he'd be a new man. But
he'd have to take care of himself, not smoke so
much, and cut out the whiskey and Oona's homemade ice cream. It was the
greatest relief in Cassie's life as she stood crying in the
hallway with
her sisters. Her mother
was still in the room with him, breaking the
news to him about the ice cream.
"Who's going to run the airport?" Megan asked as they stood in the
hallway. Pat had no
assistant these days, and ever since Nick and Cass
and Billy had been gone, all the responsibility had fallen on his
shoulders. The doctor
thought it had probably contributed to the
problem. There was no one
else around to help him handle the airport.
"Do you know anyone?"
she asked Billy in an undertone.
He had stood
staunchly by them for two days, just as Chris would have. He was almost
like their son now. But he
didn't know anyone to help out either.
lot of the younger pilots who used to float around had volunteered
the R.A.F after Nick did.
"I'm stumped," he said, as she looked at him. They were due back in
L.A. that night. They were
leaving on the Pacific tour in three days.
As Billy looked at her, he read her mind, or he thought he did,
but he
couldn't believe she would do it.
"You're not thinking what I think
you're thinking . . . are
"I might be."
She looked at him seriously. It
was a big step.
Particularly after what Desmond had said before they left. A very big
step. A final one
possibly. But the only one, as far as
she was
concerned. And if he
wanted to divorce her for that, let him.
This was
her father. "You
don't have to stay with me though. You
can go back so
he doesn't get mad at you."
Things were going to get rough once she
told him.
"I can't go without you," he said calmly.
"Maybe he'll get someone else." She was being naive, and Billy knew it,
even if she didn't. After
all the publicity she'd had for the past
year, and all the careful orchestration, it would never have had
same impact without her, and Desmond knew that.
"What are you going to do?" Billy asked worriedly. He
didn't want her
to get hurt by her decision, but he also knew what her father
meant to
her, and what her priorities were. There was no doubt about what she
was going to do, just about how she was going to do it.
"I'm going to call him and tell him to postpone it. He doesn't have to
cancel it. Just postpone
it. All I want is two months, three
max, so
Dad can get back on his feet, and I can stay here and run the
"I'll stay with you.
Possibly permanently," he grinned.
"We may both
be out of a job in about ten minutes." But it was more than a job to
her, he realized. For
Cassie it was her marriage. But after
threats the day before, she wasn't sure if she had a marriage
or if she'd ever had.
Maybe Nick had been right about him all along, or
maybe Desmond had just let the emotions of the moment get away
from him,
and by now he was sorry.
Interestingly, he had not called Cassie once,
at home, or at the hospital, since she'd left. She hadn't heard a thing
from him in two days. And
when she called him five minutes later from
the hospital switchboard, Miss Fitzpatrick answered her with a
tone of
ice and went to get him.
He came on the line to her almost immediately, and she was sorry
the lack of privacy in the hospital lobby, but it couldn't be
She had to tell him as soon as possible, and she didn't want to go
the way to the airport to talk to him from her father's office.
"Where are you?"
were his opening words.
"At the hospital in Good Hope. With my father." As
though he didn't
remember. He did not ask
her about his father-in-law, or how she was.
For all he knew, her father was dead by then, but he didn't
about him. "Desmond,
I'm sorry to have to do this."
"Cassie, I'm not going to listen to what you're telling
me," he said in
a tone of icy fury.
"Remember what I said to you when you left, and
remember that I meant it."
She paused only long enough to catch her
breath, and remind herself that this was a man she had married
four and
a half months before. It
was suddenly difficult to believe it.
He was
everything Nick had said he was, and wasn't.
"I remember everything you said perfectly," she shouted
at him across a
poor connection. "And
I seem to remember marrying you.
you've forgotten. There's
more to life than world tours. I'm not
a machine, or a flyboy in a dress, or one of your employees. I'm a
human being with a family and my father almost died two days
ago. I'm
not leaving him. I want
you to postpone the tour for two or three
months. I'll go in
September or October. You figure out
when. Make
whatever adjustments you have to for the weather and the
course. I'll
do whatever you want. But
I'm not going three days from now. They
me here.
I'm not leaving."
"You bitch," he shouted at her, "you selfish little
bitch! Do you know
what I've put into this, not only in money, but in time and love
effort? You have no idea
what this means to me, or to the country.
All you're interested in is your own pathetic little tawdry life
your seamy little family, and your father's embarrassing little
airport." He spoke
with utter contempt for her, and for them, and she
couldn't believe what she was hearing. What a heartless bastard he was
to even say things like that to her. It was almost impossible to
believe it. And as she
listened to him, she felt a physical pain as she
realized that she and Desmond Williams had never had a marriage.
She had just been a tool to get him what he wanted.
"I don't care what you call me, Desmond," she shouted
across the lobby,
indifferent to who heard her anymore. "Postpone the trip, or cancel it.
It's up to you. But I'm
not going now. I'll fly anything you
want in
the fall, but I'm not going in three days. I'm staying with my father."
"And Billy?" he
asked furiously. He wanted to fire both
of them, but
he knew he couldn't.
"He's staying here with me, with my tawdry little family, at
embarrassing little airport.
And I won't fly it for you next time,
Desmond, without him.
You've got us, if you want us.
But later.
Let me know what you decide.
You know where to reach me."
"I'll never forgive you for this, Cassie."
"So I gather."
And then she couldn't help asking.
"What exactly is it
you're so angry about, Desmond, as long as I've agreed to do it
"The embarrassment, the postponement. Why should we have to put up with
this childish garbage from you?"
"Because I could have gotten sick . . . because I'm human.
That's it, why don't you just tell the press I'm sick or
She laughed shallowly, knowing that it was beyond impossible, at
moment. "Tell them
I'm pregnant."
"You don't amuse me."
"I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm not finding you very amusing either. In
fact, I'm finding you very disappointing. Call me, when you decide what
you're doing. I'll be at
the airport for the next two months.
Call me anytime," she said with tears in her eyes, and then
hung up on
him with a bang. She had
wanted to tell him she was sorry for
postponing the trip, but he had treated her so abominably that in
end she hadn't. She was
sorry to have to postpone it, she knew it was
hard on everyone involved, but she just couldn't let her father
now. He had always been
there for her, and now she wanted to be there
for him. But there were
tears of anger and defeat in her eyes when she
hung up the phone, and her hands were shaking. And as she put the
receiver back in the cradle she happened to glance at the old nun
was running the switchboard.
She was smiling at her, and she gave her a
sign of victory from her seat at the switchboard.
"You tell 'em," she growled. "America loves you, Cass.
They can wait
another two or three months.
Good for you for staying with your father.
God bless you."
Cassie smiled gratefully at her, and went back to report to Billy.
"What did he say?"
he asked anxiously.
"I'm not sure yet. I
told him to postpone it, and said that we'd fly it
for him in September or October.
He called me a lot of rude names.
I wouldn't exactly say he was pleased. And I told-him you were staying
here with me, and that I wouldn't fly the next one without
you. It's a
package deal." Billy
whistled at the courage she had shown, and he
patted her shoulder.
"But listen, if you want to go back, I understand.
You can even fly it for him yourself if you want to."
There was a lot she needed to think about now. About the trip, about
her marriage, about everything he had said to her, and the things
hadn't. He had exposed
himself to her completely. There were
not many
illusions left. After four
and a half months, their marriage was over.
In reality anyway, but not in the papers.
What she hadn't counted on was Desmond arriving in Good Hope the
day, and bringing with him over a hundred reporters and two
crews. He announced right
from the steps of Mercy Hospital that due to
circumstances beyond their control, the Pacific tour was being
until October. He
explained that his father-in-law was critically ill,
and Cassie couldn't leave him.
She would be running her father's
airport for him for two months, and then training again for the
tour in
September. He caught her
completely by surprise and he proved once and
for all that he was everything Nick had said he was.
He was a total fake and a bastard. And through it all, he pretended to
care deeply about her father.
But he hadn't even told her he was coming. He had just showed up at the
hospital, asked for her, and when she came out to see him, looking
surprised, she found him waiting with a lobby full of
reporters. He had
set up a full press conference on the hospital steps, without even
warning her. And she
looked haggard and exhausted and unprepared, which
was exactly what he wanted.
He wanted America to feel sorry for her, so they would forgive her
canceling the tour. But
there was no question of it. They would
forgive her anything. It
was Desmond who wouldn't. She was so
overcome, and so tired, and so emotional, and so angry at him,
that she
ended up crying when the reporters asked her about her
father. It was
exactly what Desmond wanted.
And when the press had left, he walked her outside and explained
to her
in no uncertain terms what he expected from her.
She had exactly two months "leave," as he put it, from
the tour.
On September 1, she was to come back to L.A. to train again and
briefings, and on October 4 they would leave on the same course,
some slight adjustments for weather. Any variation from that plan, or
any failure on her part to appear in Los Angeles, as agreed, would
result in a lawsuit. And
to be sure she understood perfectly, he had
brought contracts with him for her and Billy to sign, and he
her that he was flying back the plane she had arrived in.
"Anything else? Would
you like my underwear or my shoes? I
think you
paid for them too. I left
my engagement ring in L.A but you're
certainly welcome to it, it's yours. You can have my wedding ring too."
She slipped it off her shaking hand, and held it out to him with
trembling fingers.
Everything that had happened in the past few days
was a nightmare. And he
looked at her now, totally devoid of emotion.
He was a man who felt nothing for anyone, not even the girl he had
"I suggest you leave it on until after the tour, so as not to
cause any
gossip. You can dispose of
it quietly after that, if you like.
That's up to you," he said coldly.
"That's what this was all about then, wasn't it? It was all about a
publicity stunt for the tour.
America's sweetheart and the big tycoon.
Why did you bother? And
what happened to you? Why are you so
to expose yourself now?
Just because I postponed it? Is
that such a
sin? I know it's
inconvenient, and expensive to change plans.
But what
if we'd had a problem with the plane . . . or I got sick . . .
what if I did get pregnant?"
"There was never any danger of that, I can't have
children." He hadn't
told her that either. He
had let her think that it was an option, that
they would have them one day, when she was ready.
She couldn't believe how totally he'd misled her, and how willing
he was
now to admit it. He had
shown his hand to her completely. But
didn't care. All he wanted
from her was the tour; he knew that he could
sue her, and destroy her publicly if she didn't do it. The stupid thing
was that she didn't care what he did to her. All she cared about was
that he had lied to her.
He had asked her to marry him, told her he
loved her, pretended he cared about her. He didn't care about anything
except his tour, and the planes he would sell as a result. And the
publicity he would derive from organizing it from start to finish.
"What do you want from me?" She looked at him sadly.
"I want you to fly.
That's all I ever wanted from you.
I want you to
fly. And I want everyone
to fall in love with you. Whether or
not I
did was never important."
"It was important to me," she said with tears in her
eyes. She had
truly believed him.
"You're very young, Cassie," he said quietly. "One day you'll be happy
you did this."
I "You didn't have to marry me to make me fly the tour. I'd have done
it anyway."
"It wouldn't have had the same impact on the public," he
said without
embarrassment. His
marriage to her had been totally calculated.
wondered if he had ever cared for her for a single moment. She felt
totally stupid now, gullible and used. It was embarrassing to think of
their physical relations.
Even their honeymoon had probably been a
sham. And everything after
that had been business anyway. He
wasted much time on romance.
"You never took the tour seriously. Your postponing it now just proves
that. I probably should
have picked someone else, but you seemed so
perfect." He looked
at her as though she had cheated him and she stared
at him in amazement.
"I wish you had picked someone else," she said, and
meant it.
"It's too late now.
For both of us. We have to go
through with it.
We've all gone too far now."
"We certainly have."
She looked at him pointedly. Or
at least he had.
He had nothing else to say to her, no apology, no regrets, no
words of
comfort. He just told her
to be in L.A. on schedule on September first,
and she and Billy signed their contracts. Desmond drove back to the
airport then, and an hour later he was gone. He had gotten what he'd
come for, their sworn promise, and a round of publicity using
again. By the following
week, the entire country knew about her
father's heart attack, they'd seen her cry, they sympathized
It only made the tour more exciting.
And at Mercy Hospital, her father was bombarded with flowers and
and get-well cards. They
had to give them away to other patients, and
then start taking the floral arrangements away in trucks, to other
hospitals and churches.
Cassie had never expected a response like that.
But Desmond had. As usual,
he had known exactly what he was doing.
He kept feeding them stories regularly, and gave interviews from
about how hard Cassie was working, and what progress they had made
her plane. But
interestingly, in August, one of the engineers
discovered a potential flaw in one of the engines.
They were doing wind tunnel trials at the California Institute of
Technology when the engine burst into flame, and it caused untold
to her airplane. It could
be repaired, the press was told, but it had
been providential that the tour had been delayed and she'd had to
home with her father. The
first Cassie heard of it was when she read
the newspaper to Billy, and he whistled.
"Nice, huh? How would
you have liked to be peeing on your number-one
engine over the Pacific?"
she said with a raised eyebrow.
"Give me enough beer, and I can do great things,
Captain." He grinned,
and she laughed. But they
were both concerned, and they spoke to the
engineers several times over it.
Everyone assured them that the problem
had been taken care of.
It was a tough summer for her.
She was still in shock over everything
that had happened with Desmond.
She thought of Nick a great deal, and
she wanted to write to him, but she wasn't sure what to say
now. In a
funny way, it was hard admitting that Desmond was as bad as Nick
he was. It made her sound
so pathetic. In the end, she just wrote
him about her father, and said that the tour had been postponed,
that she'd always love him.
She decided to tell him the rest later, the
next time she saw him. She
thought of volunteering for the R.A.F too,
but she didn't want to think about that until after the Pacific
Maybe afterward, in November, she could fly over to see him. They
hadn't heard from him in two months, though that wasn't unusual. The
war in Europe was raging on and they could only assume he was safe
they hadn't been notified otherwise. She missed him constantly, and
read everything she could about the air war in England.
Most of the fun had gone out of the tour for her. To be doing it under
threat was very different from doing it for love, or as a shared
project. But she knew it
would be interesting anyway, and now all she
wanted to do was get it over and done with. She could get on with her
life then.
Her father made steady improvements after he went home. He lost some
weight, he stopped smoking, and seldom drank, and he looked
and stronger day by day.
And by the end of August, he came back to the
airport. And he seemed
better than ever. He was amazed at all
that she
and Billy had done, and grateful to him for staying with her. But it
was his daughter who had won his heart, more than ever. She was a rare
and marvelous girl, he said to everyone, she had postponed the
tour just for him, as though they hadn't heard it. And she had told him
nothing of her problems with Desmond. Nonetheless he had sensed long
since that something was bothering her, and he wondered if it was
or something else. It
wasn't until the night before she left that she
finally told him.
"Is it Nick that's bothering you, Cass?" He knew she was haunted by the
man, and he was worried about how close they had obviously still
the last time she saw him.
He was sorry things hadn't worked out for
them. But she couldn't
have waited for him indefinitely if Nick had
told her not to. Pat had
tried to tell him it was a mistake, setting
her free like that, but young people never listen. Not that Nick was so
young anymore. He was old
enough to know a thing or two.
But like most men, he was foolish when it came to women. "You can't
pine for him, Cassie.
Not married to another man."
She nodded, loath to tell him the truth.
She was so ashamed of her own bad judgment. Desmond had taken her in
"There's something you're not telling me, Cassandra
Maureen," her father
prodded her, and in the end, in spite of herself, she told him.
And he was stunned at what she said. It was everything Nick had warned
them of and predicted.
"He was right, Dad.
"What are you going to do now?" He wanted to kill the man.
What a rotten trick to pull on a girl like her, to exploit her so
totally for his own gain and glory.
"I don't know. Fly
the tour, obviously. I really do owe
him that. I
wouldn't back out on him, though I don't think he knows that. I'll do
it. And then"--she
took a breath, there weren't many choices--"we'll
get divorced, I guess. I'm
sure somehow he'll make it look as though I
did something terrible.
He'll manipulate the press somehow to his
advantage. He's much more
complicated than I realized. And a
whole lot
"Will he give you anything?" her father wondered. He
was a very rich
man, and he could have paid her handsomely for her disappointment.
"I doubt it. I'll
make my fee for the tour. He was going
to reduce it
because of the postponement, but he didn't. He considers that a major
gift. I don't need more
than that. I don't want anything from
He's been generous enough."
And she could live for years on the career
he had helped her achieve, that was payment enough. She wanted nothing
more from Desmond.
