Part I: The Dreamers of
He missed the sun.
The planet Ansatz boasts one
city, Nightingale, a gem that graces eternal night. Just as a
diamond sparkles because light that ventures into its heart is
captured, bouncing from face to face, so Jato Stormson was trapped
in Nightingale. Unlike the light inside a faceted diamond, however,
he could never escape.
After a few years, his memories
of home faded. He could no longer picture the sun-parched farm on
the planet Sandstorm where he had spent his boyhood. It was always
dark in Nightingale.
The Dreamers–the artistic
geniuses who created Nightingale–were also mathematical prodigies.
That was why they named their planet Ansatz. It referred to a method
of solving differential equations. Guess an answer, an ansatz, and
see if it solved the equation. If it didn’t, make another guess.
Another ansatz. Jato felt as if he were trapped on a guess of a
One night he went to the
EigenDome, an establishment for dancing. He sat at a table and
waited for the drink server, but the server never came to his table.
That was why he rarely visited the Dome. The artist who had designed
the place considered it aesthetic to have humans serve the drinks
and the humans in Nightingale ignored him. But that night he was
lonelier than usual and even the icy Dreamers were better than no
company at all.
Made from synthetic diamond,
the Dome resembled a truncated soccer ball. Jato had looked up its
history in the city library and found a treatise on how the Dome’s
shape mimicked the molecule buckyball. Its holographic lighting
evoked the quantum eigenfunctions that described a buckyball. He
didn’t understand the physics, but he appreciated the beauty it
Tonight Dreamers were
everywhere, dancing, talking, humming. Centuries of playing with
their genes and living in perpetual night had bleached their skin
almost to translucence. Their hair floated around their bodies like
silver smoke. Light from lamps outside the Dome refracted through
the diamond walls, gracing the interior with rainbows that collected
on the Dreamers in pools of color. They glistened like quantum
Across the Dome, the doors
opened. A spacer stood in the doorway, her body haloed by the
rainbow luminance. This was no Dreamer. She looked solid.
Sun-touched. She must have come in on one of the rare ships that
visited Nightingale; rare, because the Dreamers allowed no
immigration and most sun-dwellers found a city of unrelieved night
depressing anyway. The only reason people usually came to Ansatz was
to trade for a Dream.
Ah, yes. The Trade.
Dreamers make a simple offer;
give one a pleasant dream and in return the Dreamer will give you a
work of art. They allow you ten days to try. After that, you must
leave Nightingale, trade or no trade. Considering the prices Dreamer
art claims throughout the Imperialate, that trade seems astoundingly
one-sided, the offer of great treasure for no more than a nice
Jato had let the lure of that
promise fool him. He spent years saving for the ticket to Ansatz.
But how do you give a dream? It was harder than it sounded,
particularly given how sun-dwelling humans revolted the Dreamers.
The same husky build and rugged looks that had won him such
admiration back home repelled the Dreamers. Considering their
disdain for ugliness, he feared they wouldn’t even let him stay the
ten days.
They never let him
So now he sat by himself and
watched the spacer walk to a table across in the Dome. She wore dark
pants tucked into boots and a white sweater with gold rings
decorating the upper arms. Her clothing looked familiar, but Jato
couldn’t place why. She had no jacket; Nightingale’s weather
machines aided the planet’s natural convection to keep the climate
pleasant, free from the fierce winds the tore at the rest of Ansatz.
Her hair was a cloud of black curls with gold tips, and dark lashes
framed her eyes–green eyes, the color of a leaf in the forest. Her
skin had a dusky hue, full of rosy blooming health. None of the
Dreamers spared her a second look, but Jato thought she was
She sat down–and the server
showed up to take her order. Irked, Jato got up and headed for the
laser bar, intending to insist they serve him. Reaching it, however,
was no simple feat. The Dome’s floor consisted of nested rings, each
slowly rotating in one direction or the other. The text he had found
in the library described some business about "mapping coefficients
in quantum superpositions onto ring velocities." All he knew was
that it took a computer to coordinate the motion so patrons could
step from one ring to another without falling. Dreamers carried it
off with grace, but he had never mastered it.
He managed to reach the dance
floor, a languid disk turning in the Dome’s center. Dancers drifted
away from him, slim and willowy, silver-eyed works of art. On the
other side, he ventured into the rings again and was soon being
carried this way and that. Each time he neared a hovertable occupied
by Dreamers, it floated away on cushions of air. He wished just once
someone would look up, admit his presence, give a greeting.
Meanwhile, the server brought
the spacer her drink, which was a LaserDrop in a wide-mouthed
bottle. Tiny lasers in the glass suffused the drink with color:
helium-neon red, zinc-selenium blue, sodium yellow. Drink in hand,
she settled back to watch the dancers.
Jato quit pretending it was the
bar he wanted and headed for the spacer. But whenever he neared the
ring with her hovertable, people and tables that had been drifting
away suddenly blocked his path. The spacer meanwhile finished her
drink, slid a payment chip into the table slot, and headed for the
door. He started after her–and the drink server appeared, blocking
the way, his back to Jato, his tray of laser-hued drinks held
Jato scowled. He had always
been long on patience and short on words. But even the most stoic
man could only take so much. He put his hand against the server’s
back and pushed, not hard, just enough to make the fellow move. The
server stumbled and his tray jumped, rum splashing out of the jars
in plump drops. Even then, no one looked at Jato, not even the
He made it to the door without
pushing anyone else. Outside, lamps lit the area for a few meters,
but beyond their radiance, night reigned under a sky rich with
stars. Jato strode away from the Dome, his fists clenched. He didn’t
want to give them the satisfaction of seeing their treatment provoke
The Dome was on the city
outskirts, near the edge of a large plateau where the Dreamers had
built Nightingale. The Giant’s Skeleton Mountains surrounded the
plateau, falling away from it on three sides and rising in sheer
cliffs on the fourth, here in the north. The northern peaks piled up
higher and higher in the distance, until they become a jagged line
against the star-dazzled sky.
The Dreamers claimed they built
Nightingale as a challenge: can you create beauty in so forbidding a
place? This was the reason they gave. Jato had heard others put
forth, but the Dreamers denied them.
Although his past attempts at
convincing spacers to smuggle him offplanet had failed, he never
gave up. In the distant shadows, he saw the spacer climbing the
SquareCase, a set of stairs carved into a cliff. The first step was
one centimeter high, the second four, the third nine, and so on,
their heights increasing as the square of integers. The first twenty
ran parallel to the cliff, but then they turned at a right angle and
stepped into the mountains, rising taller and taller, until they
became cliffs themselves, too high, too dark, and too distant to
By the time he reached the
first step of the SquareCase, the spacer was climbing the tenth,
about the height of her waist. She sat on it, half hidden in the
dark while she watched him. He approached slowly and stopped on the
ninth step.
"Can I do something for you?"
she asked.
"I wondered if you wanted a
guide to the city." It sounded unconvincing, but it was the best
introduction he could think of.
"Thank you," she said. "But I’m
fine." The conversation screeched to a halt.
He tried again. "I don’t often
get a chance to talk to anyone from offplanet."
Her posture eased. "I noticed
my ship was the only one in port."
"Did you come to trade for a
"No. Just some minor repairs.
I’ll be leaving as soon they’re done."
Behind her, Jato caught sight
of a globe sparkling with lights in a fractal pattern. As it floated
forward, it resolved into a robot drone over a meter in diameter,
its surface patterned by delicate curls of the Mandelbrot set,
swirls fringed by swirls fringed by swirls in an unending pattern of
ever more minute lace.
Following his gaze, the woman
glanced back. "What is that?"
"A robot. It watches this
She turned back to him. "Why
does that make you angry?"
"Angry?" How had she known?
"I’m not angry."
"What does it do?" she
"I’ll show you." Jato strode
forward and hauled his bulk onto the tenth step. Although he towered
over the spacer, she seemed unperturbed, simply scooting over to let
him pass. That self-confidence impressed him as much as her
As he approached the eleventh
step, the globe whirred into his face. When he tried to push it
away, it rammed his shoulder so hard he fell to one knee.
"Hey!" The woman jumped up and
grabbed for him, as if she actually thought she could stop someone
his size from falling over the edge. "Why did it do
He stood up, brushing rock dust
off his trousers. "As a warning."
That’s when she did it. She
smiled. "Whatever for?"
Jato hardly heard her. All he
saw was her smile. It dazzled.
But after a moment, her smile
faded. "Are you all right?" she asked.
He refocused his thoughts.
"You’re just staring at
"Sorry." He motioned at the
globe. "It was warning me not to go past the city border, which
crosses the cliff here." Having the drones watch him up here was
almost funny. As if he could actually escape Nightingale by climbing
a staircase that grew geometrically.
"Why can’t you leave the city?"
she asked.
He discovered he couldn’t make
himself tell her, at least not yet. Why should she believe his
story? Eight years ago, the Dreamers had showed up at his room in
the Whisper Inn and locked his wrists behind his back with cuffs
made from sterling silver M�bius strips. He had no idea what was
happening until he found himself on trial. They convicted him of a
murder that never happened and sentenced him to life in
Supposedly, years of treatment
had "cured" him, and he no longer posed a danger to society. So the
Dreamers let him out of his cell, which had never been a cell
anyway, but an apartment under the city. For a giddy span of hours
he had thought they meant to send him home; if he was no longer
dangerous, after all, why keep him under sentence?
He soon found out
For the Dreamers who believed
in his guilt, which was most of them, it would take a lifetime for
him to atone. One of their most renowned artists, Crankenshaft
Granite, had argued–with truth–that to Jato it would be almost as
much a punishment to spend his life confined to Nightingale as to
his apartment. But by making the city his jail, they showed their
compassion for a criminal who had turned away from his violent
nature. Jato saw why that logic appealed to the Dreamers, who for
some reason had a driving need to see themselves as kind, yet who in
truth considered all sun-dwellers flawed, deserving neither freedom
nor friendship.
But he knew the truth.
Crankenshaft’s motives had nothing to do with compassion. The only
reason Jato had a modicum more freedom now was because it made
Crankenshaft’s life easier.
Jato didn’t want to see that
wary look appear on this woman’s face, the one spacers always wore
when they learned his story. Not yet. He wanted to have these few
minutes without the weight of his conviction pressing on
So instead of telling her, he
pointed at his feet and made a joke. "This is where I live. These
are my coordinates."
"Your what?"
So much for scintillating wit,
he thought. "Coordinates. This staircase is the plot of a non-linear
step function."
She laughed, like the sweet
ringing of a bell. "Why would anyone go to all this work just to
make a big plot?"