"I'm sorry, Cassie.
I'm so very sorry." He was
deeply distressed by
what he'd heard from her, and they both agreed not to upset her
"Just take care of yourself on the tour. That's all that's important
now. You can sort the rest
out later."
"Maybe I'll fly bombers to England when I come back, like
Cochran." That June,
she had co-piloted a Lockheed Hudson bomber to
England, proving once and for all that women could fly heavy
"Oh be gone with you," her father rolled his eyes with a
groan, "flying
bombers to England. You'll
give me another heart attack. I swear,
you'll make me rue the day I ever took you up in an airplane. Can't you
do something ordinary for a while, like answer phones somewhere,
cook, or help your mother clean house?"
But he was teasing her, and she knew it. He knew there was no hope of
her giving up the skies now.
"Fly safely, Cass," he warned her before
she left. "Be
careful. Watch everything, with all
your senses." He
knew she was good at that.
He had never seen a better pilot.
And the next morning when she left, they all cried at seeing her
go, and
knowing the danger of the Pacific tour. And Cassie and Billy cried
right along with them. Pat
and another pilot flew them to Chicago, and
Billy and Cassie flew back to California commercially from
there. It
was pleasant actually, for a change. The Sky girls made a big fuss over
her, and she and Billy sat and talked about their month of
It had been peaceful for them, hanging out together at the airport
summer, just like the old days, only better. They were older now.
They had interesting days ahead.
And in spite of Desmond, Cassie was
getting excited about the tour.
"What are you going to do about a place to stay when you get
back to
Newport Beach?" Billy
asked her quietly as they flew back.
"I haven't thought of that.
I don't know . . . I can't stay
at a
hotel, I guess." She
suspected Desmond wouldn't like that, because of
the scandal. But she
couldn't imagine staying in his house with him
after everything that had happened. He hadn't called her once in the
past two months, and the only letters from him were from his
lawyers or
his office.
"You can stay with me, if you want. If anyone finds out, we can say
it's for training. What do
you think?" Billy offered.
"I think I'd like to," she said honestly. She had nowhere else to go
She went home with him that night, with some clothes she'd brought
Illinois, and some flight overalls. And she went to work with him the
next day, in his old jalopy.
With all the money he made, Billy still
hadn't bought himself a decent car, and he didn't plan to. He loved his
old Model A, even though at least half the time it never started.
"For a guy who flies the best airplanes in the sky, how can
you drive a
car like this?" she
asked at three-thirty in the morning.
"Easy," he grinned.
"I love it."
They were hard at work by the time the sun came up, and they
finish until late that night.
They were also scheduled for a practice
night flight. Cassie
didn't even see Desmond until the second day, and
only then because she ran into him in a hangar near his
office. She was
surprised to see him there, but he was giving someone a tour, and
dropped by to see her afterward.
He wanted to make sure she wasn't going to say anything
inappropriate to
the press. And he was no
nicer to her than he had been the last time
she saw him.
"Where exactly is it you're staying?" He had suspected she wouldn't
come back to him, and he didn't really care, as long as she kept
quiet. He had packed up
all her things and put them in storage in coded
boxes in one of the hangars.
The only thing he didn't want was for her
to create a scandal. But
he also knew her well enough to know she
wouldn't. She had too much
integrity, too much pride. She wanted
to do
the Pacific tour for him, and do it right. She had no desire to do
anything to hurt him.
"I'm staying with Billy," she said with a dignified
look, wearing one of
her old flight suits.
"Just be discreet about it," he said coldly. But he knew better than
anyone that at this point even a tiff reported by the press
really hurt them.
"Obviously. I don't
think anyone even suspects that I'm staying at
Billy's." She had
thought about calling Nancy Firestone before that,
but Cassie had been embarrassed to ask to stay with her and
Jane. They
weren't close anymore, and Billy had invited her to stay at his
The one thing she couldn't have done was stay at a hotel. That would
have wound up instantly in the papers, unless Desmond was there
her, which of course he wasn't.
Oddly enough, she ran into Nancy Firestone later that day, right
she had run into Desmond.
Nancy was leaving work, and Cassie was
running out to grab something to eat for herself and Billy, before
coming back for a night of meetings.
"It's getting close, isn't it?" Nancy said with a smile. Everyone at
Williams Aircraft was counting the days and the minutes. And Cassie
looked tired and strained as she smiled and nodded. Seeing Desmond at
the end of a long day hadn't done anything to lift Cassie's
He was so unkind to her, so cold, it was impossible to imagine
there had ever been anything more than bus iI ness between
them. But at
least Nancy was warmer to her than she'd been in a long time, and
it was
good to see her.
"It's getting very close," Cassie smiled. "How's Jane? I miss her. I
haven't seen her in ages."
"She's fine."
The two women stood looking at each other for a long
moment, and Cassie suddenly realized that Nancy was looking at her
strangely. She looked as
though she wanted to say something to her, but
she wasn't sure. And for
an instant, Cassie wondered if she had ever
done anything to offend her, if that was why Nancy had been so
after Cassie had married Desmond.
Or maybe she'd just felt awkward with Cassie's new position. The
thought of it almost made Cassie smile. If that was what had bothered
her, she could relax now.
"We should get together some time," Cassie said warmly,
trying to be
friendly in memory of old times.
It was Nancy who had made her feel at
home when she'd first come to Los Angeles and was so lonely.
But Nancy only looked at her now, as though she couldn't believe
Cassie was saying.
"You still don't get it, Cass, do you?"
"Get what?"
Cassie felt like a fool, but she had too many other things
on her mind to want to play guessing games with Nancy.
"He's not what you ever thought of him. Very few people know him as he
is." Cassie stiffened
at the oblique mention of Desmond. She
about to get lured into discussing him with Nancy. As far as anyone
knew, he was still her husband.
"I don't know what you mean," Cassie said coolly,
looking the other
woman over. And suddenly
she realized that there was a great deal more
here than she'd ever seen.
There was anger, and jealousy, and envy.
Was Nancy in love with him?
Had she been jealous of Cassie?
suddenly realized how naive she'd been, about all of them. It seemed as
though none of them had been what they'd pretended.
"I don't think we should be talking about Desmond,"
Cassie said quietly.
"Unless you'd like to discuss it with him directly."
sibility " Nancy said with a superC didn't stay with you for
long It was
bad you never figured that out, Cass" But what did she know b
ll of it?
What had Desmond told bl h d as she shrugged a shoulder- It s I
Where I come from peop married for other reaSons has taken with
And you mig hi if you'd played your cards right- B i th kids ore
anything, Cass, bored him."
And then, as Cassie looked at her, she
understood what she was saying.
She understood all of it, and how
vicious they had been to her, how rotten.
And you don't, Nancy? Is
that it?
Id pear not But then again, I'm a littl lay the game better than
you do
d h t game is that?"
Cassie wanted to f doing exactly what he wants,
when h way he wants it."
To Cassie it so service business and not a
marriage "Is that your contract with him? Is that how you got your d he
college education for Janie?
I al y But I guess maybe there s more to '
This was exactly what Nick had mean h d i tresses whom he paid
handsomely d d hat ever he wanted- For Cassie around. And suddenly Ca h
irked her In a way if it hadn t been ing, it might almost have
d is very generous with me But I don b him Nancy said coldlY, lo
king g
ing to marry me. He's
never going t g h k ws I'm here for him.
And he
s goo k out very well for both of us. Bu , listening o v his needs
Cassie wanted to reacn vu i h ou when he was maned to me?
ngled voice, terrified by the conversation Where do you think he
went at
g ki ? And why do you think he wasn you? I told you, Cassie, he doesn't
like playing games with child h ' t as evil as you think- He
didn't th l
eping with you, or misleading you to. Everything was for the tour.
In some ways, Desmond is a purist The bastard." The words escaped
Cassie without any thought B t as she looked at Nancy she suddenly
I h d
all been a game. For both
of them p ifi tour and the grander sCheme of
g airplanesh had been just one small part o P d all the while he'd
sleeping w had been so cool to her once they m b for a little
NanCY had even b Id r than Cassie, and not nearly as pretty.
just a little bit afraid he might fall she eyed her carefully, and
pleased to see the older woman squirm at the question.
Not really. 'We talked
about it. You're really not his type
Actually, given everything I know I'd say that's a comPll~ C i
looked at
her coolly And then she ll bl to the opponent. "You re not alon, y ,; h
only one with an arrangement w d i ry confidently and it was easy
to re
than a little nerVous Her d ended on her ''arrangement with
"What's that
supposed to m
"There are others like you . . . with houses . . . with
contracts . . . with
arrangements . . . Desmond's not a man
to be
satisfied with one woman."
Cassie was rewarded with a look of terror.
"That's ridiculous.
Who told you that?"
"Someone who knows.
He told me that there are quite a number of others.
You know, kind of like a little competition."
"I don't believe you."
But her words reeked of bravado.
"I didn't believe any of it, Nancy. I do now though. Nice to
see you,"
she smiled. "Say
hello to Desmond." And with that,
she hurried back
into the building. She
didn't want anything to eat anymore.
Nancy Firestone had ruined her appetite. She felt sick when she went
back to find Billy in the hangar.
"Where's my dinner?"
They both had to be in a meeting in less than half
an hour, and he was starving.
"I ate it on the way back," she quipped, but she was
looking deathly
pale. He noticed it immediately
and was worried.
"You okay, Cass? You
look like you've seen a ghost. Did
someone call
about your dad?" I
"No, he's okay. I talked to my
mother this
"So what happened?"
She hesitated for a long moment, and then sat down
in a chair, and told him about Nancy Firestone, and everything
told her.
"That sonofabitch," he commented through tightened
lips. "He really
plays quite a game, doesn't he?
Too bad he has to go around ruining
other people's lives. It
would be nice if he stuck to his own kind."
"I guess he does, at least some of the time." Nancy Firestone had
certainly not been the friend she'd thought her. "All I want to do
after the tour is leave L.A and go home for a while. I think I've about
done it here. This is a
little racy for me." She looked
drained as she
looked up at him and he nodded.
He felt sorry for her, she didn't
deserve this.
And for Cassie, it explained why they never made love anymore and
he'd never had any real interest in her after the honeymoon. He had
just gone on seeing Nancy, and God only knew who else. Maybe she was
lucky he hadn't bothered spending time in bed with her. Maybe she'd
have felt worse now if they had.
She suspected she would have.
she felt now was betrayed, and more than a little foolish. The worst
part was that she had really believed him. The bastard.
"So what do we do now?"
Billy asked, worried about her.
He kept
wondering if, because of Desmond's betrayal of her, she would throw
the towel, with or without a contract. But she didn't do things that
way. She had every
intention of finishing what she'd started.
Billy admired her for it.
"We finish the race, kid.
That's what we came here for.
The rest was
all icing on the cake anyway." And for Cassie, for a while now, the
cake had been poisoned.
But nobody had ever called Cassie O'Malley a
"Good girl."
Billy gave her a hug, and took her out for a quick dinner.
But she hardly touched it.
There was a press conference every week after that, and Desmond
made a
point of being friendly to her publicly. There was lots of bantering,
some funny little stories about her, and a small show of
affection. It
was all very touching, if you didn't know what was really
And it was surprisingly believable, to anyone who didn't know
Cassie seemed more serious than previously, but that was easily
explained by the pressures of the upcoming tour. She had an important
task set before her. She
was training hard, and Desmond reminded the
press frequently that she had spent the entire summer taking care
of her
"How's your dad, Cass?"
one of the reporters asked her.
"He's doing great."
And then she thanked America for their gifts and
cards and letters.
"It really helped him. He's
flying again, with a
co-pilot now," she said proudly. They ate it up. Just the
way they ate
everything Desmond had fed them.
She knew the game now. And Billy
marveled at how good at it she was when he watched her.
"You okay?" he
asked her in an undertone after one of their press
conferences. Desmond had
been particularly nice to her, and Billy could
see afterward that he had really upset her.
"Yeah. I'm
okay," she said, but he knew how hurt she was.
And how betrayed she felt.
She hated the hypocrisy of it, the pure sham
of it. She had nightmares
at night. And once from the next room,
he slept, he heard her crying.
She never saw Desmond alone again, until the night before the
tour. There had been a
huge press conference that afternoon, and she
and Billy had gone out for a quiet dinner at her favorite Mexican
restaurant afterward.
When they got back, Desmond was waiting for them. He was sitting in his
parked car, and when he got out, he let Billy know he wanted to
talk to
"I just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow. I'll see you there before you
take off, but I wanted you to know that . . . well, I'm sorry things
didn't really work out the way we planned." He was trying to be
magnanimous, but the way he did it made her very angry.
"What exactly did you plan?
I was planning to have a life, and a
husband and children."
He was planning to have a world tour, and a
mistress, and a cardboard wife he'd drag out for newsreels.
"Then you should have married someone else, I guess. I was looking for
a partnership. And not
much more than that. This was
business. But
isn't that what marriage is, Cassie?" He tried to make it sound as
though things just hadn't worked out, and not as though he had
lied to
her about everything, including being sterile. She could have lived
with that, she could have lived with a lot of things, if he'd been
honest with her. But they
both knew he never had been.
"I don't think you have any idea what marriage is,
"Maybe not," he said without embarrassment. "To tell you the truth,
it's not something I've ever really wanted."
"So why bother? I
would have flown this for you, without all the
nonsense, the lies . . .
the wedding . . . You didn't have to go
far. You used me,"
she said, relieved that she had finally had a chance
to say it.
"We used each other.
You're going to be the biggest star in aviation
there ever was two months from now. And I put you there. In
one of my
planes. It's a wash,
Cass. We're even." He seemed pleased with
himself. It was all he
wanted. She meant nothing to him. She never
had. That was the hard
"Congratulations. I
hope you enjoy it as much as you thought you
"I will." He was
sure of it. "And so will you. And so will Billy.
We all win on this one."
"If everything goes right.
You're assuming an awful lot," she said
"I have a right to.
You're flying a remarkable plane, and you're a
great pilot. It doesn't
take more than that. Except Lady Luck,
some fine weather."
He looked at her long and hard, willing her to do
right by him, but offering her nothing in return except glory and
Love wasn't part of his scheme of things. He didn't have it in him.
"Good luck, Cass," he said quietly.
"Thanks," she said, and walked upstairs to Billy's
"What did he want?"
Billy asked suspiciously. He was
worried that
Desmond might have said something to upset Cassie.
"Just to wish us luck, I guess. In his own way. There's
no one in
there . . . I finally
figured that out . . . the man's
empty." It was truer
than she knew. There was no soul to
Williams. Only greed and
calculation, and an unfailing passion for
airplanes, never people.
She was just a tool, no different from a
wrench to tune the engine.
She was a vehicle to success, nothing more,
a cog in one of his machines, and in fact, a very small one. He was the
puppeteer, the designer, the spirit behind it.
In his eyes, she was nothing.
CHAPTER he North Star took off, right on schedule, on the morning
October 4, as planned, with a crowd of hundreds watching. The cardinal
of Los Angeles blessed the plane.
There was champagne for everyone, and
she took off into the horizon on a circuitous route that was
designed to
break distance records, and accommodate the vagaries of world
at the moment.
They flew south first to Guatemala City, covering two thousand two
hundred miles at one gulp, without refueling. And when they arrived,
they checked their maps, the weather, and spent some time
the area, and talking to the locals. People were fascinated by the
plane, and flocked to the airport to see them.
Desmond had done his homework well. People all over the world knew of
Cassie's journey.
The press were waiting for them en
masse at the
Guatemala City airport, along with ambassadors, envoys, diplomats,
politicians. There was a
marimba band playing, and Cassie and Billy
posed for photographs. No
one had gotten as much attention since
Charles Lindbergh.
"Not a bad life, huh?"
Cassie teased him as they took off for San
Cristobal in the Galapagos the next day, a mere eleven hundred
which took them just over three hours in the extraordinary plane
Williams Aircraft had built them.
Desmond had gotten his first wish
this time. They had just
set a record for speed and distance.
"Maybe we should just stop somewhere for a vacation,"
Billy suggested,
and she grinned as they were met by Ecuador ian officials,
military personnel, and local natives. There were more photographers,
and the governor of the islands invited them to dinner.
The trip was going beautifully, and they spent a day there,
checking the
plane over carefully, and checking maps and weather again. Things
couldn't have looked better.
From the Galapagos, they flew another twenty-four hundred miles to
Easter Island in exactly seven hours. But this time they met with
unexpected winds, and narrowly missed breaking the record.
"Better luck next time, kid," Billy joked with her as
they taxied down
the runway at Easter Island.
"That husband of yours is liable to burn
our homesteads down if we don't get him some more
records." They both
knew that Desmond had an eye on the Japanese who had been working
on a
plane for the past year which could fly nonstop from Tokyo to New
a distance of nearly seven thousand miles, but so far they had
encountered nothing but problems, and hadn't even made it as far
Their first test flight was scheduled only a year from now. And Desmond
had every intention of beating them to it, which was why these long
distances across the Pacific interested him so greatly.
l They found Easter Island a fascinating place while they
refueled. It
was filled with innocent, beautiful people and intriguing mo ai
There were stories that went back to prehistoric man, and
Cassie would have loved to explore if she'd had the time to stay
They stayed on Easter Island for only one night, to rest up for
the long
leg the following day to Papeete, Tahiti. And this time they managed to
just barely shave the record.
They traveled two thousand seven hundred
miles in seven hours fourteen minutes, without a single problem.
Landing in Tahiti was like arriving in Paradise, and as Billy
looked out
at the girls lined up along the runway in sarongs, waving at them
carrying leis, he let out a whoop of glee that brought Cassie to
of laughter.
"My God, they're paying us to do this, Cass? Oh, baby, I don't believe
"Behave yourself, or they're going to put us in jail if you
go out there
looking like that."
He was practically panting and drooling.
He was like a big funny kid, and she loved flying with him. More
importantly, he was an outstanding navigator and a brilliant
In fact, he had picked up a noise he didn't like just after they
off from Easter Island.
And after paying suitable homage to the local
girls, he wanted to come back and check it out. When they cabled home
that night, they mentioned it, but assured everyone that it was by
means a serious problem.
They were giving them daily reports of their
progress, and were relieved to be able to announce that they had
broken another record.
In Papeete, almost everyone spoke French, and Billy spoke just
enough to
get by. There was a dinner
given by the French ambassador for them, and
Cassie apologized that she had nothing to wear but her flight
Someone lent her a beautiful sarong instead, and she wore a big
flower in her hair when Billy escorted her to dinner.
"You sure don't look like Lindy to me," he said
admiringly, putting an
arm around her as they walked from their hotel to the
embassy. But the
relationship between them was strictly one of brother and
sister. And
as they walked along the beach afterward, talking about the trip,
said sadly that she wished Nick could be there. Papeete was a magical
place, and the people were wonderful. It was the most beautiful place
she'd ever seen, and she resisted any comparison to her honeymoon
Mexico. That was a memory
she wanted to forget now.
She and Billy sat on the beach late that night, talking about the
they'd met, the things they'd seen. The dinner at the embassy had been
impressively civilized, and even in a sarong she felt somewhat out
place, though less so than she would have in her wrinkled flight
"Sometimes the things we do still stagger me," Cassie
said with a smile,
fingering the flower she'd worn in her hair that evening.
"I mean how did we get so lucky? Look at the plane we're flying all
over the world . . . the
people we meet . . . the places we go
. .
it's like someone else's life .
. . how did I get here? Do you
feel like that, Billy?"
She felt so young sometimes, so old at others.
At twenty-two, she felt like she'd had a lot of good luck, and not
bad luck, all things considered.
But that was the way she saw things.
"I'd say you paid a high price for this trip, Cass . . . higher than I
did," he said seriously, thinking of her marriage, "but
yeah, I feel
like that. I keep waiting
for someone to grab me by the scruff of the
neck, and say 'hey, what's that kid doing here? He doesn't belong
" "You belong here," she said warmly. "You're the best there is. I
wouldn't have done this without you." The only other person she could
think of who she would have liked to fly it with was Nick.
Maybe some day.
"It's gonna be over too soon, you know that, Cass. I thought of that
when we got here. Zip
. . . it's over . . . gone .
. . you plan and
practice and sweat for a whole year, and then whoops . . . ten days .
. . it's over." They
were almost halfway there already, and Cassie felt
sad thinking about it. She
didn't want the trip to end so quickly.
They walked slowly back to their hotel after that, and she said
something to Billy that surprised him. "I guess I should be grateful to
Desmond for all this . . .
and I am . . . but in a funny way, it
doesn't seem like his trip now.
He told all those lies, and did all his
scheming, but it's our trip.
We're doing it. We're here. He isn't.
Somehow, all of a sudden, he doesn't seem all that
important." It was a
relief for her, and Billy was glad she wasn't tormenting herself
the rotten deal she'd gotten from her erstwhile husband.
"Forget him, Cass.
When we go back, all of that will be history.
You'll have all the glory."
"I don't think the glory is ever what I wanted," she
said honestly. "I
just wanted the experience, to know I could do it." But not enough to
ruin someone's life for.
"Yeah, me too," he agreed, but he was also realistic
about the
hullabaloo that would come later.
"But the glory won't be bad either."
He smiled boyishly and she laughed, and then looked at him
"I was going to file for divorce before we left, but I
decided to wait
until after the trip, just in case some nosy reporter got wind of
I didn't want to screw things up by moving too soon. But all the papers
are ready and signed."
She sighed as she remembered going to the
lawyer's office. It had
been a painful experience telling him what had
"What are you going to get him on?" Billy asked with interest.
He could think of at least half a dozen things, none of them
starting with adultery, and ending with breaking Cassie's heart,
if that
was officially grounds for divorce now.
"I guess fraud, for a start.
It sounds terrible, but the lawyer says we
have grounds." And
then of course there was Nancy. "I
think we're
going to try to come to some quiet, mutual agreement.
Maybe a divorce in Reno, if he'll agree to it. At least then it would
be over quickly."
"I'm sure he will," Billy said wisely. And then they left each other
for the night, and met again over breakfast on the terrace the
"What do you say we tell them they can have their plane back,
and we
just stay here?" He
smiled happily at her, eating an omelet and
croissants, and a big cup of strong French coffee, all served by a
sixteen-year-old native girl with a breathtaking figure in a
"You don't think you'd get bored?" She smiled as she sat down next to
him. She liked it here
too, but she was excited about moving on, to
Pago Pago, and then Howland Island.
"I'd never get bored," he said, smiling up at the girl
and then glancing
happily at Cassie. "I
think I'd like to end my life on an island.
about you?"
"Maybe." She
looked unconvinced, and then she smiled at him over
coffee. "I think I'll
probably end my life the way I started it, under
the belly of an airplane.
Maybe they could build me a special
"Sounds great. I'll
build you one."
"Maybe you'd better check out the North Star first."
"You mean I can't lie on the beach all day?" He pretended to look
shocked, but half an hour later, they were both going over the
with a fine-tooth comb in all seriousness. The jokes were over. And
predictably, the photographers, and the visitors, came to watch
They were carrying a huge load of fuel on the North Star, and very
little else except emergency supplies, a radio, life jackets, life
They had everything they needed.
And the temptation was great at each
stop to bring home souvenirs from their travels. But they had no room,
and they didn't want to weigh the plane down with a single ounce
anything that was not absolutely essential.
They shared a quiet dinner that night at the hotel, and watched an
extravagantly gorgeous sunset, and then they took a walk on the
and went to bed early. And
the next morning, they took off for Pago
They made it in four and a half hours, and this time broke no
But it was easy flying, all except for a small noise Billy thought
heard in one of their engines.
It was the same thing he'd heard the day
before, and it was oddly persistent.
Pago Pago was a fascinating place, though they only spent one
night, and
they spent most of it at the airport. Billy wanted to find the cause of
the noise that had been bothering him, and by midnight he thought
located it. It was
annoying him, but he was still convinced it wasn't a
major problem.
They cabled home again, as they did from every stop, and in the
they left for Howland Island.
They had already covered more than nine
thousand miles, and in Cassie's mind they were almost there,
there were still more than three thousand miles between them and
Honolulu. But they had
already done more than half the trip, and
knowing they were approaching Howland, where most people believed
Earhart had gone down, made her nostalgic.
"What are you going to do after all this?" she asked Billy as they
shared a sandwich two hours out from Pago Pago. The woman at the place
they'd stayed had been very nice, and had insisted on giving them
basket of fruit and sandwiches, which turned out to be delicious.
"Me?" Billy
thought about it. "I don't know
. . . invest my money
somewhere, maybe like your father did. I'd like to run a charter
service somewhere. Maybe
even someplace crazy like Tahiti."
He had
really loved Papeete.
"What about you, Cass?"
They had nothing but time on their hands, as they shared the
basket of
food, and flew over the shimmering Pacific.
"I don't know. I get
confused sometimes. Sometimes I think
this is it
for me . . . planes . . . test flights . . . airports .
. .
that's all I want . . .
other times I wonder if I should do other
things, like be married, and have kids." She looked sad for a moment,
looking out at the horizon.
"I thought I had it worked out with
Desmond, but I guess not.
I don't know," she shrugged, "I guess I'll
have to refigure it when we go home. I sure didn't win on this one."
"I think you had the right idea, wrong guy. It happens that way
sometimes. What about
"What about him?"
She still didn't have any of the answers. He had
been so adamant about not marrying her before, but maybe now,
Desmond, it would be different.
She still hadn't told him. And
knew when she'd see him again?
Who knew anything now, except what they
were doing right now. For
the moment, life was very simple.
The stop at Howland was very emotional for her because of Amelia
Earhart. She and Billy
were carrying a wreath to drop from the plane
just before they reached the island.
Billy opened a window for her, just as they came in to land, and
dropped it with a silent prayer for the woman she had never known
admired all her life. She
thanked her for being an example to her, and
hoped she had had an easy death, and a life that was worthwhile to
Looking at lives like hers, it was hard to know what people felt,
or who
they really were. Now that
Cassie had been devoured by the press, she
knew that most of it meant nothing. But she felt an odd kinship with
her idol as she and Billy landed quietly after a
flight. It was so simple
for them. It had gone so easily. Why
couldn't it have been that way for Amelia Earhart?
Billy patted her knee as the plane came to a stop; it was easy to
all that she was feeling, and he loved her for it.
At Howland, there were photographers waiting for them, courtesy of
Desmond Williams. And the
expected parallels were drawn between Cassie
and Amelia Earhart.
They were only planning to spend one night, before the nearly
two-thousand-mile flight to Honolulu. And it was there that Desmond had
planned ceremonies and events, awards and honors, press conferences
films, and even a demonstration of the North Star to the Army at
Hick am
Airfield. It sounded
exciting to both of them, but it was also a little
scary. Everything was so
much simpler here. In some ways it
would be
the last night of peace they had for a long time. And Cassie hated the
prospect of seeing Desmond again.
Just thinking about it depressed her.
She was quiet when they had dinner alone that night, and with what
ahead of them, Billy wasn't surprised, that and the fact that she
still feeling emotional about Earhart.
"It's scary going back to all of it again, isn't
it?" she said after
dinner, sipping a cup of coffee.
"Yeah . . . and
exciting." It was less complicated
for him, he didn't
have the strain of her history with Desmond. "It'll all be over soon,
in a great flash of light," he beamed, "like a Fourth of
July firework
display, now you see it, now you don't, catch the shooting
star. We'll
be famous for a minute, and then gone," he said prophetically,
someone else flies farther and faster."
But they'd be remembered for a long time. Their fame wouldn't be gone
as quickly as he thought.
Desmond was right about some things, and what
they were doing was important.
"This time tomorrow night, we'll be in Honolulu, Miss
O'Malley," he
said, toasting her with a small glass of wine. He only had a few sips,
knowing that the next day he'd be flying.
"Think of the fanfare, the excitement." His eyes danced and she smiled
"I'd rather not. I go
pale thinking of it. Maybe we should
just go
back, and surprise them by going home the way we came.
Now there's a thought."
She laughed at the idea and he shook his head,
amused by her. They always
had a good time together.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Williams, my pilot was confused, well, you
know how it
is . . . she's just a girl
. . . girls can't really fly, everyone
knows that. . . actually,
she had the map upside down . .
." They
were both laughing, amused at their own schemes, but the next day,
they took off, some of what she'd said proved to be prophetic.
They hit an unexpected lightning storm two hundred miles out, and
assessing the situation, and the winds, they agreed to go back to
Howland Island. And as
they attempted to land, it grew to a tropical
storm of surprising proportions, and Cassie couldn't help
wondering if
this was what had happened to Noonan and Earhart. But she had her hands
full bringing the plane down in ferocious winds that almost blew
off the island. In the
end, they came down hard and fast in a
crosswind, and almost missed the runway. It took everything she had to
bring the North Star down, and when they stopped, they were within
inches of landing in the water.
"May I remind you," Billy said casually to her as she
fought to turn the
plane around, "that if you drop this airplane in the drink,
we're going
to be in serious trouble with Mr.
She couldn't help but laugh at his warning, and she wasn't
sorry to spend another night on Howland. It was far from an exciting
place, but at least her life was peaceful. Perhaps for the last time.
She couldn't imagine what it would be like for them after
By late that night, the storm had calmed down but they discovered
the next morning that it had damaged their direction finder beyond
repair. She and Billy both
felt it was safe to fly on anyway, but they
radioed ahead to Honolulu that they would need a new one upon
The day was sunny and bright as they left early for the
eighteen-hundred-mile flight to Honolulu.
But three hundred miles out of Howland, they ran into another
It seemed to be a problem with one of their engines.
Billy was checking for an oil leak, with a quiet frown, and she
watching him, checking their gauges.
"Want to go back?"
she asked calmly, keeping her eyes on her
"I'm not sure yet," he answered, still puzzled.
He played with one of the engines for a while, listening, fixing,
adjusting, and after another hundred miles out, he reassured her
everything was in control.
She nodded and kept a close eye on the
instruments, she wanted to be sure she agreed with him.
Cassie left nothing to chance, which was why she was so good.
Billy appeared to be a lot more casual than she was, but he was
extraordinarily careful.
And he had an uncanny sixth sense about
flying, which was why she loved flying with him. They were a perfect
She changed her course slightly after that, to avoid some heavy
ahead, and what looked like rough weather. And it was early afternoon
when he looked out at the autumn sky, and then at her
compass. "Are you
sure we're heading right?
It feels off to "Trust your compass," she
said, sounding like an instructor, as she smiled at him. It was the one
instrument she always trusted and the only reliable information
had, since both the sextant and the direction finder had broken in
"Trust your eyes . .
. your nose . . . your guts . . . and then your
compass." He was
right, as it turned out. With a brisk
wind they were
slightly off course, but not enough to worry them, and then as she
checked the instruments again, she looked up and saw smoke in
number-two engine and thin streams of fuel running back across the
number one.
"Shit," she muttered and pointed it out to him as she
cut the power to
the number-two engine and feathered the prop. They were already a long
way from Howland.
"We'd better go back."
They'd been in the air for two hours, and were already out of
"Anything closer than that?" He checked the map, and saw a small
island. "What's
"I'm not sure."
She looked at it. "It looks
like bird shit."
"Very funny. Give me
a reading, where are we?" She read
the compass
off to him, while he looked out at the engine. He wasn't pleased with
what he saw, or the knowledge that they were carrying four hundred
gallons of fuel near the engine.
They flew on for a few more minutes and decided to try for the
they'd seen on the map.
But Cassie was worried about putting the North
Star down there. If the
island was too small, the plane too large, they
wouldn't make it. They
agreed to land on the beach if they had to. They
were out of radio range.
Billy checked the engine again, but the news
wasn't good. Then he put
the headphones on and tried sending distress
signals to any ships that might be near them.
But as they looked out the window, they both saw that the engine
burning. "Happy
birthday, Cass. And that's not a
"Precisely. How far
are we from Bird Shit Island?"
"Maybe another fifty miles, give or take a few."
"Wonderful. Just what
we need, another fifteen minutes with four
hundred gallons of fuel in our armpits. Oh goody."
"Go sing to yourself or something," she said calmly.
"You have the worst ideas," he said while flipping some
levers, and
checking the other engine.
"No wonder you can't get a decent job."
They were joking, but they were not amused. The North Star was in
Ten minutes later the island came into view, and they checked it
No flatland. Nothing but
trees, and what looked like a small mountain.
"How well can you swim?" he asked conversationally, handing her a life
jacket as a matter of routine.
He already knew that she was an
excellent swimmer.
"Looks like we're going to the beach, eh, ducky?"
"Maybe so, cowboy . .
. maybe so . . ." She was concentrating on
holding the plane. It was
starting to pull very badly. And the
engine had begun to smoke too.