"It’s art." He wished she would
laugh again. It was a glorious sound.
"This is some art," she said.
"But you haven’t told me why your people won’t let you
His people? She thought he was
a Dreamer? It wasn’t only that he bore no resemblance to
them. Dreamers were gifted at both art and mathematics, neither of
which he had talent for. Yet this beautiful woman thought he was
both. He grinned. "They like me. They don’t want me to
She stared at him, her mouth
"Are you all right?" he
She closed her mouth.
"You’re just staring at
"I–your smile–" She flushed.
"My apologies. I’m afraid I’m rather tired." She gave him a formal
nod. "My pleasure at your company." Then she turned and headed down
the stairs.
He almost went after her,
stunned by her abrupt leave-taking. But he managed to keep from
making a fool of himself. Instead, he stood in the shadows and
watched her descend the SquareCase.
When Jato turned into the
underground corridor that dead-ended at his apartment, he saw a
Mandelbrot globe waiting at the door. Given that he lived nowhere
near Nightingale’s perimeter, only one reason existed for its
presence. Crankenshaft had sent it. With Jato no longer confined to
his apartment, Crankenshaft could have him brought wherever he
wanted instead of the Dreamer having to come down here.
Jato spun around and ran, his
boots clanging on the metal floor. If he could find a side passage
too narrow for the globe to follow, he might evade capture. It was a
stupid game Crankenshaft played; if Jato escaped the drones,
Crankenshaft let him have the day off.
A whirring sound came from
behind him. The drone hit his side and he stumbled into the wall,
bringing up his arms to protect his face. An aperture opened on the
robot and an air syringe slid out, accompanied by the hiss of its
His view of the hall wavered,
darkened, faded. . . .
Jato opened his eyes. A face
floated above him, an aged Dreamer with eyes like ice. Gusts of wind
fluttered her silver hair around her cheeks. He knew that gaunt
face. It belonged to Silicate Glacier. Crankenshaft’s
Crankenshaft was standing
behind her. Tall for a Dreamer, he had a well-kept physique that
belied his one-hundred and six years of age. Black hair covered his
head in bristles. He had two-tone eyes, grey bordered by red, like
old ice in ruby rings.
Jato spoke in a hoarse voice.
"How long?"
"You have slept several hours,"
Crankenshaft said.
"I meant, how long do you need
me for?"
"I don’t know. We will
As Jato pulled himself into a
sitting position, Silicate stepped back, avoiding contact with him.
He swung his legs over the stone ledge where he had been lying and
looked around. Crankenshaft had chosen the big studio. The ledge
jutted out of the west wall, an otherwise blank plane of grey stone.
On the left, the south wall was a window looking over Nightingale,
which lay far below. The east and north "walls" were holoscreens,
sheets of thermoplastic that hung from the ceiling. Holos rippled in
front of them, swaths of color that trembled as breezes shook the
It always disoriented Jato,
that wind. Moving air didn’t belong inside a house. For that matter,
neither did Mandelbrot globes. But two floated here, one hovering
behind Crankenshaft and another prowling the studio.
The major feature in the room
was a round pool. A glossy white cone about two meters tall rose out
of the water. A second cone stood next to it, its top cut flat in a
circular cross-section. The three other cones in the pool were cut
at angles, giving them elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic
"Circle today," Crankenshaft
said. Then he headed across the drafty studio to a console in the
corner where the two holo-walls met.
Jato looked at Silicate and she
looked back, as cool and as smooth as stone. Then she too walked
away, leaving the studio via a slit in a thermoplastic
A gust rumpled Jato’s hair and
he shivered, wrapping his arms around his body. "Do you have a
jacket?" he asked.
Crankenshaft didn’t answer, he
just stooped over his console and went to work. So Jato waited,
trying to clear out the haze left in his mind by the
A globe nudged his shoulder.
When he stayed put, it pushed harder. "Flame off," he
A syringe extended out of the
Still intent on his console,
Crankenshaft said, "It shoots a heat stimulant. A strong specimen
such as yourself might tolerate it for ten minutes before going into
Jato scowled. Where did
Crankenshaft come up with this sick stuff? He looked at the globe,
at Crankenshaft, at the globe again. With Crankenshaft he used care
in choosing his battles. This one wasn’t worth it.
He took off his boots and went
to the pool. The knee-deep water was cool today, but at least no ice
crusted the surface. He waded to the truncated cone and climbed up
onto it, then sat cross-legged, hugging his arms to his chest for
"Move ten centimeters to the
north," Crankenshaft said.
Jato moved over. "Can you warm
it up in here?"
Crankenshaft sat down at his
console, concentrating on whatever he was doing. So Jato moved to
the south side of the cone.
Crankenshaft looked around.
"Move to the other side."
"Turn on the heat," Jato
"After you turn on the
Reaching back to the console,
Crankenshaft touched a panel. A globe whirred behind Jato and he
heard a syringe hiss. Heat flared in his biceps, spreading fast, up
his shoulder and down his arm.
"Hot enough?" Crankenshaft
It was excruciating, but Jato
had no intention of letting on how much it bothered him. He simply
shrugged. "What will you do? Put your model into shock because he
objects to freezing?"
A muscle under Crankenshaft eye
twitched. He went back to work, ignoring Jato again. However, the
room warmed and the burning in Jato’s muscles cooled. Either
Crankenshaft had lied or else the drone had delivered an antidote
with the poison, probably in a bio-sheath that dissolved after a few
minutes in the blood.
Over the next few hours the
wind dried Jato’s clothes. Silicate came in once to bring
Crankenshaft a meal on a stone platter. Jato wondered about her,
always attentive, always silent. Did she create her own art? Most
Dreamers did, even those who worked other jobs. Silicate’s only
occupation seemed to be waiting on Crankenshaft. But then, Jato
doubted Crankenshaft would tolerate artistic competition in his own
Finally Crankenshaft stood up,
rolling his shoulders to ease the muscles. "You can go," he said,
and left the studio.
Just like that. You can go. Get
out of my house. Clenching his teeth, Jato slid off the cone and
limped across the pool, sore from sitting so long. After coaxing his
boots on under his wet trousers, he went to a door in the corner of
the studio where the window-wall met one of the thermoplastic
Icy wind greeted him outside.
He stood at the top of a staircase that spiraled down the cliff
Crankenshaft owned. The city glimmered far below, and beyond it
ragged mountains stretched into the darkness. Millennia ago a
marauding asteroid had struck the planet, distorting it into a blunt
teardrop that lay on its side, its axis pointed at Quatrefoil, the
star it orbited. Although Ansatz was almost tidally locked with
Quatrefoil, it wobbled enough so most of its surface received at
least a little sunlight. Night reigned supreme only here in this
small region around the pole.
Crankenshaft’s estate was high
enough to touch the transition zone between the human-made pocket of
calm around Nightingale and the violent winds that swept Ansatz. Yet
despite the long drop to the plateau, the staircase had no
protection, not even a rail. Another of Crankenshaft’s "quirks."
After all, he never used these stairs.
Jato grimaced. When he came
willingly, Crankenshaft always had a flycar waiting to take him
home. Today he would have to go back inside and ask for a ride, a
prospect he found as appealing as eating rocks.
So he went down the stairs,
stepping with care, always aware of the chasm of air. Around and
around the spiral he went, never looking around too much, lest it
throw off his balance. He wondered how he would appear to someone
down in the city. Perhaps like a mote descending a stone DNA helix
on the face of a massive cliff.
The helix image caught his
mind. It would make an intriguing sculpture. He could go to the
library and find a text on DNA. It would have to be a holobook,
though, rather than anything on the computer.
Before Jato had come to Ansatz,
his computer illiteracy hadn’t mattered. As the oldest son of a
water-tube farmer on Sandstorm, he hadn’t been able to afford web
access, let alone a console. Although everyone here in Nightingale
had access to the city web, it did him little good. However, he had
figured out how to tell a console in the library to print
He doubted he would try the
helix sculpture, though. Reading could only give information, not
talent. One thing he had to say for Crankenshaft: the man was
brilliant. Jato could never imagine him giving away his
stratospherically-priced work for a Dream. Besides, what Dream would
he find pleasant? Pulling wings off bugs, maybe.
Jato scowled. A few Dreamers
high in Nightingale’s city government knew Crankenshaft had set him
up. They framed him for a crime so brutal it would have meant
execution or personality reconfiguration anywhere else. Imperialate
law was harsh: an escaped convict fleeing into a new jurisdiction
could be resentenced there for his crime. That often-denounced law
was intended to ease the morass of extradition problems that arose
as more and more planets came under Imperial rule. But it let
Crankenshaft blackmail him; if Jato escaped Nightingale, he was
subject to death or a brain wipe.
Crankenshaft’s work was known
across a thousand star systems. He was a genius among geniuses, and
on Ansatz that translated into power. Whatever he wanted for his
art, he was given.
Including Jato.
Part II: Dream
Jato lay in bed, unable to
sleep. He had dimmed the lights until only faint images of
sand-swept fields softened the walls, holoart he had created
himself, memories of his home.
Even after eight years, he
still found this room remarkable. He had grown up in a two-room
dustshack his family shared with two other families. Here he had,
all to himself, a bed with a quilt, a circular bureau, a mirror, a
bathroom, and soft rugs for the floor. The Dreamers charged no rent
and gave him a living stipend. His medical care was free, including
the light panels and vitamin supplements his sun-starved body
Tonight the room felt emptier
than usual. He gave up trying to sleep and went to the bureau, a
round piece of furniture that rotated. He removed his statue from
the top drawer. He had come to Ansatz hoping for a miracle, to trade
for a fabulous treasure. He had his own dreams then, ones he hoped
to achieve by selling such a masterpiece: a farm of his own, a
business, a better home for his family, well-deserved retirement for
his parents, a wife and children for himself. A life.
He had never intended to
make art. Still, living in Nightingale, how could a person
deny the pull to create? The statue had taken years to finish and he
kept it hidden now, knowing how lacking the Dreamers would find his
attempts. He liked it, though.
To get the stone he wanted, he
had climbed down windscoured cliffs below Nightingale, into crevices
lost in the night-dark shadows. There he cut a chunk of black marble
no human hand had ever before touched. Back in his rooms, he
fashioned it into a bird with its wings spread wide, taloned feet
beneath its body, supported by a stand carved from the same stone.