"What do you suppose is happening?"
They were both puzzled by what was going on, but they wouldn't
know what
till they reached the ground.
And that was going to be soon now.
At first Billy had thought the fuel lines were clogged, but that
it. Something was
"Too much lighter fluid maybe?"
"Well, don't light up a Lucky now," she warned him, prepared
to land.
She circled the island twice, made a pass at the beach once, and
off again, with both engines burning. She knew she needed to dump fuel,
but there just wasn't time now.
l "You want to try for New York?" he asked calmly, watching her
maneuver the heavy plane over the tiny island.
"I think maybe Tokyo," she answered, never taking her
eyes off what she
was doing. "Tachikawa
is going to pay a fortune for the test flight."
"Great idea. Let's
try it. Who needs Desmond Williams?"
"Okay, here we go again," Cassie said, concentrating on
every detail.
"Christ, that beach is short dammit . . ."
And the engines were hot
and flaming.
"I hate to say this, my dear," Billy said calmly,
putting on his own
life jacket, "but if you don't get your ass down there soon,
we are
going to make a very embarrassing explosion on this island. It might
make a very bad impression on the natives."
"I'm working on it," she said through her teeth.
"Want some help?"
"From a kid like you?
Hell, no." She came in as
low as she could, and
used all her strength on the stick; she was almost down, and had
overshot the beach when they hit the water.
The plane came to a stop, and sank slowly into three feet of
water, as
she cut the switches, hoping it wouldn't explode but there was no
guarantee now.
"Nice landing, now let's go.
Fast." He grabbed her to
push her from
the plane, before she could take anything. Instinctively, she reached
for their emergency kit, while he struggled to get the door
open. Both
engines were on fire, and you could feel the heat in the
cockpit. He
had the door open by then, and shouted to her.
"Go!" He pushed
her out and clear of the plane almost before she knew
what had hit her. He had
the log and a small knapsack in his hand that
she knew held their money, and that was it. They waded through the
water as fast as they could and headed for the beach at a dead
They ran another fifty feet down to the end of it, and just as
reached it, there was an enormous explosion. They turned and watched as
the entire plane was outlined in flames, and pieces of it flew
into the
trees and farther into the water.
There was a huge tunnel of fire
towering above it, from their fuel, and it burned for hours as
watched it in shocked fascination.
"So long, North Star," Billy said, as the last of it
disappeared into
the water. All that was
left was a shell of what had been. All
men and all that work, all those months and hours and calculation,
in a moment. They had
covered eleven thousand miles of their trip.
it was over. They were
alive. They had survived it. That was all that
mattered. "And here
we are," Billy said conversationally, as he handed
her a piece of candy from the knapsack, "on Bird Shit
Island. Have a
great vacation."
She looked at him and laughed; she was too tired and too upset to
or scream. All she could
hope was that someone would figure out that
they were gone when they failed to reach Honolulu, and send the
out looking. She knew all
the efforts they'd made to find Earhart four
years before. But she also
knew how much outcry there had been at the
expense. But if nothing
else than for the publicity involved, and to
recover the plane, she knew that Desmond would stop at nothing to
them. He'd call Roosevelt
himself if he had to. He'd play heavily
the fact that she was America's sweetheart and people loved
her. They
would have to find her.
"Well, Miss O'Malley, what do you say we call room service
and order a
drink?" They had been
there for four hours by then, watching their
plane disintegrate along with their hope of leaving.
Now they had to be rescued.
"It wouldn't have been a real record
breaking trip, if this hadn't happened," he said
confidently. He was
sure that they would be rescued within a day or so, and it would
exciting in the telling.
"Desmond will think I did this as revenge," she
grinned. There was a
funny side to it too. But
barely. If they let themselves, they
have gotten seriously worried.
She wondered if it had been like this
for Noonan and Earhart, or if it had been more dramatic or
Maybe they had died on impact.
Or maybe they were still sitting on an
island like this one. It
was an intriguing thought, but unlikely.
not very hopeful.
"I kind of figured you did this as revenge too," Billy
casually. "I can't
say I blame you. I wish you'd have done
it a little
closer to Tahiti. The
waitress was great-looking."
"So has been every girl since L.A." She was feeling less cheerful than
he, but she was grateful for his sense of humor.
"Not here. Definitely
not here." The island was totally
They went on a reconnaissance mission then, and found a small
and a lot of bushes with berries.
As desert islands went, it seemed
fairly comfortable, with everything they needed. There were some fruits
which they didn't recognize, but when they tried them that night
found they were delicious.
It was strange being here, but it didn't
seem so terrible, as long as they weren't stuck here forever.
The prospect of that was more than a little frightening, but Cass
wouldn't let herself think of it, as they lay side by side in a
they found that night.
They were both awake for a long time, and finally, she decided to
the question.
"What if they don't find us?"
"They will."
"What if they don't?"
"They have to."
"Why?" Her eyes
were huge in the darkness and he was holding her hand
very gently. "Why do
they have to find us?"
"Because Desmond will want to sue you for the plane. He's not going to
let you get away with this."
He grinned in the dark and she laughed.
"Oh shut up."
"See what I mean . .
. not to worry." But he rolled
over and held her
close to him, and he didn't tell her he was scared too. He had never
been so frightened in his life, and there was nothing he could do
her but hold her.
CHAPTER Desmond was called in the middle of the night, exactly
twenty-two hours after they had left their last destination. The local
authorities were absolutely sure by then that the North Star had
disappeared, and probably gone down in the Pacific Ocean.
But there had been no sign, no signal. And no one had any idea what had
"Damn." He
called everyone in to help. They had an
emergency plan to
implement. The Navy was
called, the foreign authorities, the Pentagon.
The flight of the North Star had made world news, and now everyone
had ever heard of her, and some who hadn't, wanted to find her.
There was an aircraft carrier in the vicinity of where she was
to have gone down, and they dispatched forty-one
planes, and called in
two destroyers. It was not
unlike the search that had gone on four
years before, and they were better trained, and better equipped
They made every conceivable effort, and deployed every man
The President called Desmond himself, and then the O'Malleys in
Illinois. They were in a
state of shock when they heard. They
believe they might lose Cassie.
And Oona was particularly afraid for
Pat's heart, but he seemed to be taking it fairly calmly.
He was desperately afraid for his daughter, but he had a lot of
confidence in the armed forces.
He only wished that Nick were there to help them.
The search went on for days, in an area that covered hundreds of
and all the while Billy and Cass were trying to keep each other's
spirits up and eating berries.
Cassie had gotten a case of raging
dysentery, and Billy had badly scraped his leg swimming over some
the morning after they crashed.
But other than that, they were in
pretty good shape. They
had whatever fruit they found around them, and
enough water. But no sign
of anyone coming to rescue them. No
No ship. Nothing had even
come close. Because Cassie had changed
course slightly before they crashed, and because of the winds that
pushed them still further off course before that, the search was
conducted some five hundred miles in the wrong direction. Their radio
had gone dead just before they went down and then been destroyed
in the
explosion, so they had no way of giving anyone their location.
And there had been no ship in the vicinity at the time, to hear
They weren't even sure where they were now. But they had no way to tell
anyone even if they had known it.
In L.A. Desmond was doing everything he could to keep the search
But the press was beginning to question the shocking expense of
search, and began to turn on Desmond. They played up the futility of
looking for them, and the likelihood that they'd been killed in
crash or would be dead by now anyway.
The search went on at full steam for fourteen days, and then
sweeps were made for another week. The search was then called off
entirely two days after that, one month to the day of the date
they had
left Los Angeles. It was
"I know she's out there," Desmond insisted to everyone,
but no one
believed him. "She's
too well trained. I don't believe
it." But
experts assumed that something went wrong with the plane.
There could have been some unknown, fatal defect. No one questioned her
skill, but there was always the element of fate, or good fortune.
Her parents were devastated once they knew the search was being
off without finding Cassie and Billy. It seemed impossible to believe
that they had lost yet another child, and so cruelly.
Her mother lay awake night after night, wondering if Cassie was
somewhere and they just hadn't found her. But her father felt it was
Cassie and Billy had been lost for six weeks on Thanksgiving Day,
and it
was a gloomy holiday for everyone that year. They barely celebrated it
at all. They just had a
quiet dinner in the kitchen.
"I just can't believe she's gone," her mother sobbed in
Megan's arms.
It was a terrible time for them.
And for Desmond it was the end of a life's dream. He tormented himself
constantly over what must have happened. If only they knew . . .
only they could find something .
. . but there was no debris, no
evidence, no piece of the plane or of their clothing. It led him to
hope they were still alive somewhere. And he hounded the Pentagon
constantly, but for them, the search was over. They were convinced that
the North Star had gone down without a trace and they were certain
were no survivors.
Cassie's photograph was everywhere, in magazines, and
newspapers. Even
six weeks after they disappeared, her identity seemed as alive as
The press had been devoted to Cass. And appropriately, Desmond
portrayed himself as the grieving widower. He had no Thanksgiving that
year. And neither did Nick
in England.
He had heard about Cassie's disappearance about a week after the
had disappeared. It was
such a major event, it had made headlines in
England. He couldn't
believe it when he heard the news. He
volunteered for the most dangerous missions, until someone had
the situation to his commander.
They had given him a three-day leave
and asked him to take some time off.
It was obvious to everyone that something was bothering him and he
just taking too many chances.
Nick had argued with them, but they
didn't want to hear it. He
thought about going home for a few days, but
he knew he couldn't face Pat yet, knowing what had happened. What a
blind fool he had been.
What a coward.
He knew he'd never forgive himself for not marrying her, and
keeping her
from Desmond Williams. It
never occurred to him that maybe he couldn't
have, or that she had wanted to fly the tour more than anything. It was
her decision too, and she was very independent.
But he figured Pat would never forgive him either. If he had married
her, it might all have been different.
He had seen a photograph of Desmond coming out of a memorial
service for
Cassie, with a grim face and carrying a homburg.
And he hated Desmond for giving Cassie the opportunity to kill
and the plane in which to do it.
And he knew better than anyone that
Williams had probably pushed her into the tour in the first place,
for his own glory. She had
deserved better than either of them. He
more convinced of that now than ever.
And on the island with no name, Cassie served Billy berries and a
and a handful of water for Thanksgiving. They had been living on the
same diet for more than a month, and it only rained occasionally,
they were surviving. Billy
had gotten an infection in the leg he'd
scraped so badly on the coral reef, and he'd been battling with a
She'd had a few aspirin in their emergency kit, but they were long
now. And she'd had some
trouble with a spider bite, but other than
sunburn, they were in pretty good shape, except for Billy's
They had managed to keep track of the days since they'd crashed,
they knew it was Thanksgiving.
They talked about turkey and pumpkin pie
and going to church, and being with their l families and friends.
Billy was worried about his father being all alone. And Cassie kept
thinking about her parents, and her sisters and their husbands and
children, and how much she missed them.
She talked about Annabelle and Humphrey, the two children from
They made her think of Nick again. She thought a lot about him.
the time now.
"What do you suppose they all think has happened to
us?" she asked as
she shared a banana with Billy, and she noticed he was looking
again, and his eyes seemed very intense and a little sunken.
"That we're dead probably," he said honestly. Lately, he hadn't been
joking as much. All they
could do was sit and wait, and think, and eat
the same kinds of berries over and over. There was nothing else to eat
on the island, and so far they hadn't been able to catch any
fish. But
they weren't starving.
There was a storm two days after that, and the weather seemed to
cooler than it had been.
She was still wearing her flight suit, but it
was torn and not very clean and Billy only had his shorts and a
Cassie noticed the morning after the first chill that Billy was
shivering even in the sun.
"You okay?" she
asked, trying not to look as worried as she felt.
"I'm fine," he said gamely. "I'll go get some bananas." He had to
scale up a tree to get them, but he couldn't even get off the ground
this time; his leg was hugely swollen and oozing pus, and he was
when he came back with one banana that had fallen.
She didn't know what to do for him anymore. The leg just kept getting
worse, and she could tell that his fever was getting higher.
She bathed the leg in salt water, but it didn't help at all. She had
nothing else to give him.
He dozed a lot that afternoon, and when he
woke up, his eyes looked even more glazed than they had been.
She laid his head on her lap after that, and stroked his forehead,
as the sun went down he began shaking from the chill again, so she
next to him, and tried to keep him warm from the heat of her body.
"Thanks, Cass," he whispered in the dark of their cave
that night, and
she lay holding him, praying that someone would find them. But it
seemed almost impossible now.
She wondered if they would be there for
years, or just die there.
It seemed unlikely they'd leave the island.
She knew too well that the search had to have been called off by
They were presumed dead, just as others had been before them.
His teeth chattered constantly during the night, and the next
he was delirious as she bathed his head with cool water.
There was a storm that day, and she drank too much of the
herself, and wound up with violent dysentery again. Between the berries
and the water and the leaves they ate, she had it all the time
now. She
could tell from the way her flight suit fit that she had lost a
lot of
weight since they'd reached the island.
Billy never regained consciousness that day, and that night, she
holding him, crying softly.
She had never felt so alone in her entire
life, and to make matters worse she felt she had a fever now
too. She
wondered if she had caught a tropical disease. Billy had an infection
from the coral, but they both were very sick.
In the morning, Billy seemed better again, and a lot more lucid.
He sat up, and walked around the cave, and then he looked at her
said he was going swimming.
It was chilly outside, but he insisted he
was hot, and he suddenly became very argumentative, and very
She couldn't stop him. He
waded out into the water where the burned
hull of their plane was.
Even the storms they'd had hadn't washed it
away yet, and it lay there like a reproach, and a reminder of all
had had and lost. For
Cassie, it was a final reminder of Desmond.
She watched Billy swimming past the plane, and then back again,
and when
he came out of the water, she saw that he had torn the other leg,
but he
didn't seem to feel it. He
insisted it was nothing, and she watched him
scale up the tree, and eat a banana.
He seemed to have unusual energy, but an odd kind of dementia.
She could tell that he wasn't himself from the things he said, and
way he looked at her. He
was very nervous and very wild eyed, and by
nightfall, he lay shivering in their cave, talking to someone she
know about a car, and a candle, and a little boy. She had no idea what
he was talking about. And
late that night, he looked at her very
strangely, and she wondered if he knew her this time.
"Cass ? "
"Yes, Billy?" She lay holding
him close to her; she could
feel his bones, and his whole body shaking.
"I'm tired."
"That's okay.
Sleep." They had nothing
else to do, and it was very
dark there.
"Is it okay?"
"It's okay . . .
close your eyes . . ."
"They are," he said, but she could see that they were
"It's very dark in here.
Close your eyes anyway. You'll
feel better
tomorrow." Or would
they ever feel better, she wondered.
She could feel her own fever rising again too, and she was shaking
almost as much as he was.
"I love you, Cassie," he said softly after a little
while. He sounded
like a child, and she found herself thinking of her nieces and
of how sweet they were and how lucky her sisters were to have
"I love you too, Billy," she said gently.
He was still curled up in her arms, when she woke up the next
Her head ached, and her neck was stiff, and she knew she was
getting as sick as he was.
Billy was already awake, she thought, he was
lying very still and looking at her; and then she gave a small
scream as
she realized that his eyes were open, and he wasn't
breathing. He had
died in her arms in the night.
She was alone now.
She sat there looking at him for a long time, huddled next to him,
knowing what to do, and not wanting him to leave her.
She sat crying, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. She knew
she had to do something with him, to take him away, or bury him,
but she
couldn't bear for him to leave her.
She pulled him slowly outside that afternoon, and dug a shallow
with her hands, in the thicker sand near the rocks, and she laid
there. And all she could
think of as she did was his telling her not
long before that he wanted to end his life on an island. He had.
that all seemed so long ago.
It was part of another life, in a place
she would never see again.
She knew that now. She knew she
was going
to die like Billy.
She kneeled down next to him, and looked at him, with his eyes
and his freckles so big on the thin face, and she touched his cheek
a last time, and stroked his hair.
"I love you, Billy," she said as she had the night
before. But this
time he didn't answer, and she covered him gently with sand and
She sat alone in the cave that night, hungry and cold and shaking. She
hadn't eaten all day. She
was too sick to eat, and too sad about Billy.
And she hadn't drunk water either. And the next morning, she felt weak
and confused and she kept thinking she heard her mother calling
Whatever she had, it was killing her, just as it had killed
Billy. She
wondered how long it would take, or if it even mattered. There was
nothing left to live for now.