Next he made clay copies of it. He spent several years cutting
facets into the copies, redoing them until he was satisfied. Then he
carved the facets into the statue and inlaid them with crystalline
Dreamers used elegant
mathematical theories to design their creations. Jato knew his was
simple in comparison. The geometry of the facets specified a fugue
in four voices, each voice an aspect of his life: loss, of his home
and life on Sandstorm; beauty, as in the stark glory of Nightingale;
loneliness, his only companion here; and the dawn, which he would
never again see.
Holding the statue, he lay down
in bed and fell asleep.
The bird sang a miraculous
fugue, creating all four voices at once. Jato held it as he ran
through Nightingale. The pursuing Mandelbrot drone gained ground,
until finally it whirred around in front of him. Fractals swirled
off its surface and turned into braided steel coils. They wrapped
around his body, crushing his chest and arms, silencing the bird. He
reeled under the icy stars and fell across the first step of the
He wrestled with the coils
until he worked his arms free, easing the pressure on the bird. It
sang again and its voice rose to the stars on wings of
The fractal coils fell away
from his body. As Jato stood up, the spacer appeared, walking out of
the shadows that cloaked the SquareCase. She toed aside the coils
and they melted, their infinitely repeating patterns blurred into
pools of glimmering silver. The bird continued to sing, its fugue
curling around them in a mist of notes.
The spacer stopped only a
pace away. Her eyes were a deep green, dappled like a forest, huge
and dark. She brushed her fingers across his lips. Jato put his hand
on her back, applying just enough to pressure to make the decision
hers; stay where she was, or step forward and bring her body against
She stepped forward. . . .
The Whisper Inn was a round
building, graceful in the night. Holding his bundle, Jato stood at
its door, an arched portal bordered by glimmering metal
"Open," he said.
Nothing happened.
He tried again.
Swirling lines and speckles
appeared on the door and a holo formed, an amber rod hanging in
front of the door. A curve appeared by the rod and rotated around
it, sweeping out a shape. When it finished, a vase hung in the air
with the rod piercing its center. Soothing pastel patterns swirled
on the image.
"Solid of revolution complete,"
the door said. "Commence integration."
"What?" Jato asked. No door had
ever asked him to "commence integration" before.
"Shall I produce a different
solid?" it asked.
"I want you to
Silver and black swirls
suffused the vase. "You must calculate the volume of the
"Set up integral. Choose
limits. Integrate. Computer assistance will be required."
"I have no idea how to do
"Then I cannot
Jato scratched his chin. "I
know the volume of a box."
The vase faded and a box
appeared. "Commence integration."
"Its volume is width times
height times length."
Box and rod
"Open," Jato said.
Still no response.
Jato wondered if the Innkeeper
had his door vex all visitors this way. Then again, Dreamers would
probably enjoy the game.
"Jato?" the door
"Don’t you want to
He made an exasperated noise.
"Why else would I say ‘Open’?"
Box and rod reappeared.
"Commence integration."
"I already did
"I seem to be caught in a
loop," the door admitted.
Jato smiled. "Are you running a
new program?"
"Yes. Apparently it needs more
work." The door slid open. "Please enter."
Muted light from laser murals
lit the lobby. As the floor registered his weight, soft bells
chimed. Fragrances wafted in the air, turning sharp and then sweet
in periodic waves.
The Innkeeper’s counter
consisted of three concentric cylinders about waist height, all made
from jade built atom-by-atom by molecular assemblers, as were most
precious minerals used in Nightingale’s construction. The Innkeeper
sat at a circular table inside the cylinders, reading a
Jato went to the counter. "I’d
like to see one of your customers." He knew the spacer had to be
here; this inn was the only establishment in Nightingale that would
lodge sun-dwellers.
The Innkeeper continued to
"Hey," Jato said.
The Dreamer kept
Jato scowled, then clambered
over the cylinders. "The offworld woman. I need her room
The Innkeeper rubbed an edge of
his book and the holos above it shifted to show dancers twirling to
a Strauss waltz.
Jato pulled the book out of his
hand. "Come on."
The Innkeeper took back his
book without even looking up. A whirring started up behind Jato, and
a Mandelbrot globe bumped his arm.
"I owe her," Jato said. "She
gave me a dream."
That caught the Dreamer’s
attention. He looked up, his translucent eyebrows arching in his
translucent face. "You come with Dream payment?" He laughed.
Jato tried not to grit his
teeth. "You know payment has to be offered."
"She is in Number Four," he
Jato hadn’t actually expected a
reply. Apparently the unwritten laws of dream debt overrode even the
Innkeeper’s distaste for talking to large, non-translucent
Old-fashioned stairs led to the
upper levels. As Jato climbed, holoart came on, suffusing the walls
with color. He glanced back to see the holos fade until only sparks
of light danced in the air, mimicking the traces left by particles
in an ancient bubble chamber.
No one answered when he knocked
at Number Four. He tried again, but still no answer.
As he started to leave, a click
sounded behind him. He turned back to see the spacer in the doorway,
light from behind her sparkling on the gold tips of her tousled
hair. She wore grey knee-boots and a soft blue jumpsuit that
accented her curves. The only decorations on her jumpsuit were two
gold rings around each of her upper arms. A tube trimmed each of her
boots, running from the heel to the top edge of the boot, an odd
style, but attractive.
"Yes?" she asked.
Jato swallowed, wondering if he
had just set himself up for a rebuff. He tried to think of a clever
opening that would put her at ease, perhaps intrigue or even charm
her. What he ended up with was the scintillating, "I came to see
Incredibly, she stepped aside.
"Come in."
Her room was pleasant, with
gold curtains on the windows and a pretty rumpled bed that looked as
if she had been sleeping in it.
Jato hesitated. "Did I wake
you? I can come back later."
"No. Now is good." She motioned
him to a small table gleaming with metal accents. Its fluted
pedestal supported two disks, the upper joined to the lower along a
slit that ran from its center to its rim, a style common in
Nightingale. The only explanation Jato had ever extracted from a
Dreamer was, "Riemann sheets." He had looked it up at the library
and found an opaque treatise on complex variable theory that
apparently described how the sheets made a multi-valued expression
into a mathematical function.
After they sat down, he set his
bundle in front of her and spoke the formal phrases. "You gave me a
dream. I offer you my work in return."
She watched his face. "I don’t
"A beautiful dream." He
wondered if he sounded as awkward as he felt. "This is what I have
to trade." Pulling away the wrapping, he showed her the bird. Giving
it up was even harder than he had expected. But it was a matter of
honor: he had a debt and this was the only payment he had to
As she sat there staring at his
life’s creation, his face grew hot. He knew the wonders she had seen
in Nightingale. The bird was pitiful in comparison.
"It makes music," he said. "I
mean, it doesn’t make the music but it tells you how to make
She looked up at him. "Jato, I
can’t accept this." An odd expression crossed her face, come and
gone too fast to decipher. If he hadn’t known better, he would have
thought it was awe. Then she said, "Regulations don’t allow me to
accept presents."
Through the sting of her
refusal, he realized what she had said. "How did you know my name is
"After we talked, I looked up
your Ansatz records."
He stared at her. Those records
were sealed. That was the deal; as long as he did what
Crankenshaft wanted, his records remained secret and he had his
relative freedom on Ansatz.
Somehow he kept his voice even.
"I asked," she said. "The
authorities had to let me."
Like hell. They were supposed
to say No. Had his presence become so offensive that they
decided to get rid of him despite Crankenshaft? Or maybe
Crankenshaft no longer needed him.
Then it hit Jato, what else she
had said. Regulations didn’t allow her to accept gifts.
Of course. He should have
recognized it earlier. The gold bands on her jumpsuit were no
decorations. They denoted rank.
"You’re an ISC soldier," he
She nodded. "An Imperial
Messenger. Secondary Class."
Jato stared at her. Secondary
was equivalent in rank to colonel and "Messenger" was a euphemism
for intelligence officer. He had almost asked a high-ranking
spy-buster to smuggle him off Ansatz.
ISC, or Imperial Space Command,
was the sole defense in known space against the Traders, whose
military made a practice of "inviting" the settled worlds to join
their growing domain. All settled worlds. Whether they wanted to
join or not. The Traders based their economy on what they called "a
benevolent exchange of work contracts designed to benefit both
workers and the governing fellowships that hold their labor
contracts," one of the more creative, albeit frightening, euphemisms
Jato had heard for slavery. The Imperialate had formed in response,
an attempt by the free worlds to remain that way. That was why so
many colonies, including Ansatz, had joined the Imperialate despite
the loss of autonomy that came with ISC’s autocratic
He spoke with a calm he didn’t
feel. "Are you going to turn me over to ISC?"
"Well, no," she said. "I just
wondered about you after you followed me up those strange
Relief swept over him, followed
by distrust, then resentment, then embarrassment. One of his few
comforts on Ansatz had been his pleasure in creating the bird. Now
every time he looked at it he would remember how she rejected
As he rose to his feet, an
emotion leapt across her face. Regret? It was mixed with other
things, shyness maybe, even a fear of rejection. It went by too fast
for him to be sure.
She stood up. "May I request an
alternate gift? Something that wouldn’t violate
He had no alternate gifts.
"What do you mean?"
"I’d like to see Nightingale."
She hesitated. "Perhaps you would show it to me?"
She wanted a guide? True, he
was the best candidate; the Dreamers would never deign to offer such
services. But most people would prefer no guide at all to a
convicted murderer.
Of course his records said he
was "cured." Besides, rumor claimed Messengers had enhanced speed
and strength. Perhaps she was confident enough in her abilities that
she didn’t see him as a threat.
"All right," he
"Well. Good." It came again,
her beguiling flash of shyness. "Shall we, uh, go?"
He smiled. "It would help if I
had a name to call you."
"Oh. Yes. Of course." She
actually reddened. "Soz."
"Soz." He gave her a bow from
the waist. "My pleasure at your acquaintance."
Her face softened into a smile.
"And mine at yours."
They walked down to the lobby
in awkward silence. Outside, they strolled through the Inn’s rock
garden, where tall lamps made shadows stretch out from human-sized
mineral formations. The arrangement of rocks looked random, but it
had an underlying order calculated from chaos theory.
As they followed a path toward
the city proper, Jato tried to relax. Conversation had always been
his stumbling block. In his adolescence, he had discussed it with is
father while they were weeding a field.
"About girls," he had
"What about them?" his father
"You know."
His father sat back on his
heels. "Treat her right and she’ll treat you right."
"Can’t talk."
"Then listen."
"Don’t know what ‘treat her
right’ means."
"The way you want to be
Jato thought of having a girl
treat him the way he wanted to be treated. "What if we get into
His father scowled.
He had figured that his father,
who became his father only a few tendays after he married Jato’s
pregnant mother, would have had a more informative answer than that.
"What if it happens anyway?"
"You see that it doesn’t." He
pointed his trowel at Jato. "You go planting crops, boy, you better
be ready to take responsibility if they grow." Lowering his arm, he
looked across the field to where Jato’s mother was curing tubes by
the water shack, her long hair brushing her arms, Jato’s five
younger siblings helping her or playing in the dust. "Choose a place
you value." His voice softened. "A place you can love."
Jato watched him closely. "Did
He turned back, his face gentle
now. "That I did."
That was the extent of his
father’s advice on women, sex and love, but it had held up well over
the years. On Nightingale, however, he barely ever had the chance to
talk to a woman, let alone go walking with one. So being with Soz
felt odd.
Eventually the path became a
boulevard. They ended up at a plaza in front of Symphony Hall, near
the tiled pool. A lamp came on, bathing the pool in rosy light, and
a fountain shot out of the water in a rounded arch. A gold lamp
switched on, followed by a fountain with two arches, then a green
lamp and three arches, and so on, each fountain adding smaller
refinements to the overall effect. Altogether, they combined to
create a huge blurred square. Sparkles of water flew around Jato and
Soz and mist blew in their faces.
"It’s lovely," Soz
Jato watched her, charmed by
the way the rainbow-tinged mist haloed her head, giving her pretty
face an ethereal aspect. She looked like a watercolor painting in
luminous colors. "It’s called the FourierFount," he said.
She smiled. "You mean like a
Fourier series?"
"That’s right." He restrained
himself from blurting out how much he liked her smile. "The water
arches can’t combine like true wave harmonics, but the overall
effect works pretty well."
"It’s unique." She glanced down
at his hands. "Jato, look. Your bird."
He held up the statue and saw
what she meant. Light from the fountain was reflecting off the
glitter so that it surrounded the statue with a nimbus of
She held out her hands. "May
I?" He handed it to her, and she turned it this way and that,
watching the shimmer of light on its facets. "What did you mean,
that it makes music?"
"The angle of each facet
defines a note." He wondered if he even had the words to explain.
Before composing the fugue, he had tried to learn music theory, but
in the end he just settled for what sounded right. He played no
instruments, nor could he make notes in his mind without hearing
them first. He needed a computer to play his creation. The Dreamers
steadfastly ignored his requests for web training, so he muddled
through on his own, eventually learning enough to use one particular
console in the library.
"Could I hear the music?" Soz
Her request touched off an
unexpected spark of panic. What if she scorned what she heard, the
musical self-portrait he had so painstakingly crafted? "I can’t play
it," he said. "It needs four spherical-harmonic harps."
"We can have a web console do
He almost said no. But he owed
her for the dream and playing the fugue would pay his debt. Going on
a walk through Nightingale didn’t count; dream debt required a work
of art created by the debtor.
Still he hesitated. "It’s a
long way to the console I use."
She motioned at Symphony Hall.
"That building must have public consoles."
He could imagine what she would
think of a grown man who could barely log into the web of a city
where he had lived for years. He paused for a long time before he
finally said, "Can’t use them."
"It has no console
"It has one."
"Can’t you link to your
personal console from here?"
His shoulders were so tense, he
felt his sweater pulled tight across them. "No personal
She blinked. "You don’t have a
personal console?"
"Where do you work?"
"We can probably link into the
library system from here." She watched his face as if trying to
decipher his mood. "I can set it up for you."
So. He had run out of excuses.
After another of their awkward pauses, he said, "All
He took her to an alcove in
Symphony Hall. Blue light filled the room and blue rugs carpeted the
floor. The sculpted white shapes of the public consoles made a
pleasing design around the perimeter of the room.
Soz sat on a cushioned stool in
front of the nearest console. "Open guest account."
When a wash of blue appeared
the screen, Jato almost laughed. Only Dreamers would
color-coordinate a room’s decor with its web console.
"Welcome to Nightingale," the
console said. "What can I do for you?"
"Library access," she said.
"Establish a root directory here, standard branch structure and
holographics, maximum allowed memory, full paths to available public
nodes, and all allowed anonymous transferral options."
"Specify preferred nodes," the
console said.
"One to produce a music
simulation, given a representation of the score and a mapping
A new voice spoke in mellow
tones. "Treble here. Please position score and define
Soz glanced at Jato. "You can
take it from here."
He just looked at her. It had
sounded like she was speaking another language. He hadn’t even known
the computers she spoke to existed. "Take it where?"
She stood up and moved aside.
"Tell Treble how to access your files."
"I don’t have an
"Everyone has an
He had to make a conscious
effort to keep from gritting his teeth. "I guess I’m no
Soz winced. "I’m sorry. I
didn’t mean it that way." She started to say more, then stopped.
Glancing around the alcove, she said, "This room must be easy to
"Probably." Did she think the
Dreamers were watching them? "The drones keep track of
She nodded. Any questions or
comments she had intended to make about his lack of computer
accounts remained unsaid. Instead she indicated a horizontal screen
on the console. "If you put the statue there and give Treble the
mapping for the fugue, it will make a hologram of the bird, digitize
it, transform the map, and apply the transform to the digitized
Jato wished he were somewhere
else. This was worse than the business with the door at the Inn. At
least then he had been revealing his ignorance to an inanimate
object. "I’ve no idea what you just said."
Incredibly, she flushed, as if
she were the one making an idiot out of herself rather than him.
"Jato, I’m terrible at this. Ask me to calculate engine efficiency,
plot a course, plan strategy–I’m a whiz, like you with your art. Put
me in front of a handsome man and I’m as clumsy with words as a pole
in a pot."
He stared at her. A whiz . . .
like you with your art. She thought he was a "whiz." A
handsome whiz, at that.
Jato smiled. "You’re fine." He
motioned at the console. "So I put the statue there?"
Her face relaxed. "That’s
right. Then tell Treble how to figure out the notes."
He set down the bird, and two
laser beams played over it, making the glitter sparkle. When they
stopped, he said, "Treble?"
"Attending," the console
"The angle a facet makes with
the base of the bird specifies a note. It varies linearly: facets
parallel to the base are three octaves below middle C and those
perpendicular are three octaves above." He touched the statue, his
fingertips on its wings. "Each plane parallel to the base defines a
chord and each facet touching the plane is a note in that chord. To
play the fugue, start at the bottom and move to the top."
"Is height a discrete or
continuous variable?"
"Continuous." Only a computer
could do it. Human musicians would have to take planes at discrete
heights. If the intervals between the planes were small enough, the
human version approached the computer version. But the fugue only
truly became what he intended when the distance between planes was
so small that for all practical purposes it went to zero.
"Facets with one ridge are
played by a spherical-harmonic baritone harp," he said. "Two ridges
is tenor, three alto, and four soprano. Loudness is linear with
glitter thickness, from pianissimo to fortissimo. Tempo is linear
with the frequency of the light corresponding to the glitter color."
He tapped a beat on the console. "Red." He increased the tempo.
"Data entered," Treble said.
"Any other specifications?"
"No." Then, realizing he would
have to see Soz’s reaction to the music, Jato said, "Yes. Lower the
room lights to fifteen percent."
The lights dimmed, leaving them
in dusky blue shadows. It was too dark to see Soz’s face
A deep note sounded, the
rumbling of a baritone harp. After several measures of baritone
playing alone, tenor joined in with the same melody, mellow and
smooth. Alto came next and soprano last, as sweet as the
Treble shaped the music far
more tenderly than the generic program he used in the library. Yes,
that was it, the minor key there, that progression, that arpeggio.
Treble had it right. At the bird’s arching neck, soprano soared into
a shimmering coloratura. Notes flowed over them, radiant and
painful, too bright to endure for long. The other harps came in like
an undertow, pulling soprano beneath their deeper melodies. At the
head of the bird, soprano burst free again, a fountain of
Yes. Treble had it. Treble
Gradually the music slowed,
sliding over the outstretched wings above the bird. Finally only
baritone rumbled in the glimmering wake of soprano’s fading glory.
The last notes vibrated in the alcove and died.
Jato stood frozen, afraid to
move lest it rouse Soz to reveal her reaction. Yet the silence was
also unbearable. What did she think? That was him in that music, the
vulnerable part, without barriers or protections.
Her head was turned toward the
console, so he saw only her profile. A glimmer showed on her cheek.
Something was sliding down her face.
He touched the tear. "Why are
you crying?"
"It’s so beautiful." She looked
up at him. "So utterly sad and utterly beautiful."
Beautiful. She thought his
music was beautiful. He tried to answer, make a joke or something,
but nothing came out. So he drew her into his arms and laid his
cheek on top her head.
She didn’t pull away. Instead
she put her arms around his waist and held him. The fresh scent of
her newly washed hair wafted around him. Softly she said, "What
place do you like best in Nightingale?"
"The Promenade."
"Will you take me
He swallowed. "Yes."
Part III: The Giant’s
Bathed in starlight, the west
edge of the plateau dropped into the jagged immensity of the Giant’s
Skeleton Mountains. Its crevices cut deep into the planet’s crust,
the tormented remains of a planetoid impact that had brutalized
Ansatz in a long-vanished eon. Spires jutted up like skeletal
fingers on walls between the chasms.
Natural bridge formations tried
to span the kilometers-deep fissures, but most spans were
incomplete, their broken ends hanging in the air.
The plateau itself claimed one
of the few unbroken bridges. The Promenade. It rose up from the
plateau’s southern corner, spanned its length, and ended high in the
northern cliffs. Two kilometers long and averaging only two meters
wide, the bridge curved out from the plateau over a great chasm.
Spires on the chasm walls supported it with columns of
The Dreamers had tooled the
Promenade’s upper side into a path, giving it meter-high retaining
walls on both sides. They laid down a courtyard at its southern
base, with undulating lines enameled into the geometric design of
gilded tiles.
As Jato and Soz crossed the
courtyard, wind grabbed his jacket and tossed her curls around her
face. She said something, but he couldn’t hear her over the
blustering wind, so he leaned down. "Say again?"
Her breath tickled his ear.
"It’s exhilarating."
"It’s even stronger on the
"Beat you there!" She took off
and sprinted up the bridge, leaning forward against its steep cant.
Laughing, he tried to catch her, but she ran like a
They raced the entire kilometer
to the apex. At the top, Soz threw out her arms and spun around, her
hair whipping about her head. She spoke and the wind kidnapped her
words. When Jato shook his head and pointed to his ears, she
shouted, "How far to the bottom?" Then she leaned over the wall,
staring into the void below.