Chris was gone. Billy was
gone. Nick was lost to her . . . her
marriage was over . . .
she had crashed Desmond's plane . . .
she had let everyone down .
. . she had failed them.
She staggered out to the beach and fell down several times, and
she was
too weak to go up to the rocks and get water. She didn't care anymore.
It was too much trouble to stay alive. And there were so many people
talking to her now. She
saw the sun come out, and she heard them, and
as she stood up again, she saw a ship on the horizon. It was a very big
ship, and it was coming closer.
But it didn't matter, because they
would never see her.
The USS Lexington was in the area on maneuvers. It passed through these
islands regularly, but it hadn't been there in a while, it had
assigned to other positions.
But Cassie didn't bother with it, she went
back into her cave and lay down.
It was too cold outside .
. too cold . . . and there
were too many voices .
The Lexington continued to cruise by, and there were two smaller
with it. It was the
lookout on the smaller one who spotted the burned
hull of the North Star bobbing in the water half a mile off the
"What is that, sir?"
he asked an officer next to him, who smiled. "It
looks like a scarecrow."
It did, from that angle, in the distance.
Part of it had gone down, but there was so little left that the
managed to stay afloat, and with another look, the officer gave a
of rapid orders.
"Could it be the plane that O'Malley and Nolan were flying,
sir?" the
junior officer asked excitedly.
"I don't think so.
They went down about five hundred miles from here,
give or take a few miles.
I don't know what that thing is.
Let's take
a closer look."
They advanced slowly on it, and several more of the men focused
binoculars on it, but when they got there, the skeleton eluded
them, and
dipped in and out of the water.
But it was obvious now that it was part
of a plane. Half the
cockpit was still there, and one of the wings had
been blown off. The other
had burned down to the frame and melted.
"What does it say?"
one of the men was shouting to the other.
"Get some men in the water now," an officer
commanded. "I want that
brought aboard." And
half an hour later, they had the remains of
Cassie's plane spread out on the deck around them.
There wasn't much left, but there was one piece that told it all.
They had found it. It was
painted bright green and yellow. Those
been her colors, they all knew, and the script read
They called the captain down to examine what they'd found, and
there was
no question in his mind.
They had found what was left of the North
Star. It had been burned
to a crisp, and it had obviously suffered a
severe explosion. But
there was no sign of life on it anywhere, or of
human remains. They
checked carefully. There was no sign of
Cassie or
They radioed their companion ships, and still others in the
which by late afternoon were scouring the waters for bodies in
vests. They had radioed to
shore as well, and there was a news bulletin
in L.A which Desmond heard before anyone called him. Pieces of the
plane had been found, but there was no sign of life anywhere.
They had been lost for seven weeks now. It was unlikely they were
alive, but not impossible.
The search for O'Malley and Nolan had been
Landing parties were organized to search all the surrounding
There were three of them, two of them fairly good-sized, and one
of them
so small as to be unlikely.
There wasn't enough vegetation to keep
anyone alive for a week, let alone a month, they decided. But the
officer in charge told them to search it anyway. There was nothing
though. No sign of life,
no scraps of clothing, or utensils.
And as Cassie listened, she heard noises again, and then more
She wondered if Billy had heard all the same things before he
She had forgotten to ask him.
There were whistles and bells and people
calling, and then she realized she was about to die, when a bright
shone in her face. There
were voices and people calling again, and that
light right in her eyes.
She drifted off to sleep again as she looked
at it. It was just too
much trouble to listen to them anymore.
then she felt them moving her.
She was being carried somewhere, just as
she had carried Billy . .
"Sir! Sir!" The whistle shrilled sharply three times
signaling for
assistance, and four more men came running in the direction of the
whistle. There was a small
cave, and one of the men was standing there
with tears streaming down his face.
"I found her, sir!
. . . I found her . . ."
She was barely conscious
and babbling incoherently, and she kept calling Billy's name over
over. She was rail-thin,
and desperately pale, but they all recognized
the red hair nd the flight suit.
"Oh, my God," one of the officers said. She was filthy and smelled
terrible, and she was obviously deathly ill, but she was alive,
barely. Her pulse was
thready, her breathing was shallow, and he wasn't
sure she was going to make it.
He told the young ensign to signal for
help. They put her in the
boat quickly, and left three of the men to
continue searching the island.
They wanted to get her back to the ship
as quickly as possible.
They were calling and shouting orders, and she was loaded onto the
in a sling, and they signaled to the medical personnel on the
to assist them. She wore
an ID tag around her neck, which identified
her correctly as Cassie O'Malley Williams. And within minutes, the
Pentagon had the news, she'd been found, barely alive, but there
was no
sign of Billy Nolan.
But the search party left on the island took less than half an
hour to
find him. They took him
back to the ship, and by then Cassie was
already on the Lexington, though she was unaware of it. A team of two
doctors and three medics were doing what they could to revive
her. She
was dehydrated and delirious and had an uncontrollable fever.
"How is she?"
the captain asked the medical personnel that night.
"Nothing's sure yet," the doctor said quietly, "but
nothing's lost yet
Her parents had just been called by the Department of the
Navy. And
Desmond was called shortly after that. It went out over the wire
services that night. It
was a miracle. The nation's prayers had
answered. Cassie O'Malley
had been found, in a cave on an island in the
Pacific, in critical condition.
It wasn't known yet if she would
survive. But it was
already known that Billy Nolan hadn't.
His father
had already been called in San Francisco, and he was crushed to
hear the
news. Billy was a hero at
twenty-six, but he was gone. He had
only a day or two before they found him, they believed, though
O'Malley had been unable to tell them anything yet. She was
In the O'Malley house everything was still, as Oona and Pat sat
at each other, unable to believe what they'd been told.
Cassie was alive. And the
Lexington was steaming toward Hawaii with her
at that moment.
"Oh, Pat . . . It's
like another chance," Oona said breathlessly, "like
a miracle . . ." She smiled through her tears, praying for
silently, her rosary beads in her hand, and her husband patted her
"Don't get your hopes up.
We already lost her once. She
may not make
it, Oonie. She's been out
there for a long time, and you don't know
what kind of shape she was in when they crashed. She may have been
pretty banged up then, and that was more than a month
ago." She'd been
on the ground for seven weeks since they went down. It was a long time
to live on rainwater and berries.
They had none of the details yet, and even Desmond had had a hard
prying anything out of them at the Pentagon. They just didn't know
enough yet to reassure him.
But the news the next morning from the Lexington wasn't very
She was still unconscious, her fever hadn't gone down, and there
"What the hell does that mean?" Desmond shouted at them.
"What kind of complications?"
"They didn't tell me, sir," the woman on the phone said
to him politely.
Cassie's fever didn't respond to any of the medication, and she
dehydrated to the point of death.
She was still delirious, and had
violent dysentery, and she had started passing blood, which the
told one of the men was a sure sign it was all over.
"Poor kid," one of the midshipmen said. "She's the same age as my
sister, and she can't even drive a car yet."
"Looks like Cassie didn't drive so hot either," one of
the men joked,
but he had tears in his eyes as he said it. The entire ship was talking
about her, and praying for her, and so was the entire country, as
as the world.
In England, Nick had been called into his commander's office at
Hornchurch. Word had
gotten out eventually that he was extremely close
to Cassie O'Malley, though no one knew the details.
l I And he had been in rough shape since her disappearance in
They'd sent him back to flying missions eventually, but he'd been
on all his men, and dangerously willing to take unnatural risks
for too
long now.
"I wouldn't get my hopes up excessively, Major Galvin, but I
thought you
ought to know. We've just
heard that they found her."
"Found who?"
Nick looked confused. He'd been
asleep after flying two
night missions over Germany back to back, when they'd told him to
the commander.
"I believe the O'Malley woman is a friend of yours, isn't
Gossip was everywhere in the Army, all the way to the commander's
"Cassie?" Nick
looked as though he'd gotten an electric shock as he
realized what the commander was telling him. "Cassie's alive? They
found her?"
"They found her.
She's in critical condition on one of your warships in
the Pacific. It sounds as
though she might not make it, from what I've
seen so far. But we'll
keep you informed of any developments, if you
"I'd appreciate that, sir," Nick said, looking pale, as
the commander
watched him.
"You look like you need a break, Major. This might be the right time,
depending on what happens."
"I wouldn't know what to do with it, sir," Nick said
He was afraid to go home now.
For him, there was nothing to go home to.
Cassie would be with Desmond if she survived . . . and oh God, he hoped
so . . . he would be
willing to sacrifice his own life to make that
happen. He would have been
willing to do anything, if she just lived .
. . even see her with Desmond Williams for the rest of her life.
Anything was better than knowing she had died, or fearing it as he
for the past seven weeks.
He had given up hope in the last month.
was just impossible that they'd still be alive somewhere in the
"Any word of her navigator?"
The commander nodded. They were all used
to losing friends now, but this was a hard way to do it.
"He didn't make it, they found him on the island with
her. I'm afraid I
don't know the details."
"Thank you, sir."
Nick stood up to leave, looking exhausted but
hopeful. "Will you
let me know if you hear anything else?"
"As soon as we do, Major.
We'll call you at once."
"Thank you, sir."
They saluted each other, and Nick walked slowly back
to his barracks, thinking of Cassie. All he could think of, as he had a
thousand times since May, was the night they'd spent at the
airstrip in
the moonlight. If only
he'd held onto her, if only he'd been able to
keep her from going . . .
if only she'd live . . . for the first
in twenty years, he found himself praying, as tears rolled down
cheeks, and he went back to his barracks.
CHAPTER Three days after they had found Cassie in the cave, the
Lexington steamed into Pearl Harbor. She had regained consciousness
once, but lost it again.
She was transferred to the naval hospital by
ambulance. And when she
got there, Desmond was waiting for her.
He had
flown over from L.A leaving Nancy Firestone to control the members
the press who were waiting for her arrival in L.A. The doctors
Desmond a report when they first saw her, and Desmond then
explained to
the reporters what had happened.
But they had still heard none of it from Cassie.
"Will she be all right?" they asked with tears in their eyes, and
Desmond's tears matched theirs.
He was obviously deeply moved by his
wife's condition.
"We don't know yet."
A little while later, he went out to see what was left of the
which had come in on the Lexington too, and Desmond thanked the
for bringing her home safely, as photographers snapped their
"I only wish we had found her sooner. She's a great gal. We're all
rooting for her. You tell
her that as soon as she can hear you."
"I will, sir," Desmond said, as they took another
picture of him with
the captain. Desmond went
back to the hospital after that to wait for
news and after another hour or two, they finally let him see
her. She
looked ravaged by everything she'd been through and she had IV
tubes in
both arms, one giving her medication and the other glucose. But she
never stirred. And he
never touched her. He simply stood
staring at
her, and the nurses couldn't tell what he was thinking.
Billy Nolan's body was sent back to San Francisco that day, on a
Desmond had arranged. And
funeral services were set for two days later.
And in churches everywhere, people were praying for Cassie.
It was the fourth of December by then, and all over the country,
were talking about Christmas, but all the O'Malleys could think
was Cassie, comatose in Hawaii.
They called Honolulu every morning and
night for news of Cassie's condition. Pat wanted to fly them there, but
his doctor didn't advise it.
He was even thinking of calling that
miserable husband of hers to lend him a plane, but he had heard he
already in Honolulu.
Desmond was milking it for all the publicity he
could get out of it.
And on December 5, the doctor at the naval hospital called them
Oona dreaded it now when the phone rang, and at the same time she
for it. She was desperate
for news of Cassie.
"Mrs. O'Malley?"
"Yes." She
recognized instantly the scratchy connection of long
distance. "There's
someone here who'd like to talk to you."
thought it was Desmond, and she didn't want to talk to him, but
maybe he
had news for them. And
then she heard Cassie. Her voice was so
she could hardly hear her, but it was her. Oona was crying so hard she
couldn't even tell Pat what was happening.
"Mama?" Cassie
said softly, and her mother nodded, and then forced
herself to speak through her tears as Pat understood and began to
"Cassie? . . . oh, baby . . . oh, sweetheart . . .
we love you so
much . . . we were so
worried about you . . ."
"I'm okay," she said, and ran out of steam almost
The doctor took the phone from her hand, and the nurse explained
Miss O'Malley was very weak, but she was doing much better. And then
Cassie insisted on having the phone back again so she could tell
mother she loved her.
". . . and tell Daddy . .
." she whispered and
he could hear her anyway, as Oona shared the receiver with Pat and
cried openly as he listened, ". . . I love him too . . ." She wanted
to tell them about Billy, but she didn't have the strength, and
nurse took the phone away then.
And a little while later they let her
see Desmond. The nurse
stayed in the room with them, as Cassie needed
to be watched constantly.
She was so weak that sometimes she even had
trouble breathing.
Desmond stood beside her bed, and looked down at her
unhappily. He
didn't know what to say to her, except that he was glad she had
survived. It was an
awkward moment for them. Everything he
should have
felt or said was wrong because of their circumstances, but he was
relieved that she was alive.
And he couldn't help wondering if she'd
been careless about the plane.
Or had there been some fatal flaw they
hadn't known about before she left? Eventually he would need to ask
her, but this wasn't the moment.
". . . I'm sorry . .
. about the plane . . ." she said to him with
effort, and he nodded.
"You'll do it again one day," he said confidently, but
she shook her
head. She hadn't even
wanted to do it this time in the end.
She had
done it for him, because she felt she had to. It had always been his
idea, his dream, his project.
And in the end, she felt she owed it to
him. She would never do it
again, not for him, not for anyone, and not
without Billy. "What
happened?" he asked as the nurse
looked on
disapprovingly. She needed
rest desperately, and no one was supposed to
upset her, least of all her husband. The nurse had noticed that he
hadn't even kissed her.
And as he stood there, talking to her, he never
touched her or went near her.
But Cassie was trying desperately to answer his question.
". . . first smoke, then fire in the number-two engine . . ."
explained painfully, ". . . then . . . fire . . . in the
number .
one . . . too far from
land . . . too much gas . . .
brought it down where I could .
. . tiny island . . . hit the
beach .
. . after we got out . . .
tremendous explosion . . ."
He nodded, wishing he knew what had caused the fire in the number
But she couldn't tell him.
The nurse told him then that she had exerted
herself enough, and had to rest.
He could come back later. He was
correct with everyone, and very well bred and polite, but he was
as cold
as ice, and he had never said a single kind word to Cassie.
It was hard to believe he was her husband. Cassie wondered then as she
watched him go, if it would have been easier for him if she had
Now he'd have to face the world when she divorced him.
Cassie sat up in bed the next day, and called her parents again.
She was still very weak, but she was feeling a lot better. She had
contracted a tropical disease of some kind, but mostly she had
from dehydration, malnutrition, and exposure, and it would take
time to
get back to normal. She
was so weak, she couldn't even sit up without
assistance. That afternoon
Desmond showed up with a few photographers,
but the nurse refused to let him bring them in to Cassie. He threatened
to report her to her superiors, and she said it made absolutely no
difference to her.
The doctor had said no visitors except immediate family, and that
all she would allow to see Mrs.
He was furious and he left almost immediately, and Cassie burst
laughter. "Thank you,
Lieutenant Clarke. You stick to your
"I don't think you want to see the press." Cassie still looked very
thin and pale and very disheveled. They gave her a bath that afternoon,
and she washed her hair, and she almost felt human again by that
But fortunately, Desmond never came back to see her. He had been very
proper with her, but it was obvious that his only interest in her
recovery was what he could tell the papers.
He had even told them about the lei the crew of the Lexington had
for her before setting sail that morning. Her survival had already been
announced in newspapers around the world, and in Hornchurch, Nick
cried when his commander told him.
On Saturday, Desmond tried to get the press in to Cassie's room
and once again, the indomitable Lieutenant Clarke managed to
thwart him.
It was becoming a game, and Cassie loved it.
"He seems awfully intent on letting the press in to see
you," Lieutenant
Clarke said cautiously, wondering what Cassie saw in him, but she
dare ask her. Other than
his good looks and expensive clothes, he
seemed to have a heart of stone.
The only thing he warmed to was the
press, and certainly not Cassie.
But that wasn't news to Cassie.
was only amused that her nurse was so good at annoying him. She didn't
want to see anyone yet.
Except her parents. And
they had decided to wait for her to come home,
now that she was doing better.
Lieutenant Clarke walked her down the hall for the first time that
afternoon, and the doctor said he thought Desmond could fly her
home by
the end of the week. She
needed to build her strength up a little bit,
and they wanted to be sure the fever didn't return.