"Three kilometers!" He pulled
her back to safety turning her around, his bird pressed against her
back, his pulse beating hard as the bridge vibrated in the rushing
gales. She looked up at him with a flushed face. The wind, the
night, the danger–it brought her alive. Without stopping to think,
he pulled her into an embrace.
Sliding her arms around his
neck, she drew his head down into a kiss. He returned the favor with
pleasure, making up for eight years of solitude. He couldn’t believe
this, that she wanted him. Who would have thought it?
Jato paused. Why did she want
him? Lifting his head, he looked down at her. He was trapped on
Ansatz for life and they both knew she would soon leave. What was
this, take advantage of the love-starved convict, then go back to
her life where she didn’t have to worry about him?
Soz watched his face, her eyes
alternately visible and hidden as the wind threw around her hair.
She touched his cheek with fingers as gentle as the smile that kept
emerging and hiding behind those glorious curls. Jato decided the
"why" didn’t matter. He wanted to tell her things, how good she
felt, how lovely she looked, but he couldn’t think of anything that
wouldn’t sound clumsy. So instead he kissed her again.
The bridge’s vibrations were
increasing, making it pitch like the deck of a sea-ship. It gave a
particularly inspired heave and knocked Soz and Jato apart,
separating them as if it were their chaperon. They stumbled back
from each other, both flailing their arms for balance. Jato laughed
and Soz spread her arms wide as if to address the Giant’s Skeleton
itself with her protest.
Then something on the plateau
caught her attention. She went back to the wall and peered toward
Nightingale. "What are those?"
Looking out, Jato saw what she
had noticed, the familiar statues, massive and tall, halfway between
the plateau’s edge and the city. Sometimes those gigantic stone
beasts were lit and other times they stood in the dark, like now,
their mouths forever open in silent roars.
"Wind Lions," Jato said. Coming
to stand behind her, he put his arms around her waist. "Wind
machines. If they were ever turned on, the cliffs would magnify
their effect."
"No wonder it’s so windy up
He bent his head and spoke
against her ear. "This is normal wind. The Lions aren’t
When his breath wafted against
her ear, she closed her eyes and sighed. With her back against his
front, she raised her arms and slid them around his neck. The motion
pulled up her breasts, making her nipples point at the stars. He
kissed her ear, and she rubbed her head against his cheek like a
cat. Then she murmured, a soft noise audible only with his head so
close to hers, one of those sounds he had forgotten a woman made
when she liked the way a man touched her. Maybe it was the eight
years of solitude, but he couldn’t remember any woman on Sandstorm
feeling this fine. He wondered how it would be to make love up here
in the wild gales, three kilometers above the Giant’s
"Why not?" she
He smiled. Why not indeed? "Why
not what?"
She lowered her arms and turned
in his embrace. "Why aren’t the Lions ever on?"
He tilted his head toward the
courtyard. "Do you remember the design in the tiles back there? The
curving lines?" When she nodded, he said, "It’s a plot of the
vortices for a single-degree oscillator with an undamped torsional
flutter." He stroked her blowing curls back from her face. "Wind
makes the Promenade twist. If it ever blew hard enough, the vortices
in its wake around the bridge would drive a self-induced resonance
until the Promenade tore itself apart."
"What would ever possess them
to set it up like that?"
Jato smiled. "Because they’re
crazy." As he bent his head to kiss her, the bridge gave a violent
shudder and threw them to the side. They stumbled along the wall,
lurching from side to side as they struggled to regain their
footing. It didn’t work; they finally toppled over and hit the
walkway with a thud.
"Hey!" Soz laughed, struggling
to wriggle out from under Jato’s bulk. "It’s mad at us."
"I’ve never seen it this
windy." Jato managed to get up to his knees, but when Soz tried to
do the same, the agitated bridge knocked her over again. She finally
succeeded by moving with an unnatural speed, as if she had toggled a
switch that activated an enhanced mode of her body. They knelt there
face to face, Jato holding her shoulders, she with her hands braced
against his chest. The Promenade kept moving, more than he had ever
felt it do before, rippling almost. It moaned in the assault of air
as if the Giant were waking from his mountainous grave.
Soz wasn’t smiling any more.
"The Lions are blowing."
He couldn’t believe it. "That’s
impossible. The Dreamers consider this art. They would never destroy
"The whole bridge is shaking.
It doesn’t feel stable."
They stared at each other. Then
they scrambled to their feet and took off running for the northern
cliffs. The cliffs were closer than the courtyard, but even so they
had nearly a kilometer to go.
Suddenly the bridge lurched
like a string shaken by a mammoth child. Flailing
Then it came: a great booming
crack. Thunder roared as if a great mountainous rib was tearing away
from the Giant’s skeleton. The bridge convulsed and they sprawled
forward, slammed down onto the path. Rolling onto his side, Jato
grabbed Soz and they held on to each other while the universe
convulsed around them.
Within seconds the frenzied
gyrations of the bridge eased. They managed to sit up, hanging onto
each other while they stared back along the way they had
Meters away, the broken end of
the Promenade hung in the air.
For one endless instant they
stared at the jagged remains of that break. The shuddering edge
shook off a chunk of itself, and the boulder dropped into the void
below, hurtling into the shadows.
Carefully, so very carefully,
they got to their feet and backed away, taking each step as if they
were in a mine field. Only when they were well away from the break
did they turn.
And then they
The Promenade groaned in the
onslaught of wind. They sped through a universe of wailing gales and
convulsing rock, racing toward the shadowed bulk of a mountain that
seemed an eternity distant.
Finally, mercifully, they were
almost there. A few more steps–
A meter away from safety, the
bridge pitched under their feet and slammed them against the wall.
Stars wheeled past Jato’s vision as he flipped over the barrier. He
grabbed at the air, at the rock, anything–
With a wrenching jolt, he
yanked to a stop. He had caught a projection and was hanging from
it, his body dangling against the outer side of the Promenade. He
scrabbled for a toehold, but the bridge was shaking too much to let
him get purchase. Far below, the chasm waited.
His hands began to
"Jato!" Soz’s voice was almost
on top of him. She had fallen lengthwise on the wall, with one leg
hanging over the edge.
"Below you!" he shouted. His
hands slipped again.
As she grabbed for him, he lost
his grip. She caught one of his wrists–and the force of his falling
yanked her off the wall. They dropped, dropped, dropped–
And smashed into ground. Soz
landed on top of him with an impact that nearly broke his ribs. She
rolled off and kept rolling, scrabbling for a handhold. He clutched
her upper arm, but it jerked through his grasp, then her elbow, her
lower arm, her wrist–and he locked hands with her, clutching in
desperation while they slid downhill. He struggled to stop their
plunge, but his fingers just scraped over stone.
Then he caught a jutting piece
of rock and held on hard, his body straining with Soz’s weight. A
scratching came from below–and she let go of his hand.
"Soz, no!" He grabbed at the
air. "Soz!"
"It’s all right." Her strained
voice came from below him. "You slowed me down enough so I could
stop on a ledge. We’re on a shelf in the cliff, under the
"How can you tell? It’s dark."
Even the starlight was muted below the bridge.
"Got enhanced optics in my
eyes," she said. He heard more scrabbling, and then she was pulling
herself up beside him.
So they went, climbing the
cliff centimeter by excruciating centimeter. Soz reached the landing
at the end of the Promenade and stood up, her body silhouetted
against the stars. He climbed up next to her, half expecting the
ground to crumble. But they were solidly on the mountain now, at the
top of a staircase that wound its way through the mountains down to
the plateau.
They descended in silence.
Gradually the wind eased, until it was no more than a whisper of its
earlier violence.
Finally Soz said, "Someone knew
we were up there."
"The drones." Jato wondered if
Crankenshaft had set alarms in the city computer web to alert him
when anyone looked at records of the trial. Whoever had set the Wind
Lions against them would be desperate now, knowing they had to
complete what they started lest Soz escape and report back to
"I hadn’t intended to get
involved here," Soz said. "I was going to wait until I got back to
headquarters to recommend they send an investigator."
Investigator? Jato stiffened.
If ISC got into this, he could be retried in an Imperial court.
"Soz, why? I’m serving the sentence they gave me."
She spoke quietly. "To find out
why someone went to so much trouble to trump up that phony murder
charge against you."
That threw him. Really threw
him. Crankenshaft had been meticulous in setting up the evidence,
specifically to fool people like Soz.
It was a moment before he found
his voice. "How did you know it was false?"
She snorted. "I saw the holos
of that kid you supposedly killed. He was hanging around the port
docks, watching a ship unload cargo."
"‘That kid’ was a computer
creation. He never existed."
"I know."
"But how?"
She motioned toward the
starport. "In several holos you can see the ship he’s watching. It’s
a Tailor Scout, Class IV. Eight years ago those Tailors were using
non-standard flood lamps to light their docking bays. Kaegul lamps.
Advertised as ‘the next best thing to sunlight.’ They emitted
ultraviolet light as well as visible."
"Sounds reasonable."
She shook her head. "Their UV
component was too strong. It caused sunburns. So that model fell out
of use fast. Only a few ships ever carried it."
Jato whistled. "Dreamers have
less melanin in their skin than most people. It makes them more
susceptible to UV."
Quietly she said, "Any Dreamer
who spent as long under those Kaeguls as they claimed that boy did
would have been broiled raw. Those records are beautiful, near
perfect. Probably 99.9 percent of the people seeing them would have
been fooled. But they’re still fakes." Glancing at him, she added,
"That’s not all."
"What else?"
"See enough of it and you get
good at recognizing the symptoms of shock." She watched his face.
"You. In every holo. You hardly said a word throughout that entire
The whole nightmare was a blur
in his mind. "Nothing I said would have made any
"But why, Jato? Judging from
how the Dreamers treat you–forgive me for saying it, but they act as
if they don’t like having you around."
"They think I’m
"So why make you
His voice tightened. "Because
of Granite Crankenshaft."
"What is that?"
"Not what. Who. A Dreamer. He
wanted me to be his model. For life. To sit for him with nothing in
return but the ‘honor’ of living here. I told him no. I thought he
was crazy."
She stared at him. "He framed
you for murder because you wouldn’t be his model?"
"I don’t know why. He finds me
as repulsive as everyone else here." Jato spread his hands. "He used
blackmail because it’s more effective than abduction. As long as I
cooperate, he won’t call in the Imperial authorities."
"All because he wants to paint
your picture?"
"Not paint. Holosculpture. It’s
on his web. I’ve never seen what he’s doing." He exhaled. "The
stakes are high, Soz. His sculptures bring in millions. A few have
gone for billions."
She drew him to a stop. "This
Crankenshaft–does he have glittering hair?"
"I don’t know. It’s too short
to tell."
"How about his
"Grey, with red
"No. The irises have red in
She blew out a gust of air.
"This is making more sense."
"It is?"
"The Traders established this
It wasn’t her comment that
surprised him, but how she said it, as an accepted fact rather than
a long-debated theory the Dreamers vehemently denied. The Traders
were a genetically engineered race distinguished by red eyes, and
black hair with a distinctive shimmering quality. Their creators had
only been trying to engineer for a higher pain tolerance, but the
work produced an unplanned side-effect: Traders felt almost no
emotional pain either–they had no compassion.
A race with no compunction
about hurting people could do a lot of damage. Fast. When they began
to spread the stain of their brutality across the stars, the
colonized worlds had two choices: submit to them or join the
Imperialate. As far as Jato knew, no one had ever willingly chosen
the Traders.
There were those who claimed
the Dreamers descended from a group of Trader geniuses morally
opposed to their own brutal instincts. They manipulated their genes
to rid themselves of those instincts and produced their translucent
coloring as an unexpected side-effect. It led them to settle on
Ansatz in the forgiving dark, where they traded the fruits of their
genius for dreams, in penance for the sins of their violent
"It’s possible Crankenshaft
carries throwback genes," Jato said. "His wife, too. She’s like
Soz considered him. "You
realize that except for your eyes and the relative dullness of your
hair, you could pass for a Trader."
He stiffened. "Like hell. I can
trace my family–"
"Jato." She laid her hand on
his arm. "No one would ever mistake you for a Trader. It’s the
Dreamers’ problem, not yours. They evolved themselves into a mild
people, rejecting their heritage. Your large size, dark hair, and
muscular build may stir memories they can’t deal with. It’s probably
why your appearance bothers them."
A strange thought, that. It
would never have occurred to him that perhaps he repulsed the
Dreamers because he reminded them of themselves.
She peered down the stairs,
though they were too far up to see much except the lonely circle of
light from a lamp at the bottom. "Who do you think activated the
Wind Lions?" She turned back to him. "Are we up against the city
government or this Crankenshaft? Or both?"
He considered. "Most city
officials don’t believe I was set up. Those few involved with the
set up would be more subtle, use a scenario easier to pass off as an
accident. This is Crankenshaft’s style. He would go for drama and
make it look like I planned it, some rape-murder-suicide
"Charming man," she muttered.
"Stupid, though. ISC would never buy it. I have augmented strength
and reflexes. You would more likely end up dead than me."
"Even with the Promenade
That made her think. "It would
complicate things," she admitted. She motioned at the plateau. "If
he’s the one who turned on the Lions, those drones down there must
be his."
"Drones?" Jato swore and
started back up the steps.
Soz grabbed his arm. "There’s
nowhere to go that way."
He stopped, seeing her point.
They couldn’t go up, they couldn’t go down, and the chasm waited
beneath them. Now was the time to find out what arsenal, if any,
they had at their disposal. "What else can you do besides see in the
"I’ve a computer node in my
spine with a library of combat reflexes." She bent her arm at the
elbow. "My skeleton and muscles are augmented by high-pressure
hydraulics and powered by a microfusion reactor that delivers a few
kilowatts. It gives me reflexes and strength two to three times
greater than normal, as much as my body can sustain without
"Can you stop the
"Three or four, I could handle.
But there are nine there." She looked down the stairs again.
"They’re coming."
He saw it now too, the
Mandelbrot sparkle of globes revving into active mode. Their lights
flowed upward in a fractal curve of luminance.
"Jato," a voice
He nearly jumped. The voice
came out of empty air: cool, impersonal, commanding.
"Come down here," it said.
"Bring the woman."
As Jato’s adrenalin surge
calmed, he realized it was only a globe transmitting the voice. "Go
to hell, Crankenshaft."
"You have twenty seconds to
resume descending," his tormentor said.
"Let her go and I’ll do what
you want," Jato said.
"Fifteen seconds."
The globes continued up the
stairs, whirring like a swarm of huge bugs. Ten steps away, five,
two. A syringe hissed, and Soz feinted with a speed that blurred,
kicking up her leg. Her heel smashed into a globe, and it spun out
from the cliff in a spiral of glittering lights.
A second globe rolled in to
fill the gap, a third came from the side, a fourth whirred behind
Soz, and a fifth hung over them, its syringe pointing down like the
cannon on a miniature battlecruiser. Jato and Soz kept moving;
feint, dodge, feint, Soz using her augmented speed. Two globes
collided in midair with the grating racket of ceramoplex crashing
It was only a matter of seconds
before a syringe shot hit Jato in the chest. The area went numb
almost instantly and the sensation spread fast. As his arms dropped
like stones to his sides, he lost his balance and tumbled down the
stairs, stars and mountains careening past his vision.
He had one final glimpse of Soz
lying on her back on the stairs, pinned down by globes, before his
head hit stone.
Part IV:
A high ceiling came into focus.
After a while a thought surfaced in Jato’s mind. He was
He sat up, favoring his
bruises. He was alone in Crankenshaft’s studio. No, not alone. Soz
lay on the other end of the ledge, eyes closed, her torso rising and
falling with each breath. Relief rushed over him, followed by a
Neanderthal impulse to go over, stake out his territory, and protect
her from Crankenshaft. It wasn’t the world’s most logical response
given she was an Imperial Messenger, but he had it just the
He wondered why she was still
unconscious. Even his body contained nanomeds designed to repair and
maintain it. An ISC officer probably carried molecule-sized
As he got off the ledge, a
clink sounded. Turning, he saw a chain with one end attached to a
ring in the wall. Its other end fastened to a manacle around his
He gritted his teeth, wishing
he could wrap the chain around Crankenshaft’s neck. At least the
tether was long enough to let him reach Soz. That almost made him
back off; he trusted nothing Crankenshaft did. But his instincts
were still at work, conjuring up protect mate impulses, so he
went over to her.
Crankenshaft had no illusions
about Soz needing protection. Her wrists were manacled behind her
back and also to a ring in the ledge. He had set her boots on the
floor and chained her ankles to the ledge. For some inexplicable
reason, he also put metal bands around her neck and waist. Jato
leaned over to lay his palm on her forehead–
Her hand clamped around his
wrist so fast he barely saw her move. He froze, staring as she sat
up. It hadn’t been obvious from the way she had been lying, but the
chain joining her manacles was broken.
He found his voice. "How did
you get free?"
She dropped his hand, her face
relaxing as she recognized him. "Nano-chomps. I carry a few hundred
"You mean molecular
"In my sweat."
He stepped back. He had no
desire to have voracious bugs in her sweat take him apart atom by
"They can’t hurt you," Soz
said. "Each chomper disassembles a specific material. The ones I
carry are rigidly particular, even down to factory lot
He motioned at her manacled
feet. "Wrong lot number?"
"Apparently so. Or else flaws
in the molecular structure." Leaning over, she rubbed her wrist
against the chain attached to his ankle.
"Hey." He jerked away his leg.
"What are you doing?"
"They might work on
"You don’t think that’s
dangerous, carrying bugs in your body that take things
"They aren’t bugs. They’re just
enzymes. And they’re no more dangerous than being trapped
He knew it was probably true,
but even so, he was having second thoughts about his amorous
impulses. People sweated when they made love. A lot.
"Jato, don’t look like that,"
she said. "The chompers are produced by nodules in my sweat glands
that only activate when I go into combat mode. Besides, they can’t
take apart people. Our composition is too heterogeneous."
He sat on the ledge, near her
but not too close, and motioned at his still-chained ankle. "Wrong
lot, I guess."
"I guess so." She tugged the
manacle on her wrist, managing to slide it up about a centimeter.
The skin on her wrist was more elastic than normal tissue, not a
lot, but enough so she could drag it out from under the manacle. He
saw what she was after, a small round socket in her
"You have a hole," he
"Six of them, actually. In my
wrists, ankles, lower spine, and neck."
That explained the neck and
waist bands. "What do they do?"
"Pick up signals." She held up
her arm so the socket faced the console across the room. "If I
insert a plug from that node into this socket, it links the computer
web inside my body to the console."
That didn’t sound like much
help. "The plug is there and you’re here."
"That’s why consoles transmit
infrared signals." Her face had a inwardly directed quality, as if
she were running a canned routine to answer him while she focused
her attention elsewhere. "The sockets act as IR receivers and
transmitters. Bio-optic threads in my body carry signals to the
computer node in my spine. It processes the data and either responds
or contacts my brain. Bio-electrodes in my neurons translate its
binary into thought: 1 makes the neuron fire and 0
does nothing. It works in reverse too, so I can ‘talk’ to my spinal
He suspected Nightingale was
probably flooded with IR signals. "How can you stand so much noise
hitting you all the time?"
"It doesn’t. Only if I toggle
Receive." Her full attention came back to him. "The signals do get
noisy and it isn’t as secure as a physical link. But it’s enough to
let me interact with a node as close as the one over
She made a frustrated noise.
"This room ought to be bathed in public signals. But I’m getting
nothing at all."
He doubted Crankenshaft would
cut himself off from the city. "Maybe he did something to
"My diagnostics register no
software viruses or tampering." She paused. "But you know, my
internal web is engineered in part from my own DNA. Maybe he
infected it with a biological virus." Without another word, she
lifted her wrist and spit into its socket.
Dryly Jato said, "Insulting it
won’t help."
She smiled. "The nanomeds in my
saliva may be able to make antibodies if there’s a virus loose in my
biomech web."
"Are you getting
"Nothing." Several moments
later she said, "Yes. A notice about a ballet." Her concentration
had turned inward again. "I still can’t link to the city system . .
. but I think I can get into the node in that console over
Jato stared at her. "Not a
chance. That’s Crankenshaft’s private node. Everyone knows his
security is unbreakable."
A cold smile touched her lips.
"Security is my game."
A moment later she said, "I can
call up his holosculpture of you if you want."
Jato swallowed. She might as
well have hit him with that ancient proverbial ton of bricks. "Yes.
I want."
She indicated the center of the
studio. "That’s it."