But so far it hadn't all day, and she felt a great deal better.
A few men recognized her in the hospital as she walked down the
awkwardly, she was still so weak, and they shook her hand and
congratulated her on her survival. She was a heroine just for being
alive, and she wished more than ever that Billy was alive
now. She had
sent a telegram to his father in San Francisco, expressing her
grief to
"We were all praying for you, Cassie," people told her
in the halls, and
she thanked them warmly.
Letters and telegrams were pouring in too.
President and Mrs. Roosevelt had even called her at the
hospital. But
it didn't seem fair to Cass that Billy hadn't made it, and she
had. She
felt terribly guilty and unhappy about it, and she cried whenever
mentioned him. She was
still emotionally worn out by everything that
had happened.
She was pensive as she sat in her room most of the time and the
didn't want to disturb her.
They could see that she was still troubled,
and exhausted by her ordeal.
They knew only that her co-pilot had died,
but they knew no other details.
And Cassie wasn't talking about it to
anyone. She did a lot of
thinking, and some sleeping. And she
herself thinking of Nick, and wondering where he was. She had never had
the opportunity to tell him how right he'd een about Desmond. But maybe
it didn't matter anymore.
They had their own lives to lead.
He wanted
his own life, and she needed time just to recover from all that
happened. But when she
felt better she wanted to look up Jackie
Cochran, and talk to her about the planes she had ferried to
Cassie called her parents again that night and she told them she'd
home soon, probably in another week, and she'd be home with them
Christmas. She had no
reason to be in L.A. anymore, she didn't want to
fly for Desmond, and she was sure he'd agree that she had
fulfilled her
contract to the best of her ability. It was all over.
Her parents told her on the phone that they had just gotten a
from Nick in England, telling them how thrilled he was that she
survived. But he had sent
nothing to her, probably because of Desmond.
"Does it say when he's coming home?" she asked casually, and her father
"You're too sly for your own good, Cassie O'Malley."
"He's probably married by now anyway," she said lightly,
but she hoped
"No sane woman would have him."
"I hope not."
She laughed. She was in much
better spirits. And after
a brief chat, she went to bed early. She had no idea what Desmond was
doing in Honolulu. He
never even came to see her.
She supposed he was willing and dining the press, lining up
for her when she felt better.
But he was in for a shock. She
was going
to do one final press conference for him, to tell them all what
wanted to know. And then
she was going home and folding up the road
show. It had cost too
much. Billy, and almost her own
life. She
didn't know what she wanted to do now. But whatever it was, it was
going to be on a more human scale than what Desmond had pushed her
to in
the last year. She had
made a lot of money, but she had lost a dear
friend, and almost her own life.
This time the risks had come at too
high a price. And she
needed time to recover.
Lieutenant Clarke came in at seven o'clock the next morning, and
her up when she pulled back the curtains and raised the
shades. It was
a beautiful day, and Cassie was anxious to get up and walk around.
even wanted to shower and dress, but Lieutenant Clarke didn't want
to overdo it.
She had breakfast at seven-fifteen, poached eggs and three strips
bacon. It was a far cry
from their island diet of bananas and berries.
She never wanted to see either one again, for as long as she
And as she finished her breakfast, she glanced over the morning
She saw quickly that Desmond had been at it again. He had granted an
interview to the Honolulu Star Bulletin and told them all about
condition. He didn't say
too much however about what had happened to
her on the little island; she suspected that he didn't want to
steal any
thunder from a major press conference with her. He thought of
everything. Except her
well-being. It was all business and
airplanes and profit. Nick
couldn't have been more accurate in his
perceptions and predictions.
She was still reading the paper when she heard the first plane
She thought it was an exercise by the Navy pilots. The hospital was
fairly close to the airfield.
But then as she listened, she heard an
explosion in the distance.
And then more of them.
Curious, she got up and walked to the window. And then she saw them,
wave after wave of bombers.
They were being attacked, she realized
instantly, with astonishment.
It was seven fifty-five on December 7.
The sky was black with planes and they seemed to drone on
endlessly, as
they flew over the harbor, and systematically bombed every ship
they saw
beneath them. They strafed
the airport simultaneously, and destroyed
whatever they found there.
Lieutenant Clarke came running in, and Cassie explained to her
what she was seeing.
Without thinking, she ran to the closet, and found
the clothes that Desmond had brought her.
There wasn't much. But
there was a skirt and a blouse and a pair of
shoes, and she hurriedly took off her robe and nightgown and got
for the first time since she'd been there.
In the hospital, people were crowding into the hallways, and
around aimlessly. Nurses
and orderlies were trying to keep patients
calm, and almost instinctively Cassie joined them.
They were under attack for an hour, and by then the Arizona was in
flames, along with a number of smaller ships, and large parts of
harbor. Reports were
coming in rapidly, many of them inaccurate.
the radio was explaining that they had been bombed by the
Japanese, and
it was only moments later when ambulances began bringing in the wounded.
There were terrifying burns, and men covered in oil, others with
injuries, some with machine gun wounds, and many with traumatic
Nurses were running everywhere, and patients like Cassie were
giving up
their beds for the men who were being brought in from the harbor.
Cassie worked alongside Lieutenant Clarke tearing bandages, and
pieces of cloth. She
helped to hold wounded men in her arms, lifting
them onto beds. She did
anything she could to help, but before they
could deal with half of the wounded men, the Japanese attacked
And this time they got the Nevada.
Suddenly there were thousands of men, injured and half dead,
from everywhere, streaming into the hospital, or taken to the
ship Solace.
Rebecca Clarke only looked up at her once with concern and
admiration as
Cassie worked tirelessly, helping the wounded. She was quite a girl. No
wonder the country loved her.
"Are you all right?"
the nurse asked her briskly, after Cassie had
brought a particularly nasty burn case into a treatment room.
The man was screaming and there was flesh hanging everywhere, and
some left on Cassie.
"I'm fine," she said coolly. She remembered her brother and pulling him
from the burning plane.
She still had a scar on her arm from where the
flames on his body had burned her. "Just tell me what to do."
"You're doing just what you need to," Lieutenant Clarke
said firmly.
"Don't stop unless you feel ill, and if you do, tell
"I won't," Cassie said, willing herself not to be sick
as she helped the
injured men, and a number of women. Civilians began coming into the
hospital too. There were
casualties everywhere, and after a while there
was nowhere to put them.
The second bombing lasted till just after ten
o'clock, and then they were gone, leaving not only the island in
but the entire nation.
Cassie worked feverishly all afternoon, doing what she could, and
felt weak in the knees when she finally sat down at four
o'clock. She
hadn't stopped, and she hadn't eaten since breakfast.
Lieutenant Clarke brought her a cup of tea, and together they
the lobby for more injured.
The last ones had been transferred to the
Solace just an hour before.
The hospital simply couldn't hold another
There was nothing left for her to do for the moment, except offer
comfort where she could, and as she was doing that, Desmond
arrived with
a lone photographer beside him.
All the others had gone to the harbor
to see the damage there, but he had promised the young reporter a
picture of Cassie O'Malley if he came with him. He strode across the
lobby to her, as Lieutenant Clarke settled a young pregnant woman
in a
chair. She had come to
inquire about her husband, and
Clarke had just promised to find him.
"There she is"--Desmond pointed to her
dramatically--"darling, are you
all right?" he asked,
looking at her tenderly, as the photographer
snapped a picture of her in her skirt and blouse that were covered
other people's blood, and all she could do was look at Desmond in
disgust, and the photographer along with him.
"Oh, for chrissake, Desmond," she railed at him in
contempt, "stuff it.
Why don't you go do something useful instead of showing off for
press all the time? And
you," she wagged a finger at the camera, and
the man behind it was too startled to say anything, "why
don't you go
help someone, instead of standing around taking pictures of
me? We've
been bombed, you idiot.
Get off your lazy ass, and drop your camera."
And with that she wheeled out of the lobby with Lieutenant Clarke,
she left the two men with their mouths open behind her. She had won
Rebecca Clarke's heart forever that day. She knew that as long as she
lived, she would never forget the tireless redhead, helping
wounded men,
treating burns. She had
given up her private room to four of them, and
had wheeled the cots in herself and made them with whatever sheets
could find, or steal, from other beds if she had to.
The director of the hospital thanked her himself that afternoon.
And they found her a folding cot that she set up in a closet to
get some
sleep. They had sicker
people to take care of now, people who needed
them more, and she felt guilty taking any of their attention.
She stayed on to help the next day, and they were told, not
surprisingly, that the President had declared war on Japan on
There was a cheer in the hospital when it was announced. And on
Tuesday, she checked into the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, and called her
parents. She had already
called them once before to tell them she was
all right, but now she wanted to let them know she was going to
try and
get home as soon as possible.
The hotel promised to try and get a cabin for her on the Mariposa,
was leaving on Christmas Eve.
It was the first ship she could get, and
the only thing she wanted to be sure of was that Desmond wasn't on
She had no sympathy for him at all, she thought he had behaved
abominably. The only thing
he was interested in was milking her story
one more time. It was
He came to see her that afternoon, and told her that the Pentagon
promised him a seat on a military flight to San Francisco in a few
and he could arrange one for her too, since she was practically a
national hero now, but she was adamant that she didn't want to go
anywhere with him.
"What difference does it make?" He looked annoyed at how difficult she
was being. It would look a
lot better to the press if they went home
together, although he could still explain it if she didn't. He could
even claim that she was suddenly nervous about flying, or blame it
her health. But she was
not amenable to any of his excuses.
"I've got real bad news for you, Desmond. The whole world is not
watching you, or me, they're thinking about the war we just got
ourselves into, though you might not have noticed."
"Think of what you could do now for the war effort," he said
thinking of the publicity opportunities for him, and for his
But as far as she was concerned, she had just done it, for three
days at
the naval hospital, not that he understood that, although Admiral
had personally thanked her.
"I'll do exactly what I want to do," she said
unpleasantly, "and you're
not going to advertise, trade, announce, use, or exploit it.
You got that? We're
finished. I completed my
"You most certainly did not," he said smoothly, and she
stared at him in
"Are you kidding? I
almost killed myself for you."
"You did it for yourself, for your own glory," he
"I did it because I love flying and I felt I owed it to
you. I thought
doing the tour for you was the honorable thing to do.
Not to mention the fact that you said you'd sue me if I didn't,
and I
figured my parents didn't need that headache."
"And do they now?
What's changed?" Nick was
right to the end.
Desmond was vicious.
"I flew eleven thousand miles, I did my damnedest, I went
down with your
goddamn lousy plane, and managed to live forty-five days on an
the size of a dinner plate, while starving to death, I might
add. And I
watched my best friend die in my arms.
Isn't that enough? I'd say
it is. And I'll bet a judge
"A contract is a contract," he said coolly. "And yours said you would
fly fifteen thousand miles across the Pacific in my plane."
"Your plane went up like a matchbook."
"I have others. And
your contract said you would do unlimited publicity
and endorsements."
"We're at war, Desmond.
No one's interested. And whether
they are or
not, I'm not going to do it.
Sue me."
"I might. Maybe
you'll give it some thought on the way back."
"I wouldn't waste my time thinking about it. I'll call my lawyer when I
get back . . . for a
number of reasons," she said pointedly.
"We'll have to discuss that.
By the way, you mentioned Billy in rather
touching terms a little while ago . . . was that your best friend, or
your boyfriend. I'm not
sure I understood you."
"You understood me perfectly, you sonofabitch. And if you're talking
adultery, why don't you discuss it with Nancy Firestone.
She's very clear about calling herself your mistress. I already
mentioned that to my attorney."
For once, he blanched, and she was pleased to have gotten him
upset for
a change.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He was furious with Nancy for
talking to Cassie.
"Just ask Nancy. I'm
sure she'll explain it to you. She was
direct with me."
His eyes told her he hated her, but she didn't care. She never wanted
to see him again after Honolulu.
She spent the next two and a half weeks volunteering to help at
naval hospital again and on the hospital ship Solace. It was
devastating to see what had happened in the harbor. The Arizona, the
Curtiss, the West Virginia, the Oklahoma, the Chew, the Oglala had
been hit by the Japanese, 2,898 had been killed, and another 1,178
been wounded. It was
devastating, and now the country was at war.
wondered what it would mean to Nick, if he would stay in the
R.A.F, or
join the American armed forces.
Everything was still very confusing.
And when the Mariposa, Monterey, and the Lurline finally sailed on
Christmas Eve, she was touched and surprised when Rebecca Clarke
came to
see her off, and thanked her for all her help since the bombing.
Cassie had done nothing but work with the wounded since the Japanese
bombed Pearl Harbor.
"It was an honor to meet you," Rebecca Clarke said
sincerely, "I hope
you get home safely."
"So do I," Cassie said honestly. She was anxious to get back to
Illinois to see her parents, and to see a lawyer and find out how
could best get out of all her obligations to Desmond.
She was relieved to see that no members of the press had come to
see her
off. But Desmond had left
for San Francisco by military plane the week
before, so they hadn't bothered.
She was happy not to have flown with
him even if this did take longer and was potentially more risky.
They were traveling by convoy to ensure greater safety.
Lieutenant Clarke left her on the ship, and they set sail an hour
Everyone was anxious about the trip, and afraid that the Japanese
come back and sink them.
They had complete blackouts every night, and
everyone had to wear their life jackets day and night, which was
unnerving. There were a
lot of children on the ship, which made it
noisy and stressful for the other passengers, but families who had
relatives on the mainland were anxious to get away from
Hawaii. It was
too dangerous there now.
Everyone felt sure they would be attacked
again at any moment. The
Lurline, the Mariposa, and the Monterey sailed
quietly with an escort of destroyers, which accompanied them
halfway to
California, and then left them to complete the trip alone, as the
destroyers headed back to Hawaii.
The ships were very quiet as they zigzagged across the Pacific to
submarines. There were no
parties at night, no one was in the mood.
They just wanted to get to San Francisco safely. And Cassie was amazed
at how long it took. After
flying everywhere all her life, traveling by
ship seemed endless and incredibly boring.
She hoped she never had to do it again, and the entire ship
cheered as
they came through the Golden Gate and into the port of San
five days later.
She was even more surprised when she stepped off the gangplank,
her one small bag, and saw her father. She had traveled under the name
of Cassandra Williams, and only a handful of people had realized
who she
was and talked to her. The
rest of the time, she kept to herself and
minded her own business.
She had a lot of thinking to do, and some
quiet mourning. But when
she saw her father, relief turned to
excitement. And her mother
was right behind him.
"What are you doing here?" she asked with wide eyes that filled
instantly with tears. They
were all crying as they hugged each other,
her mother more than anyone, but Cassie and her father too. It was the
reunion she had thought of a million times on the island. And then as
they hugged and talked, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Desmond.
He had set up an entire press conference to greet her. There were at
least eighty members of the press to welcome her and ask her
But as Cassie noticed them, she saw her father's mouth set in a
line. He was having none
of this. Desmond Williams had gone far
enough, and he would go no further.
"Welcome home, Cassie!"
a flock of reporters shouted at her, as her
father grabbed her firmly by the arm, and propelled her through
crowd like a snowplow.
Oona was following them closely, and Pat was
heading for the car and driver he had hired to meet her. And before the
reporters could say anything, she was being pushed into the car,
Desmond had come toward them.
"You're very kind," her father was saying warmly to the
members of the
press, "but my daughter's not well. She's ill and she's had a traumatic
experience in the hospital at the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Thank you . . . thank you
very much." He waved his hat at
them, shoved
his wife into the car after his daughter, and climbed in behind
both of
them. And then told the
driver to pull out as quickly as he could
without hitting them.
Cassie was laughing at Desmond's expression as
they drove off. They had
completely foiled him.
"Does that man never stop?" her father said irritably.
"Has he no
heart at all?"
"None whatsoever," she assured him.
"I don't understand why you married him."
"Neither do I," she sighed, "but he was very
convincing then.
Until afterward; then he didn't think he had to hide his moves
She told him about his threats to go after her now with his
"You owe him nothing!"
Pat raged at her, incensed at what Desmond had
told her.
"Mind your heart, dear," Oona warned, but he had been
fine since the
summer. Even during
Cassie's ordeal, he had held up surprisingly well.
And now he was only angry.
"He'd better mind my fist, not my heart," Pat said
bluntly, as they
drove back to the Fairmont.
Her parents had taken a suite for the three
of them, and they spent two days there celebrating her safe
Before they went home, she went to visit Billy Nolan's father.
It was a sad and difficult visit, and she told his father that
Billy had
died in her arms peacefully, and he hadn't suffered. But even knowing
that, it was difficult to console him.
It dawned on Cassie afterward, that with the war now, there would
many young men like Billy dying.
It was an awful thought. And she
never been as happy to go home as she was this time.
Her father had brought a co-pilot along, and flown the Vega out
for her.
Halfway back to Illinois, he turned the controls over to her, and
her if she'd like to fly it.
And much to his surprise, and her own, she
hesitated, but he pretended to ignore it.
"It's not as fancy as what you're used to, Cass. But it'll do your
heart good to fly again."
It was a nice plane to fly, and he was right,
she loved the feeling of flying again. She hadn't been in a plane since
she'd gone down in the North Star, two and a half months
before. And it
was odd to be flying now, but she still loved it. It was in her blood,
just as it was in her father's.
She told him about the crash then on the way home, and she and her
father discussed what might have caused the fire in the engines,
but it
was anyone's guess.
Desmond had brought back what was left of the
plane, and was hoping they could learn more about what went
wrong. But
it was unlikely they would find much, the explosion had been so
"You were damn lucky," her father said, shaking his
head, as she flew
his plane for him.
"You could have been killed on the way down. You
could have been blown to bits, or never found an island to light
"I know," she said sadly. But it still hadn't helped Billy. She
couldn't get over that.
She knew she'd never forget him and then as she
helped her father put the plane in the hangar that night, he
offered her
a job at the airport. He
said he could use some help with cargo and
mail runs, especially now that every able-bodied young boy would
enlisting. Most of his
pilots were older than that, but still there was
room for her, and he'd love to have her, he said with a shy smile.
"Unless you're going to be doing a lot of advertisements for
powder and cars."
They both laughed at that one.
"I don't think so, Dad.
I think I've had enough of all that to last me
a lifetime." She
wasn't even sure she wanted to do air shows, not after
Chris died. She just
wanted to fly, nice easy runs, or even long ones.
"Well, I'd love to have you.
Think about it, Cass."
"I will, Dad. I'm
He drove them home after that, in his truck, and her sisters and
families were waiting for them at the house. It was New Year's Eve, and
they had never looked better to her than at that moment. Everyone cried
and hugged, and screamed, and the kids ran around like crazy.
They all seemed to have grown, and Annabelle and Humphrey looked
than ever. It was a scene
she had never thought she'd see again, and
she broke down and sobbed as her sisters held her. She only wished that
Chris could have been there .
. . and Billy . . . and Nick.
There were too many people missing now, but she was there. And they
thanked God that night for His blessings.
CHAPTER he week after New Year's, Cassie started helping her
father at
the airport again. But
before that, he took her to see an attorney in
Chicago. He was an
expensive one, with a good reputation, but her
father said that she couldn't afford to see anyone less than that
if she
was going to defend herself against Desmond Williams.
$ he explained her situation to him, and he advised her that she
nothing to worry about.
There wasn't a judge or a jury in the world who
would feel that she hadn't fulfilled her contract in good faith,
and at
great risk and personal expense to herself. "No one's going to take
money from you, or put you in jail, or force you to fly for him
The man sounds like a monster."
"And that brings up another matter," her father said
The divorce. That was more
complicated, but not impossible by
means. It would take time,
but it would be easy to say that their
marriage had not survived the trauma of her ordeal, and surely no
would contest that. It
would be even easier to accuse him of adultery
and fraud. And the
attorney intended to wave those flags at him.
he was sure he would get Desmond's full cooperation.
He told her to go home, and not to worry about it, and three weeks
some papers arrived for her to sign to set the wheels in motion.
And it was shortly after that that Desmond called her.
"How are you feeling, Cass?"
"It's a perfectly reasonable question." He sounded very pleasant but
she knew him better than that.
He wanted something. She thought
he had called to argue about the divorce, but she couldn't imagine
he'd want to. He didn't
want to be married to her any more than she
wanted to be married to him.
And she wasn't asking for money.
Much to
her surprise, he had sent her the full amount he owed her for the
Pacific tour, even though she hadn't completed it, after her
contacted him and pointed out that trying to shortchange her would
very bad to the American public after all she'd been through. Desmond
had been furious, but the check for one hundred and fifty thousand
safely put away in her bank account, and her father was well
that it was. She had more
than earned it.
"I just thought you might like to do a little press
conference sometime
. . . you know . . . tell
the world what happened."
She had planned to, at first, just once, but in the meantime,
decided against it. Her
career as a movie star was over.
"They heard it all from the Department of the Navy, after
they rescued
me. There's nothing else
to say. Do you really think they want
to know
how Billy died in my arms, or about my dysentery?
I don't think so."
"You can leave those parts out."
"No, I can't. And I
have nothing to say. I did it. We went down.
I was lucky enough to come back, unlike Billy, unlike Noonan,
Earhart, unlike a lot of fools like us. I'm here, and I don't want to
talk about it anymore.
It's over, Desmond. It's
Find someone else you can mold into a movie star. Maybe Nancy."
"You were good at it," he said nostalgically, "the
"I cared about you," she said sadly. "I loved you," she said very
softly, but there was no one to love there.
"I'm sorry if you were disappointed," he said
pointedly. They were
strangers again. They had
come full circle. And then he realized
pushing her was pointless.
"Let me know if you change your mind. You
can have a great career if you ever get serious about it," he
said, and
she smiled. It had gotten
as serious as it gets, and miraculously she'd
still survived it.
"Don't count on it."
She knew he hated people like her.
In his mind,
she was a quitter. But she
didn't give a damn what he thought now.
"Good-bye, Cassie."
End of a career, end of a marriage.
End of a
They hung up and he never called her again. Her lawyer told her that
Mr. Williams had agreed to the divorce, and even offered a small
settlement if she would go to Reno. She didn't accept the money, she'd
made enough flying for him, but she went to Reno in March for six
and when she came back, she was free again. And predictably, Desmond
released a statement to the press afterward that she had been so
traumatized by her experience in the Pacific, that continuing
marriage had become impossible for her, and she was living
"in seclusion
with her parents."
"It makes me sound like a mental case," she complained.
"So what?" her
father said. "You're rid of him
forever. Good
riddance." The press
had called a few times after that, and she always
refused to talk to them or see them. They had written about her
sympathetically, but they didn't pursue her for long. As much as they
had loved her before the tour, they had other fish to fry now.
She certainly didn't miss them or Desmond. But she did miss her
friends. With Billy gone,
the airport was very quiet for her.
She was so used to flying with him day after day, that it was odd
now to
be there without him. And
by April, when she got back from Reno, all
the young men she knew had either been drafted or enlisted. Even two of
her brothers-in-law had gone, although Colleen's husband had flat
and bad eyes and was 4-F and had stayed. But her two oldest sisters and
their children were around the house most of the time now.
And that spring, Annabelle and Humphrey's parents were killed in a
bombing attack on London.
Colleen and her husband had decided to adopt them. And thinking about
it, Cassie almost wished that she could have them.
They had news from Nick now and then, but not very often. He was still
in England, flying fighter raids now with a vengeance.
And killing as many Germans as he could shoot out of the skies,
like the old days."
He was old for those games at forty-one, but with
America in the war now, he had full military status in the
Army. He also didn't get
leaves back to the States anymore. Not
wartime. Cassie knew that
he was still at Hornchurch. He never
to her, only to her father.
She had never written and told him of
Desmond's betrayal and her divorce, and she still wasn't sure what
tell him, or if he'd care.
She didn't know if her father had said
anything, but she doubted it.
Pat wasn't much at writing letters, or at
discussing other people's business. Like all men, they discussed world
events and politics.
But she felt that one of these days, she ought to tell Nick
herself what
had happened. The question
was when and how. She had to assume by
though that if Nick had still been interested in her, he'd have
She hadn't seen him in almost a year now.
And God only knew what he was thinking.
She didn't go out on dates, just with friends, or her sisters.
And she worked hard for her father, at the airport. It was almost
enough of a life for her, although she had to admit that she
missed the
thrill of flying Desmond's exotic planes now and then. But you couldn't
have everything, and she liked her life just the way it ; was
now. The
press had started to forget her, they seldom called now, without
prodding them, and she got an occasional request for endorsements,
she declined. It was a
quiet life, and her father worried about her
sometimes, and said as much to Oona.
"She's been through a lot, you know," he said. They all had.
"She's a strong girl," her mother said fondly,
"she'll be all right."
She always was. She was
just quiet sometimes, and lonely without the
people she'd grown up with.
Her brother, Nick, Bobby, even Billy, who
had come a little later.
But she missed them, and the camaraderie they
had all shared in different ways.
Now she was just another pilot flying to Chicago and Cleveland,
but it
felt good to be with her family again. It brought her a great deal of
In August, she got a phone call that amazed her. Her father took the
call, and handed it to her with a blase look. He didn't even recognize
the name, which made her want to shriek at him.
Some things never changed.
It was Jackie Cochran.
"Are you serious?"
She had thought he was kidding at first. She had
just come in from a run to Las Vegas. It was hotter than hell.
But when she got on the phone, Jackie Cochran said she wanted to
with her if possible. She
said she'd always admired her, and she asked
her to come to New York to see her, if she could spare the time.
"Sure," Cassie agreed, jotting down the pertinent
details. She had
agreed to fly there two days later. She had nothing else to do, since
it was her day off. And
maybe she could even do a little shopping,
since she had her money from the tour in the bank, and had never
spent a
penny. The funny thing was
she had wanted to meet Jackie Cochran for
ages, but once she got settled at home again, she got lazy and
never did
anything about it.
She was thinking about inviting her mother to come to New York
with her,
but then she decided to go alone.
She had no idea what Jackie Cochran
would want, but she thought it might be something her mother would
disapprove of.
And as it turned out, it was something that fascinated Cassie.
She had admitted readily that she was bored at home, and eager for
more exciting flying.
Eight months after she had been rescued in the
Pacific, she was ready to spread her wings again and do something
little more exciting. And
what Jackie Cochran had in mind was right up
her alley.
Jackie wanted Cassie to take charge of forming a small group of
experienced women pilots under the Army Air Force Flying Training
Command, to ferry planes to wherever they were needed in the war,
the moment. The women
involved would fly as civilian pilots but have
uniforms and honorary rank.
Cassie was to start as a captain.
was another women's air corps too, the WAFS, Women's Auxiliary
Squadron, if she preferred it, being organized for domestic
ferrying by
Nancy Harkness Love, another extraordinary female pilot. But Cassie
liked the idea of ferrying planes into England right past the
She knew her parents were going to be upset if she left home
again, but
this was something she believed in. It served a purpose, it wasn't
frivolous or self-serving, like her Pacific tour, which just made
for a lot of greedy people.
This was something she could do for her
country, and if she died .
. . she was prepared to accept that.
So had Chris . . . so had
Billy . . . sadly, so had Bobby Strong
then. He had been killed
six weeks after he enlisted. Peggy was
widow again, with four children now. Life was never simple.
The WAFS would begin training in September, for eight weeks in New
Jersey, but she could hardly wait. It was time for her to be challenged
again and for the first time, she would be flying with other
women. She
had never had the opportunity to do that.
Jackie Cochran took her to dinner that night at '2" and they
about their plans. Cassie couldn't
remember anything she had wanted to
do more, not even the world tour when Desmond had first asked her.
This was so different.
It was exactly what she wanted and what she'd been waiting
for. For
Cassie it was time to move on now. She was still smiling when she flew
home the next day, thinking about it.
Her father was at the airport when she got in; he was singing to
himself, and filing some papers in his office. She hated to ruin his
mood, and she decided to wait and tell him after dinner.
"How was New York?"
"Great," she beamed at him.
"Oh oh. Do I smell
romance in the air?" He smelled
happiness, but not
romance. Airplanes, but
not boys. She was right back to where
been in the beginning. In
love with flying.
"Nope. No
romance," she smiled mysteriously.
She was twenty-three
years old and divorced, and she felt free and independent. And she was
about to do exactly what she wanted.
She could hardly contain herself until that night after dinner,
and when
she told her parents, they stared at her in disbelief.
"Here we go again."
Pat looked angry even before she explained it.
"You want to do what now?" She had been swimming upstream all her life.
It was nothing new for them, or to Cassie.
"I want to join . . .
I did join the Army's Flying Training Command,"
she said happily, and then she explained it to them.
"Wait a minute.
You're going to be flying bombers to England?
Do you know how heavy and hard to manage those are?"
"I know, Dad."
She smiled. She'd flown just
about every difficult
plane in the sky, when she'd worked for Williams Aircraft.
"I'd have a co-pilot."
She knew that would make him feel better.
"Probably another woman."
"You're crazy," he said tersely, "patriotic, but
She looked at him hard then.
He had to understand. She was
and she had a right to do this.
But she had also put them through a
lot, especially in the last year and she didn't want to hurt
them. She
would have preferred to do it with their approval, but her mother
already crying.
"You and your damn flying," Oona said unhappily to her
husband, and he
patted her hand apologetically.
"Now, Oonie . . .
it's always made us a nice living."
And it had made
Cassie a small fortune, but at what price glory.
She explained the Flying Command to them again, and they told her
think about it. But she
had already signed the papers, she reminded
them. Pat and Oona looked
at each other.
There was nothing left to do but support Cassie again. She was always
doing this to them. Always
putting herself out on a limb, and
stretching to the limit.
"When do they want you, Cass?" her father asked, looking somewhat
deflated. He hated losing
her too. She was such a big help to him
the airport.
"I start in two weeks, on September first. In New Jersey," and then she
added gratuitously, "If I were a man, I'd be drafted
"But you're not, thank God.
And you won't be. It's bad enough
to have
our sons-in-law over there.
And Nick," who was like a son to them.
"You'd be there if you could," she pointed out to her
father, and he
looked at her very strangely.
She was right. He would.
And Nick had volunteered long before, and he would never have had
to go
this time.
"Why can't I? Why
can't I do something for my country, for a change?
Flying is all I know how to do, and I do it well. Why can't I offer
that to this country? You
would. Why should I be prevented from that
because I'm a woman?"
"Oh God," her father rolled his eyes, "it's the
Suffragettes again.
Where do you get this from?
Your mother and your sisters never talk
about this nonsense. They
stay home where they belong."
"I don't belong there.
I'm a flier. Like you. That's the difference."
It was hard to argue with her.
She was smart, and she was right.
she was gutsy. He loved
that about her. She had taught him a
lot over
the years, and he loved her more for it.
"It's dangerous, Cass.
And you'd be flying Lockheed Hudson bombers.
They're heavy planes. What
if you go down again?"
"What if you go down tomorrow over Cleveland? What's the difference
between the two?"
"Maybe nothing. I'll
think about it." He knew she was bored
mail runs for him, after all the fancy flying she'd done.
But at least she was safe here.
He thought about it for days, but in the end, as before, he didn't
he had the right to stop her.
And in September she left for New Jersey.
Oona was proud of her too, and her parents flew to New Jersey with
"Take it easy, Dad," she said when he left her. She kissed both of them
good-bye, and her father stood smiling at her.
"Try not to embarrass yourself," he said mock somberly
and she laughed
at him.
"Keep your tail up."
"Mind your own!"
He saluted her and was gone, and the next time he saw
her he almost burst with pride.
She was wearing her uniform, with a
gleaming pair of silver wings, and she looked older and more mature
she ever had before. She
had her long red hair tied into a neat bun,
and the uniform looked sensational on her long, lean figure.
Her parents had come to New York because she was shipping out for
England that weekend, though they'd only be there briefly.
She would be going back and forth with planes, whenever they were
somewhere else. But her
first assignment was to report to Hornchurch
with a bomber.
She had dinner with her parents the night before she left, and she
them to a little Italian restaurant she went to whenever she was
in New
York with the other pilots.
She introduced some of them to her parents,
and they could see that she had never been happier than she was
Despite the hardships of the training she'd gone through, to
more often than not, it seemed like summer camp for female
fliers. She
liked the women she flew with, and the challenge of ferrying
through dangerous airspace suited her completely. She was used to
difficult flying, and she liked the fact that she'd have to pay
attention. For this first
trip, she had been assigned a male co-pilot,
and they were going through Greenland.
"Keep an eye out for Nick," her father had said when he
left her at the
barracks, and she had promised to write to them from England. She
didn't think she'd be there long, but she didn't know yet. She would be
doing some flying there, and she would have to wait for a return
assignment. She might be
there for as little as a week or two, or as
long as three months.