He turned–and almost
The air above the pool was
glowing with a rainbow-hued mist. It drifted across the glistening
white cones that stood in the water, like shadows made on
outcroppings of rock by clouds obscuring a sun. This, from a man who
had lived his entire life in the night. Holos of Jato appeared on
every cone. On the tallest, the one with the circular cross-section,
he sat with knees to his chest, shivering, his clothes and hair
dripping. He was younger, eight years younger, only a husky
teenager. His face cycled through emotions: rage, confusion,
An older Jato stood on the next
cone, the one with its top cut off at a slant, giving it an
elliptical cross-section. He remembered when he had modelled for it,
how he stood for hours on a narrow shelf protruding from the
surface. Crankenshaft had since removed the shelf and erased it in
the image, so the Jato holo simply floated in the air, with red and
blue clouds scudding across his face. He was shouting, fists
clenched at his sides. No sound: just his mouth moving. With the
play of light, it was hard to make out words, but he knew what they
were. He had been cursing Crankenshaft in his native
The Jato by the parabolic cone
was sitting, submerged to his hips in the pool. He trailed his hands
back and forth in the water, a habit he had developed to cope with
the boredom. He was kneeling by the hyperbolic cone, up to his waist
in water. Crankenshaft had doctored the holo to make him look old.
Ancient. His face was a map of age untouched by the biosculpting the
rich used to sustain youth during their prolonged lives. Gusts blew
brittle white hair around his head. Stooped, gnarled, decrepit: it
was a portrait of his mortality.
That tableau remained frozen
for a few seconds. Then all the Jatos stood up and began stepping
from cone to cone, passing through each other while multi-colored
clouds flowed across their bodies. Some raged, others shivered,
others moved like machines.
Each figure split, becoming two
Jatos, all continuing their strange march. They split again, the
original of each quartet stepping from cone to cone while the others
kept pace in the air. New images appeared like shadows, all
different by just a small amount, creating a feathered effect. A
younger one was crying. He remembered that day; he had told
Crankenshaft about his family, how he loved them, how they must
think he had died. Another Jato image was laughing. Laughing.
Yet there were times he had laughed–even had civil conversations
with Crankenshaft.
Holos of water augmented the
pool, overlaid on the real water like multiple exposures: waves in
impossibly sharp points, or serrated like a saw, glowing
phosphorescence in red, purple, green, blue-green, gold, and silver.
Gusts in the studio whipped the true water into peaks that added
random accents to the holos.
The Jatos split again, along
with their shadows. They all stopped and raised their hands, the
motion feathered among the images, as if it portrayed multiple
quantum universes, each projecting a future that diverged from the
original. The image of a rainbow-hued waterfall sprayed over the
figures, making them shimmer. But no blurring could hide the fury on
those faces.
"Saints almighty," Soz said.
"It’s spectacular."
Jato tried not to grit his
teeth. "That’s why he’s so famous."
"I can see why he wanted you
for his model."
"You can?"
She motioned at the holos. "You
couldn’t get that purity of emotion–that fury–from a Dreamer. From
most anyone. But from you, it’s perfect. Pure passion unadulterated
by civilization."
"Am I supposed to be flattered
by that?"
Soz winced. "I didn’t mean–"
She stopped, staring at the sculpture. "Jato, look at your
"That would be a feat." But he
knew what she meant. He studied the images–and when he saw it, he
nearly choked. Crimson. Ruby hard and ruby cold. The eyes on each
image had turned red. The hair was changing too, going from dark
brown to crystalline black. He couldn’t believe it. Crankenshaft was
making him look like a Trader.
He stood up, his fists
clenching at his sides. "I’ll kill him."
"It’s guilt," Soz said. "And
"What the hell does that
"It’s all there," she said.
"The guilt the Dreamers feel, knowing the brutality their disowned
kin have inflicted on a thousand peoples. And catharsis. Realizing
the monster isn’t in them anymore. They’ve freed themselves, become
Dreamers instead of Traders."
"Then it’s a lie." Jato
was so angry he could barely get the words out. "For this
‘catharsis,’ Crankenshaft made himself into the very thing this is
supposed to free him from. He’s made me look like what he hates in
himself, what he can never get rid–" Jato stopped cold. Then he sat
down again. "Oh, hell."
Soz was watching his face.
"His greatest work. Face his
demons and exorcise them. I’m the substrate." It was suddenly all
too obvious. "Get rid of me and he loses his inner devils." Jato
swallowed. "He’s going to kill me as part of the sculpture. It’s
what he’s always intended."
She stared at him. "That’s
Jato wished he had never pulled
her into this. "If we had died on the Promenade, he would have
worked with that footage. Now you’re onto him, so he has nothing to
lose by bringing us here where he can tailor the work to his
"Actually," a voice said.
"You’re the one who is going to kill her."
He looked up with a jerk.
Crankenshaft was standing across the studio, by the console in the
corner where the two holo-walls met. In one hand he held Jato’s bird
sculpture; in the other, he had a laser carbine.
"A tragedy," Crankenshaft
continued, in the voice he used when he wanted to bait Jato, to
drive his rage. "She came to the greatest artist alive hoping to
inspire a dream. A beautiful woman, after all, has certain
advantages. Unfortunately she arrived while you were here." He
sighed. "I should never have left you two alone. But who would have
thought an Imperial Messenger would be in danger? Besides, Jato, we
thought we had cured you." He shook his head. "She was
overconfident. An unguarded moment and you were able to bind her."
Lifting the bird, he said, "A blunt instrument you stole from me
brought about her death. I was forced to kill you in
Jato stood up, an explosion
working up inside of him. But before it let loose, Soz spoke in a
mild voice. "You’re Granite Crankenshaft."
Unease showed on their captor’s
face. "You should have never pried into his records,
"Why would you claim Jato stole
that bird from you?" she asked. "He made it."
The tic under Crankenshaft’s
eye gave a violent twitch. He shifted the sculpture, his hand
gripped around it as if he held a weapon. "No one would ever believe
he created a work as stunning as this, with that fugue. Only his
exposure to me enabled him to do it. Me. He could never have done it
by himself. So the credit belongs to me."
Jato knew he should be
infuriated that Crankenshaft would claim credit for his work. But
the implication in his captor’s words so staggered him that the
arrogance of the statement rolled off his back. He could hardly
believe it. The great Granite Crankenshaft was threatened by his
Crankenshaft unhooked a cord
from his belt and threw it at them. It landed at Jato’s feet, a
leather thong with ceramoplex balls on each end that could have been
anything from decorations to superconducting webs.
"Tie her hands behind her
back," Crankenshaft said.
Jato crossed his arms.
Crankenshaft touched a panel on
the console. A giant globe crept through a slit in the thermoplastic
wall and floated to the center of the studio.
"Non-linear dynamics and
metapsychology," he commented. "Do you know that with detailed
enough initial conditions, you can model procreation? The
correlation between the calculated results and an actual act that
proceeded from those conditions is quite high."
Jato scowled. "What are you
talking about?"
"Sex," he said. "Establish the
initial scene well enough and you can model the rest with amazing
"Go to hell," Jato
"Tie her hands."
"Commence protocol," he
Three syringe guns slid out of
the globe. Jato didn’t duck fast enough, but it didn’t matter: none
of the shots were aimed at him. Soz moved in a blur, but she
couldn’t go anywhere with her ankles chained to the ledge. One shot
missed her, but judged from her reaction, the other two hit home.
She jerked as if she had been struck and her entire body
"What are you doing?" Jato
shouted at Crankenshaft.
"Jato, it’s all right," Soz
said. "I’m fine."
"It’s a clockwork venom,"
Crankenshaft told her. "Even your meds can’t adapt enough to deal
with it."
She said nothing, just focused
her attention on him with an unsettling intensity.
"What’s a clockwork venom?"
Jato asked.
Soz glanced at him. "The name
comes from clock reactions." Although she sounded cool, sweat was
beading at her temple. "Combine certain chemicals under proper
conditions and they cycle through a series of reactions. In human
blood, clockwork venoms undergo a cycle, each step producing a
different poison."
"Can your nanomeds fight it?"
Jato asked.
Crankenshaft answered. "Even
sophisticated meds have trouble with complicated cycles. This one
has hundreds of steps, all with varying duration lengths and side
reactions that change from cycle to cycle. It’s a brilliant work of
chemistry." He gave Jato an appraising look. "You’ve felt one poison
in the cycle. Last time you were here. Perhaps you
Jato remembered all right. It
had burned like hell.
"The others have different
effects," Crankenshaft observed, as if Soz were a lab experiment.
"Nausea, muscle stiffness, dizziness, pain. She’ll start vomiting
soon. Eventually she will die."
Soz remained calm, but sweat
was running down her temples. When she wiped at it, the motion
looked mechanical, as if she had let the hydraulics in her body take
"As soon as her hands are
bound," Crankenshaft said, "I’ll give her the antidote."
"Jato." She spoke quietly. "Do
what he says. Please."
There was no mistaking the
strain in her voice. Jato grabbed the thong off the floor and
wrapped it around her wrists. The broken lock mechanism on her
manacles felt warm, probably from the energy released when her
chompers ate it. He tied the thong loosely around her wrists, making
no attempt to knot it. But the ceramoplex balls activated and yanked
the cords tight, binding her wrists and then locking into each
"Leather," Crankenshaft
Jato straightened up.
"In molecular terms, it’s
complex," he said. "More heterogeneous than, say, manacles. Not as
strong, but a logical backup when dealing with
Jato gritted his teeth. How did
Soz stay so cool? She just watched Crankenshaft, intent and quiet.
Crankenshaft took a ring with two mag-keys off his belt and threw it
to them. As the keys hit the floor near Jato’s foot, a syringe on
the globe hissed. Soz moved like an automaton, trying to duck, but
the shot hit her anyway.
"That had better be the
antidotes," Jato said.
"The red key unlocks your
ankles," Crankenshaft said. "Gold unlocks hers."
After Jato freed their ankles,
Soz moved stiffly, swinging her legs off the ledge.
"Go to the pool," Crankenshaft
said. "Both of you."
"No," Jato said.
"Don’t make it harder on her
than necessary," Crankenshaft said. "I can calculate a lot of what I
need, but I’ll achieve better results with genuine images of the two
of you to work from."
Jato stayed put. "I won’t rape
her and I won’t kill her. You can doctor holos to make me look like
a Trader, but nothing can make me act like one."
Crankenshaft’s voice hardened.
"Go to the pool. Otherwise, I’ll pump her so full of clockwork venom
she’ll beg you to kill her."
With no warning, Soz moved.
Fast. Dropping to one knee by her boots, she whipped out her
hands, shreds of leather flying away from her wrists. She yanked the
"decorative" tubes off her boots and brought them up, one in each
hand, liquid shooting out from both. One stream splattered over the
drone, creating clouds of gas. The other hit Crankenshaft’s carbine
and splashed into his face. He shouted, dropping the laser as he
covered his face with his hands. When the gun hit the ground, it
shattered like porcelain.