There was no way of knowing. But
one thing she
did know and that was that all through her training, she had
thought of
nothing but Nick Galvin.
She had done a lot of thinking, and she had made some decisions.
All her life she had had to wait for other people to make up their
about her life, and she wasn't willing to let that happen
anymore. She
had had to pay her own brother to lie for her and take her up in
plane, so she could learn to fly it. She had had to wait for Nick to
notice how badly she wanted to learn, and agree to give her
hidden from her father.
She had had to wait for her father to come to
his senses years before, and let her fly from his airport.
She had had to wait for Nick to tell her he loved her, and then
for the R.A.F. And she had had to wait for Desmond to let her fly
planes, and lie to her, and use her, and then finally tell her the
of how little he cared for her.
All her life she had had to wait for
other people's decisions and manipulations. And even now, Nick knew
where she was, he knew what she felt for him, but he never wrote
The only thing he probably didn't know, since it had never been
publicized, thanks to Desmond's good relations with the press, was
she had left him.
But she wasn't waiting anymore.
It wasn't anyone else's decision this
time. It was her
turn. And ever since she had found out
what a bastard
Desmond had been, she had wanted to go to England. She had no idea what
would happen when she got there, or what Nick would say. And she didn't
care how old he was, or how young she was, or how much money he
did or
didn't have.
All she knew was that she had to be there. She had a right to know what
he felt for her. She had a
right to a lot of things, she'd decided, and
it was time for her to get them.
This trip was one of them. It
just exactly what she wanted to be doing at that moment.
They left at five o'clock the next morning, and she found the
challenging, though dull some of the time. She and her copilot chatted
for a while, and he was impressed to realize who she "I saw
you at an
air show once. You cleaned
up everything. I think three firsts and
second." It had been
her last one. And he remembered
"I haven't done those in a while."
"They get old."
"I lost my brother at the one the following year, it kind of
took the
fun out of them for me after that."
"I'll bet." And
then he remembered the trick she had pulled, with
admiration. "You
almost ate it the time I saw you."
"Nah, just looked like it," she said modestly, and he
"Nervy broads. You
guys are all the same. All guts and no
He laughed and she grinned at him. To her, it was almost a compliment.
She liked the guts part.
"Gee, thanks."
She smiled at him, and for an instant he reminded her of
"No problem."
By the time they arrived over England, they had become friends,
and she
hoped to fly with him again.
He was from Texas, and like all of them,
had been flying since he was old enough to climb into the
cockpit. He
promised to look her up the next time he was in New Jersey.
They'd been lucky that night, there were no German pilots scouting
them. He'd gotten in a
couple of dogfights before, and he was happy
they hadn't for her first trip.
"No big deal though," he reassured her.
And much to her delight, he let her land the plane, and she had no
problem, despite her father's dire warnings. It was wonderful being
treated as an equal.
She took the paperwork to the office they had told her to report
They thanked her politely for the paperwork, and handed her a slip
paper with her billeting.
And as she walked back outside again, the
pilot she'd flown over with invited her for breakfast.
But she told him she had other plans. She did, but she wasn't sure
where to start looking.
She had his address but it meant nothing to
her. Not yet, at
least. She pulled the piece of paper
she'd written it
on out of her pocket, and was staring at it, fighting the
exhaustion of
the flight, when someone jostled her, and she looked up first in
irritation, then in amazement.
It was ridiculous. Things
didn't happen that way. It was too
He was standing there, staring down at her, looking as though he'd
a ghost. No one had warned
him she was coming. And there Cassie
in uniform, looking into the startled eyes of Major Nick Galvin.
"What are you doing here?" He said it as though he owned the place, and
she laughed at him, her red hair framing her face as the autumn
blew through it.
"Same thing you are."
More or less, except that his job was a lot more
dangerous than hers. But
they both had their jobs and their missions.
And several ferry pilots had already been killed by Germans. "Thanks
for all the great letters, by the way. I really enjoyed them."
tried to make light of the pain he had caused her by his silence.
He grinned boyishly at the comment. He could barely make himself listen
to her, he was so overwhelmed with just seeing her again. The last time
he had seen her was the morning after they had spent the night at
secret airstrip.
"I really enjoyed writing them to you." He quipped back, but all he
wanted to do now was reach out and touch her. He couldn't keep his eyes
from her, his hands, his arms, his heart, his fingers.
Instinctively, he reached out and touched her hair. It still felt like
silk and looked like fire.
"How are you, Cass?"
he said softly, as
people in uniform milled around them. Hornchurch was a busy place, but
neither of them seemed to notice.
They couldn't keep their eyes off
each other. Despite the
hardships they both had been through, nothing
seemed to have changed between them.
"I'm okay," she answered him, as he led her to a quiet
spot, where they
could sit down on a rock wall for a few minutes, and talk. There was so
much to say, so much to catch up on. And he felt guilty suddenly for
his silence.
"I was worried sick about you when you went down," he
said, and she
looked away, thinking of Billy.
"It wasn't much fun," she was honest with him. "It was pretty rough,
and . . ." She had trouble saying it, and without
thinking, he took
her hand and held it in his own.
". . . it was awful when Billy .
"I know." She
didn't have to say the words. He
understood perfectly.
"You can't blame yourself, Cass. I told you that a long time ago.
all do what we have to. We
take our chances. Billy knew what he
doing. He wanted to fly
the tour with you, for himself, not just for
you." She nodded,
knowing the wisdom of his words, but it was small
"I never felt right that I made it back and he
didn't." It was the
first time she'd said that to anyone, and she couldn't have said
it to
anyone but Nick. She
always told him all her feelings.
"That's life. That's
not your decision. It's His." He pointed toward
the heavens, and she nodded.
"Why didn't you call when I got back?" she asked sadly. They had gone
right to the important things.
They always did. He was like
"I thought about it a lot .
. . I almost did call a couple of times,"
he smiled, "when I had a pint or two under my belt, as they
say here,
but I figured your husband wouldn't like it much.
Where is he now, by the way?" His question confirmed her suspicion and
she smiled at him. It was
funny sitting here, talking to Nick, as
though he'd been waiting for her to arrive. It was all so simple
suddenly. There they were,
four thousand miles from home, and chatting
on a rock wall in the autumn sunshine.
"He's in Los Angeles."
With Nancy Firestone. Or someone
like her.
"I'm surprised he let you do this . . . or actually, I'm not," Nick
said, looking somewhat bitter.
It had torn his heart out when he
thought she was lost, and that bastard had risked her life to sell
airplanes. Desmond was the
one he'd wanted to call, to tell him what a
rotten sonofabitch he was.
But he never did it. "I
guess he figured
this stuff would look good in the newsreels.
Patriotic. One of the
boys. Was it his idea or
yours?" He wanted it
to be hers, because he wanted to respect her for it.
"It was mine, Nick.
I've wanted to do this for a long time, since the
tour. But when I got back,
I didn't feel right leaving Dad. It was
hard on him even now.
There's no one left to help him.
He might even
have to hire a few women finally, except that most of them are
the WAFS, the FTC, or the Flying Training Command, like I
"What do you mean you didn't feel right leaving him? Did you stay with
them when you got back?"
The bastard hadn't even had the decency to
take care of her, and she must have been pretty sick after seven
starving on an atoll.
"Yes, I went back to them," she said quietly, looking at
remembering their one night of happiness in the moonlight. "I left
Desmond, Nick. I left him
when Dad had his heart attack." It
was over
a year before, and Nick was stunned to realize he'd never heard
"When I went back to L.A. after the last time I saw you,
things were
just the way you said they were.
He kept pushing me, press conferences,
test flights, interviews, newsreels. It was everything you said it
would be, but he didn't show his true colors until Dad got
sick. He
'ordered' me to do the tour on schedule, and 'forbade' me to go
back and
see my father."
"But you went anyway, didn't you?" He knew the trip had been postponed,
and had seen a newsreel of her at the hospital, so he knew that
"Yeah, I went anyway, and Billy came with me. Desmond said he'd sue us
if we didn't do the tour, and he made us sign contracts promising
we'd go in October no matter what."
"Nice guy."
"I know. I never went
back to him. He never even called me.
All he wanted was for me to keep it from the press till I got
And you were right about the women too. Nancy Firestone was his
mistress. Apparently, the
only reason he married me was to publicize
the tour, just as you said.
He said it wouldn't have had 'the same
impact on the public' without it.
The marriage was a complete sham.
And afterward, when they brought me back, he told me in Hawaii
that I
still worked for him, and he was going to sue me for not
completing my
contract. I'd promised him
fifteen thousand miles in the North Star,
and only made eleven before we went down. He figured he'd get some
publicity out of me even then, but it was all over. Dad took me to a
lawyer in Chicago, and I divorced him."
Nick sat utterly amazed at what she was telling him, although the
that Williams was a sonofabitch wasn't news to anyone, and
certainly not
Nick. But he was a lot
worse than even Nick had suspected.
"How did you keep all that quiet before you left?"
"He's good at that.
That's his business. When I went
back to L.A.
before the tour, I stayed at Billy's. No one knew anything.
We left a few weeks after I got back from Good Hope anyway, and
dressed it all up in clean linen.
He's a real snake, Nick. You
right about everything. I
always wanted to tell you that, but I wasn't
sure what to say, or how to say it. At first, my pride was hurt, and I
was ashamed to admit that the whole thing had been a farce. And then, I
figured maybe you wouldn't want to know anyway. You were so definite
about not wanting me. I
don't know . . . I figured maybe it was
to leave it for a while. I
kept hoping you'd come home and we'd talk,
but I guess after Pearl Harbor, you couldn't."
"We don't get leaves anymore, Cass. And what do you mean I was
'definite about not wanting you." Do you remember that night?" He
looked hurt that she would say that.
"I remember every minute of it. Sometimes that was the only thing that
kept me going on the island .
. . thinking of you . . .
remembering . . . it was
what got me through a lot of things . .
like leaving Desmond. He
was so rotten."
"Then why didn't you write and tell me?"
She sighed, thinking about it, and then she looked at him
honestly. "I
guess I figured you'd just tell me again that you were too old and
poor, and that I should find myself a kid like Billy."
He smiled at the truth of it.
He might just have been dumb enough to do
that. But that was before
she had almost died, before he had come to
his senses. Just sitting
there, looking at her, made him realize what a
total fool he'd been when he left her.
"And did you? Find a
kid like Billy, I mean?" He looked
so worried
that for a minute she wished she had the guts to make him jealous.
"I should tell you that I've been out with every man in seven
"I'm not sure I'd believe you." He smiled and lit a cigarette, as he
sat back against the wall, and looked at her with pleasure. It was so
good to see her again.
This was the little girl he'd always loved, all
grown-up now.
"Why not? Think I'm
too ugly for any man to take out?"
she teased him.
"Not ugly. Just
difficult. It takes a man of a certain
age and
sophistication to handle a girl like you, Cass. There aren't too many
men in McDonough County who could do it."
"You're so full of it.
Does that mean you're the right age these days,
or are you still too old for me?" she asked him pointedly, wanting to
know just where they were going.
"I used to be.
Mostly, I was just too stupid," he said honestly; "they
almost had to retire me when you went down, Cass. I thought I'd go
crazy, thinking about you.
I went nuts for a while there. I
have flown home as soon as I heard. Then at least I could have been in
Honolulu when you got there."
"It would have been wonderful," she smiled gently, but
she didn't
reproach him. Not for
anything. She just wanted to know where
stood now.
"I suppose Desmond was there with the reporters," he
said with a look of
"Naturally. But I had
a great nurse who kept throwing them out of my
room before they got a foot in the doorway. She absolutely hated
Desmond. That was when he
was threatening to sue me for not fulfilling
my contract. I think he's
convinced I blew up his plane on purpose.
It was the damnedest thing, Nick," she said solemnly,
"both engines
caught fire. I don't think
they've figured it out yet, and I'm not sure
they ever will." She
looked far away for a moment as she said it, and
he pulled her closer to him.
"Don't think about it, Cass.
It's over." So were a lot
of things.
A whole lifetime had ended for her, and now it was time for a new
beginning. He looked down
at her with a slow smile, feeling the warmth
of her next to him, and remembered a summer night almost two years
before that had sustained him ever since then.
"So how long are you here for?"
"I get my orders on Thursday," she said quietly,
wondering what was in
store for them, what he wanted from her, if it was going to be the
game as before, or if he had finally grown up now. "I'll be here
anywhere from a week or two to three months.
But I'll be back pretty often.
I'm in the overseas ferry squadron,
that's what we do, taxi service from New Jersey to
"That's pretty tame for you, Cass. Most of the time at least."
He was relieved she hadn't found something more dangerous to
do. She'd
be just the one to do that.
For Desmond, she had tested fighter planes
to be adapted for the Army.
But that was over.
"It'll do for now.
What about you? Where are you
now?" she asked him,
with a look that searched his soul. There was no escaping her question.
At first he didn't understand what she was asking him, and then he
laughed, and looked down at her.
He understood perfectly. It was
accident that she had come here.
The only coincidence was that he'd run
into her so quickly.
"What are you asking me, Cass?"
"How brave are you?
How smart have you gotten over here, risking your
life against the Germans?"
"I'm smarter than I used to be, if that's what you're asking
I'm a little older . . .
just as poor . . ." He remembered his own
words easily, and how foolish he had been when he said them.
"How brave are you, little Cassie? How foolish? Is this what
you want?
After everything you've done and had and been in the last two
years, is
this what you still want?
Just me and the old Jenny?
That's all I've got, you know.
That, and the Bellanca. It's
going to be fancy."
But they both knew she'd had that and it wasn't
what she wanted. She wanted
him, and everything he meant to her.
Nothing more now.
"If I wanted fancy, I'd be in L.A."
"No, you wouldn't," he said quietly, with the stubborn
look she knew so
"Why not?"
"Because I wouldn't let you.
I'll never let you go back to that.
I shouldn't have let you go in the first place." They had both learned
some expensive lessons.
But they were wiser now. They
had both come
far, and paid dearly for everything they learned and wanted. "I love
you, Cass, and always have," he said quietly as he pulled her
close to
him, and she looked up at him and smiled. It was the face she knew so
well, and had always loved since she was a child. The same lines around
the eyes from squinting at the sun, the same face she had grown up
It was a handsome face with character and purpose and kindness,
the only
one she wanted to look at for an entire lifetime.
She had come here to find him again. And she had. With Nick,
she had
everything she wanted.
"I love you too, Nick," she said peacefully as he held
her close to him,
feeling the warmth of her, the nearness he had longed for so
often. It
had been hell being away from her, a hell he'd made for himself,
bitterly regretted, but didn't know how to get out of. It took Cass to
come over and find him.
"And if either of us doesn't come back from this?" he asked her
honestly. "What
then?" He still didn't want to
ruin her life, tying
her to him, and then dying.
That was the price you paid sometimes for
loving a flier.
"That's a chance we both take every day. We always have. You taught me
that. If this is what we
want, we have to have the guts to live with
that. And each let the
other do what they have to." It
was a high
price to pay for loving someone, but they had always been willing
to do
"And afterward?"
He still worried about all that, but she had crossed
those bridges long since, and she wouldn't have cared anyway if
he'd had
absolutely nothing.
"Afterward, we go home, my father retires eventually, and he
gives us
the airport. And if we
live in a shack because that's all you've got,
so be it. I don't care,
and if we do, we'll change it."
This time he didn't argue with her. This time he knew it was enough for
both of them. They had had
more, and less, in their lives, and it
didn't matter to them. All
they needed was what they had, each other,
and a sky to fly in.
He kissed her gently, and afterward she looked into the autumn sky
smiled, remembering the hours they'd spent in his old Jenny. She
reminded him of her first loops and spins, and he laughed.
"You used to scare the pants off me."
"The hell I did . . .
you told me I was a natural." She
pretended to
be insulted as they stood up and he walked her slowly toward her
barracks. They had
resolved a lot that morning.
"I just said that because I was in love with you." He laughed happily,
feeling like a kid again.
She did that to him. She always
"No, you didn't. You
weren't in love with me then," she argued with a
broad smile, wondering if he had been.
"Yes, I was." He
looked happy and at ease and young. And
he felt
immeasurable pride as he walked along with her.
They laughed and talked and teased like children. Suddenly, life was
very simple. She had done
what she had come here to do. She had
him, and everything he had always been to her. She was home at last.
They both were.
the end.