The Mandelbrot globe hissed and
a shot from its air-syringe hit Jato in the neck. In a bizarre blur
of motion, Soz threw her boots. They hurtled through the air and
smashed into the globe, shattering its outer shell where the liquid
from her cylinder had doused it. The whole assembly crashed to the
floor, its innards breaking apart on the stone. Blinking and
humming, the debris moved in twitches as it began to reassemble
"Smash the components!" Soz
yelled, sprinting across the studio. She moved like a puppet, her
body under control of hydraulics rather than muscles and
As Jato strode over to crush
the remains of the drone, he saw Crankenshaft lower his hands,
revealing a face covered with burns. In the same instant that he
grabbed for a gun on his belt, Soz reached him. She brought her
hands up with eerie speed and hit him under the chin, snapping back
his head. He flew over backward, crashing to the ground. His head
hit the floor and he lay still, breathing but
"Soz, no!" Jato raced forward
when she jerked up her leg. He collided with her as her foot came
down, and they staggered to the side, enough to make her miss
Crankenshaft. Her foot hit the floor with a teeth-jarring impact
that would have crushed the Dreamer’s chest.
Jato gulped in a breath. "No
She turned to him like a
machine, no emotion on her face. It was hard to believe this was the
same woman he had kissed on the Promenade.
Then her expression became
human again, as if she had reset herself. She exhaled. "He’ll live."
Grimly she added, "We might not. Are you all right?"
A familiar burning was
spreading in his neck and torso. "I took a shot of venom. Did he
give you an antidote?"
"No. More venom." She went to
retrieve her boots and their tubes. "My meds are trying to
synthesize an antidote, but it’s hard to do when their target keeps
"We better hurry." He grabbed
his bird off the console. "His node must have alerted the city and
his other drones."
She pulled on her boots. "I put
locks on his system. It will take a few minutes for it to break
them." Her voice sounded strained. Labored.
As Jato turned toward the door
across the room, his gaze raked the pool–and he froze.
The holosculpture was still
evolving. It had spawned more and yet more Jatos, until they blended
into a design of feathered motion. A superimage had formed, a
fractal, its pattern repeating on a finer and finer scale.
Superimposed on the fractal, a face was coming clear. A giant Trader
His face.
"No." He spun back to
the console.
"Come on!" Soz
He stabbed at the console. "We
have to destroy that sculpture."
"We have to go! We don’t have
much time."
"He stole my life." Jato
gave up on the computer and swung around to her. "He created a
mirror of himself, but he put it on me. It’s like–like–" He slammed
his palm against the console. "He’s a thief. Of my soul." He pointed
at the sculpture. "That’s me. No matter where I go or what I do, as
long as that exists he owns me."
Sweat was dripping down her
face. "I can’t guarantee I’ll find all his backups."
"If anyone can, it’s you." He
clenched his fists. "He owes me. And for him, losing his
‘masterpiece’ will be a punishment worse than dying."
Soz strode to the console and
went to work, making hieroglyphics ripple across its panels in
garish displays. She didn’t waste time pulling out her wrist socket;
instead, she hauled off her boot and set her foot on the console,
showing no strain with the contorted position as she plugged a prong
from the console into her ankle socket.
Seconds passed.
"Got it!" Soz jerked out the
prong. "Downloaded one copy into my internal memory for you. Erased
everything else." She yanked on her boot. "Now let’s go."
They ran across the studio to
the cliff door. As they stepped outside, into the blasting wind, she
stared down the stairs. "No rail."
Jato struggled to keep his
balance, fighting the gales and his venom-induced dizziness. "I’ll
go first. If I fall, I won’t hit you. You’re light enough so if you
fall you probably won’t knock me off."
"All right." Her voice sounded
He had expected her to insist
on going first. His gut reaction ignored the obvious; she was part
computer and machines worked on logic rather than
Clutching his statue, he
started down the stairs. An abyss of air and rushing wind surrounded
them, turbulent, violent. Step. Step again. He took it slow, halting
when waves of dizziness hit.
Step again.
Scrapes came from above and he
jerked his head up to see Soz lose her footing. Lunging for her, he
lost his own balance and stumbled on the step, teetering over the
void. Lurching back, he reeled to the step’s inner edge, where he
fell to one knee and found himself staring down the shaft of air in
the center of the spiral.
"Jato?" Soz rasped.
He took a breath, looking up to
see her kneeling on the step above him.
"You all right?" he asked. She
nodded and they got up, then continued their descent.
The wind was probably cold, but
with the fever burning in his body he couldn’t tell. He moved in a
haze of nausea and dizziness.
Step again.
No step. He looked down. They
had reached the bottom.
Soz made a strangled sound and
sagged against his back, grabbing him around the waist with both
arms to keep from falling. Turning, he put his arm around her for
They walked around Nightingale,
far enough outside the city to let darkness cloak them. His legs
strained to run but he held back, not only because his poisoned body
couldn’t keep such a pace but also because it would draw attention.
A couple strolling arm-in-arm along a romantic path was one thing;
two people running was another.
He motioned at the tubes on her
boots. "What’s in those things?"
"Liquid nitrogen." She sounded
hoarse. "With disassemblers to boost its effect. It freezes what it
hits and the chompers eat it. They’re less specialized than the ones
in my body, which makes them more dangerous, but they dissolve after
exposure to air."
"How did you free your hands?
Do the chompers in your sweat eat leather after all?"
"No." She grimaced. "Mine are
far too specific. Anything general enough to take apart a material
as heterogenous as animal hide would probably take apart our hides
too." She showed him the broken chain on her manacle.
He ran his finger along the
jagged edge. "It’s sharp."
"So was the part on the ledge.
I rubbed the thong against it until it cut the leather."
"No tech that time," he said.
"Just brains."
She smiled wanly. Sweat soaked
her collar and she walked stiffly, her legs controlled by the
hydraulics inside her body.
The starport was so small it
had no terminals, just a gate at the airfield entrance. As they
neared it, two Mandelbrot globes rolled out to intercept them. Jato
tried to dodge, but the one headed for him easily compensated for
his evasive actions. It slammed him in the chest and he stumbled
backward, then recovered and sprinted to the side. As the globe
followed, he doubled back to run around it. The ploy worked with
Crankenshaft’s drones on days he programmed them for slower
responses, to make the chase "entertaining." Jato doubted this one
belonged to Crankenshaft, though; after what had happened, his would
go for the kill.
This globe caught him–and
rammed his head. As he fell, patches of light punctuated his vision
and loud noises buzzed in his ears. With his statue cradled against
his chest, he hit the ground and groaned. As he rolled away from the
whirring demon, he caught a glimpse of the aircontrol tower. Lights
were coming on inside it.
They had run out of
Then Soz said, "Eat it,
A stream of liquid arched into
view, bathing the drone in a shower of glistening drops. The globe
reoriented on Soz like a giant ceramoplex balloon. As it went after
her, she tried to feint, but she lost her balance and fell to her
knees. When the globe swooped in on her head, she jerked to the
side. It hit her shoulder–and shattered, raining Mandelbrot innards
all over her body. In seconds, she was kneeling in the midst of junk
large and small, from both globes, lights blinking and components
Soz and Jato stared at each
other. Then they scrambled to their feet and sprinted for the
airfield. Alarms were blaring, coming from the distant airtower and
speakers along the field’s perimeter. As they ran through the gate,
which was no more than a few bars that swung to one side, Jato saw a
Jag starfighter out on the tarmac. It gleamed like alabaster, as
much a work of art as any sculpture.
When they reached the Jag, its
hatch dilated like a high-speed holocam. As soon as they lunged
through the opening, it snapped closed. A membrane irised in the
nose of the ship, revealing a cockpit. As Soz squeezed into the
pilot’s seat, it folded an exoskeleton of controls around her like a
silver-mesh glove. Jato stood behind her chair, hanging on to its
back while his nausea surged.
"Neck and lower spinal nodes
blocked," an androgynous voice said.
"Ankles," Soz said, intent on
her controls.
While her hands flew over her
forward controls, a robot claw pulled off her boots and a mesh
enfolded her feet, plugging into her ankle sockets. After that Jato
heard nothing; the ship was communicating directly with her internal
Suddenly Soz spun around her
chair and pulled down Jato’s head. He fell forward, grabbing the
arms of her seat to catch himself. She kissed him hard, pushing her
tongue into his mouth.
He jerked away. "Are you
"I’m giving you the antidote.
In my saliva. My web figured it out and my meds made it." She pulled
him back into the kiss.
So he kissed her, while guns
boomed from the port defenses and the ship shook. Although the
Nightingale port claimed only a small arsenal, it could still do
damage. He just hoped the Jag could protect itself while its pilot
and her passenger took their medicine.
Then Soz pulled away from him
and smiled. The cockpit elongated and a second chair rose from the
deck. "Co-pilot’s seat," she said. "You take."
He slid into the seat, and a
slender probe from it extended to his ear–in time for him to hear a
voice shout, "Skyhammer-36, acknowledge!"
He nearly jumped out of the
chair. Then he realized he was hearing Soz’s communications with the
aircontrol tower.
"You are not cleared for
take-off!" the voice said. "I repeat, you are not cleared for
"Tough," Soz said. Then she
fired the rockets.
Jato knew a stealth craft like
the Jag could come and go with barely a whisper–if that was what its
pilot wanted. They took off in a thundering roar of rockets. For her
parting salute to Nightingale, Soz blasted the holy hell out of that
As acceleration pushed them
into the seats, a holomap came on, showing Nightingale receding into
the spectacular bones of the Giant’s Skeleton Mountains. The peaks
withdrew until they were no more than wrinkles in the vast panorama
of the world.
Gradually Jato’s mind absorbed
the situation. He was free. Free.
Or at least, he thought he was
free. "What happens now?" he asked.
Soz glanced at him. "I’ll take
you to headquarters. You can clear your name." She hesitated, a
blush on her cheeks. "I can help out, if–if you would
Her uncertainty floored him. He
had seen her face death by Promenade collapse, clockwork venom, and
snuff-art, all with remarkable composure. Yet asking if he wanted
her to stick around made her nervous.
He smiled. "Yes. I would like
Her face gentled. She glanced
at the statue he still held. "I felt what it took for you to offer
your sculpture to me. Thank you."
"It’s not much."
"It’s spectacular, Jato. Both
the bird and the fugue."
He swallowed, at a loss how to
tell her how much her words meant. So instead he motioned at her
holo display. "Soz, look."
Together they watched the sun
rise over the rim of Ansatz.